From the Principal - St. Martha Catholic School
From the Principal - St. Martha Catholic School
January 17, 2014 Mission From the Principal The Mission of St. Martha Catholic School is to provide a Greetings St. Martha Families and Friends! quality education sharing in the total Catholic formation of We are fast approaching the halfway point in the school year. The first half of the year seems to each person by developing fly and now we get into our very academic time. January 25 to January 31 is the annual Catholic mind, heart, and spirit. Right Choice Lesson The Right Choice lesson for the month of January is Humility. Schools Week that helps us all focus on a reason our Catholic schools exist. This year’s theme is Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service. Below is a general theme for each day of Catholic Schools Week. We will send a Flocknote with the information and more details. Sat/Sun, January 25/26: Faith, Knowledge and Service: In our Parish (Fr. Borski’s Wild Game Dinner) Monday, January 27: Faith, Knowledge and Service: In Our Vocations Tuesday, January 28: Faith, Knowledge and Service: In Our Parents and Volunteers Wednesday, January 29: Thursday, January 30: Friday, January 31: How can you show humility in your everyday life? Faith, Knowledge and Service: In Our Community (National Apreciation Day For Catholic Schools) Faith, Knowledge and Service: In Our Faculty and Staff (National Catholic Teacher Appreciation Day) Faith, Knowledge and Service: In Our Students Fr. Borski celebrated this week’s School Mass with us and gave a wonderful homily based on the Gospel from Mark and the first reading from the book of Samuel, In the first reading, Samuel was being called by God, but Samuel was not open to God’s call and thought it was Eli Parker Uniform Code calling him. After several trips to Eli in the night, Eli finally understood that Samuel was being Uniforms may be called by God to be the next prophet in the temple. Eli told Samuel to respond to God by saying ordered online at that “his servant was listening”. When Samuel did this, God revealed himself to Samuel. In the Gospel, Simon Peter’s mother-in-law was sick and died and Jesus asked her to rise, which she Web ID Code: 77339 did and began serving Jesus. Fr. Borski reminded us that in both readings God called people who then responded to His call and served the Lord by serving others. Fr. Borski said the main SMCS Used Uniforms purpose for our school is to learn to hear God’s call. We are called by God to serve others Sold at Merry-Go-Round Con- especially by sharing God’s word in deed and through prayer. When you think about it, it is very signment hard to know if God has really called you. The call from God might come in the form of a dream 3037 Woodland Hill Dr. like many in the Bible experienced. You might have an idea as someone shares a story with you www.kingwoodmerrygoround. or you are in a certain place and you just get this overwhelming feeling that you have something com/ to do. God calls many people in many different ways and it is up to us to be open to the knowledge that God does call each of us to do something as part of the Christian family. He has Office Depot 5% Back to called each of the staff and each family present at St. Martha Catholic School to come together School Program and share His love amongst our school community and the parish community and the greater If you shop at Office community surrounding us. Thank you all for hearing that message. Depot, please use our school Have a blessed week. ID for 5% cash back to Mrs. Tina Lewis, SMCS. Our ID# is 70098730 Tuition & Before and After School Program Please remember that tuition is due on the 1st of each month. All Before and After School Program fees are due by the 10th. Knights of Columbus Council #12320 Rev. Msgr. Chester L. Borski’s Annual Wild Game Supper Saturday, January 25 5:30 - 8:00 at the Family Life Center 3702 Woodland Hills Dr. Kingwood SATURDAY, JANUARY 25 - 5:30 TO 8:00 ADULT WILD GAME DINNER PLATE - $10.OO CHILDS WILD HOT DOG PLATE - $5.00 SMCS Beta Wreaths Across America and the WILD HOT DOG SMCS Basketball Headlines! The SMCS Athletic Department would like to send a GIANT THANK YOU to Dr. Holly McIver @ KINGWOOD ORTHODONTICS for the wonderful scoreboard which is now proudly displayed in the Activity Center just in time for our last home games! Thursday, Jan 23rd, Boys (all three teams) vs St. Anne Tomball, 4:30 start Go Crusaders! Congratulations to the Boys Varsity Basketball team for finishing 2nd place in our first ever hosted basketball tournament here at St. Martha. There were six teams in total from all over, including Spring and Conroe. Our boys ended up losing by four points in the final seconds to the Lake Houston Conquerors. We also had two boys selected unanimously by their opposing coaches to the All Tournament team. Congratulations to Sean Bryan and Max Vosloh in representing the Crusaders! SMCS Beta Singing Christmas Carols SMCS Alumni Event DECEMBER 19 SMCS alumni enjoyed a lunch social in the Youth Center hosted by our Alumni PLUS chairs, Christy Villarreal and Casey Levy, with the help of Melisa Dion. After some social time, the alumni joined our middle school students in the Family Life Center where our alumni shared some of their wisdom and experience gained in high school and college. Our middle school students also had the opportunity to gather in small groups with our alumni and ask questions they had about high school and beyond. The middle students then enjoyed a special treat of a popcorn bar! SMCS is proud of its alumni, and we thank them for sacrificing free time from their busy finals week to come share their time and experience with our students. Our alumni serve as great role models and inspiration for our Crusaders! If you have any news you would like to share about your alumni, please contact Christy Villarreal at or Casey Levy at Like us on Facebook – St. Martha Catholic School Alumni Mrs. Castillo’s 3K Mighty, Tiny Crusaders We have spent the first week celebrating the 2014 New Year with hats, horns, noise makers, and a parade!! We are reviewing colors and the five Right Choice Rules. This month students will be introduced to the season of winter, letters B & E, white, diamond, and numbers 5 & 6. We will also celebrate Dr. King and his beautiful dream, the 100th Day of School, and Catholic Schools Week. There will be a special t-shirt project for the 100th Day of School (1/28/14). Information will be sent home by 1/17/14. May God's peace be with you all in the New Year. The first mass for 3K will be Wednesday, January 29, 2014. Ms. Milewski's 3K We are amazed at how much our students have grown over the two weeks of Christmas break. We see a huge change in maturity around this time of year which is to our advantage since we have so much left to learn. We will begin assessing students for progress reports starting January 6. Please mark your calendars for parent/teacher conferences, February 21, when progress reports will be handed out. Please make sure you are receiving and reading all of our Flocknote messages as this is a very important way of communicating with parents. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We are looking forward to a great 2014! Ms. Jaspe & Mrs. Krauss’ 4K We concluded 2013 with a Christmas Party enjoyed by parents and students, and a Christmas Program sung by angelic voices! Ms. Jaspe and Mrs. Krauss wish to thank all our parents for their support and encouragement throughout the 2013 school year and wish all of you a healthy and happy 2014! Mrs. Carlson's 4K Happy New Year from 4K! We enjoyed celebrating Jesus's birthday. Our angels sang beautifully at our Christmas program. We were very proud of them! This week we kept the ball rolling on our letters and sounds. We are talking about letter Tt as well as the number 10. Our shape for the month of January is the diamond and our color is white. We look forward to a new year of learning many exciting new things! Ms. Prisco's 4K class The students in Ms. Prisco's Class are happy to be back at school. We are continuing to work on many skills. We will be practicing more with scissor cutting, alphabet/Number recognition, writing our first and last names as well as learning important pieces of information, such as full name, address, telephone number, and emergency "9-1-1." Our themes for this month include: winter weather (snow), Martin Luther King, space, and Catholic Schools Week. The color of the month is white, and the shape is the rectangle. The students enjoyed dressing up as angels for our Pre-K Christmas Show in December. KINDER KORNER Happy New Year! Kindergarten is already working so diligently. We are learning about the following winter animals: the arctic fox, penguin, walrus, polar bear, and whale. Please ask your student to show you how penguins walk or how a polar bear catches its prey. This month kindergarten is starting to take spelling tests over their high frequency words. We are also going to start taking home readers this Friday to practice identifying letters, rhyming words, punctuation, plot, and working on comprehension. We are looking forward to a wonderful new year of learning! Middle School English Mrs. Shurtleff's middle school English students are relieved to be finished with midterms! We have now moved on to studying persuasive techniques and persuasive writing. Parents, be warned. They are learning to debate their points of view, respectfully, of course. Middle School Social Studies 6th- Students are on a whirlwind tour of the Middle East where they are learning about not only the geography of the region, but the history, culture, and modern issues facing many of these countries. Students anxiously await an adventure to Egypt to unwrap all the wonderful treasures waiting for them! 7th- Hints of revolution are in the air and students cannot wait for the battles to begin. Before Texans take up arms in their struggle for independence, students must wait for the Spanish to leave, Mexico to increase control over the territory and the arrival of settlers, led by Stephen F. Austin. 8th- The Constitution of the United States and government systems are the focus of our current examination. Students will see the impact of this special document on both our history and our future. I charge my judicial branch with taking this knowledge and applying it in debates and also mock trials. Maybe a future lawyer or Supreme Court Justice will emerge during the process! Middle School Literature Middle school literature classes are once again working on learning Greek/Latin root words. Students are learning the meanings of these roots to help them increase their vocabularies. It has been proven for every root that is learned, a student may have an understanding of up to 20 English words. These lessons also enable students to comprehend words that they may not know the definition to but are able to figure its meaning by knowing the root. Sixth and seventh grade students are working with nonfiction. Both classes have visited the library to look for text features or information found in reference materials. They will continue to learn about text structures as well as comparing different types of nonfiction writing. Eighth grade is well into Lord of the Flies. We are experimenting working in literature circles in class; moving at the students' own pace. Both classes are learning how easy it could be to go from civilization to savagery under the right conditions. Frequently asked questions: Is there a beastie? If there is a beast, what is it and where is it? Will the boys be rescued? Only time and the end of the book will tell. Middle School Math 6th Grade: For a couple of weeks, we will be focusing on all the operations with fractions and using our skills to solve equations with fractions, measuring elapsed time and converting units in the customary system. After our unit on fractions, we will be learning about ratios, proportions, scale drawings and then move into percentages. 7th Grade: This week we have been focusing on inequalities, graphs and learning to solve inequalities involving negative and positive numbers. Our next unit will be going deeper into our understanding of ratios, proportions, similar figures and maps/ scale drawings. We will make a scale model of a room given the actual measurements as one of our activities. 8th Grade: Students taking the HSPT will be relieved to have the test behind them. The test is January 25. This week we have been learning the Laws of Exponents and how to simplify expressions using the rules. We will then be learning about functions, linear equations and how to graph and find the slope of a line. Mrs. Conlan’s Religion Middle School Science News Happy New Year! May God bless our year as we begin to journey through it. 6th grade is studying animals and has experimented with earth worms. The students quickly discovered that they need to expect the unexpected! Many worms were tired or just did not cooperate and do what the students anticipated they would do. The Middle School Religion classes have been noticing the rapid changes in their "spiritually adopted" babies' development. We are in awe of how great the good God is! January is set aside to pray for the unborn. We are doing our very best to say a decade of the rosary daily for all expectant mothers. January 22 is set aside by the Church as the "Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of the Unborn." We will mark the day with a special remembrance of the unborn. 7th grade is continuing their study of body systems. They have been learning about the heart, lymph system and blood types. They have been amazed at how intricate the circulatory system truly is! 8th grade is reviewing the water cycle and nitrogen cycles. They are "debating" which is most important to protect.....the air, water or soil. This has made for some interesting conversations! Order your 2013/2014 SMCS Yearbook now for the Gift That Keeps Giving! Why order? ALL SMCS students are pictured! The 80 page full color yearbook will be delivered in the spring. Pre-order now….last year we sold out! Cost is $35/book Personalize your book with a special message to your child (children). A “Business card” sized ad is $15 A 1/9th page ad is $25 A 1/3rd page ad is $35 All ads must be purchased & designed online. Deadline for Ads is 1/31/14 ______________________ St Martha Catholic School 2411 Oak Shores Drive Kingwood, Texas 77339 T 281.358.5523 F 281.358.5526 Order Books and Ads online at category/view/s/your-yearbook/id/312623/
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