trips - East Pennsboro Township
trips - East Pennsboro Township
EAST PENNSBORO TOWNSHIP “A Great Place to Live, Work and Raise a Family” JANUARY/MARCH 2016 Pumpkin Fests Reaches 39,000 The Pennsboro Pumpkin Fest Committee and East Pennsboro Township Recreation Department would like to thank the community for their support during the 16th Annual Pennsboro Pumpkin Fest. The estimated attendance was 39,054 visitors this year! There were pies turned in for the annual Pumpkin Pie Baking Contest. First place winner is Marie Miller, second was Susannah Foos and third place was Vincent Duong. Thanks go out to the community members and businesses that supported this event during Columbus Day weekend. The Committee hopes you’ll consider joining the Pumpkin Fest Committee and participate actively in meetings. Bringing your skills and new ideas will make the event better and keep it family friendly and free. One thing they would like to do in 2016 is to form committees to handle important tasks. Some of the committees we need for 2016 are Parking, Entertainment, Advertising, Volunteer Recruitment, Planning and working the days of the event. It’s a chance to make a difference in the community. 2016 Budget Approved The Commissioners adopted a balanced General Fund Budget of $9.1 million on Dec. 16. They approved the budget which includes a reduction in the general fund millage rate from 1.05 mills to .83 mills and the establishment of a new .47 mill fire services tax. The total combined municipal millage will total 1.3 mills or a net increase for residents of .25 mills. The budget may be viewed on the township website at On Nov. 3 the community re-elected John Kuntzelman and George Tyson to the five person Township Board of Commissioners. The 16th Annual Pumpkin Fest was supported by Al’s Pizza and Subs of Enola, AmeriChoice Federal Credit Union, Belco Community Credit Union, Bruner’s Service Center, Central Penn College, Claremont Nursing & Rehab Center, Classic Drycleaners, Elliott’s Excursions, Enck’s Trophies, Enola Shurfine, Charley Gelb and Family, Giant Foods, Inc., Hampden Cleaners, Highmark Blue Shield, Holy Spirit Hospital, Integrity Bank, J& C Landscaping, McDonald’s, Millennium Way Dental Studio, Olympic Skating Center and Smiles Plus Dentistry. Township Awarded Grant East Pennsboro Township applied for the 2015 Cumberland Valley Visitors Bureau Tourism Grant for signage at Adams Ricci Park and an electronic sign along East Penn Drive. The grant was awarded for $8,450 towards two stone entrance signs for Adams Ricci Community Park. The electronic sign was not funded at this time, however the township is considering to fund this project in the near future. The Township is responsible for one third of the total project cost of the awarded grant. Adams-Ricci Farmers Market The Adams-Ricci Farmers Market has moved their local farm products indoors for the winter. On 1st and 3rd Thursdays from 3-6 pm, come find the vendors in the Capital BlueCross Theatre at Central Penn College, 600 Valley Road, Summerdale, PA. The winter market runs from November through April, after which it’ll be back outside at Adams-Ricci Park. The winter market vendors include: Dancing Creek Farm (pastured chickens and ducks), Celtic Knot Alpacas (alpaca fibers, knit, felted and woven products), Jade Family Farms (certified organic produce), Jo’s Bakery (delicious breads, muffins, cookies, pies and more), Olivero’s Vineyard (delicious PA wines), Smithfield Farms (a variety of pasture raised meats, eggs, kettle corn and local honey), Three Springs Fruit Farm (tree fruits, root vegetables and their pantry line of preserved products), Waterwheel Tea (herbal teas and drinks made from locally grown herbs), Wilemans Almosta Farm (jams, jellies, sauerkraut and beets, pickles, horseradish, peanut brittle, fudge and peanut clusters). Keswick Creamery and Gettysburg Creamery will join us as their schedule allows. For more information, check out our web site,, find us on Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter, or email From The Treasurer OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Closed Fridays, weekends, holidays Phone: 901-9392 Best wishes for a Happy New Year! REAL ESTATE TAXES The 2016 County/Municipal real estate tax notices are scheduled to be mailed on or before March 1 by a vendor used by Cumberland County. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE YOUR TAX BILL, please call the tax office so that we may help you determine why you didn’t receive a bill. Remember, we have no way of knowing if you didn’t receive a bill unless you tell us. For those of you who travel South for the winter months please be sure to notify my office what address you would like your bill(s) mailed to. We’ll be sure to get a copy of your bill out to you, as tax bills are not forwarded. PER CAPITA TAXES Everyone over the age of 18 should be receiving a per capita bill each March. If you do not receive a bill please call the tax office so that we can make sure your bill was mailed to the correct address or to make sure your name is on the tax rolls. PER CAPITA TAXES FOR OVER 70 If you are 70 years old or over and are paying your per capita tax during the discount period (March 1 through April 30), please be sure to put your birth date on the bill and sign your name. You will then only pay $4.90. PER CAPITA TAXES FOR FULLTIME STUDENTS Fulltime students only pay half of the per capita tax bill. If paid during the discount period (March 1 through April 30) students will pay only $4.90 when the payment is accompanied by a student form. Student forms are available on the Township website,, under taxes, or in the tax office. PER CAPITA TAXES FOR ACTIVE MILITARY While, active, military personnel only pay half of the per capita tax bill. If paid during the discount period (March 1 through April 30) only $4.90 is due. Please be sure to write your service affiliation on the bill and sign your name. Thank you for your service! ADDRESS CORRECTIONS Please be sure to make address corrections in writing. It is acceptable to write the correct information on the bill. COMBINED PAYMENTS Multiple county/municipal real estate bills, per capita bills, or both, can be combined. I only ask that you do not combine county/municipal bills with school bills. Those are two separate accounts. Please don’t hesitate to call the tax office with any questions you may have. The phone number is 901-9392. We are happy to help. Debbie Lupold, Treasurer Holiday Trash Collection For New Year’s Day, collections will be pushed back one day for Friday customers. Customers that are typically collected on Friday will be collected on Saturday January 2nd. All other customers will be collected on their normal collection day Monday through Thursday. They will be collected on the normal schedule on Presidents’ Day, Jan. 18, and on Good Friday, March 25. Please consult the Township website for more information on recycling and trash collection. Trash/Sewer Payment Schedule The Sewer and Sanitation Department has announced the following billing cycle for payment of trash and sewer bills: 1st Quarter – February 4th 3rd Quarter – August 5th 2nd Quarter – May 6th 4th Quarter – November 4th T O W N S H I P C A L E N DA R JANUARY 4 Board of Commissioners, 7 p.m. 4 Recreation Board, 7 p.m. (will be held in the Senior Center, ground floor) 11 Fire Protection Board, 7:30 p.m. 12 West Shore Area Authority, 6:30 p.m. 14 Planning Commission 7 p.m. 19 Board of Health, 5:30 p.m. 20 Board of Commissioners Workshop Meeting, 7 p.m. 21 Zoning Hearing Board, 5:30 p.m. 28 Environmental Advisory Council, 7 p.m. FEBRUARY 1 3 8 11 17 18 Recreation Board, 7 p.m. Board of Commissioners Meeting, 7 p.m. Fire Protection Board, 7:30 p.m. Planning Commission, 7 p.m. Board of Commissioners Workshop, 7 p.m. Zoning Hearing Board, 5:30 p.m. 2 7 10 14 16 17 Board of Commissioners, 7 p.m. Recreation Board, 7 p.m. Planning Commission, 7 p.m. Fire Protection Board, 7:30 p.m. Board of Commissioners Workshop Meeting, 7 p.m. Zoning Hearing Board, 5:30 p.m. MARCH APRIL 4 6 11 12 14 19 20 21 28 Recreation Board, 7 p.m. Board of Commissioners Meeting, 7 p.m. Fire Protection Board, 7:30 p.m. West Shore Area Authority 6:30 p.m. Planning Commission, 7 p.m. Board of Health, 5:30 p.m. Board of Commissioners Workshop Meeting, 7 p.m. Zoning Hearing Board, 5:30 p.m. Environmental Advisory Council, 7 p.m. Township Commissioners’ meetings are held in Room 107 at the Township Municipal Building, 98 S. Enola Dr. The meetings are open to the public. Meetings during the spring and summer are held once a month, changing locations to each of the fire departments. We request 48-hour notice for handicapped accommodation at any meeting. Contact the Township Manager’s office at 732-0711 if an accommodation is required. TOWNSHIP OFFICES CLOSED New Year’s Day – Jan. 1 Presidents’ Day – Feb. 15 Good Friday – March 25 Due to the Townships new billing software, account numbers have changed. If you submit your payment through your financial institutions bill payer services please be sure to update your account number. 2 No Grease Down the Drain! PennDOT’s “FindMyRidePA” Helps Grease is a byproduct of cooking. It comes from meat, lard, oil, Veterans & People with Disabilities with shortening, butter, margarine, food scraps, baking goods, sauces and their Transportation Needs dairy products. When grease washes down the sink, it sticks to the insides of the pipes that connect your home or business to the city’s sewer. It also coats the insides of the city’s sewer pipes. Eventually, the grease can build up until it completely blocks sewer pipes. That can create difficult and expensive maintenance problems for both the city and private property owners. Blocked sewer pipes can cause raw sewage to back up into your home or business, or overflow into streets and streams. Garbage disposals don’t keep grease out of sewer pipes. Products that claim to dissolve grease may dislodge a blockage, but will only cause problems farther on down the line when the grease hardens again. How You Can Help At Home • Don’t pour grease down sink drains or toilets. • Scrape grease and food scraps into the trash. • Or, pour grease into steel cans, let it harden and throw in the trash. • Catch food scraps and other solids with a strainer in the sink drain, and empty the strainer into the trash. • Stop using your garbage disposal if possible, or try to minimize its use. Restaurant and Building Owners • Recycle grease and oil. • Don’t pour grease or oil into sinks, floor drains, or onto a parking lot or street. • Use a grease trap or interceptor that is designed, installed, and maintained correctly. • Never put solids into grease traps or interceptors. • Check and maintain grease traps and interceptors regularly. • Stop using your garbage disposal if possible, or try to minimize its use. Now it’s easier and more affordable than ever to get where you need to go on your schedule. That’s because the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation is expanding its FindMyRidePA service to new areas, including Cumberland County, so eligible residents can more easily access convenient and low-cost shared ride transportation. Use to learn about your fixed and shared ride transportation options, including some that pick you up at home and drop you off at your destination as simply and affordably as possible. FindMyRidePA is a great resource for senior citizens, veterans, persons with disabilities, and those with transportation needs. Our residents deserve safe, reliable and convenient transportation to lead productive, healthier and more satisfying lives. If you are already a Shared Ride user: • Go to on your computer, tablet or smartphone. • Then sign in using your Shared Ride ID, county of residence and date of birth. • Enter the date, time, location and purpose of your trip. • Choose the option you want – and your trip is booked. It’s that simple. You can also use FindMyRidePA to see your planned trips, email the plan to yourself or someone else, or cancel your reservation. If you are not a Shared Ride user and want more information about the program call 1-844-PA4-RIDE. About FindMyRidePA FindMyRidePA is sponsored by a partnership between PennDOT and rabbittransit with support from the U.S. Department of Transportation, U.S. State Department of Veterans Affairs and the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs. Discounted Shared Ride services are sponsored by the Commonwealth and are paid for by the Pennsylvania Lottery and other funding sources. Employment Opportunities East Pennsboro Township is currently accepting applications for 2016 Seasonal Opportunities and an Office Intern. The seasonal employment includes camp counselors for summer recreation programs as well as park maintenance crew members. The Office intern preferred skills include general computer knowledge, familiar with word processors and spreadsheets (Word & Excel), map scanning, VCR tape to electronic format conversion, and generating as-built sewer documents from TV inspections. The position will be held in the Township offices or at the wastewater treatment plant. Applications can be found on our website at on the Administration page and can be dropped off in Room 103. Questions regarding employment may be directed to Personnel manager, Megan Ribbans at EAST PENNSBORO TOWNSHIP 98 S. Enola Drive, Enola, PA 17025 • 717-732-0711 Commissioners John Kuntzelman Charley Gelb Paul Hartman Kristy Magaro George Tyson Manager A. John Pietropaoli Treasurer/Tax Collector Debbie Lupold Police Chief Todd Bashore Solicitor Henry Coyne BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - Standing, from left, are George Tyson, Paul Hartman and John Kuntzelman. Seated are Charley Gelb and Kristy Magaro. Published Quarterly 3 Recreation... THE RECREATION DEPARTMENT REQUIRES PRE-REGISTRATION Registration is on a first-come, first-paid basis. PRE-REGISTRATION is required for all programs except special events. Register early because if there are not enough participants the program or trip could be cancelled. WAYS TO REGISTER Mail – East Pennsboro Twp.Recreation Department, 98 S. Enola Dr., Room 101, Enola, PA 17025-2796 Come In – Township Building, 98 S. Enola Dr. Hours: 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday through Friday After Hours Drop Box – Back entrance to Township Building Address Envelope to Recreation Department Phone – 732-0711, otion 3, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday Online or e-mail – or PAVILION RENTALS March 7, 2016 the Recreation office will begin taking reservations for the 2016 spring, summer & fall seasons. Residents can access the website at and make reservations ONLINE. We coordinate all of our organizations using the fields, so please check with the Recreation Department before scheduling your games at the parks! T OWNSHIP EGG HUNT Saturday March 19th 1 PM SHARP! Children ages 3-6 years old • Adams-Ricci Community Park PARENT’S don’t be late because the hunt doesn’t last long. Egg Hunt participants go to the fields where the concession stand & Caboose are located. Each age group will be roped off for children only. There will be a separate hunting area for parents to participate with their children. In case of bad weather, call the Recreation Department recording at 732-0711, option 3, for cancellation information. Rain/snow date: Sunday, March 20th starting 2:00 pm. Event sponsored by East Pennsboro Township Board of Recreation & Giant Foods of Enola. 2ND ANNUAL SCAVENGER HUNT SATURDAY MARCH 19TH • 2 PM PAVILION AT CONCESSION STAND AGES 7 – 15 This awesome hunt is for those who need a challenge in hunting for candy and prizes. We will have clues around the park for you find, photo and turn in all clues. The first to turn them in wins a grand prize! We appreciate pre-registration for this hunt so call or email us with name, age and how many will be in your group. You will need one person in the group to have a digital camera to take photos of what you find. Come out and have fun racing around the park to win candy and prizes! Rain/Snow date is March 20th at 3 pm. 4 YOUTH PROGRAMS Safe Sitter- Babysitting Course for Ages 11 + Saturday, February 6th • 8:30 am – 3:15 pm Township Senior Center • $57.00 Residents or $62 Non-Residents Up-to-date and well-rounded youth development program with a medical basis, teaches young teen babysitters everything they need to know to keep themselves and the children in their care safe. Please bring a baby-doll and a packed lunch. TRACK & FIELD PROGRAM Track Club An opportunity for students to participate in recreational track and field. Learn the basics of running, jumping and throwing. There will be two weeknight meets and a Saturday meet. Parents are required to help during the home track meets. Monday and Wednesdays 6:00-7:30 pm • March 30 – May 18 Age: At least 9 but less than 15 Location: Mechanicsburg Area High School Track Instructors: Sue Canniff, Monique Ross Registration: $44, After Mar 18 $54 Wushu Training and Conditioning Ages 8 – Young Adults Beginners - Monday and/or Wednesdays 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Mondays- January 18 – February 22 Wednesdays- January 20 – February 24 Mondays- February 29 – April 4 Wednesdays- March 2 – April 6 Mondays- April 11 – May 16 Wednesdays - April 13 – May 18 Cost: $46.00 once /week, $92.00 twice/week Instructor: Andres Gutierrez Classes at 829 State Street, Suite 3005, Lemoyne Looking for more than just exercise? This class balances self-discipline and hard work with fun and friendship. During this course, students ages 8-18 will receive instruction and encouragement towards better flexibility, physical conditioning, morality and practical application through Chinese Martial Arts. This class has been well-received by parents & students alike! Wear comfortable clothes and bring a water bottle. ADULT PROGRAMS Country Line Dancing Township Annex Building (440 Chestnut St.) • 7:00 – 8:00 pm Instructor: Gene Hockley • $30 Resident Discount or $35 Session I - January 12 – February 16 Session II - February 23 – March 29 Session III - April 12 – May 17 Learn the newest line dances with some of the great classic dances in this class. Designed with the beginner in mind to have fun and develop line dancing skills. You will need to have boots or shoes that slide for this class where you will learn all the basic moves and fun dances you can do anywhere!! Partners are not required and students must be 15 years of age or older to participate. Bring your dancing shoes and let’s learn to dance! TAI-CHI Mondays January 18– May 16 (no class 2/15, 3/14, 4/18) 7:00 – 8:00 pm All levels Township Annex Building (440 Chestnut St.) Instructor: Andrew Baker, Movement Arts Institute Cost per session: $95 Resident Discount or $100 Tai Chi is a way of moving based on how the body is built. (it is relaxing, rejuvenating, an exercise, a martial art and a moving mediation). It helps you become stronger, healthier and better balanced. Stay with the program and you will learn several bare hand forms, sword, sear, fan, tai chi ball and more. The class size is limited to five new registrants per session. Seniors might prefer the seniors program (TC4HB) also held at this facility at 10 am on Mondays. Belly Dance Thursdays 7-8 pm January 7 – February 18 (no class 1/21) Early Spring Session: March 3-April 14 (no class March 24) Township Annex Building (440 Chestnut Street) $40 Resident Discount or $45 • Instructor: Tina Berrier Mixed level belly dance class for beginners and advanced. Come share a fun upbeat class and learn techniques of Egyptian Dance. Come shimmy with us, get gentle exercise and meet new people. Bring something to tie around your hips and a floor mat or towel for warm up and cool down. American Heart Association HeartSaver CPR February 6 or April 2, 2016 • 8 am - 11 am Township Municipal Building • Instructor: Allen Urich $70 Resident Discount or $75 • Pre-Registration is required. The HeartSaver CPR class is for participants new to CPR and does not qualify for health care providers. This class is geared to our everyday citizens looking to be prepared in emergency situations. Included with the cost of the class is the skills book, certification card and a reminder skills card. Snorkeling/Discover Scuba Class February 29 or May 23 • 7- 10 pm E.P. Middle School Pool • $25.00 Resident Discount or $30.00 Beginners learn how to use snorkeling equipment and what to expect when going snorkeling. This is a great preparation class for traveling in the tropics. For those interested in Scuba, the Discover Scuba offers a window into what Scuba diving is like and dispels the common myths about Scuba diving. This is an intro course only and further class/pool work is required for open water certification. Open Water Scuba Diving Certification January 4 –February 1 (no class 1/18) OR April 4 – May 2 E.P. Middle School pool 7:00 – 8:00 pm Classroom instruction • 8:00 – 10:00 pm Pool skills $130.00 Resident Discount and $140.00 Certification courses are taught by P.A.D.I. instructors from Harrisburg & West Shore Scuba Center. Participant must be in good health, at least 12 years old, able to swim 200 yards, and must supply your own mask, fins, snorkel and booties. This is considered personal gear and can be obtained at the scuba shop. All additional scuba equipment will be provided. Textbooks cost are not included in the class cost and are $80 and also obtained at the scuba shop. Open water dives and additional costs to the class fee are involved to become certified and due the date of checkout. All questions should be directed to Harrisburg’s West Shore Scuba Center at 836-7699. You can also email the scuba shop at for more information. FITNESS CLASSES KICKBOXING West Creek Hill Elementary School Gym (cafeteria side) Monday & Wednesday – 6:00 to 7:00 pm • Instructor: Tamara Dalton Session I- 14 classes • January 4 – February 24 (no class 1/18, 2/15) $56 Residents and $60 Non-Residents Session II- 12 classes • March 7 – April 18 (no class 3/28) $48 Residents and $52 Non-Residents Join us for a great cardio workout and challenge yourself with this high impact class. Bring a set of free weights (up to 5 pounds) and an exercise mat or towel for body sculpting and toning. This class is appropriate for all fitness levels. available for use during class along with additional exercise props to help take class to the next level! We are offering a once a week option with registration for this class, please call for details. Zumba Gold Class Tuesdays 9:45-10:45 am Session I- January 5 – February 9 Session II- February 23 – March 29 Session III- April 12 – May 17 Township Annex Building (440 Chestnut St.) $35 Resident Discount or $40.00 Instructor: Lisa Lynch, licensed Zumba Gold instructor Zumba Gold is a Latin inspired dance fitness program designed for older adults, inactive adults and adults with some slight physical restrictions. This fun workout uses international music to energize you and put a smile on your face! SENIOR WELLNESS 55 YRS + Tuesday & Thursday • January 5 – June 2 11:00 am to 12:00 pm • Township Annex Building RECREATIONAL SWIM Mondays Only January 4 – May 23 (closed 1/18, 2/15, 3/28) 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm • E.P. Middle School pool Costs are $3.00 adults and $2.00 students. This program is open to all East Pennsboro Township residents to swim at the pool. One lane is kept open for adult lap swimming. Lifeguards are on duty at all times. Parental supervision must be provided for any one under 12 years old or NO ADMITTANCE. Children’s Christmas Coloring Contest Winners PRE-SCHOOL- Celsie Carl, Cylie Carl, Julius Fisher, Gabe Harris, Elijah Hosmer, Evelyn Jackson, Bella Lewis, Ike Perella, Savannah Ruhl and Arebella Triplett KINDERGARTEN- Benjamin Aybar, Julias Brannock-Snyder, Julie Capers, Henry Hacker, Karina Lenker, Alana Miller, Jiya Patel, Khushi Patel, Noah Speck and Ashlyn Stifler FIRST GRADE- Aubrey Anderson, Pranav Behal, Ava Brewer, Keaton Guth, Kherington Price, Mika Miller, Norah Miller, Zoe Miller, Aidan Parry and Dante Sebastian SECOND GRADE- Addison Barrett, Kealey Barrett, Elliot Bruhn, Tyler Comrey, Rohan Jawale, Grace Livingston, Aiden Pines, Malak Shokralla, Paige Tillman and Hannah Turner Pilates/Yoga West Creek Elementary School LGI • Tuesday & Thursday - 7:30 to 8:30 pm Instructor: Ashley Edmondson Session I- 14 classes • January 5 – February 18 $70 Residents and $75 Non-Residents Session II- 13 classes • March 1– April 14 (no class 3/24) $65 Residents and $70 Non-Residents This class uses mat science pilates & yoga sequences to strengthen your core, increase balance and relax your mind! Bring a yoga sticky mat (or fitness mat) along with bare or stocking feet. SWIMNASTICS Middle School Pool • Tuesday & Thursday – 7:30 to 8:30 pm Instructor: Sara Gales Session I- 12 classes • March 1 – April 12 (no class 3/24) $48 Residents and $52 Non-Residents An exercise in deep and shallow water to increase body flexibility, strength and circulatory endurance for men and women. Aqua belts are 5 TRIPS Rules and policies are available online at Camelback Sking and Water Park- January 23-24 Transportation, 2 nights lodging, resort activities and Indoor waterpark. $575 pp Double, $445 pp Triple, $375pp Quad, $345pp Quint and $315pp Sextup. Additional and optional lift tickets are $40/day and Snow tubing is $25 per person. Hunterdon Hills Playhouse- February 28 “Spreading it around” – From the former comedy writer for Phyllis Diller, Lily Tomlin and Joan Rivers, comes this Sensational NEW comedy hit that’s sweeping the country! A well-to do widow living in Florida grows tired of handing out money to her neglectful and unappreciative children and sets up a foundation to give her money to people truly in need. When her greedy son and his shopaholic wife find out what she’s up to, they attempt to have her declared financially incompetent. However, when Mom learns of their scheme, she comes up with a plan to show just how competent she really is! Includes transportation, luncheon buffet and show. Cost per person: $110.00 ‘Orange/Black’ Crime and Punishment Tour- March 14 Trip includes: transportation, US Capitol Tour, Supreme Court Tour, Crime & Punishment Museum and CSI Workshop Guide Service. Cost per person: $110.00 Brew Tour- March 19 Trip includes: Transportation, tastings, lunch, all tours, taxes and meal gratuities. Cost per person: $119.00 9/11 Museum & One World Observatory- April 7 Trip includes: Transportation, 9/11 Museum, lunch and One World Observatory Alexandria Home and Garden Tour- April 23 Trip includes: Transportation, Riverfarm and Private home and Garden Pass. Cost per person: $149.00 New York City- On Your Own- May 14 Transportation and city map Cost per person: $60.00 Mansions at Fairmont Park- May 18 Transportation, 3 mansions and luncheon Cost per person: $ 145.00 The Enola/East Pennsboro Alumni Association newsletter, “Orange and Black,” will feature the 2015 Panther Alumni Wall of Honorees, listing of the National Honor Society members from 1958 to 1999 and reflections by four of the 6 members of the charter class of 1958. It also has articles talking about women Airforce Service Pilots in WWII, the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile and the first football homecoming tailgate party. An invitation is extended to anyone caring to join the Association as a graduate, faculty or associate member for a one-time fee of $10, with no yearly dues. Members receive the yearly newsletter by mail and can attend alumni activities. Make the $10 check payable to EEPAA and include class year (or other designation), spouse name and year, address, phone number and email address. Mail to EEPAA, P.O. Box 87, Enola, 17025. KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION East Pennsboro Area School District Welcomes the Class of 2029 If you have a child that will be five years of age before September 1, 2016, he/she will be eligible to be enrolled in the Kindergarten program for the 2016-2017 school year. Information will be mailed in February regarding the enrollment process to parents/ guardians of eligible children based on the school district census. Information will also be available on the district website, www. New residents to East Pennsboro Area School District may contact the Student Accounting Office at (717) 732-3601, ext. 332 to provide information to be included in the February mailing. East Pennsboro Township becomes Go Get Outdoors Pennsylvania program provider For more than a century, visitors have used Pennsylvania’s state parks and forests for the pursuit of passive recreation and enjoyment. To help people become better connected to the outdoors and to help them to grow their appreciation for the protection of our special places, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) began expanding its recreational programs and events in state parks and forests through Get Outdoors PA. Established in 2004 and grown over the last decade, the Get Outdoors PA program has offered thousands of recreation programs in Pennsylvania’s state parks and forests. In 2012, more than 68,000 people participated in programs like Backpacking, Biking, Birding, Camping, Cross-country skiing, Fishing, Hiking, Paddling, Wilderness Survival and more. If you have a outdoor skill and would like to offer a program we are looking for instructors to further our mission to provide outdoor programming at our parks! In 2012, DCNR teamed up with the Pennsylvania Recreation and Park Society (PRPS), Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) and the Pennsylvania Land Trust Association (PALTA) to expand the Get Outdoors PA program to include local and regional parks and recreation departments and land trusts in an effort to deliver outdoor recreation opportunities to Pennsylvania citizens and visitors all across the state. In early 2014, the Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC) and Pennsylvania Department of Health (PDOH) joined as Flagship Partners. Finally at the end of 2014 the PA Parks and Forests Foundation (PPFF) became the newest Flagship Partner. These partners will join with outfitters and providers to offer high quality, outdoor recreation programs in communities in addition to already expansive programming in state parks and forests. Get Outdoors Pennsylvania Mission: Get Outdoors PA strives to connect citizens with outdoor recreation activities to increase their appreciation and active use of parks, forests and public spaces while imparting a message of environmental stewardship and healthy living. GOPA Goals: • Connect people with the outdoors through Pennsylvania’s public lands; • Inspire environmental conservation, stewardship and healthy living; • Encourage physical activity through outdoor recreation; • Deliver quality outdoor recreation opportunities to the public through best practice models; • Increase the number of quality outdoor recreation programs in Pennsylvania; • Develop public-private partnerships encouraging economic growth in a sustainable way; Visit to learn about Get Outdoors Pennsylvania’s Flagship Partners 6 Community News... Education Foundation Plans Monte Carlo Night The East Pennsboro Education Foundation will host the Fifth Annual Monte Carlo Night to benefit the school district on Saturday, April 2, 2016, at 7:00 PM at Central Penn College in Summerdale. The Monte Carlo Night will feature a casual atmosphere where attendees can snack on finger food while using play money to try their luck at various casino table games. Additional information can be found at The Panther Cub Academy is a Skills & Drills clinic for kids ages 5/6, 7/8 and 9/10. The Academy is conducted by the East Penn Panther United (EPPU) travel soccer club. Fee is $25/player and you can register online. Start date is April 2016. Location and time of registration and additional information is on our website. WWW.EPPUSOCCER.COM Disc Golf Club Tournament Planned for Ridley Park The Creekside Disc Golf Club will hold its eighth annual shotgun tournament on Feb. 14 at Ridley Park, Erford Road and Matthew Drive. Proceeds from the 36-hole (two rounds of 18 holes) tournament benefit the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank. Registration will begin at 8 a.m. at the park pavilion, with players meeting at 9:15. Play begins at 9:30. The entry fee is $20 plus a $5 minimum donation for the food bank or a grocery bag of non-perishable food. For more information, call Bob Eberly at 554-4458 or visit www. EPYAL Baseball and Softball Registration The East Pennsboro Youth Athletic League Association will conduct 2016 Spring Baseball and Softball registration, ages 5 to 16, at Sheaffer Field House on the following dates: Jan. 20, from 6 to 8 p.m. Jan. 24, from 12 to 2 p.m. Jan. 28, from 6 to 8 p.m. Jan. 30, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Feb. 3, from 6 to 8 p.m.. New registrants must bring a copy of their birth certificate. For more information, visit the baseball page at or email YOUTH EPLW SOCCER REGISTRATION The EPLW Soccer Association is pleased to announce the registration dates for 2016. Thursday April 21st 5-7pm, Monday May 10th 5-7pm, and Saturday May 14th 9-11am. All registration locations will be held at the Adams Ricci Community Park concession stand. Coming Soon for this year, PayPal! Please visit the website and Facebook for PayPal roll-out dates! All children between the ages of 4-15 are welcome to register. All new players must provide a copy of their birth certificate to register. A child must be 4 years old by July 31, 2016. PayPal users will be able to upload their copy. Fees for 2016: $40 per child, $20 for each additional. A refundable volunteer fee of $50 will also be collected. Mark your calendar for the Welcoming Celebration on Saturday August 20th! All players and families are invited to join as we “KICK” off a new EPLW season! More details to come. EPPU East Penn Panther United Soccer Club Spring Season Registration EPPU will be holding spring soccer registration for the upcoming season which starts in April, for exact dates and times please check our website for updated information. New registrants must bring copy of birth certificate, wallet size photo and copy of health insurance card. The fee for U9/U10 is $60 and for U11 and up the fee is $90. NFL Flag Registration The East Penn NFL Flag program will conduct registration for boys and girls, ages 5 to 16, in February and March. Please go to or for more info. Healthy Kids Running Series - Enola, PA The Healthy Kids Running Series is a five week running program in the spring and fall for kids from Pre-K to 8th grade. Each Race Series takes place once a week and offers age appropriate running events including the 50 yard dash, the 1/4 mile, the 1/2 mile and the one mile run. Kids compete each week of the Series for a chance to earn points and at the end of the Series the top boy and girl with the most points in their respective age division receive a trophy. It doesn’t matter how fast or slow you run because all participants receive a medal and gift bag for their achievements courtesy of our sponsors! East Pennsboro Elementary School 840 Panther Parkway, Enola, PA 17025 April 10, 17, 24, May 1, and 8 • 5:30pm - 6:30pm For more information contact Kristen Skaugen at 717-433-8898 or or check out our Facebook page 7 FIRE DEPARTMENT NEWS VOLUNTEERS and FIRE POLICE All Fire Companies are in need of volunteers to assist in many functions including fundraising, fire fighting and water rescues. For more information or to get an application stop by any of the fire houses. Enola Fire Company - Station 3 (118 Chester Road, Enola) Upcoming events: • Bingo is held at 6:30 p.m. every Monday. Doors open at 5 p.m. • Meat Raffles Saturdays January 2, February 6 and March 5 doors open 5:30 pm and raffle starts at 7 pm. • The social halls can be reserved for weddings and parties by calling 732-1919. One holds 250 people and the other 100 people. Creekside Fire Company - Station 21 (13 W. Dulles Dr., Camp Hill) Hall Rental Available — Don’t forget to book us for your next party, especially now with the weather outside being quite frigid. Our social hall is smoke-free and available for all party events. We can provide catering. Call Stacey Hipple at 329-9824 or 732-0121 and leave a message. Our catering manager will send you a menu and price list. Aluminum Cans/Clothing — We are collecting aluminum cans and clothing. Please drop cans in the green deposit bin by the side of the firehouse. Every can helps us because we make a small profit. We also have a collection bin for Community Aid in the upper end of the fire station parking lot. Drop off your used, or new, clothing. The Fire Company receives a small percentage of what is collected and you can get rid of excess clothing. For more information on the Company and its activities, check our website at Northeast Fire & Rescue Company - Station 20 (202 3rd St., Summerdale) The Northeast Fire & Rescue Company is selling calendars for the 2016 Tri-County Fireman’s Sportsmans Raffle. The calendar is good for each day in 2016 and all numbers are retroactive – if you buy a calendar and your number has already been drawn, you are still a winner. Calendars are $25 each and numbers are based on the PA Lottery Pick 4 evening drawing. Weekly bingo every Friday. Doors and kitchen open at 5 pm; bingo begins at 6:30 pm. Small games of chance are also available for purchase. The Northeast Fire & Rescue Company will be hosting their annual Breakfast Buffet and Chicken BBQ, in conjunction with a townwide Yard Sale in the Village of Summerdale, on Saturday, April 23, 2016. The all-you-can eat breakfast will be served from 6 am until 10 am, and chicken will be available from 10 am until sold-out. Both of these events will take place at Station 2, 202 Third St in Summerdale. For more information, please visit our website at http://www.nefr20. com/. Help us Help you! Residents are asked to keep fire hydrants on or near their property clear of snow and to make sure their house or business is clearly marked with the numerical address. This will help us get help to you more quickly in an emergency. The East Pennsboro Smurf Football team captured 1st place in the 2015 CFA Smurf Bowl. East Penn had a regular season record of 7 wins, 0 losses and 1 tie. The EPYAL team comprised of first or second year players competed in the Smurf Bowl on Saturday October 17th and won all 3 of their games to bring home 1st place. Congrats to all the players for a great season!! See for a roster of this year’s team. Discount Ski Tickets are available for purchase at the Recreation Department starting mid to late December. Discounted lift ticket prices are available on our web site at Ski resorts included in our program are Bear Creek, Big Boulder/Jack Frost, Blue Mountain, Camelback, Elk Mountain, Roundtop, Liberty, Whitetail, Seven Springs, Shawnee and Sno Mountain (formerly Montage)! 8 SCHANER ADULT CENTER Located in East Pennsboro Municipal Building • Ground Floor Hours of Operation: 8 – 3 p.m. Monday – Friday East Pennsboro Branch Library 98 S. Enola Drive, Enola • 732-4274 EVENTS & PROGRAMS JANUARY • Drop-In Story Times, Wednesdays, 11 a.m. • Homework Helpers, Thursdays from 4 - 5pm (Free tutoring and assistance with homework. Pre-registration is required) • Pop-in Matinees, Thursdays, 1 p.m. • Life in Central PA- January 11 at 6:30 pm- The East Pennsboro Historical Society presents “Enola Yard History.” Join us to learn more about Enola’s industrial roots, and to celebrate our railroad heritage. • Winter Story Times with Mrs. B, Tuesdays, 10 a.m. (Jan. 12 - Feb. 23) • Winter Toddler Times with Mrs. B, Tuesdays, 11 a.m. (Jan. 12 Feb. 23) • Chix with Stix- Monthly Knitting Group, Jan. 11, 6-8 p.m. • Mobile Device Basics, Jan. 12, iPad, iPhone and iPod, 5:30 p.m./Android, Kindle and Nook, 6:30 p.m. • Free Blood Pressure Screening, Jan. 12 and 26, 10 a.m.-noon • Gratitude Journal - January 5, 12, 26- 6 pm – Registration required. Learn the techniques of keeping a journal by writing about the daily events and people who have brightened your life. Plan to attend in February too. • Listen to a Story and Make a Craft with the Girl Scouts, Jan. 14, 6:30 p.m. • Bingo for Books, Jan. 19, 6:30 p.m. • Potboilers and Blockbusters- Jan. 21 at 6:30 pm (registration required)- The group will be discussing the book Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer • Bedtime Story Time- Jan. 28- 6:30 p.m.- Read classics that the whole family will enjoy. Our series begins with “Charlotte’s Web” by E.B. White. Pre-Registration is required FEBRUARY • Drop-in Weekly Wednesday Story Times, 11 a.m. • Homework Helpers- Thursdays from 4 - 5pm Free tutoring and assistance with homework available. Pre-registration is required • Winter Story Times with Mrs. B, Through Feb. 23, 10 a.m. • Winter Toddler Times with Mrs. B, Through Feb. 23, 11 a.m. • Gratitude Journal- February 2, 9 and 23 from 6 pm – Registration required. Learn the techniques of keeping a journal by writing about the daily events and people who have brightened your life. • Chix with Stix, Feb. 8, 6-8 p.m. • Mobile Device Basics, Feb. 9, iPad, iPhone and iPod, 5:30 p.m./Android, Kindle and Nook, 6:30 p.m. • Free Blood Pressure Screening, Feb. 9 & 23, 10 a.m.-noon • Story Time and Craft hosted by Girl Scout Troops- Feb. 11 from 6:30 p.m. Enjoy a fun holiday story time and craft. Recommended for ages 3 to 8. Registration required. • Bingo for Books, Feb. 16, 6:30 p.m. • Potboilers and Blockbusters- Feb. 18 at 6:30 pm (registration required) The group will be discussing the book Animal Farm by George Orwell • Bedtime Story Time- Feb. 25- 6:30 p.m.- Read classics that the whole family will enjoy. Our series continues with “Charlotte’s Web” by E.B. White. Pre-register. Nutritious, Hot Meal served daily at 11:30 a.m. Phone Number: 732-3915 Residents 60 years old and over are invited to visit the center and see what we have to offer AARP will offer income tax preparation for seniors 55 and over Tuesdays and Thursdays, beginning February 2 through April 12. The Center will assist by making appointments. Please call 732-3915 beginning Jan. 11 to schedule an appointment. Thirty Years! The Library is Moving The East Pennsboro Township commissioners and the Friends of the East Pennsboro Branch Library are pleased to announce the relocation of the Library to the lower level of the Township Building (formerly the gym). The move will take place in April. The East Pennsboro Library opened its doors on October 7, 1985 and we are proud to have served the community for thirty years. BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS! FRIENDS OF EAST PENNSBORO BRANCH LIBRARY The Friends of the East Pennsboro Library thank everyone for supporting our biggest book sale of the year at the Pennsboro Pumpkin Fest. We would like to extend a special thank you to all the volunteers who help to make this event successful year after year. As always, a big thank you to ALL the Township employees who help us by moving the books. A big thank you to Friends of Fredricksen Library for their huge donation of books. And, thank you to Road Hawg Barbecue, our Pumpkin Fest partner, for their sizable donation, and Studio 91 for sponsoring one of our four booths. Bag Sale on January 14 & 15 from 9 am – 3 pm. Book sales continue every Tuesday, Thursday and third Friday, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the ground floor of the Township Municipal Building, weather permitting. All proceeds benefit the East Pennsboro Branch Library. Our Friends group is always looking for new members. Please consider joining the Friends as we work to support the East Pennsboro Branch Library. Membership forms are available in the library. For more information, call 732-4274 or join us at our annual meeting at 4:00 p.m. on Jan. 25th in room 107 on the first floor of the East Pennsboro Township Municipal Building. 9 CUMBERLAND COUNTY DOG LICENSES 2016 Dog Licenses are available at the Township Municipal Building Room 102. Hours are Monday – Friday from 8 am – 4 pm. All dogs 3 months and older are required to be licensed. Regular Fee Male & Female- $8.50 • Neutered Male & Spayed Female - $6.50 Senior Citizen 65+ years or Persons with Disability Male & Female - $6.50 • Neutered Male & Spayed Female- $4.50 *All licenses purchase at the Township Building will be charged an additional 50 cent processing fee. Your path forward Selling Houses & Creating Homes Associate, bachelor’s & master’s degrees 123 N. Enola Drive, Suite 2, Enola, PA 17025 717-763-7991 • Over 30 years of real estate experience in Central PA Central Penn College ad East Penn Nwsltr.indd 1 PA 084726 Family owned and operated for 3 generations we live here, we work here, we treat our clients like family 11/6/15 2:35 PM Interior & Exterior Lighting Late & Sunday Hours • Drive-Thru On-Site Tailor • 10% Prepay Discount FREE Starbucks Coffee SM GNT ELECTRICAL INC. Fully Insured & Licensed “Over 30 Years Experience” George N. Toyas 717-602-7280 Attended laundromat with free change machine & WiFi for customers! 315 N. ENOLA RD (RTS 11/15) 732-3365 FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY SERVICE Denise Amig Realtor® RSR REALTORS® Denise Amig Realtor® 3 Lemoyne Drive, Suite 100, Lemoyne, PA 17043 Cell (717) 554-8611 • Office (717) 763-1212 Trust, Honesty, Integrity...Always! Trust, Honesty, Integrity... Always! 3 Lemoyne Drive, Suite 100 Lemoyne, PA 17043 Cell (717) 554-8611 Office (717) 763-1212 Fax (717) 763-1656 Cindi Ward REALTOR® Homesale Realty Office 717-761-7900 Cell 717-903-5068 3435 Market St., Camp Hill, PA 17011 Adult Ballet “I’m never too busy for your referrals” Rev. Dr. Charles D. Hiller, Pastor Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors The People of the United Methodist Church 717-732-6280 Summerdale Plaza 409 N. Enola Rd. Check out our website for our Daily Food & Beer Specials! David Edmiston, DVM 90 E. Shady Lane • Enola, PA 17025 10 Our bar is still new & improving. We are here to serve you and make an enjoyably environment for you & your family! We have OVER 300 varieties of beer, 43 draft beers, & much more! Enola First Church of God LAW OFFICES OF COYNE & COYNE, P.C. Attorneysand andCounselors Counselors at Law Attorneys at Law 3901 Market Street 8:00 am Worship Service 9:00 am Sunday School Classes for all ages 10:15 am Adult and Youth Worship Services Kids’ Worship ages 3 - 6th grade I You’ Nursery Service is provided at 9:00 am and 10:15am Wednesday Services (Sept. - May) nvi re ted 7:00 pm Kids’ Klub for Children (ages 3 - 6th grade) Youth i.P.a.d. (interaction, Prayer, acceptance and devotion) Adult Bible Studies and Small Groups Hill, PA 17011 3901 MarketCamp Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011 (717) 737-0464 737-0464 (717) Henry F. Coyne, Esquire Henry F. Coyne, Esquire LisaEsquire Marie Coyne, Esquire Lisa Marie • Coyne, Serving the Residents, Fire Fighters, Ambulance Company, and Businesses of ServingEast thePennsboro Residents, Fire Fighters, since 1968. Ambulance Company, and Businesses of East Pennsboro since 1968. 9 Sherwood Drive Enola, PA 17025 (717) 732-4253 MJF MARTIN FLANNERY & ASSOCIATES Martin J. Flannery Accountant In our 35th year of serving businesses and Individuals in Central Pennsylvania 424 N. Enola Dr., Ste. 2 • Enola, PA New Location - across from EP football field W.E.B. CONTRACTING, INC. Accounting • Payroll Services • Check Writing Small Business Consulting • Income Tax Planning & Preparation (717) 732-2331 FAX (717) 732-3943 E-Mail 430 North Enola Drive Enola, PA 17025 Late & SundayEnrolling hours • in Drive-Thru January! On-Site Tailor • 10% Prepay Discount 315The N. EnolaStudio Rd FREE Starbucks Coffee & Newspapers (Rts. 11&15) Growing beautiful dancers with Grace Customer Rewards Program 732-3365 Join us for Newly Remodeled Laundromat with FREE Change Machine New Home Design & Construction Snow White special coupons at ... General Contracting Services including: Saturday, April 9th 1:00 & 5:30pm Scottish Rite Theater Adult Ballet Remodeling, Restorations and Additions Backhoe and Skid Loader Excavation Tickets: or call - (866) 967-8167 Water/Sewer Lines & Underground Utilities Free Estimates Fully Insured A new local dentist is now in your neighborhood! Sarah Lorei, D.M.D. 2220 Millennium Way • Enola, PA 17025 • 717-614-1942 • Summerdale Plaza, Enola Ballet Pointe l Contemporary l Tap l Musical Theater l Jazz l Hip Hop l Modern The New You Acce Most In pting suran Plans ce Hairstyling Salon Affordable hairstyling for all ages rotceriD 717.510.6989 l Trendy or Barber cuts ,wolliB .A oiraM rosivrepuS ,navilluS .C nhoJ Monday- Saturday0045-237 )717( :xaF moc.loa@or Dwalk-in FoiraMavailability :liamE Callmfor appointment oc.secivreslarenufnavillus.www 732-2174 70 East Shady Lane, Enola .rD alonE .N 15 52071 AP ,alonE 0045-237 )717( Opening Jan 2016 - Welcoming New Patients ENOLA FAMILY PRACTICE Personal Care from Healthcare Experts Jeffery J. Dunkelberger, D.O. Board Certified Family Practice Physician 30 East Shady Lane Enola, PA 17025 717-732- 4911 11 East Pennsboro Township 717-732-0711 98 S. Enola Drive Enola, PA 17025-2796 PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE P A I D Permit No. 762 Harrisburg, PA Printed on Recycled Paper e Christmas Tretion ec Recycling Coll January 4-15 ECRWSS POSTAL CUSTOMER undecorated Trees should be e curb line and placed at th for collection! 2015-2016 Snow Removal Policy The Township has announced its snow removal policy for the upcoming winter months: TOWNSHIP ROADS The Highway Department will begin plowing the most heavily traveled roads first. Salting and cindering will be performed as needed. After the initial plowing, the plow will return to widen the path to provide an area to plow additional snow if another storm occurs before a melting period. Residents are asked to park their cars in their driveway, if at all possible. It is almost impossible for equipment operators to keep snow from being plowed in front of a driveway. This is not done deliberately. The Highway Department tries to clear all roads. Residents are also asked to move basketball backboards off streets. SNOW/ICE REMOVAL FROM SIDEWALKS Property owners are reminded that Township regulations require snow and ice to be cleaned from sidewalks within 24 hours after a snowfall ends. SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTES Residents are required to remove parked vehicles from streets and roads posted as snow emergency routes if a snow emergency is declared. Snow emergency announcements will be made over local television and radio. FIRE HYDRANTS Property owners are asked to clear around fire hydrants to ensure fire protection. Valuable time can be lost if firefighters have to clear snow from the hydrant area. “FOR EP Parks” POSTS A SUCCESSFUL YEAR OF ACCOMPLISHMENT The Friends of Recreation at East Pennsboro Parks (FOR EP Parks) had an active 2015 and looks forward to growth in the new year. The past year, the group has obtained the organizational structure necessary and legal status as a non-profit organization. With the structure in place, the group undertook a group of projects to raise funds for our parks while facilitating some great recreational activities in the parks. In May last year, FOR EP Parks took the lead with the help of the East Pennsboro PTO in coordinating the Panther Prowl , a grueling obstacle course and fun run for kids from first through eighth grades. Later in May, FOR EP Parks hosted a small bocci tournament on the new bocci courts at Adams Ricci Park. In August, FOR EP Parks provided face painting at the National Night Out and sponsored the Harrisburg Area Color Vibe 5k fun run. That event brought nearly 3000 participants to Adams Ricci park for a festive and colorful run. In October, Friends of Recreation at East Pennsboro Parks participated in the annual Pumpkinfest weekend and operated a pedal cart track. Looking forward to the new year, FOR EP Parks will continue it’s efforts to host unique events and raise funds for our great township parks and recreational opportunities. The group meets the first Monday of each month at 6:00 PM at the township building and anyone interested in parks and recreation is invited to attend. Please consider becoming a member. Applications can be obtained at the township building or on Facebook at Friends of Recreation at East Pennsboro Parks. THE LITTLEST COMMUNITY CENTER The Littlest Community Center, located at 230 N. Enola DriveSuite 1, is now offering a FREE after-school program for 5th-12th grade students living in East Pennsboro Township. We are open Monday-Friday from 3:00-5:30pm and currently have more than 40 registered students. The center offers tutoring, mentoring, game tables (tennis, air hockey, foosball, basketball, & pool) as well as supervised arts, crafts, board games, wii, community service opportunities, and many other fun activities. We are looking for adult and junior volunteers! Please call us at (717)525-8163 or email us at Come check us out!
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