October-December 2005


October-December 2005
Monthly Update
V O LUM E 1 , I S S UE 5
OCT OB E R DE CE MB E R 2 0 0 5
Big News, Small Package
Photos by Richard Gorddard
Santa was very good to your Museum this Christmas! He delivered to us a new
(August 1958 - well that’s new to us) working diesel locomotive!! On Monday,
December 19, LIRR G.E. 25 ton, 150 hp #399 was loaded on a Sypher Construction Company lowboy trailer by the LIRR Wreck Master and his competent mechanics at the Morris Park Shops. Down the Long Island Expressway
she rolled to Riverhead, where she waited until Thursday, December 22 to be
unloaded at RMLI. That morning, Bay Crane set up their hook to unload #399
and load C-68 onto the flatbed for the trip across Griffing Avenue to your Visitor’s Center. Today, the Caboose is on the new panel track with plans to regularly open her to the public in April 2006. Thanks go to Tom Collins, Rich
Gorrdard, Bill Raynor, Dick Horn, Lou Caruso, Paul Strubeck, John Thompson,
Greg Kruszeski and Mike Arnold for working on this project. Many thanks to
Sypher Construction, Bay Crane and the men and women of the LIRR who
helped make this important move and acquisition to your Museum possible.
Engine 39 Status
RS3 1556 Update
Model RR News
End of Steam Anniversary
Double-decker 200
2005 Open House
2006 Event Dates
Membership Renewal Notice
from M. Richard Horn, Secretary, Railroad Museum of Long Island
If the address label on this Monthly Update is printed in RED, it indicates that
your membership renewal for the Railroad Museum of Long Island is past due.
Due to increased postage and printing costs, if payment is not received by February 15th, your membership will be placed on our “inactive” status and you will
not receive any of the current publications or e-mails being sent out.
I’m sure that you do not want this to happen, as there are many exciting developments at the museum. We have just acquired another diesel locomotive, and work
on Steam Locomotive # 39 is progressing. Our volunteers are busier than ever
working on RS3 #1556, and a new O-gauge train layout is nearing completion in
our Riverhead Visitor’s Center. Many other projects are underway. Your membership and continuing support help to make this progress happen. Please send
your membership renewal in as soon as possible to the address on the renewal
form. For any questions regarding membership renewal, I may be reached at
S E E P. 7
Engine 39 Restoration Status by Don Fisher
Work on Engine 39 progresses. We have received word from Rob Mangles that #39’s tender is near finished and ready for sandblasting and painting. He reports all of the replacement steel work has been completed. New baffles have been fabricated and an oil tank has been made to hold our fuel. The new oil tank
is located in the space normally reserved for coal. Look for it in Riverhead soon.
Engine 39 consulting engineers from the Strasburg Railroad Company have been visiting at BoilerMatic's
Medford plant to finalize restoration of the boiler vessel. To date, the inside of the firebox has been removed, to be replaced along with new stay bolts. Plans for a new backhead are being discussed and put forward. All ultrasound tests have been completed and the consulting engineers are finalizing the scope of
work on the boiler. Tubes, flues and sheet work are next. Now that the tender is finished, boiler work will
shift into high gear.
At the Riverhead Restoration Site, #39's frame has been raised off the drive axles and the front pilot wheels
have been moved forward. We have discovered pitting and excessive corrosion on the "new" journal boxes
that were installed more than twenty years ago. Things age and wear even when you don't use them, "use it
or loose it!"
Cleaning, scraping and painting are ongoing on many, many Engine 39 parts. The tender frame is being
scraped and painted in anticipation of the tender’s return. With a brand new roof on our "Ron Freeman
Building," cleaning and polishing of engine parts will be done in a warmer, dryer environment this winter!
Work continues in a steady fashion. It never seems to go as fast as we would like or as we first wished - but
it does go on! Volunteers who want to work are always welcome to join the Museum and lend a hand. Financial assistance is also welcome - large or small; every dime moves us closer to completing the restoration
of G-5s Engine 39.
To volunteer, please e-mail Bruce Abel for details and work schedules at: babel@optonline.net. Donations
of a financial nature may be addressed to: RMLI Treasurer, P.O. Box 726, Greenport, NY 11944-0726.
The restored tender
(RMLI Photo)
#1556 being prepared for
the winter
(RMLI Photo)
RS-3 1556 Update by Richard Gorddard
During 2005, there was a great impetus to get the old Alco back to running status at RMLI. As mentioned
in a previous newsletter, museum volunteer Cuffy secured four 55-gallon drums of lubricating oil for the
1556. Then another event took place. Thanks to Mike Arnold and Rich Gorddard, RMLI was given a donation that is needed to get the locomotive running. Mike and Rich knew that there was a full set of fairly
new locomotive batteries sitting in a GP-10 unit at Gershow Recycling. These batteries were only about
one year old. Mike and Rich approached Gershow Recycling and we got the news that they would donate
the batteries to RMLI. Thanks to Kevin Gershowitz of Gershow Recycling of Medford, NY, we received the full set of locomotive batteries. This is a huge cost saving event for your museum. We
now need to keep the batteries charged and in warm environs to protect them from the harsh eastern
Long Island winter.
Our goal to turn over the Alco unit this past fall was changed. We now look towards late spring or
early summer before we try starting her after many years of sitting idle. This is a critical time. We
need to crank her over soon, while the 244 prime mover is still in good shape. However, the more she
sits idle, the more little annoyances arise that need attention before we can crank over the engine. For
example, all 12 of the injector pumps need servicing. This is a major problem and must be addressed
before we start her up. We also decided not to replace the lube oil until spring, to reduce the chances
of condensation in the locomotive. Under the direction of locomotive diesel mechanic Paul Kennedy,
all the way east from the Union Pacific Shops at Coulton Yard, L.A., CA, lubrication of 1556’s injector fuel pumps and general winterization has taken place. Work on the fuel injectors will take place
over the winter.
Model Railroad News compiled by Don Fisher
Seems to be much to tell in the model train department! RMLI is the recipient of a professionally constructed "O" gauge layout donated by the Manorville Chamber of Commerce. The five feet by twelve feet
layout was set up on sawhorses in George Faeth's garage where preliminary restoration work was begun.
George completed some track realignment to let all cars pass each other on opposing tracks. The layout was
moved to Riverhead during Christmas break where finishing work will continue during January and February. George and his crew are planning two work sessions per week to get the layout up and running for our
spring opening. If you would be interested in working with George during the week, please call him at 631765-2208 or e-mail to: faethg@aol.com. This will be something to see and from the enthusiasm of the folks
at this year’s Riverhead Railroad Festival, it will be a welcome addition to the Riverhead site tour.
Let us not forget the "N" scale layout Don Bender, Mike Fox and Mike Arnold have been working on. It too
will be up and running for spring. After the Railroad Festival, Don removed the scale structures from the
working layout (all track work has been completed and trains run!) and restoration of those structures is ongoing. To volunteer to work with Don or to become a Riverhead docent, call him at 631-730-3888 or e-mail
to: dgbender@optonline.net
Last year the Long Island Toy Train Locomotive Engineers (LITTLE) of RMLI began to build a modular
"O" scale layout for the Museum to display and transport to show at events around the Island. After the final
wiring was completed and snow, Victorian houses, people, structures and running trains were added, the
modular layout was ready for its inaugural appearance. Your Museum was invited to participate in the Annual Victorian Christmas Open House held at Hallockville Farm Museum in Jamesport on December 4th.
George and members of LITTLE set up the modular layout for everyone to enjoy. Parents and children alike
were taken with the many trains running in the barn at Hallockville. Look for this attraction at RMLI Events
from now on. A great job by our volunteers!
A bit of upcoming fundraising news comes to us from George. The LITTLE Committee is preparing specifications for a RMLI limited edition "O" gauge railroad
car for release in 2006. Orders for the car to be produced will be taken during the
summer with delivery just before next Christmas. If you collect "O" gauge trainsets, this will be an opportunity you won't want to miss. If you don't collect yet,
supporting your Museum will be a great reason to start. A different type of car
will be planned each year; for instance, our first car may be a boxcar. Look for
The donated O-scale layout more information on this exciting fundraising development in the coming months.
(RMLI Photo)
End of Steam Anniversary Ceremony By Al Castelli
The RMLI had a ceremony at the August Riverhead Rail Festival marking the 50th anniversary of the end of
steam on the LIRR. The ceremony in 1955 was on October 8, and another commemoration took place fifty
years to the day in Hicksville, NY. The “50th Anniversary Ceremony End of Steam Locomotives on the
Long Island Rail Road” was sponsored by the Hicksville and Oyster Bay Historical Societies in cooperation
with The Friends of Locomotive #35 and RMLI. A brief ceremony was held, concluded by the ringing of
the bell from Steam Locomotive #35.
That bell was one original “member” of the 1955 ceremony which included LIRR and local government officials as well as a Boy Scout. One feature of the 50th anniversary ceremony was to recreate the 1955 ceremony with the present day counterparts of those involved. Another original member was that very Boy
Scout, Fred Ruff. He was a Boy Scout from Brooklyn when he was chosen to be part of that historic event.
Mr. Ruff now resides in Hicksville and was the honored guest for this special event.
The other members in 1955 were LIRR Vice President and General Manager T. M. Goodfellow, Nassau
County Executive A. Holly Patterson, and Oyster Bay Supervisor Lewis N. Waters. Representing them today were Fred Ruff as himself, Nassau County Comptroller Howard Weitzman, Oyster Bay Town Councilman Angelo A. Delligatti, and LIRR President James J. Dermody. (Nassau County Executive Thomas
Suozzi and Town of Oyster Bay Supervisor John Venditto were unable to attend.) These guests recreated a
photo from 1955.
Also on hand were other representatives from the Town of Oyster Bay, including Councilwomen Mary A.
McCaffery and Rose Marie Walker, and Town Clerk Steven L. Labriola. Mr. Weitzman and Mr. Labriola
presented official citations to The Friends of Locomotive #35. The Hicksville Historical Society was represented by past president Richard Evers, known as “Mr. Hicksville” for his knowledge of that town’s history.
Each of these guests said a few words and were very enthusiastic, interested, and supportive of the many
railroad preservation projects underway on Long Island. They are especially supportive of The Friends of
Locomotive #35 and their work with the Oyster Bay Historical Society in their joint effort in establishing the
Oyster Bay Railroad Museum in the former LIRR Oyster Bay station and yard.
RMLI President Dennis Harrington addressed those attending and mentioned by name the four main railroad
preservation groups active on Long Island. He noted how their cooperation together and with the LIRR and
local governments was getting much done on their common goal. Steve Torborg, President of The Friends
of Locomotive #35, also addressed those assembled. He reiterated Mr. Harrington’s remarks and also mentioned two other local museums involved in the preservation of our railroad history, the Lindenhurst Village
Railroad Museum and the Wantagh Preservation Society. And not to be forgotten were the volunteers who
get the work done.
Mention and thanks also have to go to David Morrison for his work in organizing this event and serving as
The event also included a diorama and photo exhibits, a slide show and light refreshments provided by the
Hicksville Historical Society.
End of Steam Anniversary Ceremony Photos
… and NOW
Above photo from LONG ISLAND RAILROADER article, November 1955
(courtesy of Art Huneke )
Ceremony from October 8, 2005 included, from left, Nassau
County Comptroller Howard Weitzman, Oyster Bay Town
Councilman Angelo A. Delligatti, guest of honor Fred Ruff,
and LIRR President James J. Dermody. And the bell, too!
(Dennis Harrington photo )
Double Decker 200 Update by Richard Gorddard
As autumn approached, and the amount of available daylight lessened, we hurried our efforts to get a protective coating of Tuscan paint on the car. We decided that we needed to accelerate the painting process, so we
invested in an airless paint sprayer, which cut down on labor time immensely. Rest assured we finally were
able to get a coat of Tuscan Red on the entire car.
The following week after we painted old #200, the weather started to go downhill rapidly with each consecutive weekend. The chill in the air and the wet rainy conditions prevented us from continuing any more exterior work on the car. With the arrival of the Spring Robins, we will be back at work, applying more Tuscan
Red, as well as black paint where needed, and the lettering and numbering will be applied as well. The car is
looking good!
At this time I would like to thank the following volunteers for assisting on the #200 project during 2005:
Dick Horn, Mike Fox, Mike Arnold, Art Christian, Stan Urban, Greg Kruzeski, John Thompson, and Rich
The next big task will be installation of the windows and window frames on the car. The interior will also
be tackled in the near future as well. 2006 will bring more improvements to car #200. We hope to see you
out in Riverhead during the new year, so you can see how the car is coming along for yourself.
Other Museum Happenings compiled by Don Fisher
Look for the February issue of Trains Magazine. Within its covers will be articles related to the largest,
highest capacity, oldest railroad still operating under its original name in the USA – the Long Island Rail
Road! In addition, your Engine 39 is featured on the “Preservation” page of the magazine. Nationally acclaimed railroad photographer and writer, Joe Greenstein, photographed Engine 39 and interviewed members of the Museum on November 5th. Don’t miss it; it will be a collector’s edition you will want to have!
Your Museum is cooperating with the New York Transit Museum on an exhibit to be mounted at Grand
Central Terminal from February through June 2006. The exhibit of railroad photography and art depicting
the men and women who built, maintain and operate the NYC Transit system, LIRR and Metro-North will
include a number of physical artifacts used by those workers. RMLI is proud to be able to loan equipment
and clothing to the New York Transit Museum for this. Accessions Chairman John Rooney and Don Fisher
traveled to the Brooklyn Museum on December 19th to deliver the articles and receive a behind the scenes
tour of the Museum from Senior Curator, Charles Sachs. Meeting us was Associate Curator, Chandra Buie,
and Exhibitions Manager, Robert Del Bagno. In the photo below they appear, left to right, with John and an
antique “railroad field telephone” used by LIRR Maintainers who kept the telegraph and telephone system
working. If you’re in the area of Grand Central Terminal while the exhibit is up, stop and see it!
More local help is on the way to RMLI! Boy Scout Leader Robby Walden has confirmed the services of the
Greenport Troop to clean out the Greenport turntable pit and prepare it for spring. With help from RMLI
volunteers and members of the Twin Forks Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society, the work
will be done over a number of fair weather weekends this winter. A letter requesting permission and assistance from the Village of Greenport Road Department has gone out and we hope to have a dump truck available for debris removal. It will be a big help to us and the Scouts. After the area is cleared, the Scouts and
volunteers plan to cover the ground with Geo-Tex material and gravel. That part of the project and the location of ballast, trackage, a FOX truck and RMLI sign outside the Museum may become an Eagle Scout Project for one of the boys. The turntable should look great for summer 2006 and our Gala in May!
At right, writer Joe Greenstein at
work at Riverhead restoration site
(RMLI Photo)
Visit to the New York Transit
(RMLI Photo)
2005 Annual Open House Was Another Success compiled by Don Fisher
On December 3rd and 4th, we held our Annual Open House with Santa’s visit from the North Pole. The
Merry Old Gent arrived promptly on the 12:00 noon train each day to the glee of a large crowd of wellwishers. The Museum Gift Shop did a brisk business and the raffle of the K-Line Greenport Scoot was a
smashing success as a fundraiser. The Scoot was won by Mike Roberts of New York City. Jack Kiffer of
the Dory Restaurant on Shelter Island sold the winning ticket – a “Tip O’ the Hat” to Jack as he sold 41
books of chances for the Museum this year! Thanks to Lil and Bob White who Captain this event every
2005 Annual Open House (continued)
year. Thanks also go to Flo Monahan, Margaret Field, Elaine Minnigan, Marilyn Corwin, Evelyn Krupski
Fisher, George Summers, Bonnie Cornett, Carol Ann Cornett, Don Bender, Dave Fisher, Ken Schaefer, Art
Christian, Bill Raynor, Bob “Ducky” Kaelin, John and Dorothy Rooney, Chris Day, and Tom Collins for
volunteering their time.
Following the Open House on Saturday, twenty-five RMLI Volunteers assembled for the annual volunteer
appreciation dinner. Fellow friends and workers gathered to reflect and celebrate the accomplishments made
this year. Certificates of Appreciation were awarded and a pleasant repast was enjoyed by all who attended.
The crowd greets Santa
(RMLI Photo)
The volunteer appreciation dinner
(RMLI Photo)
2006 Museum Events
Let’s mark those 2006 calendars while they’re still fresh and clean with these RMLI Event dates!!
Semi-annual membership meetings will be held in May at Greenport and October at Riverhead. The Saturday dates and times will be announced by the Board of Trustees as the months approach.
Saturday, May 6: RMLI’s Annual Fundraising Dinner Dance, 6PM – 11PM under the stars (tent) at your
Greenport Museum.
Memorial Day Weekend, May 27: Riverhead and Greenport sites open for the 2006 season. Riverhead is
open Saturdays, Sundays and Monday Holidays from 10 AM – 4 PM until Columbus Day Weekend. Greenport is open Saturdays, Sundays and Monday Holidays from 11 AM – 4 PM until Columbus Day Weekend.
Volunteers are needed to staff both sites. To volunteer at Riverhead, contact Don Bender at:
dgbender@optonline.net To volunteer at Greenport, contact George Summers at: summers@optonline.net
Saturday and Sunday, August 26 and 27: Annual Riverhead Railroad Festival, 10 AM – 4 PM each day at
the Riverhead Restoration Site. This year we will celebrate our fifteenth year of Museum operations at
Greenport and Riverhead.
Saturday and Sunday, September 30 and October 1: A Hobo’s Homecoming, 10 AM – 4PM each day at
the Riverhead Restoration Site. Real honest to goodness Hobos will be encamped at the Museum. Friday
will be open to school field trips to hear the stories and gain an appreciation for the men and women who
traveled the rails to find work. Saturday and Sunday the public is invited to experience the music, humor,
sadness and tales-from-the-road of these rugged individuals. A concert is planned for Saturday night at the
Vail-Levitt Music Hall on Peconic Ave. in Riverhead. Admission to be determined.
Saturday and Sunday, December 2 and 3: Open House with Santa arriving on the noon train at your
Greenport Museum.
P.O. Box 726
Greenport, NY 11944
Ex-LIRR GE 25 tonner #399, now in the collection of the
Museum at the Riverhead site (Richard Gorddard photo)
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