the job? do we the country and WHOdoes


the job? do we the country and WHOdoes
do we
the country
WHO the job?
You’ll get the answer at the Rural Parliament
in Blekinge, Sweden, 6th-9th September 2012
How do we build the country
and who does the job?
This is your chance to take part in and contribute to creating an inspiring, fun,
energy producing and powerful Rural Parliament
This is the twelfth Rural Parliament ever held, and, just as before, the objective is to get
together and thrash out questions, thoughts and ideas. And we need everyone in it. Whether
you are a minister, an administrator, a regular rural development activist or just stubborn,
your contribution and participation is invaluable to us. Hierarchies and other confines are
left aside when the natural focus lies on the local level.
The Rural Parliament brings forth the local perspective and leaves room for creative
meetings between decision makers and village developers. This makes it unique.
And this is what lures many international guests to visit it. They come to learn and to
be inspired in the development of their own rural areas in the countries they represent.
No wonder we are proud!
One large and important challenge is to merge the realities of civil society and the village
movement with the political agenda. The Rural Parliament takes the lead and initiates the
discussions that treat the future and the realities of the rural districts.
And we do it together with those that have the power and opportunity to exert influence
on a central level!
Inez AbrahamzonKenneth Nilshem
President of All of Sweden shall live
President of All of Sweden shall live
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Special programme for young and
international participants
On Thursday and Friday there is a specially designed programme for young and international participants.
The programme will start before the inauguration ceremony.
Thursday 6th September and Friday 7th September
As has been the case also in previous years, we are very happy to welcome a number of international participants
to Rural Parliament 2012. We expect to harbour around 70 participants from all over Europe. Delegations from Albania,
Germany and Scotland will come to study the Swedish Rural Parliament with a view to bringing back the concept to their
own countries.
The international network of Hela Sverige ska leva (All of Sweden shall Live) including sister organisations and other
rural organisations will be offered a special programme with seminars that will be held in English during the entire duration
of the Rural Parliament. The theme is young people’s participation in the rural development movement.
On Thursday and Friday these delegates will participate in meetings, seminars and workshops in the town of Ronneby.
The special programme will be held with the support from the Youth Board.
In connection with this year’s Rural Parliament, Leader Blekinge welcomes guests from Poland, and the Swedish Rural
Network has invited international guests from on-going projects. During the Saturday programme held at Ronneby Spa,
two international seminars will be offered and two will be translated to english.
One will be treating the prospect of holding a common European Rural Parliament,
and the other will treat the US rural policy owing to the fact that we are also
receiving visitors from the US Department of Agriculture.
Read the entire programme at
The programme may be
subject to minor changes.
Nyamko Saboni
Thursday 6th September
5 pm
Meeting, Eating, and Marching with a Minister
– inauguration in Ronneby Brunn Spa Garden
Marching with Home Guard band, from the hotel main entrance
to the garden. Buffet with locally produced food is served in the Garden.
Helena Jonsson
Kenneth Nilshem
Inez Abrahamsson
Berit Andnor Bylund
Inauguration speakers:
• Nyamko Sabuni (Swedish Liberal Party), Minister for Gender Equality,
Deputy Minister for Education
• Presidents of All of Sweden shall live Inez Abrahamzon and Kenneth Nilshem
• Helena Jonsson, President of The Federation of Swedish Farmers
• Berit Andnor Bylund, County Governor of Blekinge
• Representative from Ronneby Municipality
Gycklare Trix ( Jester) “We simply want to make the world a bit better a small piece at a time using jesting as our tool”
Friday 7th September
8.00-9.00 am Departure for visits to five different municipalities.
This is an event that continues all day and all evening.
• Special programme for young people back in Ronneby during Friday.
• Special programme for many of the international guests during Friday.
Read the entire programme at
11 • Calm and moving waters
– the mirror of infinite opportunity
12 • Democracy in the districts of Skåne,
Halland and Blekinge
13 • Wallowing in nettles
Evening activity: Ebbamåla Bruk
(working-life museum and industrial monument)
41 • Blooming forests
42 • Countryside changeover
43 • Excursion – The River Bräkneån Valley
Evening activity: Eringsboda brunn
21 • With a taste of Lister
22 • Blekinge – Garden of Sweden
23 • Old meets New
24 • Agriculture and development
25 • Hanö – the Elevated Island
27 • The New Energy
Evening activity: Hanöhus
(hotel and conference facility in Hällevik, Blekinge)
31 • Calm and moving waters
– the mirror of infinite opportunity
32 • What do schools imply for the countryside?
33 • The New Energy
Kvällen: Eriksberg
51 • Nature and Culture in Business Cooperatives
52 • The Villages that took the matter into their own hands
53 • Local Development Plans in the Archipelago
54 • Local Development Plans, cultural history and locally produced food
55 • Eastern Blekinge in a new perspective
Evening activity: The Marine Museum
Only in Swed
m for
Special progra
President of All Sweden shall live
8.45 am Best of Green Teens and “From Olofström to Karlskrona”
Reflections and lessons from Friday, when the Rural Parliament was at the municipality
visits all over Blekinge and the young people were working on how they may affect their
rural future.
9.05 am The tasks of the countryside – loving and challenging
Peter Örn, consultant
About civil society – i.e. us – and the role of the countryside as compared to the whole.
What will happen to the countryside if the cities are the growth factors?
Which are the challenges and the opportunities, now as compared to the past?
And who cares?
What are the roles of the bureaucrats, the politicians and the developers?
Peter Örn is president of the Delegation for sustainable cities. He was appointed
by the government take charge of the dialogue treating the non-profit sector and
its role in the Agreement between the government, non-profit organisations within the social area and Sweden’s municipalities and county councils.
9.25 am They say that the countryside shall live - so why did they pull the rug?
Åsa Ingårda, carpenter, designer, Inneberga Gård, province of Sörmland
The evident turns impossible – forbidden signs, water that’s not fit for coffee and expensive banking services. The impossible turns evident – loneliness disappeared with the new business network consisting of 27 women within 30 kilometres.
Tragi-comical and serious about the life of a small entrepreneur’s
every day struggle with the structures of society.
9.45-10.15 am Coffee break
10.15 am Seminar Session A
Please consult the seminar programme at
11.15 am-1 pm Lunch
13.00-14.15 pm Seminar Session B
Please consult the seminar programme at
Peter Örn
8.30 am
Åsa Ingårda
Theme of the day:
How do we - countryside dwellers – participate in the building of the country
– and the future of the countryside?
Moderator: Pia Sjögren, villager and radio programme host
Pia Sjögren
Saturday 8th September
The programme may be
subject to minor changes
Programme – Rural Parliament 2012
Maria Wetterstrand
Peter Elmlund
Lena Ek
Saturday 8th September
2.30 pm
Public commitment vital for a sustainable countryside
Lena Ek, Minister for the Environment (Swedish Centre Party)
If we wish to develop democracy and the environment, local development is
support for global development.
2.50 pm
Rural Urbanism
Peter Elmlund, project leader at Urban City Research
at Ax:son Johnson Foundation
Flourishing small cities and villages exist and new ones develop around the world.
Rural urbanism is a concept that refers to small city-like and densely populated small
villages that pop up now and again in the United States inspired by, among other things, the Swedish countryside. This talk treats the phenomenon of rural urbanism and why it has become successful.
3.10 pm
Don’t clench your fist in your pocket – do something!
About the power, future and challenges of cooperation.
Maria Wetterstrand, social commentator and former spokesperson for the
Swedish Green Party
– I like it when people decide to do something instead of whining. The Swedes in
general have lost their commitment and become too passive to take charge of things. Instead they expect that, for example, the municipality will provide them with the solution.
Maria Wetterstrand has taken on the cooperative thought and among other things she has contributed with one chapter to the coming anthology Du äger! Du vinner!
Du bestämmer! Kooperationens framtid och utmaningar (app. “You’re the owner! You’re the winner! You’re the decision-maker! The future and challenges of
cooperation”). The UN has appointed 2012 “International year of cooperatives”.
3.30 pm
Damn it! People and creatures of all kind, revolt!
• Occupation of the cottage hospital in Dorothea
• The Gotland rising
• Emergency surgery in Kiruna and a football team in Parkalompolo
– strategic issues for the survival of LKAB
3.45 pm The sofa of the future – participating lecturers from this days programme
and newly invited commentators explore the rural future.
4.45 pm Concluding comments
Inez Abrahamzon and Kenneth Nilshem, presidents of All of Sweden shall live
5 pm
Leisure time at Ronneby Brunn Spa Hotel or activities of your own choice
7 pm
Dinner at Ronneby Spa Hotel
9 pm–12 pm
Night Club dancing with the best DJ in Blekinge, or dancing in the
Ronhallen to the dance orchestra Mandarin from Blekinge
9 am
President of All Sweden shall live
9.05 am
Questions, outcomes and ideas, diligence and flirting
Eskil Erlandsson, Minister for Rural Affairs (Swedish Centre Party) and,
we hope, Stefan Löfven, Social Democrat Party Leader, meet the participants
of the Rural Parliament
Katarina Mazetti
First day of the Rest of our lives
Ronhallen, Ronneby Brunn Spa Hotel
Moderator: Pia Sjögren, villager and radio programme host
Eskil Erlandsson
Sunday 9th September
10 am
About the Boy, God and Countryside Gold
Katarina Mazetti, author from Landskrona
10.45 am Hand over to Gävleborg and the Rural Parliament of 2014
11 am
Coffee and good bye
Parliament closed…
The programme may be
subject to minor changes
When? Where? How?
Everything you need to know
about the Rural Parliament
and more.
Rural Parliament in Blekinge, Sweden, 2012
Time: 6th September 2012, at 7 pm – 9th
September 2012, at 11 am.
Place: Ronneby Brunn Spa Hotel in Ronneby,
The Rural Parliament is inaugurated on Thursday 6th
September at 6 pm in the Spa Hotel garden in Ronneby. The
regular programme starts on Friday at 8.30 am with visits to
various municipalities. On Saturday the programme starts at
8.30 am with seminars and lectures. The Food Market “Taste
of Blekinge” starts off straight after the conference closure
on Sunday 9th September.
The Rural Parliament is held at Ronneby Brunn Spa Hotel
in Ronneby. For more details regarding the visits to municipalities please consult the Municipality Programme and the
information about buses and times of assembly.
Ronneby Brunn Spa Hotel is situated 1.5 kilometres from
the train station and 6 kilometres from the airport.
Buses will be there to pick you up on arrival.
The conference fee is SEK1000 for participants under the
age of 30, SEK2000 for local development groups and county
networks, and SEK3500 for organisations, municipalities, and
other authorities. 100 seats are reserved at the reduced prize
for participants under the age of 30.
When you make your online reservation, please state whether
you have special requirements in terms of food (vegetarian
diet or other), or whether you have any allergies.
Travel and housing
You yourself defray the costs of travels to and from the Rural
Parliament as well as the costs of housing. If you wish to stay
in a hotel you need to book it yourself. In order that everybody should get a bed, we recommend you to share rooms.
See our online booking system for tips of where to stay.
Physical disability
Ronneby Brunn Spa Hotel and our seminars are accessible
to all. Still, when you make your online reservations, we ask
you to state whether you have any special requirements so
that we can make completely sure that the facilities are accessible.
Last day of reservation for the regular price is 1st July 2012.
After this date SEK500 is added to the fee for local development groups and county networks, and SEK750 is added to
the fee for organisations, municipalities and other authorities. Last day to make reservations is on 3rd August.
As from 4th July, the reservation is binding. If you are prevented from coming you are welcome to transfer the reservation to a colleague. If more than one person from the same
organisation or work place are participating you still need to
fill in the online registration form individually in order for us
to get information about names and addresses. If you use the
same invoicing address, please state it
The Rural Parliament will send the invoice two days after
the registration is made, and the conference fee must be paid
within 30 days from the day of registration.
Please note that the conference fee will only be refunded if
a doctor’s certificate is presented.
A booking confirmation will be sent to your e-mail address
immediately after registration. By using your e-mail address
you can return to the booking system and add information or
make changes to your registration.
Note: OIf you do not immediately receive a confirmation of
your booking via e-mail you must contact us, as something
then must be wrong, e.g., the e-mail address may be
For more information:
Claes Becklin: Project Leader, Rural Parliament
Ingmar Elofsson: Project Coordinator, Rural Parliament
Organisers - Rural Parliament 2012