Team Heaver - MASCO, Inc.


Team Heaver - MASCO, Inc.
The Communicator
The Mahoning County Board of Developmental Disabilities
An Attitude of Gratitude
Recently the MCBDD gathered
at various program locations for
Thanksgiving Feasts. Although
the food was good with mountains
of potatoes, gobs of gravy and
many pounds of turkey, the food
didn’t spark the smiles. The table
centerpieces were fun and colorful
with cornucopias, pumpkins and feathered turkeys,
but this was not the reason for laughter. Students
and enrollees focused more on who was around the
table instead of what was on the table. Hearing the
laughter, seeing the smiles and watching the genuine
and affectionate interaction of people gathering together was food for the soul. At times like this, I am
truly warmed by the spirit of giving that is displayed
around the holidays and every other day throughout
the year. I am very thankful for this.
By Paul Iden
Upcoming Events for December
9 Tree Decorating at LKS 1:00
9 MCBDD Board Meeting at the C@J 5:00
12 Sing-a-long at the C@J 12:00
12 Library/Activity Night at Bev MASCO 7:00
13 Meshel Holiday Party at St. Nicholas 11:00
18 Austintown Fitch HS Band at LKS 10:30
19 LKS Holiday Party at Highway Tabernacle 10:30
19 C@ J Holiday Party at the Saxon Club 11:00
20 Bev Holiday Party at St. Nicholas 11:00
20 Adult Holiday Dance at YDC 7:00
Winter Shutdown
23 to January 1, 2014 No nine month programs
24 to January 1, 2014 NO Adult Services Programs
January 2, 2014 All programs resume
November/December 2013
Ohio Public Images Award Winner
“Don’t Give Up, Don’t Ever Give Up”
Serving as a slogan of hope and determination, the
quote above is credited to Jimmy Valvano at the ESPN
Espy Awards. Jimmy was fighting terminal cancer
and admonished others to fight the dreaded disease
and prevail. The MCBDD has rallied behind one of
our own who is fighting his own battle with cancer.
Randy Heaver recognized the support of family and
friends as a packed house greeted him at a spaghetti
dinner fundraiser at Austintown Community Park.
The event featured spaghetti dinners, over 125 donated gift baskets for a Chinese Auction and a 50/50
raffle. Over 75 volunteers spent all or part of the day
to help out at Stacey Pavilion raising over $12,000 to
offset the staggering medical expenses.
It is thought by many that the mental approach to
fighting cancer is as important as the medical. With
that in mind, this warrior has already defeated his
enemy. If you would like to donate to Team Heaver,
please contact Brenda Holt at 330-797-2829
Photo of the Month
Through the Lens:
Over forty parents and
caregivers from the Adult
Services programs at
Bev and Meshel MASCO
attended the fourth annual Parent Appreciation Luncheon. This year the festivities were held at
Poland United Methodist Church. A meal of chicken,
vegetables, potatoes and rolls catered by Lariccia’s
Italian Market Place was served by a dozen volunteers
including staff and enrollees. The event served as a
big “THANK YOU” to caregivers for allowing us the
privilege of working with their loved ones and their
support for our programs and services throughout
the year. Adult Services Director Toni Scurpa provided a brief overview and insight to future plans for
the day programs. The event and meal were organized by staff at the Adult Day programs at Bev and
Meshel MASCO. Taking the time to say thank you is
just as important at an organizational level as it is on
a personal level. We want to always remain responsible and attentive to the parents and caregivers who
entrust us to care for their loved ones. Thank You!
Flu and cold season is here! Take these simple steps
to avoid getting sick or spreading germs to others.
Also remember the following from the Center for
Disease and Control website.
• Avoid close contact with people who are ill.
• Stay home when you are sick.
• Wash your hands frequently.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth when you don’t feel well.
• Clean and disinfect frequently used areas of your home.
• Get plenty of rest.
• Remain physically active.
• Drink plenty of fluids.
• Manage stress.
• Eat nutritious foods.
Enjoy the New Year Healthy and Happy!
Stop the spread of germs that can make you and others sick!
Cover your mouth and nose with a
tissue when you cough or sneeze.
Put your used tissue in the
waste basket.
If you don’t have a tissue, cough or
sneeze into your upper sleeve or
elbow, not your hands.
You may be asked to put on
a facemask to protect others.
Wash hands often with soap and
warm water for 20 seconds.
If soap and water are not
available, use an alcohol-based
hand rub.
MCBDD is offering a few programs for staff over the
next few months.
Currently: Rosann O’Nesti hosts cardio classes each
week. Spaces are available! Call ext. 2417 with
November to April- staff can get reimbursed for the
monthly fee to Planet Fitness. Any or all months!
January to March- We will kick off the New Year with
the Lose & Win weight loss competition again.
January to April- We will also be offering ½ reimbursement to Weight Watchers.
There are some rules that apply. Call Brenda at ext.
2829 to get details. Details will be posted in buildings.
These activities will lead us into the next round of the
Community Cup and through the summer.
Diabetes Awareness
What puts you at risk?
•High blood pressure
•High cholesterol
•Lack of physical activity
•Family history
Addressing any of these can help lower your risk for
type 2 diabetes.
Do you have suggestions? Are you interested in being
on the wellness team? Let us know by contacting
Tim Gabrelcik at ext. 2728.
Reaching out to others in need has
become a hallmark of the MCBDD.
Once again this Thanksgiving season, Meshel MASCO spearheaded
an effort to assist families in need
by holding a holiday food drive.
On November 25, the Community
Services Department delivered Thanksgiving food
baskets to ten area families. Each basket contained
all the necessary materials to prepare a wonderful
Thanksgiving feast. The recipients were very thankful
for the gift and we are proud to serve the community.
Logo Challenge: Find the symbol hidden
in this edition of the Bulletin Board. Send your
guess to
Bits and Pieces
The MCBDD recently received
recognition for its participation
in the annual YMCA
Community Cup. Our team
garnered a very respectable
third place in the Blue Division
and received a commemorative
plaque to celebrate the occasion.
Our team was also presented
with a traveling trophy for “Coach of the Year.” The
MCBDD approached the competition with a “Coach
by Committee” attitude and shared responsibilities
and decision making between several individuals.
Congratulations Team MCBDD.
Welcome new hires!
Congratulations to our New Employee Orientation
class who finished training November 21. Many
already have experience working with individuals
with disabilities, some within their own families. They include Myriham Chandler, Dawn Foltz and
Carolyn Straley (Sub Instructor Assistants); Jill Drajic, James Fortune and Dana Learn (Sub Workshop
Specs); David Klaus and Trina Ford (Sub Transportation Aides) and Joanne Pecorelli (Sub Secretary).
A special thank you to all of those staff who did onthe-job training (mentoring) with these substitutes. Your willingness to take the time to teach them makes
a lasting impression. One evaluation stated, “Staff
informative and friendly and works well with the
consumers.” I couldn’t have said it better myself. Thank you!
A.L. White
Following are the emergency closing procedures
for the Mahoning County Board of Developmental
These stations will broadcast that The Leonard
Kirtz School, Bev MASCO Workshops, Meshel
MASCO and the Centre at Javit Court are on a two
(2) hour delay or closed. Each facility will be listed
Closing/Delays may also be viewed at the MCBDD
Website: Notable
“Life is either a daring adventure
or nothing at all.” –Helen Keller
This broadcast can be heard on the following radio
and TV stations.
Radio and Television Stations
AM Stations FM Stations
WKBN 570
WNCD 93.3
WMXY 98.9
WNIO 1390
WAKZ 95.9
WBBG 106.1
Television Stations
TV Channels 21, 27, 33, 17/62
Please do not call the TV/radio stations. Also, please
do not call Transportation, as they are trying to
contact the stations.
We will announce the “two hour delay” on the same
radio and television channels we use for closing
information. When this occurs, you can expect
the bus pick-up to be about two hours later than
usual. The afternoon return schedule should be
as it always is. The decision to delay for two (2)
hours or close the program is based on anticipated
weather conditions, actual road conditions and
the safety and welfare of all students, adults and
staff. Don’t forget that a delay can develop into
a complete program closure if road or weather
conditions do not improve as anticipated. You need
to be prepared for that possibility. Also, remember,
MCBDD buses cover the entire Mahoning County
area and conditions may be worse in some areas than
in others. It is helpful if you are able to clear your
driveway or sidewalk to prevent injuries due to falls.
Please keep in mind the decision to send a child
to school or an adult to the day program is always
yours. It is often difficult to keep the bus as warm
as we would like due to the frequent stops with the
doors open for loading. This is also why you should
always dress the individual for the cold weather.
Let’s hope for a mild and safe winter.
On the Road with Transportation
Wedgewood Bowling Lanes
TCSC Indoor Soccer Complex
Fellows Riverside Gardens
Eastwood Mall
Butler Art Museum
YSU Planetarium
Akron Zoo
Special Recognitions
William Marstellar has been an all-around team player at Bev MASCO including his job in the kitchen. Over the past several months there have been personnel changes with the kitchen staff and Bill has assisted the Workshop Specialist
with their transition. He is able to do this because he knows just about every aspect of how the kitchen operates. Bill is also a role model for his co-workers. He
willingly assists others in the completion of their work and completion of their
goals. He is an outstanding example of an employee dedicated to the wellbeing
of the organization.
James Pollard has accepted a big change being transferred into
a new group. He has adjusted nicely by learning to appropriately greet staff and peers around him. He enjoys working with
and the company of his new friends. He expresses his affection
for those around him and is a joy to have at The Centre!
Congratulations, Jimmy!
Amber Maynor-Repich currently works in a production oriented group. Over
the past several months, Amber has increased her attention on completing job
tasks and accepts any job given to her. She has a positive attitude and has developed many friendships. Amber is a joy to have at Meshel MASCO.
Congratulations Amber!!
Patrick Destefano has transitioned from his parents home to a congregate setting
with Accessible Home Inc. and from Leonard Kirtz School to The Centre @ Javit
Court. These transitions occurred simultaneously under his new Individual
Options Waiver. He has done an excellent job with all the changes in his life!
A Very Special
The Mahoning County
Board of Developmental
Disabilities, Enrollees and
Staff would like to wish
you a healthy, safe and
Happy Holiday Season
filled with love and
You can join our e-mail list to receive MCBDD information in
your e-mail in-box by contacting Paul Iden at
The Bulletin Board would like THANK YOU !
to recognize the following
individuals who assisted with
the Adult Services Parent Recognition Luncheon.
Fran Parise, Lynn Seekford, Tim Gabrelcik, Anne
Louise White, Randy Smith, Jocelyn Patmon, John
Roman, Ashley Kannal, Maggie Coleman, Karen
Clayton, Toni Scurpa, Gail Froomkin, Ron Tarantino
and Kris Hodge. We would also like to recognize
and thank Lariccia’s Italian Market Place for working
with us on several different projects throughout this
holiday season.
Congratulations to Kathy Melia for finding the hidden logo
in the last issue on the special recognitions page on the
shoulder of Dawn McCale’s purple shirt.
Good Luck this month.