Experts urge governm’t to measure and pursue our happiness… 7 PAGO PAGO, AMERICAN SAMOA Bank of Hawaii 100-Days to close down begins… 3 Defending champs Spain gets repeat of 2010 WC Final… B1 Saturday, December 7, 2013 $1.00 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ C M Y K HALECK: O LEOLEO O LO O MAFUA AI ONA SOSOLA PAGOTA… tusia Ausage Fausia E ui i le tele o mafuaga e manatu nisi o lo o mafua ai ona sosola i tua pagota mai le toese i Tafuna, peitai na faa faigofie e le Komesina o Leoleo le tali o lea fesili ina ua asiasi atu le alii Kovana Sili i le toese i Tafuna i le aso Lulu na te’a nei, ma ia faailoa i ai e faapea, “o leoleo lava o le toese o lo o mafua ai ona sosola i tua pagota.” O le saunoaga lea a William E. Haleck na tuuina atu i le alii kovana ia Lolo Moliga ma nisi o sui o lana kapeneta, i se talanoaga puupuu na faia a’o le’i taamilo le alii kovana e asiasi i totonu o falepuipui o lo o loka ai pagota. Na taua e Haleck e faapea, o se tasi o mafuaaga ua mafai e le matagaluega ona mataituina o lo o mafua ai faafitauli nei, o le le tausisia lea e leoleo o le falepuipui o tulafono ma ta’iala e tatau ona faia. Mo se faataitaiga e pei ona saunoa Haleck, e leai se pagota e tatau ona toe tatala i tua mai le sela o lo o loka ai pe a ta le itula e 6:00 i le afiafi o aso uma, ae o le faafitauli lea ua latou maua, e i ai leoleo o lo o latou tatala pagota i tua i le taimi lea e o fai a latou feau ma fai faatau. “Ona oo lea i le po ua moe leoleo ae maua ai loa le avanoa o le pagota e sola i tua,” o le saunoaga lea a Haleck. Ae ina ua fesiligia le alii komesina po o i ai se gaioiga a le matagaluega o leoleo o fai i leoleo o le toese o lo o aafia i lea tulaga, na tali Haleck, o lo o faagasolo i ai suesuega a le matagaluega i le taimi nei. (Faaauau itulau 14) FALEPUIPUI GRAND father AMIO VALEA tusia Ausage Fausia C M Y K Vaimasenu’u Zita Martel prepares to accept her “Star of Oceania” award this past Tuesday, Dec. 3, in Honolulu. The event organized through the UH Pacific Business Center Program, celebrates the contributions of Pacific Islanders and residents whose heart and service is testimony to their love for the islands they call home. “I dedicate this award to all the courageous young people of Samoa and of the Pacific, who charted their voyages on a simple prayer — I CAN,” [photo: Stars 2013 TKAS] Zita told the audience in her acceptance speech. Buckle up & Save a Life! CRASHES LOCAL HIGHWAYS 01-01-13 to date 945 O le grandfather amio valea e 64 tausaga le matua lea na ia faia uiga mataga i ana grand daughters e to’alua, e ala i lona tagotago i o la itutinosa, ua faasala e le faamasinoga maualuga e taofia i le toese i Tafuna mo le 10 tausaga i le taeao ananafi, ina ua ta’usala o ia i moliaga mamafa e lua o lona faia lea o uiga mataga i ni fanau e laiti i lalo o le tulafono. O le faasalaga o le solitulafono e tasi e pei ona ta’usala ai le ua molia, e mafai ona faasala ai se tagata i le falepuipui i le umi e amata mai i le 10 tausaga ae le sili atu i le 30 tausaga. E ta’i 10 tausaga i le moliaga e tasi na manatu le faamasinoga e faasala ai le ua molia, ae talu ai nisi o itu lelei sa maitauina e le faamasinoga mo ia, ua manatu ai alii faamasino, o le a tuli faatasi lana faasalaga i le toese, lona uiga e na o le 10 tausaga e loka ai o ia. Na toeititi leai se isi i totonu o le teritori nei e le’i afea e le ua molia i lana faatoesega, na amata mai lava i le kovana sili ma le lutena kovana ma la faletua le faatoese, ma faasolo atu ai i faamasino, loia, aiga na lua, ekalesia ma lona nuu, aemaise ai o lona toalua ma lana fanau, ae mulimuli i tamaitai laiti e toalua na aafia. Na taua e le ua molia e faapea, ua ia lagona le sese o lana solitulafono sa faia, ma ua ia aoaoina fo’i se lesona taua mo lona olaga. (Faaauau itulau 15) FATALITIES LOCAL HIGHWAYS 01-01-13 to date 2 office of highway safety Page 2 samoa news, Saturday, December 7, 2013 OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR PAGO PAGO AMERICAN SAMOA 96799 EXECUTIVE ORDER 020-2013 MORATORIUM ON TAKING AND REMOVING SEA CUCUMBERS Preamble WHEREAS, the American Samoa Government aims to promote the sustainable use of marine resources to protect and foster the environment and culture of the Territory; and, WHEREAS, the Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources of the American Samoa Government (”DMWR”) is tasked with managing, protecting, preserving and perpetuating the marine and wildlife resources of the Territory; and, WHEREAS, scientific research shows that sea cucumbers are important in cleaning and turning over sand on the sea floor, which serves to help recycle nutrients and assists with breaking down waste matter on the reef; and, WHEREAS, recent scientific research proves that sea cucumbers play a vital role in reducing the harmful impact of climate change on coral reefs, particularly the problems associated with ocean acidification; and, WHEREAS, several varieties of sea cucumbers grow slowly and reach reproductive maturity only after several years; and, WHEREAS, DMWR fish catch monitoring records show that a new commercial fishery for export of sea cucumber has developed in the territory in the last several months; and, WHEREAS, in order to determine the level of risk posed to sea cucumbers in American Samoa, DMWR needs to conduct various surveys regarding their population size and density; and, WHEREAS, the population pool for sea cucumbers needs to remain constant in order for DMWR to effectively conduct such surveys for population size and density; and, NOW, THEREFORE, I, Lolo M. Moliga, Governor of American Samoa, hereby issue the following Executive Order: Section 1. Authority This Executive Order is issued under the authority granted to the Governor in Article IV, Sections 6 and 7 of the Revised Constitution of American Samoa and the American Samoa Coe Annotated Section 4.011 and Section 24.0304. Section 2. Moratorium on Taking and Removing Sea Cucumbers. a. For the purposes of this Order, “moratorium” means the cessation of all acts that are in any way related to a prohibited activity for a prescribed period of time. b. There will be a moratorium on the taking and removing of sea cucumbers in American Samoa, and its Exclusive Economic Zone for a period of six (6) months. c. This moratorium applies to all individuals, boats, vessels, corporations, organizations, and any other public or private entities with the sole exception of DMWR to carry out its duties and responsibilities described in Section 2 below. Section 3. Duties and responsibilities of DMWR during Moratorium. a. During this moratorium, DMWR shall conduct surveys to investigate the population size and density of sea cucumber species that inhabit American Samoa and its Exclusive Economic Zone. These surveys must be conducted to determine whether it is necessary to regulate the harvest of sea cucumber for conservation purposes. b. Upon the completion of these surveys, DMWR shall provide the Governor with a report regrading their findings, and if necessary, propose regulations regarding the harvest of sea cucumbers. c. If DMWR fails to complete its surveys within this 6 month period, it may request an extension of this moratorium from the Governor. Section 4. Penalties. a. A violation of this order will be treated as a violation of the American Samoa Fishing regulations, A.S.A.C. section 24.0901 et seq., and shall be subject to the fines and penalties listed in A.S.C.A. section 24.0312. b. Any sea cucumbers discovered in violation of this Order shall be confiscated by the government and shall be delivered to DMWR. Section 5. Effective Date and Expiry. This Executive Order shall be effective immediately and unless extended will expire six (6) months from the date provided below. Dated: December 04, 2013 FOLAFOLAGA FA’ALAUA’ITELE TESEMA 2013 FA’ASAINA LE AVE’ESEINA SO’O SE ITUAIGA LOLI TALU AI, o le fa’amoemoega a le malo o Amerika Samoa ia fa’atua le fa’atupula’ia o le tamaoaiga o Gataifale e ala lea i le puipuia ma fa’asaoina le si’osi’omaga o le teritori; ma TALU AI, o le Matagaluega o AlaManuia o le Sami ma le Vaomatua a le malo o Amerika Samoa ua tofia e fa’atulafonoina, puipuia, fa’asaoina le Gataifale ma le Vaomatua o le teritori;ma TALU AI,o su’esu’ega a saienisi ua fa’amaonia ai le tua o lea figota e ala lea i le fa’amamaina o le oneone e mafua ai ona mam le sami ma a’au; ma TALU AI, ua maua fa’amaumauga a le Matagaluega o AlaManuia o le Sami ma le Vaomatua ua fa’ateleina le aveeseina o ia figota ma ave i atunu’u i fafo i masina ua mavae atu; ma TALU AI, o le iai pea o ia figota i totonu o le Gataifale o le a faigofie ai ona fa’ataunu’uina su’esu’ega a le matagaluega; ma O LE MEA LEA, o a’u Lolo Matalasi Moliga, Kovana o Amerika Samoa, oute fa’alauiloa atu fa’alaua’itele lenei tulafono: FA’ASAINA LE AVE’ESEINA SO’O SE ITUAIGA LOLI • Mo le fa’amalamalama atili o lea tulafono, “Fa’asaina” o lona uiga ua taofia so’o se ituaiga fa’atinoga o lo’o fa’asaina mo se taimi ua fa’atulagaina i lenei tulafono. • O le a fa’asaina le aveeseina o ia ituaiga loli mai ogasami e fa’asino ia Tutuila ma Manu’a mo le ono (6) masina. • O lea tulafono ua fa’asino mo tagata uma, va’a, so’o se fa’alapotopotoga, kamupani ma le atunu’u atoa ma le maliliega a le Matagaluega o AlaManuia o le Sami ma le Vaomatua i le fa’atautaia lea o galuega ma matafaioi e pei ona ta’ua i le vaega o lo’o i luga. LOLO M. MOLIGA Aso e amata ai le fa’amalosia o lenei tulafono; Tesema 04, 2013 Governor of American Samoa samoa news, Saturday, December 7, 2013 Page 3 Compiled by Samoa News staff BOH 100-DAYS TO CLOSE DOWN BEGINS Bank of Hawai’i started on Dec. 4 the 100-day count down to the official closure of all its local operations and relocation to Hawai’i, after being delayed for one-year following the urging of Gov. Lolo Matalasi Moliga, Congressman Faleomavaega Eni and other local leaders. The Tafuna branch was closed in March this year, while the bank kept its Utulei location open. With the pending closure, BoH’s executive vice president for West Pacific Region Ronald Cannoles, sent out a letter late last month to its current customers telling them they still have the chance of transferring their accounts to Honolulu and if they want to do so, they must contact the Utulei branch as soon as possible. The letter also outlined the advantages and disadvantage of banking with an off-island financial institution with no local branches. For example, deposits mailed may be delayed or lost in the mail. Additionally, no local staff is available to assist customers, and phone calls to BoH Honolulu are not free calls. Among the advantages of banking with ANZ Amerika Samoa Bank is that there are no ATM fees, residents will have easy access to funds and local businesses may be more receptive to accepting a check drawn on a local bank. Fourth graders of MATAFAO school gives TO HOPE HOUSE In the spirit of Thanksgiving, 4th graders from Matafao Elementary School collected canned food, toiletries, bags of rice and many other goodies, which they donated to the Hope House last week Wednesday as part of their Thanksgiving program. Close to 20 students were accompanied by their teachers Seanette Thompson and Fuamata Kuka when they made their donation. Thompson told Samoa News some students who attended were there for the first time, and to see the elderly folks smiling and spending time with them was priceless. Asked if they are looking at making it an annual event, Thomson said it’s unclear at the time, however they were very fortunate to have had the time to visit the elderly. She thanked the parents of the students who donated the goods noting that without the parent’s support their activity wouldn’t have been successful. MAJOR ELECTRICITY IMPROVEMENTS FOR AUNU’U village The American Samoa Power Authority has completed some major electric infrastructure on Aunu’u with the work completed this week, including the replacement of old electric poles with new poles throughout the entire island-village. Residents told Samoa News how happy they are with the major change in infrastructure which included putting up new streetlights. One resident says that this change prevents the past problem families faced with having evening prayers in the dark, because the electricity is out most of the time. Happy with ASPA’s hardworking crew, who were on Aunu’u for about three weeks, families started taking turns providing food for them, according to residents, adding that this was clearly to show their appreciation. It is also an old Samoan tradition of “fafaga” or providing food. An ASPA crewmember told Samoa News that the team deployed from Tutuila was under the leadership of Pulemau Sei and Elia Iese. Rep. Talaimatai Elisara Su’a, whose district includes Aunu’u, confirmed ASPA’s work has been completed and is beneficial to the community. For example, he pointed to the new and replaced electric poles with streetlights, which are now working well “lighting up the entire village at night”. Fa’afetai Tele Lava (Continued on page 14) • 2 coffee mugs • Vanilla Macadamia Kona Coffee • Chocolate Chip/Macadamia Choc Chip Cookies • Ghirardelli White Mint Chocolate Sqaures McConnell Dowell Creative Construction! Thank you for caring about our school and our larger island environment. Thank you for not only improving the appearance but the safety of our walkways and roads. A very special thanks to MacDow’s Road Paving Crew, their Leone Bridge Crew and to the following individuals: • Basil Ake, Project Manager • Colin Stewart, Project Manager • Jamie Stark, Superintendent • Mau Tulua, Supervisor • Sulusi Schwenke, Supervisor • Filipo Tagaloa, Supervisor “To be doing good deeds is man’s most glorious task.” - Sophocles Again, thank you, McConnell Dowell, for the tremendous support and alofa! Pacific Horizons School Page 4 samoa news, Saturday, December 7, 2013 “Keeping the Peace” “Never hurry when it counts” “Storms cause trees to take deeper root.” Good morning to all fine readers and friends of the Hawk. Here we are once again remembering Pearl Harbor. The year has flown past leaving us with more sad memories, and memories that we are unlikely to forget such as Pearl Harbor. When Hawkeye thinks of WWII and the many battles fought and won for freedom, it sickens him to listen to Foreigners slander our flag, both Old Glory, and our Local Flag’s. Hawkeye thinks this should call for an immediate deportation never allowed to return to “Little America,” Ever Ever! We who are lucky enough to dwell in little Amerika, do respect our flags both National, and local. These are symbols of past wars, and dedication by hero’s who have paid the ultimate sacrifice such as those who did so at Pearl Harbor. When Hawkeye visited the USS Arizona Memorial, and Punchbowl Cemetery all in one day, he cried tears. There were Japanese tourists who were crying right alongside Hawkeye. There was no animosity between the two races, only genuine grief. So we should never be exposed to some little “Pipsqueak” who chooses to slander our Flag, while all at the same time raping our economy by sending their earnings back to their Mother Country! If you do not like America, crawl back on your little Boats, or an outbound plane, as this is your choice. If you do not like living in paradise, leave it, but never ever slander our Flags! {Especially in front of Hawkeye.} Hawkeye is proud of his Honorable Discharge from the US Navy earned during the Vietnam era. This was another dark period in the history of America. Hawkeye wasn’t drafted, he volunteered. While these same types of persons that slander our flag were running across the Canadian border to avoid the draft, Hawkeye and those like him made themselves available for what came at them in the name of freedom. That being said, let’s all remember Pearl Harbor! Hawkeye’s read of the week is “Sweatshops in Paradise” By Virginia Sudbury. Sudbury and her husband were short time residents of Paradise in the 90s. Virginia was a struggling attorney who happened to take on what would become one of the most famous Human Trafficking / Slavery cases ever to make it to News Media’s worldwide. Her true story is told in her page turning book “Sweatshops in Paradise” which Hawkeye is now reading from the smallest room of his dwelling. Having been a long time, continuous resident of Paradise for the past 29 years, Hawkeye was close at hand to witness the plight of some half Starved Vietnamese Garment Workers. On many of an occasion, there would be three to five Vietnamese Female Garment Workers show up at Hawkeyes Hooch on weekends offering to clean House, or cook for food. This went on for quite some time and while Hawkeye felt for them, he would give them each $20 apiece and wish them well. It was no secret that this was going on right under the nose of not only the South Pacific, residents, but for the eyes and ears of the entire world. Hawkeye not having finished reading this work of Fiction will comment more in a later cliff hanging issue of “Hawkeye.” The book has a nice photo of the Tank Farm on the front of the Hardcover dust jacket. Just when we thought we were getting back in to reality, we hear and read of Flying Cars, and self Driving Automobiles. Why would anyone wish to ride in a self driving Auto, when they could enjoy the feeling if independence of having control of the vehicle to go wherever the human operator pointed it! Better yet, take a train, or a Public Bus! Who needs to spend $250,000 to say, “Hey look at Meee!” Each to their own is Hawkeyes motto so he will simply wait and see. Leanor wanted to know if the self driving automobile will have a steering wheel. This way she can practice driving while she is getting to a predetermined destination with her “Know it all” Husband, “Hawkeye!” Hawkeye has in fact shared his copy of the NYT Best Selling Book, “Killing Jesus.” This was the one mentioned earlier by Bill ORiley, host of the ORiley Factor on the Fox Channels which we no longer receive. Anyway, good book for anyone who can read, and is also interested in reading Bill’s Book! We are definitely in an economic depression here in Wonderland. We need only look around us, and we see small businesses struggling and if not from a lack of business, a lack of payment for the business that they do have. No one mentions this which pretty well sums up the fact that there are a few in the “Have” Section of the Bleachers that are satisfied with the level of business that they have, and therefore could care less what the other half, the “Have Not’s” are doing for survival. This is nothing new, and it is ok as long as you are in the driver’s seat! Brush up on your Mandarin Chinese fans as you is a gwina need it! Love from; Hawkeye & Sweet Leanor (Disclaimer: This column or commentary does not necessarily reflect the views of Samoa News.) The service crew of Samoa Motors is inviting everyone to come out and take advantage of the BIG DEAL going on now throughout the entire month of December. Don’t let car troubles put a [photo by B. Chen] damper on your holiday plans, book an appointment with their friendly staff. The BIG DEAL is happening now, only at Samoa Motors by B. Chen, Samoa News Correspondent Don’t wait for your car to stall or die out on you. Make sure your vehicle is in tip top shape for the holidays by taking it to Samoa Motors at the Tafuna Industrial Park today. Right now, the territory’s only authorized Ford dealer is offering “The Works” care package for $89.95 It’s such a small price to pay to ensure that your vehicle is running smoothly when you’re out and about shopping for the holidays. And if that price wasn’t already low enough, get additional savings by logging on to www. fordconsumer.com Simply print out the 20% coupon from the site and present it to Samoa Motors when you bring your vehicle in so the savings can be applied to your service. The folks at Samoa Motors believe that proper maintenance is a big deal and that’s why they are making it easier for you by offering the Big Deal - which includes an oil change, tire rotation, a fluid top-off and a comprehensive 27-point inspection._ The special package deal is available throughout the entire month of December and applies to every vehicle make or model. (Certain restrictions apply). Samoa Motors service manager Donald Bryan explained that generally, they can service all makes and models but there are certain jobs that require specific equipment that they don’t have. “For example, if the ABS light comes on in a Nissan Sentra, we wouldn’t be able to do much because we would need a Nissan scanner to get things going,” he said. In addition to the Big Deal, Samoa Motors has sedans, SUVs, trucks, and used vehicles for sale at very reasonable prices. Choose from the Escape, Fusion, Focus, Explorer, Expedition, or the popular, reliable F-150. Stop by their Tafuna location today and find out why more guys depend on the Ford F-150 to get the job done than any other brand. Have you driven a Ford lately? Don’t settle for anything less than the best. Ford. Go further. Call 699-9347 for more information. © Osini Faleatasi Inc. reserves all rights. dba Samoa News is published Monday through Saturday, except for some local & federal holidays. Please send correspondences to: OF, dba Samoa News, Box 909, Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799. Contact us by Telephone at (684) 633-5599 Contact us by Fax at (684) 633-4864 Contact us by Email at samoanews@samoatelco.com Normal business hours are Mon. thru Fri. 8am to 5pm. Permission to reproduce editorial and/or advertisements, in whole or in part, is required. Please address such requests to the Publisher at the address provided above. samoa news, Saturday, December 7, 2013 Page 5 *If you use Credit Card 15% OFF* 20% OFF Everyday until Christmas! ALL ITEMS IN STORE (Not Include Local Items-Soda, Tobacco, Phone Card, Cookies, ETC...) 10% OFF Handmade Gift Basket & Lei’s. Merchandise Shipped Directly from the USA • COSMETICS • PERFUMES • MOVIE CHARACTER TOYS • PERSONAL DVD PLAYER • BIG & MINI SPEAKERS • PICTURE FRAMES WITH JESUS ON IT • WATCHES • WALL CLOCKS • CLOTHES • BABY ITEMS • FLASH DRIVE & MEMORY CARD • EARPHONES • DVD PLAYERS, ETC. and many more toys & items to choose from. TOYS & Merchandise Shipped Directly from the USA! ALL CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS GARLANDS CHRISTMAS RIBBONS & ALL CHRISTMAS LIGHTS CARDS Your One Stop Store For All Your Christmas Shopping! PARADISE GIFT CENTER Paradise, Inc. In front of Laufou Shopping Center Page 6 samoa news, Saturday, December 7, 2013 Tafaoga i Matafaga? SASA’E: Fagasa-Fagale’a AuaS tream AfonoS tream Lauli’i Stream AoaS tream Onenoa SISIFO: Asili Stream Leone Pala O se va’aiga i le taimi ua mae’a ai le sauniga mamalu o le ulua’i toe sauniga o le Tofa le Saufaiga Lauti Simona Vaiola Uelese i lana Ekalesia Metotisi i Vatia lava i le taeao ananafi. O se va’aiga i le fa’aaloaloga a le afio’aga i le vasega o soga’imiti ua latou fa’atamasoali’i le Sa o lana [ata: Leua Aiono Frost] tofa le Saufaiga i ona toe sauniga uma lava e o’o fo’i i le aso. Mafutaga Motusia TUTOTONU: Nu’uuli Pala Spring Lapata’iga mo Matafaga: Tesema 4, 2013 Ofisa o le Puipuia o le Si’osi’omaga i Amerika Samoa (AS-EPA) 633-2304 Salon Sophia Let us get you looking and feeling your best. HOLIDay Special Introducing our New Barber Stylist Formerly of Super Cut of Hawaii: Siale “Cece” of Aua Introductory Barber Specials: Regular Cut $8 & Up HIgh Profile Style/Fade $9.00 & Up * We also offer wedding hair/makeup packages in Salon or your place of choice ** Coming Soon * SENIORS ONLY DAY OF PAMPERING Holiday Greetings and a Huge Fa’afetai, Faafetai tele lava for your support for the past 15+ years of our service Call: 699-4091 or 258-6188 Talofa Video “KOREAN, FILIPINO, MEXICAN DRAMA SERIES NOW FOR RENT” NEW RELEASES: Despicable Me 2 • Fast & Furious 6 Battle of The Year • Man of Taichi Pavaiai 699-7206 • Nuuuli 699-1888 • Fagatogo 633-2239 “Motusia le Ulafala” ma le Tofa o le AUA LE PISA Saufaiga: Lauti Simona Vaiola Uelese tusia: Leua Aiono Frost TOSO LE PA “O le mea sili, ua ia te’i tatou le Ali’i!” O se mau e soifua ai so’o se Failauga Fa’amaoni i le Ekalesia Metotisi, ma sa ola ai le tofa le Saufaiga a’o tautua o ia i lana Ekalesia, ae maise fo’i lana tautua i lona afio’aga o Vatia ma lona aiga potopoto ma le Malo. I molimau sa fa’ailo i le ulua’i sauniga o Lauti Simona Uelese, sa latou molimauina le olaga agamalu ma le loto maulalo o lea fo’i auauna. “I ona tiute fa’atino i so’o se mea ua fa’asino na te faia pe ta’ita’ia, e le taitai ona fa’alogoina ua si’isi’i sona leo i so’o se tasi e o’o lava i le fanau talavou.” I si ona tuafafine ui’i ai i le latou aiga, Maria Ah Ching, sa ia molimau i lona tuagane i lona soifua fa’afiafia tagata, a’o le lima mafola i le Ekalesia, auauna a le Atua, ma so’o se tagata e mo’omia se mea ia te ia, ae fa’ato’a soso’o ai lea ma i latou uso ma tuafafine. O Lauti Simona o le lona fitu lea o le fanau a Lauti Uelese o Vatia ma Tolotea Patatu Lauti o Masefau. O ia lea na soifua ane lava i eleele o Vatia, ma e to’a 11 le aofaiga o le fanau a o latou matua. O le masina o Tesema 24, 1968 na fa’aipoipo atu ai o ia i le tina o le aiga Mabel Ta’amu mai Fagatogo. E to’a lima o la’ua alo e to’atasi lava le tama’ita’i ae to’afa ona tuagane. “O le tautua a Lauti Simona i lana Ekalesia e matua le masu’esu’eina, aua e tautala lava galuega a’o le upu ma tala.” O se molimau ola lea a le Ekalesia Metotisi i Vatia lava. O ia o le Failauga Fa’amaoni, ma sa avea ma tofi usufono a le latou Ekalesia i nisi o tausaga ua tuana’i. Sa avea o ia ma teutupe ma toe failautusi i le tausaga lava e tasi i le latou Ekalesia, a’o taumafai ona ausia le malumalu fou o tula’i nei, le maota o le galuega, fa’apea ma le Hall mo le Ekalesia, i luga fo’i o le fanua sa ia foa’ia atoa mo le lotu ina ia lava le fanau e fa’atutu ai nei mea tetele e tolu e aofia ai fo’i ma le malae ta’alo sima. O ia o se sui o le Komiti tumau a le Ekalesia Metotisi i Vatia. Pe afai ae tu’u ane i le Malo, o ia lea sa ta’ita’ifono i le Komiti Fa’afoe o le Fa’asaoina o le Eleele ma le Suavai mai le tausaga 2005-2013. E maliu o ia o lo’o avea ma Fa’aliliu Upu i le Fono faitulafono a le tatou malo. Na ia tau’avea le tofiga Fa’atonu o le 10th Pacific mai le tausaga 2004-2008. Na avea fo’i o ia ma Fa’atonu o le Matagaluega a le Admin Services a le Malo mai le tausaga 2000-2004. Mai le 1993- 2000 na avea ai ma so’oupu mo le Ofisa o Mataupu Tau Samoa. Peita’i i le taimi na alaala ai ma a’oga ma faigaluega i fafo, sa tautua ai o se Pule i le Ofisa o Fa’amasinoga Fa’aleitumalo a le Feterale mai le tausaga1969 se’ia o’o i le 1992. O lana ulua’i galuega lava i le tatou malo ina ua mae’a ana a’oga o le Ofisa o mataupu Tau Samoa mai le 1966-1969, ona masi’i ai lea i fafo. I lona soifua a’oa’oina, sa amatalia lava i le Felela i Atu’u, soso’o ai ma le si’itia atu i le Samoana High a’o fa’aigoaina o le American Samoa High School i Utulei lava, ma fa’ai’u ai loa ana a’oa’oga i le Central Connecticut State College. Ina ua finau atu e toe taliu i fafo mo ia ona o lona gagau ua i ai, ae fa’ailoa mai e le tausi, “Ia te a’u, ou te le toe fa’alavelave i le ola fiafia ma sa’oloto o lo ua i ai Lauti, o lana ata i taimi uma, ua iloga ai lona soifua fiafia e tautua ua i ai, ae ou te le toe mana’o e toe suia lona lau fofoga fiafia e pei ona matauina e le to’atele.” Ua mae’a ona tau e Lauti Simona le taua lelei, ua i’u ia te ia le tausinioga, ua ia taofi lava le fa’atuatua. Ia manuia lau malaga, ma ua e malolo. Mafutaga Faatasia Experts urge the government to measure, pursue our happiness WASHINGTON (AP) — Happy or sad? Content or bored? And how many times did you smile yesterday? A panel of experts thinks Uncle Sam should be more in touch with our feelings. By gauging happiness, there’d be more to consider than cold hard cash when deciding matters that affect daily lives, according to a report this week from the National Academy of Sciences, which advises the government. The panel of economists, psychologists and other experts assembled by the academy recommended that federal statistics and surveys, which normally deal with income, spending, health and housing, include a few extra questions on happiness. “You want to know how people are doing?” said panel chairman Arthur Stone, a professor of psychology at New York’s Stony Brook University. “One of things you may want to do is ask them.” Asking how people feel can be as important as how much they are spending, Stone said. For example, economists have something they call the “misery index” which adds the unemployment and inflation rates, but doesn’t include how people feel. If you want to know misery, the question to ask is “how much suffering is going on,” he said. The panel suggests a series of questions to measure daily happiness and general well-being, asking how often you smiled, were stressed, laughed or were in pain. Example questions ranged from a simple yes-no “Yesterday, did you spend time with friends or family?” to a more complex 1-10 rating for “Overall, how satisfied are you with your life nowadays?” Over the past decade, these types of questions have shown to be valid scientifically, said Carol Graham, a Brookings Institution economist who was on the panel. The report said the answers can help governments shape policy on basic benefits, such as retirement age and pensions, care for the chronic and terminally ill, unemployment and working conditions. It cited a study by one of the Nobel Prize-winning panelists that showed people’s feelings about commuting problems helped officials decided whether or not to create commuter toll lanes on highways. In terms of collecting happiness data, the United States government “is a bit of a laggard” behind other industrial nations, said John Helliwell, an economist who co-directs an institute that studies well-being at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. In one of the few surveys where the government does ask, we’re a pretty happy nation. Last year, about 87 percent of Americans considered themselves very happy or pretty happy. But we’re far behind No. 1 Denmark, a host of northern European countries, Canada, Israel and Mexico. The United States ranked 17th in a world happiness ranking report directed by Helliwell, which was based on international surveys and came out in September. When governments and academics study happiness they find that money isn’t everything. Many of the richest countries, including the United States, weren’t in the Top 10 in selfreported happiness in the report. “Having no money is terrible for everything,” said Graham, author of several books on the economics and measuring of happiness. But after people make “a comfortable amount of money,” it doesn’t add too much to happiness, she said. That’s what a study last week in the journal PLoS One found. It used worldwide surveys and found that as people made more money worldwide they got hap- pier — but only to a point. That point is just shy of $36,000 a year per person, or $144,000 for a family of four. Once people reached that point, happiness measurements level off and even go down ever so slightly, said study lead author, Eugenio Proto, an economist at the University of Warwick. According to the study, in general, people in the U.S. passed that “bliss point” a few years ago, however federal income figures don’t show nearly that high a household wealth level. Happiness studies, Helliwell said, “keep reminding you that there is much more to life than income and housing.” National Academy report: http://bit.ly/18JeagO World Happiness report: http://bit.ly/18oZb8X PLoS One study: http:// bit.ly/1blYY38 samoa news, Saturday, December 7, 2013 Page 7 Happy 78th Birthday MOON WHA PARK Even though you left this world, you will always be in our hearts, Always and Forever. We Love and Miss You so much! Psalm 116: 15 “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.” We will meet again in God’s timing. Love Jessica (HI), Jackqueline & Rita (NZ) and Lagi & Pele (Aua) Page 8 samoa news, Saturday, December 7, 2013 T ALA mai brought to you by SAMOA tanoa tusitala hotel, apia, samoa Saunia: L.A.F./Naenae Productions MALAGA LE PALEMIA I LE FONO A LE ACP I PELESEUMA Ua malaga atu nei le afioga i le alii palemia, le susuga Tuilaepa Lupesoliai Sailele Malielegaoi,e auai i le fono lona 98 a minisita o le fono a atunuu Aferika, Karipiane ma le Pasefika, lea e faia i Peleseuma mai le aso 9 e oo atu i le aso 11 o le masina nei. O lea fono o le a taitaia e le afioga i le alii palemia i lona tulaga o le peresetene o lea faalapotopotoga, le ACP. E taua tele lea fono mo le faamalosia pea o le faiga paaga a Samoa ma le Iuni a Europa (EU). E tele fesoasoani ua tuuina mai le Iuni a Europa e fesoasoani i le atinaeina o Samoa. O le aso Tofi na sei mavae atu na tuuvaa atu ai le afioga i le palemia faatasi ai ma le ofisa sili o le Matagaluega o le Va i Fafo ma Fefaatauaiga, le afioga Aiono Mose Sua, faapea le faatonu o le nusipepa o le Savali, le afioga Tupuola Terry Tavita. SUESUE LE SUPAVAISA O LE SPORTSLOTTO I LE GAOI O lo o suesueina nei i le Faamasinoga le mataupu o lo o molia ai se tamaitai sa avea ma supavaisa o le kamupani o taaloga o matematega, le Samoa Sports Lotto, ao faigaluega ai i le lala o le kamupani i Salelologa i Savaii. O lea tamaitai o Nora Neemia, 27 tausaga le matua mai le afioaga o Sili i Savaii, o lo o teena moliaga 51 o le gaoi ao avea ma tagata faigaluega faasaga ia te ia. O le $31,000 o lea tinoitupe o teugatupe ia mo le taaloga o le Sportslotto, ao le isi tupe e silia i le lima afe tala, o le tupe a le taaloga o le Samoa National Lotto. O lo o masalomia na amata faatinoina lea solitulafono mai le tausaga e 2009. Na teena e Toomata ia tulaga uma ma sa ia faailoa, e ese le mafuaaga na faamalolo ai o ia, ae o le ua molia sa ia vaaia atoa le tulaga tau tupe o le lala i Savaii. E lei tulai le ua molia e fai sana faamatalaga ae e atagia mai i ia suesuega e i ai nisi tagata o le kamupani e ono aafia ai. O lo o faaauau pea lea mataupu i le Faamasinoga Maualuga. SAUNIA E LE SPREP SIKOLASIPI E ALOAIA AI LUI BELL Ua faalauiloa nei se avanoa sikolasipi a le ofisa o le siosiomaga o le Pasefika, le SPREP, ua faaigoaina o le Lui Bell Post Graduate Scholarship, e aloaia ai se tasi o tamalii Samoa ua faiilagi le folauga sa faigaluega ai i le SPREP, le susuga ia Lui Bell, ona o lana tautua i suesuega faasaienisi i mataupu tau ogasami. O lenei avanoa sikolasipi o le a mafai ona agavaa ai alo ma fanau aoga Report: Heavy swells affected Puerto Rico’s famed glowing lagoon SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — A popular lagoon that glows at night off Puerto Rico’s northeast coast has lit up once again as scientists wrap up their investigation into why it went dark last month, officials said Friday. A prolonged and heavy swell had swept away microscopic plankton known as dinoflagellates that are found in heavy concentrations in the lagoon and emit light through a chemical reaction when disturbed, said Carmen Guerrero, secretary of the Natural Resources Department. There are typically thousands of dinoflagellates per liter (gallon) of water in the lagoon, but those concentrations had dropped to less than 100 in early November as heavy swells dispersed them, she said. “The big swell prevented these organisms from staying in the lagoon,” she said. Scientists found that the swell was eight times bigger than what the lagoon experiences on average. The lagoon draws hundreds of tourists a year who rent kayaks or boats by night from the nearby city of Fajardo to observe the water emit a greenish light when fish swim by or when they trail an arm through it. Scientists and residents were concerned that the lagoon stopped glowing because of runoff from the construction of a nearby water and sewer treatment plant, or because of people cutting down mangroves to allow larger boats into the area. Scientists celebrated that it wasn’t a man-made problem, but their investigation also found that the lagoon has high amounts of fecal matter and other bacteria. Those findings demonstrate a need for the water and sewer treatment plant currently being built, said Laura Velez, president of the Environmental Quality Board, which monitors such projects. Government officials said the contamination problem was the result of a nearby community lacking a proper sewage system. Residents had asked that the plant be moved elsewhere when the lagoon began going dark, and the government temporarily suspended construction of it for two weeks to allow scientists to investigate. Alberto Lazaro, president of the state Water and Sewer Authority, said the agency is contemplating relocating the plant and that officials will meet with residents before choosing a location. mai atunuu eseese o le Pasefika e aooga fua ai e saili ai a latou tikeri ma faailoga i mataupu tau saienisi e patino i meaola o le sami. i le faalauiloaina o lea avanoa sikolasipi, na saunoa ai le faatonu o le ofisa o le SPREP, le susuga David Sheppard, o se tasi lenei o vaega taua o galuega a le latou ofisa ma e $20,000 le tinoitupe ua faaagaaga e faatupe ai lea avanoa sikolasipi mo alo ma fanau e toatolu o le a faamanuaiaina ai i le tausaga fou. O le susuga Lui Bell sa taulamua i le faasaoina o meaola o le sami e i ai le laumei mai le soona fagotaina, aemaise le faatamaia e meaola ma tagata o fuamoa o lea i’a pe a tuufua i matafaga. MOLIA LE LEOLEO PO I LE TALEPE FALE MA LE GAOI Na ioe se alii leoleo po o se faletalimalo o Tupolata Tupolata mai Sapo’e, Falealili, lona moliaga o le talepe fale ma le gaoi ma aveesea ai ni mea totino a le faletalimalo o le Samoana Island Resort i Matatufu, Falealili. O lenei alii e faigaluega ai i le faletalimalo ma sa ia taupulepule ma nisi alii e toalua o Saito Ioatua ma Sisigafu’a Tufua e faigaluega ai foi i lea faletalimalo, latou te gaoia ni mea totino a le faletalimalo. O le aso foi lea na faate’a ai le alii leoleo po. E lata i le $200 le tau atoa o ni fagu malosi na aveesea mai le faletalimalo faatasi ai ma se tinoitupe e $150. Na ioeina foi e le isi toalua sa auai i lea soligatulafono ia o la moliaga, ma sa faatonuina e le Faamasino le alii o Saito Ioatua e totogi le tinoitupe e $400 i le Faamasinoga, a leai e lua masina e taofia ai i le toese. Ua nofo vaavaaia nei i latou mo le tausaga atoa. TATALA LE OFISA FOU O LE 2AP I LE MASINA NEI Ua faamaonia e le Kapeneta le polokalama mo le tatalaina aloaia o le fale fou a le ofisa faasalalau o le 2AP, Le Siufofoga o Samoa i Mulinuu, i le aso Tofi le aso 19 o le masina nei i le Itula e 3 i le aoauli. O le saunoaga autu o le aso o le a fofogaina e le afioga i le palemia, ae o le minisita o le Matagaluega o Fesootaiga ma Faamatalaga Tekonolosi, le afioga Tuisugaletaua Aliimalemanu Sofara Aveau, o le a ia ootiina le lipine. O le susuga i le Faafeagaiga EFKS i Fagalii, le susuga Iupeli Ieremia o le a taitaia le sauniga lotu. O le a toe faamanatu ai i lea aso le amataga mai o le tautua a le leitio o le 2AP faapea le manatua ai o i latou sa faia lea tautua i tausaga ua mavae, o nisi ua faiilagi le folauga. C M Y K C M Y K E te fia Poka? Toleafoa Haserota Auvaa UA LEAGA LE TAAVALE Alu le taavale i uta i le koafa na o ai Vao, Etuale ia JR i le oo i le koafa ma pe ai loa, ua fiu e faaola, fai loa ma tonu a le toatolu lea o a ave lava le mea ia a le tagata e talitali ai le vevela o le la. Tago loa Vao ma tatala mai tanevai o le taavale e alu ma ia, ae fai atu loa Etuale ma Jr, “O le a le aoga o lena mea ia te oe alii Vao ?.” fai le malamala a Vao, “Oute alu ma a’u, aua a ou taele ia ona taale ai lea, e tusa foi ai foi pe a ou fia inu….e a e sa’o lena ?.” Ia vaai atu le vaega ua sau Etuale ua sau ma le solovae o le taavale, fai atu loa Jr ia Etuale, “O le a le aoga o lena mea a alii Etuale ?.” fai mai le tamaloa, “E aoga e faamalu ai pe a vevela mai le la.” Ma le sauni loa o le a alu le latou sopo i le isi itu o le koafa, ma le atu o Etuale ma Vao ua masau le tama JR, i le tatala mai le faitotoa o le taavale, fai atu loa i ai ia JR, “E ave i fea lena faitotoa toe mamafa alii JR ?.” ae sau le tali JR, “E ave ma a’u, a lagona lou ua sau le vevela ia vili i lalo le faaata e faasau ai se savili i totonu….e manaia lena mea a alii Etuale ?.” O LE A LE IGOA O LE MEAOLA LEA? Tago le faiaoga faaali mai le ata o le solofanua, fesili mai i tamaiti o lana vasega, “O le a le igoa a le meaola lea ?.” ‘oso atu loa le teine o Suzy, “O le solofanua…..” ia tago le faiaoga ia faaali mai le ata o le maile, “O le a le igoa o le meaola lea ?.” ia laga atu tamaiti, “O le maile….” ia fai mai le faiaoga, “Lelei tele outou..!!!!!.” Ia tago loa le faiaoga faaali mai le ata o le asini, “O ai na te iloaina le igoa o le meaola lea ?.” tali atu Maria, “O le asini…” fai mai le faiaoga, “Lelei tele outou…ia o le a faaali atu ia meaola ia, e sea sea tou vaai i ai…..” tago le faiaoga faaali mai le ata o le lulu, fai mai loa le faiaoga, “O le a le igoa o lea ituaiga manu ?.” ua nonofo tamaiti ua le iloa, fai mai loa le faiaoga, “O le a mea e nofo tou tina faaigoa ai mata a tou tama ?.” ‘oso atu a le tama o JR, “O le mata i akule……!!!!!!.” ‘PRASE THE LORD’ E malama loa le taeao alu ifo loa le fafine lena i luma o lona fale, fano loa ‘Prase the Lord….!!!!!.” ia alu loa i totonu o lona fale, ua avea la ma mea e maloa ai i ana tuaoi. Oo i le isi aso lena ua alu le tamaloa lafi mai i tua o le laau lena, sau loa le fafine i luma o le fale, fai mai, “Praise the Lordddddd….!!!!!.” ae fai fano mai le tamaloa o Etuale, “E leai se atuaaaaa…..!!!!!!.” Oo loa i le aso Faraile, usu mai loa le fafine i fafo, “Praise the Lord e ta fia ‘ai lava a, faatoa maua lou Food Stamp i le amataga o le masina.” Alu loa i le atoa le tamaloa o Etuale, faatau mai faatau tuu i totonu a le taga pepa, malama ifo loa le taeao o le aso Toanai, e usu mai le fafine ua taatitia atu le faatauga mea ‘ai, fai mai loa le fafine, “Praise the lord o lenei ua mauaina a’u mea ‘ai…faafetai…!!!!!.” Ae te’i lava i le ‘oso mai o le tamaloa o Etuale i tua o le laau, fano mai loa i le loomatua, “Aua la, e le’i faatauina mai e se atua mea na, o ‘au na faatauina mai…..ua ma la….!!!!!!.” Faafetai loa le loomatua, “Praise the Lord….ua e tauanauina le agelu a le tiapolo e faatau maia la’u mea ‘ai…..Praise the Lorddddddd…….!!!!!!.” samoa news, Saturday, December 7, 2013 Page 9 C M Y K C M Y K Page 10 samoa news, Saturday, December 7, 2013 Tulimanu O KATI LE LEOLEO NANA o le fa’aolataga O LE POTO O KERISO E FESOOTA’I AI LANA FANAU. (Isaia 5:1-7, Luka 7:28-35.) A uma ona faia se galuega o se tagata kerisiano ona faapea ifo lea i o lona loto, faafetai le Alii e i lou faatasi mai ia te’i matou, a maea ona tatou faia se mea e lelei ona tatou faapea ane foi lea, o matou o auauna le aoga. Ua maea ona faia le galuega a Ioane mo le Malo o le Alii, o le papatisoina lea o tagata ma faamamaina o latou finagalo ma loto, ia latou faia mea uma aua le Malo o le Alii. E tusa ma le tusitusiga a Malaki (1:1) “Faauta ou te tuuina atu la’u savali, na te sauni le ala i o’u luma, e faafuasei foi ona oo mai i lona malumalu o le Alii, o le ua saillia e outou, o le Agelu lava lea, o le feagaiga, o le ua outou naunau i ai, faauta, e afio mai lava o ia, ua fetalai mai ai le Alii o ‘au.” “Ina o atu ia oulou ma faailoa atu ia Ioane o mea na ia Ioane o mea na oulua faalogo i ai, ma vaai i ai, ua pupula tauaso, ma ma ua savavali pipili, ua faamamaina lepela ma ua logo tutuli, ua faatutuina o e na oti ma ua folafolaina foi le tal lelei i e matitiva E manuia foi se le tausuai ia te a’u.” O lona uiga, “Ioe o ‘au lava lea.” O ia lea ua tusi mai i ai le tusitusiga o le ‘au Faaevagelia, ‘Faauta ou te auina atu la’u savali i ou luma, na te teuteu atu lou ala i ou luma.’ e leai se tasi faiaoga poo se sili atu ia Ioane. E oo lava i le malo o le Alii, o ia e sili atu i loo latou uma ua talia e le Alii i lona Malo. O i latou uma ua papatisoina e Ioane ua maua e i latou le faamamaina, vanaga ai le ‘au faresaio ma loia ma le ‘au tusiupu ia ma le ‘au satukaoi ma ‘ao’ao o le tulafono e le’i taliaina lana savali na auina mai ai e le Alii i le lalolagi, o le papatiso i le vai. E pei i latou oni tamaiti foi ia e i le maketi i faaili (i le leo o falute) i la tatou uo, ma le e pei o tamaiti e faitio i se mea leaga ai, ae le pei o tagata ua faitioina. E oo foi ia Iesu lea na tomumu ai le tele o tagata, i lona taliaina o le valaaulia e le Faresaio e la te ‘aai i lona fale, e le taliaina ona o se fia mama o Iesu ae na taliaina ona o ona uiga e tutusa uma tagata i lona faaolataga. E le faailoga tagata Iesu. Le tautala sa’o o Ioane e le fefe e tau le mea sa’o, le mea lena na fetalai ai Iesu faapea, “E fai atu ia te outou, e leai se perofeta i e na fananau i fafine e sili ia Ioane le papatiso, a o le aupito itiiti i le malo o le Atua, e sili lea ia te ia.” Aua na ia folafolaina le tala sa’o i tagata Iutaia uma lava, aua fai mai lo tatou matua; O LE POTO A KERISO E FESOOTA’I AI LANA FANAU, aua o le poto lea a le Keriso lea ua fai ma mea e fesoota’i ai lana fanau, i le fai o mea sa’o ma le tonu i luma o tagata Iutaia ma Isaraelu uma. I le tusi o le feagaiga tuai, o le malaia o Isaraelu i le leaga o le fai taaga ma le ifo i tupua ‘ese ma le ‘ina’ina o le Alii ona ua latou le iloaina lava le Alii. Le mea na silisili ona manumanu i ai tagata Isaraelu o le tovine, poo le faatoaga vine (grapevine) na amata mai i Aikupito i le 2,500 tausaga i le taimi na fanau mai ai Iesu. Le ‘ele’ele na silafia lava e le Alii, o le fai nei ma ‘ele’ele o lona nu’u le fanua laulelei ma tama o aiga i mea tau faatoaga le malulu mai o le mauga matagofie lea e faamalulu ai le foga’ele’el le fanua na fai mai ai vaega lea na tutuli e Iosua e o e vaavaai i totonu o le atunuu le la. Lea na o mai tamaloloa o Isaraelu ma tala, o le fanua e ‘tafe ai le suasusu ma le meli.’ O le mea tatau ona faia e Isaraelu, o le toe o lava i le Alii, faamaulalo o latou loto, salamo i a latou amio leaga lea na faia muamua, aua na fetalai Iesu, “O a’u nei o le vine moni, a o lo’u Tama o le galue vine ia.” ma ia toe fetalai mai ai fo’i, “Ina tumau ia outou ia te a’u o a’u foi ia te outou. Faapei o le la, e le mafai ona fua pe a na o ia, pe afai e le mau i le vine, e faapea foi outou, pe afai tou te le tumau ia te a’u.” O le finagalo o le Alii lea e mafua ai le tatou matua, O LE POTO O KERISO E FESOOTAI AI LANA FANAU aua ua oo mai le taimi o le tausaga e teuteu ai a tatou finagalo ma o tatou loto aua le faamanutuina o le Afio mai ai lona Alo i le lalolagi. Amene. [Sosoo ane loa lau faitau i le tatou tala faasolo mo lenei vaiaso, lea na gata mai i le vaiaso na tea nei i le taimi lea ua sui ai teuga a le tama ua uma lana gaioiga faavavave sa faia i le faaumatiaina o le vaega leaga sa taumafai e osofa’i le fafine ave taxi ma lana tama.] Na lilo i le manatu o le tama o le taimi mulimuli lea na te toe vaaia ai foliga o lenei Samaria agalelei ma lana tama, sa fesoasoani atu ia te ia i le taimi na toeititi ai lava osofa’i o ia e le au faatupu faalavelave. Na ona uma lava ona sui o ofu o le tama, savali atu loa i le potu malolo o le a ki le TV e matamata le news, ae ona vaaia lea ni taavale se lua o ui ane i tafatafa o le fale e aga’i i tua. Na pei o le emo o le mata gaioiga a le tama i le taimi lea, i lona valaau atu i le fafine e toe o e lalafi, ae ua tago le tama i lana fana ma tamo’e i le isi faitoto’a tulimanu ma le faamoemoe o le a oso i fafo e vaai poo a ia taavale e aga’i atu i le pito i tua o le fale, peitai e tuai gaioiga a Kati ae ona faalogoina le pa pa o ni fana, ona ia faalogoina lea o se leo o lo o ee, e le’i umi ae ona toe faalogoina ua toe pa le isi fana. E lei toe faatali Kati i le taimi lea, ae ua oso loa i fafo ma le fale ma tamo’e loa aga’i i le isi itu o le pa laau lea e le mafai ona iloa atu ai se tagata, ma taumafai e tuli mata’i gaioiga uma o lo o faia i le pito i tua o le fale, ma ia iloa atu ai ni alii se toafa, o lo o tutu i tua o le fale ae o lo o taatitia le fafine ave taxi ma lana tama i tafatafa o Sipi uli e lua ua uma ona fasioti. E lei toe faatali Kati ae ua aapa atu loa lana fana otomeki lea e faaaoga i taimi o ana osofaiga ma ia osofa’i ai loa le au alii ia o lo o laulau tutu mai i fafo ma feoti uma ai, ona ia faanatinati atu loa lea e fesoasoani i le fafine ma lana tama peitai e taunuu atu, ua maliu le fafine sei vagana ai le teineititi na o lona vae na fana ae o lo o ola pea o ia, ma e lei toe faatali le tama ae ua faanatinati loa e fai ana gaioiga fesoasoani, ona ia tuu lea o le teneietiti i totonu o le isi Sipi uliuli ma la faanatinati atu loa i le falema’i, ae o le taimi lava fo’i lea o lo o ia viliina leoleo ma le taavale a le falema’i mo se fesoasoani. Na maofa le tama ina ua ia vaaia totonu o le Sipi o lo o i ai le tele o masini e faaaoga i fesootaiga faapea ai ma ni a’upega malolosi e le o faaaoga e le Ami ma Leoleo, a’o lea e feavea’i e le au faatupu faalavelave. O totonu o le taavale o lo o i ai nisi o faamaumauga e aofia ai tusi folau ma ata o tagata ua uma ona fasiotia, ma e silia i le 200 tusi folau sa maua e le tama i totonu o le taavale, o nisi o tagata e ana tusi folau e aofia ai leoleo, tagata faipisinisi ae toatele lava i teine aoga. Na fiu le tama e tau saili faamaumauga pe maua ai se faamatalaga e faatatau ia te ia na te le’i maua, pau le itu na ia iloa, o ia e toatasi lea o lo o ogatotonu i ai taumafaiga uma a le vaega leaga o lo o faia, ina ia mafai ona fasiotia o ia. POLOGA I LE ALOFA [E toe faatalofa atu i le mamalu o le au faitau i lenei taeao, malo le soifua maua malo foi le onosa’i, ae alo mai loa o le toe sosooina lenei o le tatou tala faasolo lea na gata mai i le vaiaso na te’a nei i le taimi lea ua maea ai ona faamavae uma le aiga ia Lisati, ma ua savali atu nei le tamaititi i totonu o le potu o lo o nonofo ai le pasese e faatali le taimi e o atu ai i le vaalele.] Pei lava o lea faatoa alu ese atu Lisati mai le aiga i le ulua’i taimi na alu ai i Niu Sila mo lana aoga, i le vaaiga lea ua oo i ai le aiga i le po lea, e fai o le mafatia o le ulugalii i le misia o le tamaititi, ae oo lava foi i nai ona tei laiti e leai ma se isi e le’i tagi i lea po. Ua fo’i gugu le aiga i le fale ma loimata, ua le gagana le isi i le tasi, pau lagona o matua ua oo ane, tuai na oo i le fale ae se’i momoe e faagalogalo atu ai lagona misia ma le mafatia o le atalii ua tuuvaa ese atu, ae o Lisati i le taimi lea, sa le’i aveesea ona matua i lona mafaufau. Ua vaavaai mai le tamaititi i le fe’ilafi atu o moli o le malae vaalele i Faleolo i le taimi na lele faatu sa’o ai i luga le Polenisia o le a lele ese atu ma Samoa, ona atili lea ona tagi le tamaititi i le misia o nai ona matua, ae i lona loto i le taimi lea, ua fia fo’i e faauma lana aoga ma se’i fai se mea lelei mo lona aiga. O le tagata lava na muamua tau i ai le vaai a le tamaititi ina ua taunuu i le malae vaalele i Aukilani, o le tamaitai o Lisa lea o lo o pito mai lava i luma o le laina umi a lona aiga ma uo na o atu e faatali lona taunuu atu. E ese ai lava le faataliga o Lisati mai le toatele o le pasese, e fai o pese na usu ane ae le’i misi mea pu’eata atoa ai ma pepa o lo o tusia ai upu faamalosi e faatatau i le tamaititi ma le ma’i o si ona tama. “Malo le malaga manuia Son,” o upu faafeiloa’i ia a le aunty a le tamaititi o Lisati, le tuafafine o lona tama lea o lo o faamautu ai i Niu Sila, ona tau faasolosolo atu uma lea o le au faatali pasese e faafeiloa’i le tamaititi, ae mulimuli ai lava le tamaitai o Lisa. “Kafefe ailoga na e toe manatuaina a’u i le taimi na e taunuu ai i Samoa, a ea?” o le fesili ata lea a Lisa ma aapa atu ua fusi mai le tamaititi ma sogi atu i ona laugutu, sa faapea foi ona tali atu i ai Lisati i lona fusi mai o le tamaitai ma kisi atu i ai, ona la ofoofota’i ai lava lea mo se taimi umi ona o le misia o le mafutaga. E lei toe i ai se isi mea na tuu i le mafaufau o Lisati ina ua taunuu i Niu Sila, sei vagana ai lona naunau loa e faauma lana aoga. O le tausaga lona lua na maua ai loa le avanoa o Lisati e faigaluega ai i se tasi o Ofisa a le malo o Niu Sila, lea e mafai ona latou faa faigaluegaina tamaiti aoga e maualuluga togi mo ni galuega faavaitaimi, e faatali ai le taimi e maea lelei ai le su’eina o faailoga a tamaiti, ma o le ofisa la lea ua galue ai nei Lisati, e maua ai se isi alagatupe e fesoasoani ai i lana aoga, ma o iina lea ua manatu Lisati o le a maua ai ma le avanoa e lafo ai ma se tupe i nai ona matua i Samoa o lo o tapua’i atu i lana aoga. Tala i Vavau o Samoa POGAI O ISI IGOA I A’ANA MA FA’ASALELEAGA O le talitonuga lenei o nisi o afioaga i le atunuu, i auala na mafua ai ona maua igoa o nuu, mauga ma eleele i nisi o nuu i Upolu ma Savaii, e mafua mai i mea sa tutupu ai i aso ua mavae, e aofia ai la nisi o vaega sa tutupu i A’ana ma Fa’asalele’aga, lea e mafua ai lenei tala. Na mafua le taua i le va o A’ana ma Fa’asalele’aga, ona ua toe taumafai le Tuia’ana ina ia toe maua atu e ia le pule lea sa ia Letufuga, ma ia manatu ai loa o le a sii le taua i Fa’asalele’aga, ma i’u ina amata ai loa le taua ina ua malaga le Tuia’ana i Fa’asalele’aga ma amata loa ona ia faasaga e fasi ma faasaua tagata. E fai sau’aga a le Tuia’ana i tagata o le Fa’asalele’aga, ao le taimi lea o lo o seu lupe le alii o Letufuga i le vao, ma e fetaui lava le tilotilo atu o lana soaseu i tai, ae fao loa i lalo taliga o alii o le nuu, ona fesili lea o le soaseu ia Letufuga poo le a le mea ua tupu ua mafua ai ona fao i lalo taliga o alii o le nuu, ae tali Letufuga, o Aana le la ua ia sasa ma faapologa tagata o le itumalo, ona maua ai lea iina o le upu “ua tafafao taliga o Tufugauli.” E lei umi ae sulu atu tagata Faasaleleaga i le vao o lo o seu ai Letufuga i le fia ola, ma e lei toe faatali ai loa iina ia Letufuga ae ua amata loa le taua ma Aana e faaola ai ona tagata, ua sau lava le taua ma ua oo i le mea e igoa o Vaia’ata. A toulu tagata i lalo ona fai atu lea o le soaseu ia Letufuga, vaai i tagata e pei e feata mai i lalo o le vai, ona fai atu lea o Lefutuga, faaigoa le mea lenei o Vaia’ata e faamanatu ai lau tala lena ua fai mai. Ualu pea le taua ua oo i le mea e igoa o Masa, ma ua latalata lava i le Ituotane, ona toe liliu mai lea ua elo tagata, ona faapea lea o le soaseu, “ua masa le mea”, ona fai atu lea o Letufuga i lona soaseu, “Ia faaigoa le ogaeleele lenei ia Masa, e faamanatu ai le manogi leaga ua ta faalogoina.” Ua faaauau pea le taua ma ua sopoia atu le mauga o Vaiola, ma o iina na fai mai ai le talitonuga, na amata ai loa ona leaga le amio a le alii, i lona maua lava o ona fili ma olo gutu i le palapala, ma o iina na mafua ai ona maua le igoa o le mauga o Vaiola, o le “Mauga o Olo,” ae ina ua latalata atu le taua i Futiga, le fasi eleele lea e latalata i Logoipulotu, fai mai o iina na tula’i mai ai loa le faalavelave ina ua gau le laau seulupe a le ali’i, le laau o le “Ma”, fai mai ona faaaoga ai loa lea e le alii ona lima e uu ai le isi tagata ae ta i le isi tagata. Faaauau atu i le vaiaso fou le vaega faaiu o le tatou tala lenei. Soifua. Matafao Elementary takes first place in Math/art competition samoa news, Saturday, December 7, 2013 Page 11 IN THE COMMUNITY WINNERS OF THE 2013 Anniversary Sale 2nd Day Overall student winners announced on closing day By Jeff Hayner, Samoa News Reporter The high point for participants in the annual DOE Math-InArt elementary competition was the prize giving on day-two of the event this past Thursday at the Lee Auditorium. Nineteen elementary schools (levels K-8) took part in the competition coordinated by DOE’s Office of Curriculum and Instruction, with awards going to the top three overall students in each category—Posters, Geometric Sculptures/Models and Tessellations. (A tessellation is created when a shape is repeated over and over again covering a plane without any gaps or overlaps.) This year’s theme was ‘Math is Colorful Fabric of Creation’. Also announced on Thursday were the top three overall winning schools —1st Matafao Elementary; 2nd Coleman Elementary and 3rd Aua Elementary. The top three winners for each category are as follows: Levels K — 2 Geometric Sculptures/Models: 1st Charles Paogofie — Coleman Elementary 2nd Paul Tafaoga — Matafao Elementary 3rd Tamina Alo — Aua Elementary Posters: 1st Faapi’opi’o Ve’ave’a — Leone Midkiff Elementary 2nd Celestial Fouvale — A.P. Lutali Elementary 3rd Jessica Martinez — Masefau Elementary Levels 3 — 5 Geometric Sculptures/Modes: 1st Lilian Launiu — Pava’ai’ai Elementary 2nd Prince VonDinklage — Mataula Elementary 3rd Jedidiah Mata’utia — Coleman Elementary Posters: 1st Maryalice Ume — Matafao Elementary 2nd Christology Taofi — Manulele Elementary 3rd Tauva Launiu — Pava’ai’ai Elementary Tessellations: 1st Lauramaria Timoteo — Matafao Elementary 2nd Fiaigoa Taai — Lupelele Elementary 3rd Angeleen Matautia — Coleman Elementary Levels 6 — 8 Geometric Sculptures/Modes: 1st Donald Brandt — Aua Elementary 2nd Angelo Mayer — Alofau Elementary 3rd Mosese Lomu — Matafao Elementary Posters: 1st Sanele Passi — Mauga-O-Alava Elementary 2nd Anthony Feala — Coleman Elementary 3rd Tilomai Tauiliili — Leone Midkiff Tessellations: 1st Emily Kennach — Manulele Elementary 2nd Soonafai Fouvale — A.P. Lutali Elementary 3rd Lydia Wang — Aua Elementary 1st prize Winner was Lealofi Malaga, accepting on his behalf is his employee Jason with Store Manager Damien Mackenize and Floor Manager Teni Maae 50” Plasma Tv and a Home Theater System, retail value $1,429 2nd prize Winner was Paula Maifala pictured with Floor Manager Teni Maae Whirlpool 24CF Refrigerator, retail value $1, 399 Reach the reporter at jeff@samoanews.com 3rd prize Winner was Aigaga Pernise pictured with Floor Manager Teni Maae Whirlpool Washing Machine, retail value $729 Sanele Passi (2nd left) of Mt. Alava Elementary School took 1st place Thursday afternoon in the Poster Category for levels 6-8 at this year’s DOE Elementary Math-in-Art competition. He is pictured with his mother Savali Passi (right) and vice [photo: Jeff Hayner] principal, Katelina Tauala (left). Page 12 samoa news, Saturday, December 7, 2013 N OW S E RV I N G BREAKFAST & Lunch MON-SAT From 7am - 2pm Oasis for Fine Dining… MONDAY-SATURDAY 5PM TO 9PM HAPPY HOUR FROM 4:30PM TO 9PM WITH FREE PUPUS! PRIVATE PAR & BANQUET ROOTYM S AVAILABLE BAR & RESTAURANT TELEPHONE @ 699-6231 LOCATED IN SAMOA SPORTS BUILDING, AIRPORT RD In The High Court of American Samoa FDA/JG No. 17-13 IN RE: A MINOR CHILD In The High Court of American Samoa TRIAL DIVISION NOTICE/FAAALIGA PR No. 061-11 TO: Mr. Fiapala V. Seui Nu’uuli Village Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the abovenamed respondents that a petition has been filed before the High Court of American Samoa to appoint a Legal Guardian for your female child born on July 16, 1998, in Wahiawa, Hawaii. A hearing will be held after two months and ten days from the date of the first publication of this notice, in which the Court may enter an order appointing a Guardian for your child. If you have any objection, you must appear within two months and ten days from the date of the first publication of this notice and file an objection or a claim with the Court. O LE FA’AALIGA E TUUINA ATU ia te oe o lo’o ta’ua lou suafa i luga, ua iai se talosaga ua failaina i le Faamasinoga Maualuga o Amerika Samoa, in a ia tofia aloaia mai se tasi e vaavaaia, fa’aaoga ma faia se teineitiiti faapea sa fanau o ia i le aso 16 o Iulai, 1998, i le Falemai i Wahiawa, Hawaii. Afai e te tete’e i lenei talosaga, e tatau ia te oe on a faila se talosaga tete’e i le Fa’amasinoga i totonu o el lua masina ma aso e sefulu mai le ulua’i faasalalauga o lenei mataupu. Dated/Aso: October 17, 2013 IN RE THE ESTATE OF FAMILY, DRUG & ALCOHOL DIVISION Clerk ofC ourts Published 11/07, 12/07 MALO FUGA Decedent BY: TINA FUGA Petitioner NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Petition for Letters of Administration has been filed in the High Court of American Samoa, Trial Division, Territory of American samoa, by TINA FUGA, for the Estate of MALO Fuga, Decedent, who died on August 8, 2000, in the Independent State of Samoa. A hearing on the Petition will be held on December 17th, 2013, at 9:00am, or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard, before the Trial Division of the High Court of American Samoa, at the Courthouse in Fagatogo, American Samoa. All interested parties may appear before the Court on said date to respond to this Petition. Dated: November 19, 2013 Clerk of Courts Published 11/30, 12/7, 12/14 NEWS IN BRIEF Reindeer escapes from Santa at Colorado mall DILLON, Colo. (AP) — A runaway reindeer broke free from Santa Claus at a Colorado mall Thursday while the Big Man was inside visiting with children. KYSL in Summit County reports that the reindeer escape happened outside the La Riva Mall in Dillon. While Santa was inside listening to children’s Christmas wish lists, the reindeer jumped over its enclosure, leading police officers on a healthy jog through town. The reindeer was located on the other side of a nearby reservoir. The Summit County sheriff’s office brought in another reindeer to lure the runaway and get it back into a trailer. President Obama lights National Christmas Tree WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama threw the switch, bathing the National Christmas Tree in lights and giving an otherwise dreary day in the nation’s capital a festive and seasonal spirit. He later singled out Nelson Mandela, the beloved South African anti-apartheid leader who died Thursday, for special gratitude. “He blessed us with tremendous grace and unbelievable courage,” Obama said. “We are all privileged to live in a world touched by his goodness.” Before lighting the tree, Obama acknowledged the cold and rainy weather and proposed an abbreviated countdown before flipping on the lights. “We’re going to start at 5; since it’s little wet we shouldn’t start at 10,” he said. PUBLIC NOTICE from the OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF AMERICAN SAMOA The Secretary of American Samoa wishes to inform all residents interested in obtaining a Notary Public Commission, or in renewing a Commission, that the next course on Notary Law and Ethics will be offered at the American Samoa Community College, Room TED 2, on Tuesday, December 10th, Wednesday, December 11th, and Thursday, December 12th, 2013, 5:00pm to 7:00pm. As is required by the Notary Act of 2007, Public Law 30-18, as amended, anyone who wishes to obtain a Notary Public Commission must undergo and successfully complete a Course of Notarial Law, Procedure and Ethics. Please contact Melesete Haleck or Sally Faumuina at the Office of the Governor at 633-4116 to register and for more information, or visit the website www.americansamoa.gov, and click on the “Secretary of American Samoa” hyperlink to find out more. As soon as the tree burst into color, singing diva Aretha Franklin took to the stage for a spirited version of “Joy to the World.” Joining Obama for the 91st annual tree-lighting ceremony were first lady Michelle Obama, daughters Sasha and Malia, and mother-in-law Marian Robinson. The first lady read “’Twas the Night Before Christmas,” taking turns with a Sesame Street Muppet named Abby. After performances by Franklin, the tenor trio Forte, Janelle Monae, Joshua Bell, Mariah Carey and Prince Royce, Obama joined the performers on stage to show off a few dance steps and close out the program. Rocket with secret payload launches off California VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. (AP) — A rocket carrying a secret payload for the U.S. government has successfully launched from the central California coast. The Atlas V rocket lit up the night sky at about 11:15 p.m. Thursday, lifting off from Vandenberg Air Force Base toward low-Earth orbit. The 19-story-tall rocket carried a payload for the National Reconnaissance Office, which operates the nation’s system of intelligence-gathering satellites. The agency has not released any details about the payload. A California cold snap had threatened a possible delay, but the rocket took off within moments of the opening of its launch window. Thursday’s launch was the second time an Atlas 5 rocket has lifted off from the West Coast this year. Overall, there have been 77 Atlas V launches from Vandenberg and Cape Canaveral, Fla. Hong Kong reports 2nd H7N9 flu case HONG KONG (AP) — Hong Kong reported its second human case of H7N9 bird flu just days after the first, raising fears that the virus is spreading beyond mainland China. The Health Department said late Friday that an 80-year-old man being treated for a chronic illness in the hospital was found to have the bird flu strain. Authorities in the Asian financial and transport hub have been monitoring H7N9 closely since it was first identified in April. Infectious diseases are a particular concern in Hong Kong, where a decade ago the Sars virus killed 299 people. Hundreds in other countries also died. H7N9 has sickened about 140 people and killed 45, almost all of them in mainland China. Taiwan has had one case. The virus appears to have stalled since Chinese authorities cracked down on live animal markets following the initial outbreak. Medical authorities say it doesn’t appear to be easily contagious between humans. L.A. city attorney sues b of America LOS ANGELES (AP) — The Los Angeles city attorney is suing Bank of America for mortgage discrimination it claims led to a wave of foreclosures that cost the city a fortune in extra expenses and lost taxes. The suit, filed Friday in federal court, claims B of A redlined minority neighborhoods for years, then turned around and gave blacks and Hispanics predatory home loans that they couldn’t afford. The suit claims those borrowers were forced into foreclosure when the housing bubble burst and they were denied refinancing. A message seeking comment was left for representatives of Bank of America Corp. Friday evening. The city attorney filed similar lawsuits on Thursday against Wells Fargo & Co. and Citigroup Inc. They deny the allegations and say they’re committed to fair lending. Army — Someone near ft. Irwin may know of killing VICTORVILLE, Calif. (AP) — Army investigators asked for help from people near a California base in solving the 2009 killing of a soldier in Afghanistan. Authorities believe someone in the Fort Irwin area may have details about the death of Sgt. Anton Phillips, 31, who was assigned to a Germany-based maintenance company, the Victorville Daily Press reported Thursday. Phillips was found stabbed to death four years ago at a base in Mehtar Lam, a farming area east of Kabul. “We uncovered information that leads us to believe that someone in the Fort Irwin area has information that is critical to this homicide investigation,” said Chris Grey, a spokesman for the Army’s Criminal Investigation Command. A $25,000 reward was offered to anyone with information leading to an arrest and conviction. Grey said investigators don’t believe robbery was a motive but wouldn’t elaborate on why Phillips was killed. Phillips, a California native, was an 11-year veteran and previously served in Iraq. He was assigned to the 5th Maintenance Company, 2nd Battalion, 77th Field Artillery Regiment. Reality TV director dies in home invasion LOS ANGELES (AP) — Los Angeles police are investigating the fatal home invasion shooting of a director who worked on the reality TV show “America’s Next Top Model.” The Los Angeles Times reports 42-year-old James Howe died and his wife was seriously wounded in the Nov. 27 attack at their rented home. Police say Howe and his wife answered the door of the Glassell Park home for what they thought was a lone salesman, but instead, two men and a (Continued on page 13) ➧ NEWS IN BRIEF… woman forced their way inside. A fight ensued at the doorway, and one of the men pulled a gun and opened fire. The couple’s 6-year-old son wasn’t harmed. Los Angeles Deputy Police Chief Jose Perez says the shooting appeared random and there’s no obvious motive. No arrests have been made. Banksy mural fetches $209K at California auction BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP) — A mural stenciled on the side of a Hollywood gas station five years ago by the British street artist Banksy has fetched more than $200,000 at a Beverly Hills auction. The 9-by-8 foot “Flower Girl” artwork sold for $209,000 on Thursday at an auction that featured nearly 100 works by more than 30 artists, according to the Los Angeles Times. The winning bid came from a Los Angeles buyer who requested anonymity. The mural shows a little girl holding a flower basket under the eye of a surveillance camera planted atop a tall stalk. The seller of the mural was Eytan Rosenberg, a former gas station owner who allowed a group of three street artists to paint something on the business’s white brick wall. Rosenberg sold the gas station last year and painstakingly removed the artwork and installed it in a sturdy aluminum frame. He and his sister want to use the money from the sale to build a car wash. Banksy, who refuses to reveal his full identity, began his career spray-painting buildings in Bristol, England. He’s known for his silhouetted figures and spray-painted messages. The highest known price for a Banksy work is about $1.1 million for a mural called “Slave Labor” that was auctioned in London in June. Banksy’s work has caught the eye of A-list Hollywood celebrities such as Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, who recently bought a smaller piece for $1 million. Jordan wins Security Council seat, replaces Saudis UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The U.N. General Assembly elected Jordan to the Security Council on Friday to replace Saudi Arabia, which rejected the seat it won in an unprecedented act to protest the council’s failure to end the Syrian and Israeli-Palestinian conflicts. Jordan was chosen by Arab countries as a replacement and was endorsed by Asian nations to take the traditional Arab seat on the U.N.’s most powerful body. It received 178 “yes” votes in the election. Saudi Arabia got one vote, and four countries in the 193member world body abstained. The 10 other countries were either absent or unable to vote because of unpaid dues. Jordan’s Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh said the country was “extremely honored” and “humbled” by the near consensus support from the international community which recognized “Jordan’s relentless efforts in the pursuit of peace and security, the very principles that the Security Council is mandated to preserve.” Alaska renews push to amass emergency food stocks JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — Alaska is renewing an effort to secure a massive stockpile of emergency food supplies to be ready in case a major disaster cuts the state off from supply lines. Gov. Sean Parnell has promoted emergency preparations — including urging individuals and families to make plans of their own — as part of a larger push to improve disaster readiness across Alaska. The state ultimately hopes to secure enough food to feed 40,000 people three meals a day for seven days. The state’s Department of Military and Veterans Affairs last year issued a request for proposals to have two storage sites ready and one-third of the food supply in place by the end of 2012. But that never happened: the department received just one proposal, which ultimately was rejected when the contractor couldn’t secure a performance bond in a timely manner, said Jeremy Zidek, a spokesman for the state’s emergency preparedness division. The solicitation was canceled. Just this week, however, the department issued a new, scaled-back request for proposals. Initially, the state is looking for information on food that would be offered, including shelf-life, storage requirements packaging and dimensions, he said Friday. Decisions could then be made on what types of storage would be needed and how best to manage the food supplies, he said. Those things could be pursued separate from the contract by the state. Hillary Clinton: nelson Mandela a ‘giant among us’ WASHINGTON (AP) — Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is remembering Nelson Mandela as a “giant among us” who showed the world how to respond to injustice and tragedy. Mandela died Thursday in his home country. Former President Bill Clinton and Mrs. Clinton were close friends of the anti-apartheid leader who led South Africa in the 1990s. Mrs. Clinton says Mandela understood the importance of bringing democracy and freedom to South Africa and showed others how to live a life of integrity. Clinton spoke Friday on Capitol Hill, where she received an award from the foundation of the late California Congressman Tom Lantos, a Holocaust survivor and longtime champion of human rights. Evalani’s samoa news, Saturday, December 7, 2013 Page 13 Continued from page 12 Couple accidentally gets bag of cash at drive-thru window NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — A suburban Nashville couple got more than they expected in their to-go order in a McDonald’s drive-thru: A bag of cold cash. WTVF-TV reports thousands of dollars in cash packaged for a bank deposit had been placed in a paper to-go bag near the drive-thru orders on Tuesday morning. An employee mistakenly passed the bag to Greg and Stacye Terry who had just been looking for breakfast. The employee realized the mistake almost immediately and followed the Terrys to their home a short distance away. Meanwhile, the couple was ready for breakfast. “My husband opened the bag and discovered the money inside,” Stacye Terry said. “He said, ‘You are not going to believe this.’ Sure enough, it was their bank deposit money. “The second that he said it was their deposit, my first thing was let’s get in the truck and take it back.” They said they had a good laugh and even took photos of the cash before returning it to the employee. They posted a picture to Facebook of the wads of bills in plastic bags with what look like yellow deposit slips. The owner and operator of the McDonald’s, Phil Gray, in (Continued on page 15) in Pago Book Your Christmas Parties & Special Events NOW. Motu o Fiafiaga Motel December Room Rates Special $50/night (deposit required) • Party Plans To Fit Your Budget • No “House Fee” • Discounted Drinks & Beer • Karaoke & Disco Specials Dancing • Extended Happy Hours • Live Band By Request Call 633-7777/252-2588/254-6444 NOTICE FOR SEPARATION AGREEMENT TO Members of the MALUIA Family and to all whom these present may come! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that FREDDIE, LURLINE, SEAN & TITI MALUIA of NUUULI has offered for recording in this office an instrument in writing which seeks to separate a certain structure which is or to be erected, on land ALANOA, allegedly belonging to MALUIA FAMILY of the village of NUUULI. Said land ALANOA is situated in or near the village of NUUULI in the County of ITUAU, Island of TUTUILA, American Samoa. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that any interested person may object to the recording of such instrument by filing in the Territorial Registar’s Office in Fagatogo, a written objection to the recording of said instrument. Any objections thereto must be filed with in 30 days from the date of posting of this notice. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that if no such objections are filed within the said 30 day period, the instrument will be recorded and shall be valid and binding on all persons. The said instrument may be examined at any time at the Territorial Registrar’s Office. POSTED: DECEMBER 2, 2013 thru JANUARY 2, 2014 SIGNED: Taito S.B. White, Territorial Registrar FA’AALIGA O LE FEAGAIGA MO SE TU’U’ESEINA I tagata o le aiga sa MALUIA, ma i latou uma e silasila ma lauiloaina lenei fa’aaliga! O le fa’aaliga lenei ona o FREDDIE, LURLINE, SEAN & TITI MALUIA o le nu’u o NUUULI ua ia fa’aulufaleina mai i lenei ofisa se feagaiga tusitusi e fa’ailoa ai se mana’oga fia tu’u’eseina o se fale ua/po o le a, fa’atuina i luga o le fanua o ALANOA e fa’asino i le aiga sa MALUIA, o le nu’u o NUUULI. O lenei fanua e totonu pe latalata ane i le nu’u o NUUULI, itumalo o ITUAU, ile motu o TUTUILA, Amerika Samoa. O le fa’aaliga fo’i e fa’apea, so o se tasi e iai sona aia i lenei mata’upu e mafai ona fa’atu’i’iese ile fa’amauina o lenei feagaiga pe a auina mai i le ofisa ole Resitara o le Teritori of Amerika Samoa i Fagatogo, sana fa’atu’ese tusitusia. O fa’atu’iesega uma lava e ao ona fa’aulufaleina mai i totonu o aso e 30 faitauina mai i le aso na faíaalia ai lenei fa’aaliga. Afai ole a leai se fa’atu’i’esega e fa’aulufaleina i totonu o aso 30 e pei ona ta’ua i luga, o le a fa’amauina loa lenei feagaiga e taualoaina ma ‘a’afia ai tagata uma. 12/07 & 12/21/13 American Samoa Government OFFICE OF PROCUREMENT INVITATION FOR BIDS IFB No: 025-2014 Issuance Date: December 06, 2013 Closing Date: January 07, 2014 No Later than 2:00pm local time 1. INVITATION Sealed bids are invited from qualified contractors for the “Fitiuta Airport Security Perimeter Fence Construction”, located on the Island of Manu’a, Territory of American Samoa. 2. RECEIPT & OPENING OF BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the Chief Procurement Officer, American Samoa Government, Tafuna, American Samoa 96799, until 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 7, 2014 at which time and place the sealed bids will be publicly opened and read. 3. PRE-BIDC ONFERENCE A MANDATORY Pre-Bid Meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 17, 2013, 10:00 a.m. at the Office of Procurement Conference Room. Bids will not be accepted from bidders who are not present at the pre-bid conference. 4. CONTRACTD OCUMENTS Electronic copies of bidding documents may be examined and obtained free of charge from the Office of Procurement during normal business hours. 5. The American Samoa Government reserves the right not to accept the lowest or any bid. 6. The American Samoa Government reserves the right to waive any informalities in bidding as may be in the best interest of the American Samoa Government. “Equal Opportunity Employer / Affirmative Action” TIAOTALAGA J.E. KRUSE Chief Procurement Officer Page 14 samoa news, Saturday, December 7, 2013 ➧ COMMUNITY BRIEFS… Continued from page 3 Talaimatai expressed gratitude to ASPA executive director Utu Abe Malae and the board of directors as well as the crew for their hard work and for responding to the call for help. He also confirmed that the new generators for the island are preventing the ongoing problem of constant power outages experienced in previous years. FEDS REPEAT CALL TO REAFFIRM DISMISSAL OF CITIZENSHIP SUIT Attorney for the U.S. State Department, the federal government, and two officials of the U.S. State Department has reiterated a request for the federal appeal’s court in Washington D.C. of a summary affirmation of the lower court’s decision in June that dismissed the citizenship lawsuit filed by five America Samoans and a California based organization. Late last month, the plaintiffs opposed the affirmation decision, arguing that among other things, this case presents the first opportunity for any appellate court to consider whether people born in American Samoa are U.S. citizens by virtue of the Fourteenth Amendment’s guarantee that “[a]ll persons born… in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States” based on a provision of the U.S. Constitution. Yesterday the defendants, through Assistant U.S. Attorney, Wynne P. Kelly, argued that the plaintiffs fail to demonstrate why the lower court’s decision dismissing the complaint “was not plainly correct”. Kelly further argued that the lower court properly concluded that plaintiffs failed to state a claim and “summary disposition is appropriate” in this case because the “merits of this appeal are so clear as to make summary affirmance proper.” According to Kelly, plaintiff-appellants’ arguments raised in their opposition to the affirmance motion “fails to disturb the central fact underpinning” the lower court’s “opinion: no relevant authority supports the proposition that the Fourteenth Amendment...confers automatic citizenship on those born in American Samoa to non-U.S. citizen parents.” “In fact, the only thing novel about plaintiff-appellants’ complaint is that their pleading” asked the lower court “to determine by judicial fiat a status for American Samoans that Congress had expressly declined to provide, that the people of American Samoa’s representative opposed as endangering the fa’a Samoa or Samoan way of life, and which every other federal court had deemed unavailable to identically situated persons,” said Kelly, who again asked the appeal’s court for affirmation of the lower court’s decision. O se va’aiga i le taimi ua vala’auina ai le Nofo le tofa le Launatausala Fa’agau S. Lefiti ina ia ulufale i le ava o le usualele a le Itumalo ma Samoa na poto i le Laoa i Vainiu e tapa ipu ai i lona [ata:Leua Aiono Frost] itumalo. Fa’afotuova’aulu le Tofa le Launatausala Fa’agau S. Savea Lefiti tusia: Leua Aiono Frost Le Komesina o Leoleo ia William E. Haleck ma le afioga i le Kovana Sili ia Moliga Moliga, i le taimi na asia ai e le Kovana le nofoaga o le toese i Tafuna i le aso Lulu na te’a nei. [ata: AF] ➧ HALECK: O LEOLEO… Continued from page 1 Na ia faaalia atili e faapea, e i ai leoleo o le falepuipui o lo o faia i ai ni suesuega faalotoifale a le matagaluega (Internal Investigations) ona o tuuaiga o lo o aafia ai latou, ma e le o toe umi se taimi ae mae’a suesuega o lo o faia, ona laa atu loa lea o le matagaluega mo le faia i ai o sana faaiuga, fuafua i se ripoti o le a tuuina atu i suesuega o lo o faia. Ae mo le taimi nei e pei ona saunoa Haleck, e toatasi le isi leoleo o le toese ua faamalolo mai lana galuega, ma le isi toatasi ua faasala e malolo mo le 30 aso e aunoa ma se totogi, ae o lo o faagasolo lem pea suesuega i isi leoleo. E le’i faailoa mai e Haleck po o ai igoa o leoleo o lo o aafia i faaiuga e pei ona ia taua, ae ina ua fesiligia e le alii kovana poo i ai se gaioiga a le matagaluega o faia ina ia foia ai le toa laiti o le aufaigaluega o lo o galulue i le toese, na saunoa ai Haleck e faapea, e to’afitu leoleo fou mo le toese o lo o fuafua e amata a latou aoaoga i se taimi e le o toe mamao, o i latou ia o le a fesoasoani i le faafitauli o le le lava o le aufaigaluega o lo o i ai i le taimi nei. Feso’ota’i mai i le tusitala ia ausage@samoanews.com Na fa‘atumulia le laoa i Vainiu i le pa’ia o aiga i ona itu tetele ma ona itu taulagi, aua ua fa’afotuova’aulu le tofa le foe tu’ese i le Itu’au, le tofa le Launatausala, Fa’agau Lauluafetalai S. Lefiti i lona itumalo, le Itu’au Malosi, ia Novema 22, 2013. O le itula e 5:00 i le afiafi na poto ai uma aiga i le Malumalu Ekalesia Fa’apotopotoga Kerisiano i Amerika Samoa i Matu’u ma Faganeanea e molimauina le fa’apa’iaina o le nofo e le vasega o Faife’au tofia. Na masi’i fa’atasi mai lava i la’ua ma le afioga le Nofo Fanau. o le pa’ia lava lea i Gagamoe e afio ai le afioga le Ma’oputasi o le tama fa’asau a le faleagafulu, susu ai tei ma anoalo, susu le matua ma le nofo fanau, anoalo i fale ae tausi va’atele e lau fetalaiga Tuaolo o le na faleagafulu i ai le motu ma le Falefa ma le mamalu o le Launiu na saelua. Na mua i malae le masi’i fa’aaloalo a le aiga Sa Lefiti mai le Manu’atele, aua o le tupuga lea o le tofa Fa’agau Lefiti, ma sa tula’i ai le Tofa le To’oto’o Fofo Sunia e molita’i fa’aaloaloga ma tapenaga sa ma’au i ai le pa’ia o aiga i lea lava taeao fou i Vainiu. O le ava o le usualele a le itumalo ma Samoa na atoa i Vainiu i lea taeao manino, sa agaia lea e le itumalo a le Itu’au, na folafola ava ma toe pule ava le tofa Fa’amatuainu Iakopo Lefiti, ae pule ‘ava a le itumalo e le tofa Taufete’e John Faumuina. O le tofa le Tama Matua Savea Tavita sa ia malo i le sivaloa ma le fa’atau pa’ia ae a se upu mo le fa’anofonofo i lona aso iloga i le itumalo. Ua atoa nei le 45 tausaga o le soifua o le Nofo, peita’i, ua mae’a lelei ana tautua iloga i le tatou malo e ala i lana tautua mo le 20 tausaga ile Fuava’a po’o le Navy. Ina ua taliu mai i aiga ua mae’a lea tautua, sa talosaga ai e fia faigaluega i le Matagaluega Pulea Tagata Faigaluega a le tatou malo, ma sa fa’akonekarate ai, ma fa’aaoga ai lona tikeri ‘Masters in Human Resources Management,’ sa ia sailia a’o auauna i le fuava’a a le Malo tele. I le taimi nei, ua ave lana fa’amuamua i lana auaunaga lenei i lona tofi matai, ma ua faia lana filifiliga o le a le toe tautua i se isi tofiga fa’alemalo! I lana auaunaga i lana Ekalesia Fa’apotopotoga Kerisiano i Matuu ma Faganeanea, na soifua mai lava i ona tua’a ma papatiso ai a’o la’ititii, avea ma talavou i le autalavou, totino i le aufaipese, avea fo’i ma Peresetene o le Autalavou i lona tula’i mai i na vaitau, ua avea nei ma Tiakono o le Ekalesia, ma ua fa’ae’e fo’i ia te le tofiga fa’aletausaga o le Failautusi o le Ekalesia i Matu’u ma ua avea i la’ua ma le Tausi ma Tiakono o le Ekalesia. O lana tautua i lona aiga ma le Afio’aga i Matu’u ma Faganeanea sa amata mai i le avea ai ma tale’ale’a i le Aumaga ao le’i tu’ua le atunu’u ma avea ma fitafita o le Navy a le Inaite Setete o Amerika. Ina ua litaea ma taliu mai sa fa’aea i ai aiga i le suafa, “Lauluafetalai” ma sa tautua ai i lona Aiga Sa Savea i Matu’u ma lona aiga Sa Fa’agau i Faganeanea. Peita’i, lea ua toe tasi moemoe finagalo o aiga, ina ia nofo mai i le suafa Fa’agau mo aiga. O le tautua a lona Tausi Norma Jean Lefiti sa muai avea ai o ia o se Faia’oga i le ASCC i lona fa’ailoga Masters in Business Administration in Accounting peita’i, ua suia nei ma ua avea o ia ma Financial Manager i le Tri Marine, le kamupani i’a fou ua suia nei le Samoa Packing. O a’oa’oga a le tofa Fa’agau Lefiti sa amatalia lava i Matafao Elementary, soso’o ai ma a’oa’oga maualuga i Samoana High ma fa’au’u ai i le tausaga 1986, ae fa’ai’u ai ina ulufale i le US Navy ma litaea mai ai ina ua mae’a le 20 tausaga o lana tautua. A’o i ai i la’ua i totonu o le Navy, sa fa’aaogaina tatau taimi e sailia ai tusi pasi maualuluga ua agava’a ai nei i la’ua ma le tausi i faiva ua litaea mai ma faigaluega ai nei. E to’alua o la’ua aloali’i o Pu’ela Shawnde Lefiti ma Lene Shaquille Lefiti. samoa news, Saturday, December 7, 2013 Page 15 ➧ NEWS IN BRIEF… a statement thanked the Terrys and said he is looking into how the mistake happened. Smoke in W.Va. school sends 37 people to hospitals TUNNELTON, W.Va. (AP) — A northern West Virginia business was burning material illegally in its outdoor furnace and the smoke drifted into a nearby elementary school Friday, sending 37 people to hospitals, authorities said. Preston County Assistant Superintendent Craig Schmidl said classes were dismissed at Tunnelton-Denver Elementary School. In a news release, the Preston County emergency services office said it received a call at 10:38 a.m. that a few students in one of the classrooms were having respiratory problems. After rescue units arrived, the number of patients “took a dramatic increase.” They were taken to four area hospitals Schmidl said many of the students taken to the hospital were in one of two modular units adjacent to the school’s main building. Smoke from the furnace got pulled into the school’s ventilation system. Schmidl said he didn’t know the name of the business and that authorities were looking into the possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning, although the cause remained under investigation. State Dept. of Environmental Protection spokesman Tom Aluise said an air quality inspector “confirmed that illegal material was being burned in the furnace.” Continued from page 13 Director Zhang Yimou sued for too many children BEIJING (AP) — Famed Chinese film director Zhang Yimou is being sued by two lawyers for breaking China’s one-child policy, in what they say is a protest against rich people flouting the rules. Jia Fangyi said Friday he and Guo Chengxi want Zhang to pay 1 billion yuan ($164 million) in compensation for the use of public services and as a punishment. Although Zhang already faces a fine that could run into the millions of dollars, Jia said. People caught breaking China’s family planning policy must pay a “social compensation fee” based on their annual income. Zhang, who directed “House of Flying Dragons” and “Hero,” admitted Sunday to having three children with his wife, Chen Ting. Local authorities in the eastern city of Wuxi, where his wife is from, said the births came without approval and before the two were married. Holmes defense wants sanity hearing to be held in secret DENVER (AP) — Attorneys for Colorado theater shooting defendant James Holmes are asking the judge to bar the public and media from hearing pretrial testimony from the psychiatrist who evaluated Holmes’ sanity. A motion filed Friday says Holmes’ right to an impartial jury would be harmed if the public hears the testimony. The judge hasn’t ruled on the request. Holmes pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity to charges of killing 12 people and injuring 70 in a suburban Denver movie theater in 2012. Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty. Holmes underwent a mandatory sanity evaluation last summer. The conclusions haven’t been made public, but prosecutors are asking for further evaluation. The two sides are scheduled to argue the request at a hearing later this month. The defense wants that hearing held in secret. Vehicles For Sale ANZ Guam, Inc. - American Samoa has the following vehicles for sale 1999 Toyota Tacoma Pick up Minimum Bid: $2,200.00 2002 Toyota Highlander Minimum Bid: $2,000.00 2002 Nissan Frontier Pick Up Minimum Bid: $2,500.00 Sealed bids are invited for the purchase of the above vehicles on an “as is” basis. Vehicles may be inspected at ANZ Guam, Inc. Americn Samoa (Tafuna Branch) on November 06, 2013 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Please address all bids to: ANZ Guam, Inc. - American Samoa Asset Management Unit P.O. Box 3790 Pago Pago American Samoa 96799 Bids close at 4:00 p.m. on December 10, 2013 For more information contact: Naomi Fale, Isara Uelese or Peni Meleisea at 633-1151 ext 362 or 341 ™ 48 We live in your world... CHANNEL * (E) English Subtitles * (L)-Live Programming/News * (R)-Rerun ➧ Amio valea… Mai itulau 1 Na taua e lona toalua i lana molimau e faapea, o le ua molia o se tama e tausi aiga lelei, e faamoemoeina i totonu o le aiga, e loto alofa fo’i i lana fanau. E anoanoa’i isi itu lelei na faailoa e le fafine i luma o le faamasinoga e faatatau i lona toalua, ma faaiu ai loa lana faatoesega i lona talosagaina o se isi avanoa e toe fo’i atu ai lona toalua i lo latou aiga. Na finau le loia a le malo ina ia faasala le ua molia i le faasalaga pito sili ona mamafa o lo o faamanino mai e le tulafono. Saunoa le alii faamasino sili ia Michael Kruse e faapea, o le solitulafono ua ta’usala ai le ua molia, o se solitulafono pito sili lea ona matuia i totonu o Amerika Samoa, e pei ona faamamafa mai e le Fono Faitulafono. O tuuaiga faasaga i le ua molia, na alia’e mai ina ua ia taumafai e tagofia itutinosa o ana grand daughters e to’alua na aumai na te faatamafaiina, ma avea ai loa ma itu na o ese ai tamaitai mai lo latou aiga ae aga’i atu i le fale o le latou faifeau ma faailoa i ai le mea ua tupu, ma mafua ai loa ona oo atu le mataupu i le ofisa o leoleo. Saunoa Kruse e faapea, o le itu e pito sili ai ona matuia ai ituaiga solitulafono nei, o le aafia ai o fanau e laiti i lalo o le tulafono, aemaise lava i latou e i lalo o le 12 tausaga. *Note: If you need this Schedule, e-mail <hyunhwilee@gmail.com>. and I will send it to you every week!” “TRUTH of DOKDO!” <http://www.truthofdokdo.com> <http://www.forthenexgeneration.com> NATIONAL PACIFIC INSURANCE LIMITED “Working with the Community” TEL: 633-4266 • FAX: 633-2964 Page 16 samoa news, Saturday, December 7, 2013 GRAND OPENING MANU’A STORE (Malaeimi location) • Saturday, Dec. 7, 2013 • Doors open at 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. Come celebrate with us! C M Y K C M Y K New shipment has arrived. • Get your Christmas decorations, lights, Santa hats here • Largest selection of fabric on island • Housewares • Kitchenwares • Toiletries • Uniforms • Clothes • Shoes • Toys • Bingo supplies • Accessories • Handicrafts • • • • • School supplies Luggages and suitcases Hats Linens and towels Floral items (baskets, vases, foam, artificial flowers) • Car seat covers • Name Brands: Apple Bottoms, Rocawear, Ed Hardy, Dickies, Disney, Hello Kitty • Sunglasses • Candies and snacks …and so much more THIS IS YOUR ONE-STOP-SHOP • THREE CONVENIENT LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU PAGO PAGO (MHJ Building) Hours: 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. M-Sat TAFUNA INDUSTRIAL PARK Hours: 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. M-Sat
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