KENEXA ONLINE Candidate Troubleshooting Guide


KENEXA ONLINE Candidate Troubleshooting Guide
Hygeia Building
66-68 College Road
Harrow, Middlesex HA1 1BE
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 20 8585 2345
Candidate Troubleshooting Guide
Problem Diagnosis
Find out as much information as you can about the nature of the problem. This will not only help you determine whether the
problem is one that you can resolve yourself, but will also gather valuable information that your test provider will be able to
use to try and understand the problem.
The key pieces of information that you need to provide are listed below:
What is your full name?
On what day and at what time did you encounter the problem?
What operating system are you using? For example, Windows XP, Windows Vista etc.
If you are not sure what operating system you are using, click on the ‘Start’ button at the bottom left hand corner of your
screen with the mouse, click on ‘Run’ and type ‘winver’ in the box provided. Once you have clicked on 'OK', the name of
the operating system should appear in a box. If you do not have ‘Run’ under start, press the Windows key, which is between
the Ctrl and Alt key and has a Windows logo on it, and R together and type 'winver' in the box provided and click on 'OK'.
Are you running XP, have you installed Service pack 2 (SP2)?
What browser and version are you using? eg, Internet Explorer version 7.0, Mozilla Firefox 2.0, etc.
Copyright Kenexa®, 2009
If you are not sure what browser and version you are using, click on your internet browser icon on the desktop with the
mouse, or click on the ‘Start’ button at the bottom left hand corner of your screen, choose ‘P r o g r a ms’and open up an
internet browser window. Once you have an internet browser window open, click on ‘H e lp’ from the menu at the top of
of the screen and at the bottom of the list of options should be an option called ‘A bo ut…’ followed by the name of the
browser; for example, ‘About Internet Explorer’. Choose this option and a box should appear detailing the browser and
version number that you are using.
What was the nature of the problem experienced?
Did you receive an error message, and if so, what did it say?
At what stage of the assessment process did the problem occur? For example, did the problem occur before the first
test window even appeared, or when you tried to submit the real test etc.?
Problem resolution
Once you have information around the issues experienced, you are in a much better position to find a solution or help the
test provider find one. A number of common resolutions are listed below.
Additionally, Appendix 1 contains a list of Frequently Asked Questions which you may find useful.
Copyright Kenexa®, 2009
Pop-up blockers
Many of the problems experienced by candidates relate to the candidate having “pop-up blocker” software installed on their
computer. This can easily be resolved by turning off the pop-up blocker software for the duration of the test.
If you have an active pop-up blocker installed, you will receive a message as soon as you start the test stating that your
system is incompatible with the test engine because ‘a likely pop-up killer has been detected’.
Often, pop-up blockers are installed without the user of the computer being aware. This is because pop-up blockers can be
downloaded as part of a toolbar. The most common pop-up blockers are part of Google, Yahoo and MSN toolbars.
Toolbars including pop-up blockers are easy to switch off; however, the process is slightly different for each toolbar.
Therefore, if you are having difficulties working out how to switch your pop-up blocker off, you will need to work out
what toolbar is installed on the computer you are using. Don’t be surprised if you find more than one toolbar/pop-up
blocker on the machine.
The steps you need to take to turn off a pop-up blocker are detailed in Appendix 2 for each of the four main
You will notice that there are similarities in the process for each of the toolbars and if you have a different pop-up
blocker installed to the four described you might still be able to work out a process that will work based on these.
If you have installed XP Service Pack 2 (SP2), then this comes with a pre-installed pop-up blocker. This can be
easily disabled for the testing site only by following the instructions in Appendix 2.
Other popular pop-up blockers and security packages that include pop-op blockers are:
All-in-One Secretmaker
Ad Blocker 4Google
Panicware's Pop-Up Stopper
Pop Up Blocker
SafeGuard Pop-up Blocker Pro
Ultimate Popup Killer
Ultra Pop Up Blocker
MereSurfer 2004 All-in-IE Pro Edition
As there are over 200 pop-up blockers in use on the internet, we cannot give advice on how to disable each individual popup blocker you may come across but in Appendix 2 we give details on how to disable the two most popular pop-up stoppers
‘Panicware’ and ‘SafeGuard Popup Blocker Pro’.
Copyright Kenexa®, 2009
Incompatible operating system and browser combinations
The test engine is compatible with over 98% of browser versions in use. The testing system is compatible with:
Microsoft (95 and above)
Internet Explorer
5.0 or greater
Microsoft (95 and above)
6.2.x or greater
Microsoft (95 and above)
1.0 or greater
Microsoft (95 and above)
5.0 or greater
Internet Explorer
5.0 or greater
1.0 or greater
You can use AOL to connect to the internet but then must use Internet Explorer 5.0 or greater to open a browser
If you have tried to complete the tests using an operating system and browser combination that it not supported by
QTE, you will receive an error message stating what combination they were using and explaining that this
combination is ‘not currently supported for this test’.
If you have received such a message you will need to complete the test(s) using a different computer or, if you are
using an older version of IE e.g. IE 4.0 or Netscape 4.0, to upgrade to a more recent version and try again.
The most recent versions of browsers for Microsoft can be found at:
Internet Explorer (IE) 8.0:
Netscape 7.0:
Firefox 3.0.10:
Opera 9.64:
Re-setting tests
During the test session it is possible for you to close the test window accidentally or to abort the test without
intending to do so. In these instances, you will be locked out of the test. Your.test provider may be prepared to reset your
session so that you can try and complete the test again.
Whether or not this is an option will depend on the provider’s agreed process, so you will need to get in touch with the
the test provider to find this out.
Contacting your test(s) provider
If, having gone through the steps outlined, you cannot resolve the problem yourself, you will need to contact the test
provider. Please provide them with all of the information that you have gathered. They will then use the
information to investigate the problem and find a resolution for you.
Copyright Kenexa®, 2009
Appendix 1 - Frequently Asked Questions from Candidates
I can’t get access to the internet to complete the tests. What should I do?
Refer applicant to local library for free internet access or to a friend’s or relative’s PC. You can complete the test in an
Internet café but they need to be aware that that would not give ideal conditions for the completion of a timed test.
The tests won’t load onto my system. What should I do?
The testing system is compatible with:
Microsoft (95 and above)
Internet Explorer
5.0 or greater
Microsoft (95 and above)
6.2.x or greater
Microsoft (95 and above)
1.0 or greater
Microsoft (95 and above)
5.0 or greater
Internet Explorer
5.0 or greater
1.0 or greater
You can also use AOL to connect to the internet but then must use Internet Explorer 5.0 or greater to open a browser
window and not use AOL as their browser.
You should be able to run the online tests easily from your computer, although some people may experience
difficulties because of the nature of the internet. If you have any problem downloading or running the test, contact your
test provider with details of what occurred and what browser version and operating system you are using so that they can help
resolve the problem.
If you are not sure about which browser you're using, check the `About` option from the `Help` menu on your browser.
Browser software can be upgraded free of charge from the supplier's website:
Internet Explorer (IE) 8.0:
Netscape 7.0:
Firefox 3.0.10:
Opera 9.64:
I keep getting a message about pop-up blockers. What should I do?
Look at Appendix 2 which takes you through disabling pop-ups or;
I have clicked on I Agree on the consent form but can't move on. What should I do?
Look at Appendix 3 which takes you through disabling your AVG toolbar
Copyright Kenexa®, 2009
I have started the test but I have been disconnected. Can you help?
The tests will have been downloaded to your PC before you started. Losing your connection should not affect your ability to
complete the tests. Click on ‘Submit’ when you have completed the test. You will be given the option at that stage to
reconnect to the internet using your usual method. You can then click on Retry and the testing system will try to connect to
the testing system. You will have one chance to reconnect using you usual method of connection of the internet. Use this
method to reconnect to the internet and then click on ‘Retry’ and your results will be submitted. If you are unsuccessful in
reconnecting to the internet and click on ‘Retry’ you will see a webpage with ‘Page Not Found’ on it and your results will
not be submitted. You will then be frozen out of the testing system but will be able to reconnect to your test session after 90
minutes. As your results will not have been saved, you will be returned to the beginning of the assessment you were
completing when you lost your internet connection.
I closed the browser window before I completed the tests. Can I retake the test?
The instructions advised you that you would only have one attempt at this test. Can you explain why you closed the browser?
You may need to justify why you came out of the test earlier in order for it to be reset.
It may not be the policy of the test provider to reset tests so please try to complete each test in one sitting as you may not get
another opportunity.
Can I redo the tests? I have messed it up / didn’t do very well.
No. The instructions advised you that you would only have one attempt at these tests.
I don’t understand what I need to do.
Please ensure that you have read the instructions thoroughly and that you have completed the practice tests. You can redo
the practice tests as many times as you like until you are comfortable with what is required.
Are there any practice tests that I can do?
Yes. Ability practice questions are available on-line and they will show you what to do, these are available at There are no paper-based practice tests.
I have run out of time. Can I have another go?
No. The instructions advised you that you would only have one attempt at these tests. The tests are designed so that they
are difficult to complete within the allocated timescale and accuracy is just as important as speed.
Copyright Kenexa®, 2009
Appendix 2 – disabling pop-up blockers
A pop-up blocker is a piece of software which prevents a website from opening another internet browser window on your
computer without your permission. Pop-up blocker software has recently become more and more popular in response to the
increasing dissatisfaction of internet users who feel inundated by the number of unwanted web-page advertisements which
appear during a typical browsing session.
However, many bona-fide web pages also make use of pop-up technology, and popup blocker software can prevent many of
them from working.
Some tests delivered through PSL Online need to invoke pop-up windows to make them function properly, and if a
candidate has a pop-up blocker installed it may prevent them from completing the test.
It is likely that you have a pop-up blocker installed, if it is active, you will receive a message that states your system is
incompatible with the test engine because ‘a likely pop-up killer has been detected’.
Pop-up blockers are easy to switch off; however, the process is slightly different for each pop-up blocker. Therefore, this
document details the process for deactivating a number of common pop-up blockers.
There are similarities in the process for each of the pop-up blockers listed and so if a candidate has a different pop-up
blocker installed to those described it may still be possible to help them to switch off the pop-up blocker.
As a final point, please note that once a candidate has taken the tests the process can be reversed to reactivate the pop-up
Pop-up blockers within toolbars
Pop-up blockers are sometimes installed without the computer’s owner being aware of this having occurred. This is because
pop-up blockers can be downloaded as part of a toolbar.
The most common pop-up blockers are downloaded as part of the Google, Yahoo and MSN toolbars; the process to
deactivate each of them is described below.
Copyright Kenexa®, 2009
Google Toolbar pop-up blocker
To ensure that the Google toolbar Pop-up blocker allows pop-ups from the assessment site, you just
need to click on the arrow by the side of the ‘Pop-up blocker’ button within the Google toolbar then choose
‘Always allow pop-ups from
When the red ‘No Entry’ sign is no longer appearing over the ‘Pop-up’ symbol, pop-ups will be allowed from
that site.
Copyright Kenexa®, 2009
To disable Google pop-up blocker altogether, first, click on the tool sign then ‘Options’ within the Google Toolbar:
Choose the ‘Tools’ tab from the left hand menu:
Un-tick the ‘Pop-up blocker’ option and click on Save then close the window.
Google Toolbar will no longer block Pop-ups.
Then click on ‘HERE’ or Next in the Feedback Summary window to test your browser again.
Candidates can reverse the process to turn the pop-up blocker back on.
Copyright Kenexa®, 2009
Yahoo Toolbar pop-up blocker
First, click on the arrow by the side of the Pop-up blocker icon in the toolbar and choose ‘Always Allow Pop-Ups From...’
Copyright Kenexa®, 2009
Highlight ‘’, click on ‘Allow. This will now move from ‘Sources of Recently Blocked Pop-Ups’ to ‘Always
Allow Pop-Ups From These Sources’. Close this Window:
Pop-up windows will no longer be blocked. Click on ‘HERE’ or Next in the Feedback Summary window to test your
browser again.
You can reverse the process to turn the pop-up blocker back on.
Copyright Kenexa®, 2009
XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) pop-up blocker
The new Pop-up Manager feature in the Windows XP Service Pack 2 release of Internet Explorer is turned off by default,
but it is a feature most users will probably want to enable. If it is enabled then pop-up windows will be blocked.
To allow a pop-up window to open once only, right-click on the message that appears when XP SP2 encounters a pop-up
window ‘Pop-up blocked. To see this pop-up or additional options click here’. If you do not see this message, it may be
that this facility is turned off. Please go to next page to see what you should do if you do not see this message.
Select the option ‘Always allow pop-ups from this site’.
Copyright Kenexa®, 2009
A box will appear asking if you always want to allow pop-ups from this site.
Click on ‘Yes’ and the browser compatibility page will refresh.
If you do not see the message stating that your pop-up window has been blocked, then select Tools, Pop-up Blocker and
select ‘Pop-up Blocker Settings’:
Type into the ‘Address of website to allow’ and click on Add then click on Close:
Then click on ‘HERE’ or Next in the Feedback Summary window to test your browser again.
Copyright Kenexa®, 2009
You can also choose to turn this pop-up blocker off altogether by selecting Tools, Pop-up Blocker and then ‘Turn Off Popup Blocker’:
Then click on ‘HERE’ or Next in the Feedback Summary window to test your browser again.
You can also turn off the pop-up blocker for all sites through Tools, Internet Options, Privacy:
Copyright Kenexa®, 2009
Please click on the tick to remove ‘Block pop-ups’. Click on Apply and then OK. Pop-ups will now be allowed.
If you want to stop pop-up windows appearing after you have completed the assessment(s), click to add the tick back into
the box by the side of ‘Block pop-ups’ under Tools, Internet Options, Privacy.
Copyright Kenexa®, 2009
Other pop-up blockers
As there are over 200 pop-up blockers in use on the internet, we cannot give advice on how to disable each individual popup blocker you may come across but details follow on how to disable the most popular pop-up stoppers ‘Panicware’.
Panicware pop-up stopper
When a pop-up window is blocked a window will appear on the bottom right-hand corner:
To turn the pop-up blocker off, double-click the white hand icon on the bottom of the taskbar:
A box will appear asking if you are sure you wish to disable pop-up. Click on ‘OK’.
The hand will go grey to show that pop-ups are no longer being blocked.
To start blocking pop-up windows again, double-click on the grey hand and it will turn white. Popups windows will start to
be blocked again.
Copyright Kenexa®, 2009
Appendix 3 Disabling the AVG Toolbar
Once Internet explorer is opened, click on “view”, “toolbars”, and then click on “AVG Security Toolbar”
This will then generate a new window asking for confirmation that you want to disable the AVG Toolbar.
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Un-tick the box to ensure that all components within the toolbar will be disabled during this process and click Disable.
This will then disable the AVG Security Toolbar and will enable you to complete the Kenexa Assessment.
If you want to re-enable the toolbar, please repeat the process however ticking the boxes instead of un-ticking them.
Copyright Kenexa ®, 2009
Appendix 3 – Contact Us
Support hours
Please note that Candidates of Clients who are not enrolled in the First Line Support scheme will be directed back to the
client if they try to contact Kenexa Client Support directly as we may not have appropriate permissions to resolve the issue.
Kenexa Client Support is available from: Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays) 0830 to 1730
Kenexa Client Support may be contacted by telephone on:
020 8585 2345 or
0845 230 0021
Kenexa Client Support may be contacted by sending an email to:
Please note that this mailbox is monitored periodically and urgent inquiries should be made by telephone
Kenexa Client Support may be contacted by fax on:
020 8585 2346
Postal Address
Kenexa Client Support may be contacted by post to the following address:
4th Floor Hygeia Building
66-68 College Road
Copyright Kenexa®, 2009