18 mancid annual conference [manco]
18 mancid annual conference [manco]
18th MANCID ANNUAL CONFERENCE [MANCO] 2nd announcement this issue SECURING WATER FOR FOOD AND RURAL COMMUNITY UNDER CLIMATE CHANGE 8 - 10 March 2013 INVITATION FROM THE CHAIR OF MANCID The 18th MANCID Annual Conference under the theme of “ Securing Water for Food and Rural Community under Climate Change” will be held for 3 days in Cameron Highlands, Pahang Darul Makmur from 8th to 10th March 2013. BEM APPROVED : 8 CPD HOURS BEM REF. NO. : 847 dlm BEM/REG/12 Organized By: Supported By: SECURING WATER FOR FOOD AND RURAL COMMUNITY UNDER CLIMATE CHANGE INTRODUCTION Climate change is an added stressor on the increasingly complex and interlinked issues of rural development, food security triggered by demographic changes, overstretched environmental and natural resources. It is believed that improving irrigation and drainage systems and rural development as well as increasing food production will play a key role in achieving the rural water and food security, especially in the developing countries. Considering the impending climate change, intervention factored in all decision making processes in the irrigation and drainage activities. GENERAL INFOMATION Cameron Highlands is the smallest district in the state of Pahang which is located in the north-western corner of the state. One of the wonders of Malaysia, it is the largest and most famous hill resort in the country. Cameron Highlands is made up of 4 main townships followed by smaller settlements at different elevations. The first town from the south is Ringlet, followed by Tanah Rata, Brinchang, Kea Farm, Tringkap, Kuala Terla and Kampung Raja. TOPICS AND SUB—TOPICS Role of Irrigation and Drainage in Climate Change Adaptation Understanding Impacts of Climate on Land and Water Use Revisiting Design and Operation Criteria for Irrigation and Drainage Facilities Managing Frequent Floods and Droughts Role of Irrigation and Drainage Intervention in Securing Food Production and Livelihood for Rural Community. Securing Water and Livelihood of Rural Community Improving Irrigation Efficiency Water Sharing and Water Transfer in Water Stressed Areas Strawberry farms can be found almost everywhere in Cameron Highlands. All offer locally grown strawberries and home made strawberry jams and a very cheap price. Some strawberry farms will let you pluck your own strawberries and charge you according to the weight. Here is a list of some of the popular strawberry farms in Cameron Highlands : - Big Red Strawberry Farm - Healthy Strawberry Farm - Kasimani's Strawberry Farm - KHM Strawberry Farm - Raju's Hill Strawberry Farm TENTATIVE Friday, 8 MARCH 2013 Time Activity 5.00 pm – 7.00 pm Registration & Hotel Check in Saturday, 9 MARCH 2013 PARTICIPANT Time Activity 8.30 am – 9.00 am Registration 9.00 am – 10.00 am Opening Ceremony 10.00 am – 10.30 am Keynote Address 10.30 am – 11.00 am Break 11.00 am - 1.00 pm Session I » VENUE: EQUATORIAL HOTEL , CAMERON HIGHLANDS 1.00 pm – 2.30 pm Break » DATE: 8th ~ 10th MARCH 2013 2.30 pm – 4.30 pm Session II » OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: English and Malay 8.00 pm MANCID AGM Meeting The Conference will bring together professionals and practitioners from the various sectors to share in-sights into the challenges and opportunities in the field of water, food security, rural development & climate change. CONFERENCE OVERVIEW CONFERENCE FEES MANCID' MEMBER : RM 400 Sunday, 10 MARCH 2013 NON MEMBER : RM 450 Time Activity STUDENT : RM 100 8.00 am – 12.00 noon Site Visit Fee EXEMPTION for paper presenters This conference fee is non-refundable. However, replacement is allowed. * The registration fee includes conference materials, site visit, refreshments and lunches during the conference. REGISTRATION FORM & ENQUIRY : Registration form should reach the Conference Secretariat before 15th February 2013. For more information, please contact the secretariat: Pn. Nur Azantulaqma / Cik Nooraida Secretariat MANCID Bhg. Pengairan dan Saliran Pertanian, Kementerian Pertanian Dan Industri Asas Tani Malaysia, Menara 4G 1, Aras 4, 62624 Putrajaya. Phone: 03-88701662 / 1575 Fax: 03-88884855 E-mail: azantulaqma@moa.gov.my / mnooraida@moa.gov.my ACCOMODATION OVERVIEW The organizer has obtained the following rate for this conference at EQUATORIAL HOTEL: Superior: RM 184.00 NETT PER PERSON / NIGHT Twin Sharing: RM 92.00 PER PERSON / NIGHT Hotel booking can be made through the Conference Secretariat or with the hotel directly under MANCO 18th. Payments for accommodation should be made directly to the hotel. * Rooms allocation is based on “FIRST COME FIRST SERVE“ basis. * Please contact Equatorial Hotel for more information: Senior Sales Manager Shoba Devi 03 - 22757866 FEES PAYMENT METHOD CASH Payment by cash can be made on the day of registration CHEQUE FORM Please make cheque payable to MANCID LOCAL ORDER Local Order can be sent to the Conference Secretariat or submitted on the day of registration. REGISTRATION FORM Name: ______________________________________ Designation : _________________________________ Position: _________________________________ Organisation: ________________________________ Address: ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ Tel: ________________________________________ Fax: _______________________________________ SEND TO : Secretariat MANCID Bhg. Pengairan dan Saliran Pertanian, Kementerian Pertanian Dan Industri Asas Tani Malaysia, E-mail: ______________________________________ MANCID Membership Status: Member Non—member Hotel Reservation: Please make room reservation : Menara 4G 1, Aras 4, 62624 Putrajaya. Phone: 03-88701662 / 1575 Fax: 03-88884855 E-mail: Type: Superior Twin sharing No. of Room (s) : ________________ Date of Arrival: __________________ Date of Departure: ________________ azantulaqma@moa.gov.my / mnooraida@moa.gov.my OR I will arrange my own accommodation : * PLEASE TICK APPROPRIATE BOXES
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