July 2005 - NorCal PUG
July 2005 - NorCal PUG
PIPE USERS GROUP Northern California MINUTES July 19st , 2005 Attendees: Cindy Preuss Jonathan Lee Anna Chrissanthis Sal Singh My Huynh Steve Krautheim Joyce Carlson Jennifer Glynn Rocco Colicchia Luella Gabriel Harris & Associates WVSD Kennedy/Jenks Consultants CSD-1 CSD-1 Novato Sanitary District City of Oakland Brown & Caldwell Harris & Associates Harris & Associates cpreuss@harris-assoc.com jonlee@westvalleysan.org annachrissanthis@kennedyjenks.com singhs@saccounty.net huynhm@saccounty.net stevek@novatosan.com jacarlson@yahoo.com jglynn@brwncald.com rcolicchia@harris-assoc.com lgabriel@harris-assoc.com Presentation: Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Know About Undergrounding Overhead Utility Lines, by Rocco Colicchia and Luella Gabriel, Project Managers from Harris & Associates. At the request of many meeting participants, the Overhead Utility Undergrounding presentation may be found on the PUG website at norcalpug.com. Only a brief synopsis of the presentation is described herein. Rocco and Luella touched upon many aspects of utility undergrounding, including: • which utility rules and franchise agreements govern utility undergrounding, • the differences between Rules 20A, B, and C, • the processes involved in undergrounding utilities depending upon the governing rule or agreement, and • cost responsibilities of agencies affiliated with utility undergrounding. Handouts: Luella and Rocco distributed handouts that may be found on the website, and brought a set of utility undergrounding design plans for a project designed by Harris that interested participants may review during the meeting. Executive: Non-profit application status: Jonathan will follow up with his contact that’s willing to complete the application on our behalf. The goal is to have the application done mid-October of this year. Treasury status: Harris is ready for Cindy’s and Allen’s signatures for the bank account. Allen met with Harris’ representatives to make sure the transition is a smooth one. New member applications: These were to be sent following June’s meeting, although no one’s seen anything come through the mail yet. Allen has all the materials needed to send these out, so Jonathan will check in with him on the status. Minutes by: Cindy Preuss, Harris & Associates Secretary, Nor Cal PUG 1 Task Group Reports: Website maintenance: Cindy welcomes feedback on the new site at cpreuss@harrisassoc.com . She also requests notification of upcoming calendar events that may be posted, as we’re currently very lean in this area. Presentation coordination: Cindy and Joyce are to coordinate for the second series presentation on permitting (DFG, USACE, Coastal Commission, etc.). Help/referrals are requested. General Discussion: Western Chapter NASTT: The mini No-Dig conference is tentatively scheduled for November 15 & 16 in Phoenix, AZ. The regional conference will include presentations selected from the 2005 national No-Dig conference, and is being held for those that typically can’t afford to travel to the national conferences. No price has yet been set for this conference, and details on exact location are TBD. National No-Dig Conference Update: Cindy and Jen just returned from a program committee meeting where abstracts were selected for the upcoming 2006 No-Dig Conference. Abstract submittals pertaining to legal issues are needed, and therefore the deadline for abstracts in this category only has been extended. Anyone interested in submitting should do so immediately. Submissions may go to either Jen or Cindy for forwarding on to the rest of the program committee. Potholing/USA North: Last month potholing was discussed as it relates to design and construction. USA North has been holding regular meetings to establish standardized methods for potholing. The question was posed as to whether PUG is interested in establishing a voice in that group so that we may offer input and have a say in what happens. It was unanimous that this is of relevance, importance, and consequence to PUG, and that we’d like to investigate the possibility of having PUG representation at the USA North monthly meetings. Joyce will check with Carl Sibley at the City of Oakland, who is on the board of directors for USA North. PUG Sem inar: The Call for Papers should be in the works for the upcoming 2006 PUG Seminar. Also, H’s Lordships (hosting location) will need the deposit soon. PUG Seminar Administrator: We need help with planning the PUG seminar, from beginning to end. Jen may have a contact that would be willing to take on administration for the seminar, and will look into it. Announcements/Upcoming Events: There’s a new utility locator in town: Exaro Technologies Corporation utilizes vacuum excavation for utility locating. Cindy will request additional information to distribute to PUG members. Next Meeting: Our next meeting will be held TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2005 at the offices of Brown and Caldwell. The topic will be on the Permitting: Environmental Review of Pipelines . Please call (925)-210-2307 or e-mail Jennifer Glynn (jglynn@brwncald.com) to RSVP. Minutes by: Cindy Preuss, Harris & Associates Secretary, Nor Cal PUG 2 Utility Undergrounding Luella Gabriel Rocco Colicchia Utility Undergrounding Agenda • Utility Rules • Who pays for what • What’s the process • What does Harris do • Q&A Utility Undergrounding • Overhead utilities typically underground their facilities either by California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) rules (PG&E, SBC) or by franchise agreement (Comcast). • The rules that govern underground for PG&E and SBC have three parts. The Comcast agreement also has different parts. • The differences between the parts are related to who benefits and who pays. Utility Undergrounding Rule 20A/32.1 - PG&E/SBC will replace existing overhead facilities with underground at its expense. Comcast will usually follow a similar application and underground at its expense. • Along public streets • Roads • Private lands where satisfactory rights have been obtained provided that: Utility Undergrounding Rule 20A/32.1 • • • • • Heavy concentration of overhead, or Heavy volume of pedestrian traffic, or Civic area or scenic, or Arterial or collector (PG&E only). and Must be at least one block or 600’ and both sides of the street. Utility Undergrounding Rule 20A/32.1 • City receives an allocation (from PG&E) for planning. • Allocation is based on ratio of overhead meters. • Allocation is not money. • PG&E, SBC and Comcast, pay to underground their facilities. • Property owner pays to install conduit and boxes (electric, telephone and cable TV) on private property and modify the service panel to accept underground. • City pays for permits and notices. • Rates include undergrounding that has already been completed. Utility Undergrounding Rule 20B/32.2 - Not a Rule 20A/32.1 or not enough allocation. Utilities and Applicant (City, Developer, Neighborhood Group, or Underground District (District)) share in the cost. • • • • • • • At least one block or 600’ and both sides of the street. Applicant is responsible for the trenching, conduit and substructure installation. Property owner pays to to install conduit and boxes on private property and modify the service panel to accept underground. Applicant pays for the difference between the cost to complete the electric system and the equivalent overhead system (PG&E only) Applicant pays for the engineering, project management and inspection for SBC. Applicant typically pays for Comcast cabling. Plus ITCC (if no assessment district) Utility Undergrounding Rule 20C/32.3 - Not and Rule 20A/32.1 or a Rule 20B/32.2. Applicant (City, Developer, Neighborhood Group, or Underground District (District)) pays for all of the cost. • Less than one block or 600 feet. • One or both sides of the street. • Applicant pays for all and receives a credit for the salvage. • Plus ITCC Rule 20A/32.1 – ALLOCATION – The electric utility company notifies communities of allocation credits, per utility rule, that can be used toward planning undergrounding projects. – LONG RANGE PLAN – Planning Committee develops its 5year plan, and the City/County passes Enabling Ordinance and creates a Utility District. – USING ALLOCATIONS– Identify community’s available Allocation Credits and estimate the costs of potential undergrounding projects. – SHORT RANGE PLAN – Planning Committee begins to prioritize local projects, and works to plan specific conversion projects. Process – RESOLUTION – City/County holds public hearing and passes resolution for specific undergrounding project, and the boundaries of the project are established. – ENGINEERING – City/County works to acquire easements and other necessary enabling documentation. Utility begins initial engineering for project budgeting. – CONSTRUCTION – Project build-out including trenching, pulling cable, service conversions, energizing and overhead pole removal. – CLOSE PROJECT – Complete financial accounting. Subtract the actual cost of the project from the communities available allocation credits. Rule 20A - TYPICAL City seeks info on undergrounding. City prepares Engineer's report. City meets with utilities. Determination is made on who will be the trenching lead. Trench design and Form B are approved by the utilities. Trench lead prepares final trench composite plans and form B. Detailed engineering by Utilities. Trenching goes out to bid. Trench lead prepared intent plans and coordinates with utility agencies. Also prepares any easement acquisitions and plats. Award bid. Start trenching and box installation. Contracts and partial payments to Utilities. Install streetlights. Convert services to underground system. Energize underground system. Utilities install their underground facilities. Start service panel conversions and installation of service conduits. Energize streetlights from underground system. Once all of the services and streetlights have been converted to the underground system, remove overhead system. Last utility removes poles. Complete paving. Close out project. Rule 20B - TYPICAL City/Underground District (District) seeks info on undergrounding. YES City requests petition to determine interest. Council votes to approve assessment district YES NO District hires Harris to provide engineering and project management services. Project deposits for Harris and utilities are determined and collected. District approves Engineer's Report. Preliminary (not to exceed) costs are delivered to City and neighborhood group for approval. Harris prepares Intent Plans and Engineer's Report. Obtains info from utilities and estimates trench and substructure costs. Award bid. Start trenching and substructure installation. NO No further action. Assessment is approved and funded. District circulates and delivers petition to City No further action. Detailed engineering by Harris and Utilities. Trenching and substructure installation goes out to bid. Contracts and payment to Utilities. Install streetlights. Convert services to underground system. Energize underground system. Utilities install their underground facilities. Property owners start service panel conversions and installation of service conduits. Energize streetlights from underground system. Once all of the services and streetlights have been converted to the underground system, remove overhead system. Last utility removes poles. Complete paving. Close out project. Rule 20B Qualification: Undergrounding of all overhead utilities on both sides of a street for at least one block or 600 feet, whichever is less. May also apply to roads or right-of-ways through civic areas/public recreation areas or scenic areas of interest to the general public or where land rights acceptable to the utilities are granted. Cost Responsibilities Applicant (City, Developer, Neighborhood Group or Underground District) Trenching Excavation Backfill Conduit Feeder Conduit Substructures Non-Refundable payment equal to the estimated cost to install the electric, telephone and cable TV distribution system including estimating and project management. Service trench, conduit, boxes and backfill on private property. Service conductor in excess of 100 feet (PG&E). ITCC tax PG&E Betterments Non-Rule 20B work Removal of the overhead system Customer credit of an equivalent overhead system Customer credit for salvage Service conductor in the street and 100 feet from the property line. SBC Betterments Non-Rule 32.2 work Removal of the overhead system Comcast Betterments Franchise agreement provisions Prepared by Harris & Associates. July, 2005