July 2013 newsletter-final


July 2013 newsletter-final
JULY 2013 • Volume XVIII • Issue VII
Business Hours
Monday−Friday: 8:30 am−4:30 pm
Phone: 810-687-7260 • Fax: 810-564-0635
Website: www.clioseniorcenter.org
Email: casc.director@gmail.com
Daryl Vanella, Executive Director
Don Williams, Custodian
“To preserve, enhance and stabilize
the quality of senior life; to maintain
dignity and independence for older
adults and to promote their participation
in all aspects of community life.”
The Clio Senior Center is a member
of the following organizations:
Clio Area Chamber of Commerce
Senior Directors Association of Genesee
County Genesee County Commission on
Aging Michigan Association of Senior Centers
Michigan Recreation & Parks Association
National Council on Aging
National Institute of Senior Centers
The Clio Area Senior Center is supported by:
Vienna Township, the City of Clio,
Fundraisers & Donations
The Genesee County Senior Millage
makes the payment on our building.
Clio Senior Center Board of Directors
Harry Wagner – 15
Jack Edwards – 14
Dorothy Tarrant – 15
Lois Clymer – 15
Carol Moore – 15
Pam Benner – 14
Susan Marlow – 14
Brian Roy – 14
Roxanne Hutchison – 15
Clio Area Seniors, Inc. is a non-profit
501©3 organization and gifts are
deductible to that extent allowed.
Happy July everyone,
As we get the summer up and going, come on into the senior center
this month and join us for all the summer fun. Last month we had a
great time getting the summer classes and activities underway.
As we move into July, which is national Hot Dog and Ice Cream
month, we will be honoring these two yummy treats during our 3rd
annual 4th of July celebration. Come down to the center on Tuesday,
July 2nd, starting at 6pm and join us for the City of Clio fireworks
show. Bring your lawn chairs and blankets for this family-friendly, alcohol free event. We will be having food and 50/50 tickets to raise
some funds for the center and a donation jar will be available for you
to drop off any contribution you might feel is appropriate for the use
of the facility during the evening. Thank you all for the many ways
you support the center through your giving of time and resources!
We also have a couple new offerings this month. Starting on July 10th
at 10am we will be offering a six-week class called Matter of Balance.
Please see the write-up inside the newsletter. We are also offering our
new Tai Chi class this month, see the description on the pages inside
for further details.
And remember, we are a cooling center, so come on in on those hot
July days and keep cool and have some fun with us!
And as always, we look forward to seeing you at the center this
Serving together,
Daryl Vanella, Executive Director
COMPUTER CLASS W/JUDY Mondays 1 pm—4 pm
Judy will continue teaching computers, she will be adding: I PADS,
NOOKS, and KINDLES. You are encouraged to bring your own system
to your lessons. This will enable you to get comfortable with the system
that you will use. Call 810.687.7260 to schedule your appt.
Blood Pressure Checks: Mon. through Fri. at 11:15 a.m.—12:00 p.m.
See our webpage or Face Book page for the
updates of current events and information
If you need to schedule the bus for a pick-up, please remember to call by 1:00 pm the day prior to the scheduled
Bus Policies: The Clio Area Senior Center bus serves the
regional area consisting of Vienna Township, the City of
Clio, and Thetford Township. The operation of the bus
service is on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays of each
week, exclusive to any holidays or other days on which the
Center would be closed. The bus is primarily used for
transporting residents of the two townships and Clio to
and from the Center.
The bus will provide transportation to members of the
senior community (50 and over) that are members of the
Clio Area Senior Center and/or members of the “My Senior Center” program. Riders of the bus must call to participate in any scheduled runs by at least 1pm of the business
day before needing a ride.
Bus trips to the Clio area VG’s, Wal-Mart and Meijer’s will
be regularly scheduled. If you have a need to go on these
trips, you must sign up for the scheduled run by 1pm of
the previous business day before the run is scheduled.
There will be no additional runs made to these locations
other than what is scheduled, without special consideration
by the Center Director.
Extra trips for members with individual needs (laundry,
doctor’s appointments, emergency grocery runs, etc…) or
other activities outside of the Center bus schedule will be
considered with at least 3 business days notice. If a group
of people have a need for transportation, a bus run will be
considered with at least 3 business days notice. All extra
runs are subject to the existing bus schedule.
All bus riders must abide by the Participation Policy.
Yoga Stretch: Thursdays at 10:00 a.m.
Carol LaVelle is our instructor. Bring a mat and join us for floor stretching
exercises. This 45 minute routine will keep you limber.
Chair Yoga : Thursdays at 10:45 a.m.
This is for those unable to do regular Yoga. We will provide the chair.
Walk a Mile (Walk Away Pounds) and Sit and Be Fit:
Mon., Wed. & Fri. will be cancelled until we find a volunteer to lead
the groups. Let us know if you are interested in Volunteering for
either or both of these exercise classes. Stop at the front desk..
Certified Massage Therapist: Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.
Emily Maurer is available for a 10 minute massage for $6.
Appointments are required and new-comers are always welcome.
TOPS: Mondays 6:00 p.m. (Weigh-In) Meetings at 6:30 p.m.
Take off Pounds Sensibly – The monthly fee is $5,. annual fee of $26.
ROMEO’S (Rowdy Old Men Eating Out)
A fun social gathering for men. No commitments and all men are welcome. Next Lunch is on July 18th at 12 pm @ Naples in Montrose.
Bring your friends. Don’t forget your Plaid Shirt.
On Tuesday July 9th the Red Hatters will meet at Bob Evans in Birch Run
at 11:30am for a lunch and a movie at 1pm. A car pool will be leaving the
senior center at 11am. Please call the center to sign-up for the event before Monday, July 8th.
LEGAL SERVICES will be here on Wed, July 17th at 1:00 pm
Call 810.687.7260 or stop at the front desk to schedule your appointment.
The attorney is here on the third Wed. of each month.
This free service is for members 60 years of age and up.
********* COMMODITIES *********
Commodities need to be picked up on the 3rd Tuesday of each month
between 10:00 and 11:30 a.m. If you are unable to pick them up, you may
send someone with a note, signed by you, forms are available. Excess
Commodities will be shipped back at noon. If you miss the scheduled date
and/or time, they can be picked up at the Distribution Site:
2727 Lippincott Blvd, Flint, MI 48507
July 16. Aug., 20, Sept. 17, Oct. 15, Nov. 19, & Dec. 17
TEFAP— Sept. 17, Dec. 17
We appreciate your cooperation.
Rhythm Band, Music with Mavis and Bells will return Tues., Sept.10th.
LINE DANCE: Beg. & Adv.: classes Mon. & Wed. 2:30pm—4:25pm
CLOGGING (Beginners/Rhinestone): Tuesdays @ 1:00—3:00pm.
ZUMBA CLASSES Thurs. at 1:00 p.m. The cost for each class is $5.00.
This seems to grow each week, come and join them for some healthy fun
and dance your way to a healthier you!
TAI CHI! NEW! Wednesdays at 12:30pm: This doctor-recommended
form of exercise/stretching has many health benefits, it increases flexibility, lowers cholesterol, retards Alzheimer’s Disease and improves blood
flow. Also, it improves focus, concentration, invigorates the brain, lowers
blood sugar and helps eliminate stress. Studies show that people taking
Tai Chi reduce their risk of falling by 48%.
This will be a “No Floor” style of Tai Chi.
The first class was on June 12th,. We will be offering this class on a
donation basis. The cost to the center to offer this class is $40.00 per
session. It is offered free to all that are interested with a request that
you consider a donation per class to help off-set the costs.
COUNTRY RAMBLERS: Tuesday-5:30 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.. A $3.00
fee is taken at the door. Bring a dish to pass for the weekly Pot Luck .
Wii GAMES : Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m
HAND AND FOOT: Mon. from 5:00—8:00 p.m. This card game is a
variation of Canasta. Come join us for the FUN!! Invite a friend!
POOL: Thurs., at 1:00 p.m. July dates are the 11th and 25th. You may
enjoy the use of our pool table if there is no scheduled event planned. Check
at the desk., bring a friend and enjoy the game at no cost.
DARTS: Wed. at 1:00 p.m. weekly. Bring a friend or two.
SCRABBLE: Tues. at 10:00 am. Join us and learn some new words.
BINGO: Fridays from 1:00—3:00 pm is the penny bingo. You will need
28 pennies to play. The cover-all prize is donated by the Floral Depot. We
have large print cards available. The Bingo callers for July:
5th — Peggy Cabala
12th — Karen Croff
19th— Joyce Tingley
26th — Jan Perry
COMPUTER LAB: Open Daily 8:30 a.m.—4:15 p.m. Wireless Available. This room will be open from 8:30 a.m. until 4:15 p.m. You can check
email, explore the internet, play a game, etc.
LIBRARY: Open Daily 8:30—4:15 p.m. Come and check out our large
selection of books. Hard Cover Books, Books on Cassettes, VCR tapes &
DVD;s are only $1.00 each. Paperbacks .25 ea. You may request your favorite
book/author, we will call you when it becomes available. New books arrive
GIFT SHOP: Come, Shop, and Save in our Gift Shop. You will find a
wide variety of items available in our gift shop at a reasonable price. If the
door is locked, someone will be glad to unlock it for you. You will save
money. This is an on-going fundraiser.
BAGEL BASH: The 3rd Wed. (July 17th)
Dr. Frank Radtke, DDS provides us with bagels,
donuts and other treats. His office is located at
2128 W. Vienna Rd. Clio. We appreciate his kindness.
July Birthday Party!
The 3rd Thursday
of each month we will
be celebrating birthdays.
July 18th
Come & have
some cake.
Community Events &
Points of Interest
The Clio VFW 1452 Ladies Auxiliary is collecting
manufacturer’s coupons to send to overseas bases.
They can accept coupons that have been expired (up
to/and including twelve months). Please drop off coupons at the front desk. Our servicemen/women will
greatly appreciate your kindness. Just another way to
tell them::” Thank You for all you do and have
done for our Country.”
911 cell phones We offer “Emergency/911”
phones to seniors at no cost. You can only call 911
and you must keep the phone charged. You will
receive a phone and the charger. Stop at the front
desk if you need one. Be SAFE!!
INTEREST SHEETS We currently have Interest Sheets for: 500 Rum, Pilates, Pinochle (double
Deck) Crochet, Knitting, Knifty Knitter Loom
classes, etc. Twelve (12) signatures/phone numbers
are needed to schedule a class. Volunteer Instructors are needed for some classes. Stop in & sign up.
New ideas always welcome.
V.F.W. Thank You for restocking our supply of
sample size shampoos, conditioners, etc. for our
Veterans. At our Veterans Hospitals/Homes.
When dropping off your donations, please give
the desk volunteer your name. We receive credit
for each/every donation if we have the donors
name. The Veterans appreciate all of these donations. They are always grateful for your/our
kindness. We are lucky to be living in a such a
giving community. One we can all be proud to be
part of. Check out the list of wanted/needed items
on pgs. Five and seven.
Bingo Prizes: We are always in need of Bingo
prizes.. We give 200-300 prizes away each month.
Everyone that plays Bingo receives a prize. When
you are busy downsizing, remember to donate to
the Clio Area Senior Center. Your kindness will be
appreciated. Thanks for all you do.
1 Tuesday
10am: Walk-a-Mile
10:30am: Sit & Be Fit
11:15am: Bl. Press Check
12pm: Lunch
12:30pm: VG’s Shopping
1pm:Computer class w/ Judy
by appt only
1pm: Crafts
2:30pm: Beg/Intermediate Line
5:00pm—Hand & Foot
6pm: TOPS
10am: Scrabble
10am: Quilting
11:15am: Bl. Press Check
12pm: Lunch
1pm: Clogging: Beg/
2:30pm: Massage Therapy
10am: Walk-a-Mile
10:30am: Sit & Be Fit
11:15am: Bl. Press Check
12pm: Lunch
12:30pm: VG’s Shopping
1pm:Computer class w/ Judy
by appt only
1pm: Crafts
2:30: Beg/Intermediate Line
5:00pm: Hand & Foot
6pm: TOPS
10 Thursday
9am: Woodcarving
10am: Walk a Mile
10am:Matter of Balance
10:30am: Sit & Be Fit
11:15am: Bl. Press Check
12pm: Lunch
12:30pm: TAI CHI! NEW
1pm: Darts
2:30pm: Beg/Inter. Line
16 Wednesday
10am: Medicare/Medicaid
10am: Scrabble
10am: Quilting
10am: Commodities
11:15am: Bl. Press Check
12pm: Lunch
1pm: Clogging: Beg/
2:30pm: Massage Therapy
5:30pm: Country Ramblers
9am: Euchre
10am: Walk a Mile
10:30am: Sit & Be Fit
11:15am: Bl. Press Check
12pm: Lunch
12:30pm: Wal-Mart Shopping
1pm: Bingo— Peggy
17 Thursday
9am: Woodcarving
10am: Walk a Mile
10am:Matter of Balance
10:30am: Sit & Be Fit
11:15am: Bl. Press Check
12pm: Lunch
12:30pm: TAI CHI! NEW
1pm: Legal Services
1pm: Darts
2:30pm: Beg/Inter. Line
9am: Line Dance
10am: Wii Games
10am: Yoga
10:45am: Chair Yoga
11:15am: Bl.Press. Check
1pm: Pool-Straight 8
1:40pm: Massage Therapy
9am: Euchre
10am: Walk a Mile
10:30am: Sit & Be Fit
11:15am: Bl. Press Check
12pm: Lunch
1pm: Bingo—Karen Croff
18 Friday
9am: Line Dance
10am: Wii Games
10am: Yoga
10:45am: Chair Yoga
11:15am: Bl.Press Check
12pm: Lunch & B’day
12:pm: Romeos Bray Rd.
Diner (Bray/Mt. Morris
1pm:Poetry Forum
1:40pm: Massage
6pm: Rock and Gem
9am: Euchre
9am: Polio Survivor’s
Supt. Group
10am: Walk a Mile
10:30am: Sit & Be Fit
11am: Grief Support
11:15am: Bl. Press Check
12pm: Lunch
12:30: Meijer’s Shopping
1pm: Bingo– Joyce
Dr. Frank Radtke, DDS
22 Tuesday
23 Wednesday
10am: Medicare/Medicaid
10am: Scrabble
10am: Oil Painting w/Stan
11:15am: Bl. Press Check
12pm: Lunch
1pm: Clogging: Beg/
2:30pm: Massage Therapy
5:30pm: Country Ramblers
29 Tuesday
10am: Walk-a-Mile
10:30am: Sit & Be Fit
11:15am: Bl. Press Check
12pm:: Lunch
12:30pm: VG’s Shopping
1pm:Computer Class w/ Judy
by appt only
1pm: Crafts
2:30-4:25pm: Beg/Intermediate Line
5:00pm—Hand & Foot
15 Tuesday
10am: Walk-a-Mile
10:30am: Sit & Be Fit
11:15am: Bl. Press Check
12pm: Lunch
12:30pm: VG’s Shopping
1pm: Computer Class w/ Judy
by appt only
1pm: Crafts
2:30 : Beg/Int. Line Dance
5:00pm: Hand & Foot
3 Thursday
9am: Woodcarving
10am: Walk a Mile
10:30am: Sit & Be Fit
11:15am: Bl. Press Check
12pm: Lunch
12:30pm: TAI CHI! NEW
1pm: Darts
2:30pm: Beg/Inter. Line
10am: Scrabble
10: Oil Painting w/Stan
11:15am: Bl. Press Check
12pm: Lunch
1pm: Clogging: Beg/
2:30pm: Massage Therapy
5:30pm: Country Ramblers
10am: Walk-a-Mile
10:30am: Sit & Be Fit
11:15am: Bl. Press Check
12pm: Lunch
12:30pm: VG’s Shopping
1pm:Computer class w/ Judy
by appt only
1pm: Crafts
2:30pm: Beg/Intermediate Line
5:00pm: Hand & Foot
6pm: TOPS
6:30pm: Alzheimer’s Supt. Grp.
2 Wednesday
30 Wednesday
10am: Medicare/Medicaid
10am: Scrabble
10am: Quilting
11:15am: Bl. Press Check
12pm: Lunch
1pm: Clog. Beg/Rhinestone
2:30pm: Massage Therapy
5:30 Country Ramblers
24 Thursday
9am: Woodcarving
10am: Walk a Mile
10am:Matter of Balance
10:30am: Sit & Be Fit
11:15am: Bl. Press Check
12pm: Lunch
12:30pm: TAI CHI! NEW
1pm: Darts
2:30pm: Beg/Inter. Line
9am: Euchre
10am: Walk a Mile
10:30am: Sit & Be Fit
11:15am: Bl. Press Check
12pm: Lunch
1pm: Bingo— Jan Perry
9am: Woodcarving
10am: Walk a Mile
10am:Matter of Balance
10:30am: Sit & Be Fit
11:15am: Bl. Press Check
12pm: Lunch
12:30pm: TAI CHI! NEW
1pm: Darts
2:30pm: Beg/Inter. Line
25 Friday
9am: Line Dance
10am: Wii Games
10am: Yoga
10:45am: Chair Yoga
11:15am: Bl. Press. Check
12pm: Lunch
1:40pm: Massage Therapy
JULY 27 AND 28
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Monthly Meetings
Volunteers Needed
The Senior Advisory Board Meeting will be held on We need more GREAT VOLUNTEERS (Men and Women) in all areas:
Mon., July 1st at 10 am.
VAN DRIVERS: you will be asked to commit to drive one (1) day
weekly. Due to unexpected changes, you may be asked to drive an extra
The Senior Directors Board Meeting will be held on day. We will work around your schedule.
Mon., July 15th at 10 a.m.
FRONT DESK WORKERS: Duties include but are not limited to: greeting members/visitors when they come in, phone answering, message taking, answering members questions both in person and on the phone, etc.
KITCHEN WORKERS: Duties include but are not limited to: Temping
the food when it is delivered, Setting tables, Serving lunch, clean-up after
lunch, ordering food for the next day, etc.
EVENT SET-UP WORKERS: Help set up tables & chairs for classes,
groups and/or special events & clean up after the event.
GROUNDS AND GARDEN: Assist in keeping our Grounds Clean and
keeping the parking lot and entrance way free of snow and ice.
BINGO CALLERS: We are looking for a couple people to commit to
one Friday a month to call bingo. 2 callers needed. Stop by the front
desk to fill out an application
Polio Survivors Support Group….. DENNIS HOOSE
will be here Friday, July 19th from 9:00 am—10:45 am.
This meeting is held on the third Friday of each month.
Come and share your survival techniques. Bring your questions and comments.
DECORATORS! Are you interested in helping us decorate the center
during the year? We are looking for members to form a holiday decoration committee. Stop by the front desk to fill out a volunteer application
if this interests you!
We also need greeting card donations! If you have any unused or new
greeting cards for all occasions that you want to donate, the center has a
display rack! We would welcome your additions!
Grief Support Group Susan Mc Kenny from Martin Funeral Home will be facilitating a Grief Support Group on
the third Friday of the month at 11:00 a.m.. Support Groups
are very beneficial after the loss of a loved one. Friday,
July 19th at 11:00 a.m. will be our next meeting.
Lyme Disease Supt. Group.
*** We need a fascilator for this group. ***
Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group The Alzheimer’s
Association provides a support group for the caregivers,
families and friends of people who suffer with Dementia
and/or Alzheimer’s. The meetings usually are held on the
third Monday of each month. The June meeting will be
Mon. July 15th at 6:30 pm. Support groups are the heart of
the Alzheimer’s Association. If someone you love is affected
with either disease, come and share with others who understand. Meet Dawn, our facilitator, she is very knowledgeable
and helpful. Newcomers are always welcome.
See the “Information and Donation” form on
the back page for further information and details on how to let us know how you wan the
newsletter to get to you!
Call the front desk to sign-up for this free class!
Swedish Weaving: - Is taking a summer break. Look for
start-up details in the September newsletter .
Oil Painting with Stan Smela:
On the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month. July classes
will be on the 9th and on the 23rd. Sign up early, classes
fill up quickly. Check out our lunch menu and call by
12:30 pm, the day before, to reserve your lunch.
Classes are 10am—3pm on the 1st, 3rd and 5th (when
applicable) Tuesdays of every month. July 1st, 15th and
the 29th . Projects include,: Quilts to be raffled at all of our
special events, Chemo/Surgical hats for Hurley’s Kids.
Quilting for Linus Blankets, Weighted Blankets for Autistic
People, Walker and Wheelchair Bags for the V.A. Hospitals.
and more. We have some sewing machines available for
your use or you can bring your own. All quilters are welcome. We accept donations of material and other sewing
supplies. Stop in and check out the beautiful handiwork.
We’re impressed and you will be too.
Open Craft Session:
On Mondays and Wednesdays from 1:00 to 3:00 pm the
craft room is available for craft projects (individual or
group). Bring your projects, patterns and/or ideas to share.
Craft supplies may be purchased. Craft items are sold daily
in our Gift Shop and on our “Tuesday Tables” . This is an
on-going fund raiser. We are always looking for members
to teach a class. If interested, please see Daryl or Lois.
Flint Rock & Gem Club:
Meets on the third Thursday of each month at 6pm. This
month they meet on July 18th
New members are always welcome.
Wood Carvers:
Come join our area wood carving enthusiasts every Wed.
morning at 9:00 am for a time of creative wood carving in
our craft room. Bring your own tools and work together
with a great group of wood carvers. This is a free event. New
carvers are always welcome.
* Massage Therapy Emily offers a ten (10) minute upper
body massage for $6.00. Call for an available appointment.
Tues. and/or Thurs. 2:15-3:30 p.m.
• Foot Clinic Dr. Heligman will be here on July 10th.
Call the front desk to set up your appointment..
• * Medical Services As a reminder, we are only able to
accept certain items for medical donations. The items include disposable undergarments. disposable under pads,
and Ensure or the equivalent if it is not expired and has
no name or prescription label on it. We cannot accept machines, breathing equipment, blood pressure equipment,
blood testing equipment of any kind and no wigs. If you have
these items to donate, please contact us and we can refer you
to an organizations that can accept them.
Blood Pressure checks are available at the center Monday
through Friday (dependent on volunteer availability) throughout the month from 11am to 12pm.
* Medical Loan Closet: We also loan out for free many
types of medical assistance devices. We have walkers, wheelchairs,
shower chairs and commodes available. Call the center 810.687.7260
or stop at the front desk to check on availability of equipment.
* Legal Services Legal Services of Eastern Michigan is starting up their free legal consultations services once again, They
will be here on the 3rd Wednesday of each month (July 17th)
at 1pm. Appointments are required, please call the front desk
for scheduling. You must be 60 and over to use this service.
* Martin Funeral Home, in conjunction with Genesys Hospice, will be hosting a Grief Support Group in two different
locations. First Wednesday of each month, Miles Martin Funeral Home, 1194 E. Mt. Morris Rd. Mt. Morris, MI . Third
Friday of each month (July 19) @ 11:00 am @ Clio Senior
Center 2136 W. Vienna Rd. Clio. Contact: Susan E. Mc
Kenney, www.martinfuneralhome.com or call the Senior Center @ 810-687.7260
In case of severe weather, the Clio Area Senior Center has an inclement
weather policy. If the weather deteriorates during the day, call the center
before heading out to your program or activity to make sure the Center
is still open. When we must close the Center, an announcement will
*** V.G’.’S Community Share Points ***
appear on ABC Channel 12. Generally speaking, if the area schools are
We are still collecting V.G’.’S Community Share Points. closed, so will be the center, but this decision is made independent of
Comm. Share Points and Spartan labels can be dropped off the schools and may be different, so please check!
at the front desk. Currently we receive approximately $200
worth of receipts monthly. Get your family and friends involved too. Also check your receipt for “Script Points”… Along with the changes of the weather comes the season of colds
and flu. Please be considerate of your fellow members at the Center
we accept and redeem those also!
We also accept many items and/or cash donations for pro- by staying home if you are not feeling well. We care about your
health and want you to get well.
gram operational expenses.
The programs at the Senior Center are run totally
on your donation dollars. All costs for the programs are covered by the Clio Area Seniors Inc. A
non-profit organization. Anything you could give
to help with operational costs would be greatly
We are now collecting used cell phones at the Senior Center for a
fund raising project. We can turn them in for cash through VAAA.
So if you have an old phone, please bring it in so the center can
benefit from it and you can get it out of that drawer where it just
gets in the way when you are searching for things in it! Thank you
ahead of time for your support!
VAAA’s MMAP counselor, Susan Marlow, will
be available to see Medicare beneficiaries.
Check out the calendar for available dates and
times. The Michigan Medicare/Medicaid Assistance Program is a free service that can help
you make health insurance decisions. Call the Clio Senior Center
at (810) 687.7260 to schedule your appointment.
*** REMEMBER! ***
Appointments are available. You must call or stop
at the front desk to schedule an appointment!
2013 Medicare Coverage Summary Reference
A quick breakdown of these changes beginning January 2013 are:
2013 Part B Monthly Premium $104.90, increase of $5.00,
2013 Part B Deductible $147.00, increase of $7.00,
2013 Part A Deductible $1184, increase of $28.00
“To preserve, enhance and stabilize the quality of senior life;
to maintain dignity and independence for older adults and to
promote their participation in all aspects of community life.”
(All dates subject to
July 2: Our annual July 4th Family Fireworks Celebration! It starts at 6pm!
(the city is shooting them off on the 2nd this year!)
July 4: Center closed 4th of July.
July 27 &28: Destination Broadway!
The Center and Clio Cast and Crew are presenting dinner
and a show.
August 4th: Our 7th Anniversary Celebration!
Join us on Sunday Aug. 4th at 2pm for our annual car show
and festivities to celebrate the anniversary of us being in the
new building!
August 22nd: Cowboy Cookout Luncheon!
Join us for our 2nd annual Cowboy Cookout!
Operated by the Charter Township of Vienna
Individuals using the Clio Area Senior center must be 50 years or older
or the spouse/significant other of a person 50 years or older. However,
some programs and events that can be accessed through the Senior
Center have age specific requirements or are open to younger family,
community members and handicapped individuals. Because the Senior
Center is not licensed or staffed for Day Care services an individual
must be self sufficient and able to care for themselves. A caregiver will
need to accompany an individual not meeting this requirement for any
programs of interest. An individual who is not able to care for themselves
can only attend, with a caregiver, those programs of interest. Keep in mind
that a guest or individual is the responsibility of a Senior Center member and
that member may be held liable for any actions of that individual.
In order for everyone to enjoy activities and services in safety and comfort, you are asked to abide by the following rules:
1. Individuals must demonstrate safe behavior and may not engage in
any activity that may present a danger to themselves or to others. Mobile
person carriers must be operated in a safe manner at all times when near
any individual.
2. Individuals must demonstrate cooperative behavior and communication and may not engage in any activity that is disruptive to the effective running and legitimate use of the Clio Area Senior Center. It is not
permissible to cause disruption or a scene when having a conversion
with one of our volunteers while they are performing their assigned
duties. The starting or spreading of malicious gossip and/or rumors will
not be tolerated.
3. The following behaviors are prohibited: gambling, panhandling, use
of inappropriate language (obscene, abusive, loud, threats, insults and/or
rude), threatening, demeaning and/or antagonistic behaviors toward
others (unwanted following/stalking, watching/staring, waiting for, etc.)
and solicitation of services or products without prior written approval.
4. There is no use of tobacco, alcohol, weapons or any illegal substances permitted. Smoking is only permitted outside, at least 100 feet
from any building entrance and not near any door or window and only
in assigned areas.
5. Individuals are to show respect to others and for themselves and
not abuse and/or steal agency and/or personal items. Theft, damage or
destruction of personal or Senior Center property will not be tolerated.
6. Personal hygiene is to be maintained so an individual is not offensive to others.
7. Individuals need to be able to function on the Senior Center premises without one-to-one assistance or supervision or must be accompanied by a responsible person who will provide the assistance or supervision, if required. Health concerns are a priority. If the individual is ill,
regularly incontinent or showing signs or symptoms of impending illness, they must stay home and away from the Senior Center. This may
cause a serious biohazard incident at the Senior Center due to exposure
to anyone’s blood or body fluids. An individual must be able to understand and carry out their responsibilities to conform their behavior to
the Participation Policy of the Senior Center. Failure to abide by this
Participation Policy will result in an individual being asked to leave the
premises and property until such a time as they are willing to meet with
the Senior Center Director (or designate) and commit in writing to conform to the Participation Policy. The management reserves the right to
permanently ban a person from the Senior Center for violations of this
policy. Revised: 7/25/12
Board approved: 8/20/12 DAV
VOLUNTEERS: Front Desk, Kitchen, Van Drivers, Special Events (set-up, clean–up, kitchen, greeter etc.), Grounds/Garden,
Bake Sale and Class Instructors: Lyme Disease Fascliator, Walk-a-Mile and Sit and Be Fit group leader, Bake Sale Volunteers.
DONATIONS: Kitchen Supplies: 19” X 13 “ Baking Pans, Styrofoam Cups (12oz), Plates (Sm/Lrg) Bowls (Sm/Lrg), Plastic
Silverware Paper Towels, Napkins, Condiments: Relish, Miracle Whip, Salt, Pepper, Coffee (Regular/Decaf), Tea Bags, Zip Lock
Bags, Beverages/Cases: Coke/Pepsi Products (Diet/Reg.), Bottled Tea (Reg/Sweetened) Candy Bars, Potato Chips (Sm. Bags)
Thank You for being a member/volunteer at Clio Area Senior Center. Every one of you are appreciated.
Please reserve your lunches the day before by 12:15 pm, so they can be called in to G-card by 12:30 pm.
Lunches for those 50 to 59 is $3.50. 60 & over, there is a suggested donation of $2 per CARD,
no senior will be turned away that has pre-ordered lunch.
Phone: (810) 687-7260
Fax: (810) 564-0635
Place the numbers 1 through
9 in each
square so that
each number
appears only
once in each
row, each column and each
3x3 block
2013—Save the Dates!
___ I am enclosing my $15.00 annual dues for program expenses
___ I would like to make a donation of $_______ for the ________ fund
___ I would like to receive the newsletter by email
(Please clearly print email address below)
___ I will get the newsletter through the website (www.clioseniorcenter.org),
or the Facebook page
___ I will pick-up a monthly newsletter at the center or area business
___ I would like the newsletter mailed to me.
We will maintain a small mailing list for those who cannot take advantage of the above listed methods to get the newsletter. ***(requires
Director’s approval w/postage fee of $5 yearly)***
___ I have a change of information indicated below:
Name: ____________________________________
Email address_______________________________ Date Received:
Address:_______________________ Apt. # ______
Received by:
City: ________________ State: ___ Zip Code ______
Phone # (____)_____________ Township ________ ___________
Spouse’s Name___________________________________
(All dates subject to change/cancellation)
July 2: Our annual July 4th Family Fireworks
Celebration! (the city is shooting them off on
the 2nd this year!)
July 4: Center closed 4th of July.
July 27 &28: Destination Broadway!
The Center and Clio Cast and Crew are presenting dinner and a show.
August 4th: Our 7th Anniversary Celebration!
Join us on Sunday Aug. 4th at 2pm for our annual car show and festivities to celebrate the anniversary of us being in the new building!
August 22nd: Cowboy Cookout Luncheon!
Join us for our 2nd annual Cowboy Cookout!