Immigration board nominees must prove their AS


Immigration board nominees must prove their AS
24 Days to go 2 nd
APRIL 12-13, 2013
Agriculture director
nominee confirmed
in the House… 3
Puerto Rico downs
Japan, reaches its
first WBC final B1
Sapaia Senate fuafuaga
a le ‘Community Bank’
a Amerika Samoa’ 10
As part of the celebration of the American
Samoa Red Cross’s 90 years serving the people
of American Samoa, the ARCAS (American
Red Cross American Samoa) yesterday held a
prayer service at the Calvary Chapel in Lepuapua, Leone led by Reverend Siaosi Mageo. Gov. Lolo M. Moliga and the late Ms.
Faauuga Afoa Lutu Achica received honorary
volunteer awards for their Red Cross service,
during the prayer service. Achica’s award was
accepted by her daughter Donna, for 20 years
of service as a chairperson of ARCAS. Government officials and members of the
[Photo JL]
public attended the service.
online @
Daily Circulation 7,000
Monday, March 18, 2013
Pothole relief soon Immigration board nominees
Tualauta reps say must prove their AS ancestry
by Joyetter Feagaimaali’i-Luamanu, Samoa News Reporter The two Tualauta House representatives continue to push
for work on the territory’s deteriorating roads, and if all goes
according to plan, the second phase of the resurfacing project
routing from Fagaima Road to Ottoville will start this week,
while a request for a ‘thorough and detailed’ report and update
on the Airport Road project to the governor will be in a resolution to be passed by the House.
House Rep. Larry Sanitoa says the Director of Public Works
Faleosina Voight, following his inquiries on the status of road
repairs in Tualauta, said in an email sent to him on Mar. 15,
last Friday, that DPW has submitted to the Federal Highway
Administration the plans, specifications and estimate for the
repairs, and they are now waiting for the FHWA approval.
She said the bid has been sent to the contractor (McConnell Dowell) and they are awaiting the contractor’s submittal
and final negotiations. It is a sole source request,which has
been approved by the FHWA; however Procurement has yet
to approve it — pending the final negotiated cost.
Voight also noted that DPW is currently working with the
contractor to start submitting the erosion, quality and traffic
control plans, materials to be used so the review and approval
process can start and will not hold up the issuance of the
Notice to Proceed (NTP). All parties involved understand the
urgency of this project and are working diligently to kick off
this project within a week, she told Sanitoa.
Sanitoa said that has received confirmation from Mr. Basil
Ake of McConnell Dowell that they will be starting sometime
next week, pending final approval, “and we’ll definitely see
progress. He listed the areas that are on the 2nd Phase of the
(Continued on page 15)
No vote until proof is presented, incl. resumes
by Fili Sagapolutele
Samoa News Correspondent
For the first time in recent history, the Senate
Judiciary Committee is requiring ASG Immigration Board nominees to prove they are either
US Nationals or citizens of American Samoan
ancestry and to provide their resumes.
Chairman Sen. Soliai Tuipine Fuimaono told
the nominees who appeared before his committee last Friday that the Senate will not vote
on any of the five nominees until the committee
receives a copy of their passports, birth certificates and ID to show where they were born. He
also asked for their resumes.
Only three of the Governor’s five nominees
to the Immigration Board appeared for the confirmation hearing on Friday - Rev. Fred Mamea,
Sherry Butler and Moetulu’i Sipili Fuiava. All
three told the committee they were born in
American Samoa.
No reason was given for the other two nominees, Frank Gaisoa and Rev. Aneterea Misioka’s, absence.
Soliai also announced his committee will
delay reporting the names of the three nominees present, to the full Senate membership for
a vote, until the absent nominees complete their
— not yet scheduled — confirmation hearing.
At the start of Friday’s 45-minute hearing,
Soliai instructed committee members to focus
the hearing solely on the board nominations
since the Senate had already rejected the
Administration bill, which sought to increase
board members from five to nine.
Soliai reminded the committee, as well as the
witnesses [nominees], of the local statute that
currently states only “nationals of the United
States of American Samoan ancestry” qualify
to be a board member.
Rev Mamea was asked the same question
posed to him during his House confirmation
hearing — about sponsoring foreigners.
His response was the same — he sponsors
his wife and wife’s sister and four Chinese
nationals who have since been informed by
letter they need to find a new sponsor, because
he can no longer be the sponsor due to his new
appointment to the Immigration Board. He
added that Chinese nationals use his church for
their services and they asked him to sponsor
these four Chinese people.
(The House initially rejected Mamea’s nomination, 10 to 9 but Rep. Florence Saulo moved
to reconsider the vote at a later time. It is unclear
(Continued on page 15)
More than a gesture, ASPA and TEO pledge to work together
On Friday morning at the American Samoa Power Authority (ASPA) compound in
Tafuna, the Acting Director of the Territorial Energy Office (TEO) Tim Jones (far left)
presented a new 100% all electric car to ASPA CEO Utu Abe Malae (center). To share in
the significance and importance of this gesture was the Director of the American Samoa
Environmental Protection Agency (ASEPA) Ameko Pato (far right).
Jones, who spoke with Samoa News said, “In the not so distant past, ASPA and the
TEO have not been in full cooperation. Today, under the new administration, ASPA and
the TEO are in complete agreement that any difference of the past between the two departments must be left in the past,” said Jones. He went on to say, “Today, we begin working
together closely on energy and power for the future of American Samoa and all past issues
are put aside and are gone for good. I have declared today to both ASPA and the public
on behalf of the TEO and in respect for Governor Lolo Moliga’s mandates that TEO and
ASPA are clear of past grievances and personality conflict. We are working together as
trusted partners towards a common goal,” explained Jones.
He said that goal is lowering the cost of utilities by means of local renewable resources
and technology. Jones continued that the TEO is happy to present to the ASPA CEO in
conjunction with fellow energy teammate EPA Director Ameko Pato, an electric green
energy car “as a symbol of our commitment to not only renewable energy, but to work
together in the best interests of the public.” He also commented that he has already started
plans to revitalize the American Samoa Renewable Energy Committee (ASREC) and the
first plan of action, after the governor approves the ASREC Board, will be to complete the
[courtesy photo]
American Samoa Renewable Energy Strategic Plan.
Page 2
samoa news, Monday, March 18, 2013
by Joyetter Feagaimaali’i-Luamanu
Samoa News Reporter
Britain’s Kate the Duchess of Cambridge receives flowers from a
little girl at the 1st Battalion Irish Guards’ St Patrickís Day Parade
at Mons Barracks in Aldershot, England, Sunday, March 17, 2013.
Kate presenting the sprigs of shamrocks to the regiment Sunday, follows a century-old tradition inaugurated by Queen Alexandra, the
wife of the then King, Edward VII back in 1901. (AP Photo/Matt Dunham)
Public Safety Officer Vaughn Sagapolutele
will make his initial appearance in the District
Court on a criminal summons today to face misdemeanor charges.
The charges stem from a criminal investigation launched after allegations of Sagapolutele
disturbing the public peace at his ex-wife’s
house while on duty, and using a police vehicle
to get to the scene. This was confirmed by
Acting Police Commissioner Leiseau Laumoli.
According to the victim’s statement leaked
to Samoa News about the incident, the officer
was upset about an earlier exchange he had with
his ex-wife via email. The officer, who is stationed at the Tafuna West Substation, got into
the police vehicle and drove to Pago Pago with
another police officer.
It’s alleged the officer, upon arriving at
his ex-wife’s house was swearing, and this
prompted the woman to contact the police
station in Fagatogo for assistance. However,
before police arrived at the scene, the officer
took off in the police vehicle.
Following several requests for continuances
in a sex case, Chief Justice Michael Kruse has
set it for jury trial. During the last pretrial conference for Kaio Levao, who allegedly touched
a woman inappropriately, the government and
defense asked for two continuances noting that
plea negotiations in the case are ongoing.
Levao 45, is charged with sexual abuse first
degree, third degree assault and public peace
disturbance. Kruse informed the parties in this
case, the matter is set for jury trial and if there
are any new developments in this case, they can
file a motion indicating that with the court .
The defendant, who is behind bars on bail
of $10,000, is represented by Assistant Public
Defender Leslie Cardin, while prosecuting is
Deputy Attorney General Mitzie Jessop.
According to the government’s case a
19-year-old female filed a complaint of being
sexually assaulted by Levao, when she went to
return videos to a store in Fagatogo. According to the government’s case, Levao
told police that he thought that because the
victim had already given birth, it was okay for
him to touch her inappropriately. He admitted
to touching the victim in both incidents. The
jury trial has been scheduled on Jan. 14, 2014.
A man, who allegedly walked into a store,
opened the cash register and took off with over
$1,000, is scheduled to have his plea agreement
hearing today. Ieremia Cameron is charged with
stealing and public peace disturbance.
Details of the plea have yet to be revealed,
however it has been signed by all parties and
will be announced today in open court.
According to the government’s case, the
defendant was accompanied by another male
who faces only misdemeanor charges. The
store’s video footage shows the two defendants
at the store counter buying a soda, but after they
counted their coins several times, they told the
cashier that they did not have enough. It’s while
the cashier was walking around the counter that
Cameron pressed the cash register and grabbed
the stack of $20 bills and took off.
McClusky Fagata Jr., also known as Lasi,
and his brother Joe Fa’agata, charged with
second degree assault, a class D felony punishable up to five years in jail, a fine of up to
$5,000 or both, following a fight that occurred
last week in Fagatogo, have denied the charges
against them when they appeared in the High
Court last Friday for arraignment.
The pair appeared before Associate Justice
Lyle L Richmond, where they both entered a
not guilty plea, and waived their rights to the
reading of charges. The brothers are represented
by the Public Defender’s office in this case.
Court filings say that on Feb. 25, 2013 a man
rushed to the police station reporting a fight.
Police responded to the call and when they
chased the defendants, it’s alleged Joe tackled
one of the police officers. The victim told police
they were eating at the boat house in Fagatogo
when Lasi approached them and challenged
them to a fight.
Court filings say, Lasi left and returned with
his brother Joe, who then threw beer bottles at
them and started punching them.
The second victim corroborates the statement of the first victim. The second victim sustained multiple abrasions on his leg, a two centimeter laceration and bruises on his face and a
laceration on his finger.
Prosecuting this matter is Assistant Attorney
General Kimberly Hyde.
Duchess: Hoping for baby
boy, William wants a girl
LONDON (AP) — The Duchess of Cambridge said Sunday
that she doesn’t know the sex of her first child — but she hopes
it’s a boy. Her husband Prince William, however, would prefer
a girl. The former Kate Middleton, who is five months pregnant,
made the revelation to a soldier at a St. Patrick’s Day ceremony
honoring the Irish Guards.
”I asked her ‘do you know if it’s a girl or boy?’ and she said
‘not yet,’” said Guardsman Lee Wheeler. “She said ‘I’d like to
have a boy and William would like a girl.’”
Wheeler said the duchess told him the couple had not settled
on names for the baby, who will be third in line to the British
throne. The duchess wore a green dress coat and a shamrock lapel
pin as she presented sprigs of shamrock to soldiers in the annual
ceremony at a barracks in Aldershot, southern England. She also
pinned a spring on the collar of the regiment’s mascot, an Irish
wolfhound named Domhnall.
Kate suffered a minor mishap when one of her high heels
became briefly stuck in a drainage grille. The duchess leaned on
her husband as she wrenched it loose.
The royal St. Patrick’s Day tradition was started by Queen
Alexandra, the wife of King Edward VII, in 1901.
(all ANSWERs on page 14)
Agri. director nominee
confirmed in the House
by Joyetter Feagaimaali’i-Luamanu
Samoa News Reporter
The Ulu summit, Agriculture Office in
Manu’a, cocoa plantation, assistance for farmers
and issues pertaining to the market place were
brought up during Lealao Melila Purcell’s confirmation hearing in the House of Representatives last week.
The hearing was held the day before the vote,
with the Government Operations Committee
chaired by Faimealelei Anthony Allen. Lealao
was unanimously confirmed in the House of
Representatives in a vote of 15-0.
Rep. Fagasoiai Lealaitafea commended
Lealao for the positive changes he’s made for
the betterment of the Agriculture Department
but cautioned the nominee to be mindful of his
subordinates because they are underpaid for the
hard work they do. He also urged compassion
“…when it comes to the farmers and assist them
in any way your department can.”
Manu’a faipule Fetu Fetui Jr. also pointed out
Agriculture’s underpaid employees and chided
Lealao for neglecting Manu’a since his appointment as director.
“You have done nothing to assist the people in
Manu’a. The employees of this department who
have been working for more than 20 years, are
only making $8,000 to $10,000 and this should
change… be attentive of your subordinates
because it’s these people who are carrying out
the job on the daily basis,” he said. Fetu urged
Lealao to have a heart for the Manu’a people
and make it his priority to look in the issues pertaining to Manu’a involving Agriculture.
Lealao claimed there are plans already in
place for the Agriculture employees in Manu’a
which have been revealed to the governor.
He testified that taro for planting in Ofu and
Olosega have been distributed, but their goal is
to have a taro plantation in Ta’u and within two
weeks he will head to Manu’a to assess these
plantations, with plans to have another plantation near Manu’a High School, given that there
are findings from the USDA for these projects.
Rep. Vaetasi Tuumolimoli Saena Moliga
asked which department the Market place is
under and where the funds from the market fees
and leases go.
Lealao explained the market is overseen by
three departments — the Department of Commerce, which funded the market, the Department of Marine Wildlife Resources and the
Department of Agriculture. He said the DMWR
Director does not wish to be affiliated with the
market place anymore, given that hardly anyone
sells fish at the fish market; the businesses and
restaurants are overseen by DOC while, DOA
manages the farmers, who sell fresh produce.
Lealao said he believes there should only be
one department that oversees the market place
and this is something he will definitely look into.
He said that the funds collected from businesses are deposited into an account overseen
by the DOC, and the money from the farmers
are deposited into the Market’s Enterprise Fund.
However, since the new governor took over,
he has canceled the account under DOC and
instructed all the monies be deposited into the
Market’s Enterprise Fund.
Vaetasi urged Lealao to consider hiring more
employees for the DOA in Manu’a, because
there is a lot of land available in Manu’a for
plantations and also for new developments. He
opined that maybe DOA should look into having
a piggery farm with sows from Samoa.
(Continued on page 14)
samoa news, Monday, March 18, 2013 Page 3
China becomes the world’s
fifth largest arms exporter
STOCKHOLM (AP) — China has bypassed Britain as the
world’s fifth largest arms exporter, a Swedish think tank said
Monday. The volume of Chinese weapons exports rose by 162
percent in the five years 2008-2012, compared to the previous
five-year period, the Stockholm International Peace Research
Institute said in its report. That means China’s share of all international arms exports increased to 5 percent from 2 percent, and
the country climbed to fifth from eighth in the rankings.
The largest buyer of Chinese weapons was Pakistan, which
accounted for 55 percent of the country’s exports, followed by
Myanmar with 8 percent and Bangladesh with 7 percent, SIPRI
said. “China’s rise has been driven primarily by large-scale arms
acquisitions by Pakistan,” said Paul Holtom, director of the SIPRI
Arms Transfers Programme. “However, a number of recent deals
indicate that China is establishing itself as a significant arms supplier to a growing number of important recipient states.”
Such deals include the sale of three frigates to Algeria, eight
transport aircraft to Venezuela and 54 tanks to Morocco, SIPRI
said. The U.S. remains the world’s top arms exporter during the
2008-2012 period, with 30 percent of the global volume. Russia
is second with 26 percent, Germany third with 7 percent, and
France fourth with 6 percent, SIPRI said.
China’s move into the top-five means Britain (now in sixth
place) dropped off the list of the top five for the first time since
at least 1950, the earliest year covered by SIPRI data.
The institute said Asia dominated the global imports of
weapons, with the top five importers all located in that region.
Here’s SIPRI’s list of the top 5 arms exporters in 2008-2012
(share of international exports in parenthesis):
1. United States (30 percent).
2. Russia (26).
3. Germany (7).
4. France (6).
5. China (5).
The top 5 arms importers in 2008-2012 (share of international imports in parenthesis):
1. India (12 percent).
2. China (6).
3. Pakistan (5).
4. South Korea (5).
5. Singapore (4).
If so, you should plan to attend a free public seminar hosted by the American Samoa Women’s Business Center in conjunction
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Page 4
samoa news, Monday, March 18, 2013
Legal Notice
If You Purchased
and/or Paid for
Flonase or Generic Flonase
A Class Action Settlement
Could Affect You
A proposed Settlement has been reached in a class action
lawsuit regarding the prescription nasal spray Flonase. The
lawsuit claims that the seller of Flonase violated state laws by
delaying the availability of generic versions of Flonase. The
seller is SmithKline Beecham Corporation doing business as
GlaxoSmithKline (“GSK”). GSK denies it has done anything
wrong but agreed to the Settlement to resolve the controversy
and to avoid the cost and expense of further litigation.
No one is claiming that Flonase or its generic equivalent is
unsafe or ineffective.
Who is included?
You are a Consumer Class Member if you:
•Purchased and/or paid for Flonase and/or its generic
(fluticasone propionate nasal spray) if you were:
(a) An uninsured consumer who paid the entire cost of the
prescription, or
(b) An insured consumer who made a co-payment or other
partial out-of-pocket payment, or paid the entire cost
because you had not met a deductible amount under your
health plan.
What does the Settlement Provide?
GSK will pay $35 million into a Settlement Fund to settle
all claims in the lawsuit brought on behalf of consumers
A group of TPPs called Settling Health Plans (“SHPs”)
also settled with GSK under a separate agreement for $11
million. To make sure their payments were approximately
payments from or contribute payments to the Class Settlement
Class Counsel will ask the Court to award attorneys’ fees in
an amount not to exceed one-third of the Settlement Fund,
plus interest, litigation expenses and incentive payments to
the Class Representatives. After these deductions and any
will be distributed pro rata to Class Members.
What can I get from the Settlement?
The amount of money you are eligible to receive will depend
on how much you paid for Flonase and generic Flonase and
on how much other Class Members and SHPs paid and/or
How do I get a payment?
Submit a Claim Form by August 15, 2013. See below.
What are my other rights?
If you do not want to be legally bound by the Settlement, you
must exclude yourself from the Settlement. The exclusion
deadline is May 3, 2013. If you stay in the Settlement you
will not be able to sue GSK for any claims relating to the
Settlement. You will be bound by all the Court’s orders.
by May 3, 2013.
The Court will hold a hearing on June 3, 2013 at 10:30 a.m.
to consider whether to approve the Settlement and a request
for attorneys’ fees, expenses and incentive awards. The Court
has appointed attorneys to represent the Class. You or your
own lawyer may ask to appear and speak at the hearing at
your own expense.
Call Toll-Free: 1-800-549-1836
Tasi Miller, daughter of Harry and Monica Miller addresses the crowd on Friday evening at
Ta’alolo Lodge at the fundraiser organized for her father by members of the Samoa Musicians Association. Thanking them from her heart, she then performed a traditional siva Samoa. Fagafaga (r)
served as master of ceremonies for the evening, which was a huge success for the Miller family, as
[photo: tlh]
Harry is currently in New Zealand with wife Monica battling lung cancer.
SMA Fundraiser for Harry
Miller a night to remember
by Teri Hunkin, Samoa News staff
The stars came out on Friday, and they
weren’t just sparkling in the night sky. They
were also onstage at Ta’alolo Lodge— they
were the *stars* of the music scene here in
American Samoa, and they sang and played
their hearts out as only island musicians can.
It was fellowship, friendship, concern and
care rolled up into one big fundraiser for fellow
musician and entertainer, Harry Miller, and the
love and goodwill that put it all together was
evident and on display.
With energy and lots of heart, the many talented musicians and singers who shared the stage
delivered everything from old standards to Santana, from Hawaiian paniolo to the backwoods
bayou, from traditional Samoan sivas to rock and
good-old-fashioned-roll. They brought verve and
fun to a very special evening, as they entertained
an eclectic and appreciative crowd who danced,
clapped and sang with them into the wee hours of
the morning, and all for a good cause.
The event was planned quickly according to
Chande Lutu-Drabble, hostess extraordinaire
and owner of Ta’alolo Lodge & Golf Resort,
which has seen its share of great parties. She
told Samoa News that when she and fellow
entertainers heard, just last week, about the situation with their friend, they wanted to help, and
they wanted to do it soon.
Harry Miller, it’s fair to say, is a guitar legend
in these parts; his mellow jazz is his “forte” as
a fellow musician noted, and his bluesy rock
music is without peer. A few weeks ago at a
church function where he was lending his talents, he collapsed according to his daughter,
Tasi, who was there at Ta’alolo Lodge representing the family, along with one of her
brothers, Harry Jr. She spent the evening taking
pictures of well-wishers to send off to New Zealand, where Harry and his wife, Monica have
gone for medical care.
No stranger to care-giving through catastrophic illness, Chande took the lead, provided the venue, and sent out the word along
the coconut wireless. Along with the members
of the newly re-established Samoa Musicians
Association, she and many others lent their support and assistance to their fellow muse, their
island brother.
(Founded about 20 years ago, the first SMA
included just three women: Chande, Ruth
Tuiteleleapaga and Jennifer Joneson. When
Tuiteleleapaga read about the fundraiser online,
she immediately dispatched money to support
the event, according to organizers.)
Another well-known Samoan entertainer,
Dennis Ah Yek, called in with a sizeable donation. “It’s just who we are” said one local guest.
“We do these things, we help one another in
their hour of need.”
Knowing the financial strain which comes
with battling cancer, the musicians donated their
time, talents, energy, goodwill and money to the
fundraiser for Harry Miller.
Donations came from every corner of the
community, according to Chande, who said
many people immediately pitched in, and called
to see how they could help.
She noted three members of the SMA in particular, who were instrumental in putting it all
together: Si’uleo ‘Chico’ Pouesi, Doug Smith
and Ulale Pusi. She said that without their
help, the fundraiser wouldn’t have been the successful event it was. She also credited Sandra
King-Young and Alofia Lobendahn Afalava for
their steadfast help at the door.
Harry and Monica’s ‘church family’ of Fatuo-aiga shared the night with the musicians,
members of the media, artists, business leaders,
legislators, administration staff, sports enthusiasts, local military reps, and retirees.
GHC Reid & Co. Ltd., always with a heart
for the community, stepped up to donate beer,
water and soda for the event.
Others who should be noted for their contributions are Solop Hong of KS Mart, Gary Blizzard of Panamex and Tom Atkinson of CostU-Less, said Chande, who said that these were
among numerous businesses who donated, and
all will be gratefully acknowledged.
(Continued on page 14)
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samoa news, Monday, March 18, 2013 Page 5
WPFMC notes AmSam’s position as regional fisheries hub
Also notes current lack of docking space for longliners in Pago Harbor
UTULEI, American Samoa
— The Western Pacific Fishery
Management Council this past
Thursday concluded its three-day
meeting at the Lee Auditorium
with recommendations for the
management of federally regulated fisheries in the US Pacific
Islands. Regulatory recommendations made by the Council are
transmitted to the Secretary of
Commerce for final approval.
Among the key issues was
management of the American
Samoa longline fishery that
targets South Pacific albacore
tuna. Vessels from neighbor
countries, such as the Cook
Islands, also fish the same albacore stock and unload at the
canneries located in Pago Pago,
American Samoa. The overall
catch of the stock is reaching
maximum sustainable yield.
The Council recommended
that the American Samoa
fishery continue to cooperate
with the regional management arrangement Te Vaka
Moana (TVM), an agreement
among the fishery departments
of Cook Islands, Niue, Tonga,
Independent Samoa, Tokelau
and New Zealand. The Council
will work to secure observer
status for the American Samoa
government and the Council in
TVM meetings, with a goal of
strengthening the conservation
and management measures of
the Western and Central Pacific
Fishery Commission (WCPFC)
for the South Pacific albacore
fishery across the entire range
of the stock. The WCPFC measures apply only to areas south
of 20 degrees South.
The Council noted that the
proposal of the Cook Islands
Ministry of Marine Resources
to establish a Satellite Office in
Pago Pago reflects the importance of American Samoa as
a regional fisheries hub. The
Council will work with representatives of the American
Samoa and Cook Islands governments to establish the satellite
office so as to improve the Cook
Islands’ ability to monitor longline vessels fishing in the Cook
Islands that land their catch in
Pago Pago. The office will also
enhance domestic implementation of international compliance and monitoring obligations
stemming from the WCPFC.
The Council will also work
with the American Samoa
Department of Marine and
Wildlife Resources (DMWR)
and the US Fish and Wildlife
Service (USFWS) to identify an
immediate solution to the current lack of dock space in Pago
Pago Harbor for American
Samoa longline vessels.
In other matters affecting the
Territory of American Samoa,
the Council supported Governor Lolo Moliga’s request to
modify zone B (research zone)
on the island of Aunu’u so subsistence fishing can occur for
bottom-dwelling species and to
remove the notification requirement before fishing in zone A.
The Council also encouraged the American Samoa
Government to comment on
the proposed rule for fishing in
the Rose Atoll Marine National
Monument by the April 8, 2013,
comment period closing date.
The proposed regulations prohibit subsistence fishing in areas
0 to 12 miles around Rose Atoll.
The Council also made recommendations concerning protected species, the fisheries in
the Hawaii and Mariana Archipelagos, program planning and
administrative matters, including
the following among others:
• Proposed listing of 66 coral
species under the Endangered
Species Act (ESA): The Council
found that the determination
tool being used is biased toward
listing due to its heavy reliance
on high importance threats, lack
of credible structural logic, and
lack of methods to account for
uncertainty of information and
coral adaptability to threats and
requests The Council will ask
NMFS to consider an alternative determination tool. A
number of other scientific concerns include misidentification
of some coral species proposed
for listing likely resulting and
absence of quantitative abundance data and trends being for
Indo-Pacific coral species proposed for listing.
• WCPFC measures to
address Pacific-wide overfishing of bigeye tuna: The
Council recommended that
NMFS develop a proposal to
cap vessel capacity in the purseseine and longline fisheries in
the Western and Central Pacific
Ocean and develop a proposal
that considers spatial management options for the longline
fisheries targeting bigeye tuna,
specifically taking into account
the fishing locations of the
Hawai’i longline fishery which
is predominately in areas with
low fishing mortality levels.
• Mariana skipjack resource
assessment: The Council will
request that the NMFS Office
of Law Enforcement provide
the Council with catch information from foreign vessel incursion cases that have occurred in
the Western Pacific Region and
that all catches from such illegal
fishing activities be assessed
and evaluated.
• Main Hawaiian Islands
bottom fish: Several recommendations were made for
the fishery, including, among
others, that the chair of the
Department of Land and Natural
Resources be engaged regarding
the utility of the State’s Bottom
fish Restricted Fishing Areas
(BRFAs) in federal waters;
that the University of Hawaii
present the results of research
on larval dispersal between
main Hawaiian Islands (MHI)
and Northwestern Hawaiian
Islands (NWHI) to the Council’s Scientific and Statistical
Committee; and that Hawaii
Institute of Marine Biology continue its genetic studies to elucidate the connectivity of bottom
fish populations between the
NWHI, MHI, offshore banks,
and Johnston Atoll.
• Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle:
The Council expressed its disappointment regarding NMFS’
decision to conduct a global
status review of green turtles
in response to the petition to
designate the Hawaiian green
turtles as a distinct population
segment (DPS) and to delist the
DPS from the ESA. The decision by NMFS resulted in the
delay of the 12-month finding
publication. The decision of
whether to conduct a status
review directly responding to
the petition or in a broader context is at the discretion of the
agency rather than policy directive. The Council urged NMFS
and USFWS to expedite the
review by prioritizing the decision regarding the Hawaiian
green turtles and responding to
the petition in a timely manner.
The Council also voted to
restructure its Sea Turtle Advi(Continued on page 14)
Pago Pago American Samoa 96799
WHEREAS, Proclamation 5613 was signed in 1987 designating March as the “National Developmental Disability
Awareness Month” by former U.S. President Ronald Reagan; and
WHEREAS, American Samoa continues to celebrate and recognize people with developmental disabilities by the Governor
of American Samoa; and
WHEREAS, developmental disability is a natural part of the human experience and in no way diminishes the right of
individuals to live independently, enjoy self determination, make choices, contribute to society and participate fully in the
economic, political, social, cultural and educational mainstream of our society; and
WHEREAS, family members, friends and members of the community can play a central role in enhancing the lives of
people with disabilities, especially when the family and community are provided with necessary support services; and
public and private employers are aware of the capabilities of people with disabilities to be engaged in competitive work in
inclusive settings; and
WHEREAS, the goals of this Territory properly include providing individuals with developmental disabilities the
opportunities and support to make informed choices and decisions; live in homes and communities where such
individuals can exercise their full rights and responsibilities as citizens; pursue meaningful and productive lives;
contribute to their family, community, territory; have interdependent friendships and relationships with others; and
achieve full inclusion in society.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Lolo Matalasi Moliga, Governor of American Samoa, do hereby proclaim the Month of
March, 2013, as Developmental Disability Awareness Month in the Territory of American Samoa, and call upon our people
to observe the Month with appropriate programs and activities. Furthermore, I encourage the people of the Territory to
seek counsel and input from any person or group with knowledge and expertise in matters concerning disabilities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of my Office on this 15th day of February, in
the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen.
This ad is sponsored by the ASCC University Center for Excellence
on Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) - Advocacy, Inclusion, and
Governance for All (AIGA) Self-Advocacy Project funded under the
ASG Developmental Disabilities Planning Council (DDPC).
Governor of American Samoa
Page 6
samoa news, Monday, March 18, 2013
Matagaluega o Fefa’atauaiga, Faletupe o Atina’e o Amerika Samoa,
Sosaiete a Pisinisi o Amerika Samoa
Aso Faraile, Mati 22, 2013
Maota o Rex H. Lee (Fale Laumei), Utulei, Amerika Samoa
FA’AMOEMOE: Ia faia ni Talanoaga o Mataupu i Pisinisi mo le mamalu o le atunuu, ina ia lagolagoina le atina’eina o
pisinisi i le teritori o Amerika Samoa. O le uluai Talanoaga o loo fa’atulagaina e fa’atatau i le mataupu “E fa’apefea ona
amataina lau pisinisi i Amerika Samoa.” O vasega taitasi e faia i le gagana Samoa (8:45 i le taeao e oo i le 12:30 i le
aoauli) ma le gagana Peretania (12:35 i le aoauli e oo i le 4:45 i le afiafi). O lenei Talanoaga e faia i le aso atoa ma e
tatala mo le mamalu o le atunuu e aunoa ma le totogi. E maua foi le taumafa mama. Mo fasili valaau DOC 633-5155.
8:45 i le taeao e oo i le 12:30 i le aoauli: Vasega e faia i le Gagana Samoa.
O vasega taitasi e 20 minute le folasaga a le Failauga + 10 minute fesili ma tali = 30 minute le aofai o le taimi o
vasega taitasi
8:45 - 9 i le taeao: SAUNOAGA AMATA
Talosagaina o le Laisene Pisinisi ma le Pemita e Fa’aaoga ai Fanua
Failauga: Rachel Peters, Matagaluega o Fefa’atauaiga, Sui Vaega Laisene Pisinisi
Marvis Vaiaga’e, Matagaluega o Fefa’atauaiga, Taitai Vaega o Pemita e Fa’aaoga ai Fanua
Robert Koch, Matagaluega o Fefa’atauaiga, Taitai o le GIS
9:45- 10:15 i le taeao: FA’ATULAGAINA O PISINISI
Ituaiga Pisinisi: Pisinisi a le tagata e toatasi, pisinisi e faipa’aga, pisinisi fai siea, fa’alapotopotoga e leai se porofiti
Failauga: Fainu’ulelei L.P.F. Ala’ilima-Utu, Loia o le Faletupe o Atina’e o Amerika Samoa
10:30- 11:00 i le taeao: FESOASOANI MAI FALETUPE
Failauga: Ruth Matagi, Fa’atonu Ofisa Nonogatupe o le Faletupe o Atina’e o Amerika Samoa
Tasi Scanlon, Fa’atonu Ofisa Nonogatupe o le Faletupe o ANZ
11:15- 11:45 i le taeao: O FEA E MAUA AI A’OA’OGA I LE FA’ATUINA O SE PISINISI
Failauga: Herbert Thweatt, Fa’atonu o le Ofisa mo le Atina’eina o Pisinisi Laiti, Kolisi Tuufa’atasi o Amerika Samoa
12:00- 12:30 i le aoauli: LAFOGA O PISINISI
Taua o le maopopo o Tala o Tupe o le pisinisi ma le totogiina o Lafoga o Pisinisi.
Failauga: Pemerika Suemai, Teutupe, Faletupe o Atina’e o Amerika Samoa
Maryann Laurenson, ASG TAx Office
samoa news, Monday, March 18, 2013 Page 7
Department of Commerce (DOC), Development Bank of American Samoa
(DBAS), and American Samoa Chamber of Commerce (ASCOC)
Friday March 22, 2013
Rex H. Lee Auditorium, Utulei
PURPOSE: To provide innovative business workshops to the community in an effort to support private enterprise and
entrepreneurship opportunities in the Territory. This first workshop will be on “How to start a business in the Territory.”
Each topic will be presented in Samoan (morning session) and English (afternoon session). This one-day workshop is
open to the public at no cost. Light refreshments will be provided. For more information, please contact DOC at 633-5155
12:35pm - 4:45pm
20 min. presentation + 10 min. Q&A = 30 min. total
12:35pm – 12:45pm
12:45pm - 1:15pm
The Business License Process
The Land-Use Permit Process
1:30pm - 2:00pm
Rachel Peters, DOC Business License Analyst
Marvis Vaiaga’e, PNRS Coordinator
Robert Koch, GIS Manager
Types of business structure - Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Corporation, Non-Profit, etc.
Fainu’ulelei Ala’ilima-Utu, DBAS Legal Counsel
2:30pm - 3:00pm
Ruth Matagi, DBAS Loan Manager
Antonina Sue, DBAS Commercial Loan Officer
Tasi Scanlon, ANZ Commercial Loan Manager
3:30pm - 4:00pm
Herbert Thweatt, Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Executive Director
4:15pm - 4:45pm
Importance of good financial record keeping
Filing Business Taxes
Pemerika Su’emai, CFO Development Bank of American Samoa (DBAS)
Maryann Laurenson, ASG TAx Office
Page 8
samoa news, Monday, March 18, 2013
Federal court wants status
report on the Haleck land
dispute filed in High Court
by Fili Sagapolutele
Samoa News Correspondent
First Lady Cynthia M. Moliga (front and center) holds a leg
brace made for one of the very young patients at Shriners Hospital for Children in Honolulu. The braces are custom-made
there at the hospital. She visited the hospital during the layover
in Honolulu as she and the governor were returning from Washington D.C. With her (l-r) unidentified man, Mrs. Moliga,
Bruce Holmberg Chairman of the Board for the hospital and
[courtesy photo]
Mrs. Lydia Hannemann.
Following a hearing last
Wednesday, the federal court
in Washington D.C. has now
stayed any further proceedings
on the Haleck family lawsuit
against U.S. Secretary of Interior Kenneth Salazar over the
Haleck family’s 23.25 acres
Naumati land in the Ottoville
Lowland Forest in the territory.
The family filed the civil
suit last year against Salazar, in
his individual capacity as Interior Department Secretary, but
the U.S. Attorney’s Office —
representing Salazar, moved to
dismiss the lawsuit, claiming
among other things, “lack
of matter jurisdiction” and
“failure to state a claim upon
which relief can be granted.”
Attorneys for both sides
then filed several responses
back and forth, and in January
the attorney for the plaintiffs
requested an oral hearing on
the defendant’s motion to dismiss the complaint, insisting
this long standing legal issue
is best addressed by the courts
in American Samoa and that
the Haleck family has not even
reached the appeal stages in the
local courts.
The Wednesday hearing
was based on defendant’s
motion to provide oral arguments that would clearly
address certain issues over the
case, but specific details from
the court hearing were not
immediately available through
$ 600.00
$ 300.00
$ 100.00
633-2835 OR 633-2836
court documents.
A two-page court decision provided some details
regarding the outcome of the
hearing — wherein U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G.
Sullivan “ordered that plaintiffs’
claims against defendant are
dismissed without prejudice.”
(This means suing Salazar
in his personal capacity as
Interior Secretary is dismissed
for now, but plaintiffs can still
re-file the suit later against the
defendant as the Secretary of
Interior, if warranted.)
Sullivan also ordered that
“this case is ‘stayed’ pending
further” order of the federal court and that all parties
involved “shall submit a joint
status report summarizing the
current status of the underlying
dispute” in the High Court of
American Samoa no later than
Mar. 28 this year.
The latest in the High Court
case was based on a motion by
ASG filed sometime last year
seeking to make permanent
an injunction against Avamua
Dave Haleck, who was first
issued a preliminary injunction, in 2008, preventing him
from developing the Ottoville
lowland rainforest, without
first getting an ASG land use
Following a one-day trial
in January this year where
arguments by both sides were
made, the High Court took the
matter under advisement. The
government argued among
other things, that a permanent
injunction is needed as developments were coming close to
the lowland rainforest, which
is home to bird and tree species not found elsewhere in the
Avamua’s attorney Roy J.D
Hall Jr. argued that the main
issue before the court deals
with ASG move for a permanent injunction and the government has no standing in this
matter since it does not own
this Ottoville land.
According to the federal
court decision, Sullivan also
ordered that all parties shall file
joint status reports on May 28,
July 29, and Sept. 30, “summarizing the status of the dispute” before the High Court of
American Samoa.
In the Sept. 30 status report,
Sullivan ordered that parties
shall make a joint recommendation for further proceedings,
including whether the “stay”
should be lifted or remain in
“In the event that counsel
are unable to agree on a joint
recommendation, each party
shall file an individual recommendation at that time,” said
Latu found guilty, illegal
immigration status focus
of High Court sentencing
samoa news, Monday, March 18, 2013 Page 9
by Joyetter Feagaimaali’i-Luamanu, Samoa News Reporter
“You dropped the ball the last time… but not this time around,”
said Chief Justice Michael Kruse to Assistant Attorney General
Kimberly Hyde, during the sentencing of a man, who has been in
the territory illegally for more than 10 years.
Nesiasi Latu, a Tongan national, was convicted of stealing
a purse containing $15,000. The government charged him with
stealing, a class C felony punishable by up to seven years in jail, a
fine of up to $5,000, a fine equal to twice the amount gained from
the commission of said crime up to $20,000 — or both jail and
fine, to which he pled guilty.
During the last hearing, he apologized to the government, the
court, his family and the owner of the purse for his actions, noting
his remorse. During the last sentencing hearing, it was revealed
that the defendant came to the territory when he was eight years
old, on a 30-day permit and has lived here since.
However, the family, with which the defendant was staying,
applied for the defendant’s residency in the territory, and the
immigration board recently approved the application.
Kruse pointed out that the defendant entered a guilty plea on
Jan. 9, 2013 and the letter from Immigration Board was only issued
March 1, 2013, yet local law — ASCA section 41.0615 (8) — states
that “except as otherwise provided in this title, the following classes
of persons not permanent residents are excluded from admission into
American Samoa and are subject to deportation: convicted felons.”
He noted that maybe the Immigration Board was not aware that
the defendant is a convicted felon, but the court is aware. Kruse
directed the defense and prosecutor to make submissions to the
immigration statute he just quoted.
During the sentencing hearing held last Friday, Kruse pointed out
the defendant came into the territory in 1998 with his parents, who
had since left for Utah while he stayed behind with family members.
“Interestingly, he managed to graduate from high school not withstanding his illegal status in the territory. This was done because the
defendant was living with the vice principal,” said Kruse. He further noted the defendant was convicted of underage drinking in 2009
in the District Court, where it was determined that his status in the
territory was illegal. The government made an offer to dismiss the
charges against the defendant, while he departs the territory as part of
their plea agreement, in which the government agreed.
The defendant received his Tongan passport and “obviously he
did not leave the territory,” said the Chief Justice.
Kruse noted that the court has taken into account the defendant’s early guilty plea, rather than putting the government through
an expensive jury trial. The defendant was then sentenced to five
years in jail, however execution of sentencing was suspended and
Latu is placed on probation of five years under certain conditions.
The defendant is ordered to serve 20 months in jail, without any
release whatsoever, however upon the completion of one year in
jail, the defendant must leave the territory and remain outside the
territory for the period of his probation. “You dropped the ball the
last time… but not this time around,” said Kruse to the government.
According to the government’s case, on Dec. 25, 2010, police
received a call about a woman whose purse was stolen. The victim
told the police that when she arrived at home she got into an argument with a friend and then three Samoan boys showed up at her
front door to check if everything was alright.
After they left, the victim said she went to lock her car only to
find that the glove compartment of the vehicle was emptied out
and her purse, which contained $15,000, was nowhere to be found.
Police upon arriving at the scene found one of the three Samoan
men at the victim’s house.
The juvenile told the police that he, the defendant and another
juvenile saw the victim and her husband arguing with another man,
so they went to see if the couple needed help. The juvenile said afterwards Latu asked if they wanted to go to Carl’s Jr, and upon leaving,
the defendant fetched a bag from under a mango tree near the area.
The juvenile told the police the defendant gave them money.
Court filings state that the police apprehended the second juvenile who was with the defendant. Police retrieved an envelope
from the juvenile which contained $9.00 The second juvenile corroborated the information which the first juvenile told police. The
police were able to apprehend the defendant the following day.
Court records state Latu told the police he did not know how
much money he took and couldn’t recall how much he spent. The
defendant turned over $384.75 to the police and when the purse
was located, it had $167.37 inside. The police also patted down
the defendant and found $1,093.00 on him. Police contacted the
defendant’s friends whom he said he gave money to, and police
seized from the defendant’s friends $200.
The total of the cash collected was $1854.12, which was documented for evidence and released to the victim.
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to Ta’alolo Lodge on Friday night, March 15, to sing and play on behalf of fellow musician Harry
Miller.The event was a fundraiser organized by the Samoa Musicians Association to fundraise
for Harry, who is currently undergoing cancer treatment in New Zealand. See story inside.
[photo: tlh]
Page 10
samoa news, Monday, March 18, 2013
Ni isi o sui o le komiti o tagata faipisinisi i le atunuu o lo o galulue i le faatula’iina o le faletupe
fou ua taua o le Community Bank of Amerika Samoa. Mai i le itu tauagavale; Lewis Wolnan,
[ata: AF]
Avamua Dave Haleck ma Robin Annesley Dalton
Sapaia Senate fuafuaga
a le Community Bank AS
tusia Ausage Fausia
Ua talisapaia faatuaeleele e le Senate fuafuaga faataoto a le Komiti o lo o tuu faatasia le
faatula’iina o se Faletupe o le a ta’ua o le “Coomunity Bank” a Amerika Samoa (CBAS) lea o
le a faatupeina e tagatanuu o Amerika Samoa,
ona o le latou talitonuga, o lenei fuafuaga o le a
manuia ai le atunuu atoa. O le vaiaso na tea nei
na fesiligia ai e le komiti o le Faagaioiga o le
Malo a le Senate sui o le komiti o lo o tuufaatasia
lenei faamoemoe, ina ia faamanino atu la latou
fuafuaga mo le silafia e afioga i Senatoa.
O sui o le komiti mo le faletupe na auai i le
iloiloga e aofia ai Avamua Dave Haleck, lea foi
sa auai i le komiti faafoe na o latou amataina mai
le faletupe o le ANZ Amerika Samoa Bank mai
le 1991 seia oo mai i le 2001, o le faletua ia Robin
Annesley Dalton, o le pulesili o le nusipepa a le
Samoa News, o lona tuaa fo’i lea sa aofia i le tau
amataina mai o le faletupe o le ANZ Amerika
Samoa Bank i le 1979, ma Lewis Wolnan o se
alii faipisinisi i le teritori.
Ina ua fesiligia e le komiti, na taua ai e le
susuga a Avamua Dave Haleck, o le isi lea taitaifono o le komiti o lo o tuu faatasia lenei faamoemoe e faapea, o le faletupe o le CBAS e pei ona
fesiligia, o le a faatupeina e tagata faipisinisi ma
tagatanuu taitoatasi o le atunuu.
E $10miliona le tupe o lo o faamoemoe e
saili, ina ia mafai ai ona tuu atu le talosaga i le
vaega a le Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) i San Francisco o lo o vaavaavaia
tulaga o faletupe i le malo tele, ina ia mafai ai
ona talia le talosaga mo le faavaeina o le CBAS.
Fai mai Avamua, ua latalata i le $5miliona
le tupe lea ua mafai ona tuufaatasia e le aufaipisinisi ma ni isi o tagata taitoatasi i le taimi nei,
ae o lo o i ai le faamoemoe e tatau ona maua le
$7miliona, ona auina atu loa lea o le talosaga i le
FDIC, ae sailiili malie atu ai le isi $3miliona e
faaatoa ai le faamoeome.
Na faamanino e Avamua i le senate e faapea, o
le taimi nei, e leai se tinoitupe o le $5miliona lea ua
maua ua aoina, ae o tusi o lo o tuuina atu i tagata
faipisinisi, o lo o faailoa mai ai lava e le tagata
faipisinisi le aofai o le tupe e mafai ona ia tuuina
atu e fesoasoani ai i le amataina o le faletupe.
E $50,000 le maualalo o le tupe e amata ai tupe
e tuuina atu e tagata faipisinisi e inivesi (invest) i
totonu o lenei faamoemoe, ae $1,000 le maualalo
o tupe e amata ai ona inivesi tagata taitoatasi, ma
ua faamoemoe atonu o le isi lua masina o lo o
lumana’i nei, o le a amata ai loa ona tatala atu le
avanoa i tagata lautele o le atunuu, o ai lava e fia
inivesi mo lenei faamoemoe, e maua le avanoa e
tuu atu ai i totonu lana $1,000 pe sili atu foi.
O le isi itu taua na faamanino e Avamua i
luma o le senate ua faigofie ai lenei faamoemoe,
ua i ai le faamoemoe o le faletupe o Hawaii o le
a foa’i atu mo le malo a latou meaafale pe afai
ae tula’i ese i le isi 12 masina, ma ua amata ona
latou feutana’i ma le alii kovana ia Lolo Matalasi Moliga i le taimi nei mo lea tulaga, ona o
le faamoemoe, o le taimi lava e tula’i ese ai le
faletupe a Hawaii, o le taimi foi lea e tulai atu ai
le CBAS ma tauave loa le fale o lo o faaaogaina
e le faletupe o Hawaii i le taimi nei, e le gata
i meaafale ae o tagata faigaluega foi, ina ia faa
faigofie ai la latou galuega.
Na fesili le alii senatoa ia Magalei Logovii
ia Avamua, pe i ai se malosiaga o le Iugafono
Soofaatasi a le Fono lea ua faaulu e fesoasoani ai
i le latou talosaga o le a tuuina atu i le FDIC, ae na
saunoa Avamua e faapea, o le iugafono soofaatasi a le fono faapea ai ma tusi mai le kovana ma
le alii faipule o le konekeresi ia Faleomavaega
Eni Hunkin, o le a faapipii faatasi ma le talosaga
ina ia faailoa atu ai i le FDIC, ua i ai atoa le lagolago a tagatanuu uma o Amerika Samoa e aofia
ai ma ona taitai i lenei faamoemoe.
O le faaiuga la o le iloiloga na faaalia ai loa e
le Senate lo latou lagolagoina o fuafuaga faataoto
a le komiti o le Community Bank of Amerika
Samoa e ala i lo latou pasiaina o le latou Iugafono
Soofaatasi e lagolagoina ai lenei faamoemoe.
Fesootai mai i le tusitala ia
Fia vaai Senatoa i ni
suiga tetele e faia
Ofisa Femalagaaiga
tusia Ausage Fausia
Na faailoa e afioga i Senatoa i totino e toatolu o le Komiti
Faafoe o le Ofisa o Femalagaaiga i le vaiaso na te’a nei, na pau
le itu o lo o latou fia vaai i ai, o le faia o ni suiga lelei i le Ofisa o
Femalagaaiga, ma ia saili se auala e foia ai le faafitauli e faatatau
i tagata mai fafo.
Na fautua le afioga Senatoa Mauga Tasi Asuega i le komiti,
ina ia silasila toto’a i ni isi o tagata faigaluega a le Ofisa o Femalagaaiga, ona o ni isi o i latou e le fa’aaloalo i le taimi e tali ai le
telefoni pe a valaau atu le atunuu, “se’i vagana lava ua ta’u atu i ai
o le senatoa lea e telefoni atu ona faatoa faaaloalo mai lea.”
Sa fautuaina foi e Mauga sui o le komiti ina ia vaavaai toto’a i
ni isi o faafitauli o lo o aafia ai ni isi o tagata faigaluega a le Ofisa,
e pei o le mataupu lea na tulai mai i ni nai masina e le’i mamao
atu, i ni tagata faigaluega ua faamalolo ona o aafiaga i le faatinoina
o le galuega.
“Afai ae pasia outou, ia outou silasila toto’a i faafitauli nei, saili
se auala e foia ai, aua afai e tulai mai ni tulaga le manuia faapea i le
Ofisa, o le ata le manuia lava fo’i lena o le tatou malo o le a avatu
i tagata mai fafo,” o le saunoaga lea a Mauga
O le aso Faraile na te’a nei na feiloai ai le Komiti o Mataupu
Tau Tulafono a le maota maualuga ma sui e toatolu o le komiti o
Femalagaaiga ua tofia e le kovana.
O sui e toatolu o le komiti o femalagaaiga sa i ai i le iloiloga e
aofia ai Fareti ‘Fred’ Mamea, Moetulu’i Sipili Fuiava ma Sherry
Butler. O isi sui e toalua e le’i faatasi atu e aofia ai Frank Gaisoa
ma Rev. Aneterea Misioka.
Na fesiligia e alii senatoa ia Alo Faauuga ma Avegalio Aigamaua sui o le komiti poo fea na fananau ai, ae na tali sui o le
komiti, o i latou uma lava na soifua i Amerika Samoa.
Na fautua le alii senatoa ia Laolagi Fonoti Savali Vaeao i sui o
le komiti, ina ia latou vaavaai i auala e foia ai le faafitauli e uiga i
le lolofi mai o tagata mai fafo i le teritori. Fai mai Laolagi, ua i ai
tulafono e faatautaia ai le ulufale mai o tagata mai fafo i le teritori,
e tatau foi i le komiti ona mulimulita’i i ia tulafono.
I le saunoaga a le alii senatoa ia Saole Mila sa ia taua ai e faapea,
o le toatele o tagata o lo o aumau i le atunuu, e le o tusa ai lo latou
nonofo ma le tulafono, e le o iloa foi pe na faapefea ona oo mai i
latou i le teritori. Mo se faataitaiga e pei ona saunoa Saole, o totonu
o lona nuu, o lo o toatele ai le ‘au taase’ o lo o aumau ai, ma e tatau
i le komiti ona silasila toto’a i auala e mafai ai ona foia ia faafitauli.
I le mataupu e faatatau i tagata mai fafo ua ova aso o aumau
pea i le teritori, o le isi lea mataupu na fautuaina e le taitaifono o le
komiti a le senate ia Soliai Tuipine Fuimaono sui o le komiti e ao
ona silasila toto’a i ai.
Fai mai Soliai, o le faafitauli o lo o tulai mai i le taimi nei, e le
o lelei le ‘computer systerm’ a le Ofisa o Femalagaaiga i le malae
vaalele, e mafai ai ona saili tagata ua ova aso e toe faafoi i o latou
atunuu. “O le mea lea e i ai nei, o le matua toatele lava o tagata
‘overstayer’ o lo o i ai i le teritori, ae ua faa faigata foi ona saili i
latou, o le mea moni, e oso loa le Savaii ma le Upolu overstayer
i luga o le auala, tofa soifua e fiu e toe su’e, ae afai e faalelei le
system lea, atonu o le a fesoasoani ai i la outou galuega,” o le saunoaga lea a Soliai.
O le isi faafituali o lo o aafia ai tagata mai fafo na aafia i le
saunoaga a Soliai, o i latou o lo o faatuputupu mea leaga i totonu o
nuu ma itumalo, ae saili ane e le o ni tagata moni o le nuu.
Fai mai Soliai, ua maea ona la faasoa ma le Loia Sili i le
mataupu lea, ma ua i ai le faamoemoe o le a taoto atu se fautuaga i
le komiti faafoe i se taimi o i luma, afai loa e fesootai mai afioaga e
faatatau i ni tagata mai fafo o lo o faia uiga mataga i totonu o nuu,
e sili loa le tipoti e le komiti faafoe o lea tagata i le atunuu na sau
ai, ae aua le tau faatali sei tipoti e lana sponsor.
Ua i ai le finagalo o le komiti a le senate, faatoa faia la latou
palota e pasia ai.
Sui e toatolu o le Komiti Faafoe Ofisa o Femalagaaiga i luma
o le Senate i le aso Faraile na te’a nei. [l-r] Sherry Butler; Fareti
[ata: AF]
‘Fred’ Mamea ma Moetulu’i Sipili Fuiava.
samoa news, Monday, March 18, 2013 Page 11
Facial SPA
tusia Ausage Fausia
Ua talia e le Faamasinoga
Maualuga a Amerika Samoa
se talosaga na faaulu e le Ofisa
o le Loia Sili a le malo, ina ia
solofua moliaga faasaga i le alii
o Feagaiga Si’ilata, ae tuu atu
lana mataupu i le Faamasinoga
Maualuga a Samoa.
O lo o tuuaia Siilata i le
faiaiga ma se teineititi e 15
tausaga le matua, sa malaga mai
ma lona tina i luga o le vaa o le
Lady Naomi i le po o le aso 27
o Tesema 2012.
O le vaiaso na tea nei na
iloilo ai e le faamasinoga maualuga lea mataupu, i le maea ai
lea ona tuuina atu e le loia a le
malo o faamaumauga e faamaonia ai le latou talosaga.
Sa galue Siilata o se alii Saila
i luga o le vaa a le malo o Samoa,
le Lady Naomi i le taimi na
tula’i mai ai le faalavelave, lea e
pei ona tuuaia ai o ia i moliaga o
le faiaiga ma se teineititi e laititi
i lalo o le tulafono, faia o uiga
mataga, tagofia o itutinosa o se
tamaitai, atoa ai ma lona faia o
ni gaioiga e ono lamatia ai le
saogalemu o se fanau. Na taua e
le loia a le malo o Mitzie Jessop
e faapea, o tuuaiga faasaga ia
Siilata na tulai mai i le taimi ao
malaga mai le vaa mai Samoa
mo Amerika Samoa nei.
I faamaumauga a le faamasinoga o lo o taua ai e faapea, o
le faalavelave lenei na tulai mai
ina ua fiu le tina o le teineititi na
aafia e saili lana tama i se taimi
o le po, peitai ina ua ia maua,
sa ia fesiligia o ia poo fea sa i
ai, ma faamatala ai loa e le teineititi i lona tina le mea sa tupu.
O ia sa tu i le isi tulimanu o
le vaa ua tau lagona lona ma’i
vasa, ae ona vaaia loa le ua
molia ua agai atu ma fai atu pe
na te manaomia se fesoasoani,
ma o iina na la agai atu ai loa i
totonu o le potu ma faataunuu
ai loa le solitulafono.
Ao faagasolo suesuega e
faatatau i lenei mataupu, na
manino ai i ni talanoaga sa
faia e le malo ma le Ofisa o le
U.S Coast Guard e faapea, o
le solitulafono lenei sa tulai
mai i ogasami o Samoa, ae le o
ogasami o Amerika Samoa.
O lo o manino foi i le Vaega
o le Tulafono 3:0103 e faapea,
o ituaiga mataupu tau solitulafono nei e tatau ona faataunuuina i le faamasinoga o lo o
i ai lona malosi e iloilo ai nei
ituaiga mataupu.
Ona o lea mataupu, na faia
ai loa fesootaiga a le Ofisa o le
Loia Sili a Amerika Samoa ma
le Ofisa o le Loia Sili a Samoa,
ma malilia ai loa le Samoa e tuu
atu le mataupu a Siilata e faamasino i Samoa.
O se tusi saisai sa tuuina mai
i le Faamasino Sili a Samoa, le
afioga ia Patua Tiavaasu’e Falefatu Sapolu na faapipii faatasi
ma le talosaga, lea o lo o taua
ai le taofia faapagota o Siilata i
le taimi e taunuu atu ai i Samoa.
O lo o taua i le tusi saisai e
faapea, o le taimi lava e taunuu
atu ai Siilata i eleele o Samoa,
ia taofia loa i lalo o le vaaiga a
leoleo e faatali ai le taimi e tulai
ai i luma o le faamasinoga.
Talu mai le taimi na taofia ai
Siilata i le toese i Tafuna i le aso
28 Tesema, o lo o faaauau pea
ona taofia o ia i le toese e faatali
ai le taimi lea ua faatulaga e
auina atu ai o ia i Samoa.
O alii talavou e toatolu ia o lo
o tuuaia i lo latou faia lea o uiga
mataga i ni maitai se to’atolu,
2 NYPD officers who shot
teen had faced lawsuits
NEW YORK (AP) — Two police officers who killed a
16-year-old boy on a New York City street have been sued for
alleged civil rights violations related to other encounters with
the public, the Daily News reported Saturday.
The city has paid $215,000 to settle three lawsuits against Sgt.
Mourad Mourad and two against officer Jovaniel Cordova, the
newspaper reported. The officers were in Brooklyn’s East Flatbush
section March 9 when they tried to stop and question 16-year-old
Kimani Gray on the street. Police say the officers, who were not
wearing uniforms, shot the teen after he pulled a gun.
Gray’s killing prompted a week of protest marches in
Brooklyn, including some incidents that turned violent, with
people ransacking a market and throwing items at police officers
and police vehicles. The civil rights lawsuits against Mourad and
Cordova were filed by people who claimed they were illegally
stopped and roughed up under the police department’s stopand-frisk program, where officers confront people they suspect
might be carrying weapons.
A lawyer for the city’s law department said the settlements
did not indicate the officers were out of line. The two officers
generally police dangerous high crime areas.
“None of these civil claims were tried, and the officers were
not found to have engaged in any wrongdoing,” said city lawyer
Muriel Goode-Trufant. “The decision to settle should not be
held against them.”
ua latou teena tuuaiga a le malo
faasaga ia te i latou, ina ua latou
tutulai i luma o le faamasinoga
maualuga i le vaiaso na tea nei.
O le teena ai e i latou nei e
toatolu o moliaga mamafa o lo
o tuuaia ai i latou, ua faatulaga
ai loa a latou ulua’i iloiloga e
faia i le masina fou, lea o le a
iloilo ai loa e alii faamasino le
tulaga tonu o le a taoto ai a latou
mataupu, i le faia lea o ni maliliega ma le malo, poo le faatulaga loa o ni aso e faia ai a latou
faamasinoga iloilo.
O i latou e toatolu o lo o
tuuaia e aofia ai se auuso latou
o lo o tuuaia i lo la faia lea o ni
amioga e le tusa ai ma le tulafono i se tamaititi e 6 tausaga le
matua, e ala i lo la faia i ai o
gaioiga faafeusuaiga, faamatamata i ata leaga toe faaulaula i
sikaleti, ae o le isi alii talavou e
toatasi o lo o tuuaia i lona faia o
ni uiga mataga i ni tamaiti laiti
se toalua e 2 ma le 5 tausaga le
matutua, e ala i lona faia i ai o
uiga faafeusuaiga.
O lo o taofia pea i latou nei i
le toese i Tafuna ina ua le mafai
ona latou totogiina vaega tupe sa
faatulaga e tatala ai i latou i tua.
Fesootai mai i le tusitala ia
• Shiatsu
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next to Talofa Video.
“Pesticide Applicator Training”
ASCC Land Grant Program will be conducting a Pesticide Applicator Safety training for those
who handle farm chemicals. If you are using farm pesticides without being certified, or you
are planning to use chemicals in the near future, this is a good opportunity for you to attend
this important training. The training schedule is as follows:
March 18 - 22, 2013
12:00 noon - 4:00 p.m.
ASCC Land Grant Training Room
Registration is FREE. To confirm your participation for this training, please call Cora or
Helen at 699-1575/2019.
“A’oa’oga mo i latou o lo’o fa’aaogaina vaila’au o’ona”
O le a faia se a’oa’oga mo i latou o lo o fa’aaoga vaila’au o’ona i fa’ato’aga. Afai o lo’o e
fa’aaoga vaila’au o’ona ae leai se tusi fa’ataga po’o e fa’amoemoe fo’i e te fa’aaoga i se taimi o
i luma, o lou avanoa lelei lenei e te ‘auai ai i lenei a’oa’oga taua. O taimi la nei mo lenei
Mati 18 - 22, 2013
12:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Nofoaga e fai ai: Potu mo A’oa’oga a le Vaega o Laufanua ma
Atina’e a le Kolisi Tu’ufa’atasi ma Alaalafaga o Amerika Samoa.
“E leai se totogi o le resitala. Afai e te fia ‘auai ai i lenei a’oa’oga, fa’amolemole ia
fa’afeso’ota’i mai Cora po’o Helen i le telefoni 699-1575/2019
Page 12
samoa news, Monday, March 18, 2013
Maoa’e taumafaiga fanau aoga
ta’amilosaga Siisii
U’amea mamafa
tusia Ausage Fausia
Le alii pito laititi sa auai i le taamilosaga Siisii U’amea mamafa a Aoga Maualuluga, lea na faia i le
Maota o Malisi Sagota Iosefo i Tafuna i le faaiuga o le vaiaso na te’a nei. O Anahken Faagu, e 11 tausaga
[ata: Jeff Hayner]
le matua mai le Tafuna Elementary, sa ia mauaina le pine auro o le aupaga o le 56kg.
tusia Ausage Fausia
E tele ni suiga ma fuafuaga faataoto na faailoa e le Faatonusili o le Matagaluega o Aoga a le malo
i luma o le Komiti o Aoga a le maota o sui, o le a faia mo le manuia o le tautua a le matagaluega
i totonu o le atunuu. O ni isi o ia suiga ma fuafuaga faataoto e pei ona saunoa Vaitinasa Dr. Salu
Hunkin-Finau e aofia ai le faatulagaina lea o ta’iala i le va feagai o faiaoga ma fanau aoga, faapea ai
fuafuaga mo le siitia lea o totogi o faigaluega.
I le tulaga i totogi o faiaoga, na taua ai e le tamaitai faatonusili e faapea, o le totogi amata mo
faiaoga i le malo tele o Amerika o lo o umia le tikeri mo le fa tausaga e $30,000 i le tausaga, ae mo
Amerika Samoa nei, e $16,000 i le tausaga o lo o totogi ai faiaoga o lo o umia faailoga e pei ona taua.
Ina ua fesiligia e le komiti, na taua ai e Vaitinasa e faapea, o le ata faataoto mo le siitaga i totogi
o faiaoga ua fuafuaina, o le a aofia ai le $25,000 i le tausaga mo faiaoga e pei ona taua. Sa ia taua foi
e faapea, o faiaoga o lo o umia faailoga BA, o le toatele o i latou sa faauu mai i Iunivesite tetele i le
malo tele, o a latou faailoga foi o lo o laina tutusa ma faailoga o lo o umia e isi faiaoga o lo o galulue
i Hawaii ma Amerika.
Na fesili le afioga i le faipule ia Vui Florence Vaili Saulo i le tamaitai faatonu, pe i ai se faiga
faavae a le Ofisa o Aoga e mafai ai ona taofi faiaoga o lo o umia faailoga maualuluga ina ia fai ma
faiaoga i totonu o potu aoga, nai lo le tau o solo e saili ni a latou galuega, ae na faamanino e le faatonu e faapea, e ui e le o i ai se aiaiga faapea a le ofisa o aoga o i ai, ae o lo o mafai lava ona faia se
maliliega i le va o le ofisa ma le faiaoga ina ia toe foi atu e avea ma faiaoga mo sina taimi. I le tulaga
o taiala i le va feagai o le faiaoga ma fanau aoga, ua faatulaga ai aiaiga talafeagai i le va o le faiaoga
ma fanau aoga, ina ia maua le faaaloalo, saogalemu ma le fiafia i le va o fanau aoga ma faiaoga.
Ua talosagaina e le alii faipule ia Vaetasi Tuumolimoli Saena Moliga le Faatonusili o Faatoaga ia
Lealao Melilo Purcell ina ia silasila i ni isi atina’e e faaaoga ia i fanua o Manu’a lea o lo o lisi atu i le
Ofisa o faatoaga, ona e tele naua se vaega o lea fanua e le o faaaogaina i le taimi nei.
O le finagalo o le alii faipule sa tuuina atu lea i le taimi na iloilo ai e le komiti o le Faagaioiga o le
malo tofiga a le kovana mo le tofa a Lealao e avea ai ma faatonusils o le Ofisa o Faatoaga.
Na taua e Vaetasi e faapea, o se tulaga lelei pe afai ae toe faaopoopo tagata faigaluega a le Ofisa
o Faatoaga i Manu’a, e galulue i le fa’ato’aina o eleele o lo o lisi atu i le malo.
Ae na talosaga le alii faipule mai le itumalo o Manu’a #1 ia Fetu Fetui Jr i le alii faatonu, ina ia
silasila toto’a i ni atina’e lelei mo tagata Manu’a. Na faailoa e Fetu ia Lealao e faapea, e leai ma se
mea sa ia faia mo Manu’a i le lua tausaga lea na tofia ai o ia e kovana Togiola e nofoia le nofoa faatonusili, ma ua i ai lona talitonuga atonu o le a maua se fesoasoani mo lona itumalo ina ua toe tofia e
kovana Lolo o ia e fai ma faatonu.
Sa ia talosaga i le alii faatonu ina ia silasila i se siitaga o totogi o tagata faigaluega a le Ofisa o
Faatoaga i Manu’a, lea ua silia i le ta’i 20 tausaga o galulue ni isi o i latou peitai o lo o maualalo lava
o latou totogi. Na fautuaina e le alii faipule ia Maugaoalii Leapai Tusipa Anoai le alii faatonusili, ina
ia vaavaai i le faafitauli lea ua ia maitauina i le maketi i Fagatogo, o le mananao lea o tagata e tatala
i aso Sa, ma o se suiga e le’i masani mai ai le afioga. Saunoa Maugaoalii e faapea, afai e finagalo le
aufai faatoaga e tatala le maketi i le aso Sa, e lelei pe a tatala i le 12:00 i le po, o le taimi lea ua maea
ai tapuaiga a le afioaga, nai lo le faalavelave o a latou gaioiga i taimi o tapuaiga i le aso Sa.
O le alii faipule ia Vaamua Henry Sesepasa na fesiligia le atina’e koko Samoa lea ua toatele aiga
ua faamanuiaina ai, pe faapefea ona auina atu i fafo le fua o le koko pe afai ae matua.
Na faamanino e Lealao e faapea, o le atina’e i le totoina o le koko lea ua toatele aiga ua faamanuiaina ai, o le faamoemoe, afai ae fua le koko ma matua, e auina atu lava e le aiga a latou koko i pisinisi
Amerika o lo o gaosi ai le sukalati, lea ua faailoa mai lo latou mananao i le fatu koko lea e maua i
Samoa, ona e suamalie, e talafeagai foi mo le gaosiina o le sukalati.
Fesootai mai i le tusitala ia
E maualuga le tulaga sa i ai taumafaiga a fanau aoga mai
Aoga Maualuluga i le atunuu, ina ua faaiuina le aoaoga sa
faatautaia e le Asosi Siisii Uamea mamafa mo le fa vaiaso talu
ai, i se tauvaga sa faia i le aso Toona’i na te’a nei, e iloilo ai le
tulaga ua i ai le iloa ma le malosi o tama ma teine aoga sa auai.
I se faatalatalanoaga ma le Faiaoga o le Ausiisii Uamea
Mamafa a Amerika Samoa, le susuga ia Lopesi Faagu, sa ia taua
ai le maeao ma le maualuga ua i ai le faatinoina e fanau aoga o
le taaloga siisii uamea mamafa, talu ona maea aoaoga s faia mo
le fa vaiaso talu ai.
Na taua e Faagu e faapea, o le maea ai o aoaoga sa faatautaia e le Asosi Siisii Uamea Mamafa mo Aoga Maualuluga i le
atunuu, na manatu ai loa le pulega e faatautaia se taamilosaga
faapitoa mo tama ma teine aoga sa auai i aoaoga, e iloilo ai lo
latou iloa e faatatau i le taaloga, aemaise ai le malosi.
O le taamilosaga e aofia ai aupaga e 6 mo alii ae tasi mo
tamaitai. I le maea ai o le taamilosaga, sa tufatufaina ai loa na o
pine auro mo i latou na manumalo, ae o lo o i ai le faamoemoe o
le isi taamilosaga o lo o latalata mai o le a tauaao ai, o le a aofia
uma ai vaega e tolu e pei o le pine auro, pine siliva ma le pine
O se tasi o itu mataina sa maitauina i lenei taamilosaga e pei
ona saunoa Faagu, o le tulaga sa i ai le taumafaiga a le alii pito
laititi o le taamilosaga, le susuga ia Anahken Faagu, 11 tausaga
le matua mai le Tafuna Elementary, ina ua mauaina le pine auro
i le aupaga o le 56kg i le aofa’i o le mamafa o lana sii e 105kg.
O Anahken, o le alo lea o le alii faiaoga ia Lopesi, sa fai fo’i
ma sui o Amerika Samoa i le taamilosaga Siisii Uamea Mamafa
a le Oceania lea na talimalo ai Samoa i le tausaga na te’a nei.
I le vaega o tamaitai, e toalua tamaitai na auai i le tauvaga, ma
o se ulua’i taimi fo’i lenei ua tauva ai ni tamaitai i lenei taaloga
e pei ona saunoa Faagu.
O le faaiuga la lenei sa i ai le taamilosaga a fanau aoga i le
faaiuga o le vaiaso, lea na aofia ai sui o le Aoga Maualuga a
Tafuna ma Marist/Faasao. O i latou nei sa mauaina pine auro
mai aupaga taitasi.
O le aupaga o le ‘85kg’ super heavyweight’ na tauva ai
tamaitai e toalua, ma manumalo ai Flo Mailo mai le aoga a
Kanana Fou i le pine auro.
O isi aupaga a alii i le ‘69kg’ na manumalo ai Peter Fanolua
mai le Aoga Maualuga a Tafuna i le mamafa o lana sii e ‘175kg’.
Aupaga ‘85kg’ na manumalo ai Hasu Kim mai le kolisi tuufaatasi i le mamafa o lana sii e ‘180kg’.
Aupaga ‘94kg’ na manumalo ai Shawn Maiava mai le aoga
maualuga a Tafuna i le mamafa o lana sii e ‘175kg’.
Aupaga ‘105kg’ na manumalo ai Jared Tuifalasai mai le aoga
maualuga a Tafuna, ma le aupaga mamafa o le ‘105+kg’l na
manumalo ai Vainuupo Jungblut mai le aoga maualuga a Tafuna.
O Vainuupo sa avea muamua ma sui o le Ausiisii a Amerika
Samoa i le tele o taamilosaga faavaomalo ua tuana’i atu.
I le maea ai o le taavaga i le faaiuga o le vaiaso na tea nei, na
faimeaalofa atu ai loa le Asosi Siisii a Amerika Samoa i le aoga
a Tafuna ma Marist/Faasao i seki o u’amea siisii, e fesoasoani ai
i le atinae ma le faaleleia atili o koleniga a fanau aoga.
O lo o i ai le faanaunauga a le Asosi Siisii Uamea Mamafa e
fia faalautele la latou polokalame i isi aoga maualuluga e lei auai
e pei o Fagaitua ma Polytech.
Fesootai mai i le tusitala ia
se ia
Tusia: Akenese Ilalio Zec
Vaega: 18
Ua taunu’u nei le ta’avale na o matou o ai ma lo’u tama ma lo’u
tuagane la’ititi o Ioane i luma o lo matou fale. Na te’i lava ua oso
a’e lo’u manatu, ua ou le fia ulufale i totonu o le fale, ua ou le toe
fia nofo i totonu o le fale.
O fa’alogona mafatia ma le loto tiga, ua toe fafagu uma mai lava
i lea taimi, ua na o lo’u tu nei ma ou tilotilo atu i le fale ua sili ona
matagofie ma le manaia, ae foliga mai o se la’au e tu ae oia. Ua le
toe i ai se fiafia sa ou maua, ua le toe i ai se manatu o so’u fale, ua
mamao fo’i le manatu, o se fale sa ou ola a’e ai i se olaga maumea,
ua mou ‘ese atu ma lo’u loto i lea taimi.
Ua tutu nei lo’u tama ma lo’u tuagane ma tilotilo mai ia te a’u,
ae ua na o lo’u sioa nei i le fale, na i’u lava ina savali mai si o’u
tuagane la’ititi ma u’u lo’u lima ma o matou savavali loa.
“Papa, ‘aua e te popole, o lea e i ai te a’u le ki o le fale.” O le tala
lea na fai e si o’u tuagane la’itit Ioane ma a’apa ifo lava i totonu o
le taga o lona ofuae ua ava’e i luga le ki o le fale. Na ou mautinoa
fo’i o lo’o fealua’i lava lo’u tama ma le ki o le fale, ma mea uma
lava, ae ai ona o le fa’ate’ia o ia i le mea ua fai e lo’u tina, o le ala
lea ua le mautonu ai lona mafaufau.
Ua matala le fale ma ua matou ulufale loa, ua ou fiu e tau tilotilo po’o fea o i ai lo’u tina, ae ua le iloa atu i lea taimi. Na ou
tilotilo ane nei i si o’u tama, ma na ou te’i ina ua ou tilotilo atu
ua savali mai a pau i lalo. Na vave lava ona ou oso atu ua u’u mai
lona lima ma taumafai e fa’anofo i luga o le nofoa. Ua na o lo’u
fa’atau pupula atu nei i si o’u tama i lea taimi, ua le mautonu lo’u
mafaufau, ae ua taufetuli mai nei auauna o lo’o i totonu o le fale ina
ua iloa mai le mea ua tupu.
Na ou toe savali mai loa i le nofoa o lo’o nofo atu ai lo’u tama,
a’o le taimi lea, o lo’o u’u pea e lo’u tuagane o ioane le lima o si o
ma tama. Na tau pulapula mai nei ona mata ia te a’u, ma a’apa mai
i lo’u lima. “Averia, nofo mai i lalo, ‘aua e te popole, o lo’o manuia
lava a’u, va’ai oe si o’u afafine, ou te le fia alu i le falema’i.”
Na ou saofa’i ifo nei i ona talane ma ou a’apa atu ua u’u mai le
isi ona lima, ma ou fa’apea atu i ai, “Papa, e tatau ona ave oe i le
falema’i, ne i te’i ua o’o i nisi tulaga faigata, ona leai lava lea o se
isi mea e mafai.”
“Averia, o lea lava ou te malosi, pau le mea ua ou fa’apea ai, ai
ona o le te’i o lo’u loto i tala ua lafo mai e le lua tina ia tatou ina
ua o tatou taunu’u mai, ae ‘aua e te lua popole ma Ioane, se’i iloga
lava ua lua va’ai mai ua ou tulaga fa’aletonu, ma ou fai atu fo’i e
ave a’u ona fai lea, ae o lea lava ou te malosi.”
Na fetaui lava lo’u toe liliu mai i lo’u tama, ae pei lava e fai
mai se isi ou te tilotilo i luga i le alasitepu, na fa’ate’ia a’u i lo’u
tilotilo atu, o lo’o tutu mai ai lo’u tina o Makerita ma lo’u tuagane
o Peteru. E faia pea…
Mom says son who died in
river was “biggest hero”
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) — The mother of a man who died in
an icy South Dakota river while trying to rescue a 6-year-old boy
says her son made the ultimate sacrifice. A search boat on Saturday
discovered the body of 28-year-old Lyle Francis Eagletail in the
Big Sioux River. Eagletail and 16-yer-old Madison Leigh Wallace
died when they tried to save Madison’s brother, Garrett Martin
Wallace, who later emerged from the river uninjured.
Eagletail’s mother, Margaret, was among about two dozen
family members and friends who watched the recovery effort Saturday at Falls Park. “I think of my son as the biggest hero. He sacrificed himself for that little child and that’s the way his grandmother
brought him up, with much love and respect,” Margaret Eagletail
told KSFY-TV. The incident happened Thursday afternoon. Witness accounts differ on whether someone pushed the boy out of the
water or he popped up on a rock before being pulled ashore, Sioux
Falls Fire Chief Jim Sideras has said.
The body of Madison Wallace, of Vermillion, was discovered
Friday afternoon. Eagletail’s body was discovered about 100 feet
from her body in a part of the river that was about 12 feet deep, police
said. Margaret Eagletail thanked the rescue workers after her son’s
body was recovered. Jeff Helm, division chief for Sioux Falls Fire
and Rescue, said the recovery of the body provided some closure for
family members and searchers. Helm said he “can only imagine”
what the family members of the two victims are going through. “We
are trying to keep them informed what the next steps are,” Helm said.
The city of Sioux Falls is named after the Big Sioux River’s
cascading waterfalls in Falls Park, a tourist attraction where people
often picnic or pose for wedding photos. The park draws about
525,000 visitors annually, according the local visitors’ bureau, and
is an especially popular spot in the spring and summer.
samoa news, Monday, March 18, 2013 Page 13
Vehicles For Sale
ANZ Guam, Inc. - American Samoa has the following vehicles for sale
Minimum Bid: $10,500
Minimum: $7,125
Sealed bids are invited for the purchase of the above vehicles on an “as
is” basis. Vehicles may be inspected at ANZ Guam, Inc. American
Samoa (Tafuna Branch) by appointment only.
Please address all bids to:
ANZ Guam, Inc. - American Samoa
Assets Management Unit
P.O. Box 3790
Pago Pago American Samoa 96799
Bids close at 4:00pm on March 19th, 2013
For more information contact:
Naomi Fale, Ross Filivaa or Sabrina Felise
at 633-1151 ext 362 or 343
We live in your world...
American Samoa
Power Authority
PO Box PPB, Pago Pago
American Samoa 96799
Phone: (684) 699-3057
Fax No: (684) 699-3046
Position Summary: The Business & Finance Manager (BFM) is responsible for directing the
financial and accounting functions of ASPA in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board, the Government Accounting
Standards Board, FERC and other regulatory and advisory organizations and in accordance with
financial management techniques and practices appropriate within the utility and professional
services industry. The BFM is one of the most senior positions of the Management team at ASPA.
As such he or she will over see the Accounting & Finance, Customer Service, Materials
Management and ICT.
ASPA seeks an experienced financial executive with appropriate industry experience, including
that in a multi-service utility; an energetic, forward-thinking and creative individual with high
ethical standards, sound technical skills, analytical ability, good judgment and strong operational
focus. He or she is well organized and a self-directed team player who can relate to people at
all levels of an organization and possesses excellent communication skills; a good educator and
skilful mentor to staff; an excellent negotiator who is experienced with contracts, grants and
financing options; a decisive individual who possesses a “big picture” perspective and is well
versed in systems; an individual with general knowledge of utility operations including utility rate
structures and rate setting principles and methods;
Educational Requirements and Experience: Bachelors degree in Accounting or Financial
Management from a United States accredited institution. An MBA in Accounting or closely related
area is preferred. Fifteen (15) years of professional experience in private sector and
governmental or financial accounting, including experience in a management position.
Candidate with successful experience turning around troubled companies or organizations;
converting management information systems from one to another successfully, will be
considered favorably. Minimum 3 years of multi-service utility related work experience and/or
training; or equivalent combination of education and experience must be included in the fifteen
years above.
Licensing Requirements: A Certified Public Accountant(CPA) or a Certified Management
Accountant (CMA) from a United States jurisdiction.
Base Salary: $100K – 120K plus good benefits.Candidates are subject to a financial background
check as part of the screening process.
Closing date is Friday, April 19th, 2013 at 4:00pm
To Apply—
Send application and resumé to:
American Samoa Power Authority
P.O. Box PPB
Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799
Attention: HR Manager
Page 14
samoa news, Monday, March 18, 2013
➧ Miller…
➧ Agri. director nominee…
And then there was—the
fabulous music. With Fagafaga
as master of ceremonies, the
musicians took turns entertaining, each in their special
The surprise of the evening
came when the children of
Chico Pouesi took the stage.
Calling themselves the “Mad
Hatters” they delivered flawless covers of such diverse artists as Adele, Santana and Hall
and Oats.
They were the hit of the
evening, and it should be
noted, Harry Miller has been
their music teacher for several
Almost $6,000 was raised
by the end of the evening.
Those who participated,
donated, and worked hard to
make it happen are the good
people of American Samoa. In
concert with the musicians, it is
the people of Motu o Fiafiaga
who are sending out their best
‘get well’ wishes to Harry and
Monica and their family, and
who are “just happy to help.”
Fagatogo faipule Mauagaoalii Sipa Anoa’i observed the
market was open on Sundays, yet there are churches right across
from the market, so during evening services, people at the market
make too much noise, causing disturbances during services.
Lealao said he will look into this issue, but it’s DOC that
determines what time the market opens and closes.
Rep. Timusa Lam Yuen asked the nominee to speak briefly
about the outcome of the ulu summit.
The nominee said there are breadfruit (ulu) being brought
from off island because there is no breadfruit left (right now), and
they are hoping to buy some more ulu trees, with the intention
of planting the them all over the island. They are also looking at
plantings of the “ma’afala” ulu in Manu’a.
Lealao said they are working closely with the Samoa government in the production of flour from the ulu and the local Agriculture lab will be used to test these new developments.
Rep. Vaamua Henry Sesepasara asked about developing
cocoa (koko) industry. The nominee explained that there are a
lot of koko trees on island and they anticipate bringing in more.
He said there is currently a business in San Francisco that
is interested in the koko and we have local families who will
be selling their koko to this company, while another company,
which makes chocolate in Salt Lake City, is also interested in the
koko and this is the main goal of the DOA is to assist the families
and help them meet with the vendors for their benefit.
The Senate confirmation hearing date for the nominee has not
been determined, but is expected for sometime this week.
Continued from page 4
Continued from page 3
➧ Regional fisheries hub…
Continued from page 5
Before YOU build that
beautiful NEW HOME
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Office Hrs. 9am to 2pm • (684) 633-0179
In The High Court
of American Samoa
In The High Court
of American Samoa
In The High Court
of American Samoa
PR No.: 007-2013
PR No.: 3-2013
PR No.: 12-2013
In the Matter of the Estate of
In the Matter of the Estate of
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Petition for
Letters of Administration has been filed in the
High Court of American Samoa, Territory of
American Samoa, by DANIEL R. KING for the
who died leaving no will. A hearing on that
Petition will be held on April 22nd, 2013 at
9:00 a.m. before the Trial Division of the High
Court of American Samoa located in Fagatogo,
American Samoa. All heirs of KEITH GORDON
DAHL and interested parties may appear before
the Court on said date to respond to this
Dated: March 12, 2013
Clerk of Courts
Published 03/18, 3/25, 4/01
In the Matter of the Estate of
SOLIAI has petitioned to be appointed as the
Administrator of the Estate of the late MATALI’I
F. SOLIAI, and for letters of administration. The
hearing on his petition has been set to be on
April 18th,2013 @ 9:00a.m. at the High Court
of American Samoa located in Fagatogo,
American Samoa at which time and place all
persons interested in the estate of MATALI’I F.
SOLIAI,deceased,may appear and contest the
same,if they so choose.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Petition for
Letters of Administration has been filed in the
High Court of American Samoa, Territory of
American Samoa, by FAAI’UGA G. FAUTANU for
(deceased) who died leaving no will. A hearing
on that Petition will be held on May 20th, 2013
at 9:00 a.m. before the Trial Division of the
High Court of American Samoa located in
Fagatogo, American Samoa. All heirs of
GAUFUAINA FAUTANU and interested parties
may appear before the Court on said date to
respond to this Petition.
Dated: Feb 25, 2013
Dated: March 13, 2013
Clerk of Courts
Published 03/04, 3/11, 3/18
Clerk of Courts
Published 03/18, 3/25, 4/01
sory Committee (STAC) and Marine Mammal Advisory Committee
(MMAC) to establish a single Protected Species Advisory Committee
with a minimum membership composition to include two sea turtle
experts, two marine mammal experts, one seabird expert, one shark
expert, and one coral and reef fish expert along with one representative from the SSC and one representative from its Advisory Panel.
Regarding the its advisory bodies, the Council appointed Erik
C. Franklin to the Scientific and Statistical Committee, replacing
Brian Bowen; Alice Lawrence to replace Mr. Benjamin Carroll on
the American Samoa Archipelagic Plan Team; TeeJay Letalie to
replace Mr. Nonu Tuisamoa as the American Samoa representative
on the Pelagic Plan Team, and Sean McDuff to the Marianas Archipelagic Plan Team. The Council also decided to restructure the Noncommercial Advisory Committee as presented to base membership
on established and active fishing clubs and organizations throughout
the region that largely comprise non-commercial fishermen.
The Council is responsible for federally managed fisheries in
Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern
Mariana Islands (CNMI) and the remote US Pacific Island areas. For
information, go to or email info.wpcouncil@; phone (808) 522-8220, or fax (808) 522-8226.
Letter from boot camp in
1953 returned to sender
NILES, Mich. (AP) — It was 1953 and then-Pvt. Bob Rodgers
had just arrived at Fort Campbell, Ky., for basic training when
he sat down to write a letter to his wife after the post’s power
went out. Sixty years later, that letter finally turned up, when the
U.S. Postal Service gave it back to Rodgers, who’s now living in
southwestern Michigan. In the June 13, 1953, letter, the 20-yearold told his wife, Jean, about the routines of life in boot camp.
“All you do is march, KP, shine boots, shine boots and shine more
boots and brass and more brass,” he wrote.
On March 7, New Carslisle, Ind., Postmaster Connie Tomaszewski hand-delivered the letter to Rodgers, now 79. She did so the
same day it arrived at her office, she told the South Bend Tribune.
Rodgers was bemused by the return of the letter. “I asked if
they had found the remains of the horse and rider and got the letter
out of the saddle bag,” he said, smiling. “She just shook her head.”
Tomaszewski said it’s hard to even guess what might have
happened to the letter over six decades. “There are a million possibilities. ... It could have sat at Fort Campbell,” she said. “The
important part of it is it did get delivered.”
Mary Dando, spokeswoman for the Greater Indiana District
of the U.S. Postal Service, said the letter may have actually been
delivered, then ended up at a flea market or antique store where a
collector latched onto it. In such cases, people sometimes put them
back in the mail for reasons unknown, Dando said.
Rodgers said even if his wife didn’t get the letter, it wasn’t a big
deal. “She didn’t miss it, and I didn’t miss it, because I wrote her
about every day,” he said.
Jean Rodgers died of cancer eight years ago.
The letter bears a Fort Campbell postmark and the date June 15,
1953. It also features two 3-cent stamps. Asked what her reaction
would have been to the letter’s final arrival had she still been alive
to receive it, he said, “She’d have got a kick out of that.”
samoa news, Monday, March 18, 2013 Page 15
$5.25 - Bargain Matinees All Shows Before 6pm
$5.25 - Senior Admissions All Day
$4.25 - All Day For Kids
$6.75 - Adults
Two young girls play house, mimicking their mothers in burqas cut to their size, on the out(AP Photo/Rahmat Gul)
skirts of Jalalabad, east of Kabul, Afghanistan, Sunday, March 17, 2013.
➧ Pothole relief coming soon…
road repairs are:
Aoloau Rd (resurfacing the most dangerous
pot holes),
The loop from Pava’ia’i Rd (beginning at
Canco Hill) to Iliili Rd (Lupelele Elementary),
Ottoville/Fagaima Road (including a side
walk repair and road marking by the turn in to
the Tradewinds Hotel and Cost U Less), and
Vaitogi Rd (extension) and the Fogagogo
Rd. He noted that these projects plus several
main roads on the eastern side by Lauli’i to
Alofau are on the list and the work will take up
to at least 6 to 8 months.
In the meantime, Tualauta Rep. Florence
Vaili Saulo is sponsoring a resolution asking
Gov. Lolo M. Moliga, to instruct the DPW to
provide a complete thorough and detailed report
and update on the Airport Road and Intersection
Improvement project, and to provide detailed
reasons for it’s apparent delay.
According to the resolution, the deplorable
condition of the stretch of the Airport Road that
has become the single most traveled road on
Tutuila Island, demands relief for the traveling
public and residents of Tualauta. Something
which has not been realized for many years.
The ASG has sought the much needed funding
for an improvement project for this road after
decades of wear and neglect, the resolution says,
noting that in recent years the DPW announced
that appropriations have been secured to construct a new road that would alleviate both the
pothole-ridden highway and traffic congestion.
Further, it states, pursuant to local and federal procurement laws, the Airport Road and
Intersection Improvement Project was put out
for bid and was awarded to Whitehorn Construction, which has proposed many plans for
the widening and proper repaving of the road.
However, since the contract was announced on
August 23, 2012, the public has seen only slight
progress on the long awaited road project.
“The public continues to have concerns on
its progress and have conveyed to legislators
and officials their fears of setbacks in the implementation of the contractor’s proposal and
the pace at which the plans are progressing is
unclear, and warrants some clarity by the DPW
and the contractor,” says the resolution.
➧ Immigration board nominees…
when the House will vote again on it.)
Although Deputy Attorney General Salo Ale
testified two weeks ago before the Senate that
there is no law that currently prohibits Immigration board members from being sponsors, Sen.
Faumuina Tagisiaali’i said a big loophole in local
immigration policies is the conflict of interest created when board members sponsor foreigners.
Sen. Mauga T. Asuega said that one of the
big problems at the Immigration Office is that
employees want something in return for their
work and that is not good for this office that
oversees immigration matters.
Also, people answering the phones at the
Immigration Office are very rude except when
they are made aware that it’s a lawmaker on the
line, then the treatment is different. “Everyone
should be treated the same across the board,”
said Mauga, who urged the nominees to do the
right thing when it comes to foreigners entering
and residing in the territory.
He said ASG must fully enforce its immigration laws and questions have been raised in the
past if it is best to have the federal government
take over local immigration services. He had
more questions but said he would wait to call the
nominees back if they are confirmed by the Fono.
Continued from page 1
Starring: James Franco, Mila Kunis, Michelle Williams, Rachel Weisz
When Oscar Diggs, a small-time circus magician with dubious ethics, is hurled away from
dusty Kansas to the vibrant Land of Oz, he thinks he’s hit the jackpot - fame and fortune are
his for the taking - that is until he meets three witches, Theodora, Evanora and Glinda, who
are not convinced he is the great wizard everyone’s been expecting. Reluctantly drawn into
the epic problems facing the Land of Oz and its inhabitants, Oscar must find out who is good
and who is evil before it is too late. Putting his magical arts to use through illusion, ingenuity
- and even a bit of wizardry - Oscar transforms himself not only into the great and powerful
Wizard of Oz but into a better man as well.
Discount Tuesday:
7:00 9:45
7:00 9:45
7:00 —
7:00 —
7:00 —
Continued from page 1
Other senators pointed out long standing
complaints and concerns, because of the problems that come out of the Immigration Board
and Immigration Office. The nominees were
urged to fully review the law and make the right
Sen. Alo Fa’auuga said there are too many
overstayers in the territory and the overstayers
become a problem to American Samoa when
they violate the law. He said many of the overstayers are only known when they commit a
crime and appear in court.
Soliai reiterated in his closing remarks that
the board should have only five members and
the Fono would probably look into some sort
of compensation for this board, such as for
expenses incurred for carrying out duties of the
board. He then said that resumes for all nominees are also required by the committee.
Soliai cautioned that the Immigration board
must also pay close attention to fights and peace
disturbances in villages, because most of the
trouble makers are foreigners. For example, in
his village of Nu’uuli, which is controlled by its
Council of Chiefs, any fights and trouble there
are caused by foreigners, who are not natives of
the village.
Cast: Nicholas Hoult, Eleanor Tomlinson, Ewan McGregor, Stanley Tucci
An ancient war is reignited when a young farmhand unwittingly opens a gateway between our
world and a fearsome race of giants. Unleashed on the Earth for the first time in centuries,
the giants strive to reclaim the land they once lost, forcing the young man, Jack, into the
battle of his life to stop them. Fighting for a kingdom, its people, and the love of a brave
princess, he comes face to face with the unstoppable warriors he thought only existed in
legend - and gets the chance to become a legend himself.
Discount Tuesday:
7:15 9:45
7:15 9:45
7:15 —
7:15 —
7:15 —
Page 16
samoa news, Monday, March 18, 2013
Fa’asao – Marist HS National
Honor Society 2013 Induction

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