April 2014 - Broad River European Motor Club
April 2014 - Broad River European Motor Club
April 3 NEXT MEETING April 2014 News about BREMC Any ideas for the newsletter? Send an e-mail to Jack Weller with your suggestions. Broad River European Motor Club Shelby, North Carolina 28150 Deer Brook Golf Course Shelby Volume VI Number 04 E APRIL MEETING MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Join us Thursday, April 3rd at Deer Brook Golf Course and Restaurant off Post Road for our regular monthly meeting. The program will be to continue the planning for the April 26 Broad River European Classic. Registration form is available on line at the Club website. As I write this letter it is just 31 days until our car show date of April 26th. John and Bob are working to get everything ready for the show; however, I am sure more volunteers are needed in some areas. E-MAIL YOUR DINNER RESERVATION If you can help let John or Bob know immediately or at our regular meeting, which is April 3rd. We must all work together to help make this a successful and enjoyable event. Please e-mail Wilbur Wright, president, that you will be attending so that he may let the restaurant know how many to prepare for the meal. Wilbur’s e-mail address is wrighton98306@bellsouth.net BROAD RIVER EUROPEAN CLASSIC In less than thirty days we will be enjoy a car show in uptown Shelby on the historic Court Square as part of Arts on the Square and the Foot Hills Merry-GoRound Festival. Bob Cabaniss and John Salazar are working to get committees and folks lined up to make this the best show ever – weather permitting. Publicity – Tom Greene Registration – Pre-registration Treasure Teague Day of Registration Doug and Cindy Carlisle Awards -Counting Ballots – Joanne and Jeff Cox Parking -Signage -- Place signs for direction to show and signs for different Classes for show. 50 / 50 Raffle – Roger Martin & Jack Weller Raffle Baskets – Lundy Wright Set-up / Logistics – John and Belkis Salazar, Iverson Smith, Wilbur & Lundy Wright Set-up tents for Club and Baskets. Clean-up and Tear Down Team -Sponsors – Tom Greene – If you have not found your niche, see Bob or John at the meeting or send them an e-mail to them Bob Cabaniss bcabanis46@gmail.com You can help by going to the Club website www.broadriveremc.com and register and pay online. It is easy and once you try it, send the link to your friends to get them to register online as well. Thanks to Bob for getting this feature added to the website. Our club is a great club, so let's make ourselves proud by having a great Broad River European Classic! Keep Em' Rolling, Wilbur Wright President Inside this Edition of the Rearview Mirror April Meeting President’s Message Find Your Place in the Classic March Minutes Drove Uptown for Coffee & Drove Home from South Carolina 2014 Calendar of Events Welcome to Our New Members & Dues Are Due Remembering Frank Hagerty Googled “Torque”& Other Trivia Things To Do On Weekends Buying A Car on e-Bay – a Wise Story It’s Spring and Shows Are Bloomin’ Everywhere Abuse Prevention Center Groundbreaking for New Facility John Salazar jsalazar@moirecorp.com Communications is an important part of any organization. The newsletter is published monthly to encourage and to promote events, to share activities and information, to introduce members to the love of cars, to involve you in helping others and to celebrate our successes. th If you have ideas for articles please send by the 15 of the month. If not received in a timely manner, item may not make newsletter that month. Goal is to send newsletter the Friday before our regular meeting. Let us know how you like the newsletter, e-mail Jack at wsweller@aol.com Page 1 Page 1 Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 3 Page 4 Page 4 Page 4 Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Page 6 MARCH MEETING MINUTES Editor’s Note: Each month we will print Meeting Minutes in the newsletter. If you have changes, they will be discussed at the business meeting in the next month. March 6, 2014 BREMC General Meeting Minutes 32 Members present. Wilbur Wright, President, welcomed everyone to the March meeting. Minutes, which were in the last Newsletter – John Salazar asked for a revision – Sponsorship for the Car Show should be $150.00 instead of the stated $200.00. The Minutes will be revised to show above. Cindy Cabaniss gave a financial report. Wilbur said he is happy to report that Alan Teague and Bruce Harless are going to work as a team to fill the Events & Program Chair position. We look forward to what they have planned for us. Wilbur reminded everyone that the position of Membership Chair has still not been filled. No member has yet volunteered to assume this role. He asked all members to please consider this. He preferred not to appoint a person, but that rather a member volunteer. Wilbur said if nobody came forward, he would propose Doug Carlisle to fill the position of Membership Chair. Stated he really hated to do this, especially since Doug was not even present at the meeting. A showing of hands agreed to Doug Carlisle if nobody else stepped forward. Wilbur discussed the Changes to the By-Laws, which were printed in the last newsletter and were given out at our last meeting. These changes are just a clarification of monies -charities to be considered prior to donations, minimum balance in our checking account, etc. Motion was made and nd a 2 was heard. Cindy Cabaniss relayed a message from Doug Carlisle, who was not present, he is asking for help trying to get a Facebook page up and running for BREMC. Please give Doug a call if you can help him. The AutoLawn (fall car show in Hickory) promoted their car show by using Facebook and it would be nice if we could do the same. Lundy Wright asked if there was anybody else that would like to help with the Raffle baskets. This generates a lot of money for our charity. She showed several items that had been brought to the meeting. EVENTS – Bruce Harless - said several people had been coming to coffee at Lily Bean Coffee on Saturdays. He stated it was a nice time to really get to know each other th plus great coffee. This Saturday, March 8 , as per the email he sent out, he has prepared a Surprise Drive after a cup of coffee. Hopes many will attend. John Salazar said he had attended the past Saturday’s Coffee at Lily Bean’s and an event that happened with one of fellow club members brings tears to his eyes. The member took a homeless person, bought his coffee and then took him elsewhere. Said it was great to see there are still people that do gestures like that. to get word out regarding our upcoming Car Show. Bob and Cindy plan on attending this Saturday and handing out flyers to promote our Car Show. Treasure Teague mentioned the upcoming Lake Norman Euro group going to the Air Museum and invited others to go also. Treasure Teague also passed out a brochure on the th upcoming Carolina British Classics Car Show on April 5 in Columbia, SC. This is held at the Columbia Speedway. nd This is the 2 year it’s being held at the speedway and it should be a great show. Anybody who would like to join Treasure and Alan and ride in with them. please let them know. Parking for show is from 8am to 11am. This is also a great time to publicize our upcoming show too. Bob Cabaniss & John Salazar discussed our upcoming Car Show. Bob discussed the changes that have been made to our website, which has been redone by a friend of his who builds & maintains websites. You can now register and pay online via PayPal. Sponsors can also pay for their sponsorship online. Our website will no longer be thru GoDaddy. Don Byrnes remains our Webmaster if you have anything that needs to be placed on the website. Please visit the website and notice the changes at www.broadriveremc.com. The new poster for this year’s event is in the works. Tom Greene is working on this. The poster showing our sponsors is also being prepared. Bob & John both stressed the need to get the word out to other people. Various discussions among members as to how to accomplish this. Joanne Cox is going to contact Talk of the Town with Cleveland Community College to have an interview on their show regarding our Car Show. Treasure Teague said she has sent out emails to all the previous years’ participants in the car shows plus other email lists she has. Question was asked about Our State Magazine. Our show will not be advertized in this magazine. Renee’ Bumbaugh said she contacted them last year and the ad would cost $1000.00. Tom Greene said in prior years there had been no charge. It was agreed this was not in our price range. Bill Plowden said he would contact Bank of the Ozarks regarding Sponsorship. Renee’ Bumbaugh suggested Bayada Nursing. Cindy Cabaniss said she would contact them. Registration location was discussed – Bank parking lot vs Washington St. Bob & John to talk with city this upcoming week. Bob & John encouraged everybody to please go ahead and pre-register for the show and to please help spread the word of our upcoming show. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Cindy Cabaniss, Secretary/Treasurer Bob Cabaniss told that Cars & Coffee in Charlotte has resumed and the first one will be this coming Saturday th st March 8 and after that will resume their regular 1 Saturday of the month. He encouraged members to attend this event The Rear View Mirror Broad River European Motor Club Page 2 of 6 DROVE UPTONW FOR A CUP SATURDAY MORNING COFFEE AND A TRIP TO SOUTH CAROLINA 2014 Meetings / Events Calendar The 2014 Calendar is updated as Events are sent to be posted. If you know of events and have the date, please send them to Jack Weller Meeting / Event DATE BRUCE HARLESS INVITES YOU ON ANY SATURDAY MORNING JANUARY 2 FEBRUARY 6 MARCH 6 BREMC Monthly Meeting BREMC Monthly Meeting BREMC Monthly Meeting APRIL 1 3 5 5 TO STOP INTO LILY BEAN COFFEE SHOP ON THE COURT SQUARE -- SHELBY, NC 11-13 MEET SOME GREAT PEOPLE AND TALK CARS GROUP MEETS FROM 8AM TO 10AM 26 MAY 1 24 Groundbreaking for new Abuse Prevention Center BREMC Monthly Meeting Clifford’s Army Rescue Carolina British Classic VIII – Columbia The Gathering Shelton Vineyards Dobson, NC Broad River European Classic Shelby, NC BREMC Monthly Meeting Southeastern British Motorcar Owners Club (SBMOC) will host an all British car show at Furman University in conjunction with Greenville Scottish Games JUNE 5 JULY 3 4 AUGUST 7 BREMC Monthly Meeting BREMC Monthly Meeting INDEPENDENCE Day Parades BREMC Monthly Meeting Keeter Ford Car Show 9 to 3pm E Dixon Blvd Shelby. ? AS THIS GROUP FOUND OUT – SOME TIMES YOU END UP IN SOUTH CAROLINA. BREMC OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES President – Wilbur Wright * Vice President – Skip Wise* Secretary / Treasurer – Cindy Cabaniss * Immediate Past President, -- Doug Carlisle * Car Show Directors – Bob Cabaniss and John Salazar. Historian – Cindy Carlisle Special Events Coordinator – Bruce Harless Program Chair – Alan Teague Membership- OPEN Newsletter – Jack Weller Publicity – OPEN Regalia & Accessories – Alan Teague Technical Director – Iverson Smith Website – Don Byrnes * Executive Committee Member The Rear View Mirror SEPTEMBER 4 ? ? ? 27 ? ? OCTOBER 2 17 18 NOVEMBER ? 6 DECEMBER 4 ? BREMC Monthly Meeting The Auto Lawn Party – Hickory Brits on the Beach – Wilmington, NC Auto Fair – Charlotte, NC Autumn in the Mountains BCCWC Hendersonville, NC MG’s on the Green Harrisburg, NC Gold Cup Races – Virginia International Raceway Richmond, VA BREMC Monthly Meeting BREMC Sponsored Wine Tours as part of Euro Auto Festival Euro Auto Festival BMW Zentrum Greer, SC Hog Happnin’ BREMC Monthly Meeting BREMC Christmas Party SHELBY CHRISTMAS PARADE BREMC Meetings & Christmas Party will be at Deer Brook Golf Course Restaurant, unless otherwise posted. Highlighted event dates are needed. Broad River European Motor Club Page 3 of 6 WELCOME TWO NEW MEMBERS REMINDER -- DUES DUE Welcome to two new members who joined when they registered for the Broad River European Classic. Gary L. Swinkey, 3920 Golf Drive NE Conover, NC e-mail glswinkey@yahoo.com He has an ’85 Mercedes 300D Turbo. John Roberts v 3088 Mountain View Road Clover, SC 29710 bonanza36@comporium.net Will show his ’63 356 Porsche THINGS FOUND ON THE INTERNET DO YOU KNOW YOUR CARS? I was working on a problem and Googled “torque” A website popped up that I thought was interesting. After playing the game once, I got an e-mail to play again. If you think you know your American Cars take a chance with this quiz. The day has arrived! A new game, identifying muscle cars of the mid-late '60s is now out: www.americantorque.com/game/muscle-car/ Reminder $25 annual dues are now due for 2014. 1. Cindy Cabaniss is our Secretary/Treasurer, you can mail directly to her address which is; Cindy Cabaniss 371 Magness Rd. Shelby, NC 28150 2, Bring it to our next meeting. 3. Or mail to official mail box which is; BREMC P. O. Box 1263 Boiling Springs, NC 28017 Looking forward to seeing everyone at our next meeting and looking forward to a great 2014! REMEMBERING FRANK HAGERTY HE LOVED CARS AND PEOPLE A forum has also been added to the site. There you will find photos from the 2013 Pure Stock Muscle Car Drag Races in Michigan, a Mystery Motor to identify, a 1940s Mystery Car to ID, people posting photos of their first car, and other cool stuff: http://www.americantorque.com/forum/1/ The next game, to be released in a couple months, will be on cars of the 1940s. I would what the foot pounds are set for this site? HOW ABOUT A $383.00 PAINT JOB? The $383.00 Paint Job. And it won’t scratch. 1949 Cadillac, Completely covered with 38,295 pennies! They were affixed one by one using Silicone. They added over 200 pounds to the vehicle's weight. The entire project took 6 weeks. The pennies are American, and include an 1817 ''Big Cent'', two Error Pennies, and four 1943 Steel pennies. (but who's counting?) If you have Hagerty Insurance, you may have gotten a note that the founder of the company, Frank Hagarty had passed away March 18th. Earlier this year, Dune Car #9 (pictured above at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Park near Traverse City, MI) took First Place in the Beach Car class at the 2014 Amelia Island Concours d'Elegance event in Florida on March 9. Frank rode in the car to the award platform and was surrounded by his family as he soaked in the moment. His last ride in a collector car was to accept that award. Read more about Frank from his son McKeel’s eyes. He loved cars and people. http://www.hagerty.com/articles-videos/Articles/2014/03/19/FrankHagerty The Rear View Mirror Broad River European Motor Club Page 4 of 6 HOW TO BUY A USED TR6 THROUGH AN ON-LINE AUCTION ( OR NOT ) a SKIP WISE EXPERIENCE Hmmm… Reviewing the ad, I see that owner also wrote – “I can obtain a valid South Carolina title if required.” OK, that sounds safe. I won!!!! The seller offered his congratulations (though he was disappointed with the low sale) and we began to work out details. I informed him that I certainly intended to follow through and that I was not that far away. This should be smooth. But…. “I ask/require that you to get a South Carolina title to deliver with the car to close the deal. I will exchange a bank check for it and the car when it arrives in Shelby.” I explained the conversation with NC and their advice. His reply – “Oh, they are just lazy. I will get one in a couple days.” “This is a nice running TR6 that was highly optioned when sold - hardtop, overdrive, luggage rack, and dual mirrors.” Great! That is how the eBay ad summarized a listing for a 1975 TR6. This went along with a very long, detailed description with more than a dozen pictures and a video showing most every aspect of the car. That was November of 2013. By email, the seller is still waiting on the “couple day” SC process to grant him a title having filed multiple forms along the way. Lasting finding was that there was record of a title I sent the seller a question about the year of the car. I viewed it as a 1974 due to the lack of oxygen injection in the exhaust manifold. He replied that it was a 1974 that he had erroneously listed as a 1975. The seller wrote in the ad – “I bought this car out of Alabama where it has been in the same family (and area) its entire life. For cars of this age, they do not title them in Alabama. However, I have a bill of sale and the transferable current tag receipt (all matching) which is all that is required in almost every state to register a car. I can obtain a valid South Carolina title if required.” Heck, I will bid on that… But my strategy will be to wait until the last second and then put in my maximum offer. If I get it, great! If not, oh well, just enjoy the TR250 even more this summer. While waiting for “zero minus 8 seconds to Bid End” I checked with NC about getting a title with a bill of sale and “transferable tag receipt.” Two different offices replied with a common response – “Have the seller get a title, then transfer ownership.” Yes, you can apply to get a title in NC (as with other states) but the process is rather involved and lengthy. Transfer of an existing title is much easier and less risky. The Rear View Mirror being issued in Alabama. (where they don’t issue titles on cars that old? NC does…) We still exchange emails. I still expect to hold up my end of the deal. Maybe we will finish in 2014. Don’t think I will register it for the 2014 BREMC Classic just yet…… Broad River European Motor Club Page 5 of 6 IT IS SPRING -- SHOWS ARE BLOOMING EVERY WHERE SATURDAY APRIL 5 TWO OPTIONS LOCAL AND AWAY BREMC CHARITY BREAKS GOUND APRIL 1, 2014 FOR NEW FACILITY MAY 24 COLUMBIA, SC AT THE HHISTORIC SPEEDWAY APRIL 5, 2014 Treasure and Alan Teague shared this for Club Members to enjoy. If you would like to go to Columbia to this show: We will leave the rest Area on I-77 (right after Highway 901, outside of Rock Hill) at 7:00 a.m. It will take approximately 2 hours to drive to the show area from there. Visit the Club’s wewbsite at http://www.bccmc.com/CBC-VIII.html for a complete schedule of events of the show. SATURDAY APRIL 12 THE GATHERING AT SHELTON WINERY Visit http://www.triumphclub.org/ Southeastern British Motorcar Owners Club All British car show at Furman University in conjunction with Greenville Scottish Games Visit http://www.sbmoc.com/ for more details. If you have items for the back page, please send send the information, a screen shot, or a copy of the event flyer. If there is a website to go to for more information that helps folks trying to register or find out more information. Send to wsweller@aol.com The Rear View Mirror Broad River European Motor Club Page 6 of 6
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