June 2014 - Broad River European Motor Club
June 2014 - Broad River European Motor Club
June 5th NEXT MEETING June 2014 News about BREMC Any ideas for the newsletter? Send an e-mail to Jack Weller with your suggestions. Broad River European Motor Club Shelby, North Carolina 28150 Deer Brook Golf Course Shelby Volume VI Number 06 E JUNE MEETING Join us Thursday, June 5th at Deer Brook Golf Course and Restaurant off Post Road for our regular monthly meeting. The program will be a surprise for all. If the weather is nice, drive your car to the meeting – see article on page 3 about British Car Week. E-MAIL YOUR DINNER RESERVATION Please e-mail Wilbur Wright, president, that you will be attending so that he may let the restaurant know how many to prepare for the meal. Wilbur’s e-mail address is wrighton98306@bellsouth.net BROAD RIVER EUROPEAN CLASSIC A FEW LOOSE ENDS Were you one of the winners at the Broad River European Classic? Did you get your plaque at the event? Did you get your name tag? Come to the June meeting and receive your award. The cost of mailing these awards takes from the funds we are able to donate to the Abuse Prevention Council. For a complete list of winners, please turn to Page 5 of this edition. Inside this Edition of the Rearview Mirror June Meeting Thank You for A Wonderful Show Did You Win A Trophy at the Classic May Minutes Coffee, Cars, & Conversation Drive’em! Don’t Hide’em!! 2014 Calendar of Events Great Scot Show Support Our Sponsors Broad River Classic Winners Pictures from the Show Page 1 Page 1 Page 1 Page 2 Page 2 Page 3 Page 3 Page 4 Page 4 Page 5 Page 5 THANK YOU FOR A WONDERFUL SHOW Editor’s Note: For four months I had been looking forward to BREMC holding our show at the Cleveland County Court Square. Unfortunately, that morning I awoke with vertigo and spent the day in bed. The following letter was composed the next morning after having had numerous phone calls sharing how well the show went, read the local paper, reading Facebook, and Twitter to get an idea of the days events. Dear Supporter and Friend of BREMC, Thank you for being a part of the Broad River European Classic this year. The weather was fantastic. We had a wonderful array of 90 different European marques and quite a crowd looking at the cars, the art, and the farmer's market. We appreciate your participation in our show and your support of the charity we support, the Abuse Prevention Center of Cleveland County. You are helping those individuals who need a helping hand at a critical time in their life. The success of the show is because of the unselfish time and effort that members of the Broad River European Motor Club put forth to make this a fun event. It seemed each time there was a need, there was a volunteer there to help park a car, answer a question about where to get lunch, or buy raffle tickets for the baskets. A special THANK YOU to John Salazar and Bob Cabaniss, this year's show chairmen for their hard work, innovative ideas, and coordination of all the different committees. We do not have the final results but we hope to make our fourth donation to the Abuse Prevention Council at our June meeting. All these positives are overshadowed by the tragedy that occurred at the corner of E. Dixon Blvd and N. Lafayette Street. As reported in the Shelby Star, Dorman Keith Pompey, 55, and Frances Parks Pompey, 55, of Lawndale were killed by driver Demetrist Roberts, 34, of Shelby who was fleeing police, according to a release from Shelby Police. Their grandson was thrown from the car and was transported to Carolina Medical Center. His condition is unknown at this time. Several members of the Club were involved in assisting the police in capturing the driver of the vehicle and two of our members offered medical care until the EMT's arrived. We ask that you keep the Pompey family in your thoughts and prayers. Again, thank you for your support of our event. We look forward to you being a part of the Broad River European Classic in 2015. Jack Weller Communications is an important part of any organization. The newsletter is published monthly to encourage and to promote events, to share activities and information, to introduce members to the love of cars, to involve you in helping others and to celebrate our successes. th If you have ideas for articles please send by the 15 of the month. If not received in a timely manner, item may not make newsletter that month. Goal is to send newsletter the Friday before our regular meeting. Let us know how you like the newsletter, e-mail Jack at wsweller@aol.com MAY MEETING MINUTES Editor’s Note: Each month we will print Meeting Minutes in the newsletter. If you have changes, they will be discussed at the business meeting in the next month. May 1, 2014 BREMC General Meeting Minutes Wilbur Wright welcomed everyone to the meeting. He stated that we were gathered to celebrate our successful car show. The weather was absolutely wonderful. A Big Thanks to John Salazar and Bob Cabaniss as leaders and to all the Volunteers!! BREMC OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES President – Wilbur Wright * Vice President – Skip Wise* Secretary / Treasurer – Cindy Cabaniss * Immediate Past President, -- Doug Carlisle * Car Show Directors – Bob Cabaniss and John Salazar. Historian – Cindy Carlisle Special Events Coordinator – Bruce Harless Program Chair – Alan Teague Membership- OPEN Newsletter – Jack Weller New Member present tonight – Randy Dillingham from Rutherfordton. He said he has been retired 2 weeks. He’s been into sports cars since the 1960’s. He owns a ’57 356 Porsche, ’61 Bug Eye Sprite and a ’77 MGB. Welcome to Randy Dillingham!! Minutes for April meeting were approved and a second was heard. Publicity – OP OPEN EN Financial Report was given by Cindy Cabaniss. • Wilbur hopes by the June meeting, we will be able to give a final financial report from our Car Show in preparation for our Donation. He stated he thought the Bugatti helped to draw a large crowd and maybe it will be available for the show next year. Lundy Wright said the baskets were beautiful, but the dollar amount was down some. EVERY SATURDAY MORNING WEATHER COCO-OPERATING COFFEE, CARS & CONVERSATION Bob Cabaniss and John Salazar - A Big Thank You to everybody in the Club. “You Put on the Show”, “Made the Gears Mesh”. Without the Club, the Car Show couldn’t have happened. The trophies seem to be our biggest expense, but we have some left over for next year. Bob & John are both Marines – they work hard – and Everybody did Their Part. Everybody came together and became one!! If anybody has suggestions, comments, please email John, Bob, Wilbur or any Executive Committee Member. Wilbur said he thought there was more variety of cars in this show. Wilbur also reminded us all to please, while we are out and about, to please thank our Sponsors. Times are hard, but they still helped us. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Cindy Cabaniss, Secretary/Treasurer The Rear View Mirror Broad River European Motor Club Regalia & Accessories – Alan Teague Technical Director – Iverson Smith Website – Don Byrnes Executive Committee Member BRUCE HARLESS INVITES YOU ON ANY SATURDAY MORNING TO STOP INTO LILY BEAN COFFEE SHOP ON THE COURT SQUARE -- SHELBY, NC MEET SOME GREAT PEOPLE AND TALK CARS GROUP MEETS FROM 8AM TO 10AM First Saturday of the Month Cars & Coffee Charlotte, NC Third Saturday o f the Month Cars & Coffee Greenville, SC DO YOU HAVE HAVE PICTURES FROM BROAD RIVER RIVER EUROPEAN CLASSIC? If you have pictures of the Broad River European Classic 2014 Please Send Copies to Jack Weller for the July Newsletter. Thanks to Treasure Teague for sending some pictures from the Healy Newsletter. Visit us on the web at www.broadriveremc.com Page 2 of 5 May 31to June 8 BRITISH CAR AWARENESS WEEK 2014 Meetings / Events Calendar The 2014 Calendar is updated as Events are sent to be posted. If you know of events and have the date, please send them to Jack Weller DATE “Drive ‘Em’ Don’t Hide ‘Em’ ” http://www.britishcarweek.org/events.html Re-posted from the website for the British Guys and Gals British Car Week is an annual tradition of promoting the British car hobby. It began as a response to columnist Peter Egan's wake-up call titled "Seldom Seen Cars" published in the March 1997 issue of Road & Track Magazine. The later part of May was chosen since it is a time of year when many British car owners begin thinking about preparing their cars for the upcoming driving season. The idea was to promote the British car hobby using the vast resources of the Internet to contact British car enthusiasts wherever possible (email, clubs, blogs, list groups...), and hope they would join forces to help promote all of the many wonderful facets of the hobby. By getting cars onto the roads of communities everywhere possible during the week, it would help increase awareness of these once very popular vehicles, and in turn help keep the hobby and businesses that support our cars flourishing. Current owners of classic fun-filled British transportation of the past have proudly kept them maintained to be driven reliably anywhere. Some owners drive them to work, others for pleasure, and some partake on long journeys that result in an exciting never to be forgotten seat-of-your-pants experience that results in life-long cherrished memories. But these cars are becoming scarce on the roads today, and as a result, they will eventually become long forgotten by the average person if not promoted outside of their relatively small circle of enthusiasts in some way. This annual week is as close as we'll ever come to recreating those wonderful motoring days of the past. It is our way of reminding the world these cars are still performing their job very well, and in many cases better than ever. Who knows....maybe....just maybe....you and your favorite British car may spark the interest of someone new to the hobby who just might decide to get involved. As a result, they will help continue the tradition of fine British motoring for many years to come. Think of all of the curious eyes that watch your car while driving down the road, and you may have just touched the imagination of a budding British car enthusiast who will help carry-on the fulfilling British car hobby. JANUARY 2 FEBRUARY 6 MARCH 6 APRIL 1 3 5 5 11-13 26 MAY 1 24 JUNE 5 JULY 3 4 AUGUST 7 SEPTEMBER 4 14 18 -21 27 27 OCTOBER 2 11 17 18 NOVEMBER 1 6 DECEMBER 4 15 Meeting / Event BREMC Monthly Meeting BREMC Monthly Meeting BREMC Monthly Meeting Groundbreaking for new Abuse Prevention Center BREMC Monthly Meeting Clifford’s Army Rescue Carolina British Classic VIII – Columbia The Gathering Shelton Vineyards Dobson, NC Broad River European Classic Shelby, NC BREMC Monthly Meeting Southeastern British Motorcar Owners Club (SBMOC) will host an all British car show at Furman University in conjunction with Greenville Scottish Games BREMC Monthly Meeting BREMC Monthly Meeting INDEPENDENCE Day Parades BREMC Monthly Meeting BREMC Monthly Meeting The Auto Lawn Party – Hickory Auto Fair – Charlotte, NC Autumn in the Mountains BCCWC Hendersonville, NC MG’s on the Green Harrisburg, NC BREMC Monthly Meeting Brits on the Beach – Wilmington, NC BREMC Sponsored Wine Tours as part of Euro Auto Festival Euro Auto Festival BMW Zentrum Greer, SC Hog Happnin’ BREMC Monthly Meeting BREMC Christmas Party SHELBY CHRISTMAS PARADE BREMC Meetings & Christmas Party will be at Deer Brook Golf Course Restaurant, unless otherwise posted. Highlighted event dates are needed. So grab your goggles and driving gloves, and top off your dashpots! It's time to have some fun!! See you on the road..... Scott Helms - BCW Curator The Rear View Mirror Broad River European Motor Club Visit us on the web at www.broadriveremc.com Page 3 of 5 WELCOME NEW MEMBER Welcome to new members who joined when they registered for the Broad River European Classic. SUPPORT OUR SHOW SPONSORS A special Thank You to these businesses who were supporters of the Broad River European Classic. Charlie Magness 110 Marcus Shelby, NC Charlie was a winner in his class with a ’72 Volkswagen Karmann Ghia CONGRATULATIONS GREAT SCOT CAR SHOW GREENVILLE, SC Alston Bridges Barbecue American Restoration Bank of the Ozarks Buffalo Creek Gallery Dragonfly Wine Market Market Flight 46 Aviation Services Fox Distributing Griffin Brothers Tires, Wheels, and Auto Repair May 24 was the Great Scot Car Show sponsored by the Southeastern British Motor Car Owners Club. The show is held on the campus of Furman University. Several members of the Club made the trip stopping at Strawberry Hill for breakfast. Here they are in the parking lot (l to r) Cindy Carlisle, Lundy and Wilbur Wright, Wilbur’s brother and Suzanne Trask and kneeling Dennis Trask. Joining the group at the show were Jack and Annette Porter H & H Pest Control Lily Bean Microroasted Coffee Mi Puebli Pueblito lito Mexican Restaurant Monroe’s Monroe’s Tire and Service Newt’s Pleasant City Wood Fired Grille Richie’s Richie’s Auto Body Find out more about event at http://www.sbmoc.com/ Sandy Champion – Wilson Real Estate Shelby Savings Bank Westmoreland Printers The Rear View Mirror Broad River European Motor Club Visit us on the web at www.broadriveremc.com Page 4 of 5 BROAD RIVER EUROPEAN CLASSIC 2014 WINNERS GERMAN MG 1st Place David Ahrendt 1st Place Kent & Linda Bridges Jim Morgan 1973 BMW 3.0 CS 2nd Place 1972 BMW 2002 3rd Place Jeff Dreibus 1984 BMW 320i Baur 1974 MGB-GT Jaguar 1st Place Marvin McDonald 1952 Jaguar XK-120 2nd Place Mercedes 1st Place Charlie Thomason John Salazar 1966 Mercedes Benz 230 SL 2nd Place 1965 Mercedes Benz 230 SL 1970 Jaguar XKE EXOTIC 3rd Place Barry Harms 1967 Jaguar XKE 3rd Place Eric Freed Iverson Smith 1st Place Jeff Trepel 1950 Bentley Mk VI 2nd Place Richard Coombs 1934 Rolls Royce 20/25 1981 Mercedes Benz 280 SL Porsche 1st Place John & Julia Roberts 1963 Porsche 356B T6 Coupe 2nd Place 3rd Place Bob Cabaniss 1969 Porsche 911E Gene Carter 1974 TVR 2500M 3rd Place OTHER EURO 1974 Porsche 914 1st Place VW Peter Burrows 1st Place Charlie Magness 1953 MGTD 3rd Place Ken Nicks Dennis Davis Jim Flanagan 1946 MG TC 2nd Place BMW 1972 Karmann Ghia BRITISH Healey 1965 Volvo PV 544 2nd Place Denny Trask 1963 Morgan Plus 4 3rd Place Stephen Smith 1st Place MORGAN John Burton 1954 Austin Healey 100-4 Ellis King 1967 Sunbeam Alpine 1st Place 2005 Morgan Roadster nd 2 Place Wilbur Wright 1962 Austin Healey 3000 MKII 3rd Place Ted Sjolander 1966 Austin Healey 3000BJ8 ***BEST IN SHOW*** John & Julia Roberts 1963 Porsche 356B T6 Coupe ***MAYORS CHOICE*** Denny Trask 1929 Bugatti Type 35 Mini 1st Place Don Byrnes 1962 Mini Cooper Austin Triumph 1st Place Wilbur Wright 1974 Triumph TR6 2nd Place Richard Thomason 1967 Triumph TR6 3rd Place Doug Carlisle The Rear View Mirror 1959 Triumph TR3A Broad River European Motor Club Visit us on the web at www.broadriveremc.com Page 5 of 5
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