Spring 2016 - Online Community


Spring 2016 - Online Community
A publication for alumni of Western Technical College
January 2016 Volume 13, Number 2
For those who attend Western, it’s the college where they get a great
education and the start of a great career. For some of our alums, it’s also
where they found their spouse! In fact, when doing our research for this
article, we discovered there are more than 1,100 couples who either met at
Western or are both Western alums! Let’s meet three of those couples now.
(40) lives in Eagan, Minn., with his wife MaiAnh and two daughters, Madalyn and Isabelle.
Wade (37) lives in Stoughton, Wisc., with his
wife Danielle and their two children, William and
by Leslie Hill
And after 40 years of marriage, both offer solid advice.
Paul advises to “stay true to your wedding vows” while
Janice recommends “doing things together as a couple—
work and leisure, but also giving each other private time
to do the things each enjoys individually. Respect each
other and don’t try to change each other too much.”
Paul and Janice (Tietze) Kapanke
Wedding Date: May 27, 1972
Paul: Automotive Technology, 1970
Janice: Medical Secretary, 1970
Andrew and Jessica (Klinkner) Frei
Wedding Date: September 26, 2015
Andrew: Radiology, 2011
Jessica: Marketing, 2012
In what might be the most appropriate way to meet a future
spouse, Janice and Paul were in the same Marriage and
Family class together at Western in the late 1960s. Their first
date was at The Varsity Club on Ward Avenue. Their first kiss
in the first snow on campus. “To this day, we still have to go
out and kiss during the first snow of the season,” says Janice.
For newlyweds
Andrew and
Jessica Frei,
they have found
that “openly
is the key to
each other and
starting out their new lives together in harmony. And they
practice what they preach. At least Jessica does. They met at
Western in the Residence Hall when Andrew was handing
out keys to residents on move-in day. He called Jessica’s name
to come get her key and mispronounced her last name. She
promptly corrected him. “It was love at first sight!” she says.
Recalling her time on campus as the best, most fun two years
of her life to that point, she remembers feeling right at home
as soon as she stepped foot on campus. She also remembers
watching those good-looking automotive students come into
the cafeteria! It was in the cafeteria that Paul recalls that they
played cards together every chance they got.
Janice loved that her program taught her a skill she could use
to make a living and support her family. And she did. She
spent 42 years as a medical transcriptionist at Gundersen
Health System before retiring. Paul, too, enjoyed the new
friends he made and the challenge and reward that came with
his program. He worked for Eversole Motors (the Chrysler
dealership) in La Crosse as a mechanic for 18 years, then
as a fleet mechanic for Dairyland Power Cooperative until
retirement in 2015. He also served on Western’s Automotive
Program advisory committee.
Their first date was at the Rivoli Theatre in downtown La
Crosse. “Coincidently, there were fireworks at Pettibone Park,
right across the river, just for us,” says Andrew. And their
time spent on campus helped form the foundation for their
relationship. Being in the residence hall at the same time gave
them shared experiences and helped them build friendships.
“Being at Western felt like being a part of a community,” says
Jessica. “We valued the hands-on education that Western
offered, and also the timeline of the programs.”
That Marriage and Family class must’ve taught them well.
They have two sons who now have families of their own. Nick
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alumni@westerntc.edu Continued on page 2
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608.789.6083 1
website: westerntc.edu/alumni
continued from cover
Andrew works as an X-ray/CT Technologist at Tomah
Memorial Hospital, where he has the opportunity to work
with Western students. Jessica is the communications director
at the Bank of Cashton and also serves on Western’s Alumni
Association Board.
Meeting your spouse at
Western is pretty special. I
hope you enjoyed our cover
story about three “special”
alumni couples. After the
article was complete, I had
the opportunity to meet Jack and Susan Horsfall at the
50th Anniversary of Athletics celebration held in December.
Says Andrew, “We are so happy to have found each other
there and to have gotten the degrees that placed us where we
are today.”
Artie and Debbie (Lass) Johnson
Wedding Date: June 25, 1988
Artie: Marketing Retailing, 1987
Debbie: Marketing/Fashion
Merchandising, 1987
It turns out, Jack was on the first basketball team to play
in the Wisconsin Technical College Conference. He was
a commercial art student, graduating in 1969 while Susan
graduated in 1968 in the tabulating operations program
(yes, times have changed).
Even though Artie
and Debbie (Lass)
Johnson met while
at Western and were
in similar programs,
they did not date.
Fast forward to
graduation in May 1987. The La Crosse Tribune snapped a
photo of them prepping for the event. “We think the photo
in the Tribune did it,” jokes Artie. By June 1988, they were
married. They have three sons. Brandon, a 2015 Western
Marketing program grad; Jordan, in his second year at
Western, taking General Studies classes; and Tommy, a junior
at Seneca High School.
Jack didn’t go to his job at Pyroil one night and instead
ventured to the Varsity Club to spend time with friends.
And, thanks to that happenstance, he met Susan; they
were married a year
later! He went on to
work for Heileman
Brewery in the print
shop (which he later
managed), then with
Jansky Printing until
his retirement. Susan
initially worked for
Badger Ordinance in Baraboo as a computer programmer,
and then enjoyed her married life back in La Crosse, caring
for their two children, Kelly and John.
You may recognize the Johnsons because of Artie’s family’s
long history in Seneca. He and Debbie are the third
generation owners of Johnson’s One Stop, a department/
hardware/grocery store in the heart of Crawford County.
They’ve called Seneca home since they married and have both
utilized their degrees to the fullest. While Artie has worked
at Johnson’s since graduation, Debbie worked at Prairie
City Bank, was a stay-at-home mom for 10 years, and now
works together with Artie at the store. They purchased the
store from Artie’s parents in 2009. “With the uncertainty of
just where our career paths would lead us, we are both very
fortunate to be able to say that our time spent at Western
was a terrific investment in the business life we live today. We
expect that someday Brandon and Jordan will reap this same
reward,” says Artie.
Whether you met the love of your life, learned the career
of your life, or gained friendships that will last a lifetime,
it is always heartwarming to learn how Western has been
important to you. Be sure you stay in touch!
Alumni and Foundation Manager
WesternConnect is published twice a year for alumni of Western Technical College.
Contact the Alumni Office at alumni@westerntc.edu to
ensure that you are not receiving duplicate mailings or
phone calls, AND save on costs, too!
Western Technical College President: Lee Rasch, Ed.D.
Writer/Editor: Leslie Hill | Contributing Writers: Linda Duffy, Sally Emerson
Alumni/Foundation Manager: Sally Emerson
Graphic Designer: Jayme Hansen ’96, ’98
email: alumni@westerntc.edu phone: 608.789.6083 2
website: westerntc.edu/alumni
College News
1969 Commercial
Arts Graduate and
Western Retiree
Keep up-to-date on all of Western’s news at westerntc.edu/news
Vision 2020 Project Updates
As we begin a new year, we have many projects completed with the
remainder to be finished by the end of 2016.
Integrated Technology Center Two floors have been added
above the existing two-floor structure and a one-story addition
is now in place along 7th Street. Exterior finishes, brick, and
metal panels are being installed. Interior spaces are 50% complete.
Scheduled for January 2016 occupancy.
Coleman Center Fall classes were held in the newly-
completed north end (Phase I). Phase II construction began in
July 2015. The demolition of the first floor section of the building
where the Machine Tool and HVACR programs are located will
start in January 2016.
Virginia “Ginny” Woehlert
Horticulture Education Center The building was
This past May, we lost our dear friend
Virginia “Ginny” Woehlert to cancer.
Her life will be remembered as one
filled with artistic talent and beauty.
Ginny’s training started in Western’s
Commercial Art program in 1967.
When she graduated in 1969,
Western was fortunate to retain
Ginny’s talent, first as a teacher
assistant, and then as Western’s
resident artist until she left in 1982 to
pursue her own business.
We continue to honor her life by
helping other students interested in
art and design at Western Technical
College achieve their dreams.
The Virginia “Ginny” Woehlert
Memorial Scholarship has been
established to help remember Ginny
in a special way and provide for
deserving students enrolled in the
second year of the Graphic Design
program. Your gift is tax deductible
and will help these students improve
their lives.
Donate online at westerntc.edu/
foundation or contact the Western
Foundation at 608.785.9487. Please
designate your gift to the Virginia
“Ginny” Woehlert Memorial
email: alumni@westerntc.edu completed in time for fall term classes. And a ribbon-cutting
event was held October 27, 2015.
Keep up to date on all of the Vision 2020 projects at westerntc.edu/vision2020.
Kumm Center Remodel
Bids were received and contracts have been released. Construction
will start in January 2016. It will impact the Chemistry and
Physics areas, along with Nursing and Medical Assistant.
Viroqua Remodel
Phase II Construction is progressing per schedule towards a
January 2016 completion.
New Programs
A fully-online technical diploma. This year-long program guides
you through the business creation and growth process. Courses
will be taught by seasoned professionals in one-credit course
segments. Topics include marketing plans, business canvasses, and
operations plans.
University Pathways:
A fully-online program that lets you start at Western and guarantees
transfer to UW-Green Bay and UW-Oshkosh to complete your
bachelor’s degree. Courses are offered in 7-week terms. Learn more
at westerntc.edu/online.
phone: 608.789.6083 3
website: westerntc.edu/alumni
College News
Alumni News
Cavalier Connections
Connecting current students and alumni through mentorship
Cavalier Connections is a new program that facilitates mentorships among
current students and alumni in the Accounting, Business Management, Human
Services, and Sales Management programs.
Mentorship opportunities include:
• Job Shadows
• Informational Interviews
• Company Tours
• Volunteer Experiences
• Traditional Mentoring Relationships • More! Share your ideas.
Students are not the only group to benefit from this relationship. Mentors and
their employers have the opportunity to:
Phi Theta Kappa
Strives to Make an Impact:
Share their experience and reflect on their career path
Have an objective sounding board to talk about projects or issues
Give back to Western and invest in future alumni
Help a learner bypass familiar obstacles
Gain exposure to current students as potential interns or employees
If you are interested in participating, or know someone who would be,
please email or call Alyssa Gostonczik at gostonczika@westerntc.edu or
608.789.2084. You may also learn more and view the mentoring needs in the
LinkedIn group: Western Technical College Alumni Network.
Building upon the success of being selected a Top 100 Chapter in 2014, this
year’s chapter officers were excited to make an impact by completing two
significant projects in 2015.
Western Alumni Board 2015-16
The first project, iFeed, had students from five area high school Interact
(Rotary) Clubs help fight hunger abroad and at home. Phi Theta Kappa
Chapter at Western helped by coordinating several food drives on campus.
Over 70 student volunteers helped collect, pack, and deliver the 1,819 food
items donated by Western’s faculty, staff, and various student groups. iFeed
has gone on record as the largest one-day community food drive in La Crosse
history, with more than 30,000 food items collected for Hunger Task Force.
The second project involved research on sleep deprivation. Phi Theta Kappa
invited all Western students to attend a showing of National Geographic’s
“Sleepless in America,” followed by a student-led discussion of the issue,
particularly as it pertains to teens and young adults.
Beta Nu Chi Highlights:
Left to right: Tim Hyma ‘10, Bill Welch ‘70, Foundation Rep Ken Wing,
Member-at-Large Domanic Scardino ‘06, Past President Brian Reitzel
‘92, Lenora Parr ‘10, Paul Balmer ‘92, President Kim Ryan ‘03, Jean
Walleser ‘80, Secretary Jessica Frei ‘13, Jessica Hennessey ‘99, Sandra
Schulz ’11, ‘12, Kathy Brudos ‘77, and Ellen Gianoli ’92.
Members of the Beta Nu Chi Alumni Association were invited to
participate in the chapter’s iFeed project and to attend the 2015
Holiday Social/New Member Reception held in December. In
January, the Beta Nu Chi Alumni Association will partner with
Western’s Foundation again in a “Gratitude Campaign.” Alumni
members will conduct a phone campaign offering their thanks to
those who support Western students through scholarship donations.
Welcome to our newest members:
Tim Hyma 2010 Landscape Horticulture, is the executive director of the
Sparta Chamber of Commerce. He, his wife, Julieanne, and their children
live in Sparta.
Western is here for you!
Kathy (Moriarty) Brudos 1977 Nursing, has recently retired from a
successful and fulfilling career at Gundersen Health System. Kathy and
her husband, Jeff, live in La Crosse.
Would you like to continue to learn?
Check out some opportunities you won’t want to miss.
Information about Professional Development courses, such
as business, computers, and professional growth, are
available online at westerntc.edu/pd.
Lenora Parr 2010 Respiratory Therapy, is a respiratory care practitioner for
the Department of Veterans Affairs. She and her family live in La Crosse.
Learn about free, open to the public opportunities focused
on technology along with other community offerings at
email: alumni@westerntc.edu Are you interested in serving Western as a board member, or perhaps in
some other way? Contact the Alumni Office at alumni@westerntc.edu or
608-789-6083 for more information.
phone: 608.789.6083 4
website: westerntc.edu/alumni
Alumni News
’77 Nursing
Members of the nursing class of 1977 and some of their instructors
reunited in September to tour the campus and reminisce over dinner
at Schmidty’s Restaurant.
Back Row L to R - Kathy (Morarity) Brudos, Annalisa (Amundson) Johnson,
Carol (Fraust) Schmidt, Dorothy (Linrud) Stoffregen, Rita, (Weltzien) Edmunds,
Sandee Evenson, Chris (Lee) Thomsen, Lynne Polodna; Front Row L to R retired instructors Donna Destree, Lois Sanwick, Donna Haggard, and
alumnae E. Lousie Hill, Jeannette Cox.
Industrial Hygiene/Environmental
Safety Alumni on Campus
Recent visitors to campus were (from left): Larry Weix
‘78, retired bio-med instructor Dr. Glen Skew, and
Mark Krause ‘82, posing outside one of their classrooms
in Kumm Center. Larry and Mark are graduates of
Industrial Hygiene, which became Environmental Safety.
County Fair
Western visited the Vernon County fair, with Saturday,
September 19 designated Alumni Day. Stopping by
our booth were Ellen Gianoli ’92, Fairest of the Fair
and current Western student Megan Bakkum, and Jean
Walleser ’80.
Alumni Board members
toured the recently opened
Horticulture Education
Center, led by instructor
Pete Bemis.
Eve of Destruction
Western was on display at the La Crosse Fairgrounds
Speedway Eve of Destruction event. Facebook friend,
Danielle (Sprain) Draheim ’14 and husband Brice were
winners of free tickets. Mark your calendars to join us for the
next Eve of Destruction on September 10!
Making Connections
When Sally Emerson, Western’s alumni coordinator, wanted to learn more about some of our alums, she
turned to Mary McLaughlin, communication skills instructor. Mary identified it as a great service learning
project for the students in her Technical Reporting class and a way for students to get a glimpse of life after
Western. “There is value in students connecting with alumni,” says Mary.
First, the students researched the importance of communication and ethics. Then, Sally visited the class,
explained what the Alumni Office does, its need for the profiles, and questions they might ask. Students
were paired in teams of two and given an alum to interview. Interview questions were developed as a
class. They researched the alum, using LinkedIn and the internet, and called to schedule an interview.
Interviews were conducted, with students asking about how the alums chose Western, what their fondest
memory was, best and worst career decisions, the importance of communication skills and ethical
decision-making in the workplace.
Pictured are student Danielle Cornell with alumna Lynn Lenz ‘85
From there, the students wrote draft profiles and delivered oral reports about their alum. This allowed everyone to practice public speaking, good listening skills,
and peer review. Says Mary. “You could get an impression of the alum. Everyone really enjoyed the presentations!”
In the last two weeks of the class, students reflected on the experience. What did they learn from the project? From the alum? What went well? How could it
be different? From her perspective, Mary thinks it went smoothly.
For alum Tina Johns, it was a wonderful experience. “I was interviewed by Cody and James who were both very professional and came to our meeting prepared. It
was a great experience to reflect on my time at Western and how Western was able to launch me into the world of work. As an alum, I feel it is important to give
back to Western and this project afforded me the opportunity.”
email: alumni@westerntc.edu phone: 608.789.6083 5
website: westerntc.edu/alumni
Alumni News
of Athletics
Several current and former
athletes helped celebrate
50 years of athletics at
Western. They were treated
to a special celebration and
reception at the women’s
and men’s basketball games
on December 5.
Visit westerntc.edu/
athletics50 for the photo
gallery of past teams and
history of athletics.
In this feature, we’ll track down a retiree and get an update on his/her life after Western.
Diane Vaaler Withers
What was your role at Western?
I was an instructor in the
Instructional Support Services
division in La Crosse. I taught
for speakers of other languages),
5.09 (a competency based GED
program), Reading and English
classes for pre-college students,
and a personality profile system
in the La Crosse county jail. I
coordinated the ESOL program
for some years, as well.
Focusing on some meaningful projects. 1) involved in the
development of a Sister City exchange between Kumbo, Cameroon
and La Crosse, WI after being invited to visit a former student who
lives in Cameroon. Our La Crosse Friends of Cameroon committee
has been involved in helping network a 300-bed hospital, as well as
train staff and supply them with computer hardware. I was part of an
official City of La Crosse delegation to the Kumbo area December
2015. We hope to make more connections between our two cities,
including electronically connecting a classroom in Kumbo with
some classrooms at Northwoods International Elementary School in
La Crosse. 2) initiated and currently facilitating a monthly Divorce
Recovery Program held at the Franciscan Spirituality Center in La
Crosse. 3) involved in spirituality events, including coordinating
a share/prayer group at my house twice a month 3) short trips to
Arizona and Florida (during the winter!) as well as a 3,300 mile road
trip last March to the Southeastern U.S.
What did you like best about Western?
I thoroughly enjoyed going to work every day! I taught with the
best professionals who cared deeply about their students, went above
and beyond to meet their needs, and overall worked together as a
wonderful team. I also found great fulfillment in coming to know
our English language learners–from refugees to highly educated
international students. I learned a lot from our many non-traditional
adult students who returned to school often struggling to balance
school with two jobs, childcare, etc. Overall, my years at Western
were the best one could ask for in a “job.”
Where are you living now?
I am still living in south La Crosse….in the same house for 35 years!
What have you been doing since retirement?
Enjoying the flexibility of time and schedule! 1) time to eat out during
the day with friends and spouse. 2) time to walk or bike (or cross country
ski). 3) time to visit the grandchildren who live out of town. 4) time to be
spontaneous for whatever!
Remember when…
Interesting response to last issue’s “Remember when…” photo. We know it is the Zeal
(student paper) staff in October 1998, but only one person has been identified; far left,
Jennie Heckel ’00 CIS Programmer/Analyst. If anyone can identify others, please
contact the Alumni Office.
email: alumni@westerntc.edu phone: 608.789.6083 6
website: westerntc.edu/alumni
ber from refereeing football after 44 years with the WIAA.
the birth of his 11th grandchild.
Elwood Harebo, Commercial Courses, retired in Octo-
Orlin Clark, Electronics, and his wife celebrated their
50th wedding anniversary in October.
Gene Hogden, Feed, Seed, & Farm Supply, celebrated
the birth of their first grandchild, Emery Leigh Lorlly.
Dennis Cathman, Feed, Seed, & Farm Supply, wants to
recognize Carl Mueller as his favorite instructor at Western. Dennis is the owner of Culver’s in Prairie du Chien
and serves as a volunteer EMT.
William Linsmeier, Agri-Business, recently retired from
Karl Schmidt Unisia Inc. after 40 years. The Germanowned company manufactured pistons for many different
vehicles, employing about 1,000 workers, producing more
than 80,000 pistons a day. He and his wife Nancy are
enjoying retirement and living in Menominee, MI.
Gloria Dassow, Practical Nursing, has worked at Aurora
Health Care for 25 years, has five beautiful grandchildren,
and is glad to be healthy.
Judy Hunter, Accounting, is enjoying retirement and time
with grandchildren.
Karla (Skrede) Amundson, Medical Asst, welcomed
her sixth grandchild in August 2015.
Paul Braman, Chemicals & Fertilizers, recently celebrated
Phyllis (Gotz) Craig, Nursing, retired in March 2015 after
a 39 year career in nursing, with 31 years at Hillview Health
Care Center.
Steven Ennis, Refrigeration Servicing, will be retiring from
Hillestad Refrigeration in July.
Clayton Bordner, Marketing, has three step-daughters in
college, Mikaela studying law, Danica in the medical field, and
Ali, a sophomore.
Sandra Hammond, Medical Lab Tech, celebrated the marriage of her daughter June 20, 2015.
Robert Heilman, Diesel & Heavy Equipment Tech, is
Debra (Culbert) Krajewski, Commercial Art, has two
sons, 21 and 20 years old, both serving in the Navy.
Sheri (Breidel) Harrison, Accounting, started a new job in
August 2015 as the district accountant for Mathy Equipment
Co., a division of Mathy Construction, and lives in Sparta.
Jody Johnson, Commercial Art, is the art director for
WLUK Fox 11 and lives in Green Bay.
Join us
Wednesday, June 1, 2016 at
Cedar Creek for this year’s
golf scramble to support
Linda (Svensen) Bauer, Nursing-Technical, recently earned
scholarships at Western.
from Spartek, Inc.
a bachelor’s degree in nursing and is employed at Aurora
Health Care.
LaVonne (Olson) Block, Secretarial Science, is a
Teri Jacquart, Printing, celebrated the marriage of her oldest
Alumni, retirees, and friends
participate; sponsorships are
Thomas Baker, Machine Tool Operation, recently retired
retired administrative clerk for Stanislaus County, CA and
relocated to Poulsbo, WA in May 2015.
son, Alex, in July.
Thomas Kalor, Electronic Servicing, completed an asso-
Linda Birnbaum, Business Admin, is extremely proud of
ciate’s degree in computer networking at Anthem College
in 2000. He and his wife, Linda, live in Phoenix, AZ.
LaVerne Barreau, Refrigeration Servicing, recently
accepted a position as director of Marski Brands. He also
coaches the Badger Blitz fast pitch softball team.
Carland Christopherson, Machine Tool Operation, is
enjoying retirement.
Donald Curti, Production Agriculture, and his wife are
celebrating 50 years of marriage.
Francis Formanek, Supermarket Mgmt, is enjoying
retirement after working 32 years with the La Crosse Fire
John Hickey, Marketing, is enjoying his recent retirement.
Michael Slater, Diesel & Heavy Equipment Tech, has
been a service technician in the ag and industrial field for
40 years, servicing John Deere, New Holland, Cat, and
Volvo. He will retire in 2019 and plans to move to the
Osseola area where he and his wife will be closer to their
children. “Our class was the first in this program; and it was
and is a great program.”
email: alumni@westerntc.edu her grandchildren and their recent achievements.
Trifton Dolbier, Automotive Servicing Mechanic, works for
Gundersen Health System in maintenance. He and his wife,
Teresa, live in West Salem.
James Bierman, Electronic Servicing, is celebrating the
20th year of owning his own business, Central State Signing
in Lancaster.
Brenda Bollman, Medical Admin Spec, recently welcomed
her first grandson, Roman. She has appreciated the education
she experienced at Western!
Sandra Brueggen, Accounting, is retiring in June from the
Bank of Galesville after 31 years.
Todd Carl, Wood Tech, has a son enrolled at Western since
the fall term.
phone: 608.789.6083 7
of Western are all invited to
appreciated. Watch for details in
the coming months.
or call
Karen (Warren) Holt, Fashion Merchandising,
Marketing, Retailing, has worked for 25 years in retail
management and buying, chiefly in the southern California
sporting goods industry. For the last five years she has
been working as an Assistant Product Manager-Apparel
for ASICS America Corporation in Irvine, CA, a global
wholesale athletic footwear and apparel company. Her
focus is primarily on running and fitness apparel in the US,
Canada, Latin America, and Brazil markets.
website: westerntc.edu/alumni
Classnotes cont.
Kent Selbrede, Electronics, has been working for Nokia
and living in Texas with his wife, Kelly. They are returning
to Seattle, WA to continue working with Nokia as customer operation head for the T-Mobile account.
Troy Brugger, Welding, is a journeyman sheetmetal/
welder at Himec, Inc. He and his wife, Jeri, live in Rollingstone, MN. The welding field has been good to him,
helping him to raise and support his family. He has three
siblings who were also enrolled in the welding program
with two of them still in the field.
Susan Claussen, Nursing-Technical, recently enjoyed
visiting WWI and WWII battle sites.
Steven Williams, Police Science, is retired from the
Wisconsin State Patrol and lives in Sparta.
is soon retiring following employment as a police officer for
the U.S. government.
comed a baby boy, Lee, on February 26, 2015.
Michael Brandau, Criminal Justice-Law Enforcement,
Thomas Jandt, Farm, Business & Production Mgmt,
owns and operates the Pokegama Inn Supper Club in
Stay connected
with Western and
fellow alumni
Nancy Alkamooneh, Commercial Art, welcomed a
new grandchild to the family.
Facebook – stay
Katherine Elliott, Operating Room Asst, celebrated
on top of alumni and
college news and events
the birth of a grandaughter in February 2015.
Jacquelyn Fuchsel, Nursing, ‘76 Practical Nursing, has
one granddaughter.
Sheryl Gilbertson, Nursing, retired in 2011 from St.
LinkedIn – a
professional networking
site to boost your job
search and career
Patrick Blank, Refrigeration Servicing, has been the service manager for Cox Heating & Air Conditioning since
2013. He and his wife, Suzette, live in Clearwater, FL.
time caring for her parents who recently moved from
Minnesota to Florida where she lives.
Sheila Justin, Admin Asst, celebrated her daughter, Katie, crowned the 2016 Snowflake Ski & Golf Club queen.
Michael Drexler, Visual Communications, is excited
about his new job at Sam’s Club as a senior manager of
technology services.
linkedin.com – search
Western Technical College Alumni
Checkout joining the subgroup
Western Technical College Alumni Career
Mentor Network to assist
current students
Randy Greenwald, Refrigeration Servicing, is the proud
grandfather of a twin boy and girl.
Franacee Instenes, Farm, Business & Production
Mgmt, and her husband Roger celebrated their 40th
wedding anniversary on December 6, 2015.
Nicole Corton, Community Developmental Disabilities Associate, welcomed a daughter, Navada, on October
18, 2015.
Gertrude Ferge, Office Asst, retired in January 2, 2016
from the Department of Justice.
Jody Frinack, Clinical Lab Tech, graduated with a
bachelor’s degree from the University of North Dakota in
2007, and has two children, Travis 8 and Mitchell 6.
Peggy Belter, Admin Asst, has made many hats, which
she has donated to the needy.
Patrick Cavadini, Electronic Servicing Tech, ‘77 Electronic Servicing, ‘75 Mechanical Drafting, is employed at
Dairyland Power Cooperative as a load management tech.
Cara (Wilson) Shanley, Medical Asst, is a medical as-
Joseph’s Rehabilitation as a resident care coordinator
following 12 years at Gundersen Clinic, 3 years at Mulder
Health Care, and 20 years at Black River Memorial Hospital. She is now busy with volunteering.
Roxanne (Hansen) Bremer, Radiography, is spending
James Freise, Diesel & Heavy Equipment Tech, wel-
sistant with Gundersen Tri-County Hospital and Clinics
and she lives in Galesville.
Ronald Drews, Accounting, has owned the Dorset Valley School Restaurant in Wilton for 15 years.
Teresa Schnitzler, Accounting, is celebrating 21 years
employed by the Village of West Salem, 13 of those years
as administrator.
Kimberly Anthony, Criminal Justice-Law Enforcement, recently bought her first house. She has a ten-yearold son named Landen.
Matthew Hundt, EMT, Fire Protection Tech, went on
to earn a bachelor’s degree from UW-Stevens Point. He
is now a lead forestry technician at Mid-Columbia River
National Wildlife Refuge Complex in Washington State
and working for the US Fish and Wildlife. Previously he
lived in Kings Canyon National Park and worked for the
National Park Service as a wildland firefighter. In October and November, he contracted to work in Antarctica as
a structural firefighter.
Kari Campbell, Medical Admin Spec, and her husband,
Jake, were married September 14, 2013.
Cheri (Sampson) Brudos, Accounting, is employed at
the La Crosse County Finance Department as an account
Jerrod Knee, Human Resource - Business Admin, welcomed the birth of his second child, a son, in May 2015.
Kristine Fossum, Health Information Tech, is earning a
Charles Bunders, CIS Microcomputer Spec, welcomed a
Troy Arfsten, Marketing, is now a Class A Professional
Golfers’ Association (PGA) professional.
William Hargrove, Police Science Tech, celebrated
Monica (Merritt) Day, Nursing, welcomed a new
Joanne Cleven, Nursing Asst, ‘97 Medical Admin
Spec, is retired and loves it!
master’s degree in education.
20 years as an officer with the Houston County Sheriff ’s
Department in August 2015.
daughter named Sumarah and lives in Pennsylvania.
grandchild September 30, 2015.
Corey Hickmann, Air Conditioning, Heating, & Refrigeration Tech, owns Comfort Matters Heating and Cooling
in Hanover, MN. “Feel free to apply!”
email: alumni@westerntc.edu phone: 608.789.6083 8
John Kramer, Finance, sends a shoutout to Tom Strom
as a great influence in his education.
Kristen (Harris) Schams, Dental Asst, has started her
own business, The Ella Bella Boutique, making goods for
kids. She is the mother of four.
website: westerntc.edu/alumni
Classnotes cont.
Beth Brink, Marketing, was recently married on September 19, 2015.
Amy Felber, Accounting, just started new job with the
City of La Crosse and has a 10-year-old son.
Stacey Allen, Supervisory Mgmt, and her husband,
Garland, were married April 2015.
Ashley Flock, Surgical Technologist, Nursing Asst, was
married November 27, 2015.
Barbara Lwanowicz, Nursing, ‘07 Practical Nursing,
‘04 Nursing Asst, earned a master’s degree in nursing from
Viterbo University in spring 2015.
Natasha (Meyer) Wilkes, Criminal Justice-Law
Enforcement, went on to earn a bachelor’s degree from
Upper Iowa University. She is a dispatcher and jailer with
the Allamakee County Sheriff ’s Office and resides with
her husband, Steve, in Waukon, IA.
Ryan Buswell, IT Computer Support Spec, recently
earned a bachelor’s degree in information technology.
Sara Cox, Nursing, earned a bachelor’s degree in nursing
from Chamberlain College of Nursing in 2013.
Laura Berens, Nursing, ‘08 Practical Nursing, ‘07 Nurs-
ing Asst, was recently married and is expecting a baby in
Douglas Ender, Therapeutic Massage, ‘08 Central
Service Tech, is currently in the Food Production program
at Western, anticipating graduation in 2016.
Rebecca Folgers, Culinary Mgmt, celebrated the birth
of daughter Clara on October 15, 2015.
Rodney Knutson, IT Computer Support Spec, went on
to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in computer information systems from Colorado Technical College. He was
diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2012 and is now
disabled and living in Sparta.
Casey Kupietz, Dental Hygienist, ‘04 Dental Asst,
welcomed a second child, May 2015.
Anna Barrett, Accounting, has a daughter enrolled in
the graphic design program at Western Technical College.
Megan Brendum, Nursing, ‘09 Practical Nursing, and
her husband, Michael, were married October 12, 2015.
Megan Hardwick, Business Mgmt, was married to
Sean Tracy, September 19, 2015.
Vincent Rowan, Electrical Systems Installation &
Maintenance, is lead shift maintenance at Cardinal IG
in Tomah. He currently works with three IEM Western
grads. “Kudos to Ron Petersen and staff; have a great year!”
Mary Sanders, Marketing, and her husband, Neil,
recently bought their first house together in Onalaska.
email: alumni@westerntc.edu Paul Smith, Electromechanical Tech, obtained a bachelor of
science degree in business management: industrial managements from UW-Stout in 2014 through the Western transfer
program. He went on to work as a maintenance engineering specialist with Greenheck Fan and recently became the
maintenance technology supervisor. He and his wife, Andria,
live in Kronenwetter.
Susan Becker, Admin Professional, ‘10 Office Support
Spec, lives in Sparta and is a WHEAP/rep payee with Flocks
Guardians, a great career working with the public and people
with disabilities.
Christina Burkhart, Criminal Justice-Law Enforcement,
graduated from the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse with
a biology degree.
Jennifer (Duellman) Carothers, Graphic Design, was
married to Chris on January 10, 2015. They moved into their
first home in Winona on April 1 and welcomed their first
child, Adeline Emma, on October 5.
Krista Falch, Respiratory Therapist, welcomed her first
grandchild on September 27, 2015.
Kelly Fremstad, Health Information Tech, is a certified
cancer registrar with Gundersen Health System where she
has been employed since 2008. Kelly and Justin Fremstad
‘07 Marketing, were married in August 2010. They welcomed
daughter Lanie in 2013 and built a new home in 2014.
Jennifer Gloede, Respiratory Therapist, is currently on the
kidney transplant list.
Laura Hoffman, Marketing, ‘07 Graphic Design, is now
the owner of The Monogram Company in La Crosse.
Jennifer Koebler, Nursing, recently purchased a farm.
Laura (Alford) Shefelbine, Medical Asst, is a certified
Cassondra Frerks, Business Mgmt, has earned a bachelor’s degree from Baker College in business administration and marketing.
Casey Goode, Electrical Systems Installation &
Maintenance, recommends Western as a great place to
learn a trade!
Jennifer Jacobson, Paralegal, has a three-year-old
son and will be attending UW-La Crosse to work on a
bachelor’s degree in education.
Katie Mulera, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Tech, is an engineer for American Express. Katie and her
husband, Rodney Mulera ‘12 Finance, live in Phoenix, AZ.
Bethany Aloisi, Business Mgmt, graduated from
Viterbo University in May 2015 with a bachelor’s degree
in business administration and management. She also
welcomed a daughter on October 30.
Nicole (Vollmer) Bauman, Business Mgmt, found
her dream job as office administrator for Marketing Focus
with amazing co-workers, looking forward to work each
day. She and her husband, Nick, live in Eau Claire.
Scott Burdick, Diesel & Heavy Equipment Tech, and
his wife, Alyssa, were married in 2015.
Violette (Phinisee) Chlad, Human Resource Mgmt,
is an on-site career consultant for Nissen Staffing and lives
in Greenfield.
Casey Goire, Business Mgmt, graduated from Viterbo
in December 2015 with a bachelor’s degree in business,
management, marketing, and related support services.
Jennifer Hart, Culinary Mgmt, has recently started a
new job with Jackson Correctional Institution.
medical assistant at Mayo Clinic Health System-Orthopedics. She and her husband, Steven, are the parents of Gavin
Mark born August 5, 2006 and Lyvia MaeAnn born July 3,
2013 and live in Arcadia.
Ben Kammel, Bio-Med Tech, has been employed by
Dan Taylor, Welding, is self-employed as a structural
welder and is a certified welding inspector. He, his girlfriend,
and German Shephard Abby live in Bothell, WA where he
enjoys snowboarding and hiking in the Cascade Mountains.
Dana Krachtt, Respiratory Therapist, and her husband,
Noah, welcomed a son, Oliver, on September 22, 2015.
Dana is a respiratory therapist at Mile Bluff Medical
Center and they reside in Blue River.
Olivia (Bowen) Sanders, Business Mgmt, is the driver
Bryan Abing, Electromechanical Tech, welcomed a daugh-
Mayo Health System-Rochester as a dialysis equipment
tech since February 2015. He and his wife, Brianna
Kammel ‘12 Marketing, live in Stewartville, MN.
ter born June 2014.
detention manager for Millis Transfer in Black River Falls.
Olivia and her husband, Scott, live in Sparta.
Chuck Braun, EMT-Paramedic, is heading back to school
to study psychology.
Samantha Buesgens, Disability Support Spec, graduated
Mitchell Bailey, Nursing Asst, ‘14 Business Mgmt, is
currently writing a book.
from the University Wisconsin-La Crosse in December 2014
with a bachelor of science degree in therapeutic recreation
and minor in psychology.
Josiah Borden, Electromechanical Tech, was recently
married and started employment at US Silica.
Breanna Flottmeyer, Practical Nursing, was married June
has been employed since August as the Lunda Center
event support at Western Technical College and lives in
La Crescent, MN.
5, 2015.
Jessica (Klinkner) Frei, Marketing, and Andrew Frei
‘11 Radiography, were married September 26, 2015 and live
in Wyeville. Jessica is the communications director for the
Bank of Cashton and Andrew is a radiologic technologist for
Tomah Memorial Hospital.
phone: 608.789.6083 9
Thomas Bouchard, IT Computer Support Spec
Emily (Pilmonas) Conley, Supervisory Mgmt, Lead-
ership & Supervision Professional, is a revenue and coding
advisor for Gundersen Health System. She is currently
working on a bachelor’s degree in Healthcare Leadership
and Administration. Emily and her husband, Jesse, live
in Holmen.
website: westerntc.edu/alumni
Classnotes cont.
John Eisner, Business Mgmt, lives in Watertown and
is currently studying sports management at Maranatha
Baptist University, scheduled to graduate in 2016.
Cody Getter-Skrede, Welding, was married June 13,
2015 to his wife Tia in Viroqua.
Miranda Hackbarth, Paralegal, recently moved to
Linda Hartwich, Medical Admin Professional, recently
moved to Arkansas.
Tyler Hugill, Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heat-
ing Service Tech, was recently engaged.
Kayla Kohutko, Business Mgmt, recently moved to
Thank you alumni for your continued support during our phonathon. And, congratulations
to alumnus Neal Green ’74 for winning an alumni windshirt. His name was randomly
chosen from all who answered our trivia question correctly: 95% of our students are
employed within 6 months of graduation. Starting in February, the second phase of our
phonathon (last names starting with L-Z) will begin, so be ready with your answer!
Neal shared his Western experience, explaining that after serving in the Air Force, he and
his brother, Tom, who was in the Navy, enrolled in the Production Agriculture program
through veteran services, taking classes together. He remembered taking classes in the
Sparta and Westby area and instructors Buel Dull and Art Brieske among others. Today,
he is still raising crops. Neal proudly said, “Tech school is really important and I’m glad to
support it!”
Vanessa (White) Cosgrove, Human Services, is an
economic support specialist for La Crosse County Human
Services and lives in West Salem.
Joseph Ginther, Electro-mechanical Tech, is a mechanical technician at Sub-Zero Wolf and lives in Oregon, WI.
Alicia Grossell, Nursing, ‘10 Practical Nursing, was
married on August 7, 2015.
Grace Storlie, Office Support Spec, is a patient care
coordinator at Moore Smiles, a dental office in La Crosse.
Shilo Wood, Radiography, is a radiologic technologist/
laboratory technologist with the Heart of the Rockies
Regional Medical Center and lives in Salida, CO.
Join the Western online community
to update your information and
look up your friends:
email: alumni@westerntc.edu phone: 608.789.6083 10
website: westerntc.edu/alumni
In memor iam
Hazen Ames, 6/21/2015
1992 CIS Microcomputer Tech
Julie Meyer Aus, 6/28/2015
1982 Commercial Art
Holly Weber Bahr, 6/6/2015
1969 Secretarial Science - Legal
Ray Becker, 9/23/2015
1974 Agriculture
Therese (Degenhardt) Bina,
1969 Medical Assistant
Western Staff
Clifford Hefti, 8/3/2015
1989 Accounting
1974 Visual Communications
William Bernacchi, 10/23/2015
Eric Karbula, 11/8/2015
2014 Landscape Horticulture
Lela Coombs, 6/10/2015
Chad Kneesel, 8/10/2015
Elaine Grossbach, 9/17/2015
1997 Supervisory Mgmt
Casey MacLachlan, 8/25/2015
2005 Visual Communications
Ella Hawkins, 4/12/2015
2001 Machine Tooling Technics
Louise Jones, 8/8/2015
Norman Nelson, 8/4/2015
Mike Kertzman, 2/14/2015
Jerry Boggs, 8/16/2015
1989 Police Science Tech
1983 Foods - Institutional
Neva Duerkop Ritter, 11/6/2015
Gladys McConaughey, 10/3/2015
Larry Campbell, 7/19/2015
1978 Welding
1973 Machine Tool Operation
1984 Welding
Tim Dolato, 7/21/2015
Barry Fagan, 8/28/2015
1976 Welding
Brenda Warthan Garves, 7/1/2015
1990 Nursing - Technical
Joan Bean Halverson, 6/25/2015
1967 Business Machines
Linda Harnisch, 6/27/2015
1989 Supervisory Mgmt
Marcia Meshbesher, 1/11/2015
Jerome Rudie, 9/18/2015
Kathleen Olson, 4/22/2015
Jane Rendler, 3/14/2015
Lori Schroeder, 8/5/2015
1988 Accounting
Joyce Rosso, 4/2/2015
Kurt Stegemeyer, 4/24/2015
Maddeline Schuldes, 3/2/2015
1993 Feed, Seed & Farm Supply
Mary Sobotta, 2/5/2015
Orville Stein, 7/5/2015
Nelda Westra, 5/18/2015
1976 Fire Science Tech
Stephen Witt, 7/13/2015
1968 Auto Mechanics
Rebecca Wooden, 7/22/2015
1994 Clinical Lab Tech
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r fro
to hea
Tell us what you’ve been doing since graduation and we’ll print it in an upcoming edition of Connect. 
New job, baby, marriage, or honor? 
Keep us up to date!  Alumni Office, 400 Seventh Street North, La Crosse, WI 54601
email: alumni@westerntc.edu or call: 608.789.6083
Name _______________________________________________________ Former Name______________________________
Program___________________________________________________________ Year________________________________
City___________________________________________________________ State__________ Zip_____________________
Home Phone_____________________________ Email_________________________________________________________
Employer_________________________________ Job Title______________________________________________________
Spouse___________________________________________________________ Spouse is a Western Alum
Additional information for college publication:________________________________________________________________
email: alumni@westerntc.edu phone: 608.789.6083 11
website: westerntc.edu/alumni
400 Seventh Street North
PO Box 908
La Crosse, WI 54602-0908
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opportunity and affirmative action. Accommodation requests, or
questions and complaints about discrimination, harassment, and/or
retaliation should be directed to the Employment, Benefits, and EEO
Manager, 608-785-9274 or TTY 608-785-9551.
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Remember when...
This is a photo from
Graduation 2000. Does anyone
know who these students are?
Do you have a photo to share from the past? Send to: Alumni Office, 400 Seventh Street N, La Crosse, WI 54601
email: alumni@westerntc.edu phone: 608.789.6083
website: westerntc.edu/alumni