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Take a tour
among 800 islands
The Naval Museum
– Museum of the year
A grinning
Encourage your
passion for discovery
The small seed
that grew into
a big vineyard
The meeting hub
Book your
event here!
is what
makes us
Our small size
c o n t e n t s
2 0 1 6
elcome to Blekinge, where you can experience
an archipelago that is beyond compare.
Along an 800 kilometre long stretch of archipelago, there are 800 islands to discover. You can step
ashore almost anywhere you wish and choose solitude
and birdsong or, together with your companions,
wonder if it really was a dragon that flew into the cliff
face on Hanö island.
06The Archipelago
12Untamed Olofström
14Stora Boråkra Vineyard
16Ronneby Brunn
18The Naval Museum
28Eriksberg Safari Park
33Recommended reading
34Sweden Rock Festival
35Festivals and markets
43Accommodation – bookable packages
46Tasting – Beer
48Tasting – Food
50 Blekinge Convention Centre
52Instagram competition
In terms of surface area, Blekinge is Sweden's second
smallest province, and perhaps it is precisely its small
scale that makes Blekinge so picturesque and exciting.
Being small has its charms, as you will discover when
you read this magazine. Small micro-breweries and
vineyards, small farm shops, artisanal crafts, small
businesses working with events and experiences, as
well as lots of other "small things" imbue our beautiful
landscape with its special individuality.
As a guest in Blekinge, you need never be idle, unless
you choose to just take it easy and enjoy the beautiful
countryside, either in the archipelago or somewhere
up in the wild forests of Olofström.
You can try out one of the world's best pike fishing
areas in Karlskrona archipelago, you can see the inside
of a submarine at the Naval Museum, or encounter the
fearsome Gribshunden figurehead at Blekinge Museum,
experience the exotic animals and other fun things in
Karlshamn, see European bison at the magnificent Eriksberg, enjoy wonderful jazz music in Hällevik or be part
of the revelry at the Sweden Rock Festival. Or why not
book yourself into the classic Ronneby Brunn spa hotel,
where you can comfortably enjoy being both pampered
and entertained. Just to mention a few options out of the
wide range of things to do here in Blekinge.
The 2016 Blekinge magazine is published by Visit Blekinge and produced by Happiend Reklambyrå.
PUBLISHER Visit Blekinge PRODUCTION Happiend Reklambyrå PRINTING Printfabriken 2016
Photographer Joakim K E Johansson, Ben G.T. Nyberg, Andreas Blomlöf & David Blomé, Digitalfilm, Visit Karlskrona, Niklas Kämpargård,
Anneli Karlsson, Annica Lagergren, Ingemar Lundgren, Joakim Lenell, Affärsverken, Robert Ekholm, Björn Dahlgren, Jeanette Rosander,
Caluva Foto, Thron Ullberg, Erling Klintefors, Statens Maritima Museer, Lars Nyman et al.
As you can see, Blekinge is located in a part of Sweden
where the options are almost unlimited. It is only your
own imagination that sets the limit.
Tourist Information Centre
Pirgatan 2
374 81 Karlshamn
+46 (0)454 812 03
Tourist Information Centre
Stortorget 2
371 34 Karlskrona
+46 (0)455 30 34 90
Tourist Information Centre
Östra Storgatan 24
293 34 Olofström
+46 (0)454 931 00
Tourist Information Centre
Kungsgatan 35
373 37 Ronneby
+46 (0)457 61 75 70
Tourist Information Centre
294 80 Sölvesborg
+ 46 (0)456 100 88
A taste of Blekinge
Fair play
in Olofström
"En resa till mer än sill och kroppkakor – Blekinge"
(Blekinge – a journey beyond herring and potato dumplings) is a travelogue and cookbook about Blekinge’s
cuisine by food writer Andreas Ivarsson. Andreas has his
roots in Karlskrona and has spend at lot of time travelling
around Blekinge, exploring
the local cuisine. He has
visited local producers and
vendors working with the
typical flavours of Blekinge.
Due to its proximity to
the coast and the sea,
Blekinge is often associated with seafood. However,
the author's travels in
Blekinge demonstrated
that food from Blekinge is
so much more – and very
tasty it is too.
The bakers best batch
Are you a collector who would like to meet
other collectors perhaps to do some business
or get an item from your collection valued?
Then you might like to visit one of the collectors'
fairs held annually in Olofström’s Folkets Hus
(People's House). The record fair for
collectors of old-fashioned vinyls
attracted around 700 visitors last time.
The coin fair is another type of fair
for collectors of old coins and it has a
number of exhibitors. A third type of fair
is the postcard fair for collectors of old
Find out more at fholofstrom.se
Sweden's sunniest town
Nina Johansson in Mörrum has built a reputation for
herself as a skilled baker and pastry chef through
her bakery, Nina’s konditori. She has won
several prestigious awards for
her beautiful pastries and cakes.
She has also published a cookbook
called ”Små hemligheter – Stora
Bakverk” (Little secrets – Great
Baking) together with the
renowned photographer from
Mörrum, Bengt Nyberg. Nina runs
bakeries in Mörrum and Ronneby,
where you can also buy her cookbook.
Karlskrona is the town that boasts the most hours of
sunshine in Sweden. According to SVT, (Swedish National
Television) which carried out measurements during the
seven weeks after midsummer, Karlskrona had 475 hours
of sunshine in 2015 and topped the sun league table in
Sweden. However, last summer was not particularly sunny.
Number two in the sun league table was Öland’s northern
headland with 463 hours and number three was Visby
with 445 hours of sunshine.
Apps that capture history
Dishing it out to
the tenants
Hi-Story conveys vivid stories that you can
listen to when you are travelling or sightseeing in your local area. To listen to the
stories, you need a smart phone and one
of Hi-Story's apps.
In the World Heritage app, Karlskrona
municipality has highlighted special buildings
and amazing stories. You will understand
the vision of the city’s founder, Karl XI, and
of course meet the people who lived and
worked here throughout history.
With the Affärsverken app you can, for
instance, get information about what you
are seeing while travelling in the Karlskrona
archipelago with the public transport company Skärgårdstrafiken. The Naval Museum
offers exciting smart guides where visitors
have the opportunity to discover hundreds
of years of naval history.
In conjunction with Karlshamn’s 350-year
anniversary in 2014, the "Karlshamn 350 year
- History Hunt” app was launched.
Sölvesborg municipality has created the
app "Sölvesborg’s guided tours" that invites
visitors to enjoy a 5.5 kilometre tour through
the city and its history.
Find out more at hi-story.se
Karlskronahem, along with ten tenants
and the same number of Karlskrona’s
most popular restaurateurs, have
created the cookbook "Skärgårdsrätter
på vårt vis” (Our archipelago dishes).”
The book invites the participants to
share their favourite dishes as well as
their personal stories. The recipes are
designed to take just half an hour to
prepare which, according to Karlskronahem, is the amount of extra leisure
time a tenant has per day, compared
to a home owner. The book is available
at Akademibokhandeln Karlskrona,
Blekinge Museum, Karlskrona Tourist
Information Centre, Orranäs Gårdsmejeri and Smedjegatan Två.
Getting around
the Blekinge
Would you like to see more of Blekinge’s archipelago
and perhaps visit some of its many islands? There
are good boat connections right across Blekinge,
including via Blekingetrafiken and Affärsverken.
Visit blekingetrafiken.se or affarsverken.se
for more information.
Twisted Sister are back
When the 80's rock stars Twisted Sister embark on their farewell tour
in 2016, they will be making a guest appearance at the Sweden Rock
Festival. The band played there once before in 2003, and on that
occasion they reunited to play at Sweden Rock. Other bands that
will playing include Hellacopters, which will see their original line up
reunited. King Diamond and Satyricon are also among the artists who
will be coming to Norje in June.
Archipelago >>
Blekinge's archipelago is a beautiful archipelago
with approximately 800 islands and about
80 natural harbours and marinas. Everything
from the small picturesque fishing harbours
to those that are located right in the
heart of the vibrant city centre.
Take a tour
among 800
lekinge's coast line extends from Sissebäck in
the west to Brömsebäck
in the north east. A distance of
about 80 nautical miles.
– In the Blekinge archipelago,
you can find your own personal
bay, says Thomas Karlsson, who
has sailed around the Blekinge
archipelago for more than 50 years.
During that time, he has made forays onto hundreds
of islands and of course he has found his own little
gems, being the outdoor enthusiast that he is. Thomas is
also the author of the publication "Natur- och gästhamnar i Blekinge skärgård” (Natural harbours and marinas
in the Blekinge archipelago), which is available to buy in
many of the marinas as well as in book stores.
What is it that makes the Blekinge
archipelago so special?
– It does not feel as crowded as it does on the east and
west coast. Here you can find a lovely natural harbour
and have it all to yourself. Blekinge offers the kind of
sailing where congestion is rare. If it does happen, then
it is by choice. Furthermore, the distances in the Blekinge
archipelago are short. For example, the distance from
Karlshamn to Ronneby or from Ronneby to Karlskrona is
only 15 nautical miles.
In Blekinge, you can enjoy Listerland’s small and
beautiful fishing villages, sail across open water to the
peculiar and popular Hanö or to Utklippan.
Between Sölvesborg and Kristianopel, there are a
number of well-equipped marinas providing the services
that today's modern yachting requires.
Is there some place in the archipelago that
would be especially interesting to visit?
– If you are interested in military history, then Torumskär
in the eastern archipelago is the place to visit. That was
where the submarine U137 ran aground. And without a
doubt Kungsholmen, with its fort, deserves a visit!
Thomas Karlsson’s five gems in the Blekinge archipelago
H ör v i k Take a lovely
walk through the fishing
village out to the Listers
Huvud (Lister's Head) lighthouse. Horseradish thrive
at the water's edge. The
seagulls cry by the coves
and the sun glistens over
the sea. Family-friendly
beaches and plenty of
opportunities for cycling.
People come here by land
as well.
Östr a B o k ö A small
uninhabited natural
paradise, in my opinion.
Lots of berries and a
wonderful view from the
highest point on the island.
A WC and a shower are
part of the amenities,
even though the island is
uninhabited. Connections
via Blekinge public
D r a gsö outside
E ri k sberg Exciting encounters with nature in beautiful
surroundings. Incredibly lovely
view when you walk up the hiking trails to the highest point
on the island and you can see
Tärnö, Hanö and the whole of
Listerlandet. You might also
catch a glimpse of deer or
happen upon some wild boar.
You will need your own boat
to get here.
Arpö For those that
love fauna and flora,
there is plenty to keep
you occupied for days.
Wonderful surroundings
for walks that will whet
your appetite for the
evening barbecue at
Mjölkbryggan. You will
need your own boat to
get here.
U ngsk är One of the
few original fishing villages that remain. A feast
for the eyes with plenty
of sea front meadows
and cattle grazing along
the waterfront. Connections via Blekinge public
Find out more at blekingeskargard.com
The old man and the sea
Sterner Nilsson was born on Hallö
in the Karlshamn archipelago more than
80 years ago. To abandon the sea is
unthinkable for an old sea dog.
e looks out over the
waters from his beautiful
red cottage, which has
been handed down through the
generations since it was built in
the 1700s. Sterner says that in
the beginning of that century, the
plague devastated the island and
almost all the inhabitants of Hallö
perished. The sole survivors were
a widow and her daughter.
Meanwhile, two men fled from
Åhus in a boat to escape being
drafted into active service. They
headed eastwards across Hanö
bay. One of the men came ashore
on Hallö and fell in love with the
widow's daughter. They married
and had children, who in turn
married and settled on the island
with their families.
– In this way the island was
repopulated and up until the
end of the1940s a lot of people
lived on the island and supported
themselves by fishing. We had
a seven-year primary school
education programme on the
island that I attended. For us boys
the sea and fishing was a forgone
conclusion. When the fishing got
worse, almost everyone chose
to sell their houses and move to
the mainland. But this house will
continue to be handed down, says
There are no permanent
residents left on the island. The
twenty-two households all consist
of summer residents.
Bloody murder
In the early 1900s, a travelling
knife grinder came to the island
one Saturday to help the islanders
on Hallö to sharpen their knives
and other cutting tools. In the
evening there was a party and
alcohol was flowing freely. The
knife grinder got into an argument
with one of the islanders, he drew
his knife and cut the man so badly
that he bled to death.
One of the women helped the
knife grinder by rowing him over
to the mainland and he fled to
Bornholm. However, his longing
to return home overwhelmed him
and six years later he returned to
the Karlshamn area. He was subsequently arrested by the police
and sentenced to prison.
You too can discover
Karlskrona archipelago
Archipelago >>
Come and experience our archipelago all year round.
The Karlskrona archipelago is unique and there is
always a new island to discover. Our boats make it easy
to get out there and explore the islands. Timetables
and prices can be found at www.affarsverken.se.
we have tours to suit all tastes
Choose from an exciting tour of the World Heritage city, that includes
gun powder storage and fortifications, or a leisurely tour along the
idyllic Nättrabyån (Nättraby river). Or why not join us for a trip around
Trossö or to the eastern archipelago for a great day out!
in Blekinge
Väggahamnen, Karlshamn
Choose the Blue Flag for
comfort and convenience
There are plenty of places to
moor your boat in the Blekinge
archipelago. We recommend
marinas that fly the Blue Flag
as they are fully-equipped
with all the amenities.
ome people prefer solitude and
tranquillity to comfort. But if you
would like running water, a shower, toilets, a cafeteria, a shop, Wi-Fi, boat
cleaning facilities, etc., there are numerous
well-maintained and pleasant marinas, along
the coastline as well as on the islands.
Many of these fly the 'Blue Flag', which
means they are well maintained, have a
green profile and provide information,
as well as high levels of service and security.
Find out more at visitblekinge.se
shrimp feast or ice-cream breaK?
We have light snacks and ice cream on board most of our boats. In
the summer, we load our boat M/F Gåsefjärden full of shrimp for our
popular shrimp feast. You can book tickets at Skärgårdstrafiken
by phoning +46 455-783 30.
See you at sea in the summer!
Dragsö Utkik Karlskrona Ekenabben Sturkö Karlskrona Ekenäs Ronneby Garpahamnen Hasslö Karlskrona Gunnön Karlshamn Hallahamnen Hasslö Karlskrona Hanö Sölvesborg Hermans Heja Sölvesborg Hällevik Sölvesborg Karlshamn Karlshamn Karlskrona Stadsmarina Karlskrona Karön Ronneby Kristianopel Karlskrona Lökanabben Aspö Karlskrona Matvik Karlshamn Saltö Fiskhamn Karlskrona Sanda Sturkö Karlskrona Sandhamn Karlskrona Stenshamn Karlskrona
50th anniversarY?
Do you know that you
can rent an archipelago boat
for your party?
Phone +46 455-783 30
and we will tell you more!
Sternö Karlshamn Svanevik Karlshamn Säljö Udde Karlskrona Sölvesborgs innerhamn Sölvesborg Torhamn Karlskrona Torsö Sölvesborg Tärnö Karlshamn Ungskär Karlskrona Utklippan Karlskrona Vägga Karlshamn
Box 530, 371 23 Karlskrona. Phone +46 455-783 00. www.affarsverken.se
It lurks in the reeds
and is surrounded by
myth. Suddenly it bites
and the battle begins.
Angling for pike
is fascinating.
Karlskrona Fishing
is here to help you
Are you ready to test your fishing
skills in Blekinge? In that case, you
can contact Karlskrona Fishing, an
organization that has assembled
Karlskrona's leading angling businesses and organisations in the
one place. Together they provide
all kinds of fishing for all kinds
of fishermen. They also provide
accommodation, boats and
equipment for a successful fishing
adventure in Karlskrona's beautiful
The businesses and organisations involved in Karlskrona
Fishing are Pikestrike Sweden,
Sandhamn Marine, Dragsö sportfishing, Karlskrona Båt & Fiske.
Find out more at
More fishing paradises
in Blekinge
Welcome to the
realm of the pike
n the Karlskrona archipelago, the population
of small pike fry is
abundant and they grow into
real giants.
Anyone who has ever hooked
a pike of about 10-15 kilograms
seldom forgets the experience!
During late spring, summer
and early autumn, you will
find pike in the mid and outer
archipelago, around the isolated
shallows, islands and along the
steep banks of major islands.
Good baits are jigs, spoon bait,
pike spinners, sinking jerk baits
and wobblers. When it is really
bright and warm, it can be difficult to get the pike to bite during
the day. Then you should try in
the late evening or early morning
Always use a snell when
pike fishing. Otherwise, the
pike's sharp teeth will easily bite
through the line.
Mörrumsån is one of Sweden's best
Svalemåla Fiske offers good pike fishing in
salmon fishing waters. Mörrumsån is
known among anglers all over Europe
as the stocks of wild salmon and sea
trout are unique. Find out more at
Järnaviksfjärden and in the water around the
Bjärnö and Tjärö islands, as well as a little further
out towards Tärnö island. There is also fishing
in the Bräkneån and Vierydsån rivers. Svalemåla
Stugby sell fishing permits and have boats for hire.
Find out more at svalemala.se
Cod fishing
Today, mostly sea fishing rods
equipped with 200-250 gram
jigs are used, as well as thin but
incredibly strong braided lines,
for cod fishing. It is also possible
to use regular pike fishing equipment together with lighter jigs
and rubber baits. Cod is relatively
easy to catch, but at the same
time it is a real fighter. You can
also fish for cod with a regular
bottom bait rig and worms or fish
pieces as bait.
Perch fishing
Perch can often be found in
pretty much the same places as
people during the summer, for
instance, next to bridges, island
rock beds, piers and harbours
where bleak and other small fish
congregate in large shoals.
Angling for perch in these places
is very rewarding. Large perch
will happily go for a bleak on a
triple hook.
You can also fish for perch
with light casting equipment
and a thin line. Small spinners in
copper, gold and brass usually
work well. Small jigs are also very
Trolling for salmon
Trolling is a method of fishing
where one or more fishing lines
are drawn behind a boat or from
the side of a boat. Trolling from
kayaks has also been successfully
tested, which gives a new and
unique way of fishing for salmon
from a boat.
flies dancing by the river, make
the experience both beguiling
and inspiring.
The trail ends with yet another
memory from the district's rich
industrial history when you reach
the old Benstampen mill in
Lakes as smooth as
glass, enchanting
forests full of wild
mushrooms and berries.
The total serenity and
silence in the middle of
Sweden's southernmost
wilderness. Welcome
to Olofström.
ake the opportunity to
leisurely glide through
serene and glassy
waters, peacefully fish from your
very own pier, take part in an
exciting hunt or experience the
beautiful countryside on cycling
and hiking trails, all entirely free
of cars. Or why not paddle along
one of the canoe trails.
Olofström has plenty for
everyone who love untamed
open spaces.
A three-kilometre hike, for
example, on the section of
Laxaleden from Ebbamåla Bruk
down to Benstampen at Angölsmåla.
>> The most beautiful
part of the walk is
the Käringahejan
nature reserve, with
its dramatic steep
slopes down to
the river. <<
Find out more at visitolofstrom.se
Buy a multi-fishing permit
The Mörrumså river –
the main transport route
Let your imagination transport
you one hundred years back in
time to the Hovmansbygd station. A time when the railway,
the mill, the dairy and a multitude
of other activities filled this now
sleepy area with life. A time when
the river was the main transport
route that provided energy and
trade. It may also be worth your
while to stop at Ebbamåla Bruk,
one of the country's best preserved industrial heritage sites.
Damsel flies
Along the hiking trail the remains
of Hovmansbygd’s lower fisheries
are visible. You can see the remnants of the old stone vats which
have fallen into disrepair since
the fishery was closed, following
the construction of the power
plant in Hemsjö in 1907.
The most beautiful part of the
walk is the Käringahejan nature
reserve, with its dramatic steep
slopes down to the river. The
sun filtering down through the
canopy of trees and the damsel
Olofström with all its lakes
and rivers has an abundance
of fish such as pike, pikeperch, perch, bream, salmon
trout and more. In order to
make things easier for fishing enthusiasts, three fishery
conservation associations
have developed a multi-fishing permit in collaboration
with Harasjömåla Fiskecamp.
If you purchase this fishing
permit you can go fishing in
several lakes.
was both
beguiling and
the Stora Boråkra vineyard
The small seed
that grew into
a big vineyard
A small seed was sown when Staffan Ottosson read
that the warm climate of southern Europe was no
longer optimal for viticulture. That seed has now
become one of Sweden's largest vineyards with about
3,000 vines, wine tours, wine tasting and a restaurant.
hen Staffan and his
wife Lil took over Stora
Boråkra estate just
outside Karlskrona 20 years ago,
he had no thoughts of running
a farm. He was a civil engineer
and had another job.
But then there was that
article eight years ago that stuck
in his head. The warm climate
in southern Europe meant that
grapes were losing their acidity.
Vineyards had started to buy
grapes from southern England.
The same article described
southern Sweden as being ideal
for viticulture.
Staffan had a brainwave and
ordered 300 vines from Germany that he then planted.
– The farm was south-facing
and Karlskrona is the sunniest
place in Sweden, a perfect combination. The first harvest was
mostly to see if the vines would
thrive in their new surroundings,
and if we liked them, he says.
Built a winery
The vines thrived. And Staffan
was so pleased with the vines
that he ordered 500 more.
But now he could no longer
continue to make wine at home
in his kitchen. He received EU
funds which meant he could
invest in his own winery and
>> Something aromatic,
very refreshing taste
with hints of honeydew
melon, pear, herbs, peach
and citrus. Serve at 8–10°C
with fish or seafood,
or as an aperitif. <<
Systembolaget’s (The Swedish Alcohol
Retailing Monopoly) description of Solaris.
soon the vineyard had 3,000
vines! In 2014, he was able to
sell his own white wine, Solaris,
to Systembolaget.
– I named the wine after the
grape. It was well received and
sold out, he says.
Our success continued in
Wine tours
At the same time, there was
an increased interest from the
public in visiting the vineyard
to get an insight into how wine
is made. A new concept was
born. Wine tours, wine tasting
and dinners, as he has also built
a restaurant on the estate for
private parties. Word spread.
– Now we have huge bus
loads of people coming here in
the summer and twice a week
we have public tours for a few
hours, says Staffan who is now
a full time wine grower.
The product range has also
been extended with Boåkra Exelent, a brandy-like product that
is distilled from wine. A sparkling
wine is also in the pipeline.
– It should really have been
launched for New Year 2015,
but I made the mistake of pressing the champagne cork too far
down into some of the bottles.
Imagine, people just about to
How to make white
wine in five steps:
1 The state of the vine affects
the grapes that are produced. You have to nurture
it well and harvest the right
amount of grapes.
2 The grapes are picked and
brought to the winery,
where they are pressed
gently to form a liquid that
resembles must.
3 Yeast is added to the must
in a tank.
Find out more at storaborakra.se
toast the new year being unable to get the cork out of the
bottle, I didn't want to be part
of that. But the wine is good
and it will be on offer at my
wine tastings, says Staffan.
4 The liquid needs to ferment
at 15 degrees for four
weeks. The wine has now
attained its alcohol content.
The difference between making
white wine and red wine.
When you make white wine you squeeze the juice out of the
grapes and then discard the skins. When making red wine you
crush the grapes and let the skins and grape juice ferment
together. The colour and the astringency comes from the skins.
5 In order for the wine to be
drinkable a second maturation period is required of
approximately six months.
Then it is ready to be bottled and delivered.
10 minutes
>> The spa water
was the attraction of
course. But life at the
hotel was just as much
about eating good
food, having fun and
discussing business
on the veranda. <<
Ronneby Brunn
– something for
everybody and
room for plenty
of people
tennis courts. Or why not challenge your family or friends to
a game of mini golf?
In 1705, people started
to come to Ronneby
Brunn to relax, socialise and improve their
health. That is still
the case now, almost
300 years later.
Car shows
The beautiful Brunnsparken has
also become popular for exhibitions, not least by car lovers. The
Nostalgia Festival is an annual
vintage car show. The Porsche
club, the Morgan club and the
Corvette club have also arranged
shows in Brunnsparken.
Every year there is also a large
dog show with lots of different
breeds competing.
There is a plethora of events
and sporting events all year
he spa water was the
attraction of course.
But life at the hotel was
just as much about eating good
food, having fun and discussing
business on the veranda – where
business is still carried out today.
The hotel and Brunnsparken
has something for everybody,
and room for plenty of people
- for example, the hotel has a
dining room with seating for 850
guests and a variety of entertainment events throughout the year.
The award-winning and
inspiring Brunnsparken and its
surroundings is a health cure in
itself. Here you will find Trollsjön
with charming old villas along
the river and the cosy town centre. Not to mention the
Japanska trädgården (the Japanese garden), Rosträdgården
(the Rose garden) and Doftträd­
gården (the Fragrance garden).
Brunnsbadet water park has
everything the swimming enthusiast could dream of. Regardless of
whether you just want to swim in
the 25-metre pool, try the water
massage or float round and
round in the jet stream current.
Or why not take a trip down
one of the two water slides, the
longest is 93 metres. For younger
children, there are also pools that
are sufficiently shallow.
If you prefer to take it easy
and relax, you can do so in the
Japanese SPA garden, which has
a variety of spa treatments that
will invigorate a tired body.
For those who like to be active, how about a game of tennis
on one of Brunnsparken’s six
Sunday flea markets
It might be worth your while to
take a trip to Brunnshallarna on
Sunday mornings from April–
October. The flea market held
there has become extremely
popular and plenty of people
have taken the opportunity to sell
unwanted items after clearing out
their attic. Take the opportunity
to find a bargain!
slide is
93 metres.
Free of
up to 19
years of age
The Naval Museum
at Stumholmen is one of
Karlskrona’s largest and most
attractive tourist destinations.
Last year, a new submarine hall
was inaugurated and the icing
on the cake was the Naval
Museum being awarded "Museum
of the Year 2015" by the National
Association of Swedish Museums.
The Naval Museum
– Museum of the Year
he Naval Museum
extends majestically out
into the water, just like a
pier. The museum dates back to
1752 when the model chamber
in Karlskrona was founded. Different types of ship construction
were tried out in the chamber.
Today, these detailed models
form the foundation of the
museum, together with the great
figureheads in the unique Galjonshallen (Hall of Figureheads)
o you have what it takes
to row a 17th-century
gun sloop? What is that
you wonder? Well, it was a small
war ship that the crew rowed to
get nearer to the coast. Why not
have a go, you can find it in the
Herravälde exhibition.
Are you a good shot? Could
you sink a ship with two canon
balls? Why not have a go, you can
find the canon in the Herravälde
You can also take a peek into
the exhibit to see what happened
to injured crew members and
what kind of care they received.
You can find out how a steam
engine works by pressing a button.
Down in the depths
In the museum’s submarine hall,
you can experience something
that only a small number of
people have experienced before,
seeing HMS Neptun from the inside. Experience what it must feel
like to live in a confined space
and feel your heart race when
the submarine is about to strike
at the enemy!
Maritime simulator
When you reach the surface
again, you can take the opportunity to try out a real maritime
simulator and experience what
it is like to steer different types
of vessels under both normal
and difficult conditions.
the inside
Children up to 19 years
of age have free entry
to the Naval Museum in
Karlskrona But best of
all – there are so many
exciting things to see
and do. Come and join us!
Find out more at marinmuseum.se
Climb the rigging
Dunder’s deck is the Naval Museum’s activity deck. You can dress
up like a sailor, climb the rigging,
find out what your balance is like
in rolling seas, steer a speedboat,
talk on two-way radios or challenge the family to a knot-tying
Next to Dunder's deck is the
Naval Museum's popular Sailor's
workshop where children, accom­
panied by an adult, can enjoy
naval games and puzzles.
Risk of sea sickness
For slightly older children, there
is Sweden's first maritime simulator. You can experience what it
feels like to steer different types
of vessels in a variety of situations, it feels like the real thing.
Beware of sea sickness!
>> We suggest: Buying a
combi-ticket for Kreativum
and Blekinge Exotiska Värld
(Blekinge Exotic World)
which is next door. You
are guaranteed to be
entertained all day long
– at an affordable price. <<
More suggestions for families
Encourage your
passion for discovery
Are you curious about how things work?
Would you like to find out by experimenting?
Then you should definitely visit
Kreativum Science Centre in Karlshamn.
our passion for disco­
very with be awakened
and you will experience
a wonderful sense of revelation!
There are five different discovery zones with just as many
themes and 170 discovery stations. The discovery zones incorporate learning and educational
information. For example, you
can learn about the forest, what
mankind has developed, stars
and planets, as well as investigate
and test your reaction speeds.
You can also challenge your dad
to Mindball – a competition that
involves relaxing.
The MegaDome cinema
Kreanova – one of three in
Sweden – invites you to enjoy a
cinematic experience beyond the
a peninsula in Mieån (the Mie
river), which is located behind
Kreativum. The island has several
stations. You will find unruly fountains with cascading water as well
as a raft and a rope with which
you can pull yourself through the
water. There is also a tunnel that
you can crawl through to get to
the island.
Kreapark – a real oasis
Now Kreativum also has an
outdoor park, Kreapark, that is
open all year round. It is an oasis
spread across an island and
Find out more at kreativum.se
Horse trekking For those who
like horses there are different kinds
of horse trekking. Find out more
under ”turridning i natur” (horse
trekking) at visitblekinge.se
Meet Timon
– in real life
Would you like to
meet Timon in the
flesh? You can find him
at Blekinge Exotiska
Värld (Blekinge Exotic
World) next to Kreativum in Karlshamn. He
shares his home with
more than 70 exotic
species from around
the world.
imon brought international attention to his
species when he played
Pumbaa’s side-kick in the film
“The Lion King”.
But meerkats are far from the
only animals in Manfred Dornhäuser’s creation that opened
almost four years ago. It includes,
for example, the world's smallest
monkey, the pygmy marmoset.
Naturally, there are also plenty of
other wonderful monkeys to see.
Blekinge Exotiska Värld
(Blekinge Exotic World) also has a
terrarium where you can get right
up close to a four metre Indian
python. If you prefer smaller
snakes, there is the horned
desert viper that measures just
40 centimetres.
A little further along, there
is an entire section with eightlegged creatures. What kind of
creatures? Spiders of course.
They have their own display.
Find out more at
Join in
the spider
aturum in Ronneby
Brunnspark is for the
entire family Especially
popular with younger children
is the "Spider Hunt", the old
Blekinge rowing boat where you
get to climb aboard, "sensory
boxes" and you have to smell,
feel and guess, as well as aquariums with fish and a variety of
small animals. Naturum also has
a “lab” where you can investigate
different kinds of fish and insects.
There is also a cinema with films
Barnens Gård
(The Children's Farm) Would
you like to play a game of toss the
ball in the privy, take a ride on a hay
cart or drive an electric car, if you
are taller than 90 centimetres. Find
out more at barnensgard.se
Barnens Lekland in
Karlskrona On this 2,500
square metre site, there is almost
everything and anything you could
imagine for playing, fooling around
and having fun. Find out more at
(The Canoe Centre) in
Olofström Canoeing is a great
way to discover the outdoors,
and to do so in a lake system
that connects four lakes outside
Olofström is a real adventure for
the whole family. Find out more at
Boda Borg in Karlskrona
Are you looking for exciting and fun
challenges to overcome together
with a group of three to five people?
Find out more at bodaborg.se
for the whole family.
The area houses the 1.5 kilometre long "Nature Trail" and the
self-guided trail "The Park's trees
and shrubs”
Find out more at
Björketorps Gård
(Björketorp Farm) in
Johannishus There is an icecream kiosk selling home-made
ice cream, made with milk fresh
from the farm, honey produced by
their own bees and eggs from a
neighbouring farm. Find out more
at bjorketorpsgard.se
More artists
and artisans to
visit in Blekinge
Magnus Jönsson For some time,
making knives from meteoric iron
has been one of his specialities. The
forge, located in Pukavik between
Karlshamn and Sölvesborg, is open
for tours, metal working courses
and sales subject to agreement.
Find out more at visitblekinge.se
Find out more at karinmeijer.se
Malin Mena In her own glass
works studio and shop, Malin Mena
transforms the hot molten glass
by blowing, shaping and engraving
the glass. Find out more at
Karin Meijer
Find out more at demone.se
making the delicate robust
Ceramic artist Karin Meijer has an idea when she
starts her designs. During the process new ideas
come to light and the end result is often something
other than what she had originally intended.
arin Meijer got hooked
on handicrafts and
ceramics as a form of
artistic expression at an early
stage. At one stage, her career
plans also included becoming a
psychologist, but she chose art.
In the old school in Ramdala,
she now has a workshop and
exhibits as well as sells her
The rhythm is important
– I work delicately, I like the
highly-fired, dense clay, the
fragile yet stable expression.
When working with perforated
ceramics the rhythm is vital, the
flow of the piping, the tension
Susanne Demåne
Her shelves are full of everyday
objects such as mugs, plates, pots
and bowls painted with patterns or
amusing characters that will put a
smile on your face. Find out more at
Konsthantverk Lindqvist Wood
resulting from a combination of
what it is possible to control and
what the material dictates. I like
to use décors and lots of colours,
she says.
feels that the road
never ends
Sanne Dahlström A ceramic artist.
craft artisans. Bodil and Christer
Lindqvist's business is located in
Norje and the store is open when
they are in the workshop and
studio, or as agreed by phone.
Find out more at visitblekinge.se
The décor in the old school in Edestad showcases
Susanne Demåne’s multifaceted artistry.
he started filling it with
life and her artwork
when she moved there
18 years ago. Then she created
her own artistic works using
the garden and the dilapidated
Untamed and structured
The garden is an oasis and a
popular sculpture park.
– I have developed the garden
at my own pace, a little bit at a time.
The result has been a contrast
between the untamed and the
structured. I have created different
spaces for my sculptures there.
The latest project is a café
decorated with old furniture, all
of it is recycled. The café is open
several days a week during the
summer and occasionally on
Sunday’s in the autumn, up until
all the postproduction processing, assembly
and packaging
takes place here
in Kallinge.
Manufacturing takes
place using the same
machines that were used
at the very beginning.
Find out more at lampfabriken.com
At Karlskrona Lampfabrik time has
stood still for almost 130 years.
Manufacturing takes place
using the same machines that were
used at the end of the 1800s.
The lights have maintained the
same contemporary style and the
same family owns the company as
when it started. Sometimes change
is not necessary.
The midnight
oil burns even
where time has
stood still
arlskrona Lampfabrik
has been owned by the
Skantze family since it
was founded in 1884. Valdemar
Skantze and his wife Katarina
are the fifth generation. Manufacturing takes place using the
same machines that were used
at the very beginning. Karlskrona
Lampfabrik is like an industrial
museum, but the difference is
production is still booming
– We were the first Swedish
manufacturer of lighting on an
industrial scale and we were
the first to manufacture paraffin
lamps in Sweden. In 1902, we
produced the first electric light
fittings, says Katarina Skantze
who is the marketing manager.
Only classic designs
The manufacturing process is in
harmony with the design. All our
lights look just as they did at the
turn of the century.
– Other people can tinker with
modern design. We have always
produced the same kind of lights
and because they sell well there
is no reason to change how we
do things. Obviously, we produce
some new models and make small
changes, but it is done with care
and deliberation, adds Catherine
They sell ceiling, wall, floor
and bathroom lights as well as
table lamps and lighting for public
An interesting bit of news is that
Karlskrona Lampfabrik plans to
open up the factory to the public.
More than likely, they will also have
a factory outlet for their products.
Plenty of
to visit
in Blekinge
The cast iron pan
that was resurrected
Pans have been cast in
Kallinge since the late
1800s. Today, casting
has ceased, but Ronneby
Bruk still produces
solid kitchen utensils
and also has a factory
rans Henrik Kockum
bought Örmo burk in
Småland in 1846 and
moved the foundry and workshop to Kallinge in 1888. Until
the early 1970s they were casting
pots and pans at a phenomenal
rate at Kockum’s foundry. But
then the company decided it was
no longer profitable and instead
focused on other production.
However, the marketing
manager at Kockum's, Uno Berg,
located a foundry in England that
could handle the advanced casting process used to manufacture
cast iron pans. He started a new
company and production began
once again in 1972. Twelve years
later Scandia Present took over
ownership of the company.
They did not manage to make
a success of the company either
and in 1996 production ceased.
It was then resurrected the
following year as Ronneby Bruk
with Martin Johannesson as one
of the partners.
– Today, we cast goods in
France and China, but all the
post-production processing,
assembly and packaging takes
place here in Kallinge, he says.
Moreover, Ronneby Bruk
has its own factory outlet, which
has become extremely popular
among dedicated users of the
company's products. Not only are
the prices lower, but the range is
also much more extensive than
in the stores.
Find out more at ronnebybruk.nu
Ebbamåla Bruk
You are guided through the
Industrial Revolution and
become acquainted with
our technical heritage.
The plant operated from
1886-1967 and is probably
the most well preserved
engineering works in
Europe. Find out more at
Abu-museet (the Abu
museum) in Svängsta
When visiting the Abu museum you will experience a
living museum, with working
machines that were used in
the watch-making industry
during the Haldatiden (the
Halda period) that began
in 1887 and which later
became prominent in the
manufacture of angling
equipment. Find out more
at abugarcia.se
Blekinge by bike
is the bicycle
festival for
Bräknetrampen is Blekinge’s very own
bicycle festival which is being held for
the eighth time this year, on May 14th
to be precise . You can choose between
five different distances, from 10 to 120
kilometres. Bräknetrampen is aimed at
everyone who loves cycling; elite cyclists,
children, the disabled, well quite simply
everyone who can and wants to.
Find out more at braknetrampen.se,
where you can also register.
Park your car. Cycle
through Blekinge. Getcloser to nature, savour
the smells, hear the
birdsong and experience
our beautiful countryside in a completely new
way. Would you like some
help along the way, there
are cycle paths you can
lekinge has many
beautiful cycle paths.
A selection of these cycle
paths are described below:
– a real
Sweden’s Golf Coast is
a treasure trove for golfers
Listerlandet cycle path
The first stage in constructing a cycle
path in Listerlandet outside Sölvesborg
has begun. A map has been produced
for this 45 km long path. Information
about the culture, history, surroundings and some of the attractions you
will be passing en route are provided.
Find out more at solvesborg.se
Golf lovers who come to Blekinge can consider
themselves fortunate. There are eight fantastic courses
to play, all with varying characteristics.
All you have to do is tee off...
As is widely known, Blekinge is called
"the garden of Sweden" and this is reflected in its golf courses which are
located in a verdant landscape,
with extensive oak forests and a
glistening archipe­lago. This truly
is golfing country. Furthermore,
the climate is so favourable that
it is possible to play on a number
of the courses all year round.
The eight golf clubs cooperate
through a project called Sweden’s
Golf Coast, which is owned by the
Blekinge Golf Association. As the
Cykelspåret – Sverigeleden
The Sverigeleden cycle route enters
Blekinge at Brömsebro and follows
the coast westwards to Valje near
the Skåne border, a distance of 160
km. You can start anywhere along
the route. The signs are dark blue
with white lettering and often have
an additional arrow indicating the
direction of travel.
Find out more at visitblekinge.se
Norra cykellänken "The Northern bicycle link" together with the
"Cykelspåret" cycle path, form a circuit
that you can start anywhere in northern, eastern or western Blekinge, or
from any of the towns along the coast.
The ”Cykelspåret” cycle path is marked
with blue signs and is described in
Cykelfrämjandet’s brochure ”Cykelspåret längs östkusten” (The Cycle Path
Along the East Coast).
Find out more at visitblekinge.se
eight courses have different characteristics, they provide variation as well as
a challenge. The courses that are
part of Sweden’s Golf Coast
are: Sölvesborg Golf Club,
Karlshamn Golf Club, Ronneby
Golf Club, Leråkra Golf Club,
Carlskrona Golf Club, Nicklastorp Golf Club, Boa Olofström Golf
Club and Trummenäs Golf Club.
Find out more at sverigesgolfkust.se
Book trips, accommodation and green
fees at visitblekinge.se
Are you tired of the comfortable life and would
like to do something
really challenging? Then
why not try rock climbing at Ursulas Äventyr
(Ursula's Adventure)?
he owner Emese Orsolya
Bálint grew up in one of
Europe's most mountainous and cave-rich regions. She has
been climbing since she was 14
years old and in the past year she
has climbed several high peaks in
the Himalayas.
Ursulas Äventyr (Ursula’s
Adventure) holds courses in rock
climbing and organises guided
tours too, where you choose the
level of difficulty of the climb.
If you would rather delve into
the underworld, she also arranges
potholing, cave climbing and cave
crawling. Unique experiences that
will test your strength and courage.
Find out more at
>> Suggestion: Take a look at the new sydostleden.se
we are saving
an animal that
was living in
the wild and
hopefully it
soon will
be again.
Approximately 400 red deer
Approximately 700–800 fallow deer
Approximately 300 wild boar
Approximately 200 mouflon (wild sheep)
More than 50 European bison
Find out more at eriksberg.nu
A safari
you will
not forget
Would you like to see red deer, fallow deer,
wild boar, bison and mouflon wander freely?
Then you cannot beat a visit to
Eriksberg's safari park.
riksberg outside
Karlshamn is a large
nature reserve in the
Blekinge archipelago, where the
enclosure of more than 900 hectares is one of northern Europe's
largest wildlife reserves and the
largest safari park in the Nordic
The safari tour is an experience that will stay with you
forever. You get to see the
animals wander around in a
unique coastal landscape with
lush, deciduous forests and a
fascinating rocky landscape. At
dusk in particular, there is a good
chance of seeing the park’s larger
game and their offspring.
– The European bison is
very popular with our visitors.
We have the largest herd in the
world, more than 50 animals, in a
so-called semi-free ranging state,
which means that they live as
close to their natural conditions
as possible within the enclosure,
says Eriksberg’s Information
Officer, Åsa Olsson.
The safari tour, which is about
ten kilometres, can be done by
car and you also have the option
of borrowing a CD guide. If you
would rather be accompanied
by a knowledgeable guide, you
can book one in advance.
There is a lot more to Eriksberg
than the safari park. There is
also abundant bird life and if you
are very lucky, you might catch
a glimpse of a sea eagle gliding
across the water at Utsikten or
Anyone interested in plants
will enjoy the world's largest
population of the protected red
water lily found in Färsksjön. In
the enclosed part of the Baltic,
Mahraviken (Mahra bay), is one
of the world's best pike fishing
areas and in the lakes in the
vicinity, there are plenty of carp
and crayfish.
New attraction
– Père David's deer
Nineteen rare Père David's deer
arrived at Eriksberg Vilt & Natur
in September 2014. Now they
have calves and Eriksberg has the
largest population of the species
in the whole of Scandinavia.
These Chinese deer, which are
extinct in the wild, were bought
from a reserve in Sussex. They
have been in a quarantined en-
closure for a year and a half.
– In 2016, they will be
released into the main wildlife
enclosure and join the other
wild animals. They will be a new
attraction for our visitors at the
safari park. The Père David's
deer are an important part of
Eriksberg’s conservation mission,
we are saving an animal that was
living in the wild and hopefully it
soon will be again.
Eat from nature's pantry
Eriksberg uses nature's own
pantry in their kitchen, and the
food could not be more locally
produced. The Visenten restaurant is located here, which accor­
ding to the 2015 White Guide
is Blekinge's best restaurant.
In the Säteriet (manor house)
with its classic, sober elegance
you will find the Havsörnen (Sea
eagle) restaurant where the chef
offers five-course menus using
the best seasonal ingredients.
From the Havsörnen restaurant
there is a fantastic view over
Remmarna/Savannen (the Strips/
the Savannah) where the wild
animals graze. A pure delight for
the senses! You can also enjoy a
meal on Eriksberg’s restaurant
boat, the Sea Eagle, or in the
upplevelsevillan (events villa)
right by the Blekinge archipelago,
in the enclosed bay.
The head appeared
to be incredibly well
preserved, in fact
the only one of its kind
in the world.
A grinning
The ship's
was salvaged
in August
The year was 1495 and the Danish king Hans was on
his way to Kalmar. But outside Ronneby, the main ship
Gribshunden (the Griffin Hound) foundered. Last
summer divers suddenly discovered a grinning monster
in the mud on the seabed – the ship's figurehead.
ear Stora Ekön in the
Ronneby archipelago,
lies the remains of the
500 year old ship submerged in
the mud at a depth of nine metres. The wreck was discovered in
the 1970s, but it was only in 2013
that it was established that the
ship was indeed the Gribshunden
The ship's figurehead was salvaged in August 2015. The head
appeared to be incredibly well
preserved, in fact the only one of
its kind in the world.
The figurehead was actually
part of the boat’s construction.
A beam in the middle supported
the triangular forecastle. At the
front in the bow, the protruding
head was visible.
According to Sturekrönikan (the
Sture Chronicle), the Danish king
Hans was sailing to Kalmar in
1495 to get Sweden to rejoin the
Kalmar Union, thus making him
king of the whole of Scandinavia.
The king's main ship was the
Gribs­hunden and there were
nearly 150 soldiers and crew on
board. Outside Ronneby, a fire
broke out on board, which they
unsuccessfully tried to extinguish.
Many died and a lot of valuable
equipment sank with the ship to
the bottom of the sea.
Johan Rönnby is Professor at
Södertörns högskola (Södertörn’s
University) and he was the lead
diver when the figurehead with
the wicked wolf grin was found.
According to Rönnby, the wreck
could be the best preserved ship
from the 15th century in the
Voyages of discovery
The Gribshunden was probably
constructed in Flanders or the
Netherlands in a time of great
exploration and may provide
clues about how ships that were
captained by Christopher Colum-
The ship is approximately 35 metres long and twelve metres
wide. A number of artefacts from the wreck have been salvaged
and preserved, for example gun carriages, anchor capstans,
pieces of chain mail, crossbow arrows and more. It is the oldest
armed warship in the Nordic region. In olden times, figureheads
were a prominent part of a ship's identity. Ships were often
given animal and bird names or biblical and mythological names
that were written in the definite form. This made the ship almost
a living being, such as Gribshunden (the Griffin Hound)
bus and Vasco da Gama were
designed. Jon Adams, Professor
of Maritime Archaeology at the
University of Southampton, believes that the Gribshunden is
one of the most significant wrecks
in the world! It is also an important element in the understanding
of the Nordic fleets’ early development and expansion.
Find out more at blekingemuseum.se
The figurehead is to be sent for
restoration, which will take several
years. However at the Blekinge
Museum, an exhibition about the
Gribshunden will be on display
this summer. You will be able to
see artefacts that were salvaged
from the ship, including gun
carriages as well as a full-scale
reconstruction of a canon. There
will also be films of the salvage
operation, a 3D-model of the
head, photographs and other
information about the ship and
the period during which it sank.
Recommended reading >>
>> the mark of the dragon was
caused by the fire-breathing
dragon of Hanö crashing
into the cliff ... <<
Mazetti’s viking novel
– a lovely way to relax in your hammock
depictions of women skilled in
the art of witchcraft, as well as
defiant slaves, that transport the
reader back to one of the most
mythical periods in Swedish
Katarina Mazetti has also
written a collection of short
stories about Karlskrona in the
1950s titled ”Krigshjältar och
konduktörer” (War heroes and
The author Katarina
Mazetti resides on
Tjurkö during the
summer and in 2008
when she published
the novel”Blandat
blod” (Mixed blood)
which takes place
in the viking era,
she decided to set
the story in Blekinge.
atarina Mazetti, who
grew up in Karlskrona,
got her breakthrough
as an author with the novel
”Grabben i graven bredvid”
(The guy in the grave next door)
that was also made into a film.
In 2008, she published the
novel "Blandat blod" (Mixed
blood), which begins on the
Blekinge coast, where the author
Find out more at solvesborg.se
feels at home. The book is set
in the 10th century and is about
two brothers who grew up with
their father following the myste­
rious disappearance of their
mother. The brothers are drawn
to the plundering expeditions
and trading voyages across the
”Blandat blod” is a thrilling
and dramatic story about love,
Hanö – the island of tall tales
Like in a fairy tale,
Hanö rises from the
sea outside Sölvesborg
No wonder the island
is full of superstition,
with tales of dragons
and giants being common themes.
fallow deer, which were introduced in the 1950s.
Hanö is also about expansive
views and wonderful swimming.
Nowadays, the description of the
island is characterized by love
instead of fear, which the 40,000
visitors who come here annually
have long since attested to.
owever, tall tales belong
to ancient times. Today,
Hanö is praised for
its tranquillity, harmony and
beauty, not least because of its
magnificent and unique setting.
The southern part of the island
consists of a bewitching hornbeam forest. You might also catch
a glimpse of some of the native
Drakamärket (the Mark of
the Dragon) Is a mysterious
wavy mark in the cliff face below
the lighthouse. According to one
of several legends, the mark was
caused by the fire-breathing
dragon of Hanös crashing into
the cliff when the lighthouse was
lit for the first time.
Engelska kyrkogården (the
English Cemetery) Hanö was
an English naval base during the
Napoleonic war and the fifteen
British service men who lost their
lives on the island are buried here.
Hanö Lighthouse One of the
brightest lighthouses in the Baltic
Sea with an illumination range of
approximately 40 kilometres.
Bönsäcken (The Bean Bag)
A sand bar with millions of waterpolished stones that stretches out
into the sea. It changes shape and
appearance according to the wind
direction and sea storms. There
are many tall tales about how
Bönsäcken came into existence.
Gamla och Nya Kar (Old
and New Pits) Two large
depressions in the ground that
according to legend are the footprints of giants.
Åbedagubben (The Åbeda
Fellow) According to legend,
there was an underground
treasure chamber where the
lighthouse stands today. It was
called the Åbeda Hall and was
guarded by the Åbeda fellow.
He was a small gnome-like man
that protected the treasure by
whatever means necessary,
and he could transform into
a fire-breathing dragon should
the need arise.
Johanna Limme and Martin
Palmqvist are a writing duo that have
written contemporary detective novels
and historical detective novels set in
Karlshamn, mainly because Martin
was born there. There have been
three historical novels, Böljelek, Strömkarlen and Körkarlen (The Surge, The
Water Sprite and The Coachman) with
the Reverend Simon Edfeldt as the detective. The novels are set just before
the turn of the century in Karlshamn.
Böljelek has also been translated into
German A fourth novel in the series
titled Amerikakyssen (The American
Kiss) will be published in autumn
2016. The contemporary novels bear
the titles ”Männen en trappa upp”
(The Men Upstairs) and ”Tandläkarnas
afton” (The Dentists’ Evening).
There are
hate and jealousy, when a simple
boat-making family from Blekinge
meet a more civilized, silk-trading
family from the kingdom of Kiev.
The author wanted to use the
book to highlight the strong
position of women during the
Viking era, a period more closely
associated with tough men wearing helmets with horns.
There are also rich personal
Harry Martinson was born in the
parish of Jämshög in the north west
corner of Blekinge in 1904 and was
the first proletarian writer to be
made a member of the Swedish
Academy in 1949. He was awarded
the Nobel Prize in Literature in
1974. In the autobiographical novel
”Nässlorna blomma” (Flowering
Nettles) from 1935, he describes
his difficult childhood as an orphan
in a foster home. He was moved
around from farm to farm where
he was forced to work hard, and
was rewarded with beatings. A new
edition of the book was published
in autumn 2015.
Sven-Edvin Salje was also born
in the parish of Jämshög in 1914.
Salje became known for his portrayal of rural life in a series of novels,
where Kjell Loväng, the son of a
farmer, was the main character.
The novels were also made into a
film. Some of Salje’s novels also
take place on the Blekinge coast.
Part of the drama in the final book
in the Loväng series “Hem till havet”
(Home to the Sea), takes place in
The small community of Norje
outside Sölvesborg is invaded
for a few days in June by
rock fans of all ages
from around the world,
who have come to listen to
the best bands and to socialise.
his is the festival where
polished businessmen
put their suits and
briefcases to one side for a few
days and instead dress in jeans,
t-shirts and studded vests.
It is Sweden Rock, it is a party,
it is fun and it is a community for
33,000 people who love classic
rock, hard rock as well as metal
and blues.
Across five stages, festival
goers are treated to about 90
concerts over the space of four
days. Last year artists like Def
Leppard, Judas Priest, Slash,
Motley Crew and Toto played at
the festival.
Scandinavia's largest
The setting which consists of a
stunning seaside location and
cosy grassy slopes creates a convivial atmosphere. The barriers
dissolve between the visitors
who have come from about 50
countries to Scandinavia's biggest
hard rock festival. Young people
and pensioners alike enjoy them­
selves and have fun. Sweden
Rock is known for its high level
of service and the friendly atmosphere has become one of the
festival's trademarks.
In 2016, the Sweden Rock
Festival will take place on June
of other
The party
when 33,000
Find out more at swedenrock.com
A 150-year old
Tosia Bonnadan (crazy
bumpkin day) has existed for
about 150 years and is one of
Sweden's biggest and most famous markets. On the second
weekend in July every year, the
streets and squares in Ronneby centre are filled with visitors
to the market. There are stalls,
an amusement park, and
everything else that typifies a
real market. Tosia Bonnadan
attracts about 100,000 visitors
annually. Find out more at
A boiling
cauldron of jazz
Karneval à la Rio
celebrates its 50th year
For a few fabulous summer
days in July, Karlshamn displays
all its charm and puts on a
party on a gigantic scale
– Karlshamn Baltic Festival,
Östersjöfestivalen. And this
year, what is probably the
country’s biggest city festival,
celebrates its 50th year and it
will undoubtedly be especially
festive. In recent years, almost
a quarter of a million visitors
invaded Karlshamn's streets
and squares during the festival
that takes place around the
third week of July. Serving tents
are a valued part of the festival
scene, as are the troubadours,
jazz bands and samba orchestras. Not to mention the
carnival procession! Rio à la
Karlshamn. In the Baltic Song
Contest, the Baltic region’s
own Eurovision Song Contest,
artists from neighbouring
countries meet to compete
in a noble battle of music and
song. Find out more at
Once every summer, the
picturesque fishing village
of Hallevik on Listerlandet in
Blekinge is transformed into
a boiling cauldron of lively
jazz music and happy people.
Hällevik Trad Jazz Festival
has evolved into a popular,
annual festival. The wonderful,
sultry, jazz tones, the fantastic
surroundings as well as the
friendly atmosphere create an
unbeatable experience. So, it
is hardly surprising that people
from all over Europe come
The market of
elite artists
History meets the
pulse of city life
In Olofström, there is an old
market tradition extending
as far back as the late 1700s.
For many years, however, the
market tradition lay dormant
before being brought back to
life again through the initiative
of the local branch of the Lions
Clubs International, who in
1965 started Holje Marknad
(Market). Since then, the
market takes place every year
in May. In addition to market
stalls and fairground rides,
there are high-class artistic
The Karlskrona Skärgårdsfest
(archipelago festival) is a festival where the unique history of
this World Heritage site meets
the pulse and vibrancy of the
modern city. Lively parks and
squares offer music and festivity, but there are also tranquil
spots as well as interesting
historical facts that will ensure
visitors have an experience
they will not forget. Skärgårdsfesten (the Archipelago festival) aims to become the Baltic
region’s proudest celebration
performances to attract the
public. Sven-Ingvars, Hep Stars,
Bosse Parnevik, Sanna Nielsen
and many more top artists can
count Holje Marknad as one of
the venues at which they have
performed. Find out more at
here. It will take place once
again on the 6–9th August
2016. Find out more at
in modern packaging, with
respect for both its naval
history and heritage, as well
as the environment. The party
takes place on the 2–7 August.
Find out more at
foto Blekinge museum/Jonas Eckerbom
Historical Susanne Demåne
Art Garden Cafe Experiences www.demone.se
The Swedish
with various themes
an arcHipelago-inspired
for the whole family
And all this in wonderful
surroundings at
Grevagården in Karlskrona!
In t he middle of Ble k inge in Sou t h S we de n
Visit our beautiful Archipelago
We offer a various kind of accommodations, conferences,
nature activities like fishing, kayaking, horse-riding,
boat tours, biking, hiking and bird watching.
Garnanäs Fishing camp
Cottages flats, fishing boats,
hunting, conferences
Järnavik Camping
Cabins store, restaurant,
miniature golf
Järnavik Youth Hostel STF
Rooms, conference, bikes
Kayaks, canoes, packages, courses
Svalemåla holiday village
Cottages, fishing, boats, bikes,
conference, events
Väbylunds Islandshästar
Horse riding, riding school, events,
camps for children, special arrangements
Camping in Blekinge
UniqUe experiences in norThern eUrope’s nearesT archipelago – all year roUnd
Together, we help our camping guests to find the best
holiday here with us in ”Blekinge – wonderful water.”
www.ronnebybrunn.se • info@ronnebybrunn.se
Tel: 0457-75 000 • Follow us on Facebook
We have 50 departures
to Stockholm each week.
Book online
www.ble kin ge cam pin g.com
Foto: Visitkarlskrona/digitalFilm
As luck would have it, we have just as many coming back.
On the animal’s terms
Go on safari at one of northern Europe’s
largest protected areas for wildlife. Also
hotel, conference, restaurants and café.
Barbeque evenings and Sunday brunch
during the summer. Welcome!
E22 exit 54 Åryd
A Science Center that
awakens the joy of discovery
Visit Blekinge Exotic World which
is located nearby. Buy a combined
ticket at Kreativum.
Play and explore more than 170 exciting discovery stations. Visit
our outdoor oasis, the Kreapark, ideal for a picnic. The Kreanova
MegaDome cinema offers film experiences that are out of this
world. Stop for refreshments in our café, Kreaficum, or browse
among fascinating objects in our shop, Kreaffären. Welcome to
Kreativum – discoveries for the whole family!
Strömmavägen 28, Karlshamn
www.kreativum.se • Tel. +46 0454 303360
Bräkne Hoby
A Blekinge Gem!
We at Brokamåla Gård offer
tranquillity, exclusive fishing and a
wonderful setting for conferences.
Activities include clay pigeon shooting
and a variety of culinary experiences.
Western Blekinge is home to Jämshögs
Gästgiveri, a traditional guest house
that was established back in 1888 and
now provides modern comfort in an
old-fashioned setting.
Villa Liljenborg is a charming little Bed
& Breakfast in Jämshög, Municipality
of Olofström. Stay with us and enjoy
peace and quiet in the heart of the
countryside, right next to Holjeån river
and deciduous woods, but still close to
shops and restaurants.
Hunting, fishing and golf, combined
with conference/training facilities.
Allaround Tours organises bespoke trips
to Blekinge and the rest of the world...
We in Blekinge make
room for new impressions,
combined with the chance to spend
quality time together and to share
activities, inquisitiveness and the delight
of discovery. The immediate area is
excellent for activities including golf,
hiking, fishing, hunting, horse riding,
canoeing/kayaking and outdoor
cooking – or simply enjoying the
peace and quiet in the magnificent
Blekinge countryside.
Welcome to our world
If you mention Mörrums Kronolaxfiske, anglers from all over the world will immediately associate it with large
salmon and sea trout. Not so strange really, as huge fish have been caught here since 1231.
Our season runs from March to September.
Nowadays we also offer courses, guiding and introductions to casting techniques and fly tying. We also offer
attractive rates for families during the summer months. You can also visit our in-house exhibition which details
the life cycle of the salmon and sea trout as well as documenting other wildlife to be found along the river
Mörrum and offering an insight into the history of angling.
There is also a large aquarium containing several species which can be found in the river.
You will also find a shop and a restaurant.
Open: 1/3 – 30/9 Mon. – Sat 9–17 Sun. 10–15
or 0454-501 23
Mörrums Kronolaxfiske
Great fishing stories since 1231
and event
What kind of accommodation suits you? Luxury hotel,
Bed & Breakfast or a small cabin? Regardless of your preferences,
there are lots of affordable types of accommodation when
you visit Blekinge. You will find many affordable and
bookable packages at visitblekinge.se
he First Hotel in Olofström offers three different packages. A package
aimed at golfers which includes
free green fees. For families, they
have a package that includes
Olofström’s adventure baths
where two adults and two children
share a family room. Tickets to
the adventure baths are included
in the price. A third package
includes fishing in Harasjömåla,
where the fishing permit is in­
cluded in the price.
Hälleviks camping also has
a fishing package for those who
would like to try their luck in the
waters around Listerlandet. They
also offer accommodation packages in conjunction with the annual
jazz festival in Hällevik.
Ronneby Brunn has a package
to coincide with the autumn
holidays and another package
aimed at those who want to spoil
themselves with a spa treatment
and simply relax.
For those who want to visit
Boda Borg in Karlskrona, it would
be wise to take advantage of any
of the packages offered by First
Hotel Statt and Hotel JA.
If you would like a bit of
romance, peace and quiet, or
simply to enjoy good food, there
are packages that will suit you too.
Weekend in Karlshamn includes
two nights at the First Hotel
Carlshamn. For all you romantics,
there is the "Love at the Statt
in Karlskrona" package, and for
those who want to eat good food
there is the gourmet package
offered by Hotel JA in Karlskrona.
It includes a three-course dinner
at the award-winning restaurant 2
Rum & Kök (2 Rooms & A Kitchen).
If you are interested in nature,
then a visit to the Gö nature
reserve is recommended. You stay
at Göholm B&B and the package
includes a welcome tea, two
nights in a double room, including
bedding and room cleaning, two
breakfasts, a three-course dinner
and a one-hour guided tour.
Find out more at visitblekinge.se
Find out more at blekingecamping.com
Camping and swimming close
to the sea and the forest
Would you like to camp by the sea, beside
a lake or right next to the perfect swimming spot? In Blekinge there is something
for every camping enthusiast.
amping in Blekinge
offers gorgeous beaches
with soft sand under
your feet. But perhaps you would
prefer to camp beside a peaceful
lake with access to swimming as
well as enchanting forests. There
is a little bit of everything.
Dragsö Camping & Stugby is a
modern, four-star camping site on
an island in the heart of the Blekinge archipelago, which can be
reached by a connecting bridge,
just three kilometres from the
centre of Karlskrona. It has pitches
for both camping vehicles and
tents, as well as cabins to rent. In
addition, it offers a wide variety of
Free fishing
If you like to be close to
everything, Kollevik, located just
three kilo­metres from the centre
of Karlshamn, could be the place
for you. They have both camping
and a holiday village. Free fishing
in the sea from the rocks above or
trout fishing in Linderborgssjön,
which is a ten-minute walk away.
If you do not want to take a
chance on catching a fish, then
Vägga Rökeri (Vägga Smokehouse)
is within walking distance. Furthermore, there are plenty of activities
Sunbathing with lapwings
If swimming is your number one
priority, then Hällevik’s camping
has three swimming areas just
a stone's throw away. You could
choose Hälleviks own shallow,
sandy beach with a jetty. If you
feel the sea water is too cold,
there is also Hälleviksbadet, an
area with a heated, salt water
pool, a paddling pool, a children's
pool, a water slide, and more.
Would you rather go to the beach,
then why not try Kråkenabben?
You can sunbathe in the company
of oyster-catchers, lapwings and
animals grazing in the summer
Rent a canoe
If you prefer to travel inland and
camp by a lake, you can go to
Olofström and Blekinge's largest
lake, Halen, located by Olofström’s
nature reserve. Halen’s camping
is a scenic camping site and in
addition to a dip in the lake, you
can rent a bike, boat or why not
even a canoe? It also has a rich
cultural heritage to partake of.
If you would like to find out
more about Blekinge’s camp
sites you can visit
Camp sites
in Blekinge
Bookable online
Halen’s camping, Tredenborg’s
camping, Ronneby havscamping
(seaside camping), Kollevik’s
camping, Dragsö camping & Stugby,
Kristianopel resort, Hällevik’s cam­
ping, Alholmen’s bad & camping
(swimming & camping), Trummenä’s
camping, Långasjönä’s camping.
More camping options
Norje Boke camping, Järnavik’s
camping, Skönstavik’s camping,
Blomstergården’s camping, Sturkö
camping, Kronofiske Harasjömåla,
Stenbäckagården’s camping, Björkenä’s camping, Valjeviken’s camping,
Gisslevik’s camping.
>> The beer is flowing in Blekinge.
But there certainly is no trouble
brewing. There are old brewing
traditions in this region.
Three microbreweries have
handed them down.
Pilsner beer
was resurrected
after 40 years
Dan-Magnus Svensson on the name Brygghus 19: The first time we brewed together was at Magnus Karlsson’s place on
Dalamadvägen 19 in Nättraby. Magnus’s home brewery, Brygghus 19, was gradually scaled up after we started our company.
That brain wave
became Brygghus 19
Himself and his colleague Magnus
Karlsson have been beer enthusi­
asts for a long time and brewed
their own beer in the kitchen at
home. When a friend who was a
beer judge told them that they
could sell their beer, they looked
at each other: Let's start our own
But before they could start
an-Magnus Svensson
they had building work to
and Magnus Karlsson,
the owners of Brygghus do. It took two years before Brygghus 19 opened in February 2013.
19, continuously experiment to
Brewing beer is a genuine craft,
find new flavours.
the feel for how you use and
– Last autumn we bought 300
kilos of raspberries from a near- mix the raw ingredients, in combination with the actual brewing
by grower. The result was 4,500
process, affects the flavour.
bottles of raspberry beer. It was
Brygghus 19 has attracted
perfect as an aperitif in a chama lot of attention and, time per­
pagne glass. Beer can be drunk
with a wide variety of dishes and mitting, the two entrepreneurs
conduct brewery tours, talk about
in many different contexts, says
beer and hold beer tastings.
Dan-Magnus Svensson.
Two friends brewed
beer in the kitchen
at home and a beer
judge happened to try
some. Two years later, Brygghus 19 was
Karlshamn’s very own
Hops from
a submarine
Find out more at brygghus19.se
The right beer for the right occasion
If you are serving
chilli-glazed grilled
pork Then I recommend
an India Pale Ale, as chilli
and hops are two flavours
that reinforce each
other. From Brygghus 19:
arlskrona Bryggeri dates
back to 1693 when the
German brewer Philip
Hinric Kraan laid the foundations
for what was to become Tyska
Bryggaregården (the German
Brewers’ yard). Carl Herman
Jephson made Carlskrona Pilsner
a best seller in the 1930s and
his son Jeppe did the same with
Jarramasölen (Jarramas beer) in
the 1960s, before the last owner,
Pripps, closed the brewery in 1973.
But exactly 40 years later, Carls­
krona Bryggeri was resurrected
and it was once again a Jephson
who was responsible, Göran
– We had saved a number of
original recipes, original labels
and other documents from the
mid-1800s, says Göran Jephson,
a third generation brewer.
On the May 2, 2013 the old
Carlskrona Pilsner was brewed
once again and it has been joined
by Mörka Lager (Dark Lager) and
Jarramasölen (Jarramas Beer)
The malting barley is grown on
Trantorps Gård (Trantorp’s Farm)
outside Karlskrona which is owned
by Göran Jephson.
Find out more at carlskronabryggeri.se
When you are standing at the barbecue
in the summer An
American Pale Ale with its
refreshing taste of hops
is perfect and sufficiently
strong to tone down the
heat from barbecue. From
Brygghus 19: Respons.
Carlskrona Pilsner
and Jarramasölen were
historic beers that had
died out. Now Göran
Jephson has brought
them back to life.
When you are serving
herring and drinking
snaps at Midsummer
Then I think a Czech pilsner
beer is perfect with its
refreshing sourness and
purity of flavour. From
Brygghus 19: Smugglarhamnens Pilsner.
Dan-Magnus Svensson’s recommendations for
selecting the right beer for the right occasion:
If you are serving a
chocolate dessert
Then Russina Imperial
Stout works best with its
complex flavours origina­
ting from various strains
of dark barley. From
Brygghus 19: Balalaika.
When you are serving
a Christmas buffet,
goulash soup or
goose Definitely a dark
German lager with about
seven percent alcohol that
has a distinct malty flavour
and an aromatic hops
character. From Brygghus
19: Festbock.
illemasare was the term
given to a Karlskrona
shipyard worker, who
tried to avoid work by spending
most of the day carrying around
a plank to give the impression he
was in the middle of a task. And
Klaura is the equivalent to Ada in
the Gothenburg region.
Currently, there are two types
of beers produced by the Bryggeri
Skeppsgossen (the Cabin Boy's
Brewery) in Karlskrona. The brewery's owners wanted to have a
strong local flavour in their beers.
– Moreover, our beer is
brewed using water
from Karlskrona, says
Joakim Bengtsson who
owns the brewery
together with Camilla
Sometimes it also
requires a little ingenuity to make
it really local, such as when he
produced Neptun, which he calls
the Submarine Pale Ale. An SPA
instead of an IPA (India Pale Ale)
in other words.
– We took the hops down
into the submarine Neptun at
the Naval Museum, he grins.
Find out more at blekingegourmet.se
More farms
in Blekinge
that produce
and sell
local food
Askunga Dovvilt Sell veni­­
son from their own naturally
reared stock, as well as moose,
wild boar and pheasant. In addition, we sell cordial, jam, honey,
chocolate, eggs, herbs, tea and
lots more.
Awarded for their
goats’ cheese
Boel and Lars
Dahlberg left a
comfortable life
north of Stockholm to become
producers of goats’
cheese in Blekinge.
rranäs Gårdsmejeri
(Dairy Farm) is beautifully situated, a stone’s
throw from the Blekinge seaboard. It was here that Boel and
Lars Dahlberg set up home in
2009 without really knowing what
they were going to do.
– I worked as a senior hospital
administrator within geriatric
care and Lars was a heating
engineer. When the children
left home, we wanted to make a
move and go and live somewhere
else along the coast between
Karlskrona and Kalmar. Around
the same time, this beautiful farm
was up for sale, Boel says.
They had no farming experience and they did not know how
they were going to make a living
either. Everything fell into place
when they visited a dairy on Justerö in the Stockholm archipelago
where they made goat’s cheese.
On the farm, they breed goats,
process the milk and turn it into
different kinds of cheese, a total
of fifteen varieties. The range also
includes some varieties that are
produced from cow’s milk that
originates from a local organic
farm, as well as salami made
from goats’ meat.
The couple’s cheese has won
a number of prestigious awards
over the years. The also took part
in the TV programme “Sweden’s
most beautiful farms” in 2013.
Find out more at orranasgardsmejeri.se
an extract from Karlskronahem’s
cookbook ”Skärgårdsrätter på
vårt vis” (Our archipelago dishes).
Created something
completely “eggceptional”
They started by selling
eggs from a children's
playhouse. Now the
Egg stall is a full-scale
farm shop with flavours
from the sea, land and
forests of Blekinge.
t was 2003 when
Anna-Lena and Peter
Fransson bought the
idyllic farm outside Ronneby dating
from the 1700s.
– Pretty soon we decided to set
up a farm shop in the barn and
stables, says Anna-Lena Fransson.
Now the Egg stall is a full-scale
farm shop that, in addition to eggs
from their own farm, also sells vege­
tables, game, large chickens, flour
and much more, with the common
feature being that everything is
grown locally. The entire barn has
been transformed into a farm
shop and restaurant which serves
local produce and a few years ago
an orangery was built where the
old manure heap was located. The
old children’s playhouse, which
was the first Egg stall, is now the
home of Tove, the miniature pig.
In 2014, Anna-Lena and Peter
won the award for Blekinge’s Most
Enterprising People.
Bustorps Gård (Bustorp
Farm) Is an organic and
organically-certified farm at
the edge of Brunnsskogen
(the Brunn forest) in Ronneby.
The farm produces and sells
organic products, both products
produced on the farm as well as
products from other suppliers.
Spjutsbygds Gårdsbutik
(Spjutsbygd’s Farm shop)
You can find beer sausages,
lamb, sheepskins, award-winning ale and much more. The
farm focuses on lamb and
everything associated with it.
Blekinge Hjort (Blekinge
Deer) Fallow deer are raised
on the farm in an enclosure.
The animals live like their wild
Bond-Gården (The Farm)
The farm shop sells its own and
other suppliers’ products from
the local area (mostly organically
grown products).
Find out more at aggaboden.se
Bottnansmåla Gård
(Bottnansmåla Farm)
Breeding of fallow deer and
there is a farm shop beside the
enclosure. Other game is also
sold. The animals are quartered
at a small family butcher’s.
Mustkungen (The Must
King) Makes delicious must
from apples, pears, grapes and
other fruit.
Hälleviks salmon smokehouse A modern salmon
smokehouse with a long history
in the beautiful fishing village of
Hällevik. Alder wood chips are
used for smoking, to bring out
the subtle flavour of the salmon.
Find out more about all the
farms and farm shops at
The Congress
Hall can
up to
1,000 visitors
and several
events can
be held
Blekinge – The metropolitan meeting place >>
within walking
With unique surroun­
dings and everything
within walking
distance, Karlskrona
boasts the perfect
conditions for creative meetings and
Utveckling i Karlskrona AB and
Entré Karlskrona have made a
joint investment in Karlskrona
Convention Bureau to develop
Karlskrona's conference industry
with congresses, conferences,
meetings, training and kick-offs.
In conjunction with the city's
hotels, the naval town will be
marketed as a place for meetings and with one single coordinator, it is easy for customers
to plan activities.
– Most of the city’s meeting
venues, hotels and restaurants
are within walking distance of
each other. From here, you can
easily go out into our beautiful
archipelago for team-building
activities and exciting excursions
by boat in this World Heritage
city, says Johanna Hellstrom,
hotel manager at the Clarion
Collection Carlskrona.
Karlskrona Convention
Bureau can help you with:
The meeting
Ronneby Brunn's major investment in the Blekinge
Convention Centre will inspire exciting meetings
and be a hub for conferences in Blekinge.
hen the beautiful Brunns­
hotell (Spa Hotel) was completed in 1897, Ronneby
Brunn was Sweden's leading health
resort and meeting venue. Now,
almost 120 years later, Ronneby
Brunn has adopted a new approach.
Nevertheless, people coming toge­
ther is still at the heart of it all.
Investments in and renovations
of the congress hall and restaurant
have been carried out at a cost
of several million Swedish krona.
The aim is to create a modern spa
environment and become southern
Sweden's most visited resort, which
includes a dining room for 850
1,000 visitors
Following reconstruction, the
Congress Hall at Ronneby Brunn
can accommodate up to 1,000
visitors and several events can
be run in parallel; conferences,
galas, exhibitions and awards
The goal is to make Blekinge in
general and Ronneby in particular
an attractive and exciting place
for meetings. For this reason, a
collaboration has been initiated
with the meeting partner Svenska
möten (Swedish meetings).
The concept also includes the
ability to organise major cultural
Historic values
A lot of thought and care has
gone into making the conference
rooms as adaptable as possible.
But Ronne­by Brunn has also been
careful to nurture the values
inherent in its historic and beauti­
ful surroundings, including the
nearby Brunnsparken (Brunn park).
Therefore, they have chosen to
install floor-to-ceiling windows so
that guests can enjoy the beautiful
surroundings even when they are
Blekinge Convention Centre
will also endeavour to become the
county sports hotel with a clear
focus on sports and health.
• Preliminary booking of
meeting facilities and accommodation.
• Compiling conference booking
applications and related
• Field trips and familiarization
trips for meeting planners.
• Developing ideas for associa­
ted events in Karlskrona with
social and touristic elements.
• Producing presentations and
marketing material about
• Developing contacts within
the municipality, county
councils, business community
and the university.
photo competition
Winner 2015
n won a uniqu
tta Johansso
Last year, Lo
ge’s beautiful
Win fantas
How to enter the competition:
Take a picture and upload it to Instagram. Write a comment describing
where in Blekinge the picture was taken and tag it with @visitblekinge and
#blekingeunderbaravatten. Done! Now you have entered the competition.
The competition is open until 31/8 2016. The winner will be announced on Instagram.
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Visit Blekinge
Kungsbron 5
371 31 Karlskrona