ilo`io"rir, iOLaN\PeR
ilo`io"rir, iOLaN\PeR
F+ ---+' PART.I ANt4odRLAfA DE k:* l0 trftssr, I tr m A r9At4 N 6EAE(AL ..' c, r. I ' Jr - ^l l.-Le* AclEm f5LY/ A-s 5 4nY 19-05 .. aol6 r.o . rl RAJ E N- K+l(A-\ t , ilo'io"rir, iOLaN\PeR ry a political Psty, Pba;oentiont€ianeof lhe political p€tty tfcEtdiitate utr is set up N+G)4{ \r ( +er11l- Yet, Htl|.Ar l3 rYA X,y .:.t?" ABSIRAqTOT$TATEIUENTOF'ELECIIONEXPENDITT'RE OT'CANDIDAIE PAREU Amt In- nrr€d/Afh hliculas by Candidale /Elecrfur aeErt0n Rs,) I I 2 Eryeoses inpublic meetlrg p@cessiotr €ic.r Ant Incuned / Auth"byPol. Pety(inR.9) 4 3 Ad. Ilcum{/ ArdLby Oth€rs 6DRs) f 6 nly, La Expenses in public rneeling rally, i5!ol" /'.JtL lr o3 23oi N\t- :L08(3ol' NfL is Nlt- pmc,ession etc. (ie: othei than the ones with StcCmpaignasof 0re Political party (Enolo6e €s per Scbedule- l ) Lb: Expeodinre inpublic neeting rslln plqcession etc. with the Star CampqigD€r (s) (ie: gtb€r tbsn thos€ for gcrierul qosz3oli {.^.1| pqty ptopaSpnda) (Enclose €s per SchrdulF2) II oJ ',n ry Expeidihrc cmpsign vehicle G), used by candidate (Enclos€ as per on r Pl NIL. \\\5-tr5. NI(- r\\sts.' .{l' r*' '3-rJrroO scheduleS) / Experises ofcampqign workers as per Schedule- 6) agerts (Erclose VI :> l50s \ \\ ]Io r., s 3 33J- N \(- . N\ L- Ntl- ^lr L rlt 3t1l l)633,JJ.. DJ* PART-IV FORM OF AFFIDAVIT (1) (2) That | /my election agent kept a separate and rized by me / my erecio, .^^ ^.. .il;ffi Sfl iffmr..r tr ffiTff| ;trff ,,^l ^r ^x ::*.* ....'-...-......... (the date ..--.. . on whiclrtwas nominatedr Inated) and lhe date .l-.-.. ofdeclaration Don oays oftlho Bsutt fErcof. "* ""r.l. ^,"jlll]_5n inclusive. p) That the said account was maintained in I PUPoss and the sai,c R*,r,., or.,r,, uoned In the said (4) account. .nr1u-l,Tisteltumish€d texed hereto with the ;lifiilffilffi connection with the from (other than tie *. by the Retumin0 officer tor ihe supporting voucl|orri/ bills mon annexed hereto incrudes a, items or erec{ion sleclion agent, the political party rvhich l',T:ffii?::: : sponsored me, other as;;ffi#,]:Jmy (5) -. and othef individuatt tuppotting electio;;;;rf,]"":T::ns concealed tu' in or withh.ld/suppr€ssed hare expe;;;#l11lT Ten bv Expranations r erc 2,ndar R"el{;.r; ;;:;"J;,fi:lfi;covered :::tly.i.(ll nal the Abstract Statement I of Election_Exp€nses annexed as AnnexurB ll to the said accounl atso includes all expenditure incuned or autho^"C ;ffiffi',Tfl?: :lfffi:ociations / bodv or ly,", ,y rfu.tioa,*"r, *, *,r*,*rr, perso'"..i "".,lrtoir."r,uo"*nn ru, (6) lliffiilil:ffi[,'lt1T::::i:ffi'J?nfl i.f H:::::h:es, of my kn.w,edso Deponent dE Solemnly affrmed / Stvom bv of201........,............ Before me, .... .. .. ............ at.. (Si0;6 lureandsealoftheAteso*.."ii,r,irln oroath commission orNotary pubric) . "2, X^y.*-l* v*- i' ru,*.il;*a,I: --t ASSAM 5/^ + a..l^-,t ,/ +.- )14.*t AFFIDA\17 26AA 3285 BEFORE THE DISTRICT ELECTION OFFICER, NAGAON (ASSAM) ,'41--- .*. .air --t{F.t t7 ii ' 3; !rJ'.A-r.rl- Affidavit ofsri ArgoorlNta Deka, Wife ofSri Akashdeep Deka, ,.n . I, Sri Atrgoorlata Deka, Wife ofSri Akashdeep Deka, Aged 30 years, resident ofvill: Pub-Bhakatgaon, P.O. Kapahera, p.s. Mikirbheta, Dist. Morigaon (Assam) do hereby solemnly and sincerely state and declare as under :- l. That'I was a contesting candidate at the gpn€{€l-€ls€Cei,S}€-€l€€+iofi.lg [h€ I+€lls€----€{--+€-,"e€et€l Legislative Assembly of Assam from g4 Bata&avaPa+liasentary/Ass€mbly on l9 ' constituenoy, the result ofwhich was declared May, 2016. 2. That Vmy election agent kept an sepamte and co ect acoount ofall expenditure incurred / authorized by me / my. election agent in connection with the above election between 22no day of March 2016 to lgth day of May, 2016 (the dats on which.l was nominated) and the date of declaration of rasult thereof, both day tncluslve. 3. P:ii*t',ii'ii That the said account was maiftained in the R€gister fumished by the hetuming Officer for the purpose and the said Register itself is annexed thereto with the supporting vouchers / bills maintained in the said account. Contd...,2.. ,i I ( { --s -) ? I 3 - 26AA 013287 { { a '.1 a s.,-aldr., t q 2 tl I 4. That the account ofmy election expenditure as annexed hereto includes all items ofelection expenditur€ incuned oriuthorized by me or by my election agent, the political party which sponsored me, other associationsfuody of persons and other individuals supporting me, in connection with th€ election, and nothing has been other than the expenses on tmvel concealed or withheld/suppressed therefiom under section 77(l) of the of 'I,€ader' oovered by explanation and ? I .i,. ( 2 Representation of the P€ople Aot,195l). f"' That the Abstract Statement ofEleotion Expenses ann€xed as Annexure [I to the said account also includes all expenditure incurred or authorized by me, my election agent, the political party which sponsored me, other associations / body ofpersonJand other individuals supporting me, in connection with the election' That the statements in the foregoing paragaph knowledge and belief, that nothing concealed (l) ro (5) are true to the b€st ofmy is false and nothing material has been a"*l^L I D,,"' DePonent Solmnly aftirmed / swoh bt sri Aosoortlrr Dekt I it at Nasaon, ttriJdav orrue .2016 ly-lJ^ bero@ me. D"J^. r € Yf"* purn",.-ffi? ,'p.o.o ofElections Funds "nd io r. **rul .rc. (i.: orher rtf;;ffi E penitu"" orcanaia" r-aDdtdate th r'l"--'-"o! L,rounceofErh .L ioR i. iDcurred _Audr. by Uaodidate I agcnt I 3 6 7 t!" 9 other anisr rem tn r,,*.i^- ^.- -; -*--"o.'* I I |" t2 l3 Rer #=:a-s're19*=1 I4 Cuar( ts ac s;ecuritv ch2rc-" | '- Boad partyf Star Cr t6 Other t---l(( , .J! i' ll-Ar.^- lucured/ | . Arnr t byPol. / Pady witt l l&curred/ Dy oth$s n8mc 5 t_-_-_____-_-_- t!,,__rr 2 difurc ffiF / I. An-- rouol I I I 6 ) I 2 3 '$r I ' cn r.I..a.J..u, 6\^..1,,i^ o\al0\ / vtL !trt potr irr.f [ 5 lrry& 2--r980 f"1l^-'a h4l^.i4r$.taq' \ +<'+t!4,i, .!,r1^ Ar.c^,lt'. "J*-A 8Lq3' P",,if- t.2 1}O 4 oe loq/uru . R.Ar++ LAl 5 bri lo.rbo.Yr o!.!riA i0qsqo *G-l-4i 6 I 7 l0 tl 12 '--- \t. hrII {- rril (orgh'lu:n oJ ^rGa )ol^ot..I 6harr^i"j'1", S." r're.r-hn1 rq50 46 3 t-*{., tlrr.-/(r^ . 's elecdon t I a, +aAAb W --r-lx n\.t{^s --fsF :{{63! 2ok6Jt ' .--: ,/,, lr+.-.:- zoilttol. I H -qe",.si,il#,_Fff :7-=eh' ,| - II LI _-?- :-=---- 4 ric nodiaix ,rr([c€s or txpeJrdiire NdUleofoedium (clectoniC /pritlo ard . I r"sl IJ Anount guratron in Rs. Icol.(3H4 I 5 o 8 I z 3 5 .a 8 9 l0 lt t2 foaal i.t \ L'. N\L :tr '.ls D.t- AJ||,- ljattnr d Itrlgch{8rrdvlucle t { Bilsu.{tr(r rclottrtuce(lttdl'.6hllns;mid ofDryr 6.s,n&h F|&l.tq; i : '.' No. trDa aotllald yE @& .Otur. ,.. . 'Dd€rlttodl 1., ll30 tl io 3b 4 2-5'f 5-o <) ltj/trd. r6.a .i4d ASo!9' :..913i .6., 675b qs_oE g 2., Lao 5-Aa ,q?r:r z, tl|', Alot 46- r Nt! 9 !l :5*,ll,o !9 '9, <{00 I to , 6 ra1oo r46?o '{lL 2.:io 2$O 500 l-oo A5QIAts. f lo 2('6 500 oo t50 ^rl L 23qo q 610 ?.r60 l{t 6lO 8 ist , rr.ltc t:t60 tll5 ,4 ra Nl9 rtJ .-- '0. IO 12 llri55 Ioirl Na.l?", Jh4 v<-hidc! u.t..| l&l '.ri r'-c'v 115-65 1:l - ''/ , /yJ/" I b"t- ^-rl ic-U'vd+ r</nr ^-("1/ -= Experues o! calY _SoqaesofExp€rdi-; Totrl |lnouot ;s u |0ul'!d/ au t" in R!. i I I ,l 2 3a Carnpaign worterhooo rariun / salary etc. JD I 3c 6 I Slsaoq I t I Ioddng 4 -) 6 7 8 9 t2 5 tswaf ' I N\L .t ..$L 7 SCHEDTJLDT ueta sotAmorEt ofoqin fiod us€d for t ele< tionc"-p;lg Iln -l m i 2,: .: Remar*s { !.r|-.eal- cidE- - t-i i'r llr 518 Qlcc/ra'y' j,' l'18 :6 I t_l--. | ,t .- l0 ll I ( t -/\-*It^ : s,)3$'1, . SC}IEDULE- 8 ucrlr5or r-umf sixn ann\rr,r rcruciveJ I _---r=-- .Narne , - . oithe Political Party -------_ onn rne f\irny { Icsi nr cash orchequc or DD DD/ Cheque no. €tc. with details of dralee bank Bhetofi)p" S Parti /' /-#'t D,&e orbyAccountTtansf€r Remarks, i any ]-.t ;t, _,_ rpceive /ftra/asso. lMentioil---- */* /*' 1: J l*^- 5- 4 rrllltr | 6AAA Nt . tcltlt6 ^lt '7 o NiL. ttl4t6 2 -*, q t&rw,Da eE. as 8-----: tq aaa/- l- -t1pllr1 L T..r,tt'9 rc?.oof t4u!d'r 6"4 2r llli6 6'f- ai:/ii qr 6r ub16 6 :, tl- _ 6vt t |<r#^ d on ui d!)\i rf"4 S D\ "^t & lfor.. (lk lg06o/, t tooc lJOo0 arsooaI Tot|l I ,- .. $cl.cYl $l.ltl' rtu -.. 1