Safety Complex Presentation to Budget Committee


Safety Complex Presentation to Budget Committee
Jim Keller Evere+ McBride October 1, 2015 Objec:ve & Tasks •  Assess feasibility of construc:ng a new “Joint Safety Complex” to house SPD/SFD •  Iden:fy & Inves:gate possible site loca:ons •  Perform preliminary site feasibility analysis •  Present findings to the BOS •  Recommend a course of ac:on •  Present the voters with a Ballot item in March if appropriate Fire & Police Sta:ons Current Facili-es Current Facili:es Police Sta:on: •  1966 (48 years old) •  15.5 acres •  11,492 SQ Ft. Central Fire: •  1965 (49 years old) •  1.2 acres •  12,260 SQ Ft. Old North Fire: •  1906 (108 years old) •  .25 acres •  4,416 SQ. Ft Salem Central Fire Sta:on Salem Central Fire Sta:on Old North Fire Sta:on Fire Sta:on – Deficiencies •  Insufficient Parking •  Poor storage •  Not compliant with life safety & fire code •  Insufficient # of apparatus bays •  No dedicated ‘mechanical’s’ bay or heavy duty lid/pit Fire Sta:on -­‐ Capital Needs Reconstruct front & rear parking lot Comple:on of soil remedia:on Replace all carpets – all are worn and torn Replace all windows – many do not operate Installa:on of 2nd means of egress from second floor Installa:on of Fire alarm system Installa:on of automa:c fire sprinkler system Apparatus floor issues – large cracks, instability of soils underneath? Floor needs to be sealed and painted •  Add 3rd Connex container for storage •  Replacement of all bay doors • 
Salem Police Sta:on Salem Police Sta:on Police Sta:on -­‐ Deficiencies •  Building is eroding •  Facility does not meet code •  Safety (halls, cells, sally port) •  Plumbing & Hea:ng decaying/obsolete •  No Storage (Swat equipment in trailer) •  Insufficient parking •  Need 2nd Sally Port •  Trailers used for Emergency Response Police Sta:on -­‐ Capital Needs • 
New HVAC System Plumbing upgrades/replacement Second bay -­‐ sally port Addi:onal Storage units Full window replacement Security Gates /Fencing around facility New Parking Lot Combine Fire & Police Joint Safety Complex Benefits of a “Unified Complex” •  Smaller building footprint vs. 2 separate buildings •  Reduced land requirements (cost and # loca:ons) •  “Unified” Dispatch –  Equipment –  Personnel –  Opera:onal efficiency/collabora:on •  Shared mee:ng rooms •  Shared training rooms •  Ease of public service (1 stop) •  Reduced maintenance costs & overhead •  Poten:al sale of exis:ng property (sale & tax revenue) Site Reviews & Recommenda-on Assembled “Expert” Team •  Trident Property Advisors (Oversight) –  Gino Baroni •  MHF Design (Site Engineering) –  Frank Montero •  Gove Environmental Services (Geo & Land) –  Jim Gove Site Evalua:on Criteria •  SPD & FPD opera:onal efficiency and response :mes (e.g. Loca:on) •  Land suitability (size, configura:on, etc.) –  5 Acre minimum –  Support 40,000+ Sq. Ft. Facility • 
Fiscal responsibility (minimize cost) Timing (poten:al land purchase, nego:ate, vote) State & Federal buy-­‐in/objec:ons Compliance with town ordinances Sensi:vity to environment and wetlands Possible Site Configura:on Veterans Parkway Site Benefits •  Access & public visibility •  Town property – no land purchase required •  Preliminary thumbs up from: –  NH DES –  Army Corps –  EPA •  Revenue & Cost Avoidance ~ $1.5M -­‐ $2M –  Enables property sales: •  Central Fire •  Old North Fire •  Poten:al revenue of up to $1M –  Avoid $600K -­‐ $1M in projected capital costs •  Previous site geo and related analysis can be leveraged •  No effec:ve alterna:ve solu:on at a significantly lower cost Let’s Move Forward Next Steps Different Approach •  Avoid costly pre-­‐approval engineering and detail design work ($411,000 spent previously) •  Proceed with sufficient site feasibility analysis, engineering, and materials needed for March Ballot •  Leverage Public Impact Safety Fee monies for pre-­‐work •  Bring plan to voters on March Ballot •  All final designs, interior designs, etc. will be completed post-­‐voter approval •  Leverage low interest Rates Salem has acquired (1.66%) Next Step •  Contract with: •  Trident Property – Outside Project Manager (OPM) •  MHF Design – Site Engineering & Geo work •  Cowan Goudreau – Bldg. Architects •  Cost = $55,000 + $9,800 con:ngency = $65,000 •  Plan and present to voters: •  Fiscal plan (cost and funding sources) •  Building footprint configura:on & several eleva:ons •  Site plan Timeline September • 
Conduct Geotechnical borings In-­‐Field Wetlands flagging In-­‐Field Survey of Wetlands and spot check of exis:ng condi:ons Receive / Review Geotechnical Report and Wetlands/Survey data October •  Building Footprint and On-­‐Site loca:on op:ons •  Perform Preliminary Budge:ng and scheduling of accepted op:ons November •  Review and Provide final recommended op:on •  Finalize Hard and Sod cost project budget es:mate and schedule •  Obtain acceptance and proceed with Warrant Ar:cle Language Prepara:on Timeline December – Prepare Final Documenta:on for Public Mee:ngs Jan/Feb 2015 – Schedule and Present Plans to the Voters March 2015 – Voters Decide