Fall 2010 - James Werner
Fall 2010 - James Werner
THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE RAILROAD MUSEUM OF LONG ISLAND The Postboy Preserving Long Island’s Rich Railroading Heritage Fall 2010! www.rmli.us Riverhead Railroad Festival 2010 Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Railroad Museum of Long Island and the 100th Anniversary of the Riverhead Railroad Station In This Issue: Page 2: A Message from the President • Page 4: Equipment Restoration Progress • Page 8: Lionel Visitor’s Center Update • Page 10: Scenes from Railfest T H E P O S T B O Y A Message from the President By Don Fisher The cool breezes of Fall blow across Long Island’s East End and thoughts of Winter begin to creep into our minds. Another successful Museum Season draws to a close at the RMLI and I reflect on all the great moments I witnessed this year and all the wonderful volunteers that keep your Museums open and strong. It has been an outstanding year! Your Riverhead Restoration and Visitor’s Center opened on Saturday, April 10 and will close on Saturday, November 20. Throughout the summer, the site was open every Saturday and Sunday to the delight of grandparents, parents and children who came to visit our exhibits and ride the World’s Fair park train. Many patrons enjoyed travelling to Greenport from Riverhead on the LIRR Greenport Scoot to experience both our sites during their visit. We saw a number of folks and their young charges return to the Museums repeatedly throughout the summer. Matt Stagliano, Steve Sucic, John Thompson, and Stan Urban. Many times on Saturday, work continued on one or more of the many ongoing projects in progress at Riverhead. Volunteers seen hard at work included: Lou Caruso, Tom Collins, George Faeth, Rich Feggeler, Neil Feldman, Dennis Harrington, Don Hawkins, Bob “Ducky” Kaelin, Scott McCarthy, Rich Miller, Bob Mintz, Joe Misita, Bill Raynor, Al Schick, Al Schwartz, Richard Sloan, Jack Smith, Fred Wilms, and George Wybenga. The Greenport Museum opened on Saturday, May 22 and closed on Sunday, October 10. The Museum was staffed and open for all weekends except one due to a lack of available docents. The New York Transit Museum’s exhibit dedicated to the 175th Anniversary of the Long Island Rail Road was well received. Our two special exhibits of an original 1880’s LIRR passenger ticket and advertising poster, on loan from the Southold Historical Society, were exceptional artifacts to augment the NYTM show. A beautiful collection of railroad lanterns, donated to the RMLI by Mrs. Lorraine Gargiulo and her son Michael, brightened the west end of the Museum hall and will remain on display through 2011. George Summers conducts a tour for young patrons. Thanks and a “Tip O’ The Hat” to our Riverhead docents, tour guides, conductors and engineers: Francis Amendola, Mike Arnold, Mike Babinski, Justin Bashe and his Dad, Jon Bialstock and his Mom, Bonnie Cornett, Joe Costa Sr. and Joe Costa Jr., Tom Davison and his Mom, Anthony DeBellis and his Dad, Rich Gorddard, Kate Horn, Richard Horn, Greg Kruszeski, John Peck, Don Rollock, Joe Saullo, Dave Stagliano, 2" Part of the 2010 NYTM Exhibit at Greenport RMLI. Railroad Museum of Long Island T H E P Thanks and a “Tip O’ The Hat” to our Greenport docents and guides: Joe Capuano, Dave Fisher, Evelyn Fisher, Flo Monahan, Dorothy and John Rooney, George and Lynn Summers, Jim Werner, and Bob and Lil White. A few of our active members have been under the weather in 2010 and we keep them in our thoughts and wish them good health this winter. We look forward to their return as soon as they feel able. Get well wishes go out to Dennis Harrington, Elaine Minnigan, Ken Schaefer and Stan Urban. Special Happy Birthday Wishes go out to the RMLI’s oldest member, Helyn Horn! Helyn is an active 106 years young this year! Happy Birthday Helyn! On August 28th and 29th the RMLI was blessed with outstanding summer weather for our twelfth annual Riverhead Railroad Festival. Sunny, dry and cool was the order of the weekend as 1200 adults and more than 400 children attended the Festival commemorating the RMLI’s 20th Anniversary. We were please to be the recipient of two grants this year to help support our efforts. Funding from the Suffolk County Department of Economic Development Cultural Arts Program allowed us to add music to the Festival, Eastbound Freight Bluegrass Band entertained our visitor’s on the Main Stage in the food court area and the Riverhead Business Improvement District provided funding to defray the cost of advertising the Festival. We thank both of these entities for standing beside us as we work to bring quality family events and educational experiences to downtown Riverhead. O S T B O Y The high point of this year’s Festival was the rededication of the one hundred year old Riverhead LIRR Station. Held at 2 PM on Saturday, August 28, it was attended by Riverhead Supervisor Sean Walter and Town Board member John Dunlevy, Suffolk County Legislator Ed Romaine, New York State Assemblyman Marc Alessi’s staff officer and LIRR Vice President of Operations, Ray Kenny. Following brief comments by these representatives we unveiled a beautiful bronze plaque that will hang in the station to commemorate its 100 years of service to the Riverhead community and Suffolk County. Thanks go to President Rich Gorddard and the members of the Twin Forks Chapter of the NRHS for partnering with the RMLI for this important occasion. President Don Fisher & President Rich Gorddard unveil the 100th Anniversary commemorative plaque. Please remember that our Fall Membership Meeting and Election of Officers will be held on Saturday, October 23rd at 1:00 PM in the Education Hall of the Suffolk County Historical Society, 300 West Main Street, Riverhead, NY. Located diagonally across the parking lot from the 100 year old Riverhead LIRR Station, the Society building is easy to access and there is ample parking for cars in the lot. Unfortunately, the MTA has suspended weekend LIRR service east of Ronkonkoma so for the first time in memory our members can not take the train to the meeting! Please do make an effort to attend the meeting, hear reports from your project managers and vote for your officers, I look forward to seeing you there. Eastbound Freight Bluegrass Band at the Festival. Railroad Museum of Long Island" 3 T H E P O S T B O Y Equipment Restoration Progress by Anthony DeBellis Presidents’ Aide de Camp Long Island Rail Road Caboose C-68 Since the last report, Caboose C-68 is nearing completion. It has gotten a third and final coat of Orange paint with many other detail touch ups. On both ends of the caboose all of the yellow handrails and black trims have gotten fresh coats of paint. Currently, all exterior paint of the caboose has been applied and that aspect is complete. By the end of the Fall, we a plan on reapplying the LONG ISLAND, C-68, and Dashing Dan decals on the side of the caboose. This will complete phase one of the restoration. Over the winter, the next step is to redo the interior of the caboose by applying new paint and doing any additional repairs. Many objects such as file cabinets and other unrelated exhibit pieces will be removed, from the days when C-68 was the office in the restoration yard. New exhibit cabinets and displays will be installed on the walls of the caboose to make it a premier exhibit for families to learn about the job of the conductor and the impact the freight train had on railroads. Special thanks goes to Joe Saullo and Anthony DeBellis for all their hard work. 4" Railroad Museum of Long Island T H E P O S T B O Y BEDT 0-6-0T 16 The next step in the restoration of Engine 16 is to place the locomotive back on its own wheels and off the I-beams she has sat on for almost a decade. Since the drivers where a little way from the engine step, it was needed to provide a place for Engine 16's drivers to rest while it is lifted up so the wheels can easily be slid along into place. Now that may sound like a simple solution, but what do we actually place the wheels to the locomotive on so it is easy to roll them under the engine? As it turns out, there are tracks that are still in the ground that use to be in service by the LIRR that start across Griffing Avenue and stop under Engine 16. The second step was to unearth these rails in preparation for the large 4-ton wheels. Special thanks goes to Anthony DeBellis and Joe Saullo for removing 7 wheel barrels of dirt for Engine 16's wheels! Now that we had a place for the wheels, here comes the exciting part. Enter the crane, provided by North Fork Welding & Supply. Now we moved Engine's 16 three large 4-ton drivers over from the front of the museum over to the rails in front of the Engine. Each truck was marked for the location it went which made work go quickly. Engine Side 1, Firemen Side 1 are examples of how the move was done. We moved the wheels on top of our crane truck, first one then two drivers. We also moved closer to the locomotive the journal brasses that will be applied to the axles on the locomotive. Work went by quickly and was done very safely. From the Museum side we had working Don Fisher, Joe Costa Sr. Joe Costa Jr., and Anthony DeBellis. A special thanks go out to North Fork Welding & Supply for donating the crane for this move, and to Rich Clark of North Fork Welding who donated his time to help us make the move and operate the crane! We could not have done it with out Rich, and we are grateful to him for his help! The next step for this project is cleaning up the drivers and frame of the locomotive so the wheels can be placed under them. We also plan to start paint removal on the engine and wood work in the cab. The cab will soon have all new opening doors and windows with steps so the public will be able to walk in the cab, ring the locomotive’s bell and see what it was like to run a steam engine. Railroad Museum of Long Island" 5 T H E P O S T B O Y Our Sister Organization, Twin Forks NRHS W93 Snow Plow Update While the plow is not in the Museum's collection it is still in our yard and is a part of our visitor's experience. People hear grinding and volunteers working, and the plow is getting some care. Currently, members of the Chapter have taken off a lot of old paint, so new paint can be applied in one smooth layer. The Chapter plans to paint the plow black, the way it looked when it was delivered to the LIRR. Metal work has also started on the plow, with Bondo applied to the rust spots. The main blades of the plow has also had all of its paint removed, and volunteers are preparing it for new coats of black paint. Railroad Museum of Long Island" 6 T H E P O S T B O Y RIP Track Answers From the Summer 2010 Crossword Railroad Museum of Long Island" 7 T H E P O S T B O Y Lionel Visitor’s Center Update The construction of the former Lionel Visitor’s Center layout is progressing very well. Here, volunteers assemble the layout and structural supports. In front of the building, concrete will be poured and a handicap ramp will be constructed. Interested in volunteering? Email the Museum at info@rmli.us for more information. Railroad Museum of Long Island" 8 T H E P O S T B O Y Lionel Visitor’s Center Update RMLI Runs Trains at Longwood Estate Railroad Museum of Long Island" 9 T H E P O S T B O Y Scenes from the Riverhead Railroad Festival 2010 10" Railroad Museum of Long Island T H E P O S T B O Y Scenes from the Riverhead Railroad Festival 2010 Railroad Museum of Long Island" 11 T H E P O S T B O Y Railroad Museum of Long Island P.O. Box 726 Greenport, NY 11944 631.477.0439 • 631.727.7920 www.rmli.us THE POSTBOY! Fall 2010 Dates to Remember Fall Membership Meeting RMLI Annual Holiday Open House Saturday, October 23rd at 1 PM December 4th and 5th, 12 PM to 3 PM • Greenport Suffolk County Historical Society 300 West Main Street, Riverhead Moving? Don’t forget to send us your updated address! Email your contact information to Dick Horn at dhorn@rmli.us or mail us at: Railroad Museum of Long Island P.O. Box 726 Greenport, NY 11944
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