November 2014 Newsletter


November 2014 Newsletter
Wilbur Charter for Enriched Academics
November 2014 |
November 2nd
Daylight Saving Time ends
November 3rd
SSC / ELAC @ 2:30 PM in Library
November 4th
Charter Committees @ 1:30 PM
November 4th and 5th
Wilbur-On-The-Move PE Fundraiser
In the coming weeks, teachers will be holding parentteacher conferences. This is the best time to see how your child
or children is doing in school. At Wilbur Charter, we believe in a
strong school-parent partnership, and along with the usual
questions about academics, think about asking what you can do
November 7th
New Parent Tour @8:45 AM
November 10th, 12th, 13th , 14th , 17th
Parent / Teacher Conferences –
Minimum Day Dismissal 12:45 PM
November 11th
School Closed – Veteran’s Day
at home to complement what is happening in your child’s
classroom. Most of you have been able to look on-line for
additional tools with our Language, Arts, Math, and Social
Studies programs; another resource is our website, Our Computer Technology Coordinator, Sue
November 12th
FOW Sharkey’s Night
November 18th
Governance Council Meets @ 2:30 PM
Canada, has posted a variety of links educational games and
websites. Click on the “student resources” tab on our website to
access these links.
November 21st
Spirit Day @ 8:30 AM
On another note, Thanksgiving is around the corner. This
is the time of year to think about the things that we are grateful
November 24th - 28th
Thanksgiving Holiday - School Closed
for. At school, I am grateful for my wonderful teachers, smart
students, support staff and supportive families. At home, I am
grateful for my loving family and friends. Take a moment in the
Looking Ahead…
next few weeks to consider all that we have in our lives at Wilbur
Charter. Have a fantastic Thanksgiving week!
December 13th
Pancake Breakfast / Holiday Boutique
Thank you for your continuing support of Wilbur Charter
teachers and students.
December 18th
Holiday Show
D eborah P la t, P rincipa l
December 20th – January 11th
Winter Break – School Closed
Parking Reminders from Principal Plat
Parking continues to be a problem every day at Wilbur. Please follow these rules and reminders
to ensure a safe beginning and end of day for every student and staff member at Wilbur Charter,
as well as our families and community members!
Each and every parent, grandparent, guardian, babysitter, and anyone else who is dropping off
students must follow these traffic safety rules.
1. Do not stop your car in the middle of the street to drop off or pick up your children. If you see red
cones, this means do not stop or park here EVER. Even when no one is around!
2. Follow the established flow of traffic-the passenger side should always be next to the curb.
3. If you have parked across the street, do not JAYWALK! Walk to the nearest crosswalk and cross
at the intersection.
4. Do not stand across the street and wave to your child to run across the street to meet you.
5. Do not honk for your children-ever!
6. Do not make a U-turn in the middle of the street.
7. Do not double park or park in the bus zone.
8. Do not block our neighbor’s driveways!
9. Never ever park in the faculty parking lot-at any time!
10. Remain calm and courteous at all times during drop off and pick up.
Remember, every child’s safety should be your main
concern, and that your children watch what you say and how
you choose to follow the rules.
Hellos and Goodbyes
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After-School Playground
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Character Counts at Wilbur
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Friends of Wilbur EVENTS
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For the Month of November…
5540 Reseda Blvd., Tarzana, CA 91356
Located Inside Gelson's Shopping Center
Dear Wilbur Families,
Fall is finally here! We hope that you and your children are enjoying your first semester of the 20142015 school year.
I would like to thank parents and families who purchased Innisbrook products this year. This fundraiser was enormously
successful for the school and Friends of Wilbur. Thank you to Sarah Trigger for organizing the Innisbrook fundraiser this year
and for standing in front of school each morning to make it easy to place your order!
As of this writing, Friends of Wilbur is setting up for our Fall Book Fair. Thank you to all of the Wilbur Parents who volunteered
to work the Book Fair last month.
Also, Wendy Govenar and her team of volunteers are planning our 3 Annual Wilbur on the move: Walk-A-Thon on November
4 and 5 . The goal of the Walk-A-Thon is to help promote healthy living and fitness, while making it fun for our kids! All
funds raised at “Wilbur on the Move” will benefit our P.E. program at Wilbur.
Our next Eaterie FUNdraiser will be at Sharky’s Tarzana on November 12th. Don’t miss out on these fun events which also
raise money for our school. This is a great opportunity for our families to get together as a community outside of school and
show your support.
Also in November, please mark your calendars for Thursday, November 20th at 8:15 am; Friends of Wilbur will hold a General
Parent Meeting in the Kurosh/Dariush Hassanlou Auditorium. All Wilbur parents are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Finally, Happy Thanksgiving! We hope you have a wonderful holiday with your families and friends this year.
Wendy Feldstein
President, Friends of Wilbur
FRIENDS OF WILBUR would like to thank the following families
who have donated to our ANNUAL FUND.
Thank you for your support!
The Abrams Family
The Aspesi Family
The Bamoktan Family
The Bayer Family
The Charash Family
The Casey Family
The Castaneda Family
The Chacham Family
The Chen Family
The Cloward Family
The Cox Family
The Coyne Family
The Daniel Family
The Dardashti Family
The Deculus Family
The Diener Family
The Dorcey Family
The Ekerling Family
The Ellson Family
The Emery Family
The Emolkina Family
The Eshraghi Family
The Farhami Family
The Faricielli Family
The Feiner Family
The Finnegan Family
The Frome Family
The Fronk Family
The Gandin Family
The Geoola Family
The Govenar Family
The Goldman Family
The Gordon Family
The Graham Family
The Greene Family
The Guttman Family
The Kelley Family
The Hamner Family
The Hayman Family
The Horn Family
The Inesta-Hayes Family
The Jotkowitz Family
The Katal Family
The Katz Family
The Kaufman Family
The Kim Family
The Kimmel Family
The Kingston Family
The Kloster Family
The Lambert Family
The Lazaroff Family
The Le Family
The Lewis Family
The Mendes Family
The Liao Family
The Loeb Family
The McNamara-Leon Family
The Monterrosa Family
The Marcus Family
The Mason Family
The Morgan-Sion Family
The Moseska Family
The Moshe Family
The Omrani Family
The Phillips Family
The Plugar Family
The Quint Family
The Rainin Family
The Reiss Family
The Rigdon Family
The Robertson Family
The Rose Family
The Rosenthal Family
The Rothstein Family
The Rouggie-O’Rourke Family
The Rouzbahani Family
The Sanz-Agero Family
The Schrier Family
The Shelub Family
The Shut Family
The Small Family
The Soleimanian Family
The Steinberg Family
The Thomas Family
The Tran Family
The Talero-Kazandjian Family
The Wheeler Family
The Zipori Family
3rd Annual
“Wilbur on the Move: Walk-A-Thon”
Tuesday, November 4th and Wednesday, November 5th
Please look for the “Wilbur on the Move” Sponsorship Forms, which will
be sent home in backpacks. Ask family and friends to sponsor your
children per lap or as a set donation amount. Parents, please discuss
the importance of fitness with your children, as well as setting and
achieving a goal for themselves.
Attention 4th Grade Parents: We need your help!!
Our 4th grade class will need to come together this next year and a half to raise funding for the following:
Busses to Pali camp (cost: ~$2,600)
Graduation (~$3,700)
Culmination party (~$4,300)
Amazing Race (~$4,000)
As you can see, the costs of these activities add up. The current slating of events to raise money are:
Pizza Thursdays, starting 10/2/14. All of the money raised by the sales of pizza and water
go to our class.
Pancake Breakfast on 12/13/14. In addition to pancakes, there will be a fall/holiday
Valentine's Day Grams on 2/13/14. Kids will pay for a singing valentine to be sent to their
friends, teachers, principal. 4th graders will deliver those grams!
Movie night, date TBD. The whole school can dress in pjs and join their friends to watch a
movie on campus
Spring Carnival. Games for the whole family. Oh... and the fish!
We need volunteers, attendance at these events and support. Please contact us directly to put your name down
to assist with any one of the currently slated events and/or you have a contact that might be able to support
Wilbur's Class of 2016!
Thank you!!
Enjoy Fin-tastic food & help raise money $$ for our school.
Bring this flyer and 20% Net Sales plus a $1 for each Chips
and Guacamole purchase will benefit:
W ED N O V 1 2 , 2 0 1 4
1 1 am - 8 p m
GUA C SM A SHIN G 4 - 6 p m
Tarzana (818) 881-8760
5511 Reseda Blvd
Tarzana CA 91356
Dine In. Call Ahead. Take-Out.
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