Vienna Views Clio Area Senior Center


Vienna Views Clio Area Senior Center
Clio Area Senior Center
2136 W. Vienna Road
Clio, Michigan 48420
Everything Under the Sun
Vienna Views
Clio Area Senior Center
Serving Area Adults 50 and Over and their Families
Volume VIII - Issue
Clio Area Senior Center
2136 W. Vienna Road
Clio, Michigan 48420
(810) 687-7260
(810) 564-0635 fax
Business Hours
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Monday through Friday
Daryl Vanella, Director
Don Williams, Custodian
―To preserve, enhance and stabilize the quality of senior life;
to maintain dignity and independence for older adults and to
promote their participation in all aspects of community life.‖
The Clio Senior Center is a member of the following
Clio Area Chamber of Commerce
Senior Directors Association of Genesee County
Genesee County Commission on Aging
Michigan Association of Senior Centers
Michigan Recreation & Parks Association
National Council on Aging
National Institute of Senior Centers
The Clio Area Senior Center is supported by:
Vienna Township,
the City of Clio,
Fundraisers & Donations
The Genesee County Senior Millage makes the payment on our
September 2012
Happy September everyone.
From the Director
As we make the transition from summer to fall and from vacations to school, we welcome the month of September with several events and activities. September in national Senior Center month. This month we will be celebrating with a Cowboy Cookout (Sept. 4 at 12pm) Join us for a fun time
filled with good food and games. The cost is $5.00 person and seating is limited to 50 people. So sign up soon!
And this month we want to thank you all for your support of the center and whether you are new to the center or have been supporting it for years,
we would like to thank you for all you give. Starting this month we will be having a fund raiser for the rest of the year trying to raise $10,000.00 by
the end of the year. Because of decreased giving by area municipalities and the tough economic times, the non-profit organization (Clio Area Seniors Inc.) that runs the programs for the center, will be about $10,000 behind budget this year.
Did you know it take approximately $35,000 above and beyond the millage and township funds to run the programs and services at the senior center? That money all comes from our annual events, service donations, and mostly from your giving. Because of the tough economic times we are
running behind budget. Would you please consider a financial gift of any size as a way of honoring Senior Center month and supporting the Clio Area
Senior Center with a financial gift. The giving form on the last page of this newsletter can be used for your convenience as you decide what amount
you are able to give. I, along with all the wonderful volunteers that support the center, personally thank you for your consideration to help us meet
this need.
September is also bringing back most of our classes and activities that have taken the summer off. Please see the inside of the newsletter and the
calendar of events on the second page for further details of what is happening this month.
Serving together,
YEE HAW!!!! Join us for our September COWBOY (and girl) COOKOUT!
Daryl Vanella
WHEN: September 4th 12pm (detail on page 4)
Lasso your ticket at the front desk quick! Seating limited to 50 people
Clio Senior Center Board of Directors
Birthday Party!
Harry Wagner – 13
Jack Edwards – 14
Dorothy Tarrant –13
Lois Clymer—13
Carol Moore—13
Pam Benner—14
Susan Marlow—14
Brian Roy –14
Roxanne Hutchison—13
The 3rd Thursday of each month
we will be celebrating birthdays.
Clio Area Seniors, Inc. is a non-profit 501©3 organization and gifts are deductible to that extent allowed.
September 20th
Come and have some cake.
If you need to schedule the bus for a pick-up, please remember to
call by 1:00 pm the day prior to the scheduled pick-up.
Bus Policies:
The Clio Area Senior Center bus serves the regional area consisting of Vienna Township, the City of Clio, and Thetford Township.
The operation of the bus service is Monday through Friday of each
week, exclusive to any holidays or other days on which the Center
would be closed. The bus is primarily used for transporting residents of the two townships and Clio to and from the Center.
The bus will provide transportation to members of the senior
community (50 and over) that are members of the Clio Area Senior Center and/or members of the ―My Senior Center‖ program.
Riders of the bus must call to participate in any scheduled runs
by at least 1pm of the business day before needing a ride.
Bus trips to the Clio area VG’s, Wal-Mart and Meijer’s will be regularly scheduled. If you have a need to go on these trips, you must
sign up for the scheduled run by 1pm of the previous business day
before the run is scheduled. There will be no additional runs
made to these locations other than what is scheduled, without
special consideration by the Center Director.
Extra trips for members with individual needs (laundry, doctor’s
appointments, emergency grocery runs, etc…) or other activities
outside of the Center bus schedule will be considered with at
least 2 business days notice. If a group of people have a need for
transportation, a bus run will be considered with at least 3 business days notice. All extra runs are subject to the existing bus
All bus riders must abide by the Participation Policy
Blood Pressure Checks
We will be doing blood pressure checks on Mondays through Fridays
from 11:15 a..m - 12:00 p.m.
Yoga Stretch
Bring a mat and join us for floor stretching exercises. This 45 minute
routine will keep you limber. Class meets on Thurs. at 10:00 am.
Chair Yoga will be @ 10:45am. Carol LaVelle is our instructor. We will
provide the chair. This is for people that are not able to do regular Yoga.
Exercise Class (Sit and Be Fit)
This is a chair exercise class that is 45 minutes in length. It is very good
for those who want to keep their joints moving, Class meets on Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays at 10:30 a.m. until 11: 15 a.m. Come and Join us.
Walk a Mile (Walk Away Pounds)
Walk a Mile in the safety of the Senior Center on Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays at 10am.
Certified Massage Therapist
Emily Duckworth is available on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. She
offers a 10 minute therapeutic massage for $6.00. Please call the center
to schedule an appointment. New-comers always welcome.
Take off Pounds Sensibly – This group meets on Mondays at 6:00 p.m.
for weigh in and the meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. The monthly fee is $5,
with an annual fee of $26.
Commodities need to be picked up on the 3rd Tuesday of each month
between 10:00 and 11:30 a.m. If you are unable to pick them up, you may
send someone with a note, signed by you, Forms are available. Excess
Commodities will be shipped back at noon. If you miss the scheduled date
and/or time, they can be picked up at the Distribution Site:
2727 Lippincott Blvd, Flint, MI 48507
Sept. 18th, Oct. 16th, Nov. 20th, Dec. 18th
T-FAP PICK UP DATES ARE: Sept. 18th...Dec. 18th We appreciate your
ROMEO’S (Rowdy Old Men Eating Out) is a fun social meeting for men. No
commitments and all men are welcome. Thursday September 21st
lunch will be at Mountain Inn . See you at ―NOON‖. Bring your
friends. Don’t forget your Plaid Shirt.
****************RED HATTERS***************
The next meeting and luncheon will be Thursday September 20th at
12pm, at Fandangles The Market Place, G-6429 W. Pierson Rd.
Please call Dorothy 686-4841 or Delores 564-9791 for further information and to RSVP. You can also call the Senior Center 687-7260 to RSVP.
RHYTHM BAND Music with Mavis and Bells will resume in September! Welcome back Mavis!
LINE DANCE: Beginning & Advanced classes are on Monday and Wednesday
@ 2:30pm—4:25pm
CLOGGING (Beginners/Rhinestone) is held on Tuesdays @ 1:00 p.m. —
ZUMBA CLASSES will start at 3pm every Thursday @ 3:00 p.m. The cost
for each class is $5.00. This is becoming a very popular class. Come and join
the healthy fun and dance your way to a healthier you!
COUNTRY RAMBLERS meet on Tuesday nights from 5:30 p.m. until 9:00 p.m..
A $3.00 fee is taken at the door. Bring a dish to pass for the weekly Pot
Luck .
THE POETRY FORUM The meeting time for this group is the third Thursday of
the month. Sept. 20th at 1:00 pm. New-comers are always welcome. Be
sure to check out the Display Case for future poets work.
Wii GAMES are held on Thursdays at 10:00a.m.—12:00p.m
HAND AND FOOT card game is a variation of Canasta. Come join us on Mondays from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 pm for the FUN!! Invite a friend!
POOL players meet on the 1st, 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 1:00 p.m. no pool on the
third Thursday of the month due to another group meeting in the game room
at that time. September are: 6th, 13th and 27th.
DARTS is available on Wed. at 1:00 p.m. weekly. Bring a Friend.
SCRABBLE is played on Tuesdays at 10:00 am.
Fridays from 1:00—3:00 pm is the penny bingo. You will need 28 pennies to
play. The cover-all prize is donated by the Floral Depot. We have large print
cards available for visually impaired individuals. The Bingo callers for Sept:
7th — Joyce Tingley
14th—Karen Croff
21th — Jan Perry
28th—Joyce Tingley
COMPUTER LAB Open – Wireless Available. This room will be open from
8:30 a.m. until 4:15 p.m. You can check email, explore the internet, play a game,
etc. Please sign in anytime you will be using the computer lab.
LIBRARY closes @ 4:15 pm. Come and check out our large selection of books.
Hard Cover Books, Books on Cassettes, VCR tapes & DVD;s are only $1.00 each.
Paperbacks @$ .25 ea. You may request your favorite book/author, we will
call you when it becomes available.
GIFT SHOP: Our crafters make a variety of items to be sold in our Gift Shop,
at our ―Tuesday Tables‖ and in the Craft Room. If the Gift Shop is locked,
someone at the front desk will be glad to unlock it for you.. There are a large
variety of items to be purchased. You will save money while helping our Senior Center.
BAGEL BASH Bagel Bash will be on Wed. Sept. 19th Bagels, Donuts and other
treats are provided by Dr. Frank Radtke, DDS. His office is located at 2128 W.
Vienna Rd. Clio.
Sept. 3
10am: Walk-a-Mile
10:30am: Sit & Be Fit
11:15am: Bl. Press Check
12pm: Lunch
12:30pm: VG’s Shopping
1pm: Crafts
2:30-4:25pm: Beg/Intermediate Line Dance
5pm: Hand & Foot
6pm: Tops
10am: Scrabble
10am: Medicare/Medicaid Assist. Prog.
10am: - 3pm: Quilting
11:15am: Bl. Press Check
1pm: Clogging: Beg/Rhinestone
2:30pm: Massage Therapy
5:30pm—Country Ramblers
9am: Woodcarving
10am: Walk a Mile
10:30am: Sit & Be Fit
11:15am: Bl. Press Check
12pm: Lunch
1pm: Darts
2:30—4:25pm: Beg/
Intermediate .Line Dance
10am: Walk-a-Mile
10:30am: Sit & Be Fit
11:15am: Bl. Press Check
12pm: Lunch
12:30pm: VG’s Shopping
1pm: Crafts
2:30-4:25pm: Beg/Intermediate Line Dance
5:00pm: Hand & Foot
6pm: TOPS
10am: Scrabble
10am: Rhythm Band RETURNS!
10am: Medicare/Medicaid Assist. Prog.
10am: Oil Painting w/Stan
11:15am: Bl. Press Check
11am: Music w/ Mavis RETURNS!
12pm: Lunch 12:30 –Bells RETURNS!
1pm: Clogging: Beg/Rhinestone
2:30pm: Massage Therapy
5:30pm—Country Ramblers
9am: Woodcarving
10am: Walk a Mile
10:30am: Sit & Be Fit
11:15am: Bl. Press Check
12pm: Lunch
1pm: Darts
2:30—4:25pm: Beg/
Intermediate .Line Dance
9am: Euchre
10am: Walk a Mile
10:30am: Sit & Be Fit
11:15am: Bl. Press Check
12pm: Lunch
12:30pm: Wal-Mart Shopping
1pm: Bingo— Joyce Tingley
9am: Line Dance
10am: Wii Games
10am: Yoga 10:45am: Chair Yoga
11:15am: Blood Press. Check
1pm: Pool—Straight 8
1:40pm: Massage Therapy
3pm: Zumba Class
9am: Riverfront Optical
9am: Euchre
10am: Walk a Mile
10:30am: Sit & Be Fit
11:15am: Bl. Press Check
12pm: Lunch
1pm: Bingo—Karen Croff
10am: Walk-a-Mile
10:30am: Sit & Be Fit
11:15am: Bl. Press Check
12pm: Lunch
12:30pm: VG’s Shopping
1pm: Crafts
2:30-4:25pm: Beg/Intermediate Line
Dance5:00pm—Hand & Foot
10am: Walk-a-Mile
10:30am: Sit & Be Fit
11:15am: Bl. Press. Check
12:30 pm: VG’ s Shop
1pm: Crafts
2:30:pm Beg/Inter. Line Dance
5:00pm—Hand & Foot
9am: Gen. County Hlth./ Screening
10am: Scrabble
10am: Rhythm Band
10:00—11:30 am: COMMODITIES & T-FAP
10am: - 3pm: Quilting
11am: Music w/ Mavis
11:15am: Bl. Press Check
12pm: Lunch 12:30 –Bells
1pm: Clogging: Beg/Rhinestone
2:30pm: Massage Therapy
5:30pm—Country Ramblers
10am: Scrabble
10am Quilting
10am: Rhythm Band
10am: Oil Painting w/Stan
11am: Music w/ Mavis
11:15am: Bl. Press Check
12pm: Lunch
12:30 –Bells
1pm: Clogging: Beg./Rhinestone
2:30pm: Massage Therapy
5:30pm: Country Ramblers
9am: Woodcarving
10am: Walk a Mile
10:30am: Sit & Be Fit
11:15am: Bl. Press Check
12pm: Lunch
Bagel Bash
1pm: Darts
2:30—4:25pm: Beg/
Intermediate .Line Dance
9am: Line Dance
10am: Wii Games
10am: Yoga 10:45am: Chair Yoga
11:15am: Blood Press. Check
12pm: Lunch/B 'day Celeb.
12:pm: Romeos—Terry’s restaurant
1pm:Poetry Forum
1:40pm: Massage Therapy
3pm: Zumba Class
9am: Woodcarving
10am: Walk a Mile
10:30am: Sit & Be Fit
11:15am: Bl. Press Check
1pm: Darts
2:30—4:25pm: Beg/
Intermediate .Line Dance
9am: Line Dance
10am: Wii Games
10am: Yoga
10:45am: Chair Yoga
11:15am: Blood Press. Check
1pm: Pool—Straight 8
1:40pm: Massage Therapy
3pm: Zumba
9am: Euchre
9am: Polio Survivor’s Supt. Group
10am: Jan’s Beaded Jewelry Class
10am: Walk a Mile
10:30am: Sit & Be Fit
10am: Jewelry class—Jan Perry
11am: Grief Support Group
11:15am: Bl. Press Check
12pm: Lunch
12:30pm: Meijer’s Shopping
1pm: Bingo— Jan Perry
9am: Euchre
10am: Walk a Mile
10:30am: Sit & Be Fit
11:15am: Bl. Press Check
12pm: Lunch
1pm: Bingo— Joyce Tingley
9am: Line Dance
10am: Wii Games
10am: Yoga 10:45am: Chair Yoga
11:15am: Blood Press. Check
1pm: Pool—Straight 8
1:40pm: Massage Therapy
3pm: Zumba Class
Monthly Meetings, Presentations and
The Senior Advisory Board Meeting will be held on Monday,
September 6th at 10am
The Senior Directors Board Meeting will be held on Monday,
September 17th at 10 a.m.
Grace Hospice needs you! Grace hospice is seeking local compassionate individuals who are willing to provide companionship and
support to patients and their families in the Clio area. So if you
are interested in helping to provide companionship, support for
caregivers, running errands for patients and/or caregivers or
providing administrative office help, please contact Kim Taylor at
Grace Hospice Volunteers—810-230-0127
YEE HAW!!!! Join us for our September COWBOY (and girl) COOKOUT!
WHEN: September 4th 12pm
WHAT: B-B-Q pork ribs, ranch beans, corn on the cob, biscuits and
Games, Raffles and prizes!
WHAT TO WEAR: Come dressed in your cowboy (and girl) BEST!
HOW MUCH: Just a mere $5 for them fine vittles! But seating is limited
to 50, so get your ticket fast! They are on sale now at the front desk.
Polio Survivors Support Group….. DENNIS HOOSE will be here
Friday, September 21st from 9:00 am—10:45 am. This meeting
is held on the third Friday of each month. Come and share your
survival techniques. Barbara Oniszczak will be assisting Dennis
as a co-facilitator. Bring your questions and comments,
New members are always welcome.
Grief Support Group Susan Mc Kenny from Martin Funeral
Home will be facilitating a Grief Support Group on the third Friday
of the month at 11:00 a.m.. Support Groups are very beneficial
after the loss of a loved one. The next meeting will be Friday,
September 21st at 11:00 a.m.
Lyme Disease Group The Lyme Disease Support Group has been
― CAMCELLED‖ until further notice.
Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group The Alzheimer’s Association provides a support group for the caregivers, families and
friends of people who suffer with Dementia and/or Alzheimer’s.
The meetings are held on the third Monday of each month. This
month’s meeting will be Monday September 17th at 6:30pm.
Support groups are the heart of the Alzheimer’s Association. If
someone you love is affected with either of these diseases, come
and share with others who understand. Come and meet Dawn,
our facilitator, she is very knowledgeable and helpful.
Newcomers are always welcome.
***************LIBRARY DONATIONS***************
Due to limited space, we are unable to accept the following:
Magazines or printed booklets older than six (6) months
Hardcover and/or Paperback books that are torn, soiled and/or
musty smelling.
Any non-fiction material copyright prior to 1960
(this information is over fifty (50) years old).
Thank You for your continuing support of our Library.
Coming in
OCTOBER 6th—Join us for our annual Craft Show!
Table registration is $20 each. Tables are limited, reserve and pay for
your table/tables before Sept. 24 and save $5.00. There will be raffles,
50/50, bake sale, quilt and a special raffle for vendors only.
OCTOBER 19th— Join us for a lunchtime pizza party! You can sign up at
the front desk. Watch the October Vienna Views for more information.
Basket Weaving: There will be no classes until further notice.
Oil Painting with Stan Smela
On the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month. September classes
will be on the 11th and 25th. Sign up early, classes fill up quickly.
Check out our lunch menu and call by 12:30 pm, the day before, to reserve your lunch.
FLINT POETRY FORUM— meets on the 3rd Thursday of each
month (Sept. 20th) at 1:00 p.m. For more information please
call Ruby Martin at 810-659-5206 or Sadonna Myers at 810-7444346
Classes are 10am—3pm on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Tuesdays of
every month. (Sept. 4th, 18th). Projects include,: Quilts to be raffled at all of our Special Events, Chemo/Surgical hats for Hurley’s
Kids. Quilting for Linus Blankets, Weighted Blankets for Autistic
People, Walker and Wheelchair Bags for the V.A. Hospitals. and
more. We have some sewing machines available for your use or
you can bring your own. All quilters are welcome. We accept donations of material and other sewing supplies. Stop in and check
out the beautiful handiwork. We’re impressed and you will be too.
Open Craft Session
On Mondays and Wednesdays from 1:00 to 3:00 pm the craft
room is available for craft projects (individual or group). Bring
your projects, patterns and/or ideas to share. Craft supplies may
be purchased. Craft items are sold daily in our Gift Shop and on
our ―Tuesday Tables‖ . This is an on-going fund raiser. We are
always looking for members to teach a class. If interested, please
see Daryl or Lois.
Flint Rock & Gem Club— will be meeting on the third Thursday,
Sept. 20th @ 7:00—9:00 pm. New Members always welcome.
Wood Carvers
Come join our area wood carving enthusiasts every Wednesday
morning at 9:00 am for a time of creative wood carving in our
craft room. Bring your own tools and work together with a great
group of wood carvers. This is a free event.
New carvers are always welcome.
V.G’.’S Community Share Points
We are still collecting V.G’.’S Community Share Points. Make
sure you sign up for V.G.’s ’‖YES‖ program to continue receiving/
donating the community share points. By signing up you will continue to receive community share points and receive savings on
certain items each week. Comm. Share Points and Spartan labels
can be dropped of at the front desk. Currently we receive approximately $200 worth of receipts monthly. Get your family and
friends involved too.
We also accept many items and/or cash donations for program
operational expenses. The programs at the Senior Center are run
totally on your donation dollars. All costs for the programs are
covered by the Clio Area Seniors Inc. non-profit organization.
Anything you could give to help with operational costs would be
greatly appreciated!
VAAA’s MMAP counselor, Susan Marlow, will be available to see Medicare beneficiaries on Tuesdays. The Michigan Medicare/Medicaid
Assistance Program is a free service that can help you make health insurance decisions.
Call the Clio Senior Center at (810) 687.7260 to schedule your appointment.
*** REMEMBER! ***
Open enrollment is coming up on October 15th through December 7th!
**** Join us on SEPTEMBER 13th at 1pm for a Medicare update and fraud presentation in our main hall! ****
―To preserve, enhance and stabilize the quality of senior life; to maintain dignity and independence for older adults and to promote their participation in all aspects of community life.‖
We have available for our members use, a box in the dining area for your concerns and/or suggestions. This center is for and about all of us. It
has to be a team effort to keep our center running efficiently, to continue expanding for the betterment of all concerned. By submitting your
completed and signed form, you will be helping. The form is located by the box that is used to place your completed form in. Any forms not
signed will be destroyed. The forms are read by a designated Board Member and handled in a confidential manner.
If you are aware of someone's behavior being in violation of the Participation Policy (see the back page for the policy) and you want to bring it
to the attention of the center, what should you do?
At the front desk we have Incident Reports for reporting any unusual incident. A violation of the Participation Policy can be reported through
filling out this form. Please write legibly and sign the form. Forms that cannot be read clearly and/or are not signed will not be followed up on.
Any incident report filed goes directly to the center director for investigation and follow-up. The director handles all matters in this area. The
Incident Reporting system is also to be used for accidents, property damage, or reporting any incident that needs further attention.
The Senior Center Board President, Harry Wagner, the Director and the entire board, would like to thank everyone that has helped and donated
to the special events we have had here at the center in the past months. We thank the volunteers that have helped to prepare, serve, and organize these events that have honored our seniors in our community. We would also like to thank all our community partners that give to
events, including the Clio Amphitheater, local veterans groups, & all the generous individual donors that make these events special!
We are looking for a couple of people to volunteer to meet some administrative needs we have. We need some help in the areas of bookkeeping and financial record keeping, data entry, and website and Face Book page administration. If any of these areas interest you, please
come in and fill out a volunteer application and talk with the Director about how you might be able to help!
Massage Therapy Emily offers a ten (10) minute upper
body massage for $6.00. Call for an available appointment. Tues. and/or Thurs. 2:15-3:30 p.m.
Chiropractic Care: Dr. Jerry Mc Clane will not be
seeing patients this summer. We look forward to
seeing him in the fall. Watch your newsletter for updates.
Foot Clinic Dr. Heligman will be here on Tuesday October 9 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Call to make your
appointment. if you have questions please talk with Lois.
Medical Services As a reminder, we are only able to
accept certain items for medical donations. The items
include disposable undergarments. disposable under
pads, and Ensure or the equivalent if it is not expired and
has no name or prescription label on it. We cannot accept
machines, breathing equipment, blood pressure equipment, blood testing equipment of any kind and no wigs. If
you have these items to donate, please contact us and we
can refer you to organizations that can accept them.
Medical Loan Closet: We also loan out for free many
types of medical assistance devices. We have , walkers,
wheelchairs, shower chairs and commodes are available.
Call the center 810.687.7260 or stop at the front desk to
check on availability of equipment.
Martin Funeral Home, in conjunction with Genesys Hospice, will be hosting a Grief Support Group in two different locations. First Wednesday of each month, Miles Martin Funeral Home, 1194 E. Mt. Morris Rd. Mt. Morris, MI .
Third Friday of each month (September 5th) @ 11:00 am
@ Clio Senior Center 2136 W. Vienna Rd. Clio. Contact:
Susan E. Mc Kenney, or call
the Senior Center @ 810-687.7260
Front Desk, Kitchen, Van Drivers, Special Events (set-up, clean–up, kitchen, greeter etc.), Grounds/Garden, Class Instructors, Bake Sale Volunteers
DONATIONS: Kitchen Supplies: 16‖ Pizza Pans, Styrofoam Cups (12oz), Plates (Sm/Lrg) Bowls (Sm/Lrg), Plastic Silverware Paper Towels, Napkins, Ketchup, Mustard, Relish, Miracle Whip, Salt, Pepper, Coffee
(Regular/Decaf), Tea Bags, Zip Lock Bags, Beverages/Cases: Coke and Pepsi Products (Diet/Regular), Bottled Tea (Reg/Sweetened) Candy Bars, Potato Chips (Sm. Bags) Cleaning Supplies
Thank You for being a member/volunteer at Clio Area Senior Center. Every one of you are appreciated.
Please reserve your lunches the day before by 12:15 pm, so they can be called in to G-card by 12:30 pm. Lunches for those under 60 is The Clio VFW 1452 Ladies Auxiliary is collecting manufac$3.50. Over 60, there is a suggested donation of $2 per GCCARD, no senior will be turned away that has ordered lunch.
turer’s coupons to send to overseas bases. They can accept
coupons that have been expired (up to/and including two
months). Please drop off coupons in the designated box in
the Computer/Library Room. We also collect coupons for an
-other member that can send expired coupons (up to/and
including six months) to be used by our soldiers. Our servicemen and women will greatly appreciate your kindness.
Just another way to tell them: Thank You for all you do
and have done for our Country.
911 cell phones We offer ―Emergency/911‖ phones to
seniors at no cost. You can only call 911 and you must keep
the phone charged. You will receive a phone and the
charger. Stop at the front desk if you need one. Be SAFE!!
INTEREST SHEETS We currently have Interest Sheets for
the following: Photography Class, Coupon Class, Jewelry
making class, etc. When we obtain enough signatures, we
will try to start up a class. New ideas always welcome. Stop
at the front desk to see which sheets you may want to sign.
V.F.W. Thank You for restocking our supply of sample
size shampoos, conditioners, soaps, etc. for our Veterans.
Chuck & Jan Crane pick them up and deliver them to a MI
Veterans Hospital/Home. The Cranes also collect beverage
tabs. The tabs are recycled and the money collected is used
for purchasing the items that Veterans still need.. We are
also accepting donations of yarn and/or funds to purchase
yarn to be given to Kathy. Kathy, a member/volunteer has
been crocheting lap blankets for Veterans Hospitals/
Homes. We have sent four bags of blankets so far. You can
turn in the tabs and yarn or funds to purchase more yarn at
the front desk. Thank you for the donations, keep them
coming in! And thank you ―Kathy‖ for all the hours you
have given for this project. The Veterans appreciate all
of these donations. They are always grateful for your/
our kindness. We (Clio Area Senior Center) are a very
giving community. One to be proud to be part of.
Please make sure you are checking in with your I.D. tag or
sign the sheet every time you visit the senior center. Also,
check in for every activity you participate in while you are
here. We need accurate counts. The numbers impact the
amount of funding the center will receive.
Along with the changes of the weather comes the season of
colds and flu. Please be considerate of your fellow members at the Center by staying home if you are not feeling
well. We care about your health and want you to get well.
In case of severe weather, the Clio Area Senior Center has
an inclement weather policy. If the weather deteriorates
during the day, call the center before heading out to your
program or activity to make sure the Center is still open.
When we must close the Center, an announcement will appear on ABC Channel 12. Generally speaking, if the area
schools are closed, so will be the center.
As always, we deeply appreciate all the financial and inkind gifts given frequently to the Senior Center. Many
of you give generously and often to the senior community. If you have not given in the past and are looking
for ways to support the Center please consider giving
in some of the following ways:
Financially: All of the programs at the Clio Area Senior
Center are paid for by the private non-profit group Clio
Seniors Incorporated. This non-profit group is solely
supported by your giving and the fund raising events
conducted at the Senior Center. All the money for
newsletters and given in donations goes to this group
for the running of programs at the center. Recently,
the Center has moved towards handling some of its
operational costs that Vienna Township has handled in
the past. We are partnering with them in sharing some
costs because of the township’s budget constraints
from decreasing tax revenue and decreasing revenue
sharing from the state. If you have the means, please
consider continuing and possibly increasing your
monetary giving to the Center to help us with this increased cost of operation.
In-Kind donations: We accept many items as in-kind
donations that help the Center in many ways. Wheelchairs, walkers, canes, shower chairs, adult undergarments, gently used furnishings, books for the library,
community points from VG receipts, and many other
items are regularly considered and taken in as in-kind
donations. If you have something to donate, give us a
call to see if we can accept it and if there is a need for
it. If we cannot accept it or do not have a need for it,
we can often refer you to a place that can use it. So
keep those items coming! We love being able to meet
the needs of the senior community through your generosity.
Volunteerism: On average we have approximately
1800 to 1900 members use the services at the Center
each month. With the traffic comes a need for help!
We have several new volunteers already trained and up
and running, but we could always use more. Stop on by
Congregate Meals: Please remember to call and reserve your lunch the day before by 12:15pm. We will be calling our order in at 12:30 the day the front desk and fill out a volunteer application if you
before. This will help eliminate errors in ordering. Seniors (Sixty (60) and over), there is a suggested donation of $2.00. In Genesee County, no are interested and we will match you up with an opportunity that meets the area you wish to serve in.
senior (60 and over) should go without a meal, regardless of ability to pay. They do need to order the day before by 12:15.
GCCARD does require all persons under the age of Sixty (60) to pay $3.50 for your meals.
We are in need of some 16‖ Pizza Pans for making
Pizzas in our State-of the Art kitchen right here at
We need Volunteers, both men and women, to assist at all of our special events. We need people to help with set-up, clean-up, kitchen help, the Center. We are planning on having some random Pizza days. This is one of the fund-raisers
front desk, and Bakers for the Bake Sale for each event . Sign up at the Front desk for all the events/days you can help us.
that the Event Planning Committee have decided to
We appreciate all you do!!
do this year. Help us in this need if you can.
Vienna Views Donation Form
_____ I am enclosing my $10.00 annual donation for program expenses
_____ I would like to make a donation of $_______ for the ________ fund
_____ I am unable to donate, but would like to receive the newsletter.
_____ I am a new subscriber to the newsletter.
_____ I would like to receive the newsletter by email (print email address below)
_____ I would like the newsletter mailed to me
_____ I get the newsletter from the Crossroads Advertiser (Clio residents only)
_____ I have a change of information indicated below:
Name: __________________________________________
Address:__________________________ Apt. # _________
City: ____________________State: ___ Zip Code_______
Phone # (____)______________ Township ____________
Email address____________________________________
Your Birthday_____________________________________
Spouse’s Name___________________________________
Date Received:
Received by:
Spouse’s Birthday _________________________________
Anniversary ______________________________________
Please stop the mailing of my newsletter from:
2012—Save the Dates!
(All dates subject to change/cancellation)
Leaving date:____________ Returning date:______________
Name: ______________________________________
Address: ____________________________________
Sept. 4th— Cowboy Cookout
Oct. 6th—Annual Craft Show
Oct. 19— Pizza luncheon
Oct. 31—Halloween
Nov. 8th—Veteran’s Day
Dec. 8—Christmas Dinner
Mail to:
Clio Area Senior Center
2136 W. Vienna Rd.
Clio, MI 48420
We are in need of more GREAT VOLUNTEERS (Men and Women) in all areas: VAN DRIVERS ARE NEEDED—You will be asked to commit to drive one (1) day weekly. Due to unexpected changes, you may be
asked to drive an extra day. We will work around your schedule.
Front Desk Duties include but are not limited to: greeting members and visitors when they come in, phone answering, message taking, answering members questions both in person and on the phone, etc.
Kitchen Duties include but are not limited to: Temping the food when it is delivered, Setting tables, Serving lunch, clean-up after lunch, ordering food for the next day, etc. Event Set-Up: Help setting up tables and
chairs for classes, support groups and/or special events and clean up after the event. Special Events: Bake Sale volunteers, Set-up, take-Down the day of the event. Kitchen Help, etc. Grounds/Garden: Assist in
keeping our Grounds Clean and keeping the parking lot and entrance way free of snow and ice. Instructors: Teach a class about something you can do and enjoy.
NEW IDEAS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME, Come and share your experience and or talents with other members.

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