I Did It! - MASCO, Inc.


I Did It! - MASCO, Inc.
The Communicator
The Mahoning County Board of Developmental Disabilities
Leonard Kirtz School Celebrates its 45 th
Annual Graduation Ceremonies
Dedication, perseverance, thoughtfulness and
independence were just a few of the words that were
used to describe this year’s eight graduates from the
forty-fifth class of LKS. Gabriel Barb, Nina Britton,
Patrick DeStefano, Carolane Gordon, Loren Hussein,
Robert Nutt, Michael Ramirez and Terri Venable
make up the Leonard Kirtz School Class of 2013.
The honorees were welcomed to the evening with
Elgar’s Pomp and Circumstance played by pianist
Kay Williams and greetings from Assistant Superintendent Kristine Hodge and Director of Education,
Patricia Persohn. Youngstown Developmental Center
Superintendent Cindy Renner gave a motivational
keynote address and urged each student to use their
abilities to piece together the puzzles of life and
depend on family and friends for support and
guidance. “Our Graduates Through the Years” stirred
applause and tears as family and friends relived
touching moments in photos from 20 years of memories. The graduates received their diplomas from
Assistant Superintendent Hodge and Board members
Anthony Sertick, Henrietta Lewis and Frank Santisi.
Vocalist Anita Sklenchar presented “Wind Beneath
My Wings” as a tribute to the graduates and Class
Advisor Craig Bianco bid farewell to the class with
humorous stories and anecdotes.
A reception with cake and punch followed the recessional and brought the memorable evening to a close.
The graduates of 2013 will venture out to a big world
and will always carry with them the lessons of life
they learned at Leonard Kirtz School and remember
the caring hearts that helped them along the way.
Good Luck and Best Wishes to the Class of 2013
Upcoming Events for June
17 Annual Plan Meeting at the Board Office 6:30 PM
21 Professional Day, No MCBDD Programs
21 ARC Adult Dance at UAW #1112 Union Hall, 6:00 PM
24 ARC of NE Ohio Annual Golf Classic at Knoll Run
28 Meshel MASCO Bike Night 6:00 PM
1 to 5 Summer Break, No MCBDD Programs
Photo of
the Month
June 2013
Ohio Public Images Award Winner
Wellness Corner
We are down to the
finish line of the Lose
to Win challenge! What team will lose the most
percentage? What will the total pounds lost at
MCBDD be? The winning teams will be announced
at the return from the July break.
Did you sign up for the Community Cup? Starting
June 3, MCBDD team members can use the YMCA
for FREE when they show their ID card and let them
know they are on a team. MCBDD Team events
include: walking, bowling, bocce, swimming, tug of
war, golf, basketball and volleyball. If you are not in
an event, you are welcome to volunteer at the events.
This will earn our team points. See Tony Jannone or
Matt Chizmar at Meshel with questions.
Visit www.myuhc.com and log in to your personal
account. Here, you can take your own health
assessment. This site offers other tips on your health
plan, doctors, costs, exercise apps and a lot more.
Registering also helps keep our health premiums low.
For help with this site, call Jackie at ext. 2842.
Wellness Tip
Lose weight with
portion controls. Visit
to see what healthy
portions can be.
With a little help from Frank Dietz, Room 12 and
Mother Nature, the students at LKS will enjoy fresh
vegetables this Fall. Four different varieties of tomatoes, peppers, cabbage,
snap peas, green beans,
cucumbers, zucchini,
watermelon and herbs
have been freshly planted in these elevated gardens. Carrots, radishes
and other cold weather crops will call these gardens
home over the winter months.
Notable Quotable
You’re off to great places. Today is your day! Your
mountain is waiting. So...get on your way!
Dr. Seuss
Ri s
As you take individuals
on community
outings this summer....
Take a moment to consider:
• Potential of bee stings
• Sunscreen & lip balm
• Drinking plenty of fluids • Wearing a hat
Do you know who your building safety team is?
Let them know what health & safety issues you see
at your site. Look for minutes to be posted in the
break rooms.
Introduction to DD Classes Finish Work
Front Row L to R: Linsday James, Ashley Wartman, Brian Nussle, Kim,
Bernier, Carol Riddle. Back Row L to R: Maggie Coleman, Pam Clites,
Shawnda Blackwell, Jeanette Bailey-Sigle. Amy Clow, Jamie Dolenic,
Charlie Scheffert and Anne Louise White
Recently Staff Development Specialist Anne (A.L.)
Louise White wrapped up the Introduction to DD
class at the Board Office. This certification class is
one of three that most staff must take to maintain
qualification for employment with MCBDD. The
class learned about developmental disabilities and
their causes, the difference between an intellectual
disability and mental illness, studied the historical
perspective and development of the programs in
Mahoning County. In addition to 15 hours in class,
participants also completed 15 hours outside of class,
including four written assignments
On the Road with Transportation
Second Harvest Food Bank
4 Seasons Flea Market
Metro Park Farms
Yellow Creek Park
Hillside Sports Center
Austintown Park
Logo Challenge: Find the symbol hidden
in this edition of the Bulletin Board. Send your
guess to piden@mahoningcountyoh.gov
Bits and Pieces
Adult Services
Open House
Each year MASCO, the
Mahoning Adult Services
Company, opens its doors
to the public for an evening of
displays and progress meetings. Over the past several
years, this annual tradition has turned into an
opportunity to test the staff creativity and expand the
bounds of the “Open House” routine. You still have
the opportunity to view production and classroom
materials, speak with staff and administration but
you can also spin the wheel for prizes, get your car
washed and enjoy a hot dog or participate in cookies
and canvas classes to show off the artistic side that
you didn’t even know you had.
Bev MASCO pulled out all the stops with a Casino
Night for prizes featuring games of chance dealt by
staff, a meet the director forum and a catered meal.
The Centre activities focused on a trash and treasures
sale, car wash and bake sale to benefit Centre activities. Meshel threw an Arty Party with Sandy Trolio
leading classes of inspired artists in a step by step
tutorial on creating a masterpiece. Over 250 people
stopped by this year’s MASCO Open Houses to receive good information regarding programs and
activities balanced with something a “little different”
to challenge the staff, shake up the status quo and
bring a little fun to the end of May.
What do cats like to eat for
Mice Krispies!
Marilyn Cunningham
recently turned 80 years
old with a birthday bash at
the Centre. Marilyn enjoys
telling jokes, making people
laugh and helping others.
Happy Birthday Marilyn!
WKBN visits LKS
to recognize efforts
“Wheels in Motion”, the
charitable arm of the
MCBDD’s Transportation
Department, recently raised money for the Snoezelen
and video game rooms at Leonard Kirtz School.
Upgrades of lights and gaming equipment will assist
the students with sensory stimulation and relaxation.
Their four month fund-raising included: raffles,
Chinese auctions, selling snacks at the Transportation
Office, a benefit dinner as well as donations to raise
over $3,500.00. Future charitable donations include
a basket raffle to benefit enrollees at Meshel MASCO.
Our Transportation Department often goes above
and beyond what is expected, but Wheels in Motion
proves why they are the driving force and heart of
MCBDD. Thank You for your hard work!
The Fifth
Prom Held Season
Banquet Center adorned
with a Balloon Doctor
designed Mario Brothers
motif hosted the Annual
Spring Prom for the senior
wings of Leonard Kirtz
School. With music,
dancing, a catered meal
and festive
the event
was a spectacle of color, laughter and
fun for everyone. The 2013 graduating class was honored as the Kings
and Queens of the Prom and enjoyed a special dance
with family and friends. Game over for this year!
Answers to the Find Seven Differences
Thanks to everyone who submitted answers
1. Missing sweatshirt logo
2. Applause sign
3. Elvis’s sideburns
4. Missing necklace
5. Six fingers
6. Added necklace
7. Electric plug
Special Recognitions
Michael Grasso is a hard worker and has been following the goals set
in his plan. Michael stays in his designated area and contributes to the
success of completing tasks in the production area. After being told
2 1/2 months ago that he needed to lose weight, Michael is staying
within his diet restrictions and lost approximately 20 lbs. Michael is
making progress in appropriately communicating with peers and staff.
Vance Pew is 18 years old and graduated from Austintown Fitch High
School on May 18, 2013. Vance is very unique. He has been main-streamed
in regular classroom academics and has done excellent in school working
hard to receive A's and B's on his report card. Vance likes computers and
would like to learn how to do web design. He is very creative and has a lot
to offer. He is excited and nervous to move into the next phase of his life.
One of his choices for day programming is to attend Purple Cat because he
is interested in participating with the Radio Station.
Susan Beyser has shown wonderful progress. She is working independently
on Connect 4, wooden puzzles, and enjoys playing a music keyboard. Susan
is very affectionate toward others and has accepted her new staff. She is
also improving with Occupational and Physical Therapy and becoming
more attentive on her goals and supports. The staff find great enjoyment
having her at the Centre and her progress is getting better every day!
Congratulations, Susan!!
John Casalini rarely misses a day of work. He is a consistent worker, meaning
that he can be counted on to contribute to doing whatever it takes to complete
the contract jobs. Flexibility is the biggest area of his increased ability. John
used to struggle with the ability to change his routines or having to wait for
work parts. He has improved immensely and overcome these struggles. John
has a humorous personality that is one of a kind. He is also very loyal to his
favorite sports teams or heroes. Congratulations John!
Matthew Linton has shown tremendous progress and maturity this
past year. He now walks independently to the office to turn in the
daily attendance each morning. He also transitions to and from the
clinic everyday independently! He has learned to communicate by
raising his hand and just recently started to shake his head "yes" in
response to questions. Matthew has worn a support vest on the bus
since he has been at LKS. Just last month, Matthew began to ride the
bus without it. We have been preparing Matthew to transition into
the intermediate wing next school year and we have great confidence
that he will continue to be successful.
You can join our e-mail list to receive MCBDD information in
your e-mail in-box by contacting Paul Iden at
Congratulations Janine Wlodarsky for finding the hidden
logos in the last issue. Good Luck this month.