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2 0 1 5 Fill a Whole Day With blekinge Discover an archipelago
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Fill a Whole Day
with Blekinge
Discover an
Archipelago Island
Which kind of
bather are you?
A Summer of Laughter,
Jazz and Culture
We like meetings
and experiences
zzzz ...
We Blekinge folk are proud. Proud of our province, its scenic landscape and communities. Our cobbled streets, the hint of soft summer
rain. The scents of springtime, from mayflowers to lilac. A pristine ski
track on a Sunday in February – blue skies and hot chocolate. A little
bay bathed in optimistic sunshine at the end of April or where you
take a summer dip when it’s almost midnight.
We Blekinge folk are proud of all our region’s people, sports teams,
culture and experiences. And it’s this intense pride we feel that makes
us so very keen to share all the fantastic things that Blekinge has to
offer – with you. We want to make your stay and your experiences
here as good as they can possibly be.
Memories to treasure forever. Something to tell your friends
about. And hopefully you’ll want to come back again and again. We
want you to be as satisfied as possible. With the important aspects
and all the way down to the tiniest detail; our philosophy is all about
making you think: “Wow, they thought of that too!”
So we’d like to extend a very warm welcome to you. To our harvest
festivals, major concerts, fantastic forests, local cafés, lovely places to
stay, the Blekinge smile that meets you, the warm gesture and the
playful greeting. That’s what we mean by being genuine.
Have a lovely, exciting and wonderful stay with us!
a Place to Sleep
Best wishes from all of us proud Blekinge
folk via Jens Harrysson
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Find a Place to Sleep
Fill a Whole Day with Blekinge
Experience our deepest secret!
Pssst ... see how creative Blekinge folk are
Enjoy Adventures on this UNESCO World Heritage Site
Tastes from the east to the west
Discover an Archipelago Island
Welcome to our guest harbours
The Safari Park Takes to the Water
Adventures in the wild
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe...
Which kind of bather are you?
No End of Archipelago Adventures
A bait that’s hard to resist!
Relax and Regenerate in Brunnsparken
A Summer of Laughter, Jazz and Culture
Sweden’s Golf Coast
Caravanning that rocks!
Olofström is a Hotbed of Culture
We like meetings and experiences
The Magazine contains
interactive material.
Good accommodation is an important
part of your stay. And only you know
what suits you best. Luckily, we have
something for everyone!
It doesn’t matter if you arrive by car or by boat. If you come by
bike or plane. If you’re alone or part of a big family. We have
accommodation to suit all tastes and requirements.
If you can’t make up your mind, why not opt for the best of
both worlds? You can stay in the town centre, for example, but
still be on the quayside. Or stay in exclusive accommodation
in the wilderness. Blekinge’s youth hostels, camping & caravan
sites, and hotels tend to be close to lakes or the sea.
If you want to travel around Blekinge, it’s easy to switch
location. Forests. sea and towns are all close together. Did you
know there’s just half an hour’s journey between each town?
You can find our camping & caravan sites, hotels, B&Bs and
youth hostels at www.visitblekinge.se. There are also guest
harbours, apartments and cabins. You can book your accommodation on the website as well.
Visit Blekinge magazine is produced by Happiend Reklambyrå for Visit Blekinge.
RESPONSIBLE PUBLISHER Visit Blekinge PRODUCTION Happiend Reklambyrå PRINTING Printfabriken 2015 PHOTOGRAPHS Digitalfilm, Matz Arnström, Franz Feldmanis, Joakim
Lenell, Birger Lallo, Ben G.T. Nyberg, Fotograf Serny, Lena Ehring, Lars Nyman, Peter Törnqvist, Heleen Podsedkowska/Blekinge Arkipelag, Jeanette Rosander, Johnér/Morgan Karlsson etc.
Historic technology
and a new gizmo for
our home
We head north. The family’s techno geek wants to visit Ebbamåla
Bruk outside Olofström. A guided
tour around a historic industrial
site is great fun. You can clearly
see how the technology of that
time actually worked. We leave
the works as the proud owners
of a new cast-iron bootjack.
Water slides
and flea market
The kids’ grumbles turn to
shrieks of joy when we make a
stop at Brunnsbadet in Ronneby.
It’s time to splash in pools and
swoosh down water slides!
The shopaholic visits next-door
Brunnsparken. Brunnshallarna
are swarming with people
and traders. There’s just time
to grab a cup of coffee and a
second-hand water pistol before
the flea market closes. It’ll open
again next Sunday.
Ice cream made
on the farm
We drop by Björketorp Farm
– less than ten kilometres
from Ronneby. We’ve got
our sights set on ice cream.
The kids’ can’t believe their
eyes when they see all the
different flavours – Daim,
passion fruit, Snickers, coconut, violet...The ice cream
is made from milk from the
farm’s cows, eggs from their
neighbour’s hens and honey
courtesy of the local bees.
Hearty soup in the fishing port
Tummies are rumbling loudly – but we stay strong! We soon arrive in
Karlshamn or rather Wägga Fisk & Delikatessrökeri. Wonderful seats
on the quay overlooking Väggahamn’s picturesque marina. The kids
eat baked potatoes, while those of us with more sophisticated palates
slurp hearty fish soup.
Castle Ruins
and Kissing Place
Time to throw off the covers at
the charming Villa Orion B&B
situated at the heart of the
mediaeval town of Sölvesborg.
The grown-ups take a prebreakfast walk along the beach
to the castle ruins. At one time,
it was the region’s strongest
fortification and had a 35-metre
tower. It’s now an idyllic spot
by the sparkling sea. On the
way, we pass Europe’s longest
pedestrian and cycle bridge.
As we walk back, we see a sign:
Kissing Place!
Wall stroll and live music
We park our car in idyllic Kristianopel. We check into the
Stensvik Guest House and admire the stunning sea views
from our window. As evening falls, we climb up on the
solid 17th century wall that surrounds a good half of the
penin­sular. To our left is the glittering sea. On our right is
the campsite inside the walls. Yachts are returning to their
moorings and people are strolling by the charming wooden
houses on Storgatan. We have dinner and listen to live
music at the Harbour Inn. One thing’s certain
– we’ll sleep well tonight.
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with Blekinge
Fill a
Whole Day
Blekinge in a day. Is it doable?
Yes – thanks to the relatively
short distances involved. The
great thing about Blekinge is that
when you’re in one town, the next
town is just half an hour away.
Join the family whose day begins
in the west and ends in the east.
A day in which one agreeable Blek­
inge experience follows another
– like a string of pearls.
... – l
a st ike
of p r i n g
Experience 810
our deepest
It’s been a dream for many people. Few
people have actually done it…but now
you too can climb aboard a submarine!
The 810 ton submarine HMS Neptun takes pride
of place in the newly built Submarine Hall in Karlskrona. A hi-tech vessel from the Cold War which
is so modern that she could still be in service. But
exactly what she – and her crew of 20 – did on their
missions is still subject to the Official Secrets Act.
Set your whole family’s pulses racing
As soon as you come aboard, you’ll sense the
excitement. Experience everything from the daily
monotony in the confined spaces to your racing
pulse as you go to ‘Action Stations’.”
But that’s not all. An exhibition for both adults
and children is in progress around the main attraction. You can try out different hands-on stations
and follow 110 years of Swedish submarine history.
You can also meet the Swedish Navy’s very first
submarine Hajen (The Shark).
To find out more, please visit marinmuseum.se
The Soviet submarine
that ran aground
On the morning of 28 October 1981, a Blekinge fisherman rubbed his eyes in disbelief. A submarine had run
aground in the shallows of the Karlskrona Archipelago!
There had been loud noises the evening before.
People on the islands naturally assumed the Swedish
Navy was on manoeuvres. But it was the sound of the
Soviet U 137 submarine running its engines on high
revs to break free. To make a bad situation worse, the
submarine was carrying nuclear weapons.
In the following days, the eyes of the world were
on Blekinge as a diplomatic standoff ensued between
Sweden and the Soviet Union. On 7 November, the U 137
was freed and escorted out into international waters.
On t h e m
of 28 Oc
t ob e r
Find out more about arts and crafts in Blekinge
at handicraftblekinge.se and slojdiblekinge.se
The potter, Karin
Meijer has mastered the art of making
stoneware look delicate and lace-like;
the trick is to ”pipe”
out the clay, as if it
were icing on a cake.
The beautiful porcelain charms with its
cheerful decor.
The craftspeople,
Bodil and Christer
Lindqvist create
timeless things with
wood, inspired by
Blekinge’s nature and
folk art; horse candle­
sticks, Christmas
trees and unusual
flowers, chandeliers
and cabinets.
A taste of this year’s exhibitions and activities
”Blekingesöm med nya vingar”, opening ceremony on 18th April, 4.00 pm at Blekinge
Museum in Karlskrona. This exhibition of embroidery in Blekinge runs until 10th January 2016
Konstrundan I Blekinge, art walk on 2nd and 3rd May
SlöjdFEST handicrafts festival, Lövmarknaden, Blekinge Museum on 18th June
The textile-artist,
Lina OJ certainly
knows how to sew
most things. She
crafts into being
frog-rattles, bracelets,
dolls, and clothes for
both old and young,
alike. Everything is
fabulous and filled
with colour.
Discover our fantastic artists and craftsmen and
women – and buy a wonderful Blekinge souvenir;
something beautiful, practical or perhaps just
something that feels good to feel or look at.
Slöjdcafé arranged in several places
The glass-artist,
Malin Mena blows
and engraves uten­
sils, decorations
and sculptures of
her own design.
She likes to find her
inspiration in seed
capsules, pistils and
The smith,
Magnus Jönsson
creates the most
beautiful knife-blades with different
kinds of steel. He
also shapes the
glowing iron into
candlesticks, bowls
and other works of
art in his smithy.
The artist,
Susanne Demåne
creates amazing
sculptures with her
chainsaw, dreamlike oil paintings
with her brush,
and captivating
enamels with the
help of her kiln.
on this UNESCO
World Heritage Site
app h
The Sloop and Longboat Shed
Experience breathtaking settings
and an exciting past that lives on
in the present.
Jump ashore in a real 17th century fort and peer
through the loopholes in the defensive walls. Step
into the 300 metre-long ropewalk and make rope
like they did several hundred years ago. Look down
at the 18th century Polhem dock and imagine 600
men spending seven long years cutting the dock
out of the cliff. And consider the amazing fact that
Swedish naval vessels are still repaired here!
The past lives on in the present. This is because
we have something that’s virtually unique: a very
well-preserved naval base from the 17th and 18th
centuries. This is why the Naval Port of Karlskrona
– with its shipyard and fortifications – is a UNESCO
World Heritage Site.
Spice up your adventure
Would you like to find out why Private Nilsson was
served warm fish at the local prison? Or why you
should politely but firmly decline to eat the poor
man’s bread known as “knacks”? In that case, you
should listen to fascinating stories via an app – in
the very places they actually happened. You can
also spice up your adventures with dramatisations,
insightful guided tours or exhibitions on various
Most of the World Heritage Site is easily accessible in the city, while some parts are located on the
began more
than 300
years ago.”
A brief résumé
Everything began more than
300 years ago. At that time,
Sweden was a major power;
she needed a powerful navy
and was searching for a sheltered site for a new naval base
capable of defending Swedish
territory. And a few islands in
the Blekinge Archipelago were
the perfect place.
The best engineers, shipbuilders and architects were
hired to do King Charles XI’s
bidding. Because so much of
the expertise and workforce
came from the other side of
the Baltic Sea, many different
languages were spoken
here. It wasn’t long before an
efficient shipyard and an imposing city took shape. A city
fit for a king: Charles’ Crown
- Karlskrona in Swedish.
naval base. The ropewalk is one of the locations you
can only visit in the company of a certified guide.
Please book at the Tourist Information Centre or via
The “Karlskrona World Heritage Site” mobile app
can be found at www.hi-story.se
Meet a longboat
What exactly are longboats and sloops? Well, they’re
small boats designed to assist naval vessels at sea.
They were used as lifeboats during heavy storms.
When supplies were dwindling, they made sure the
ships were restocked with bread and other necessities. And, last but not least, they offered basic lessons
in sea sense. These boats had their own haven: The
Sloop and Longboat Shed, which was built in 1786.
The building is ingeniously designed. The floor
slopes to make it easier to pull the boats in and
out. Instead of one heavy roof, the building has ten
intersecting gable roofs. They give the shed the
appearance of an egg carton when seen from above.
The rain water was collected and used for a sprinkler
system that deployed barrels and axes if a fire broke
out! The work of renovating and preserving the wooden boats is a never-ending labour of love. So come
along, meet a longboat and inhale the same smell of
tar and wood you would have smelt more than 200
years ago!
To find out more, please visit
Naval Por
kungsholms fort
Scan with Layar
Do you fancy something tasty, new or
exciting? Then you’ve come to the right
place. Blekinge has a whole range of tasteexperiences to offer. Indulge yourself and
try some medieval spices, beer that is best
enjoyed in a cognac glass, or mayonnaise
that feels like a kiss ...
from the east to the west
Orranäs Gårdsmejeri
Orranäs 436, Jämjö
The Orranäs Farm Dairy is situated on the beautiful coastal road that runs between
Kristianopel and Torhamn. Here you can taste and buy cheeses which are made
with milk from the farm’s own goats and cows from the neighbouring farm.
The cheese is made by hand using traditional artisan methods and the range
includes stone-cellar matured cheese, soft cheeses and cream cheese – multiple
award-winning. You could also try the billy-goat salami, made from kid meat!
Bredaviks Örtagård
Gamla vägen 1, Sturkö
Orranäs Gård
Step into a medieval environment that features a hospital, pharmacy and herb
garden that are typical of the time, and find tastes and flavours that you’ve never
tried before. You can buy locally grown herbs and spice plants, herbal teas and
mixed spices for cooking, schnapps and liqueurs. The speciality is spices that are
mixed according to medieval recipes such as, for example, the one for Richard III’s
meat stew.
Sjörök Spis & Bar
Skeppsbrokajen 4, Karlskrona
Here you’ll find a modern, relaxed environment in the centre of town, right next
to the sea. There’s an exciting menu of dishes to choose from, or perhaps you’d
prefer one of ”Sjörök’s fantastic pizzas”. The chefs at Sjörök are always on the
look-out for new organic and locally-produced ingredients and they prepare all the
food from scratch. You can also order food for take-away, order catering, or make
a booking for groups.
Spis &
Syst & Surde
Systrarna Lindqvist Café & Surdegsbageri
Borgmästaregatan 3, Karlskrona
Enjoy an organic kanelbulle (Swedish cinammon bun) baked with butter from
Småland and KRAV-certified organic flour from Warbro Kvarn. Or maybe you’d
prefer some unleavened bread made with our own, home-made rye sour-dough.
Blekinge’s first Certified Organic Bakery bakes all products from scratch. The
home-baked small cakes accompany coffee served in old-fashioned coffee cups
– this is a café with a real grandmother-feeling.
You will find this bakery on Facebook
Café Mandeltårtan
Café Ma
Fridhemsvägen 2, Ronneby
You’ll find Café Mandeltårtan close to Brunnsparken and the beautiful river of Ronnebyån. They bake every day at the café and add an extra ingredient – a love of the
art of baking. The sour-dough is produced with care and every cake, pastry and biscuit is made from raw ingredients. The cosy atmosphere in the kitchen spreads out
to reach you wherever you’re sitting: in the conservatory, on the soft sofa or out
in the garden. Here you can savour the moment together with something freshly
baked – if you like almonds, perhaps you should try our speciality, the mandeltårta.
Find out more about our
fantastic range of food at
... as a
Gärestadsbygata 16, Ronneby
Västra torggatan 1, Ronneby
You will find the Äggaboden farm shop in both Ronneby and in the village of
Gärestad. It’s a perfect place to enjoy a cup of coffee with a sour-dough sandwich
or perhaps something sweet. You can also, of course, buy local produce from
Blekinge’s farmers and food artisans. The eggs come from the farm and, if you’re
lucky, the home-made mayonnaise will be in stock – described by Carl Jan Granqvist
as ”a hearty summer kiss”.
Brygghus 19
Västra kajen 8F, Karlshamn
Festbock, Ambassadeur, Schmidts lager … to name just a few of the tasty beers that
are brewed and bottled here. The beer is available to buy from the Systembolaget
chain and is served in restaurants. Brygghus 19 also hosts brewery evenings, featuring dinner and tours including beer-tasting. Pay a visit to the website and find out
about the history behind each beer.
Ninas Konditori
Parkvägen 43, Mörrum
Vierydsvägen 1, Ronneby
A genuine traditional patisserie that creates cakes, cookies and pralines that taste
just as good as they look. You can buy freshly baked bread as well as enjoying
award-winning sandwiches and yummy pastries next to the river, Mörrumsån. Or
take part in chocolate-tasting, and bread-baking courses. Nina’s recipe book ”Små
hemligheter – Stora smaker” (”Small secrets – Great tastes”) is available for purchase
in both shops.
Brygghus 19
Kajutan i Hörvik
Kustvägen 5, Sölvesborg
In the fishing village of Hörvik, just fifteen metres from the harbour, lies the restaurant ”Kajutan”. Here you’ll find a real passion for food, which is prepared with carefully
selected ingredients. Enjoy the lovely feeling of sitting out on the veranda to eat fish
that has been freshly caught from the very waters you’re looking out upon. If you
don’t feel like fish, there are also meat dishes on the menu.
s Ko
Vingården Stora Boråkra
The Solaris green grape grows here, just 10 minutes away from Karlskrona but, when
you arrive here, it will feel like you’ve entered a different world. The garden bears
the traces of an English park and the main building can be described as a Blekinge
Stora Boråkra was turned into a vineyard in 2008 with the planting of 300 vines
– today, this number is closer to 4,000. This makes the vineyard one of Sweden’s largest and two of the vineyard’s products have now found their way onto the shelves
at Systembolaget.
”The white table wine Solaris 2013 and the Boråkra Exelent brandy are available
to buy in both Ronneby and Karlskrona”, says Staffan Ottosson who, together with Lil,
runs the business.
”We continue to develop our table wine but are also trying new things”, continues
Staffan. ”Right now, we’re experimenting with port wines and sparkling wines.”
If you’d like to pay a visit to the vineyard and the winery, you can join one of the
guided tours. Wine-tasting sessions, which include food, are also offered.
Storaborakra.se, tel 0708-84 78 47
i Hörvik
Vingå oråkra
Wide-awake Aspö
this is an aDvertisement
You drive to or step ashore on an island with about 500 year-round inhabitants.
This doesn’t detract from the island’s exciting atmosphere. On the contrary.
You can play golf and tennis here, ride Racking horses or visit part of the
World Heritage Site - the citadel from the 17th century, which also houses a
restaurant. The island has a variety of shops as well, and is home to a number
of artists and galleries. Enjoy coffee and waffles at Café Lustan.
Hire a bike and explore winding roads leading to forests, meadows, and
rocky and sandy beaches. Make your overnight visit unforgettable by staying
high up in Aspö Harbour Pilot Tower. The archipelago hotel has five small
rooms in the tower, one on each floor.
Departure from Karlskrona: The yellow car ferry departs from Handelshamnen. The journey takes 25 minutes and is free of charge.
an Archipelago
Meet some wonderful characters in
the stunning Blekinge Archipelago.
Nostalgic Karö
Discover Blekinge
archipelago this summer.
in the archipelago
Adventurous Hanö
From Karlskrona you can visit the Eastern Archipelago and sail
to several large islands or up river to the town of Nättraby. From
Karlshamn, with its famous citadel just outside the visitors’ harbour,
you can sail eastwards to the islands of Tärnö and Tjärö. Hanö island
to the west can be reached by boat from the fishing village of Nogersund. During the summer, Blekingetrafiken daily operates sailings
and tours to a great many destinations in the archipelago.
Something for everyone
What is unique to the Blekinge archipelago, and which differentiates
it from other archipelagos in Sweden, is that many islands are covered in deciduous forests. Here you can go exploring the picturesque
fishing villages, spread out a picnic on a sun-warmed rock or take a
refreshing dip in the sea.
Take your place on the sundeck and drift
from island to island, sail the river Nättrabyån or go for a swim at Utlängan island.
Boats depart from Fisktorget in central
Karlskrona and you can choose from over
20 landing-stages. During the summer, light
refreshments are served on board all tours.
From the archipelago boat terminal, M/F
Vindskär sails to Tjärö and Tärnö – two favourite
islands which offer good food, overnight accommodation and wonderful rocky outcrops where
you can swim and sunbathe. If you prefer sandy
beaches, sail with M/F Anemon from Matvik to
the small islands of Östra Bokö or Fölsö.
Our archipelago sailings from Karlskrona
are operated by Affärsverken,
tel: +46 (0)455-783 30.
Our archipelago sailings from Karlshamn are
operated by Haglund Shipping/Blekinge Skärgårdsturer, tel: +46 (0)414-149 58.
A 25-minute sailing with M/F Vitaskär from
Nogersund brings you to beautiful Hanö island.
The island offers a wealth of places to discover:
Bönsäcken, Drakmärket, the English churchyard
– and of course you can enjoy magnificent
panorama views. Hanö island, a very popular excursion, is famous for its white lighthouse which
beams its light 45 kilometres across Hanö bay.
Our archipelago sailings to Hanö are operated
by Haglund Shipping/Blekinge Skärgårdsturer,
tel: +46 (0)414-149 58.
tiCKet SALeS
You can buy your ticket with cash on board the boat. In Karlskrona, during the summer
months you can also buy your ticket at the information kiosk on Fisktorget. For further
information about all tours and prices, please visit blekingetrafiken.se
Traffic information, tel: +46 (0)455-569 00 | blekingetrafiken.se
If nostalgia floats your boat, look no further than the relics from the golden age
of the health resorts. At its peak in the 19th century, sea bathing and sailing
trips were considered essential elements of the health cure. This explains why
open-air swimming baths, a restaurant and luxurious summer villas were built
on Ronneby’s archipelago island.
The open-air baths may be long gone, but the villas and the restaurant built
in 1877 are still here. You can enjoy everything from À la carte and all-you-caneat shrimp buffets to musical entertainment at the Karö Restaurant.
What else can you do? You can stay at the holiday village, go fishing and
swimming, and enjoy coffee and cake at Villa Vassen. Or take a day trip and
stroll along the paths on this car-free island. You can moor your boat in one
of the guest harbour’s 35 berths.
Departure Ronneby: Karöline, or “Kallebåten”, departs from Ekenäs.
The journey takes about five minutes.
The cottages are huddled together in the fishing village and yachts from near
and far vie for a berth in the popular guest harbour. The harbour is also where
you’ll find the Briggen Harbour Inn, the shop and a museum that’s open during
the summer. Hanö has a special atmosphere – something that about 30,000 visitors flock
here to experience every year. The hustle and bustle of the harbour, the idyllic
places to swim, as well as the total absence of cars and mosquitoes on the
island all play a part. So does the island’s history as a base for the UK’s Royal
Navy during the Napoleonic Wars and the graveyard here for fifteen British
sailors who came to the island and never left. But the main reason has to be
the island’s many legends and its breathtaking scenery.
Voyages of discovery
Follow winding paths to enchanted forests and beaches with giant boulders.
Explore deep passages and dark caves. Be on the lookout for the island’s fallow
deer or search for orchids. Marvel at the “Dragon Mark” left by the huge dragon
that flew between Tärnö and Hanö, and completed the 20 kilometre journey
in just two beats of its giant wings. And be fascinated by the “Sack of Beans”
– a reef consisting of millions of oval stones perpetually moving in the water.
When you’ve had enough adventure for one day, you can sunbathe on
flat rocks or take a picnic to the beach, go fishing, have a barbecue or go bird
watching. There are cabins and apartments to hire, and a youth hostel that’s
open all year round.
Departure Sölvesborg: There’s a car park near the harbour in Nogersund,
east of Sölvesborg. Your ferry is the M/S Vitaskär. The journey takes 25 minutes.
Dramatic Kastellet
If walls could talk, what blood-curdling tales they might tell! Kastellet [the
Citadel] was built in 1675 on Frisholmen to prevent attacks from the sea.
Strong walls, canons and many soldiers would prevent the enemy from
taking Karlshamn.
These days the stark setting is softened by flowering lilacs and green
lawns, which form a backdrop for summer theatre: Teatersmedjan’s show
for the entire family. You can also go on guided tours, search for hidden
GPS treasure or look at art on the island. Departure Karlshamn: In the summertime, you can catch the boat
from Skärgårdsterminalen between 1pm and 5pm.
”If the guest harbour is
flying a ”Blue Flag”, this
means that it is well-main­
tained, clean, environmen­
tally-conscious and offers
a high level of service.”
This is an adverTisemenT
to our guest
Moor up in a tranquil fishing harbour
– in the heart of a town or perhaps at
the edge of a festival – and spice up your
life on board by making the most of both
quayside services and delightful expe­
riences on land.
Eight hundred islands and thousands of islets and skerries
– this gives you quite a few options when you’re looking for
a berth for your boat. But, if it’s convenience you’re looking for,
there are many pleasant and well-managed guest harbours
to choose from, both along the coast and out among the
islands. Here you will find water, electricity, showers, toilets,
restaurants and small shops, as well as other services such
as wireless internet, boat-washes and so on.
If the guest harbour is flying a ”Blue Flag”, this means that
it is well-maintained, clean, environmentally-conscious and offers a high level of service. The harbour is also informative and
has a high level of awareness regarding safety and security.
Close to our guest harbours, there is so much to discover:
fantastic countryside, fun festivals, music-filled evenings,
charming shops, historic environments and perhaps even
the finest tastes of the summer.
Dragsö Utkik Karlskrona Ekenabben Sturkö Karlskrona Ekenäs Ronneby Garpahamnen Hasslö Karlskrona Gunnön Karlshamn Hallahamnen Hasslö Karlskrona Hanö Sölvesborg Hermans Heja Sölvesborg Hällevik Sölvesborg Karlshamn Karlshamn Karlskrona stadsmarina Karlskrona Karön Ronneby Kristianopel Karlskrona Lökanabben Aspö Karlskrona Matvik Karlshamn Saltö Fiskhamn Karlskrona Sanda Sturkö Karlskrona Sandhamn Karlskrona Stenshamn Karlskrona
boat experiences
in Blekinge archipelago
sTaff and cusTomer evenTs - conferences - kickoff - Wedding - Bachelor / BacheloreTTe and unique meeTings
We are an experiential boat charter company
who are keen to share our beautiful archipelago here in Blekinge with you. We customize
according to your wishes - calm sightseeing
tour with a guide, a adrenalinetour of 55
knots or a beautiful archipelago with food
and drink on board.
And if you want to stay over we will arrange
accomodation with some of our partners.
Prepare for a experience of a lifetime.
Welcome on board.
Sternö Karlshamn Svanevik Karlshamn Säljö Udde Karlskrona Sölvesborgs innerhamn Sölvesborg Torhamn Karlskrona Torsö Sölvesborg Tärnö Karlshamn Ungskär Karlskrona Utklippan Karlskrona Vägga Karlshamn
To find out more about our boat trips
and archipelago packages, please visit
unikaupplevelser.se or call +46 705 17 14 30.
Scan with Layar
She’s sp
r the
built fo go ...
a rc h
Takes to the Water
We call her Sea Eagle. She’s not a new sea
eagle nesting in the Safari Park. And she’s not
a mouflon with an edgy name. She’s actually
a luxurious restaurant boat that will be taking
a taste of game from Eriksberg and dropping
anchor in the nearest town: Karlshamn.
“Sea Eagle offers the same concept as our
restaurants in the Safari Park: Locally produced
venison and wild boar meat,” explains CEO
Per-Arne Olsson. “Shellfish and fish will also
be on the menu.”
Sea Eagle is a specially designed boat with
two pontoons that keep her steady in the water.
“She’s specially built for the archipelago and
will either be moored at the quayside or sailing
on daytrips,” reports Per-Arne. “She may even
go on a tour from town to town along the coast.
The aim is to showcase Blekinge’s fantastic
Eriksberg Vilt & Natur is weighing anchor
and giving you a taste of life in the wild at sea.
in the wild
One of the
most popular
in Blekinge
Drop-in and reservations
You come aboard in Karlshamn. There are many
options available. You can either reserve a table
for a small group. Or a group of up to 40 people
can charter the entire boat. You can sample the
menu either moored at the quayside or on a trip
through the archipelago.
“There’s leeway for spontaneity,” says PerArne. “The boat will be open for drop-in guests
occasionally – from late spring to early autumn.”
A majestic European bison could get
so close it sets your pulse racing.
A young deer’s gambolling could
make your children laugh out loud.
Or you could be enthralled by the
sea eagle soaring high above you.
The largest Nordic safari park –
900 hectares – is a magical place
of ever-changing scenery and expe­
The park is home to about 1,500 animals, including
red deer, fallow deer, wild boars, European bison and
mouflons. You can never be sure which of them you’ll
bump into during your visit, but the animals are most
active at twilight.
“You’ll often see children hanging out the car windows,” Per-Arne says. “They want to be first to spot all
the exciting animals.”
The safari tour is about 10 kilometres long. If you’re
in your own car, you can borrow a CD guide. If you’re
not in your own car or you’re part of a larger group,
you can book a guided tour by minibus, or tractor and
trailer. Children’s Eriksberg
Children’s Eriksberg is a wonderful place for young
children to try out pedal cars, the zip line, the climbing
wall, and to play in the fort or dig in the sandpit.
There’s also a barbecue hut. And if you want to stay
overnight, there’s a youth hostel and a hotel.
“We may be best known for our food, and our
hunting and fishing packages,” says Per-Arne. “But we
also have a Farm Shop where we sell our own game
products, a café and several restaurants. During the
coming year, we’ll be introducing surprises and en­
hancing the Eriksberg guest experience with a variety
of themes.”
Opening times etc. can be found at eriksberg.nu
Eriksberg Wildlife & Nature park welcomes around
40,000 visitors every year.
New at Eriksberg
•Lunch specials featuring
game dishes
•Eriksberg’s very own
•Afternoon tea
•Children’s Day on 7 June
•The ‘Sea Eagle’
Restaurant Boat
For reservations and to find out more, please
visit www.eriksberg.nu
•Inclusion in the ‘White
Guide’ restaurant guide
Scan with Layar
Are you brave enough to stick your hand into the sensory box? How does it feel
to crash at 7kph? And how quick are you in total darkness? About 170 hands-on
stations challenge you to learn something new in a fun way. And as if that wasn’t
enough: the Kreanova MegaDome Cinema shows sensurround movie adventures.
Kreaficum serves hot dogs and other delicious food, and our outdoor Kreapark
has tunnels, mischievous fountains and additional hands-on stations. And you can
buy ingenious and clever things from our Kreaffären shop to take home with you.
To find out more, please visit kreativum.se
Adventures with Horses
Horseback riding or horse-drawn carriage in Blekinge
Do your kids like horses – or are they crazy about them? No worries, you’re in the
right place. You can go horseback riding through magnificent beech-woods, racking
in the archipelago, or take a barbecue trip in a horse-drawn carriage. And there are
riding schools or riding camps for children.
Their experience and age are important factors, of course, but there’s something
to suit everyone. Skogshagen Horses in Sölvesborg offers a range of options, including ‘cinnamon bun’ sessions for beginners, as well as longer rides.
Please visit the VisitBlekinge website and follow the horse riding links for inspi­
To find out more, please visit visitblekinge.se
Blekinge Exotiska Värld in Karlshamn
Meet curious meerkats and pygmy marmosets. Count the spiders’ legs and savour
the relief of knowing there’s a thick pane of glass between you and the 3.5 metrelong Burmese Tiger Python.
Blekinge Exotiska Värld takes you on a journey around the world. The animals
and habitats come from five continents – and the animals from South America roam
freely among the visitors.
As the tropicarium and Kreativum are next door to each other, you can buy
combined admission to both places.
To find out more, please visit exotiskvarld.se
Paddle a Canoe
Kanotcentralen in Olofström
Would you like to take your kids paddling in a canoe? You could fish, swim and jump
ashore to explore. Kanotcentralen in Olofström is a good place to start. You can hire
a canoe, life vests and other equipment, and just glide away on the peaceful water.
The lakes in the region – Halen, Raslången, Filkesjön and Immeln – are linked
together. This means your adventure could last a couple of hours, a weekend or
even a whole week – it’s entirely up to you. And you decide how active you want to
be. There are many places to stop and rest along the way.
To find out more, please visit halenkanot.com
Go a Bit Potty with Clay!
Quest Together
Get to grips with some clay and make a crazy rooster. Or a pretty flower. Or
something else amazing. Give your creativity and imagination full rein at Känslans
Verkstad and have great fun in the process.
The whole family is welcome to roll up their sleeves and go potty with clay
together, but professional assistance is on hand if you want some ideas.
You can also admire the efforts of others – both experienced artists and
enthu­siastic amateurs. There are indoor and outdoor exhibitions.
To find out more, please visit kanslansverkstad.se
See how well your family tackles hair-raising challenges. And how strong a team you
make. You might need to break the code for a Mayan temple. Or try your luck at
roulette. Everyone takes part on the same terms – it’s the strength of the team that
Teams of 3 to 5 people choose the quest or theme they want. The idea is to
tackle one challenge to proceed to the next. Sometimes it’s easy, other times you
may need to really rack your brains.
You can refuel at Boda Borg’s restaurant or café.
To find out more, please visit bodaborg.se
Bounce, Splash and Pet Animals
Try a Sailor’s Life and Fire a Canon!
An amazing day out for the whole family. Children can pet animals, swing about on
climbing frames and enjoy pillow fights. They can bounce in the enormous bouncy
castle, wander in labyrinths, throw poo and ride on a hay wagon. And if you’re at
least 90 centimetres tall, you can drive an electric car all by yourself!
The Water Park is great fun too. The pools vary in depth and there are several
water slides. “Bull Falls” is a 120 metre-long water slide guaranteed to make you
shriek with excitement.
You can either bring your own picnic or take advantage of the pool kiosk and
family restaurant.
To find out more, please visit barnensgard.se
Are you strong enough to row a canon sloop? Can you manage to sink a ship with just
two canon shots? Find out at the Naval Museum. Lots of fun challenges and adventures await you. Children can climb the rigging and use a comm radio on Dunder’s
Deck. Various exhibitions let you start a steam engine and find out about the medical care available at sea for injured seamen.
On selected Sundays, the additional fun activities on offer include making a submarine out of clay, hunting for secret documents and watching plays. The ship simulator is very popular among older children. Imagine steering a ship – it’s as close to
reality as you can get. A restaurant and a museum shop are located near the entrance.
To find out more, please visit marinmuseum.se
Känslans Verkstad in Ronneby
Barnens Gård in Karlskrona
Meet Snakes and Monkeys
Kreativum Science Center in Karlshamn
Puzzle and Play
Do your kids have more energy than they know what to do with? Are they longing
for the chance to climb up high and swoosh down - really fast? If that’s the case, an
indoor play centre with climbing frames, tunnels, trampolines, a ball pit and slides
should fit the bill. (But be prepared to spend a few hours there!) 2,500 square metres provide plenty of space for fun and pose a challenge to their
concentration. You need to keep your wits about you on the popular race track.
Grown-ups can join in the fun or relax in the restaurant. There’s a separate
section for younger children.
To find out more, please visit barnenslekland.se
Boda Borg in Karlskrona
Are you looking for a playful activity?
Here are some tips for you and your children.
Barnens Lekland in Karlskrona
Karlskrona Naval Museum
Eeny, meeny,
miny, moe ...
Let Off Steam and Climb Indoors
Count up and see which letter you selected most frequently.
That tells you which of our suggestions may suit you best.
Which kind of
are you?
Soft sandy beach or
sun-kissed rocks? Indoor
or outdoor pool? Some­
times there are just too
many choices. Take our
test and the decision
will go swimmingly!
1. What’s your Number One
priority when taking a dip?
A. Thrills and splashes
B. Having the beach to myself/ourselves
C. Good beach hangouts
D. Warm water regardless of the weather
E. Not too far to work and shops
2. How do you take the plunge?
A. Love to lose control
B. Preferably alone/just us
C. Very, very, very slowly
D. In a strictly controlled way
E. Fast and fabulously
A. Active and fun-loving
B. Cool and natural
A waterpark where you can play to your heart’s content in a lake with canals, bays
and islands. Choose between a shallow-water beach and a deep lagoon for diving –
and two thrills-and-spills water slides! There’s also a 25 m swimming pool for swimming lengths, a paddling pool and an outdoor Jacuzzi. The waterpark has a kiosk
selling ice cream, soft drinks and snacks and there’s a lunch restaurant nearby.
Do we have any suggestions? No, because then everyone would know about
those secluded rocks or bays. But you’re sure to find your special hideaway somewhere along the Blekinge coast and on our islands. Please respect Sweden’s
Right of Public Access [Allemansrätten]. You are allowed to bathe at any beach
provided it is not in the immediate vicinity of a residence, or part of a nature
reserve or other protected area.
C. Salt and soft
C. Fresh and fit
Sandviken has an exotic, tropical island feeling. But this beach of chalky white
sand lapped by crystal-clear seawater is in Blekinge! The shallow water makes it
ideal for families with young children. Attractions include great places to hang out,
the magnificent view and fantastic sunsets. There’s a jetty, WC, kiosk, restaurant,
playground and beach volleyball.
Serene freshwater lake set in beautiful scenery with plenty of space for playing
and other activities. It has a sandy beach and grassy areas for you to enjoy.
There are two diving towers of three and five metres close by. There’s also a playground, restaurant and kiosk. Hiring a canoe to explore Lake Halen is another
great option.
D. Comfort and harmony-loving
E. Urban and social
We know you’re going to love Varmbadhuset’s two different pool departments,
Jacuzzi, steam and dry sauna and period cabins.
An authentic, turn-of-the-century
bathing experience. Additional pampering is available in the form of an aroma
sauna, massage, etc. Karlskrona Swimming Baths are right next door.
Our suggestion is situated about 500 metres from the Main Square, on the
East Pier. There’s a sunbathing and swimming jetty with a ladder. The water
is quite deep and so it’s easy to cool off quickly. And there’s always a spot to
sit down. You enjoy all the benefits of proximity to the town, with the added
bonus of picturesque views of Näsviken and Kastellet.
Ronneby Brunnsbad
Discover your own
3. Which surrounding
surface do you prefer?
A. A slippery surface is potentially hilarious
B. Natural – preferably rocks
C. Grass, sand or jetty
D. Wipe-clean
E. Any spot will do
4. What makes you see red?
A. People who fuss about getting splashed
B. Someone stealing my spot
C. Sand in my sandwiches
D. Unidentified Floating Objects
E. If I don’t have time to get there
5. Which smell do you prefer?
A. Gleeful kids letting off steam
B. My own
C. Seaweed or forest
D. Shower gel
E. Sun-drenched city
Sandviken Sölvesborg
Halen Olofström
6. Which sounds do you prefer?
A. Water-slide screams
B. Lapping waves and twittering birds
C. Laughter, splashing – and the bickering
of some other family
D. The noise a purification filter makes
E. Chattering shoppers and heels on pavement
7. What’s your swimming style?
A. Who has time to swim?
B. Long, slow strokes
C. My feet must touch the bottom
D. Everyone should swim in single-file
E. In keeping with my image
bathing places
+ one thousand
8. What about food?
A. I buy a snack from the kiosk
B. I take a picnic
C. Fruit squash, buns, coffee
D. Swimming and food don’t mix
E. I grab something to eat in town
Varmbadhuset Karlskrona
Citybad Karlshamn
Scan with Layar
No End of
Blekinge Arkipelag is an organisation
working hard to ensure there will
always be wonderful, enjoyable and
exciting archipelago adventures.
people and
Blekinge Archipelago was recognised
as a biosphere reserve by UNESCO
in 2011. Non-profit organisation
Blekinge Arkipelag has been tasked
with supporting, preserving and
developing the area’s biological and
cultural diversity, as well as developing
and stimulating businesses, especially
in the tourism/hospitality industry.
To find out more, please visit
Archipelago A bait
Imagine going ashore on an island and suddenly
catching sight of a harbour seal! Or watching a boat
being lovingly crafted by hand one day and visiting a
17th century fort the next. And fishing in that special
bay where plenty of monster pikes are lurking.
Glorious, magnificent memories to take home from
No one would argue with that. But if we want our
children and grandchildren to be able to reel in a giant
pike or smell the same scent of hot tar at a historic ship­
yard, we have a duty to preserve all the marvellous treasures along Blekinge’s coastal area and on our islands.
By marvellous treasures we mean all the pieces
of the mosaic – large and small – that make up your
archipelago experience: the wind ruffling your hair on
a sailing trip, the gossamer coastal meadows, the sea
mussel cupped in your child’s hand, the warmth of the
sun on your face during a bike ride, the muffled throbbing from a passing fishing boat. Everything from the
beautiful spa villas in Ronneby to the green-spotted
toad on the outer limits of our archipelago.
Blekinge Arkipelag
The non-profit organisation Blekinge Arkipelag is
working for sustainability. It shares its name with the
coastal area and islands around Karlskrona, Ronneby
and Karlshamn it aims to protect.
Sustainability means achieving a balance between
utilising our natural environment today and preserving
it for the generations of tomorrow. Consider bladderwrack – a type of seaweed that grows among boulders
Catch a record-breaking salmon
Do you dream of landing a large silver-coloured
salmon of 11 kilos? If so, you should try your luck at
Mörrums Kronolaxfiske in Karlshamn. This is where
you can fish for some of the world’s biggest salmon
and sea trout. Of course, this place attracts fishing
enthusiasts from every corner of the earth.
Along the Mörrum river, you can fish from
the bank, a casting jetty, in pools or by wading in
the river. Mörrums Kronolaxfiske also offers packa­ges including accommodation, and works with proficient fishing guides to help you learn more about
technology, equipment and fishing strategies.
and rocks on the seabed. It provides shelter for almost
half of all sea creatures. If bladderwrack were to
disappear, the fish spawn would have nowhere to take
refuge and other creatures would lose an important
source of food… Bladderwrack’s very existence has an
impact on whether the children of the future will ever
know the thrill of catching a pike.
Living archipelago
It’s also important to support the small businesses
that make the archipelago vibrant and your visit here
even more eventful. It’s satisfying to visit an archipelago restaurant serving locally sourced food, and
highlighting the local food culture and craftsmanship.
Not just because of the super delicious taste, but
because it benefits the local area’s vegetable growers
and livestock farmers, and reduces the burden on the
natural environment.
The partnership has
a ripple effect: animals grazing on our
islands prevent landscape overgrowth,
which allows you to
hike, bathe and enjoy
the dramatic scenery.
The result is a living
archipelago with a
treasure trove of
experiences – today
and tomorrow.
that’s hard
to resist!
In the lakes,
rivers and
coastline of
Blekinge, you’ll
find challenges
and fishing
plea­sure almost
all-year round.
Pull up herring at the harbour
Imagine being able to haul up a bunch of fish with every cast. You’d have to ensure you’re in the right place
when the herring leave, in April - May. You’ll have the
best chance in the harbours of coastal towns or at a
bridge between the islands. The only thing you’d need
is a casting rod with tackle; i.e. a length of line with
many small hooks and a sinker. Then you just need
to cast out, let the line sink, and wind it in.
Try your luck in an inland lake
Fly fishing, spin fishing or angling. In Harasjömåla
Fiskecamp in Olofström, you can choose to buy a
fishing card determined by how and what you want to
fish. Here, there are many lakes as well as the artificial
currents of Flugströmmen. Inplanted trout and rain-
bow trout are, of course, big attractions but there is
also good pike and perch-fishing. At the fishing camp
at Harasjömåla, you can camp, rent cabins and boats,
and make trips into the wonderful wilds of nature.
Be this year’s pike-king or queen
The person who pulls up the most centimetres of
pike will win the prize at Blekinge’s Gäddfestival
(Pike Festival), on 3rd and 4th October. The competition area includes Blekinge’s coastal waters
stretching from the county border in the east to
the Skräbeån river in the west. Come and try your
luck – perhaps you can better last year’s winning
pike of 126 cm?
Try your luck out at sea
The sea and coastline of Blekinge offers really great
fishing opportunities – both from a boat and from
land. You can fish for sea trout, salmon and pike but
also for cod and flatfish, depending on the time of
year. There are several operators who will take you
to the best fishing grounds or provide rental of boats,
equipment and knowledgeable guides. There are
also complete packages that can be booked – you
could, for example, stay in an apartment at Hälleviks
Camping from where you can get out to the fishing
in just 10 minutes.
Find out more at visitblekinge.se
A hotel
, lo
wooden vely
and a pa las
rk ...
and Regenerate
in Brunnsparken
Discover the peace and quiet of this
lovely setting, or liven things up at
flea markets and the water park.
Ronneby Brunnspark is a very special place. People
have been coming here since the 1700s. The
mineral spring and the beautiful scenery were the
main attractions at first. People came here to drink
and bathe in the restorative spring water, and take
invigorating walks. A hotel, lovely wooden villas and
a park took shape and Ronneby developed into a
famous spa. It was the perfect place for recreation
and activity – and it still is.
Refuel yourself
This is the place to refuel both body and soul. Many
people opt to stay at the Ronneby Brunn spa and
conference hotel on the edge of the park, and carry
on the tradition of therapeutic bathing and massage. These days, they’re likely to include a yoga, core
or hydrospinning session! And the icing on the cake:
a cabaret show in the evening.
Families will enjoy the Brunnsbadet water park
but, if they prefer to stay on dry land, there’s the
playground or Naturum with exhibitions about
Blekinge’s natural history.
Scan with Layar
Coffee and shopping
Some of the park villas now house B&Bs, and other
businesses. The Trädgård & Design Exklusiv Company, with its webshop and art gallery, is housed in
the park’s oldest house, parts of which date back to
the 1600s. The bright and attractive Brunnsparken
Restaurant & Café serves traditional Swedish fare,
as well as coffee, cakes and light bites. Café Mandel­
tårtan, with its cosy sofa and armchair groupings
and delicious pastries, can be found in another villa.
Throngs of bargain hunters descend on the flea
market in the airy Brunnshallarna every Sunday
from April to October.
Visit a festival and flea markets
Are you looking for something a bit livelier? Come
to the park when one of its events is in progress.
Visit the inspiring Wellness Festival, with exhibitors,
workshops and talks, and join in one of the yoga
sessions. Or come and admire the two and
four-wheel classic vehicles at the Nostalgia Festival.
Dog shows, guided tours, concerts, summer fitness
sessions and sing-alongs at Brunnskvittret are other
great reasons to visit the park
People have been coming
here since the 1700s.
Flea market
r an
et f o
Get s aining
enter er in
summ ge.
A summer of
Jazz and Culture
1. Holje Market
22-24 May
A market that will have you munching candy
floss, haggling with stall holders, riding on carousels, and being well and truly entertained.
And let’s not forget the all-important duck
race. The market’s grande finale is a lottery
– the winner is the person with the fastest
plastic duck in a race on Holjeån River.
smorgasbord of music, embroidery, literature
and magic. The Culture Festival comprises
about 150 events in and around Olofström,
and the influence of two of the region’s big
names is sure to linger on: Harry Martinsson
and Sven Edvin Salje. This year’s festival theme
is “I flyktens spår” (Following the exile’s tracks).
4. Nostalgia Festival
27 June
Norje is home to a world-class rock festival
in June. More than 30,000 festival-goers flock
here to enjoy everything from prog rock to
extreme metal, This year’s line-up includes
Judas Priest and Def Leppard.
Some say beautiful Ronneby Brunnspark gets
even lovelier when it overflows with nostalgia.
This happens once a year. Thousands of cars,
lorries, motorbikes and scooters roll into the
park. And they’re all classics from days gone by.
This coincides with a large Classical Vehicle and
Memorabilia Market. If you turn up in a classic
vehicle, you’re guaranteed a parking space.
3. Nässelfrossa
5. Killebom Festival
2. Sweden Rock Festival
3-6 June
21-28 June
For eight days each summer, Olofström serves
up a huge helping of culture. It’s a veritable
1-5 July (prel. dates)
Stalls with traders, a mediaeval market, on-stage
entertainment, handicrafts and delicious food.
Golf Coast
Come along to a town
party, rock out at a
music festival, feast
on culture or go a bit
crazy! Get set for an
entertaining summer
in Blekinge.
Everyone’s invited to Sölvesborg’s town festival,
and virtually all the events and activities are free.
6. Hasslö Festival
9 July–11 July
At the heart of the Karlskrona Archipelago,
the Hasslö Festival ramps up its amplifiers
yet again. A festival that promises fresh new
music as well as legendary rock – and which
attracts almost ten thousand festival-goers.
We can already reveal the names of two of
this year’s performers: Tomas Ledin and Jill
Johnson. Talented bands from south-east
Sweden will also be playing.
7. Tosia Bonnadan
10-12 July
This market has an impressive history
stretching back 150 years – and it’s also one
of Sweden’s largest markets. Ronneby town
centre fills up with about 100,000 visitors and
Axels Nöjesfält keeps the carousels spinning.
Eight classic Swedish golf
courses – all very different
8. Karlshamn Baltic Festival
15-18 July
Come and party at one of the largest free
festivals in Sweden! You’ll find a funfair,
exciting food, all the culture you can handle
and big-name entertainers. And you won’t
be able to resist the rhythms of the carnival
procession winding through the town.
All this coincides with the Baltic Sea Song
Contest, where talented performers from
Sweden’s neighbouring countries compete
against each other.
10. Hällevik Trad Jazz Festival
6-9 August
Are you a jazz lover? You won’t want to miss
our jazz festival. Once it gets under way, the
sleepy little fishing port of Hällevik is transformed into a vibrant New Orleans. The
festival’s international atmosphere and high
level of artistry attracts a huge audience of
different nationalities. The festival is the only
one of its kind in southern Sweden.
11. Smakfestivalen
30 August
9. Karlskrona Skärgårdsfest
28 July–2 August
A party in the World Heritage City of Karlskrona, featuring an impressive line-up of
big-name performers. The city is taken over
by wonderful market stalls, sporting activities, carousels, food and drink – and hordes
of happy party-goers.
Local producers are the heart and soul
of the ‘Taste Festival’. How about freshpressed oils, sourdough bread, marmalade,
spicy sausages, vegetables and organic ice
cream? It’s a golden opportunity to buy
fresh produce and sample new delicacies.
The magnificence of Blekinge’s golf courses is almost
a drawback. It’s easy to get distracted when you only
have to look up to see the sea sparkling nearby. Or
when you suddenly find yourself in a stunning cultural landscape. But let’s assume you’re enough of a
pro to take a thrilling round of golf on a breathtaking
course in your stride.
Blekinge’s golf courses have one aspect in common: they’re all well-tended and the golf clubs are
leading from the front in their environmental work.
But they’re also very different: each one has a unique
character and offers different types of challenges.
Coast, forest, seaside or park…Just take your pick!
And their different settings aside, the golf courses are
not far apart – it takes less than hour to drive from
east to west.
The golf courses that comprise Sweden’s Golf Coast
are: Sölvesborg GK, Karlshamns GK, Ronneby
GK, Leråkra GK, Carlskrona GK, Nicklastorp GK,
Boa Olofström GK and Trummenäs GK.
To find out more, please visit www.sverigesgolfkust.se
Book travel, accommodation and green fee at
Nicklastorp GK
Boa Olofströms GK
Sölvesborgs GK
Karlshamns GK
Ronneby GK
Leråkra GK
Carlskrona GK Trummenäs GK
that rocks!
Rockabilly couple Jessica and Magnus
Olsson love to go caravanning and they
do it in retro style. They previously had
a Swedish egg-shape caravan, but now
there’s a Danish MKP -69 behind their
1954 Ford. The couple’s four daughters
have always joined them on their cara­
vanning trips – and after 20 years the
tradition is still going strong.
6 quick questions for the Olssons
What’s the best thing about camping?
“The simplicity. Getting away from modern conveniences and
stress. We make coffee on the stove, not in a percolator. And
the microwave is banned. It’s also so easy to chat to people
at a campsite. The kids have always loved running around the
campsite making new friends.”
Your best camping memory?
“It would have to be all the Midsummer Eves! All our family
and friends meeting up at a campsite, and camping and celebrating together. There’s a wonderful feeling of camaraderie.”
Best camping food?
“Ha ha, tinned potatoes and meatballs with cream sauce.
We always had this when the kids were little and now it’s
always the first meal we have when we get to a camp site.”
Best storage tip in a small space?
“Use the awning – that’s where the space is. And only take
what you really need. You get the hang of it after a few years.”
It’s Easy to Find Your Dream
Camping & Caravan Site
You can camp by the sea with the city just a short walk
away. Or you may find a sweet spot by a lake where
you can paddle your canoe.
There’s a perfect camping
& caravan site for every
fisherman, festival-goer,
culture enthusiast or
golfer. Pick and choose
from the 20 wonderful
camping & caravan
sites you can find at
What do you do in the caravan when it rains?
“Play games like noughts and crosses, cards, Ludo… The kids
have never felt the holiday has been ‘rained off’. They have
fond memories of the time we spend sitting together, talking
and laughing.”
Funniest camping memory?
“The time we were on our way to Denmark and the car broke
down. We had to push the car and caravan on to the ferry and
push them off when we got to Denmark. Or when we had the
SMV (egg-shaped caravan) and the front part of the egg was
almost falling off. The kids wondered why we were driving so
The annual weeklong culture festi­
val is sure to sur­
prise and captivate
you. Follow in the
footsteps of great
authors. Or trace
the Industrial Revo­
lution at Ebbamåla
Bruk. Olofström’s
cultural heritage
is remarkably rich
and varied.
is a Hotbed of Culture
Nässelfrossa Culture Festival
Do the words ‘small-scale’ and ‘genuine’ appeal to
you? Or maybe ‘offbeat’? If they do, the Nässelfrossa
Culture Festival is the event for you. The rich culture
of the local area is highlighted in a tingling potpourri.
You could learn to juggle at Circus School and the
best way to sleep in a tree! Perhaps 1950s rock and
roll, coffee parties, magical flute-like tones and flower
walks are more your thing? These were just a few of
the delights on offer last year.
Every year during the week after Midsummer,
about 150 events are held all over the district. The
sheer variety means there’s something for everyone
– children, adults, culture enthusiasts and people just
looking for a good time. To find out more, please visit
Writers’ Community
The name Nässelfrossa (Nettle Fever) is borrowed
from one of the region’s giants – Nobel Prize winner
Harry Martinsson. He wrote several novels, including
the autobiographical “Nässlorna blomma” (Flowering
Nettles). The Harry Martinson Society is one of
Sweden’s largest literary societies.
Ebbamåla Bruk
It took Sweden just 100 years to make a fantastic
journey – from impoverished agrarian country to a
flourishing leading industrial nation. You can trace this
journey at Ebbamåla Bruk. Visitors are guided through
the industrial revolution and learn about Sweden’s
technological cultural heritage.
Ebbamåla Bruk was founded in 1886 by Swedes
who returned home from America. The workshop
closed in 1967 and remained suspended in time
until the new owners discovered what was probably
the best-preserved engineering works in Europe. It
contains a hydroelectric plant, model carpentry, iron
foundry, forge and a large mechanical workshop. The
100-year-old hydroelectric plant is still operational
and makes Ebbamåla Bruk a climate-friendly visitor
There are several guided tours each day during
the season and on open days. You can buy products
made in the foundry and forge from the Factory Shop.
Made in Sweden
A new exhibition is opening in 2015 featuring a
number of revolutionary Swedish inventions and
products from the era when Sweden gained its global
reputation as an industrial nation.
Iron Nights
Would you like to see a red-hot spectacle? Ebbamåla
Bruk’s “Iron Nights” fit the bill. Large crowds gather
to see the foundry’s oven fired up to 1400 degrees
and the iron glowing white-hot. It’s thrilling to watch
the foundry master and his workers skilfully handling
the molten metal, and forming and casting in sand.
The blacksmith also demonstrates his skills to us.
What about the kids? They get the chance to cast
their own tin soldiers.
Find out more at www.ebbamalabruk.se
Sculptures by Carl Eldh
Carl Eldh – one of Sweden’s best-known sculptors
– is well-represented in Olofström. His wife Elise’s
childhood home was located outside Kyrkhult, and the
couple were frequent visitors to the region. Thanks to
a donation from their daughter Brita, there are close
to 30 sculptures here. At www.olofstrom.se you can
find a map showing the location of each piece.
N. Smedjegatan 1 - i hörnet av Stortorget
Vi är en populär gastropub mitt i
centrala Karlskrona med fokus på
god och vällagad mat, hantverksöl
och ett gediget whiskysortiment.
– Experience a submarine!
Menyn är bred och varierad och
innehåller allt från pubklassiker till
goda kött- och fiskrätter.
e a und d pla with mer
dd the ome
h a ark
ate Park foll . W
ou isur ls an ado
r L nima e m
s a in t
far cow
2014 blev vi utsedda till
“Sveriges bästa whiskykrog”
Häng med på virvlande äventyr
i vattenlandet, hoppa och stoja i
vårt stora lekland. Hjälp till med
smådjuren och följ med hölasset.
Här finns massa med kul att göra
för alla i familjen -stor som liten.
w w w. m a r i n m u s e u m . s e
Sandelius Kultur & Nöje presenterar
Här är det!
én m e d
na &
15 vux
å scen
barn p
Take the opportunity to visit our
neighbor Blekinge Exotiska Värld.
A Science Center that
awakens the joy of discovery
25 juli - 15 aug.
Coop Forum, BLT & Blekinges Turistbyråer
Jämshögs Gästgivaregård
Kom å busa, hela familjen!
T EL + 4 6 4 55 3 5 93 02
17 juli - 16 au
At Cajam AB you will find nice accommodation and
lots of entertainment for all ages. We’ll help you make
your visit in wonderful Blekinge a better one. Please visit
our website www.cajam.se for full program and to
make reservations.
+46 455 103 30 | info@cajam.se | www.cajam.se
artfyllda f
(Karlshamn 0454-812 03)
Lunchservering, ostar
och delikatesser, picknickkorgar, presenter,
catering, trevlig personal,
fantastiskt god buffé.
Lunch • A’la carte • Konferens • Fest • Bröllop
Play and explore more than 170 exciting discovery stations. Visit our outdoor oasis, the Kreapark, ideal
for a picnic. The Kreanova MegaDome cinema offers film experiences that are out of this world. Stop
for refreshments in our café, Kreaficum, or browse among fascinating objects in our shop, Kreaffären.
Welcome to Kreativum – discoveries for the whole family!
We l c o
m e to
Restaurant • Meetings • Rooms • Activities
Följ oss på Facebook.
Fishing, golf, hiking, horse riding, canoeing
Bygatan 21 • 293 73 Jämshög • +46 (0)709 - 46 93 94
ÖPPETTIDER Vardagar 10–18 Lördagar 10–15 Söndagar stängt
Buy your combination-ticket at Kreativum.
Strömmavägen 28, Karlshamn
www.kreativum.se • Tel. 0454 303360
i l d e s t p l a c e i n Ka r l s h a m n
Med i White Guide
för 8:e året i rad.
Fiske, golf, kanotpaddling, vandring, turridning
500 square metres in which you can
learn about animals from five different
parts of the world. Within this lush environment, you can encounter everything
from snakes, spiders and lizards to
meerkats, monkeys and turtles. We look
forward to welcoming you – if you dare.
Strömmavägen 28, Karlshamn
Next to Kreativum!
Historical experiences
Unna dig en nostalgitripp
och besök albinsson & sjöbergs
bil- & porslinsmUseUm
i karlskrona.
photo Blekinge museum/Jonas Eckerbom
Exhibitions with various themes
Playground with archipelago theme
Activities for the whole family
Stunning settings at Grevagården in Karlskrona!
20 jun-20 aug
Ons-fre · Wed-fri 11.00-18.00
Lör-sön · Sat-sun 11.00-16.00
Året runt · Year around
Lördagar · Saturdays 11.00-16.00
enligt ö.k, ring 073-620 08 57
by appointment, call 073-620 08 57
A Blekinge Gem!
Albinsson & Sjöbergs Museer, Östra Hamngatan 7 D, Karlskrona
För information om öppettider och entréavgifter, besök www.fabas.se
Bokning: telefon 0455-36 12 23 eller museum@fabas.se
Ekebacksvägen 10 · 370 24 Nättraby · 0455 - 477 57 · 073 - 620 08 57
malin@malinmena.se · www.malinmena.se
tis-fre 11-16
lör-sön 11-15
Kallingevägen 3, Tel. 0457-61 75 00
If you mention Mörrums Kronolaxfiske, anglers from all over the world will immediately associate it with large
salmon and sea trout. Not so strange really, as huge fish have been caught here since 1231.
Our season runs from March to September.
Nowadays we also offer courses, guiding and introductions to casting techniques and fly tying. We also offer
attractive rates for families during the summer months. You can also visit our in-house exhibition which details
the life cycle of the salmon and sea trout as well as documenting other wildlife to be found along the river
Mörrum and offering an insight into the history of angling.
There is also a large aquarium containing several species which can be found in the river.
You will also find a shop and a restaurant.
Open: 1/3 – 30/9 Mon. – Sat 9–17 Sun. 10–15
Mörrums Kronolaxfiske
Great fishing stories since 1231
or 0454-501 23
On the animals’ terms
Friendly B&B in a country manor setting, close to
all that Gö nature reserve has to offer.
Conferences in a secluded and unique environment
at Admiral Johan Puke’s beautiful Göholm.
Upplev vildmarken
Experience the wilderness
Stugor • Fiske • Jakt • Badtunna m.m.
Cottages • Fishing • Hunting • Sauna etc.
Go on safari at one of northern Europe’s
largest protected areas for wild life. Also
hotel, conference, restaurants and café.
Barbeque evenings and Sunday brunch
during the summer. Welcome!
Telephone 0733-30 70 71 goholm@aggaboden.se
Restaurant with pub-evenings and other cultural events,
accommodation and conferences. We can be found in
Gärestad village and Västra Torggatan 1, Ronneby
Lars & Maria Sällström • Nytebodav. 337 • SE 293 91 Olofström • Sweden
Tel: +46(0)454-470 54, +46(0)70-914 93 94
E22 exit 54 Åryd
Telephone 0457-36142 www.aggaboden.se info@aggaboden.se
Conference - Spa - Resort
Wellbeing at Ronneby Brunn!
www.ronnebybrunn.se • info@ronnebybrunn.se
Tel: 0457-75 000 • Follow us on Facebook
Visit the Polish Riviera!
In t he middle of Ble k inge in Sou t h S we de n
Visit our beautiful Archipelago
We offer a various kind of accommodations, conferences,
nature activities like fishing, kayaking, horse-riding,
boat tours, biking, hiking and bird watching.
Garnanäs Fishingcamp
Fishing boats, cabins, hunting, conference
Järnavik Camping
Cabins, store, restaurant, miniature golf
Järnavik Youth Hostel STF
Room’s, conference, bikes, packages
Pelles Sjöbod Stenshamn
A kiosk in Karlskrona archipelago utmost sea bands.
Kayaks, canoes, packages, courses
• Coffee, tea, soda,
Kina´s cookies,
ice cream, candy,
toast, grillpanini etc.
• Hire of bicycles.
• Gifts with
a marine theme.
Svalemåla holiday village
Fishing, boats, bikes, conference, events
Väbylunds Islandshästar
Horse riding, riding school, events,
camps for children, special arrangements
+46 709-81 66 78
Dagliga turer med
Daily trips with the public
Archipelago traffic from
the ports of Fisktorget
Karlskrona and Torhamn.
When you’re enjoying a break in the idyllic archipelago of Karlskrona, visit the
Polish Riviera which is close at hand. Combine your break with a 24 or 36 hour
cruise to Poland. Just a ferry ride away, you will reach a pulsating metropolis
that offers you great shopping, fabulous beaches and fantastic selection
of food and drink for half the price of home. Enjoy the beach life and the
luxurious hotels, cosy beer gardens or explore the Polish culture and history.
Don’t miss the Galleria Riviera–northern Poland’s biggest shopping centre
with 250 stores. On board you can relax and spend time with loved ones,
eat well and enjoy pampering spa treatments.
Don’t miss the chance to shop in our Bordershop!
Take advantage of our great value deals in our Bordershop on board, offering
you a wide range of products at greatly reduced prices. Stock up ahead of the
celebrations this spring.
Book at stenaline.se or call +46 (0)770-57 57 00
Booking fee is added at personal service. *Price for 24/36 hour cruises incl. Comfort Class 2 bed inside cabin. Valid Mon–Wed if 2 persons in cabin.
1/1–31/3 + 13/10–20/11 fr 99:-/pp, 1/4–22/6 + 1/9–12/10 fr 149:-/pp, 23/6–31/8 + 21/11–31/12 fr 199:-/pp. ***Price for transport return ticket incl.
Comfort Class 2 bed inside cabin, if 2 persons in cabin. Stay 1–3 nights. 1/1–30/3 + 13/10–28/12 fr 549:-/pp, 31/3–26/6 + 1/9–12/10, 599:-/pp, 27/6–31/8, 649:-/pp.
meeting e
s and
c e s f or
We like meetings
and experiences
Incentivizing each other, laughing, taking a whole new
approach and finally: lifting off together. This is what
meeting professionally is all about. And in Blekinge,
we’ve got meeting professionally down to a fine art.
Do things differently!
All you need to bring is the agenda. The wonderful setting
that energises and inspires you is here all year round.
You’ll find it in fairytale forests and archipelago islands,
in our colourful history, in places like the harbour pilot’s
tower, a defensive fort, spas, a safari park and salmon
You can fish for crayfish, try whisky tastings, or hold
your conference on a jetty or luxury yacht. Be on the
lookout for European bison or seals on safari. Dive into
a hole in the ice, visit a ropewalk to make rope or try a
yoga session. And when the ice thickens, it’s time to lace
up your skates…
As evening falls, your entertainment options are limitless: pubs, cabarets, concerts with big names – or why
not attend an ice hockey match?
Marvellous accommodation
Stay in picturesque surroundings on Gullkråkan Island
in the archipelago, enjoy the view from Aspö Harbour
Pilot Tower, be pampered and entertained at Ronneby
Brunn spa and conference hotel.
Enjoy the stunning sea views from the rooms at
Stensvik Guest House, sleep in style at former mayor’s
villa Hotell Humbla, or stay in exclusive wilderness acco­
mmodation at Eriksberg Vilt & Natur. Blekinge is full of
comfortable and surprising alternatives.
It doesn’t matter if you’re five participants or several
hundred – Blekinge offers effective meetings and wonderful experiences for everyone.
To find out more about accommodation, activities
and conference solutions, please visit visitblekinge.se
We love our
water – all
year round
A sprinkling of snow only makes
Blekinge’s attractions even lovelier
– come and see for yourself! You can
discover new flavours redolent of
Christmas and skate on a frozen sea.
You may want to catch the first salmon in March or
ride on horseback across a landscape decked in vibrant
autumn colours? Or just stay in lovely surroundings and
enjoy excellent food on a weekend break? Blekinge is
a place you can enjoy any day of the year – outdoors
or indoors. Music venues, museums, cafés and play
centres stay open long after summer has ended.
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