User Guide - Mercantile Bank of Michigan
User Guide - Mercantile Bank of Michigan
Navigating the Mercantile Bank of Michigan Investment Account Website Logging into the Mercantile Bank of Michigan ichigan HSA Investment Account You will access the Mercantile Bank off Michigan HSA Investment Account site by going go g to and under u er Login to Other OnlineServices, Services,clicking clickingon onHSA HSAInvestments. Investments. I estments. AA separate “Welcome” page will appear. appe . Log in using the Account Number and PIN you y received from Mercantile Bank of Michigan (your HSA A Investment login information was sent to you y via Secure Email and can be retrieved by logging in to your BankingAccount). Account). our Mercantile Bank of Michigan HSA Internet Interne Banking Once in the the Mercantile MercantileBank BankofofMichigan Michigan HSA Investment Account website Mic an HSA Investment Account website youyou cancan v view the mutual fund options available, buysell and sell lmutual funds, change investment elections, view Morningstar® options available, buy and mut mutual funds, change investment elections, view Morningstar® orningstar® reports, reports, view and print on-line statements, confirmations and prospectuses, yourview PIN your and line statements, confirmations onfirmations and prospectuses, change your yo change PIN and view your personal performance. Making Your Initial Investment Elections Elec ons Initially you will need to request the mount of funds to be from your Merc tile Bank of Once logged in to the HSA Investmentnt Account (as directed above), select “Enroll Now". Michigan HSA Checking Account to t e Mercantile Bank of Michigan HSA Investme Moving dollars to the Mercantile Ba ’ secti are made in e HSA Investme Account (as directed above), select “Enroll Now” Investment N w” A. My Information It is recommended that you do not change your User ID to an Alternate User ID. Select a New PIN/Password (required). Please note Alternate ID and PIN/Password Rules are listed in the gray box on the lower right. Select “Next” to proceed. B. My Investments st of funds with your current percentage, which whi should all be 0. The elections screen will show a list f r each fund in increments of 1% in the box across acr ss from each fund You can specify the percentage for Ma sure you have a total of 100% before you submit su it your elections. that you would like to elect. Make This step must be completed before you transfer funds to your HSA Investment Account. Select “Next” to continue. C. Finish • Verify your enrollment information is correct. If you need to change your information, select the “Edit” button to the left of My Information or My Investments Investments.. If all of the information on your Online Enrollment Summary page is correct, select the “Enroll Me” button. • • An “Enrollment completed successfully” message will appear. Select “OK”. Once your enrollment is successful, the “Enroll Me” button will change to read “Cancel Enrollment”. If you made an error and need to cancel enrollment, proceed by selecting the “Cancel Enrollment” option. Please note: If you chose to “Cancel” this affects only your election investment. The change is effective immediately for any new login credentials previously entered. • Select “Exit Online Enrollment” in the top right corner to leave Online Enrollment. Subsequent, buy and sell transactions can be done under Plan Services through either the “Current Asset Alignments” or “Transfer Investments” links. Moving dollars to the Mercantile Bank of Michigan HSA Investment Account Once you have reached the $2,500 minimum balance in the Mercantile Bank of Michigan HSA Checking Account, any dollar amount over the $2,500 balance can be transferred to the Mercantile Bank of Michigan HSA Investment Account. This is NOT automatically transferred. login toHSA your Mercantile Bank of Michigan A. Go to and select Internet Banking from th drop internet banking account. Bank HSA B. Transfer funds from your HSA Checking Account to your HSA Investment Account by going under Transactions and selecting “Funds Transfer”. C. Select the From Account (your HSA-Individual/Family Plan Account) and the To Account (your HSA Investment Account) from the drop down list. Complete the Transfer Date field, enter the amount you would like transferred and if desired, a description of the transaction. Once completed, click Submit. D. A message box will appear. Click OK to submit the transaction. You will see the amount withdrawn from your HSA Checking Account immediately; however, it will take approximately 2-3 business days for the amount to appear as invested in your HSA Investment Account according to the investment elections you have established. Navigating the Mercantile Bank of Michigan HSA Investment Account Home Page ACCOUNT SUMMARY Participant Summary - This screen includes your name, e-mail address, account number and general account information. Investment Summary – This screen is a view of your investment balances by fund, current portfolio percentage of investment and future investment elections for new money into the account. Pending Activity – You can view pending buy or sell orders in your account. Transaction History – You may view past transaction history in your account by choosing date ranges of your choice up to 24 months of account history. Investment Performance – You can review historical performance data on each of the funds available in the platform. PLAN SERVICES Future Investment Elections – You have the ability to elect by percentage investment elections for all new money contributions. Current Asset Alignments – You can realign their current investment percentages. Transfer Investments – You may transfer dollars or by percent between funds. Change Participant PIN – You may change their personal identification number using anywhere from 4-8 numeric digits. Transfer to Bank Balance - You may move funds back to your Mercantile Bank of Michigan HSA Checking Account using this link for further distribution from the checking account. Indicate the dollar amount you wish to transfer back to your Mercantile Bank of Michigan HSA Checking Account. Your investments will be liquidated based on your Current Asset Alignment percentages and on settlement date will be sent by ACH back to your Mercantile Bank of Michigan HSA Checking Account. PLANNING AND ADVICE Mutual Fund Information – The Mutual Fund Information worksheet provides historical performance data on each of the funds available in the portfolio and by clicking on the P & M icons you will find links to fund prospectuses and links to Morningstar® reports. Market Cycles – This worksheet identifies which asset classes have led the market in the previous quarter and the previous 15 years. The Market Cycles worksheet is an indicator for portfolio diversification as no one asset class consistently out-performs any other asset class. HSA Asset Allocation Calculator – By answering a few simple questions, the HSA Asset Allocation Calculator provides you with a suggested asset allocation, by asset class, based on your goals and risk tolerance. PERSONAL PERFORMANCE You can view data on your personal rate of return for the HSA Investment account, Net Investment vs. Market Values, Cumulative Returns and a Summary of your Account Activity. STATEMENTS ON DEMAND You can customize your online statement delivery option by date up to 24 months of account history. CLOSING YOUR MERCANTILE BANK OF MICHIGAN HSA INVESTMENT ACCOUNT To close your investment account you must first liquidate all investments in the account and transfer the proceeds to your Mercantile Bank of Michigan HSA Checking Account (Transfer to Bank Balance). Then, you may request verbally or through written request to Mercantile Bank of Michigan to close your account. Accounts carrying a zero balance for 24 months will be considered closed and purged from the investment system. Investment options are Not FDIC Insured, May Lose Value and are Not Guaranteed by the Bank.