LONDON UNDERGROUND EXTENSION AND UPGRADE Jonathan Gammon Technical Director, Tunnelling and Earth Engineering, CH2M HILL The London Underground celebrated the 150th anniversary of its commencement of operaDons in 2013. In addiDon to a massive programme of maintenance works, the Underground is to be extended and upgraded. This talk will address techniques, ground treatments, instrumentaDon and monitoring to link predicDon to reality, and to idenDfy the response of the ground, buildings, infrastructure, and buried assets to construcDon works of the kind described. Tuesday 20th May 2014 6.30 for a 7.00 pm start Followed by drinks and nibbles At: Jacobs Office, 1180 Eskdale Road, Winnersh, RG41 5TU Parking available on site, nearest staDon Winnersh Triangle. Numbers are required for catering, please RSVP if you plan to aAend: For details of future events please visit: hMp:// LONDON UNDERGROUND EXTENSION AND UPGRADE Jonathan Gammon Technical Director, Tunnelling and Earth Engineering, CH2M HILL Synopsis: The London Underground celebrated the 150th anniversary of its commencement of opera@ons in 2013. In addi@on to a massive programme of maintenance works, the Underground is to be extended and is undergoing complex upgrades in order to enhance access to the exis@ng system as well as to provide access to new underground public transport systems such as Crossrail. This talk will ini@ally introduce the overall structure of the London Underground and then divide into two parts. The first part will address the geological and geotechnical challenges associated with the proposed 3.2km long, twin-‐bore tunnelled, extension to the Northern line. This Northern Line Extension (NLE) will provide a public transport link to the large-‐scale development underway at the famous BaOersea Power Sta@on site and will introduce two new cut-‐and-‐cover sta@ons to the iconic London Underground map, namely those at Nine Elms and BaOersea. The second part of the talk will focus on the upgrade of the exis@ng Bond Street Sta@on, located in London’s densely developed West End with its huge foot-‐fall of shoppers, tourists, and workers. Although of very limited physical size compared to the NLE, the Bond Street Sta@on Upgrade presents giant challenges due to the proximity of exis@ng buildings and the presence of surface and underground infrastructure and other assets of widely varying age and ownership. Added to those challenges is the need to limit the impact on the public and passengers to an absolute minimum. Overall, the talk will address bored, mined, and cut-‐and-‐cover techniques and the adop@on of Tunnel Boring Machines, Sprayed Concrete and other linings, and ground treatment. Its scope will also include the instrumenta@on and monitoring necessary to link predic@on to reality and to iden@fy the response of the ground, buildings, infrastructure, and buried assets to construc@on works of the kind described. About the Speaker: Jonathan Gammon is Technical Director for Tunnelling and Earth Engineering at CH2M HILL (formerly Halcrow). He is based in London and has management responsibili@es for a total global resource of more than 500 engineers, engineering geologists, and other technical staff. He was the Design Project Manager for London Underground’s Bond Street Sta@on Upgrade, where his company is in joint-‐venture to provide design services to the Contractors’ JV awarded the Design & Build Contract. At the end of last year he was the Expert Witness, Engineering at the Public Inquiry resul@ng from Transport for London’s applica@on for a Transport and Works Act Order for the Northern Line Extension between Kennington and the new residen@al, commercial, and retail development taking place at BaOersea Power Sta@on. He is currently located at the HS2 project office where he is managing the delivery of what is expected to be the UK’s largest-‐ever Ground Inves@ga@on for a single project. Jonathan has a total of 40 years interna@onal experience. He is both a Chartered Engineer and Chartered Geologist.