File - Gryffe High School


File - Gryffe High School
Gryffe High School
Old Bridge of Weir Road, Houston, PA6 7EB
Tel: 01505 690633 Fax: 01505 690888
web address:
Head Teacher: Mr Colin H Johnson BSc
Date: 3/06/15
Your support – Can you help us?
Dear Parents/Carers/Relatives/Pupils
I hope you enjoy this month’s newsletter.
Your support – Can you help us?
Detail on our In-Service Day
Parent Council Meeting
Responsibility of All Week
Mystery Skype to Sweden
A Taste of ‘Gryffe’
Bridge of Weir Nursery visit Gryffe Science
S3 French Apprentice Challenge
S2 GeoBus
Business Matters in Renfrewshire 2015
Junior UK Maths Challenge
Gryffe High Skiff Boat
School Athletics Championships
S1/2 Netball Success
What a Catch for Courtney!
SCIAF Fast raises £861.31, giving a donation
of £1722.61 in total
World Challenge
16-19 Activities Week
Upcoming priorities/events
The PTA Grand Annual Raffle
As part of an ongoing initiative we are trying to
establish a database of parents, carers and relatives
who would be willing to create and maintain
business links with the pupils and staff of Gryffe High
Could you:
 Offer work experience (short term or long
 Offer C.V. and job application workshops?
 Provide interview experience?
 Participate in careers events?
 Come into school and give talks (to any sized
group you are comfortable with!) about your
 Participate in and provide expert knowledge
and skills in projects with particular subjects?
 Provide employment opportunities?
 Offer Modern Apprenticeships or work
placements for apprenticeships?
 Suggest any other contact that would benefit
our pupils?
If you are willing and able to participate in any of the
above please contact Mrs Darroch (Project Leader for
Employability and Skills) via our enquiries email:
or drop in a business card and we will contact you.
We would be very grateful for your support in this
initiative as we strive towards enhancing the
educational experience for all our pupils, with the
ultimate goal of every pupil achieving a positive
destination in their chosen field of interest.
Please feel free to give the codes below a try and tell us what you
think via
Web Site
I Phone App
Caring • Learning • Achieving
Android App
I would like to give you some detail of what has
been happening over the past few weeks, out with
the SQA examinations:
Activities Week – details on pages 16 to 19
Tuesday 26 May, In-Service Day –
We started the day with a Cluster Presentation (All
staff from Houston Primary, Gryffe High and Bridge
of Weir Primary School’s together) on – ‘Who
The presentation focused on how we can support
children, and in particular looked after children.
After the Cluster presentation Gryffe High School
staff had a presentation regarding Reporting,
followed by Faculty discussion on how we could
improve our Reporting system and provide more
frequent detail, grades and action statements to
parents and pupils – including discussion on
meaningful Learner Conversations with pupils.
We devoted the afternoon of the In-Service Day to
working on preparations for our new National
Qualifications – National 6 and National 7 (Advanced
Our new timetable for S2-S4 pupils started on
Wednesday 27 May. I am happy to state we have
managed to maintain the wide range of courses on
offer to our pupils, including our S3 course structure
where we have a wider choice of 9 courses when
there used to be only 8 course choices.
I enjoyed welcoming our new S5 pupils arriving back
from their exam leave on Monday and into their S5
Conference, and our new S6 pupils who met in
Houston and killellen Church Hall for their morning
S6 Conferences on Monday and Tuesday.
The next few weeks are very lively, with:
 our P7 Induction Week and our Learning for
Change Eco Event on Friday 12 June
 Winning House Day Out (Wallace) and the
draw of the PTA raffle on Friday 19 June
 the UNICEF Day for Change and non uniform
day on Thursday 25 June
 ... and finally summer, with a 1:00pm close
on Friday 26 June
Parent Council Meeting on Monday 1
As detailed in our calendar, we had our last
Parent Council meeting for this session on
Monday 1 June, agenda below:
1. Welcome, Sederunt and Apologies
2. Achievements presentation by Miss Inglis
3. Head Teacher’s Report
Discussion on Improvement Planning
Presentation of Reporting
Election of Office Bearers
Chair and Head Teacher Open Question
and Answer Session
Date of Next Meeting
Close of Meeting
Gryffe High School Improvement Plan
At the last Parent Council Meeting Mrs Brown
gave an Improvement Planning presentation
to the Parent Council, a draft copy of which
was uploaded on our school website, under
the ‘About us’ section.
Please feel free to look at our draft plan and
make comment by email and/or phone.
Following further amendments, additions and
suggestions from Staff and Parents we will
discuss the plan at the next Parent Council
Meeting, on Monday 24 August, prior to
submitting the plan to the local authority.
Parent Council Meetings provide an opportunity
to discuss educational issues and, through
discussion, help focus on how Gryffe High School
develops as a school community.
We need more parents to play an active role in
the development of the school. Meeting
commitment is an hour and a half approximately
seven times across the session. The first meeting
of the new session will be held on Monday 24
August 2015 at 7:00 pm
Please come along and see what it is involved.
Caring • Learning • Achieving
Responsibility of All Week
The week beginning 11 May was designated as
Responsibility of All week. In this week, all S1 to S3 pupils
focused on completing their Responsibility of All profiles.
This allowed them to identify links in their lessons (with the
help of their teachers) to Literacy, Numeracy, Health and
Wellbeing and Skills. This also tied in with S3 pupils building
on their My MerIT profile. The week was launched with year
group assemblies. Time was set aside during the period to
log exactly what areas each aspect of the lesson covered and this was done across the
whole curriculum.
Pupils then took time at the end of the week to complete their profiles and evaluate
their own realisation of what skill they are strengthening. The week also serves to be
enjoyable and raise awareness that skills are transferrable and that e.g. Numeracy is not
just confined to Maths.
Pupils realise that although the RoA focus is for the week, RoA permeates through
almost everything that they undertake at school at all times throughout the year. Their
recognition of which skill they are using is always improving.
Caring • Learning • Achieving
Mystery Skype to Sweden
As part of Gryffe High School’s ‘Responsibility for All’ week, class 1Bn in Social Subjects undertook the
challenge of a Mystery Skype. The purpose of this activity was to demonstrate geographical knowledge
using Literacy, Numeracy and Health & Wellbeing skills in a new situation.
The idea was simple. We were going to Skype a class in a school from a different part of the world. We
didn’t know where they were but Miss Iafrate did. Using only questions that required yes/no answers;
we were to determine where the class was located in the world, and vice versa for them.
At first, many in the class were taken aback and somewhat excited by the exercise, but soon came to
grasp the idea of it. Pupils in the class were allocated various jobs such as mapper (to narrow down
location possibilities based on the class’ answers), greeter (to greet and give helpful yet unrevealing
answers as to where we were located), writer (to create suitable questions for us to ask them) and the
questioners themselves (to face the webcam on the computer and ask the other school the questions).
Many class members, upon speaking and
listening to these pupils, were certain as to their
nationality; American. Though, this turned out
not to be the case, as we began to ask the
questions. Some of these were:
‘Are you near the equator?
‘Are you in North America?’
‘Do you have a relatively warm climate?’
‘Are you near the coastline?’
‘Is your school on an island?’
Naturally, the questions got more and more specific as time went on. After roughly thirty minutes, we
had identified their location in Southern Sweden, but were struggling with their exact location. It turned
out to be a town about ten miles north of the second-largest city in Sweden, Gothenburg (Gutembörg).
After several more minutes of painstaking guesswork, the Swedish school accurately found our location.
After this each school began to ask questions about what life was like in each other’s country. Shortly
before ending our thirty minute long conversation, we decided to give them a taste of Scottish culture,
and sang our national anthem: The Flower o’ Scotland.
Overall, our class thoroughly
enjoyed the ‘Mystery Skype’. We
were unfamiliar to the task and
had never done it before, but we
soon became confident and
demonstrated our Literacy,
Numeracy and Health &
Wellbeing skills. We felt that the
whole exercise was considerably
worthwhile and we’d happily do
it again.
Article - James Fallon and Jack
Young (Both 1Bn)
Caring • Learning • Achieving
A Taste of ‘Gryffe’
Tuesday 12 & Wednesday 13 May 2015
The HFT Department were delighted to play a part in Houston Primary School’s Health Week again this
year. Following a meeting with Mrs Brooker from the primary school, the Health Food & Technology
teachers decided to put together a practical lesson to give the sixty-six P6 and ninety P7 pupils, a taste of
Wearing in some cases, floor length aprons - which they’ll soon grow into! - the excited youngsters put
together a snack lunch of a chicken wrap with salad and then helped to make a smoothie to wash it down.
The boys and girls built on their food preparation experience from the primary school and learned more
about food safety, food hygiene and knife skills, which will stand them in good stead for the ‘move’.
Feedback for the two days was very complimentary.
Mrs Brooker said the children had a wonderful time and that for many it was their favourite event of the
week. We look forward to working with Houston Primary School again in the future and to welcoming our
new culinary experts after the summer break.
Article - Mrs L Holligan
Photographs – Charlotte Stuart S2
Caring • Learning • Achieving
The Children of Bridge of Weir Nursery
Visit the Science Department
On Tuesday 5 May, the science department were delighted to welcome almost 80 young children from
Bridge of Weir nursery. There was a morning and afternoon session.
The weather was not kind to them but once they had battled through the wind and rain in their high
visibility jackets, they seemed happy to arrive in school.
Each session was divided between 2 science labs and each child was given a pair of protective glasses to
wear. The children were asked to listen carefully and they were given some basic safety information. They
were eager for the experiments to start.
Firstly, the children were shown what to do with plastic rods, balloons and confetti to provide a fun
introduction to Electrostatics. This literally made their hair stand on end!
To emphasise that science is often a study of everyday life, the next experiment involved testing several
everyday drinks using ‘special dye’ (actually Universal Indicator). This gave the pupils the opportunity to
use test tubes and they were then absolutely delighted to see an array of colour once they had finished
their experiment. This was then linked to the effects of acid on their teeth and health, as most of the drinks
tested were acidic apart from milk and still water.
The children then got a wee rest to watch a favourite demonstration of ‘Elephants Toothpaste’. This
involves a fairly spectacular chemical reaction which produces a large ‘tube’ of foam.
The final experiment involved watching flames change colour with different chemicals and ‘spark’ like
The young visitors seemed to thoroughly
enjoy their first taste of science.
Our thanks go to the nursery teachers,
carers and helpers who brought the
children and looked after them during their
A very special word of thanks to our
Science Technician Mrs Moira Stark who
spent a great deal of time preparing the
equipment for the visits and also helped
clear everything up afterwards!
Article - Mrs M McAleavy - Faculty Head
Photographs - Molly Speir and Jennifer
McDonald (both S2)
Caring • Learning • Achieving
Caring • Learning • Achieving
S3 French Apprentice Challenge
'Venez à Glasgow-c'est fantastique!'
'Come to Glasgow, it's amazing!'
This is the message our S3 French Apprentice Challenge Finalists were trying to win over the judges with!
Well done to all the finalists for presenting their work and 'félicitations' to the winning team Euan Huey,
Maisie Huey, Fern Adams and Claire Conway!
Here is what Euan Huey had to say,
‘On the Friday before activities week, I took part in an apprentice challenge set up by the French
department. The task was to market Glasgow as an attractive tourist destination to French speaking
tourists across the globe. My group comprised myself, Claire Conway, Fern Adams and my twin sister,
Maisie Huey.
We started the task with a little bit of hopeless enthusiasm, but mostly a burning desire to win! Fortunately,
my group was lucky enough to win and all of our hard work seemed to pay off. Aside from winning, getting
to work in a team was not only fun, but a great way for us to learn. May I say, there was never a dull
After winning the competition I would like to say thank you to Ms Tate, Ms Naismith, Ms Doherty, Ms Berry
and all the other teachers who put in time and commitment in to pulling off a truly successful event that
was enjoyed by many in the year. Furthermore, I would like to say thanks to our judges Mr Holsgrove and
the two guests, Mrs Hutcheson and Janette Kelso from the Scottish Centre for Languages!’
Article - Miss L Tate
Caring • Learning • Achieving
S2 GeoBus
Recently our class received a visit from the Geobus team at St Andrew’s University during our Geography
topic on natural disasters. They spoke to our class and another S2 class and let us take part in a workshop
to understand more about earthquakes, instruments used to detect them and the measures that can be
put in place to limit earthquake damage.
Our first activity was very interesting. We were put into pairs and we held a slinky at both sides and we
moved it in different directions using our hands showing the ways in which energy released during an
earthquake travels. We learned that there are two types of seismic waves P and S waves and they are
different in the way that they travel through the Earth from the epicentre of an earthquake.
Our second activity involved our whole class having to stand up and jump at different times, when
instructed to do so. As we did this, the Geobus seismograph recorded our movements and we were able to
see on the overhead projector how the instrument recorded the movements and what different stages of
earthquakes recordings on seismographs look like. It was a very energetic activity which everyone seemed
to be interested in and we learned a lot from it.
On our final task of the session, we were divided into teams and presented with the task of building the
strongest possible structure/building with only the materials provided: blue tac and 12 long pieces of k’nex.
We had just five minutes to complete this task after which they were put to the test using an earthquake
simulator device to see which one could withstand the most pressure and would therefore be most likely
to stay intact during an earthquake. Most of the structures were not strong enough; there were just two
groups with impressive structures that survived the pressure.
Overall it was an excellent workshop enjoyed by all, we learned a lot and everyone was very thankful to the
GeoBus team who travelled a very long way to come and visit us.
Article - Jack Chambers, John Meehan and Luke Rodgers (all 2F)
Caring • Learning • Achieving
Business Matters in Renfrewshire 2015
The school was invited to send a group to the B2B event organised by Renfrewshire Chamber of
Commerce. S3 Business students, who have chosen to study Business Management in S4, went along to the
Lagoon in Paisley on Thursday 14 May.
This event brings together a number of different businesses. There were seminars covering eg ‘Innovation
in the Workplace - What does the future look like in your business, and are you ready for it?’. This was
delivered by Microsoft. There was City Deal – the £1.13Bn initiative and what it means for Renfrewshire.
‘Innovation and creativity in business’ by the University of the West of Scotland and a session packed with
practical tips on how to get business from social media by Broadcaster and journalist Colin Kelly.
Here is a summary of what the group thought:
‘I found this event useful because I learned a lot about different businesses in Paisley, and also got some
ideas for work experience. I also got to write things in my ROA booklet which involved what we we were
recording eg ‘literacy skills’ because we learned some new words about business and also ‘communication
skills’ when talking to business owners and representatives. Also there were some opportunities for us to
volunteer for organisations such as St Vincent’s Hospice and Alzheimer’s Scotland. Even someone who was
with me managed to make a contact for work experience from this conference.’
Attending were - Cameron Baird, Amy Cooper, Sarah Fogarty, Emily Jackson,
Holly Stephen, Daniel Lockie, Hannah Newlands, and Matthew Waddell (All S3)
Article - Mrs M Connor
Caring • Learning • Achieving
Junior UK Maths
Challenge Success
The results have just arrived for the UKMT Junior
Maths Challenge. There were 10 silver awards and
13 bronze awards in the school.
Joint 'Best in School' were Jenny Hall S2 and Chiara
Jaconelli S2.
Very well done to all of the participants!
An example of the standard of question in the paper
The question (and solution) is taken from the UKMT 2015 Junior Challenge (which is protected by
copyright and therefore acknowledged).
See for further information.
Article - Mrs M Campbell
Check your answer here –
Caring • Learning • Achieving
Every day is a changing day with the progress of the
Skiff. It is now at the stage where every time you look
it has new colours added to it. Pupils in Art came up
with colour schemes and a favourite has been
chosen, based on the school colours. Resin was
applied to the entire outer surface of the skiff to
make sure that it is watertight.
Prior to the keel and outer stems being attached,
pupils have been busy sanding and filling
any imperfections on the on the outer surfaces to
ensure a nice finish.
Once the exterior has been fully painted the boat will
be turned the right way up to allow the inside to be
fitted with benches and painted. The end is now in
sight, but there is still a lot to be done.
So…….exciting times ahead for the Skiff! Our pictures
show the progress of the boat over the past year.
Anyone interested is most welcome to help out on
Wednesdays after school.
Article - Mr J Dempster
Caring • Learning • Achieving
School Athletics Championships
This year's athletics championships changed from the gruelling 8 event 2-day format to another testing one
day Pentathlon championships. Over 170 pupils participated over the full day event with every hundredth
of a second in each track event and centimetre in the field events crucial to going towards their overall
Pentathlon score. All athletes competed very well in this climax to their individual Athletics programme
with the following category winners crowned school champion at the following day's assembly:
S1 Girls - Alisha Sivell (Mackintosh)
S1 Boys - Kai Steele (Wallace)
S2 Girls - Hannah Lee (Wallace)
S2 Boys - Christopher Feeney (Fleming)
S3 Girls - Katie McGinn (Fleming)
S3 Boys - Adam Stevenson (Burns)
Well done also to Fleming house pupils who had the
most entrants competing in the championships!
Article - Mr G O’Hare
- Faculty Head of Health and Wellbeing
Photographs – Rowan Seel S1
Caring • Learning • Achieving
S1/2 Netball Success
It has been a busy season for the S1/2 Netball team, who have worked extremely hard in order to
experience success. Our most recent achievement has been to qualify for the Inter Authority Games and
represent Gryffe High School as one of only two Renfrewshire schools.
In order to secure qualification the girls had to battle it out against the top 5 teams in Renfrewshire. Wins
against Gleniffer High, Johnstone High and Linwood High guaranteed qualification alongside Castlehead
High School. This would see them play off against the top talent from Glasgow, East Renfrewshire and
Inverclyde Councils.
The girls played with great determination and passion, working together as one and finishing in a well
deserved 5th place, a great achievement in their debut season! They are now looking forward to finishing
their season at the annual summer tournament and returning next year hungry for more success! S1/2
Squad: Eilidh Maule (Vice Captain), Sarah Rasaaq, Eilidh McManus, Abbie Divers (Vice Captain), Eve Grant,
Rachel Thomson, Christina Wallace, Danielle Rooney, Kayla Fraser (Vice Captain) and Amber Duncan .
Article - Miss H Holmes
Caring • Learning • Achieving
What a Catch for Courtney!
S1 pupil Courtney Cameron had a most impressive
catch recently. Courtney enjoys fishing as one of her
hobbies. She is a keen member of Gryffe Angling Club.
She thoroughly enjoyed her May Bank Holiday when
she was fishing in the River Gryffe. Courtney was
absolutely delighted to catch a salmon weighing in at a
massive 8.5 pounds.
Hujambo (Hello in Swahili)
Did she have it for tea? No, fish is not one of her
favourite foods!
SCIAF Fast raises £862.31
On the Friday 27 March over 50 pupils and staff took
part in the SCIAF fast raising a total of £861.31. The
fantastic amount raised will be match funded by the
government, giving a total of £1722.62
This money will be used to
assist female farmers in
Africa. Sarah White from 2Fm
raised the most money at a
grand total of £77, while Ms
Sharp put the rest of the staff
to shame with an excellent
total of £155.35.
Well done to all pupils and
staff who fasted to support
this excellent cause!
Article - Miss H Rowan
On Saturday 20 June, when many
pupils/staff/parents are starting to think of
their leisurely summer holidays, two groups of
Gryffe High School pupils will be setting off on
potentially the greatest challenge of their lives
to date. 19 Pupils and 4 brave staff members
will embark on a 31 day expedition that will
include building and maintaining a local
school, embracing a new culture
and interacting with local people. They will
also attempt to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, the
highest mountain in Africa which stands at
19,340 feet high, 2/3rds the height of Mount
The hard work started for pupils
approximately 18 months ago when the
fundraising began. I am sure you will have
noticed a number of events that have
occurred, both in the school and in the local
community. The pupils would like to thank
you for your generosity throughout and for
assisting them with the opportunity to go on
this expedition.
If we could ask you to do one more thing,
when dreaming of that leisurely summer
holiday, that would be to wish them all the
best on this life changing experience for not
just the members of Gryffe High School but
also those people that they help and meet
along the way.
Many a picture, story and anecdote will be
shared on their return in August.
Asante (thankyou in Swahili)
Article - Mr A Findlay, World Challenge Leader
Caring • Learning • Achieving
Activities Week 2015
It has been a long tradition in Gryffe High that all S1, S2 and S3 pupils take part in an activity while the
senior pupils are away on exam leave. Pupils have an extensive range of activities to choose from.
This year Mrs Bell in the Maths Department looked after organising all of the Activity Leaders. With the
help of the Activity Committee, she made sure that almost all S1 to S3 pupils were placed on either their
first or second choice of activity. The Activity Committee spent a long time making sure that places were
allocated as fairly as possible.
Enjoy looking at some of the photos from the activities and there are even more photos in our Gallery on
the school website.
The trips on offer this year were Residential Trips to
 Barcelona
 Noordwijk
 Valencia
 Loopallu – (Craft Activity in Ullapool)
 UK Adventure – (Auchengillan)
 Float Your Boat – (Cumbrae Water Sports Centre)
Day Trips included  Can You Handle it – (Castle Semple, Urban Combat and Go Karting and M&Ds)
 Days Away – (Edinburgh Zoo, Odeon, Bowling, Kelpies and Falkirk Wheel)
 Fishing Frenzy
 Scary Scotland
– (Blair Drummond, Ghoulish Glasgow, Edinburgh Dungeons and the Hard Rock Café)
 Goal – (sportgrounds and stadiums)
 Creative Crafts
 Golf
 Jewellery
 Gamezone
 Sporting Games
 and Movie Club
It may have been warmer in Valencia than it was at the Kelpies and some emergency waterproofs had to
be bought at M&Ds, but in general the weather was kind to us and the pupils all had a great variety of
I was delighted to hear about the many adventures undertaken by our pupils, and of their outstanding
behaviour. I am very proud, as should all parents be, of the way the pupils have engaged in their
activities and of the many excellent reports I have had on their enthusiasm. I must admit now, that
should you hear in any national press of a Scottish Head Teacher doing press ups in the middle of Alicante
Airport then I stand guilty as charged. I happened to be 1 minute late for a scheduled meeting with the
pupils, and as we all know, latecoming has consequences!!
Nearly all pupils participated in the Activities Week and I value this week as vital in creating the Caring
Learning Achieving ethos that we have in Gryffe - staff and pupils enjoying the range of activities
The week of fun, at the end of a hard session, sets us up to return to school refreshed and ready to
embark on a new timetable at the end of May.
Caring • Learning • Achieving
Scary Scotland
Can you Handle it
Caring • Learning • Achieving
Can you Handle it
Can you Handle it
Days Away
Float your boat
Caring • Learning • Achieving
Upcoming priorities/events
Mon 1
Tue 2
Wed 3
........... Please tell us more .............
I believe, by now, you will appreciate just how
much is ‘going on’ within the school - a hive of
energy with, as ever, a focus on Caring, Learning,
Many parents email me detail about the out of
school achievements of their child, which I
thoroughly enjoy reading.
I would ask any parent/carer to please feel free to
send me or email me detail of their child’s out of
school achievements. We now have a system to
record all such achievements in order to
acknowledge the efforts that frequently do not get
the recognition that is deserved.
Thurs 4
Fri 5
Mon 8
Tue 9
Wed 10
Thurs 11
Fri 12
Parent Council AGM; 7:00 pm start
New S5 Induction Day
New S6 Induction Morning at Houston
and Killellan Church Hall
New S5 start new timetable
New S6 Induction Morning
New S6 start new timetable
Newsletter uploaded onto website
Old S6 Prom
P7 Pupils meet Pupil Support Staff and
P7 Parents’ Information Evening,
7:00 pm start
P7 NQT Challenge
P7 Visit: Induction Day 1
P7 Visit: Induction Day 2
Eco: Learning for Change Morning
Fri 19
Winning House Day Out - Wallace
Thurs 25
Non-Uniform Day
UNICEF Day for Change
Fri 26
Last Day of Session,
school closes at 1:00pm
Working together we can ensure our children get
the very best opportunities to develop and achieve
their full potential in all aspects of learning.
Mr Colin Johnson
Head Teacher
Caring • Learning • Achieving
Caring • Learning • Achieving

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