EAST PENNSBORO TOWNSHIP “A Great Place to Live, Work and Raise a Family” OCTOBER/DECEMBER 2014 30,000 Expected to Attend Pumpkin Fest More than 30,000 people are expected to attend the 15th annual Pennsboro Pumpkin Fest on Oct. 11 and 12 (Columbus Day weekend) at Adams Ricci Park. Last year’s event was canceled because of severe weather. The weekend event will feature games, contests, family entertainment, arts and crafts, vendors, pumpkin related activities, the antique and custom car show, inflatable games, food vendors and musical performances. To obtain vendor information, go to www.pennsboropumpkinfest.com. Following is the current entertainment schedule (check the website for updates): SATURDAY, OCT. 11 – GAZEBO STAGE 9:30 a.m. – Studio 91 10:30 a.m. – Creekside Soul Noon – West Shore Academy of Martial Arts Noon – Car Show (Field A) 1 p.m. – Second Time Thru 3 p.m. – Pumpkin Whoopee Pie Eating Contest (information/concession stand) 3 p.m. – Kilmaine Saints SATURDAY, OCT. 11 – CABOOSE PLAZA STAGE 10 a.m. – Gold Friends Country Line Dancing 11 a .m. – Magic Show Noon – The Studio Dancers 1 p.m. – Magic Show 2 p.m. – She Serpants – Belly Dance Performance 3 p.m. – Fun Fitness Studios – Fitness Demo 4 p.m. – PA Regional Ballet – Dance Performance SUNDAY, OCT. 12 – GAZEBO STAGE 1 p.m. – That Band 1:30 p.m. - Pumpkin Pie Baking Contest (information/concession stand) 2:30 p.m. – Paint a Pumpkin (tent near handicapped parking) 3 p.m. – Mid Life Crisis Township Web Address: www.eastpennsboro.net The Township has upgraded its web site, with a whole array of Township features. The site posts agendas and minutes of meetings, an application and permit section where residents can download forms for housing and community development, employment applications, recreation registrations, an events calendar and tax forms. Township officials said the aim is to make the site easy to use for all residents. TRICK OR TREAT OCT. 30 The Township’s annual trick-or-treat night will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 30. HALLOWEEN PARADE ON OCT. 29 The annual Township Halloween Parade will be held at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 29, starting at the East Pennsboro High School front parking lot and ending at the Township Building. Call the Recreation Department at 732-0711 and pre-register by Oct. 24. The parade is free, so get your costume and join the fun. From The Treasurer OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Closed Fridays, weekends, holidays Phone: 901-9392 HOLIDAY HOURS Dec. 24 – 9 a.m. to noon (closed Dec. 25, 26) Dec. 31 – 9 a.m. to noon (closed Jan. 1, 2) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! It has been my pleasure and an honor to serve as your tax collector this year. Thank you for the privilege. Final Date to Pay Property Taxes By law, I am required to return any unpaid property taxes to Cumberland County for collection at the end of the year. The final day I can accept payment for property taxes is Dec. 31. A Dec. 31 postmark is acceptable. For your convenience, payments may also be dropped in the drop box marked Township Business outside the Township Municipal Building. Final Date to Pay Per Capita Taxes By law, all per capita tax payments must be paid by Dec. 31. All unpaid bills will be turned for collection and substantial fines will be applied. Please remember to pay your $10 per capita bill. Once turned over for collection, this small $10 tax becomes due at close to $40. All residents 18 and older must be on Township tax rolls. As a resident of the Township, it is your responsibility to have your name on the personal tax rolls which is authorized by the Local Tax Enabling Act and levied on all residents 18 years of age and older. For your convenience, assessment forms are available on the Township website or in the tax office. Address Corrections If you would like to change your mailing address on your property taxes, address change forms are available on the Township website, in the tax office or you can use the space provided on the back of your property tax bill. Per capita address changes can be made by using the space on the back of your bill or by writing a note. All changes must be made in writing. Debbie Lupold, Treasurer Holiday Trash Collection Trash and recyclables will be collected on the normal schedule on Columbus Day, Oct. 13, and on Veterans Day, Nov. 11. Because of the Thanksgiving holiday on Nov. 27, trash and recyclables normally collected on Thursday will be collected on Friday. Friday’s will be collected on Saturday. They will be collected on the normal schedule Monday through Wednesday. The same schedule will apply for Christmas and New Year’s Day, which are both on a Thursday this year: There will be normal collection Monday through Wednesday. Collection will be a day late Thursday and Friday. Please consult the Township website www.eastpennsboro.net for more information on recycling. T O W N S H I P C A L E N DA R OCTOBER 1 Board of Commissioners, 7 p.m. 6 Recreation Board, 7 p.m. 9 Planning Commission, 7 p.m. 13 Fire Protection Board, 7 p.m. 15 Board of Commissioners Workshop Meeting, 7 p.m. 16 Zoning Hearing Board, 5:30 p.m. 21 Board of Health, 5:30 p.m. 23 Environmental Advisory Council, 7 p.m. NOVEMBER 3 5 10 13 19 20 20 Recreation Board, 7 p.m. Board of Commissioners Meeting, 7 p.m. Fire Protection Board, 7 p.m. Planning Commission, 7 p.m. Board of Commissioners Workshop Meeting, 7 p.m. Zoning Hearing Board, 5:30 p.m. Environmental Advisory Council, 7 p.m. 1 3 8 11 17 18 18 Recreation Board, 7 p.m. Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, 7 p.m. Fire Protection Board, 7 p.m. Planning Commission, 7 p.m. Board of Commissioners Workshop Meeting, 7 p.m. Zoning Hearing Board, 5:30 p.m. Environmental Advisory Council, 7 p.m. 5 7 8 12 15 20 21 22 Recreation Board, 7 p.m. Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, 7 p.m. Planning Commission 7 p.m. Fire Protection Board, 7 p.m. Zoning Hearing Board, 5:30 p.m. Board of Health, 5:30 p.m. Board of Commissioners Workshop Meeting, 7 p.m. Environmental Advisory Council, 7 p.m. DECEMBER JANUARY Township Commissioners’ meetings are held in Room 107 at the Township Municipal Building, 98 S. Enola Dr. The meetings are open to the public. Meetings during the spring and summer are held once a month, changing locations to each of the fire departments. We request 48-hour notice for handicapped accommodation at any meeting. Contact the Township Manager’s office at 732-0711 if an accommodation is required. TOWNSHIP OFFICES CHRISTMAS TREE COLLECTION Christmas trees will be collected for recycling from Jan. 5 to Jan. 16. Trees should be placed at the curb line for collection. Trees may be dropped off from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday at South Humer Street. 2 CLOSED Oct. 13 – Columbus Day Nov. 11 – Veterans Day Nov. 27-28 – Thanksgiving Holiday Dec. 25 – Christmas Jan. 1 – New Year’s Day www.eastpennsboro.net 2014-2015 Snow Removal Policy The Township has announced its snow removal policy for the upcoming winter months: TOWNSHIP ROADS The Highway Department will begin plowing the most heavily trav eled roads first. Salting and cindering will be performed as needed. After the initial plowing, the plow will return to widen the path to provide an area to plow additional snow if another storm occurs before a melting period. Residents are asked to park their cars in their driveway, if at all possible. It is almost impossible for equipment operators to keep snow from being plowed in front of a driveway. This is not done deliberately. The Highway Department tries to clear all roads. Residents are also asked to move basketball backboards off streets. SNOW/ICE REMOVAL FROM SIDEWALKS Property owners are reminded that Township regulations require snow and ice to be cleaned from sidewalks within 24 hours after a snowfall ends. SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTES Residents are required to remove parked vehicles from streets and roads posted as snow emergency routes if a snow emergency is declared. Snow emergency announcements will be made over local television and radio. 200th Anniversary Book Planned in West Fairview West Fairview will celebrate its Bicentennial next year, and its Historical Society is about to go to press with a book about the village’s history. Persons interest in having their name in the book can do so for a fee of $15. Business advertisements are also being taken. For more information, stop at the Historical Society at 410 Cherry St., from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Society is also selling tee shirts and bricks. Bricks are being sold with one name or names of loved ones, for $25 for a single name or $50 for a double. Call John Bingaman at 526-9396 or Ruth Bender at 732-9507 for more information. A New Year’s Eve party is being planned. Call Judy Fleck at 919-7819 after 2:30 p.m. daily for reservations. This will be a non-alcoholic party for adults. A New Year’s Day dinner is schedule at the fire hall, with pork and sauerkraut, mashed potatoes and hot dogs. No charges, just a donation. Flags for the telephone poles are now on sale. Call Tom Crognale at 732-9509. Your name or business will be included on the flag. The cost is $50 for a single-sided flag or $75 for a double sided one. Other events are planned for 2015. Any resident who would like to help can call Alice Beers, the Bicentennial chairperson, at 903-7399. The Historical Society also said it is offering tours of the nail mill museum at Adams Ricci Park by appointment. Call the Society at 732-5801. FIRE HYDRANTS Property owners are asked to clear around fire hydrants to ensure fire protection. Valuable time can be lost if firefighters have to clear snow from the hydrant area. A ‘Night Out’ Thank You! The Township Police Department has issued a statement thanking all local businesses, sponsors and volunteers for participating in its first “National Night Out for Safety” in August. It also thanked residents, their families and friends who were at the event and supported the Department. As a result of everyone’s generosity and participation, the night was very successful. McKenzy McAlister a member of Girl Scout Troop 639, has completed all the requirements to earn the Gold Award, the highest achievement in Girl Scouting. She is accepting her recognition from the Township Commissioner’s from her grandmother Dee McAlister, former Commissioner. EAST PENNSBORO TOWNSHIP 98 S. Enola Drive, Enola, PA 17025 • 717-732-0711 www.eastpennsboro.net Commissioners John Kuntzelman Charley Gelb Paul Hartman Kristy Magaro George Tyson Page one masthead photo: Sumac tree near Adams Ricci, by Michael E. Donovan BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - Standing, from left, are George Tyson, Paul Hartman and John Kuntzelman. Seated are Charley Gelb and Kristy Magaro. www.eastpennsboro.net Manager A. John Pietropaoli Treasurer/Tax Collector Debbie Lupold Police Chief Todd Bashore Solicitor Henry Coyne Published Quarterly 3 Recreation... HOLIDAY HAPPENINGS The Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony will be held on Dec. 3, starting at 7 p.m. in front of the Township Building. East Pennsboro Girl Scouts will sing carols, coloring contest winners will be announced and the lights will be lit on the Christmas Tree in front of the building. Members of the Schaner Senior Center will host refreshments. The Friends of East Pennsboro Library and Township Recreation Board will welcome Santa Claus for his visit from 5:30 to 7 p.m. on Dec. 3. Santa will have treats for children, who can have their picture taken with him (available for purchase at a small fee). The Friends of the Library will make a Caitlin’s Smiles craft project for a donation while you wait for Santa. Residents who would like to donate play dough or coloring books to Caitlin’s Smiles can do so during the event. The Children’s Christmas Coloring Contest will be held again this year. Pre-school children and children in kindergarten, first and second grades can show off their creative talent by entering the contest. Pictures to be colored will be available on the Township website, eastpennsboro.net or at West Creek and East Pennsboro elementary schools and some of the day care centers in the Township. Completed pictures must be turned into the Recreation Office no later than Nov. 14. Pictures are judged by the high school art classes, and winners will be announced on Dec. 3 at the tree lighting ceremony. YOUTH PROGRAMS Kinder Tots & Dance These classes are being offered through the Silver Spring Recreation Department. Wushu - Chinese Martial Arts 8-Young Adults Mondays and Wednesdays • Oct. 20-Dec. 3 (no class Nov. 26, Dec. 1) January 5 – February 11 (no class Jan. 19 or 21) 5:30-6:30 p.m. – White through Yellow Belts. Cost: $65 residents, $70 non-residents 5:30-7 p.m. – Orange through Green Belts. Cost: $95 residents, $100 non-residents • Instructor – Andres Gutierrez Looking for more than just exercise? This class balances self discipline and hard work with fun and friendship. During this course, students ages 8-18 will receive instruction and encouragement towards better flexibility, physical conditioning, morality and practical application through Chinese Martial Arts. This class has been well-received by parents & students alike! Wear comfortable clothes and bring a water bottle. 4 ADULT PROGRAMS Kickboxing Monday and Wednesday - 6-7 p.m. West Creek Elementary gym Oct. 29-Dec. 17 (no class Dec. 1) (14 classes) Cost: $54 residents, $58 non-residents Join us for a great cardio workout and challenge yourself with this high impact class. Bring a set of free weights (up to five pounds) and an exercise mat or towel for body sculpting and toning. The class is for all fitness levels. Swimnastics Tuesday and Thursday – 8-9 p.m. Middle School Pool Oct. 28-Dec. 18 (no class Oct. 30, Nov. 27) Cost: $54 residents, $58 non-residents Exercise in deep and shallow water to increase body flexibility, strength and circulatory endurance for men and women. Belly Dance Thursdays, 7-8 p.m. Township Annex Building Fall Session: Nov. 6-Dec. 18 (no class Nov. 27) Winter Session: Jan. 8-Feb. 19 Cost: $40 resident, $45 non-resident • Instructor: Tina Berrier This is a mixed level belly dance for beginners and advanced. Share a fun upbeat class and learn techniques of Egyptian dance. Bring something to tie around your hips and a floor mat or towel for warm up and cool down. Zumba STEP Wednesdays, Oct. 15-Nov. 19 Dec. 3-17 (cost: $20 residents; $25 non-residents) Jan. 7- Feb. 11 5:45-6:45 p.m., Township Annex Building Cost: $35 residents, $40 non-residents Instructor: Lori Sedlak Take your total body workout and calorie burning to new heights with the newest Zumba program. Add a new level of toning and strengthening with a gravity defying blend of Zumba routines and step aerobics. Zumba Mondays, 7-8 p.m. Jan. 5-Feb. 23 (no class Jan. 19, Feb. 17) West Creek Elementary School gym Instructor: Lisa Lynch Cost: $30 residents, $35 non-residents Zumba is a Latin-inspired dance fitness program that uses easy-to learn choreography to provide an overall body workout. It is exercise in disguise! Zumba Gold Tuesdays, 9:45-10:30 a.m. Nov. 4-Dec. 9 Township Annex Building Cost: $30 resident; $35 non-resident Instructor: Lisa Lynch Zumba Gold is a Latin-inspired dance fitness program designed for older adults, inactive adults and adults with some slight physical restrictions. This fun workout uses international music to energize you and put a smile on your face. Adults Wushu Chinese Martial Arts Fridays 5-6 pm January 9 – February 27 (no class Jan. 23) Township Annex Building Cost: $68 residents, $73 non-resident www.eastpennsboro.net Country Line Dancing Township Annex Building 6:30-7:30 p.m. Oct. 28-Dec. 2 Cost: $30 resident, $35 non-resident Learn the newest line dances with some of the great classic dances. The program is designed with the beginner in mind. You will need boots or shoes that slide. Partners are not required and students must be 15 years of age or older to participate. Check out the new web site at www. linedancingwithgene.com. Tai Chi Jan. 12-May 11 (no class Jan. 19, Feb. 16, March 16, April 20) Mondays – 7-8 p.m. All Levels and Ages Township Annex Building Instructor: Andrew Baker, Movement Arts Institute Cost: $100 resident, $105 non-resident Tai Chi is the most practiced martial art in the world. More than three million people do Tai Chi to increase strength and balance, reduce pain, help regulate blood pressure/blood sugar levels, and because it’s just plain fun. The class size is limited to five new registrants per session. Seniors might prefer the seniors program (TC4HB) also held at this facility at 10 a.m. on Mondays. Belly Fit Tuesdays, 6-7 p.m. Jan. 13-Feb. 17 East Pennsboro High School cafeteria Cost: $35 residents; $40 non-residents (pre-registration required) Instructor: Lori Sedlak This is an exciting holistic fitness experience for women. Burn mega calories and relieve stress with fun, easy to learn cardio moves infused with ancient and beautiful fundamentals of belly dance, bollywood/ bhangra and African/Caribbean dance. This unique workout incorporates sculpting, toning and tightening with Pilates-inspired core work and deep, relaxing Yoga-inspired stretch. Bring a yoga mat! Summer is but a Memory Shadowbox Art Class Saturday, Nov. 8 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Schaner Senior Center Summer is but a memory so let’s make a remembrance box to help us. Instructor Tina Berrier will help you make an artistic statement beautiful enough to display. Bring an old cigar box or a purchased shadow box and a picture or two to place in the box. All other supplies provided. There will be a break for lunch. Cost: $25 residents; $30 non-residents Introduction to Carving Soapstone Monday, 1-3 p.m. (each class is a separate class) Jan. 12, Feb. 9, March 9 Township Annex Building Cost: $20 per participant This class is for ages 12 and up and for the novice . Students will have hands-on experience creating their projects from beginning to end and learn about the history of Native American Indian traditions. All supplies will be provided by the instructor. American Heart Association Heartsaver CPR Each date is a separate course (choose one to enroll) Oct. 6 or Dec. 6 – 8-11 a.m. Township Building Instructor: Allen Urich Cost: $62 residents, $67 non-residents Pre-registration is required. The course focuses on adult, child and infant CPR and relief of choking for adults and infants. It is for participants new to CPR and does not www.eastpennsboro.net qualify for lifeguarding professionals. To receive certification, participants must complete a skills test the day of the course. The class is geared to everyday citizens. Included in the cost is the skills book, certification card and a reminder skills card. PADI Snorkeling/Discover Scuba Class Jan. 26, 7:30-9:30 p.m. East Pennsboro Middle School Pool Cost: $25 resident, $30 non-resident Beginners learn how to use snorkeling equipment and what to expect when snorkeling. This is a great preparation class for traveling in the tropics. Pre-register with the Recreation Department one week before the start date of the class. PADI Open Water Scuba Diving Certification Feb. 2-March 2 (no class Feb. 16) East Pennsboro Middle School Pool 6:30-7:30 p.m. - Classroom instruction 7:30-9:30 p.m. - Pool skills Cost: $130 resident, $140 non-resident Certification courses are taught by P.A.D.I. instructors from Harrisburg’s West Shore Scuba Center. Participant must be in good health, at least 12 years old, able to swim 200 yards. Students must supply their own mask, fins, snorkel and booties. This is considered personal gear and can be obtained at the scuba shop. All additional scuba equipment will be provided. Textbooks cost are not included in the class cost and are $80 and also obtained at the scuba shop. All questions should be directed to Harrisburg’s West Shore Scuba Center at 836-7699. You can also email the scuba shop at westshoredivers@gmail.com for more information. RECREATIONAL SWIM Mondays Only, 7-8:30 p.m. Ongoing program Pool is closed Nov. 13, Dec. 1, 22 and 29 East Pennsboro Middle School Pool Cost: $2.50 adults, $1.50 students The program is open to all Township residents and no pre-registration is needed. One lane is open for adult lap swimming. Lifeguards are on duty at all times. The program follows the school district’s inclement weather policy. When schools are closed or when students are dismissed early, all recreation programs are cancelled. Delays or late openings do not affect our programs. Call the Recreation Department recording for closings only. SENIOR WELLNESS 55 YEARS + Tuesday and Thursday, 11 a.m.-noon Through Dec. 18 (no class Oct. 1, Nov. 5 and 28) Township Annex Building • Free to residents Learn How to Use a New Computer! Take advantage of an opportunity to learn about your computer. Short cuts and general terminology are also included in the computer classes. All classes are from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Township Building, Room 107. Cost is $8 per person per class. Class sizes are limited so pre-registration is required! Please come with your own laptop or tablet. Wireless Internet access is available. Oct. 9 - E-mail Question and Answer (Forward, spam, delete…folders) Oct. 16 – Camera Q&A (come with camera and cable; view and save photos, personal camera not necessary) Nov. 6 – Cut, Copy & Paste ( Microsoft WORD ) Nov. 13 – Save to a flash drive (Microsoft WORD) Nov. 20 – E-mail attachments (open, save and send) 5 TRIPS Rules and policies are available online at www.eastpennsboro.net Fall Foliage on the Curve - Oct. 18 Enjoy a train ride on the famous Horseshoe Curve. The views are breathtaking. Your guide will greet you at the train station and take you on a journey featuring the Boyer Candy Factory, Baker Mansion and the Railroaders Museum. Lunch is included. Cost per person: $139. Eastern State Penitentiary - Oct. 25 Experience the chills of the famous Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia. Eastern State Penitentiary was once the most famous and expensive prison in the world, but stands today in ruin, an 11-acre abandoned haunting world of crumbling cellblocks and empty guard towers. Its vaulted, sky-lit cells once held many of America’s most notorious criminals, including bank robber “Slick Willie” Sutton and Al Capone. Cost per person: $119. Thanksgiving in New York City - Nov. 26-28 What a better way to kick off the holidays than with an escape to New York City! Enjoy three days to explore the city. Lodging in Times Square area. Trip includes: Transportation, two nights lodging in Times Square area, Macy’s Day Parade, luggage service, meal gratuities and all hotel taxes. Radio City Christmas Spectacular or Thanksgiving cruise on the Hudson may be purchased for additional fee. Cost per person: Single, $699; double, $459; triple, $399; and quad, $350. New York City – A Day on Your Own - Dec. 6 This is a “day on your own” in New York City to enjoy at your leisure. New York City has an unbelievable array of shopping, world class museums, restaurants and 35 Broadway theaters, so there is something for everyone! Cost: $60 per person Annapolis Christmas - Dec. 13 Deck the Halls with holiday spirit! Today you will tour the U.S. Naval Academy. Your guide will give you the history of this prestigious academy. After your tour, enjoy some free time to explore the waterfront area. Next, see the famous holiday tradition in Annapolis…Eastport Yacht Club Parade of Lights. Before we depart for home, stop by Sandy Pointe State Park for their festival of Lights. Drive through this beautiful light display. Cost per person: TBD Atlantic City Winter Escape - Jan. 19-21 Enjoy two nights lodging at Resorts. Trip includes lodging, transportation, two buffets, two $5 meal credits; and $20 in slot play, mystery casino package, baggage handling, taxes and some gratuities. Cost: Single, $279; double, $199; triple and quad, $190. Williamsburg Presidents’ Day Weekend - Feb. 14-15 This weekend is for you to enjoy doing what you like best. You can pick and choose what you want to do, from the newly remodeled Williamsburg Pottery, Yankee Candle Flagship Store, Colonial Williamsburg to the premium outlets. Trip includes transportation, one night lodging at the Clarion Inn Historic District, buffet breakfast, evening reception, coupon books and taxes. Cost: Single, $175; double, $135; triple, $130; quad, $125. Special options: Colonial Tavern dinner (adults and children), $47 per person; two-day Colonial Williamsburg pass, $35 per person. Discount Ski Tickets The Recreation Department will have discount ski tickets available for purchase beginning in mid to late December. Prices are available at our web site, www.eastpennsboro.net. Ski resorts include Big Boulder/Jack Frost, Camelback, Elk Mountain, Montage Mountain, Roundtop, Liberty, Whitetail, Windham, Seven Springs and more. At the commissioner’s Meeting on July 2, 2014 the Commissioners commended the following Boy Scouts from troops 89, 51 and 276 for their Eagle Scout Projects completed. First row Caleb Holley, Dylan Mrksic, Nick Mrksic, Scott Mundis. Second row Jake Abbott, Justin Balvanz, Ben Campbell, Ryan Margraf. 6 www.eastpennsboro.net Community News... EPYAL Baseball and Softball EPYAL Association will conduct registration for the spring 2015 baseball and softball seasons from 6 to 8 p.m. on Jan. 21, 3 p .m. on Jan. 25, 6 to 8 p.m. on Jan. 29 and 10 a.m. to noon on Jan. 31 at Sheaffer field house. New registrants must bring a copy of their birth certificate. For more information visit www.epyal. com or email baseball@epyal.com. ‘Panther Pals’ Girls Basketball The East Pennsboro High School basketball coaches and players will run a three-night basketball mini-camp for girls in grades 5, 6 and 7 the first week of November. This fall’s “Panther Pals” event will be held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 3, 4 and 5 at the high school gym. Pre-registration is required and can be done by email to bkepenn@paonline.com. Include your daughter’s name and grade. The cost is $10 per player and includes a T-shirt. Enola/East Pennsboro Alumni News The Enola/East Pennsboro Alumni Association newsletter, Orange and Black, will be mailed to more than 1,500 members and will feature articles on cheerleaders (1983-2010) and musicals and plays, including a listing of students in leading roles from 1959 to 2015. The newsletter is not for sale, but anyone wishing to join the Association as a graduate, faculty member or associate member can pay a $10 one-time fee, with no yearly dues. The alumni depend on sustaining contributions. Make a $10 check payable to EEPAA and include class year (or other designation), spouse name and year, address, phone number and email address. Mail to EEPAA, Box 87, Enola, 17025-0087. Meals on Wheels Seeks Aid The Mechanicsburg Area Meals on Wheels delivers meals once or twice a month, to volunteer to deliver the meals, call Terry Magaro at 350-6285. To order meals, call Karen Stine at 697-5011. Homemade hot and cold meals are delivered Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. The cost is $7. East Pennsboro Wrestling Sign-Ups The East Pennsboro Wrestling Association will hold sign-ups for elementary students at the Pumpkin Fest event and also from 6 to 7 p.m. at the middle school on Oct. 30, Nov. 4 and Nov. 6. Association officials will be at the Pumpkin Fest to answer questions about the program. Bring any wrestling shoes and head gear that is used or not needed for a wrestler who might be in need. LIFE SAVERS – Three members of the East Pennsboro Ambulance Services and West Shore ALS were recognized and commended by the Board of Commissioners for responding to the Township home of Steve and Amy Franchak and resuscitating Mrs. Franchak who was in cardiac arrest. From left are Steve Franchak; Karen Noss, a Township EMT; Mrs. Franchak; Ryan Norcross, a Township EMT; and Samantha Weaver, a West Shore EMS paramedic. www.eastpennsboro.net EAST PENNSBORO EMERGENCY SERVICES CARNIVAL RAISES $40,000 East Pennsboro Ambulance Service, East Pennsboro Township Special Fire Police, Goodwill Fire Company West Fairview, Enola Fire Company (Midway and West Enola), and Northeast Fire and Rescue wish to express their gratitude and appreciation to the community, East Pennsboro Township’s Board of Commissioners and staff for their generous support of the 2014 East Pennsboro Emergency Services Carnival. Along with the volunteers of the emergency service organizations and the tremendous support of the community volunteers, plus great weather, the proceeds from the event were $40,000. At the post carnival meeting, a check for $8,000 was issued to each of the above mentioned emergency service organizations for their participation in this year’s carnival. Community Volunteers THANK YOU! THANK YOU! The success of this event would not be possible without the tireless hard work of our community volunteers. Many of these incredible individuals came out every night and worked through the long, hot, busy nights. Also, thank you to the businesses who generously gave monetary donations and/ or came out with their personnel and participated in the event by manning one of our many booths. To volunteer or be a sponsor for the 2015 East Pennsboro Emergency Services Carnival go to our website epcarnival.com and click on Volunteer/Sponsor page. 7 FIRE DEPARTMENT NEWS FIRE POLICE PLANNING TO REPLACE TRAFFIC UNIT Township Fire Police have begun the process to replace a 1989 traffic unit with a new unit. The Fire Police have the support of Township officials, the four fire companies and the Police Department. They also will be holding fund-raising events to fund the purchase. The Volunteer Firemen’s Relief Association of East Pennsboro will sponsor the purchase of the unit. Donations are being accepted and can be sent to East Pennsboro Twp. Special Fire Police, PO Box 29, Enola, 17025. Checks can be made payable to the Volunteer Firemen’s Relief Assn. of East Pennsboro Township. SPECIAL FIRE POLICE WANTED The East Pennsboro Twp. Fire Police are looking for volunteers who can help the Township a few hours a week. Fire Police volunteers must be at least 18 years old and have a clean police record. They will be required to complete a training program. Special Fire Police have full power to regulate traffic and keep crowds under control at or in the vicinity of any fire, roadway incident, motor vehicle accident, disaster or public event to prevent any interference with firefighters and emergency responders. For more information contact Capt. Brian Fenerty at eptsfp@gmail.com. VOLUNTEERS All Fire Companies are in need of volunteers from 14 years old and up to assist in many functions including fundraising, fire fighting and water rescues. For more information or to get an application stop by any of the fire houses. Enola Fire Company - Station 3 (118 Chester Road, Enola) The West Enola and Midway Fire Companies have merged and are officially now Enola Fire Company #3. The address for the new company is 118 Chester Road. Both fire stations will continue to have social halls for rent. To rent the Midway hall, call 732-3977, for the West Enola hall, call 732-1919. To rent the Midway hall, call 732-3977, for the West Enola hall, call 732-1919. Upcoming events: • The Company will sell freshly cooked cashews and peanuts in November and December. Thanksgiving orders are due by Friday, Oct. 31. Christmas orders must be made by Dec. 5. Call either station to place an order. Cashews and peanuts also will be sold at the Company’s booth at the Pumpkin Fest on Oct. 11 and 12. Creekside Fire Company - Station 21 (13 W. Dulles Dr., Camp Hill) Meat Raffles – The Company’s meat raffles will continue until late spring on the fourth Friday of the month. Doors open at 6 p.m. and the raffles begin at 7 p.m. Raffle tickets will also be sold for a half-hog, which can feed most any sized holiday gathering. A free drink and meal will be provided to all participating player. Elvis Entertainer – The acclaimed Elvis tribute artist, Andy Svrcek, will return to the fire house on Nov. 15. Doors open at 6 p.m. For more information, or to purchase tickets, leave a message on the fire house answering machine, 732-0121. Seating is limited and tickets will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Smoke Detectors are one of the best things you can have to protect your home. If your family or someone you know needs a smoke detector, let us know and we can provide them free of charge. Leave us a message at 732-0121. Hall Rental Available — Don’t forget to book us for your next party. Our social hall is smoke-free and available for all party events. We can provide catering. Call Stacey Hipple at 329-9824 or 732-0121 and leave a message. Our catering manager will send you a menu and price list. 8 Aluminum Cans/Clothing — We are collecting aluminum cans and clothing. Please drop cans in the green deposit bin by the side of the firehouse. Every can helps us because we make a small profit. We also have a collection bin for Community Aid in the upper end of the fire station parking lot. Drop off your used or new clothing. The Fire Company receives a small percentage of what is collected and you can get rid of excess clothing. For more information on the Company and its activities, check our website at www.creeksidefire.com. Northeast Fire & Rescue Company - Station 20 (202 3rd St., Summerdale) The company will host its annual Open House and chicken BBQ on Saturday, Oct. 4. Chicken will be available from 10 a.m. until sold out. All events will be held at Station 2 (formerly the Summerdale Fire Company), beginning at 10 a.m. Additional Upcoming Events: • Sunday, Nov. 16 – All-you-can-eat dinner, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. • Friday, Nov. 21 – Annual Turkey Bingo, along with regular bingo. Doors and kitchen will open at 5 p.m. Bingo begins at 6:30. • Dec. 20 and 21 – The Fire Company will escort Santa through its response district. Santa will ride the fire truck from noon to 4 p.m. each day. Visit our website, www.nefr20.com, to find out when he will be in your neighborhood. • The company hosts a weekly bingo every Friday at Station 2. Doors and kitchen open at 5 p.m.; bingo begins at 6:30 p.m. Small games of chance are also available for purchase. For more information, visit our website, www.nefr20.com. Goodwill Fire Company - Station 16 (1400 3rd St., West Fairview) Upcoming Events • Oct. 19 – Baked ziti dinner at the Fire House. • Nov. 19 – Turkey Bingo at the Fire House. Social Hall rentals are available by calling Bertie Stewart at 7321263 or the firehouse at 732-1854. www.eastpennsboro.net SCHANER SENIOR CENTER Located in East Pennsboro Municipal Building • Ground Floor East Pennsboro Branch Library 98 S. Enola Drive, Enola • 732-4274 EVENTS & PROGRAMS OCTOBER • Drop-In Story Times, Wednesdays, 11 a.m. • Pop-in Matinees, Thursdays, 10:30 a.m. • Fall Story Times with Mrs. B, Tuesdays, Oct. 7, 14, 28, 10 a.m. • Fall Toddler Times with Mrs. B, Tuesdays, Oct. 7, 14, 28, 11 a.m. • Pennsboro Pumpkin Fest, Oct. 11, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. and Oct. 12, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. • Chix with Stix, Oct. 13, 6-8 p.m. • Free Blood Pressure Screening, Oct. 14 and 28, 10 a.m.-noon • Mobile Device Basics, Oct. 14, iPad, iPhone and iPod, 5:30 p.m./Android, Kindle and Nook, 6:30 p.m. • Quilling Creations, Oct. 20, 6:30 p.m. • Creative Writing Workshop, Oct. 20, 4-6 p.m. • Bingo for Books, Oct. 21, 6:30 p.m. NOVEMBER • Drop-in Weekly Wednesday Story Times, 11 a.m. • Pop-In Matinees, Thursdays, 10:30 a.m. • Chix with Stix, Nov. 10, 6-8 p.m. • Fall Story Time and Craft, Nov. 13, 6:30-7:30 p.m. • Quilling Creations, Nov. 17, 4-6 p.m. • Creative Writing Workshop, Nov. 17, 4-6 p.m. • Bingo for Books, Nov. 18, 6:30 p.m. • Free Blood Pressure Screening, Nov. 25, 10 a.m.-noon • Holiday Story Times with Mrs. B, Nov. 15, 10 a.m. • Holiday Toddler Times with Mrs. B., Nov. 25, 11 a.m. DECEMBER • Drop-in Weekly Wednesday Story Times, 11 a.m. • Pop-In Matinees, Thursdays, 10:30 a.m. • Holiday Story Times with Mrs. B, Dec. 2, 9 and 16, 10 a.m. • Holiday Toddler Times with Mrs. B, Dec. 2, 9 and 16, 11 a.m. • Chix with Stix, Dec. 8, 6-8 p.m. • Free Blood Pressure Screening, Dec. 9, 10 a.m. to noon • Mobile Device Basics, iPad, iPhone and iPod, Dec. 9, 5:30 p.m./Android, Kindle and Nook, 6:30 p.m. • Holiday Story Time and Craft, Dec. 11, 6:30-7:30 p.m. • Quilling Creations, Dec. 15, 6:30 p.m. • Bingo for Books, Dec. 16, 6:30 p.m. • Punch and Cookies with Santa - Dec. 11, 11 a.m. Be sure to bring your lists. For children, no registration required. www.eastpennsboro.net Hours of Operation: 8 – 3 p.m. Monday – Friday Nutritious, Hot Meal served daily at 11:30 a.m. Phone Number: 732-3915 Residents 50 years old and over are invited to visit the center and see what we have to offer SENIOR NEWS The center will sponsor a flu shot clinic from 9 to 11 a.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 7. Medicare Part B pays for one seasonal flu shot with no copay. Each year in the U.S., 9 out of 10 flu-related deaths and 6 out of 10 flu-related hospital stays occur among people 65 years old and older. An annual flu shot is one of the best preventative measures to help protect against the flu and to maintain good health. The flu shot is available in a regular strength dose and a high dose that provides extra immunity, which is often recommended for older adults. The Visiting Nurses Association of Central Pennsylvania will administer the vaccine. To learn more about the vaccine, visit www.flu.gov. Do you have concerns about falling? The Pennsylvania Division of the American Trauma Society will present a series of programs, entitled “A Matter of Balance,” in October and November. The program emphasizes practical ways to manage falls. Learn to improve balance, flexibility and strength. The two-hour classes will be held weekly for eight weeks. For more information call the center at 732-3915. BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS! Look for Friends of East Pennsboro Library at the annual Pennsboro Pumpkin Fest on Oct. 11 and 12. Four big booths full of great books will have something for everyone. Children’s books are 25 cents, paperbacks, 50 cents, and hardbacks, just $1. Book sales are held every Tuesday, Thursday and the third Friday, from 9 a.m.to 3 p.m. on the ground floor of the Township Municipal Building. Donations of gently used books, audio books, DVDs and VHS are accepted every day and may be placed in the shopping cart in Room 101 of the Township Building. Our Friends group is always looking for new members. Please consider joining the Friends as we work to support the East Pennsboro Branch Library. Membership forms are available in the library. 9 Friends...Family...Faith Friends...Family...Faith EAST PENNSBORO BAPTIST CHURCH EAST PENNSBORO BAPTIST CHURCH Lead Pastor: Keith Hartlaub Sunday 10AM; 717-683-7275 eastpennbaptist.org Worship Location: 424 North Enola Drive A NEW kind of Baptist Church with Modern Music, Practical Messages, Sports Camps, Small Groups, and more! Late & Sunday Hours • Drive-Thru On-Site Tailor • 10% Prepay Discount Lead Pastor: Keith Hartlaub FREE Starbucks Coffee Sunday 10AM; 717-683-7275 with free change eastpennbaptist.org 315 N. Enola Rd (Rts. 11/15) Attended laundromat WiFiNorth for customers! Worship machine Location:&424 Enola Drive 732-3365 A NEW kind of Baptist Church with FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY / 920-5500 / classicdrycleaner.com Modern Music, Practical Messages, Sports Camps, Small Groups, and more! Real. Authentic. Imperfect Friends...Family...Faith Friends...Family...Faith EAST PENNSBORO BAPTIST CHURCH EAST PENNSBORO BAPTIST CHURCH Lead Pastor: Keith Hartlaub Sunday 10AM; 717-683-7275 eastpennbaptist.org Worship Location: 424 North Enola Drive A NEW kind of Baptist Church with Modern Music, Practical Messages, Sports Camps, Small Groups, and more! www.thenarrowroadchurch.com Lead Pastor: Keith Hartlaub Sunday 10AM; 717-683-7275 eastpennbaptist.org Worship Location: 424 North Enola Drive A NEW kind of Baptist Church with Modern Music, Practical Messages, Sports Camps, Small Groups, and more! Friends...Family...Faith Friends...Family...Faith EAST PENNSBORO BAPTIST CHURCH EAST PENNSBORO BAPTIST CHURCH Jan & Carl Bitting 1495 New Valley Rd. Marysville, PA 17053 Lead Pastor: Keith Hartlaub Sunday 10AM; 717-683-7275 eastpennbaptist.org Worship Location: 424 North Enola Drive A NEW kind Telephone: of Baptist Church with Modern Music, Messages, (717)Practical 957-2825 Sports Camps,Lab4us@aol.com Small Groups, and more! Lead Pastor: Keith Hartlaub Sunday 10AM; 717-683-7275 eastpennbaptist.org Worship Location: 424 North Enola Drive A NEW kind of Baptist Church with Modern Music, Practical Messages, Sports Camps, Small Groups, and more! Interior & Exterior Lighting 150 amp - 200 amp Service PA 084726 GNT ELECTRICAL INC. Adult Ballet Fully Insured “Quality Workmanship Performed at It’s Best” George N. Toyas 717-602-7280 The New You Hairstyling Salon Affordable hairstyling for all ages Trendy or Barber cuts Monday- Saturday Call for appointment or walk-in availability 732-2174 70 East Shady Lane, Enola Rev. Dr. Charles D. Hiller, Pastor Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors The People of the United Methodist Church Hot Dogz with Attitude Yellow drive-thru house on N. Front St., Wormleysburg Open Fri/Sat/Sun dewzdogz.com 717-732-6280 Summerdale Plaza 409 N. Enola Rd. Check out our website for our Daily Food & Beer Specials! www.alspizzaenola.com David Edmiston, DVM 90 E. Shady Lane • Enola, PA 17025 10 Our bar is still new & improving. We are here to serve you and make an enjoyably environment for you & your family! We have OVER 300 varieties of beer, 43 draft beers, & much more! www.eastpennsboro.net (Jan. , Feb., March ad) Enola First Church of God LAW OFFICES OF COYNE & COYNE, P.C. Attorneysand andCounselors Counselors at Law Attorneys at Law 8:00 am Worship Service 9:00 am Sunday School Classes for all ages 10:15 am Adult and Youth Worship Services Y Kids’ Worship 2-6th grade I ou’ Nursery Service is provided at 9:00 am and 10:15am Wednesday Services (Sept. - May) nvi re ted 7:00 pm Faith Weaver Friends for Children (ages 2-6th grade) Youth i.P.a.d. (interaction, Prayer, acceptance and devotion) Adult Bible Studies and Small Groups 3901 Market Street Hill, PA 17011 3901 MarketCamp Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011 (717) 737-0464 737-0464 (717) www.coyneandcoyne.com www.coyneandcoyne.com Henry F. Coyne, Esquire Henry F. Coyne, Esquire LisaEsquire Marie Coyne, Esquire Lisa Marie•Coyne, Serving the Residents, Fire Fighters, Ambulance Company, and Businesses of ServingEast thePennsboro Residents, Fire Fighters, since 1968. Ambulance Company, and Businesses of East Pennsboro since 1968. 9 Sherwood Drive Enola, PA 17025 (717) 732-4253 www.enolacog.com MJF MARTIN FLANNERY & ASSOCIATES Martin J. Flannery Accountant In our 33rd year of serving businesses and Individuals in Central Pennsylvania 424 N. Enola Dr., Ste. 2 • Enola, PA New Location - across from EP football field Accounting • Payroll Services • Check Writing Small Business Consulting • Income Tax Planning & Preparation (717) 732-2331 FAX (717) 732-3943 E-Mail mjf@mjflannery.com 430 North Enola Drive Enola, PA 17025 W.E.B. CONTRACTING, INC. Late & Sunday hours • Drive-Thru Park Avenue On-Site TailorVillas • 10% Prepay Discount 315 N. Enola Rd FREE Starbucks Coffee & Newspapers (Rts. 11&15) Customer Program 732-3365 Distinguished Duplex HomesRewards with First Floor Master Suites in the Village of Summerdale. Newly Remodeled Laundromat with FREE Change Machine New Home Design & Construction General Contracting Services including: Remodeling, Restorations and Additions Only 12 Homesites Available! Tour the model home today! Adult Ballet Backhoe and Skid Loader Excavation Water/Sewer Lines & Underground Utilities Free Estimates Fully Insured William E. Brougher, Sr. W.E.B. Contracting, Inc. 717-732-4665 Ballet, Pointe, Tap, Jazz, Modern, Contemporary, & Hip Hop Ages 2 - Adult SummerdaleDance.com www.alphacei.com t,aTap, & Jazz villuS .C nhoJ .rD alonE .N 15 52071 AP ,alonE 0045-237 )717( John C. Sullivan, 51 N. Enola Dr. Enola, PA 17025 (717) 732-5400 Supervisor Mario A. Billow, Fax: (717) 732-5400 Email: MarioFD@aol.com www.sullivanfuneralservices.com CHRIS’S SHURFINE MARKET Shurfine Market Coupon www.eastpennsboro.net Shurfine Market - $2.00 off Sheri Kulp Brougher RE/MAX Realty Professionals 717-443-9101 or 717-652-4700 Cindi Ward REALTOR® cward@Homesale.com Homesale Realty Office 717-761-7900 Cell 717-903-5068 3435 Market St., Camp Hill, PA 17011 www.homesale.com (717) 614-1942 Director special coupons ...Ft, classicdrycleaner.com Features 2,140 at Sq. Walk-Out Basements, Garage, and SO MUCH MORE! “I’m never too busy for your referrals” Children 6 Weeks to 10 Years Old Certified Preschool & Pre-Kindergarten ,wolliB .A oiraM rosivrepuS ,navilluS .C nhoJ Full-Day Certified Kindergarten .rD alonE .N 15 0045-237 )717( :xaF Half-Day Kindergarten moc .loa@DFoiraM :lEnrichment iamE 52071 AP ,alonE moc.seci& vre slarenSchool ufnavilluProgram s.www 0045-237 )717( Before After Summer Camp! rotceriD FREE Registration! Details at TenderYearsPA.com/EPN 11 East Pennsboro Township PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE P A I D Permit No. 762 Harrisburg, PA 98 S. Enola Drive Enola, PA 17025-2796 717-732-0711 www.eastpennsboro.net Printed on Recycled Paper ECRWSS POSTAL CUSTOMER LEAF COLLECTION DAY One unkempt property affects the community. Clean it, mow it and maintain it. Refuse and Recycling Collection Day Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Leaf Collection Day Wed. Thurs. Fri. ➙ ➙ ➙ ➙ ➙ Tues. Mon. As indicated above, leaves will be collected the day after your trash and recycling pick-up day. Collection will begin on Oct. 27 and continue through Dec. 5. GUIDELINES FOR LEAF COLLECTION SERVICE: • No return trip to collect leaves if designated day is missed by homeowner. • All leaves are to be raked onto the street, at the curb line. • Do not place any large objects with the leaves, such as branches, bricks, stones, etc. that could damage the leaf collection equipment. • Weather conditions may cause delays or variations in the schedule. • Residents are asked to use their off-street parking spaces, if available, during the six-week collection period. Please Note: The Township observes Veterans’ Day, Nov. 11, and Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 27. There will be no leaf collection on those dates. All questions should be referred to the Township Building, 732-0711. Township Police Accepting Unused Prescription Drugs The Township Police Department has installed a permanent Med-Return Drug Collection Unit in its first floor reception area at 98 S. Enola Dr. Residents can dispose of excess and expired prescription drugs and over-thecounter medications in the special container. Liquids, needles and aerosol cans are not accepted. Labels can be removed from the prescription containers. The collection area is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Drugs can be dropped off with no questions asked. The Department said disposing of excess drugs is everyone’s responsibility, citing the fact that 70 percent of young people abusing prescription pain relievers get them from the family medicine cabinet.
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