Winter 2009 - Cooling Technology Institute
Winter 2009 - Cooling Technology Institute
The CTI Journal (ISSN: 0273-3250) PUBLISHED SEMI-ANNUALLY Copyright 2009 by The Cooling Technology Institute, PO Box 73383, Houston, TX 77273. Periodicals postage paid at FORT WORTH, Texas. MISSION STATEMENT It is CTI’s objective to: 1) Maintain and expand a broad base membership of individuals and organizations interested in Evaporative Heat Transfer Systems (EHTS), 2) Identify and address emerging and evolving issues concerning EHTS, 3) Encourage and support educational programs in various formats to enhance the capabilities and competence of the industry to realize the maximum benefit of EHTS, 4) Encourge and support cooperative research to improve EHTS Technology and efficiency for the long-term benefit of the environment, 5) Assure acceptable minimum quality levels and performance of EHTS and their components by establishing standard specifications, guidelines, and certification programs, 6) Establish standard testing and performance analysis systems and prcedures for EHTS, 7) Communicate with and influence governmental entities regarding the environmentally responsible technologies, benefits, and issues associated with EHTS, and 8) Encourage and support forums and methods for exchanging technical information on EHTS. Contents Feature Articles 8 14 34 58 64 70 LETTERS/MANUSCRIPTS Letters to the editor and manuscripts for publication should be sent to: The Cooling Technology Institute, PO Box 73383, Houston, TX 77273. SUBSCRIPTIONS The CTI Journal is published in January and June. Complimentary subscriptions mailed to individuals in the USA. Library subscriptions $45/yr. Subscriptions mailed to individuals outside the USA are $45/yr. CHANGE OF ADDRESS Request must be received at subscription office eight weeks before effective date. Send both old and new addresses for the change. You may fax your change to 281.537.1721 or email: PUBLICATION DISCLAIMER CTI has compiled this publication with care, but CTI has not Investigated, and CTI expressly disclaims any duty to investigate, any product, service process, procedure, design, or the like that may be described herein. The appearance of any technical data, editorial material, or advertisement in this publication does not constitute endorsement, warranty, or guarantee by CTI of any product, service process, procedure, design, or the like. CTI does not warranty that the information in this publication is free of errors, and CTI does not necessarily agree with any statement or opinion in this publication. The entire risk of the use of any information in this publication is assumed by the user. Copyright 2009 by Journal, the CTI Journal. rights CTI Vol. 30,AllNo. 1 reserved. Investigation on Fan Noise Generation and its Reduction Carlo Gallina A New Method to Measure Viable Legionella and Total Heterotrophic Aeriobic Bacteria WIilliam F. McCoy, Erin L. Downes, Teresa M. Lasko, Michael J. Neville, Melissa F. Cains Crossflow Cooling Tower Performance Calculations Robert Fulkerson A Simplified Method to Evaluate Cooling Tower and Condenser Performance Using the CTI Toolkit© Natasha Peterson & Dr. Luc De Backer Intermittent Feeding of Aseptrol® Tablets Redefines the Role of Chlorine Dioxide in Small and Mid-sized Cooling Water Systems Keith Hirsch, John Byrne, Barry Speronello Construction Productivity Guidelines for Field Erected Cooling Towers Jess Seawell, P.E., Jim Baker Special Sections 80 82 94 CTI Licensed Testing Agencies CTI Certified Cooling Towers CTI ToolKit Departments 02 04 06 06 8 Meeting Calendar View From the Tower Editor’s Corner Press Release 58 14 1 CTI Journal The Official Publication of The Cooling Technology Institute Vol. 30 No.1 Winter 2009 FUTURE MEETING DATES Journal Committee Paul Lindahl, Editor-in-Chief Art Brunn, Sr. Editor Virginia Manser, Managing Editor/Adv. Manager Donna Jones, Administrative Assistant Graphics by Sarita Graphics Board of Directors Dennis P. Shea, President Jess Seawell, Vice President Mark Shaw, Secretary Randy White, Treasurer Gary Geiger, Director Robert (Bob) Giammaruti, Director Richard (Rich) Harrison, Director Chris Lazenby, Director Frank Michell, Director Ken Mortensen, Director Address all communications to: Virginia A. Manser, CTI Administrator Cooling Technology Institute PO Box 73383 Houston, Texas 77273 281.583.4087 281.537.1721 (Fax) Committee Workshop Annual Conference July 12-15, 2009 Marriott Colorado Springs 5580 Tech Center Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80919 Web: Phone: 719.268.4201 Fax: 719.260.6911 February 8-12, 2009 Westin Riverwalk Hotel 420 West Market Street San Antonio, Texas 78205 Web: Phone: 210.224.6500 Fax: 210.444.6000 July 11-15, 2010 Marriott Albuquerque Pyramid North 5151 San Francisco Road NE Albuquerque, NM 87109 Web: Phone: 505.821.333 Fax: 505.822.8115 February 7-11, 2010 The Westin Galleria 5060 West Alabama Houston, TX 77056 Web: Phone: 713.960.8100 Fax: 713.960.6553 Internet Address: E-mail: REDW OOD R I F S A L G U O D 24 Hour Service on Your Lumber and Plywood Requirements Redwood Lumber • Douglas Fir Lumber & Plywood • Fiberglass Decking Fiberglass Structural Components • Corrugated Fiberglass Panels • 24 Hour Service GAIENNIE LUMBER COMPANY BOX 1240 • OPELOUSAS, LA 70571-1240 800-326-4050 • 337-948-3067 • 337-948-3069 (FAX) 2 Member CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 3 View From The Tower The events of 2008 are now history. A major hurricane caused severe damage and destruction along the Texas on Gulf Coast. A worldwide economic melt down erupted and caused major financial challenges for all industries. The United States of America elected new President. The future is always uncertain, however, I believe the best approach to these worries and troubles are in the basic management principles of Steven Covey. “Work at those things that are within your sphere of influence and don’t worry about those things that are outside of our control.” bers, for replacement of wood structural members, a vibration standard for fans and gearboxes, a drift standard and several others. The Technical Committees are using e-mail, teleconference and just plain individual effort to get the work done. It is now time to look to 2009. Next year promises to be a time of great challenge, for all industries. I look forward to tackling these challenges with everyone. I owe a great debt to all committee chairpersons for their time and effort put forth in 2008 to keep CTI moving forward. I especially want to thank the out going Board of Directors – Mark Shaw, Rich Harrison and Bob Giammaruti. These individuals served faithfully the past three (3) years. All three of these Board Members sacrificed additional time over and above time they spent on technical and CTI committees. We could not keep this organization moving forward without your knowledge, energy and support. Denny Shea President In 2008, CTI followed these principles by moving forward with the continuous improvement of the cooling industry. We reviewed reworked and reissued old standards and guidelines. CTI is working closely with other technical organizations in US and Europe towards cooling tower certification across the world. We are building a new ANSI standard for “Legionellosis Related Practices for Evaporative Cooling Water Systems.” The new standard will become a pattern for design, maintenance and treatment of cooling towers to prevent Legionellosis from cooling towers. We continue to strive and develop new standards. Currently the technical committees are working on standards for use of fiberglass mem- With the distribution of the CTI News and complete information for the CTI website, registration can begin for our Winter Technical Meeting. The program committee has 22 excellent papers, an informative panel discussion and education program. The owner/operators will meet to discuss common problems and some educational presentations targeted for owner/operators specifically. As always, we expect a lively “Ask the Expert” question and answer session. We have also scheduled technical committee meeting times throughout the conference. We are expecting a large turnout in San Antonio. If you are struggling to justify the expense, I guarantee that the ideas, educational opportunities and contacts that are available more than justifies the cost of our conference including travel expenses. I have always found one implementable cost saving idea at every conference I have ever attended. See you in San Antonio. As always, I will be at conference attending papers, panel discussions, committee meetings. I invite old and new members to catch me at anytime. I welcome your input on conferences and CTI in general to serve you more effectively as your president. Denny Shea 4 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 5 Editor’s Corner The last few months have been “interesting times”, to draw on an old Chinese curse – May you live in interesting times. Some of us remember various periods when the economics have been challenging, and some of our parents lived through the early ‘30s when it was much worse. It is hard to know where our current situation will lead, but it has always been true that having confidence that we will see our way through these times is one of the keys to the solution. behind it, but the food pantries in the entire metropolitan area have been completely overwhelmed in the last month. Now is the best time to support the agencies like food pantries that are trying to cope with a suddenly difficult situation. Paul Lindahl Sadly, tough economic times also lead to cutting corners and unfortunate behavior by some individuals and businesses to improve their own lot. History also shows that as times get better, people do remember those who took advantage of them when things were difficult. Editor-In-Chief I was taught while growing up that if you keep It is hard to judge when the current situation will doing the best you can at your job even when turn around, but it will sooner or later turn around. How we it is difficult, good things will come of it over time. This is behave during these times is a measure of our worth as indione of those times that things have become difficult for viduals and as a group. many. It is important for all of us to keep in mind that Something to think about. many are working very hard to get by and to have patience for short tempers and pre-occupation in those whose lives we touch. Respectfully, It is also a time when some are not getting by. The temptation to cut back in charitable giving when economics are Paul Lindahl tough is very real, but the need is becoming greater to help others as much as you can. The area where my CTI Journal Editor company’s office is located has much economic strength Press Release Contact: Chairman, CTI Multi-Agency Testing Committee Houston, Texas 1-January-2009 The Cooling Technology Institute announces its annual invitation for interested thermal testing agencies to apply for potential Licensing as CTI Thermal Testing Agencies. CTI provides an independent third party thermal testing program to service the industry. Interested agencies are required to declare their interest by March 2, 2009, at the CTI address listed. 6 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 7 Investigation on Fan Noise Generation and its Reduction Carlo Gallina COFIMCO Srl, Via Gramsci 62, Pombia, ITALY SUMMARY Simply speaking, noise generated by fans takes place because of turbulence generated by blades rotation. Being the noise generated is by fans strictly connected to the airflow turbulence around the blades, it is imCarlo Gallina portant to understand, mainly experimentally, how the blade shape affects the amount of turbulence produced and, consequently, the noise. Scope of the present work is first to make a little survey of the theoretical sources of noise generated by fans, and second to show some results in terms of experimental tests. FAN NOISE GENERATION Human ear noise perception The human ear noise perception is an elaboration of the sound pressure generated by vibrations or turbulence. It is therefore not a physical noise measurement: in fact given a value of pressure level, the “noise” perceived by the human ear is strongly dependant on the frequency of the emitted noise. Also the sensibility to noise changes from person to person. Statistically speaking it is observed that the sensibility to noise is higher in the frequency range from 2 to 5 kHz. A solution to noise reduction to be really effective has to work mainly in this frequency range. Why fan generates noise Cofimco axial fans are used in those application where a high flow rate is required like heat exchangers to cool a fluid (water or oil) or steam; the typical heat exchangers are Process Air Cooler, Air Cooled Condenser, Cooling Tower. Figure 1 : airflow around a blade section The flowlines are generated by smoke pulses, and the pulses were released all at the same time. From this picture it is possible to observe that the speed of the air on the top of the airfoil is higher than the speed to the bottom. In fact the distance between the smoke spots is higher on the top of the airfoil. The difference in speed from top to bottom results, according to Bernoulli principle, in different static pressure from top to bottom and consequently in an aerodynamic force having a big component in the transverse to flow direction. The result of this flow behavior around a profile is also the shearing of the two layers of air at the trailing edge, and hence a vortex. This vortex is a direct unavoidable consequence of the lift generation. This mechanism is shown also in the Figure 2. We can therefore say that axial fans produce noise because they produce an aerodynamic axial load. The vortex generated to produce lift is not the only responsible of noise produced by fans. The aim of a fan is to generate an airflow through the obstacles present in the heat exchangers, i.e. fin tubes, grids, and so on. In order to win the resistance given by the obstacles the fan has to produce a static pressure, and that means, from an aerodynamic point of view, that a lift has to be produced, exactly like the airplane wing. In the same way of the wings, the blades of axial fans produce vortexes as well, which is a necessary condition to have a lift in air. Looking a little bit more in detail at the airflow around a blade section, it appears like in the following picture: Figure 2 : flow behavior and pressure distribution around a profile 8 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 9 Where is noise mainly generated How to reduce noise – general considerations Noise is created because of turbulence, and turbulence is created when: From the noise calculation formula, it appears that given a fan diameter and given the assigned values of required flow rate and static pressure (which are design data for the selection of an axial fan), the noise can be reduced by reducing the tip speed. Lower tip speed can be obtained, giving the same performance, by using a blade of bigger dimensions. 1) There are two layers of air sliding one over the other at different velocities (trailing edge). 2) There are two solid surfaces “sliding” one close to the other (blade tip to fan ring). 3) The airflow has to pass through some obstacles like grids or air fins. 4) The airflow on a blade is disturbed by the trail of another blade. The various sources of turbulence affect the frequency of the generated noise. For example noise generated at the blade tip is typically a high frequency noise, because of the high difference in speed between the tip of the blade and the fan ring (up to 60 m/s) and the low distance between blade tip and fan ring (typically from 0,0025% to 0,005% of the fan diameter). This approach is the most immediate to be used, but has the drawback of producing blades of higher cost and weight, and therefore it is not always the preferred solution. For a same duty point, the noise reduction with this approach ranges from 5 dB(A) up to 10 dB(A). The fan performance can be obtained even by changing the pitch angle, and therefore a possible solution is to increase the pitch setting and reducing the fan rpm. This system works, even if the fan efficiency is lower because of the high pitch setting required. This solution enables a general PWL reduction of 1-2 dB(A). Once the regions where noise is generated are identified it is possible to think about possible solutions to reduce the noise level. According to the fan laws the PWL generated by fans can be expressed by the following formula: PWL = const + 10 ⋅ log( Ps ⋅ V ⋅ ρ ) + 30 ⋅ log(VTip ) − 5 ⋅ log(φ ) (1) From this expression it appears that the higher is the power generated by the fan, the higher is the noise, the higher is the tip speed, the higher is the noise, the bigger is the fan diameter, the lower is the noise. The value of the constant is dependant on the blade shape and profile. Here is represented a typical noise spectrum generated by an axial fan (SPL measured at 1 m below the fan); fan diameter was 10 ft and the rotational speed was 230 rpm. Figure 4 : SPL comparison for a with standard or enlarged tip gap How to reduce noise generated by tip vortex Blade tip vortex are generated because of the pressure difference from blade pressure side to suction side. These tip vortex reduces the fan efficiency and generate noise. An efficient and quick way to face with this problem is the use of the special tip cap, where a deflector contrast the swirl generation. This solution enables a general PWL reduction of 1-2 dB(A). How to reduce noise generated at the blade tip – fan ring Figure 3: Typical fan noise spectrum (A weighted) The reported SPL values are already A-weighted. Even if the highest values are present at low frequency, not negligible values are present in the range 2-5 kHz, where the human ear is more sensible. It can be stated in advance that the highest frequencies are due to small structured vortex, and these vortex are generated mainly at the blade tip because of the low distance between blade tip and fan ring. 10 Noise generated because of the “sliding” of the blade tip against the fan ring can be reduced only increasing the gap between the blades and the fan ring. The “noise quality” coming from an increase of the tip gap changes significantly, as it’s frequency content is different, being the higher frequencies in the noise spectrum removed. The following picture shows the result of the tip gap increase on a 10 ft fan. The gap has been doubled, from the original 15 mm up to 30 mm; as result of this modification the SPL is slightly reduced (75 dB(A) vs 75,6 dB(A)), but the real quality of the noise is very different, as it has been observed a reduction of the component at 4000 Hz of 0,7 dB(A) and at 8000 Hz of 2,1 dB(A). As previously mentioned the highest frequencies of the perceivable noise are the most irritating. CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 11 An increase in the tip clearance has however the drawback of reducing the fan efficiency, and therefore this solution is rarely adopted. Sometimes the blade is made shorter and just a “sealing” is left at the tip of the blade, i.e. the removed part of blade at the tip is substituted by means of a flat foil. The result of this solution is not satisfactory, as a flat foil hasn’t the same performance of the removed piece of blade. How to reduce noise generated by leading and trailing edge An important - and not immediate to understand - effect on the noise generated by fans is given by the shape of the leading and trailing edge. In fact it can be observed that a curvature in the rotation direction of the blade leading and trailing edge results in a noise reduction. The apparent reason of this result seems to be due to the generation of vortex in counter-phase because of the spatial shift given by the trailing edge shape, i.e. the vortex created on a given point is cancelled by the vortex created on another point, as sketched in the following picture. Figure 7: Cofimco CX An example of the noise characteristics of this type of blade for a three blade 14 ft fan are summarised in the following graphs, where it can be observed that the PWL is sensibly lower than the standard blade profile. Figure 5: principle of vortex cancellation How new fans introduce the above mentioned concepts – Cofimco CX, 60F and 50F Based on the noise reduction considerations discussed till now, Cofimco has developed a range of low noise profiles, some based on the standard and well known Cofimco technology and some based on new concepts of production. It is therefore possible to find low noise profiles like the 60F and 50F, whose main strength is the big chord dimension (1700 mm for the 60F and 1300 mm for the 50F) enabling big lifting surfaces and hence low rpm, or it is possible to find ultra low noise profile like the Cofimco CX whose blade shape and big surface join two of the most important points in the noise reduction, the blade surface and the curvature of the leading and trailing edge in the rotation direction. Figure 8: PWL of CX fans at 14° pitch angle and 158,5 rpm at different flow rate values Figure 6: low noise profiles 60F 12 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 Conclusions The theoretical and practical analysis of fan noise generation leads to the conclusion that the most important factor in noise generation is the fan speed. Based on that the main effect in noise reduction is obtained by introducing blades of big lifting surface (Cofimco 60F and Cofimco 50F). A further evolution of noise reduction is obtained by studying more deeply the shape of the leading and trailing edge, as done in the Cofimco CX. Figure 9: PWL of CX fans at 14° pitch angle and 197 rpm at different flow rate values CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 13 A New Method to Measure Viable Legionella and Total Heterotrophic Aeriobic Bacteria Benefits of the PVT WILLIAM F. McCOY, ERIN L. DOWNES, TERESA M. LASKO, MICHAEL J. NEVILLE, MELISSA F. CAIN PHIGENICS, LLC Compared to the Standard Methods for total bacteria and for Legionella, the PVT is: • More accurate because variations due to changes in water samples during shipment are entirely elimiABSTRACT nated A new field method to measure viable Legionella and • Faster because transit time is not wasted and William F. total heterotrophic aerobic bacteria was evaluated in the microcolonies are enumerated directly on the PVT McCoy laboratory, in split-sample blinded comparisons and in field samplers; typical turnaround time from field actual operating field conditions. The method was proven reliable sampling to results report is 48 - 72hrs for determining viable cell concentrations of Legionella • More convenient because results for total bacteria AND pneumophila serogroup 1, serogroups 2-14 and Legionella speLegionella bacteria are obtained from the same sample with cies. Total heterotrophic aerobic bacteria results are obtained from one protocol and results are archived by the Phigenics Anathe same sample. The new method was shown to be more accurate, lytical Services Laboratory (PASL) in a standardized format faster and more convenient compared to standard methods. Comfor future reference parisons to other methods are given. Guidance is provided for use of the new method within the context of hazard analysis and control to prevent legionellosis. THE STANDARD METHOD AND OTHER METHODS INTRODUCTION The Standard Method The patents pending Phigenics Validation Test® (PVT) is a “dipslide format” field sampler that has on its surfaces the standard growth media required for Legionella enumeration. Both viable Legionella and total heterotrophic aerobic bacteria counts can be obtained from the same test. For quantitative enumeration of viable Legionella in water samples, inoculation onto growth medium, confirmation of growth on the medium and confirmation of Legionella colonies are required. There are two critical limitations in the Standard Method: Laboratory experiments, split sample comparisons and case histories of field use under actual operating conditions were used to evaluate the PVT. Features of the PVT The PVT field sampler consists of a sterile plastic screw-capped container within which is held a paddle containing on one side buffered charcoal yeast extract agar enriched with α-ketoglutarate (BCYEα) and on the other side of the paddle, BCYEα agar plus the selective supplements glycine, vancomycin, polymyxin B, and cycloheximide (GVPC). Figure 1 shows the PVT field sampler. The PVT is a field sampling protocol to obtain viable cell concentrations (as CFU/ml) for the following from the same sample: - total heterotrophic aerobic bacteria - Legionella pneumophila (serogroup 1) - Legionella pneumophila (serogroup 2-14) - non-pneumophila Legionella species Data is obtained for the exact moment when the PVT field sampler contacts the water sample: - shipment of water samples to the laboratory is not required - time required to obtain results is reduced 75-80% compared to the Standard Method for Legionella 14 1. the method requires transit of water samples to an analytical laboratory and 2. turnaround time for results is very long. Typically, at least 2 days in transit and set-up time is required before the 7-10 day test even begins; significant and unpredictable changes in the sample often occur in-transit. Even water samples that are processed a few hours after they have been taken from the system should be regarded as suspect because microbial and chemical factors in water samples are highly dynamic. All versions of the “Standard Method” relate back to Procedures for the Recovery of Legionella from the Environment developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention1. The International Standard Organization (ISO) has published ISO 11731 Water quality – Detection and Enumeration of Legionella which is generally regarded as the international Standard Method2. Molecular Methods Molecular methods include nucleic acid detection (PCR; polymerase chain reaction or FISH; fluorescence in situ hybridization) and serologic methods by antigen/antibody reactions using immuno-specific assays or with differential fluorescent antibody (DFA) direct cell counting. Molecular methods are useful for confirmation of Legionella colonies. For the PVT, an immunospecific method is used to confirm Legionella colonies on the surface of field samplers. Molecular methods to measure Legionella in water samples CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 15 are subject to two critical limitations: 1) inability to differentiate viable from non-viable Legionella and 2) not quantitative For water samples in the field, molecular methods are generally not used because of these limitations. A field method based on FISH requires use of epifluorescence microscopy or an expensive slide scanner and requires a redefinition of “viable” which is inconsistent with how the term is used in the Standard Method. Even more limited for field use, a recently introduced lateral flow immuno-specific chromatographic device detects only antigens from L. pneumophila serogroup1. This limitation is unacceptable because there are many other serogroups and other species of Legionella which are potentially hazardous and because presence of any of them indicates conditions in the water system that could be dangerous. A product sensitive only to L. pneumophila SG1 was commercially introduced for water analysis during the 1990’s but was removed from the marketplace because results were regarded as potentially misleading. Occasionally, a limit of detection for immuno-specific methods is given in viability units (e.g., 100 CFU/ml). This is incorrect and misleading since immuno-specific assays cannot distinguish living from dead Legionella. The Phigenics Validation Test (PVT) The PVT is the only field method available that gives results for both Legionella and total bacterial counts from the same sample and without a requirement to ship water samples back to an analytical lab. Limitations of the PVT are: 1. field samplers must be stored between 40 °F and 75 °F, protected from freezing and handled with care to avoid breakage 2. the quantitative limit of detection is 10 CFU/ml Table 1 provides a comparison of Legionella methods. THE PVT FIELD PROTOCOL The field protocol is fast and simple: 1) label 2 PVT samplers, 2) collect water sample, 3) perform the 1st 3s dip, 4) add vial of pH adjust, wait 5min, 5) perform the 2nd 3s dip" (s=second), 6) pack PVT, 7) insert in-transit incubators and 8) ship to the Phigenics Analytical Services Laboratory. Results and summary reports are received by email. Table 2 provides an itemized PVT protocol with instructions. Details of the protocol steps have been published elsewhere3. COMPARISONS OF THE PVT TO STANDARD METHODS Effect of Water Sample Transit Time To enumerate viable Legionella using the Standard Method, water samples must be transported to an analytical microbiology laboratory. Unpredictable changes in the microbial and chemical characteristics of water samples often occurs in-transit. This uncertainty is entirely eliminated if the water sample is processed in the field immediately after sampling. Water sample transit time can ruin the sample. For instance in one published example, potable water samples had dangerously high counts of coliform indicator bacteria on the day the samples were 16 taken (Day 1); however, after 24h storage at 5 °C and 22 °C the levels of viable indicator organisms had declined as a result of holding time to such an extent that these same samples met the safe drinking water standard. Therefore, analytical results were dangerously misleading when samples were not processed immediately. This was true even when the samples were stored cold. In those same water samples, total heterotrophic plate counts increased 0.5 and 2.5 orders of magnitude after 30h and 48h, respectively4. In a publication from the World Health Organization5, the history and use of the heterotrophic plate count for water analysis is described. Early in the 20th century it was observed that there “is first a slight reduction in the number present, lasting perhaps for six hours, followed by the great increase noted by earlier observers. It is probable that there is a constant increase of the typical water bacilli, overbalanced at first by a reduction in other forms, for which this is an unsuitable environment.” These early observations made it obvious that samples must be examined shortly after collection. Even in 1904, the recommendation was that the interval between sampling and examination should not exceed 12 hours for relatively pure water, not more than 6 hour in the case of relatively impure water and less than 1 hour for sewage samples (see WHO, Chapter 3, pg. 31-32)5. In a study to compare several methods for enumerating waterborne Escherichia coli, a well-controlled statistical analysis showed that if water samples were stored at colder than 10 °C (50 °F), then 38% (5 of 13 samples), 29% (2 of 7 samples) and 25% (1 of 4 samples) showed significantly different results during a 48h holding time period. In the first phase of the study, holding times at 20 °C were tested; E. coli counts were significantly different in 100% of samples after 48h. After just 24h holding time at 20 °C (68 °F), half of the samples were significantly changed. At 35 °C, some of the samples changed after just 8h. The concentration of E. coli unpredictably increased in some samples and decreased in others7. In a study with another waterborne pathogen Vibrio cholerae, the causative agent for pandemic cholera, the effects of sample holding time were shown to cause the concentration of the pathogen to significantly increase after 20h holding time; in this study the total counts did not increase during the 20h sample holding period 8. Table 3 provides examples of holding time effects on water samples. The total heterotrophic aerobic bacteria in several types of water samples were measured on collection day (Day 1) and then again on Day 2 and Day 3 after storage at ambient room temperature, 22 °C (Table 3). Results indicate that bacterial counts in the sample changed significantly during the holding time period. The effect of transit time is even more important with more complex water samples such as those from cooling towers. The effect of water sample holding time on Total Heterotrophic Aerobic Bacteria (THAB) counts is shown in Figure 2. The THAB were measured immediately after sampling (t=0) in six cooling towers at a University in the Midwestern United States. One hour later (insert graph, Figure 2), the cooling tower water was reanalyzed; THAB declined by at least one order of magnitude in 5 of the 6 cooling water samples and in one of the samples there was a 3 order of magnitude decline. After 24h holding time at ambient room temperature, THAB counts had increased much more than one order of magnitude in all six samples. CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 17 This problem is even more severe in water samples from systems that have been treated with antimicrobials. Oxidizing antimicrobials can be neutralized with sodium thiosulfate to eliminate the negative effect of a sustained contact time on microorganisms; however, this may allow the surviving microorganisms to multiply during transit. Some antimicrobials cannot be easily neutralized and so they are artificially provided a much longer contact time with microorganisms in the sample during transit; this can cause artificially low results. Results from microbiological analyses of water samples sent to an analytical laboratory for processing could be dangerously misleading because of the unpredictable effects of water transit time. Split Sample Comparisons of the PVT with Standard Methods The PVT is similar to the Standard Method in that the same growth media and Legionella confirmation steps are used for both. However, the method of sampling is different. For the PVT, the growth medium is dipped directly into the sample; for the Standard Method, an aliquot of sample is removed and spread plated onto the surface of the growth medium. From a hazard analysis perspective, a case can be made that sampling the water with the least physical manipulation of the sample is to be preferred. Figure 3 illustrates these two methods and shows side-by-side comparisons of 4 examples from a1 building water system. Results are typically very similar but not identical. Forty-eight water samples were split in order to compare Standard Method spread plates and PVT analyses from the same University building water system. Figure 4 shows that most (88%) results were not significantly different. However, PVT recovered higher counts in some samples and the spread plate recovered higher counts in other samples. This illustrates that the two methods are similar but not identical. Split Sample Comparisons of PVT with Total Heterotrophic Aerobic Bacteria Dipslides Results from split sample analyses with another total heterotrophic aerobic bacteria dipslide system and with the PVT show that results were very similar over a wide range of concentrations (Figure 5). This shows that PVT field samplers are useful for estimating the total bacterial count using order-of-magnitude comparator charts. Precision Analysis Comparisons of the PVT with the Standard Method Cell suspensions of pure culture L. pneumophila SG1 (wild type obtained from the field and confirmed by immuno-specific latex agglutination) were made by dispersing pure culture biomass into 10ml sterile KCl (0.1M), adjusting turbidity to 35 Formazin Absorption Units (1FAU =1NTU), dilution of 1ml cell suspension into 100ml of sterile tap water and then further dilutions to produce a range of concentrations. Five replicate analyses of the cell suspensions by spread plate standard method were statistically compared to 5 replicate PVT analyses of the same cell suspensions over a wide range of cell concentrations (Figure 6). Statistical analysis of the data was with linear regression and with t-tests for sample means with unequal variances. Results show that the CFU count on PVT dipslides correlated significantly (R2 = 0.9873) with CFU/ml measurements by the Standard Method. Also shown in Fig. 6 are stan18 dard deviation measurements of analytical and experimental error (error bars) for both methods; these results indicate that precision in the two methods is very similar and further confirms the general reliability of PVT compared to Standard Method spread plating. Blinded Split Sample Comparisons and Preliminary Statistical Analysis Blinded comparisons of 147 samples split for analysis with PVT and with the Legionella Standard Method were processed by an independent laboratory with no affiliation to Phigenics, LLC. Water transit time variations were not a factor in this study because the lab simultaneously processed both PVT and samples for the Standard Method. Most (81%) Legionella detection results were the same. In 6 % of samples, PVT detected Legionella but the Standard Method did not; in 12 % of samples, PVT did not detect Legionella but the Standard Method did detect it. In 1 % of samples, Legionella was detected by both methods but different species or different serogroups of L. pneumophila were recovered. The data are presented in Figure 7. Preliminary Analysis of Accuracy, Specificity, and Sensitivity. These analyses should be considered preliminary because 1) the PVT protocol was being developed and adjusted during the first part of the study (the first 50 samples), 2) the Legionella confirmation method was not the same for both methods (DFA for the spread plates and latex agglutination for the PVT) and 3) the selective supplements used in the assays were different (CAV for spread plates and GVPC for the PVT). Nevertheless, useful information about split sample comparisons can be derived even from this preliminary analysis. The following binary analysis for accuracy, specificity and sensitivity was set to “True” means equivalent result to the Standard Method. PVT Accuracy. Accuracy is a measure of conformity to an accepted “true” value given as reference [(True Positives + True Negatives)/ n samples]. In this study, accuracy was 81.6%. PVT Specificity. Specificity measures the probability that the result is negative given that the reference is negative [True Neg/ (True Neg + False Pos)]. The higher the specificity, the fewer nonhazardous samples will be incorrectly labeled as hazardous. In this study, specificity was 93%. Hazard analysis and validation methods should be set to minimize the probability of incorrectly identifying a building water sample as potentially hazardous. PVT Sensitivity. There is always a trade-off between specificity and sensitivity. The more sensitive one makes the method, the more false negative results can be expected. Sensitivity measures the probability that the result is positive given that the reference is positive [True Pos/[True Pos + False Neg]. For this analysis “positive” was set at >100 CFU/ml since all 147 samples in this data set were non-potable: Sensitivity was 46%. It is important to recognize that for the purpose of these preliminary comparative binary analyses, the Standard Method spread plate and enumeration results were taken as “true”. However, as has been discussed, there are distinct differences between spreading the sample compared to dipping the growth medium into the sample. A case can be made that the PVT protocol may be the more relevant (“true”) sampling method for hazard analysis and validation because less physical manipulation of the sample is required. CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 19 RESULTS OF PVT ANALYSES OF POTABLE AND UTILITY WATER SYSTEMS ling them to an extent that prevents harm to people is the goal for hazard analysis and control.11 The Data Set Preventing Waterborne Disease Associated Six hundred and eighty two (682) building water samples were ana- with Building Water Systems lyzed with the PVT. Sampling was not randomized, no screening was done and no data were omitted. The buildings were all in the USA from the following regions: Eastern seaboard States, Southeast, Midwest, South, Southwest, Southern California, Pacific Northwest. Figures 8-11 give results which are discussed as follows. About 51% of the sample locations were from building potable water systems and 49% were building utility water systems (mostly cooling tower water samples). About two-thirds (67%) of the building potable water samples had total heterotrophic aerobic bacteria (THAB) counts at or below 103 CFU/ml; 33% of potable water samples had THAB greater than 103 CFU/ml. About half (51%) of the building utility water samples had THAB at or below 104 CFU/ml; 49% of utility water samples had THAB greater than 104 CFU/ml. About 6% of potable water sample locations and about 10% of utility water sample locations were positive for Legionella at 10 CFU/ml or greater. There was no direct correlation between Legionella detections and the THAB results in potable water systems; there were more Legionella detections in utility water systems when the THAB was greater than 104 CFU/ml but no statistical analysis was done to determine the significance of the difference. These data generally confirm that total bacteria counts do not correlate with Legionella detections. Total bacteria counts should be used as a water quality indicator not a water safety indicator5. When total bacteria counts in a building water system are higher than the incoming water, it means that water quality in the facility has been allowed to degrade. Poor water quality in building water systems could result in conditions that may become or may already be hazardous due to pathogenic (disease-causing) bacteria. HOW TO USE PVT RESULTS The PVT is useful for hazard analysis and for validation of hazard control. The World Health Organization has set forth guidance that every facility should have a water safety plan based upon the principles of hazard analysis and control 6, 9, 10. In February 2007, the World Health Organization (WHO) published definitive technical guidance entitled Legionella and the Prevention of Legionellosis (ISBN 92 4 156297 8) 10. This work is organized around the Risk Management principles of hazard analysis and control. Every chapter in the book that deals with prevention gives technical details arranged around these principles. They apply not only to preventing legionellosis but also, they apply to preventing harm to people from any hazard. Hazard analysis and control risk management is necessary in order to prevent legionellosis and other waterborne diseases. Validation is evidence (data) obtained under operating conditions that hazards have been eliminated or controlled to an extent that prevents harm to people. Eliminating biological hazards or control- 20 Prevention of disease from waterborne hazards requires facility managers and owners to answer three site-specific questions. 9, 10, 11 • What is the hazard? • How do we prevent the hazard from harming people? • How do we know the hazard has been prevented from harming people? Seven principles comprise effective hazard analysis and control: 1. Use process flow diagrams of the water system to perform systematic hazard analysis. 2. Identify critical control points (process steps at which the hazard can be eliminated or prevented from harming people). 3. Establish hazard control critical limits for at each critical control point. 4. Establish a hazard control monitoring plan for critical limits at critical control points. 5. Establish hazard control corrective actions for each critical limit. 6. Establish procedures to document all activities and results. 7. Establish procedures to confirm that a) the plan actually works under operating conditions (validation), b) is being implemented properly (verification) and c) is periodically reassessed. In practice, a few preliminary steps are necessary. They are: • Assemble a cross-functional team including at least one person knowledgeable or trained in hazard analysis and control (e.g., a trained employee, or other qualified resource). • Identify the use and users of the water at the facility to determine at-risk consumers. • Develop process flow diagrams to describe how the product is processed in the facility. • Verify by on-site audit that process flow diagrams are accurate. A typical outline of tasks necessary for the facility team to develop hazard analysis and control Risk Management is: • TASK 1: Use process flow diagrams to perform systematic hazard analysis of the entire building water system • TASK 2: Establish validation criteria • TASK 3: Establish validation and verification schedules and assign management responsibilities • TASK 4: Using results from TASK 1-3, establish the hazard analysis and control plan. Validation Criteria Validation is evidence (data) that hazards have been eliminated or controlled to extent that prevents disease under actual operating conditions. There are no US laws, regulations or standards requiring any particular validation criteria for Legionella bacteria or sampling frequency or quantity for monitoring. Validation criteria must be esCTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 21 tablished on a site-by-site basis. The team must consult local regulations and guidelines such as are given by OSHA ( dts/osta/otm/legionnaires/sampling.html). The following general validation criteria guidelines should not be construed to supercede local or regional guidance. However, based on current guidance and our experience, the following guidelines are generally recommended by Phigenics, LLC: Phigenics Validation Criteria Guidelines For potable water systems, the PVT total bacterial concentration should be <_1000 CFU/ml and the PVT Legionella bacteria concentration should be less than detectable ( 10 <_ CFU/ml). Sampling frequency should be quarterly. In healthcare facilities, take at least two representative samples per 100 beds. For hotels and multifamily residences, take at least two representative samples per floor. For utility water systems, the PVT total bacterial concentration should be <_10,000 CFU/ml and the PVT Legionella concentration should be less than detectable ( <_10 CFU/ml). All cooling towers should be sampled quarterly. The Rationale for Phigenics, LLC Validation Criteria Potable Water Systems For an extensive review of the heterotrophic plate count method and use of results, consult Heterotrophic Plate Counts and Drinking-water Safety: The significance of HPCs for Water Quality and Human Health 9. Total aerobic heterotrophic bacteria are regarded worldwide as a good water quality indicator but not a reliable water safety indicator. The National Primary Drinking Water Standards (NPDWS) is the federal regulation that defines acceptable microbiological quality. Municipalities are required by law to meet these criteria. The NPDWS criterion for total heterotrophic aerobic bacteria in drinking water is that there should be less than 500 CFU/ml (note: results from microbiological assays are generally not significant unless differences are greater than one order of magnitude; thus, <1000 CFU/ml is not significantly different than 500 CFU/ml). The NPDWS expectation from primary water treatment and disinfection is that there should be no detectable viable Legionella in drinking water. That is to say, if drinking water primary treatment is done properly, there should be less than detectable Legionella contained in it. Phigenics agrees with those technical experts who state that microbiological quality in building water systems should not be allowed to degrade substantially from the NPDWS criteria. When the municipality delivers water to the consumer, that water becomes the property of the consumer when it cross the water meter and enters the building. The microbiological quality of the water may be degraded in the building as a result of processing in the building water system. It is the responsibility of building facility management to ensure that biological hazards are prevented from harming building occupants and visitors. Utility Water Systems To our knowledge, the most thorough and recent survey of US cooling water systems indicate that about 87% of cooling towers contain less than detectable (< 10 CFU/ml) viable Legionella13. This indicates that the 13% of cooling towers in the US with detectable levels of Legionella should be properly treated to eliminate the hazard, control it or prevent it from harming people. Phigenics believes that there is no valid technical reason for any properly 22 treated cooling water system to have detectable Legionella concentrations in the recirculating water. If Legionella is detected in cooling water, the hazard should be eliminated through properly applied water treatment. In regard to total heterotrophic aerobic bacteria in cooling water, the Phigenics recommended validation criteria is derived from the 2006 position paper published by the Cooling Technology Institute (CTI) in which dipslide results >10,000 CFU/ml indicate that better microbial control should be achieved in the system 14. CASE HISTORIES OF PVT APPLICATIONS IN THE FIELD HVAC Cooling Towers at a Chicagoland University A major University uses a local vendor to supply their cooling tower and condenser water treatment chemicals. The chemical vendor was measuring performance of their biocide program using ATP testing. As part of the University’s newly implemented Water Management Plan to manage the entire building water system, the PVT was used to additionally validate that biological hazards were being effectively controlled. The first PVT results from the cooling tower were available 48h after the field sampling. Results indicated total heterotrophic aerobic bacteria counts of 107 CFU/ml and 266 CFU/ml of Legionella pneumophila, serogroups 2 -14. Such high viable bacteria levels were surprising to the chemical vendor. Apparently, the ATP measurements had not been properly correlated to actual viable bacteria (as colony forming units) for that system. A cooling water chlorine disinfection treatment was planned and promptly implemented. The PVT was performed after the disinfection procedure was completed. Post-disinfection PVT results indicated a 99.9% reduction in heterotrophic bacteria to 104 CFU/ml and no detectable Legionella (<10 CFU/ml). Facility management was pleased to have documented evidence (validation) that the cooling tower water was free of potentially harmful bacteria. Everyone observing, including the chemical water treatment vendor, was pleased at the rapid deployment of the remediation and the prompt PVT results confirming performance. Subsequently, 5 other cooling towers at the University were found to be potentially hazardous due to high total bacteria counts in excess of 107 CFU/ml and were therefore disinfected with chlorine. Post-disinfection PVT results indicated total counts equal to or less than 104 CFU/ml and no detectable Legionella. These results validated the performance of the disinfection procedure. The facility manager is now in the process of ensuring continuance of effective hazard control in his cooling water systems. Disinfection of Hospital Building Water System Facility managers for a 300 bed hospital in Los Angeles were preparing to bring a new wing of the hospital on-line. The building had been idle for some time, which is not uncommon while trying to meet codes and pass inspections to “go live”. Eleven days prior to the health inspector’s arrival, management at the healthcare provider asked for an assessment of their domestic water quality. Water samples were taken and within three days, biological hazards (high THAB and detectable Legionella species) were identified using PVT’s at five locations within the facility. Upon receiving CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 23 results, the hospital facility managers worried they might not pass the looming health inspection. Phigenics outlined an emergency disinfection process and subsequent validation procedure that could all take place within a five day period of time. An emergency disinfection commenced after a process flow diagram was produced to understand the domestic water system layout. EPA-registered sodium hypochlorite disinfectant was added to the domestic water system to achieve a free residual throughout the system. All water taps were turned on to distribute the chlorine and then the system was allowed to recirculate for 24 hours to provide adequate contact time. The disinfection concluded with flushing all water taps until city water chlorine levels were reached. At that time, twenty more PVT’s were run at various sinks and showers throughout the building. Within three days, the results of the PVT’s did indeed validate that drinking water standards had been obtained. Post-disinfection THAB results showed that 85% of samples were below 10E3 CFU/ ml and 15% of samples at 10E3 CFU/ml; Legionella was not detectable in any post-disinfection sample. The hospital presented this documentation to the health inspector. The Water Management Team decided that decreases in water usage and lower flow may have been the cause of water quality degradation in the distribution system. Although Legionella was not found in the potable water system, the Water Management Team was concerned that heterotrophic bacteria levels exceeded the EPA Drinking Water Treatment Technique (TT) Limit (<500 CFU/ml) by several orders of magnitude. This indicated to the team that conditions could be favorable for Legionella growth due to indications of biofilm. The Water Management Team took action according to industry guidelines and began a systematic flush of the building water system in order to elevate the level of free residual oxidant throughout the system. Validation of this control measure with the PVT the following month documented that total heterotrophic bacteria levels had been significantly reduced. In the wings that were flushed (wings 4, 6, 8), July PVT results were 102 or 103 CFU/ml. One of the building wings had not yet been flushed during the July sampling; the counts were still very high, 106 CFU/ml. A strong recommendation was made to flush ASAP to prevent hazards from escalating further in that building wing. Before any PVTs had been run in this system, water samples had been sent to an analytical lab for standard method analyses. In the time it took to finally receive initial test results from the standard methods laboratory (some 12 days later), facility management had received initial PVT results indicating potential hazards, disinfected the system and validated that the disinfection had been effective with receipt of results from post-disinfection PVT samples. Prior to students returning in August, the PVT will be used again to confirm that the hazard control strategy has been effective. Hazard Analysis of a Cooling Tower Facility managers at a University in the mid-Atlantic region use the PVT to independently validate the effectiveness of the cooling tower biocide strategy at the central chilled water plants. The water treatment chemicals provider uses ATP tests to routinely evaluate performance of microbiological levels in the cooling towers and had found ATP levels to be acceptable. Monthly PVT results were acceptable for utility water total heterotrophic bacteria (result: 103 CFU/ml, limit: 104 CFU/ml) but were positive for Legionella pneumophila SG1 (40 CFU/ml). These results were surprising to the university Water Management Team. They highlighted the importance of biofilm control with corresponding measurement of Legionella and they decided that the performance goal for microbial control in cooling towers should be no detectable Legionella. Results from the PVT provided motive for facility management to review and upgrade the biocide program. The team agreed that they cannot rely on heterotrophic bacteria counts and ATP levels for determination of water safety. PVT Highlights the Value of Controlling Total Heterotrophic Bacteria in Potable Water Distribution System A University facility management team used the PVT to evaluate the potable water system in its largest, multi-building housing facility which had been unoccupied for 4 weeks after students had completed the Spring term. PVT results were negative for Legionella, however results exceeded the recommended limits for potable water total heterotrophic bacteria (results: 104 – 106 CFU/ ml, validation criteria: 103 CFU/ml). The PVT hazard analysis data suggested that the water quality in the distribution system had significantly degraded as indicated by increases in bacteria levels. 24 Evaporative Coolers in a Laundry Facility managers at an industrial laundry were concerned about the employee and visitor life safety aspect of utilizing evaporative coolers (swamp coolers). Between twenty and thirty large evaporative coolers were used in the facility which can blow aerosols of system water down into the plant where inhalation of micro-droplets by their employees can occur. General aerobic bacteria and specifically Legionella were of concern to facility management. Using the PVT, an initial Hazard Analysis showed no detectable Legionella but total aerobic bacteria levels much higher than suggested validation criteria. The concern from facility management then became how best to implement a control plan which could prevent potential problems from occurring in the future. The Hazard Analysis raised awareness that both Total Heterotrophic Aerobic Bacteria and Legionella were of critical concern during the cooling step in their water process flow. The Director of Safety and corporate VP of facilities decided to design and implement a Water Management Plan for this facility. Dentist Office A Pacific Northwest dentist expanded his surgeries from 4 to 6 and purchased new Dental Water Line Units for the new surgeries consisting of plastic one liter supply bottles. The dentist was following the treatment protocol outlined by the dental supply company that represented the manufacture and was confident that his system was free of bacteria. He wanted to perform bacterial testing to verify his belief. The results of the PVT test were shocking to him. The older surgeries that had the bottles cleaned once per week and were treated with an industry recognized product on an ongoing basis had bacterial levels of 107 CFU/ml of heterotrophic bacteria at the spray wand. Even more surprising was that the new surgeries that had been in operation less than a month had an equally high bacteria reading of 107 CFU/ml. The results from testing indicated that the supply lines from the tank reservoir to the dispensing wand were probably contaminated CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 25 by biofilm build-up that was not being controlled by the existing cleaning protocol. New protocols were defined and implemented. A Midwestern Chemical Manufacturing Plant Validates Biological Hazard Control The Director of Operations at a Chemical Plant wanted to validate the success of their recently modified cooling tower biocide program. Previously, he had tested for heterotrophic bacteria, but had not tested for the presence of Legionella. Validation testing (validation is evidence that hazards have been controlled under operating conditions) with PVT was performed at two sample locations over 3 months. Results from PVT validation testing indicated that the new biocide program was effective in controlling heterotrophic microbiological growth and in controlling Legionella. The Director of Operations was pleased with the results that validated the performance of the new biocide program. He was pleased with the format of the results report which he has retained for documentation purposes. Results of PVT Testing Shake Confidence of Industrial Manufacturer in the Pacific Northwest Facility management at a large Pacific Northwestern manufacturing facility allows a water treatment company to manage their utility water systems including the cooling towers. They were confident, based on written and verbal reports, that their cooling towers were clean and free of any biological hazards. The PVT was used for independent confirmation. Eight of the twelve (66%) systems tested exceeded the recommended limits for total heterotrophic bacteria, three of them as high as 107 CFU/ml, and three of the remaining four were at the upper limits. All but one of the tested systems required some type of immediate remedial action. The water treatment company providing the outsourced services had been cutting back products and services in an effort to control their own costs. There was not, however, adequate validation (evidence that hazards have been eliminated or controlled under operating conditions) that after cut backs in products and services, the program was still effective. Conclusions: Results of PVT demonstrated to facility management that improvements in the water treatment program were necessary and that an overall water management plan would be helpful. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS From Phigenics, LLC participating in beta testing were Ashton McCombs, Jay Reading, Brooke Winter, Tim McMahon, Bob Downey, Chris Bellizzi, Steve Mosher, Marty Detmer and Kristy Maher. Whitney Haumiller contributed to the precision analysis study. Jeff Minalga contributed to establishing the online information transfer system and in data analysis. Legionella and other cultures were provided by Nick Cianciatto and Jenny Dao, from Northwestern University Medical School (Chicago, IL). Kati Rossmoore, Chris Cuthbert, Gary Miners and Len Rossmoore, at Biosan Laboratories, Inc. (Warren, MI) were helpful in various phases of this project. Blinded split sample analyses were performed at Environmental Safety Technologies, Inc. (Louisville, KY) by Ann Koebel, Amber Quaack, Richard Miller and Shauna Weis. 26 REFERENCES 1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2005. Procedures for the recovery of Legionella from the environment. National Center for Infectious Diseases, Division of Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases, Respiratory Diseases Laboratory Section, Atlanta GA 2. International Standards Organization (ISO). 1998. Water Quality-Detection and Enumeration of Legionella. ISO 11731. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland 3. McCoy, W.F., et al. 2007. A new method for enumerating viable Legionella and total heterotrophic aerobic bacteria. Associated Water Technologies. Annual Convention and Exposition, November, 2007. 4. McDaniels, A.E., et al. 1985. Holding effects on coliform enumeration in drinking water samples. Appl Environ Microbiol; 50(4): 755-762 5. The World Health Organization. 2003. Heterotrophic Plate Counts and Drinking-water Safety: The Significance of HPCs for Water Quality and Human Health. IWA Publishing, London, UK ISBN: 92 4 156226 9 6. The World Health Organization. 2003. Heterotrophic Plate Counts and Drinking-water Safety: The significance of HPCs for Water Quality and Human Health. IWA Publishing, London, UK ISBN: 92 4 156226 9 7. Pope, M.L., et al. 2003. Assessment of the effects of holding time and temperature on Escherichia coli densities in surface water samples. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 69(10):62016207 8. Alam, M., et al. 2006. Effect of transport at ambient temperature on detection and isolation of Vibrio cholerae from environmental samples. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 72(3):2185-2190 9. The World Health Organization. 2006. Guidelines for Drinking-Water Quality – First Addendum to Third Edition, Volume 1 – Recommendations. WHO Press, Geneva, Switzerland ISBN: 92 4 154696 4 10. The World Health Organization (WHO). 2007. Legionella and the Prevention of Legionellosis. WHO Press, Geneva, Switzerland ISBN 92 4 156297 8 11. McCoy, W.F. 2005. Preventing Legionellosis. International Water Association. IWA Publishing, London, UK. ISBN: 1 843390 94 9 12. Association of Water Technologies (AWT). 2003. Legionella 2003: An update and statement by the association of water technologies (AWT). Association of Water Technologies, McLean, VA 13. Miller, R.D and A. Koebel. 2006. Legionella prevalence in cooling towers: Association with specific biocide treatments. ASHRAE Transactions CH-06-12-2 vol. 112, pt 1. 14. Cooling Technology Institute (CTI). 2006. Legionellosis Guideline: Best Practices for Control of Legionella http:// CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 27 FIGURES AND TABLES Figure 1. The PVT field sampler consists of a sterile plastic screw-capped container (A) within which is held a α ) on one side paddle (B) containing buffered charcoal yeast extract agar enriched with α ketoglutarate (BCYEα α agar plus the selective supplements glycine, vancomycin, polymyxin and on the other side of the paddle, BCYEα B, and cycloheximide (GVPC). Table 1. Comparison of methods to measure Legionella bacteria in water samples. 28 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 Table 2. Protocol steps and instructions for field use of the Phigenics Validation Test (PVT). CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 29 Table 3. Effect of sample holding time on total heterotrophic aerobic bacteria (CFU/ml) in building potable water samples at ambient temperature (22 °C). Figure 3. Side-by-side comparisons of spread plating (the Standard Method) and PVT in split samples from a University building water system. Four samples (A -D) are given as examples. Typically, results from spread plating and PVT analyses are very similar but not identical. See Figure 4 for a quantitative comparison from split sample analyzes. Figure 4. Results from a building water system in which 48 samples were split for comparison with the Standard Method and the PVT. Figure 2. The effect of water sample holding time on Total Heterotrophic Aerobic Bacteria (THAB) counts. The THAB were measured immediately after sampling (t=0) in six cooling towers at a University in the Midwestern United States. One hour later (insert graph), the cooling tower water was reanalyzed; THAB declined by at least one order of magnitude in 5 of the 6 samples and in one of the samples there was a 3 order of magnitude decline. After 24h holding time at ambient room temperature, THAB counts had increased much more than one order of magnitude in all six samples. The types of bacterial colonies recovered at each sampling varied unpredictably (data not shown). 30 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 Figure 5. PVT field samplers are useful for estimating the total bacterial count using an order of magnitude comparator chart as demonstrated by comparisons to commercial Total Aerobic Figure 6. The Colony Forming Unit (CFU) count of Legionella pneumophila SG1 (wild type field isolate) on PVT dipslide surfaces correlated significantly (R 2 = 0.9873) with CFU/ml measurements from Standard Method (ISO 11731) spread plating. Results indicate similar precision with both methods (error bars are Std Dev of five replicate samples at each dilution). CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 Figure 7. Blinded comparisons of 147 samples split for analysis with PVT and with the Legionella Standard Method. Samples were processed by an independent laboratory. Legionella detection or no detection is indicated by + or -. “Different +” means both methods detected Legionella but the serogroups or species detected were different. 31 Figure 8. Six hundred and eighty two (682) building water samples were analyzed with the PVT. Sampling was not randomized, no screening was done and no data were omitted. The buildings were all in the US from the following regions: Eastern seaboard States, Southeast, Midwest, South, Southwest, Southern California, Pacific Northwest. Potable water samples locations -350 (51.3%) ; Utility water (typically cooling tower water) sample locations -332 (48.7%). Figure 10. Heterotrophic aerobic bacterial counts in 332 utility water sample locations (mostly cooling tower water) were compared. The 10^4 symbol in legend refers to 104 CFU/ml of Total Heterotrophic Aerobic Bacteria (THAB). About half (51%) of the building utility water samples had total heterotrophic aerobic bacteria (THAB) at or below 10 4 CFU/ml; 49% of utility water samples had THAB greater than 10 4 CFU/ml. Figure 9. Heterotrophic aerobic bacterial counts in 350 potable water sample locations were compared. The 10^3 symbols in the legend refers to 103 CFU/ml of Total Heterotrophic Aerobic Bacteria (THAB). About two-thirds (67%) of the building potable water samples had total heterotrophic aerobic bacteria (THAB) counts at or below 103 CFU/ml; 33% of potable water samples had THAB greater than 103 CFU/ml. Figure 11. About 6% of potable water sample locations and about 10% of utility water sample locations were positive for Legionella at 10 CFU/ml or greater. There appeared to be no correlation between Legionella detections and the THAB results in potable water systems (data not shown); there were more Legionella detections in utility water systems when the THAB was greater than 104 CFU/ml but no statistical analysis was done to determine significance of the difference. The data confirmed that THAB is useful as a water quality indicator but not a water safety indicator5 32 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 33 Crossflow Cooling Tower Performance Calculations Robert Fulkerson Fulkerson & Associates, Inc. INTRODUCTION There was a period of time when the majority of cooling towers being constructed in the United States were crossflow towers. After the high efficiency film type fills Robert became popular for use in counter flow cooling towers, the Fulkerson percentage of the new large industrial towers, which were crossflow, diminished. Now only about 10% of new field erected industrial cooling towers which are sold are crossflow towers. Crossflow cooling towers with splash bar fill may be the best design for a cooling tower where the water quality makes the use of film type fills questionable. There are still a large number of crossflow cooling towers in operation which are in need of repair or upgrading. There are also splash fill manufacturers who are developing better and more efficient fill configurations to address the need for the repair of these crossflow cooling towers. The prediction of the thermal performance of crossflow cooling towers requires the use of a two dimensional double integration mathematical procedure. Sam Zivi and Bruce Brand developed such a procedure which was published in the August 1956 issue of Refrigerating Engineering. The original paper had an Appendix which included an example problem with all of the calculations required for crossflow cooling tower analysis. Unfortunately, when the paper was reprinted, it did not include the Appendix with the calculations. Recently, I have been asked by several people for a copy of the paper which includes the Appendix. After contacting ASHRAE and looking in technical libraries for a complete copy with no success, I realized this important paper was nearing extinction. The purpose of this paper is to re-introduce a complete copy of the Zivi Brand paper to the cooling tower industry. I have also included an equation which can be used to convert crossflow fill characteristic curves that were developed in a test cell to curves which can be used for cooling towers that differ in fill dimensions from the test cell dimensions. DISCUSION When power plants began to be built to provide electricity for Thomas Edison’s inventions they needed cooling water for their condensers. If the power plant was located close to a stream of water or a river, a cooling tower was not needed. If the plant was built close to a lake, then the lake could provide the condenser cooling water. If the lake was not large enough to provide the required cooling, then the heat dissipation could be greatly increased by returning the hot water to the lake as a spray. It was found that a spray pond required only about 1/40 the area of a cooling lake to provide the same amount of cooling depending on the nozzle pressure, the height of the spray and the wind velocity. Small heat loads could be dissipated by the use of atmospheric or 34 spray filled cooling towers where the water was sprayed down inside a louvered box. The airflow was supposed to be induced through the cooling tower by the downward spray of the water. These cooling towers performed better if there was a cross wind. Later, fans were used to move the air through the cooling towers; and wood splash bars were introduced to slow down the falling water and keep it broken up into small droplets. Some of the old counterflow cooling towers had wood splash grid packing which was installed to heights approaching 48 feet above the air inlet. The prediction of the cooling performance of these early counterflow cooling towers was difficult because the cooling tower manufacturers were stymied by the combination of latent heat transfer and sensible heat transfer, both occurring at the same time. Frederick Merkel, who was on the faculty of a college in Dresden, Germany, had solved this problem by combining the two heat transfer processes into a single process based on enthalpy potential as the driving force. Merkel’s paper was published in Germany in 1925, but it received little attention outside of Germany. The University of California at Berkeley had been conducting research on cooling towers for several years. H. B. Nottage, who was a graduate student, was assigned to the cooling tower project. During a literature search in 1938 he found several references to the work of Frederick Merkel. After obtaining a copy of the Merkel paper Nottage immediately recognized the importance of Merkel’s work. For the details of the derivation of the Merkel theory, refer to “Cooling Tower Performance” by Donald Baker.¹ Joseph Lichtenstein working with Nottage produced a series of charts where he calculated approach curves using the Merkel equation and a four point CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 Since 1957, our primary business has been innovation! We encourage inquiries for custom product solutions! Shepherd Standard high quality products for cooling towers include: · PVC Coated Hanger Grids · Stainless Steel Hanger Grids · Gull Wing Splash Fill Slats · V-Bar Splash Fill Slats · Film Pack · Drift Reduction Units · Nozzles & Accessories CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 C. E. Shepherd Company, L.P. 2221 Canada Dry Street Houston, TX 77023 Telephone: 713.924.4300 Fax: 713.928.2324 Whether your project requires new construction or retrofit, standard products or custom solutions, Shepherd Tower Components are a perfect fit. 35 Tchebycheff numerical integration procedure. These charts were then published in 1943 by The Foster Wheeler Corporation.² The Foster Wheeler Black Book was the first time the Merkel theory was presented in a usable format. mance curves.t All of these above mentioned books were plotted using the Merkel equation and the four point Tchebycheff numerical integration procedure. They all were also plotted using sea level psychrometric data. FOSTER WHEELER BLACK BOOK Although the Merkel equation has been criticized for the several simplifications it required, it has been used by cooling tower engineers for almost 70 years with satisfactory results. The CTI Blue book has now been computerized and is included as a part of the CTI Tool Kit which is available on a Compact Disk. These counterflow curves can now be plotted at altitudes other than sea level. CTI BLUE BOOK Neil Kelly and Leonard Swenson published the Pritchard Brown Book in 1957.³ In addition to Approach curves this book contained curves for the performance of several counterflow wood splash decks. All of the curves plotted in the Pritchard Brown Book were plotted on Log Log paper. This allowed the fill characteristic curves to be plotted as a straight line. The equation of a fill characteristic curve is of the form KaV/L=C(L/G){ n. The “Ka” is a heat transfer coefficient, the “V” is the volume of fill in one square foot of fill plan area and this is equal to the fill height. The L is the water loading in pounds of water per hour falling through one square foot of fill plan area. The “C” is a constant that must be determined by testing. The “G” is the airflow in pounds of dry air per hour that is flowing up through one square foot of plan area. The “n” is an exponent that is equal to the slope of the fill characteristic line. PRITCHARD BROWN BOOK MERKEL EQUATION CROSSFLOW COOLING TOWERS When the crossflow cooling tower came into existence, it was immediately recognized that a new problem now existed. The simple one dimensional heat transfer calculation of the counterflow cooling tower would not be adequate for a crossflow tower which is a two dimensional problem. The air travels horizontally through the fill, and the water falls vertically down through the fill. In 1967 when computers became available, The Cooling Tower Institute gave a contract to Midwest Institute in Kansas City to develop a greatly expanded version of a book of approach curves. This resulted in the publication of the CTI Blue Book of perfor36 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 37 Dr. Sam Zivi of Midwest Research Institute and Bruce Brand of Havens Cooling Tower Company presented a solution to this problem in a paper which was published in the August 1956 issue of Refrigeration Engineering. This paper describes a method of dividing a vertical, transverse section through the fill of a crossflow cooling tower into a grid or matrix. The water temperature and enthalpy of the air is calculated at all points throughout the grid. This is possible because the water temperature at the top of the grid is constant across the grid.. The air temperature down the air inlet side of the grid is also constant and is at the wet bulb temperature. At all interior points in the grid the water temperature and air enthalpy can be calculated using the method described in the Zivi Brand paper. A copy of the Zivi Brand paper is included in the Appendix of this paper. The first mechanical draft cooling towers were predominantly counterflow towers with splash grid fill. Crossflow cooling towers were being built in the early 1960’s. They enjoyed several decades when the new cooling towers being built for power plants and chemical plants were of the crossflow design. By 1970 about 90% of the mechanical draft cooling towers being built in the United States were crossflow towers. This continued until the high efficiency film type fills came into use which allowed the design of smaller counterflow cooling towers that could provide the same cooling capacity as the larger crossflow cooling towers. Now the pendulum has swung back again, and almost all new cooling towers being built are counterflow towers using low-clog film type fill material. There are still a lot of crossflow cooling towers in operation which are now in need of repair. This repair may include the installation of a newer and more efficient fill configuration. There is still a need for information about crossflow fill performance and crossflow cooling tower performance expected when the newer fill splash bars have been installed. In the past year, I have had several requests for a copy of the Zivi Brand paper. All of my efforts to locate a good copy which included the appendix with the calculations were futile. I could not get a copy from ASHRAE or from technical libraries. The only copies they had did not include the appendix. It appeared that a valuable piece of cooling tower history was about to evaporate and be lost forever. I was eventually able to obtain a complete copy of the Zivi Brand paper, and it is included in the appendix of this paper. Those who desire can use it to develop their own computer program for crossflow calculations. CONVERSION OF CROSSFLOW FILL CHARACTERISTIC CURVES In 1999 I presented TP99-05 “A COMPARISON OF CROSSFLOW COOLING TOWER SPLASH_TYPE FILLS”5 at CTI which contained fill performance characteristic curves and fill pressure drop curves for 20 crossflow fill configurations. These curves were all drawn for a fill height of 30 feet and an air travel through the fill of 17 feet. In order for these curves to be used for other fill heights or air travels they must be converted to the new cooling tower’s dimensions of fill height and air travel. This conversion is a simple and straight forward operation. 38 As an example, let us say we have a fill characteristic curve that was established in a test cell which had an air travel of 17 feet and a fill height of 30 feet. The curve has a slope of -.5 and passes through the L/G = 1 line at a KaV/L of 1.5. The equation of this curve would then be KaV/L = 1.5*(L/G)-.5. Now let us say we want to install this fill in a cooling tower that has a 30 foot fill height, but we want to increase the air travel to 24 feet. To convert this curve to a 24 foot air travel curve we must keep the water loading per square foot of fill area unchanged. We must also keep the airflow per square foot of fill height unchanged, and we must keep the heat transfer coefficient “Ka” unchanged. The L/G now has to increase by the ratio of the increase in the air travel. Now the L/G becomes (24/17) = 1.412 at a KaV/L of 1.5. Locate this point and draw another curve through it parallel to the original test cell curve. This new curve now becomes the characteristic for the fill when installed with 24 feet of air travel and 30 feet of fill height. This curve crosses the L/G = 1 line at a KaV/L of 1.782, so the equation of the converted curve is KaV/L = 1.782*(L/G)-.5 . If we want to install the fill in a tower with 17 feet of air travel but with a fill height of 48 feet, we still have to keep the airflow per square foot, water loading and heat transfer coefficient Ka, constant. We now have more total airflow because of the increased height. The L/G changes because of the G now increases as the ratio of the increase in fill height. G now becomes 48/30 = 1.6 so the L/G becomes 1/1.6 or .625. We now locate the point where L/G = .625 at a KaV/L of 1.5. The “V” has also changed from 30’ to 48’. The equation of our original curve was KaV/L = 1.5*(L/G)-.5. With the L/G set at 1 we can substitute 30 for “V”, and we can calculate “Ka” as .05. We now multiply the Ka of .05*48 = 2.4 for the new KaV/L at the L/G ratio of .625. We now move up the L/G =.625 line and locate KaV/L = 2.4. We draw a curve through this point parallel to the original test cell curve. This new curve is the fill characteristic curve for the fill when installed with 17’ of air travel and 48’ of fill height. This curve crosses the L/G = 1 line at a KaV/L of 1.897, so the equation of this new curve becomes KaV/L=1.897*(L/G){ ’”u . These two calculations can be combined into one calculation, and the intersection of the new curve and the L/G = 1 line found by using the point slope equation of a straight line. The conversion equation then becomes: Conversion equation KaV/L=(((C/(X1/X2)-n)/Y2)Y1)/(Y2/Y1)-n Where: C X1 X2 Y1 Y2 n is the KaV/L of the test cell curve at L/G = 1 is the new air travel is the test cell air travel is the new fill height is the test cell fill height is the slope of the curves CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 The KaV/L calculated by this equation is the new C for the new curve. These curves may be used in combination with the “Kelly’s Handbook of Crossflow Cooling Tower Performance” with caution. It must be pointed out that a fills cooling performance is affected by the hot water temperature and the air velocity through the fill. The effect of these must be accounted for in any tower design. Literature Cited 1. Cooling Tower Performance. by Donald Baker, Chemical Publishing Co. New York, N.Y. 1984 2. Cooling Tower Performance. Bulletin CT-43-2 Foster Wheeler Corporation 165 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 1943 3. Counterflow Cooling Tower Performance. J. F. Pritchard & Co. of California 4625 Roanoke Parkway, Kansas City, MO, 1957 4. Cooling Tower Performance Curves. 1967 Cooling Tower Institute, Houston Texas, 1976 5. A Comparison of Crossflow Cooling Tower Splash-Type Fills, by Robert Fulkerson, Cooling Tower Institute Paper No. TP99-05 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 6. Kelley’s Handbook of Crossflow Cooling Tower Performance. 1976 Neil W. Kelly & Associates, 525 Brush Creek Blvd, Kansas City, MO APPENDIX 1. Example of fill characteristic curve converted from 17’ air travel to 24’ air travel. 2. Example of fill characteristic curve converted from 30’ fill height to 48’ of fill height. 3. Copy of Zivi Brand paper “An Analysis of The Cross-Flow Cooling Tower”. 39 40 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 41 42 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 43 44 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 45 46 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 47 48 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 49 50 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 51 52 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 53 54 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 55 56 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 57 A Simplified Method to Evaluate Cooling Tower and Condenser Performance Using the CTI Toolkit© Natasha Peterson & Dr. Luc De Backer Bechtel Power Corporation generator output, as is shown in figure 2 below. As can be noticed from the curve in fugure 2, the generator output will typically decrease about 3 % for Abstract every inch increase in condenser pressure when opA simple mathematical method will be proposed to erating above the design point. For the design point estimate the cooling tower performance at off-design of the cooling tower, typically a high summer ambiambient conditions. The cooling tower design data ent wet bulb temperature is selected (for example 0.4 will be used as a starting point and the CTI toolkit will % annual exceedance per ASHRAE), but for economibe used to calculate psychrometric properties and cal evaluations it is important to know how the steam the Merkel number at off-design conditions to calcugenerator output will vary with the ambient condilate the temperature of the cold water leaving the cooltions. Therefore, it is very useful to have a simplified Dr. Luc De Backer ing tower using the slope of the cooling tower charmethod to evaluate the performance of the mechaniacteristic curve. By applying first principles and straightforward cal draft cooling tower and its impact on the performance of the relationships for condensers, the condenser performance at off- steam surface condenser and steam generator output. design conditions can be predicted. In order to predict the impact of the ambient conditions on the Introduction Cooling towers are widely used in power plants as the heat sink to reject the condenser heat duty to the atmosphere. For aesthetical and economical reasons, mechanical draft cooling towers (MDCT) are preferred over natural draft (hyperbolic) cooling towers and it should be noted that the application of the described method will be limited to mechanical draft cooling towers only. steam generator output for a given mechanical draft cooling tower and surface condenser design selection, the performance at offdesign conditions has to be known. Figure 2 Cooling Tower Performance prediction Figure 1 In the most common configuration as shown in Figure 1, exhaust steam from the low pressure steam turbine is condensed in the steam condenser using cold water from the cooling tower. The heat of condensation will be absorbed by the cooling water and will result in a temperature rise in the circulating water. The hot circulating water is sent to the mechanical draft cooling tower, where it is cooled by evaporative cooling using ambient air. The cold water temperature (CWT) leaving the cooling tower will vary with the ambient wet bulb temperature (WBT) and this will have an impact on the condenser pressure which is directly related to the steam 58 The following parameters are required to design a mechanical draft cooling tower: • Cooling water flow rate entering the cooling tower • Hot water temperature entering the cooling tower • Cold water temperaturen leaving the cooling tower • Design wet bulb temperature • Barometric pressure or altitude The efficiency of a cooling tower is characterized by the Merkel number (KaV/L) which is a function of Liquid to Gas ratio (L/G). The relationship between KaV/L and L/G is usually described with CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 59 an equation of the form (characteristic curve): 1 Where C is a constant and the exponent s is the slope of the characteristic curve. The size of a cooling tower is determined by the intersection of the demand curve with the characteristic curve, which results in design values for KaV/L and L/G. Typically, the cooling tower supplier provides the slope of the characteristic curve, and using the design values for KaV/L and L/G, the constant C in the equation above can be calculated. The CTI Toolkit© is a powerful tool for calculating the psychrometric properties of the air along with a variety of tower performance parameters. The Toolkit© ‘Demand Curve’ function generates demand curves with KaV/L as function of L/G for different values of the approach, as shown in figure 3 below. In our model, it is assumed that the circulating water flow rate is constant and that the fan driver output power will change proportionally with the density of the air at the tower discharge. Based on these assumptions, equation (2) can be simplified to: 3 From a heat and mass balance around a cooling tower and ignoring the evaporated water contribution and drift loss, we know: 4 L = Circulating water mass flow rate Cpw = Specific heat of water R = range which is equal to the hot water temperature – cold water temperature G = Mass flow rate of dry air h2 = Enthalpy of dry air leaving the tower h 1 = Enthalpy of dry air entering the tower Rearranging equation (4), we have a relationship between L/G and exiting air enthalpy: 5 Calculating the cooling tower discharge air properties at off-design conditions requires combining the heat balance equation with the equation for L/G and iterating for a solution. This iteration procedure is described in detail in the CTI code ATC-105. With the Toolkit© and the algebraic relationships above, the cold water temperature can be determined at a variety of inlet wet bulb conditions using the following methodology: Figure 3 1. At off design conditions, the mass flow rate of dry air (G’) will be different from the design value (Gd); the CTI Acceptance Test Code for Water Cooling Towers gives us the following relationship for evaluating the off-design value for L/G: 2. 2 3. Where = Ratio of water mass flow rate to dry air mass flow rate at off-design wet bulb = Ratio of water mass flow rate to dry air mass flow rate at design conditions Q ' , Q d = Off-design and design circulating water flow rate, respectively ', d = Fan driver output power at off-design and design W W conditions, respectively ' d ρ , ρ = Off-design and design air density, respectively υ ' ,υ d = Specific volume of air, either off-design (υ’), or design (υd) 60 4. Using the ‘Demand Curve’ tab of the Toolkit, input the design parameters for the cooling tower (Range, Altitude, and the Tower Characteristics) Select an off-design wet bulb temperature. Utilize the ‘Psychrometrics’ tab to determine the enthalpy of the air entering the cooling tower at this wet bulb temperature The ‘Enthalpy @ saturated conditions’ option in the ‘Psychrometrics’ tab allows to obtain the density and specific volumes for a given discharge air enthalpy and altitude above sea level. Using an iterative procedure and various psychrometric properties obtained from the Toolkit© , at off-design conditions is calculated using equations 3 and 5. 5. The ‘Demand Curve’ tab of the Toolkit is used to determine the approach at off design conditions. Steam Surface Condenser performance prediction The heat duty (P) that is rejected by the steam in the condenser can be written as: P = M′steam.(hST,out - hcond) 6 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 61 With the steam mass flow rate at the steam turbine exhaust and hST,out and hcond the enthalpy of the steam at the steam turbine exhaust and enthalpy of the condensate, respectively. With a power plant running at full constant load the heat duty does not vary a lot and as a first approximation the condenser heat duty can be considered as a constant. The heat duty that can be handled by the steam surface condenser is a function of the overall heat transfer coefficient (U), the heat exchange surface area (A) and the logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD) in accordance with the following equation: ' P = msteam .(hST ,out − hcond ) coefficient will not vary either since the water velocity can be assumed to be constant. Consequently, it is easy to derive that for a constant heat duty, the product of FCWT and LMTD is a constant value. This will be the basis for the surface condenser performance evaluation: 9 The steam temperature can be calculated as function of the offdesign value for the LMTD using the equation above: 7 10 In accordance with the HEI standard for surface condensers, the overall heat transfer coefficient U can be written as (ref 3): P = U . A.LMTD 8 With Uvel the uncorrected heat transfer coefficient which is mainly a function of the circulating water velocity, FCWT the inlet water temperature correction factor, Fmat the tube material correction factor and Fclean the cleanliness factor. A typical value for Fclean is 0.85 in accordance with industry standards. If we combine both equations 7 and 8 above, we have: P = Uvel.FCWT.Fmat.Fclean.A.LMTD 9 The logarithmic mean temperature difference in a surface condenser is defined by the following equation: With R the condenser water side temperature rise which is equal to T2 – T1. The steam pressure in the condenser can easily be determined from the steam temperature using the steam tables for saturated steam conditions. Model verification and example calculation To verify the model, an example calculation was performed. A mechanical draft cooling tower and steam surface condenser was designed for a condenser pressure of 2.5 inch HgA at a wet bulb temperature of 77 ºF using a cold water temperature at the condenser inlet of 84.8 ºF. The design conditions for the cooling tower are summarized in the table below. Table 1: cooling tower design data. 10 Parameter With Tsteam the saturated steam temperature in the condenser, T1 the cold water temperature entering the surface condenser tubes and T2 the hot water temperature at the condenser outlet. In a steam surface condenser it is reasonable to assume that the steam temperature is constant as shown in figure 4 below, while the water temperature will increase from T1 to T2 when the water flows through the condenser tubes. Figure 4 Once the tube material and thickness is selected and the heat exchange surface area has been calculated, A and Fmat are known constants and with all circulating water pumps running at full capacity, it is reasonable to assume that the uncorrected heat transfer 62 Value Unit Site elevation 473 Feet above sea level Wet Bulb Temperature 77.0 Deg F Cold water temperature 84.8 Deg F Hot water temperature 102.8 Deg F Using the method described in Section 2, the cold water temperature leaving the cooling tower was calculated for different values of the wet bulb temperature and plotted in figure 6 below. Figure 5 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 As can be seen in Figure 5, the predicted cold water temperatures and the vendor-given values were found to be in good agreement. In the next step, the performance of the steam surface condenser was estimated using the method described in Section 3. Figure 6 shows the performance for a steam surface condenser (SCC) at constant heat load and a circulating water flow rate of 100 % of the design value. value for economical studies of power plants that use a mechanical draft cooling tower and steam surface condenser. References 1. 2. 3. CTI Test Code ATC-105, Acceptance Test Code for Water Cooling Towers, Cooling Technology Institute, Houston, TX, 2000 CTI Toolkit©, Version, Cooling Technology Institute, Houston, TX, 2003 HEI Standards, Standards for Steam Surface Condensers, Ninth Edition, Heat Exchange Institute, Inc., Cleveland, OH, 1995 Figure 6 As can be noticed from this graph, there is an excellent agreement between the performance curve provided by the supplier and the estimated performance (Estimation) that was determined using the method above. The relative difference between the estimated performance and the one based on the supplier performance curves was equal or less than 1 % over the complete range of inlet water temperatures. Conclusion For a given mechanical draft cooling tower and steam surface condenser design, it is imporant to have a simple method to calculate the off-design performance to evaluate the impact of the ambient conditions on the generator output. The results show that the proposed methodology is a reliable way to calculate off-design cooling tower and steam surfance condenser performance. Although some algebraic manipulations are required, the CTI Toolkit© makes this a simple and easy process. The outlined method allowed us to predict the cooling tower cold water temperature and condenser pressure which were in close agreement with the supplier performance data. The input variables required for the analysis are few and easily obtainable, and with these values applied to the method described above the impact on the steam generator output can be predicted easily in a straightforward manner. The method illustrated in this paper can be of great CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 63 Intermittent Feeding of Aseptrol® Tablets Redefines the Role of Chlorine Dioxide in Small and Mid-sized Cooling Water Systems Keith Hirsch, John Byrne, Barry Speronello BASF Corporation Background Fe+3, Mn+3), so it may be necessary to increase chlorine dioxide dose rates in systems that contain high concentrations of those metals in dissolved form.2 Chlorine dioxide does not react with phosphates. An initial evaluation of BASF Cooling Water Biocide Chlorine dioxide is a powerful oxidizing biocide. Addi(BCWB), based on chlorine dioxide-generating Aseptrol® tionally, it is a gas and is water-soluble, which enables it tablets, demonstrated the effectiveness of the technolto penetrate entire sections of a water treatment system. ogy as a cooling water biocide.5 Subsequent tests of Chlorine dioxide provides several advantages over tradiKeith Hirsch BCWB were carried out at two BASF manufacturing sites tional chlorine. For example, the efficacy of chlorine dioxto optimize the chlorine dioxide dosage. One location was a relaide is independent of pH (up to 10). Chlorine dioxide also does not tively dusty facility that manufactured clay products and clay-based chlorinate organics and does not produce trihalomethanes (THMs). fluid cracking catalysts in southern Georgia (Attapulgus), and the As a biocide, chlorine dioxide exhdoiibits broad-spectrum kill, showother was in a plant with a much less dusty environment that manuing efficacy, for example, against Bacillus anthracis (Anthrax) and factured a variety of inorganic catalyst and pigment products in Legionella pneumophelia. Furthermore, it is effective against minorthern Ohio (Elyria). This paper summarizes the results of these croorganisms not controlled effectively by chlorine, such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia. Of great importance in all areas of two cooling tower trials of BCWB. water treatment is the fact that chlorine dioxide is a very effective Experimental biofilm penetrant, enabling the complete removal of biofilm that Chlorine dioxide is a powerful oxidizing biocide. Additionally, it is a harbors microorganisms.1-3 gas and is water-soluble, which enables it to penetrate entire secAmong the oxidizing biocides, chlorine dioxide is recognized as tions of a water treatment system. Chlorine dioxide provides sevbeing the least reactive with organics and many inorganics. It is eral advantages over traditional chlorine. For example, the efficacy widely used for bleaching wood pulp in paper manufacturing be- of chlorine dioxide is independent of pH (up to 10). Chlorine dioxcause its relative lack of reactivity with wood fibers produces the ide also does not chlorinate organics and does not produce highest quality paper products.2 As a result, chlorine dioxide is trihalomethanes (THMs). As a biocide, chlorine dioxide exhibits compatible with wooden components in industrial water systems. broad-spectrum kill, showing efficacy, for example, against BacilChlorine dioxide also is unreactive towards ammonia, and is the lus anthracis (Anthrax) and Legionella pneumophelia. Furtherpreferred oxidizing biocide for use in industrial water systems that more, it is effective against microorganisms not controlled effeccontain even low levels of dissolved ammonia. Chlorine dioxide is tively by chlorine, such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia. Of great unreactive towards paraffinic hydrocarbons and only very slowly importance in all areas of water treatment is the fact that chlorine reactive with olefins.2 It is also unreactive towards biguanide- dioxide is a very effective biofilm penetrant, enabling the complete based biocides, such as polyhexamethylene biguanide hydrochlo- removal of biofilm that harbors microorganisms.1-3 ride (PHMB).4 Laboratory work at BASF has found that chlorine Among the oxidizing biocides, chlorine dioxide is recognized as dioxide is unreactive with acrylates and with all quaternary amines being the least reactive with organics and many inorganics. It is tested to date. It reacts slowly with aldehydes, such as glutaraldewidely used for bleaching wood pulp in paper manufacturing be4 hyde. cause its relative lack of reactivity with wood fibers produces the Conversely, chlorine dioxide is highly reactive with the functional highest quality paper products.2 As a result, chlorine dioxide is groups of key classes of organic compounds. It reacts quickly to compatible with wooden components in industrial water systems. oxidize and deodorize reduced sulfur groups including H2S and Chlorine dioxide also is unreactive towards ammonia, and is the organo-sulfur compounds. It also oxidizes the amine group of ter- preferred oxidizing biocide for use in industrial water systems that tiary amines, and phenolic hydroxyl groups. In those reactions, contain even low levels of dissolved ammonia. Chlorine dioxide is however, little chlorine dioxide is consumed by unselective reac- unreactive towards paraffinic hydrocarbons and only very slowly tions with the hydrocarbon molecular backbone. As a result, chlo- reactive with olefins.2 It is also unreactive towards biguaniderine dioxide is a highly effective deodorizer at low concentrations, based biocides, such as polyhexamethylene biguanide hydrochloas well as a powerful biocide.2 ride (PHMB).4 Laboratory work at BASF has found that chlorine +2 Chlorine dioxide can oxidize some inorganics in solution. Fe and dioxide is unreactive with acrylates and with all quaternary amines Mn+2 in solution can oxidize to higher valence insoluble forms (e.g., tested to date. It reacts slowly with aldehydes, such as glutaraldehyde.4 64 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 65 Conversely, chlorine dioxide is highly reactive with the functional groups of key classes of organic compounds. It reacts quickly to oxidize and deodorize reduced sulfur groups including H2S and organo-sulfur compounds. It also oxidizes the amine group of tertiary amines, and phenolic hydroxyl groups. In those reactions, however, little chlorine dioxide is consumed by unselective reactions with the hydrocarbon molecular backbone. As a result, chlorine dioxide is a highly effective deodorizer at low concentrations, as well as a powerful biocide.2 Chlorine dioxide can oxidize some inorganics in solution. Fe+2 and Mn+2 in solution can oxidize to higher valence insoluble forms (e.g., Fe+3, Mn+3), so it may be necessary to increase chlorine dioxide dose rates in systems that contain high concentrations of those metals in dissolved form.2 Chlorine dioxide does not react with phosphates. An initial evaluation of BASF Cooling Water Biocide (BCWB), based on chlorine dioxide-generating Aseptrol® tablets, demonstrated the effectiveness of the technology as a cooling water biocide.5 Subsequent tests of BCWB were carried out at two BASF manufacturing sites to optimize the chlorine dioxide dosage. One location was a relatively dusty facility that manufactured clay products and claybased fluid cracking catalysts in southern Georgia (Attapulgus), and the other was in a plant with a much less dusty environment that manufactured a variety of inorganic catalyst and pigment products in northern Ohio (Elyria). This paper summarizes the results of these two cooling tower trials of BCWB. Results Attapulgus, Georgia Site 5,500-Gallon Cooling Tower: Chlorine dioxide is a powerful oxidizing biocide. Additionally, it is a gas and is water-soluble, which enables it to penetrate entire sections of a water treatment system. Chlorine dioxide provides several advantages over traditional chlorine. For example, the efficacy of chlorine dioxide is independent of pH (up to 10). Chlorine dioxide also does not chlorinate organics and does not produce trihalomethanes (THMs). As a biocide, chlorine dioxide exhibits broad-spectrum kill, showing efficacy, for example, against Bacillus anthracis (Anthrax) and Legionella pneumophelia. Furthermore, it is effective against microorganisms not controlled effectively by chlorine, such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia. Of great importance in all areas of water treatment is the fact that chlorine dioxide is a very effective biofilm penetrant, enabling the complete removal of biofilm that harbors microorganisms.1-3 Among the oxidizing biocides, chlorine dioxide is recognized as being the least reactive with organics and many inorganics. It is widely used for bleaching wood pulp in paper manufacturing because its relative lack of reactivity with wood fibers produces the highest quality paper products.2 As a result, chlorine dioxide is compatible with wooden components in industrial water systems. Chlorine dioxide also is unreactive towards ammonia, and is the preferred oxidizing biocide for use in industrial water systems that contain even low levels of dissolved ammonia. Chlorine dioxide is 66 unreactive towards paraffinic hydrocarbons and only very slowly reactive with olefins.2 It is also unreactive towards biguanidebased biocides, such as polyhexamethylene biguanide hydrochloride (PHMB).4 Laboratory work at BASF has found that chlorine dioxide is unreactive with acrylates and with all quaternary amines tested to date. It reacts slowly with aldehydes, such as glutaraldehyde.4 Conversely, chlorine dioxide is highly reactive with the functional groups of key classes of organic compounds. It reacts quickly to oxidize and deodorize reduced sulfur groups including H2S and organo-sulfur compounds. It also oxidizes the amine group of tertiary amines, and phenolic hydroxyl groups. In those reactions, however, little chlorine dioxide is consumed by unselective reactions with the hydrocarbon molecular backbone. As a result, chlorine dioxide is a highly effective deodorizer at low concentrations, as well as a powerful biocide.2 Chlorine dioxide can oxidize some inorganics in solution. Fe+2 and Mn+2 in solution can oxidize to higher valence insoluble forms (e.g., Fe+3, Mn+3), so it may be necessary to increase chlorine dioxide dose rates in systems that contain high concentrations of those metals in dissolved form.2 Chlorine dioxide does not react with phosphates. An initial evaluation of BASF Cooling Water Biocide (BCWB), based on chlorine dioxide-generating Aseptrol® tablets, demonstrated the effectiveness of the technology as a cooling water biocide.5 Subsequent tests of BCWB were carried out at two BASF manufacturing sites to optimize the chlorine dioxide dosage. One location was a relatively dusty facility that manufactured clay products and claybased fluid cracking catalysts in southern Georgia (Attapulgus), and the other was in a plant with a much less dusty environment that manufactured a variety of inorganic catalyst and pigment products in northern Ohio (Elyria). This paper summarizes the results of these two cooling tower trials of BCWB. Elyria, Ohio Site 5,500-Gallon Cooling Tower: This test was conducted on a 5,500-gallon cooling tower at the Elyria, Ohio plant of BASF Corporation. Two months of baseline data were collected during which time the tower was operated with sodium hypochlorite that was applied by the water treatment service company.6 This was followed by replacement of the chlorine bleach with BCWB. BCWB was added to the tower in the form of multiple 8.33-gram tablets enclosed in a polyester fabric mesh bag. The chlorine dioxide was introduced into the unit by periodically adding a bag of tablets to a 6.3-gallon feeder and passing water through the feeder to the tower at a rate of 10 gallons/minute. The solution concentration of chlorine dioxide in the feeder was set to a maximum of 4,000 ppm. BCWB was added weekly for the first eight weeks, then daily for the next three weeks, and weekly for the final three weeks. The cooling system was run at ca. 2.5 cycles of concentration during the baseline and trial periods. The source of the make-up water was city water. A molybdenum-based corrosion inhibitor CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 67 was used at levels between 2 and 4 ppm Mo6+. The water chemistry changed little during the trial relative to the baseline period. For example, during the trial, conductivity was 690 mmhos vs. 740 mmhos during the baseline period; calcium, as CaCO3, was 255 ppm vs. 305 ppm during the baseline period; total hardness, as CaCO3, was 335 ppm vs. 380 ppm during baseline period. The pH of the water was fairly high, at 8.5 to 8.8 vs. 8.3 to 8.9 during the baseline period. Figure 3 is a graph showing the effect of time since treatment on microbial counts for six separate time intervals during the trial. It shows that, as expected (with a few exceptions), counts are typically very low immediately after treatment and then rise with time between treatments. In only one case (+ sign in Figure 3) is an earlier count higher than a later count, and in that case both readings are relatively low. Consequently, data taken just prior to retreatment represents a worst-case evaluation, and those are the same data presented in Figure 4. Figure 4 is a plot of microbial count and BCWB dose rate as a function of time during the two periods of weekly addition. Initial weekly dose rates were 180 grams of BCWB/1,000 gallons of water, and microbial counts fell to zero. However, that result was later found to be invalid due to a valve failure that caused the tower to be flooded constantly with fresh, city water. When that was corrected, the weekly dose rate of BCWB was varied between ca. 90 and 180 grams/1,000 gallons until it was determined that acceptable microbial counts (<104 CFU/ml) could be achieved at an average dose rate of 155 grams/1,000 gallons/week. Figure 5 is a graph of microbial counts and BCWB dose rate (in grams for the entire 5,500-gallon tower) as a function of time during the period of daily additions. It shows that dose rates may be reduced relative to weekly addition and microbial counts can still remain within an acceptable range (< 104 CFU/ml). Optimum control was achieved at an average dose rate of 110 grams of BCWB/1,000 gallons/week using daily additions. This represents a 29% reduction in BCWB dosage versus the optimal weekly dosage. Figure 6 is a graph of chlorine dioxide residual measured either 30 minutes or 60 minutes after dosing with BCWB during periods of weekly addition. Water samples were collected at the circulation pump discharge. The graph shows that chlorine dioxide residual increased with BCWB dose. It is also noted that the residual after 60 minutes was consistently lower than it was after 30 minutes, indicating loss of chlorine dioxide from the system after the 30minute interval. However, chlorine dioxide residuals were measured up to two hours after dosage, at which point readings were no longer taken. Average chlorine dioxide residuals were slightly below 0.1 ppm after two hours. The data in Figure 6 also show that in this tower at the optimum weekly dose rate of ca. 130 grams/1,000 gallons, the chlorine dioxide residual after 60 minutes was in the range of 0.1 ppm. 68 Tests were also carried out to assess the impact of chlorine dioxide dosage on corrosion. Rates were measured using test coupons of copper and mild steel during the period of BCWB use. Observed corrosion rates were 0.25 mpy (90-day basis) for mild steel and 0.09 mpy (90-day basis) for copper, both excellent values. A baseline comparison was run on two mild steel coupons after the trial when the addition of chlorine bleach was resumed. The average corrosion rates were 0.33 mpy (180-day basis). Conclusions 1. BASF Cooling Water Biocide (BCWB) was able to control planktonic microbial counts to less than or equal to the target value of 104 CFU/ml at dose rates between 110 and 275 grams/1,000 gallons/week. 2. A 29% reduction in the dosage of BCWB was achieved through daily addition versus weekly addition. Based on this observation, an automated daily feeder has been developed. 3. Microbial control was achieved with a chlorine dioxide residual of 0.1 ppm or greater measured at the pump discharge at a time between 30 and 60 minutes from dosing. Thus, for effective control of microbiological growth, it is recommended that a chlorine dioxide residual of at least 0.1 ppm be achieved within 60 minutes of BCWB addition. 4. Microbial control levels were at least equal to those achieved using the prior commercial biocides at their recommended dose rates. References 1. Gates, D. 1998 The Chlorine Dioxide Handbook. Denver: Ammerican Water Works Association. 2. Simpson, G. D. 2005 Practical Chlorine Dioxide , Vol. I: Foundations. Colleyville, Texas: Greg D. Simpson & Associates. 3. Simpson, G. D. 2005 Practical Chlorine Dioxide , Vol. II: Applications. Colleyville, Texas: Greg D. Simpson & Associates. 4. BASF Corporation internal data, unpublished. 5. Puckorius, P. R., Puckorius, D. A., Speronello, B. “New Solid Chlorine Dioxide Tablet as Cooling Water Micro-Bio Control – Case Histories / Application Data”, paper presented at 2005 AWT Annual Conference & Exposition, Palm Springs, CA, September 20, 2005. 6. Service of the Elyria, OH cooling tower was provided by Crown Solutions, Inc. of Dayton, OH. CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 69 Construction Productivity Guidelines for Field Erected Cooling Towers By Jess Seawell, P.E. Jim Baker Composite Cooling Solutions, L.P. INTRODUCTION: The Purpose of this paper is to provide a better understanding of labor productivity on field erected cooling tower projects and how it affects Jess Seawell the overall project. Within the past 20 years there has been significant research in construction labor productivity which provides an increasing amount of empirical data as to the effects of various factors on construction labor productivity. Most cooling tower manufacturers have researched this subject and have their own guidelines to follow which should fall within this information presented. Much of the information used in this paper was taken from the Construction Law Library and compiled by Mr. William Schwartzkoph. Other noteworthy sources of information used came from the Department of Labor Bulletin No. 917, the Business Roundtable Report, the Construction Industry Institute Study, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Study and Construction Productivity Studies and Data compiled by Composite Cooling Solutions. Although there are many factors affecting a cooling tower construction project from a productivity standpoint, we will focus on the five areas we feel are most pertinent. They are Overtime Productivity, Weather Productivity, Schedule Acceleration, Experience Learning Curves, and Change Order Productivity. Labor Productivity Cooling tower construction contracts have two major types of costs: fixed and variable. Fixed costs are those costs which the contractor procures on a fixed price subcontract or purchase order. The fixed costs are inherently lower in risk, because the contractor has fixed them through a contract. Risks do exist, such as the financial failure or default of either a vendor or subcontractor, or the installation of defective or faulty work by a subcontractor or vendor; but the risks are much less that the risks in variable-cost items. Variable costs are items such as labor, supervision, equipment and job overhead. Extensive literature has been published about delay claims which principally are claims related to the extended duration of the job and the resulting extended jobsite overhead costs. However, the major variable risk component on a cooling tower construction project is labor and supervision, not extended jobsite overhead. Equipment, on many projects can be a significant cost; however, equipment costs tend to be proportional to labor costs. It is uncommon to have significant increase in equipment costs without significant increases in labor costs. surprising because supervision and labor hours frequently for many reasons stemming from the contractor or the owner. This is an oversimplification of the problems because field cost overruns on a project can and do result from a variety of causes. The major areas of field labor cost increase include Schedule Acceleration, Changes in the Jim Baker Work, Management Characteristics, Project Characteristics, Labor and Morale, and Project Location. Within each of these major areas, there are significant subcategories. These subcategories are listed below: 1. Schedule Acceleration Overcrowding Stacking of trades Overtime Concurrent operations 2. Changes in work Additional quantities of work Learning curve changes Delays Engineering errors & omissions Rework of already installed work Changes to the plans and specifications 3. Management Characteristics Material and tool availability Management control Project team Dilution of supervision 4. Project Characteristics Project size Work type Workforce size Joint occupancy Height of building Fast track construction Site access Site conditions 5. Labor and Morale Quality of craftsman Quality assurance/quality control practices Rework and errors Absenteeism Craft turnover Fatigue Morale Wages Incentives On many cooling tower construction projects, the largest single area of cost overrun is in supervision and or labor cost. This is not 70 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 71 6. Project Location/External Conditions Weather Altitude Area population Commuting time Availability of skilled labor Economic activity in area All of these categories, as well as other factors can and do affect project field costs on large cooling tower projects. The existence of a field cost overrun is not proof that an event entitling a contractor to damages occurred, because cost overruns can occur for a variety of reasons, not all of which entitle a contractor to compensation. It is frequently difficult to link the causation in a claim to the damages suffered. Defining Labor Productivity In order to understand the factors affecting construction labor productivity, it is necessary to define labor productivity. Productivity is defined as the units of work accomplished for the units of labor expended. In simple terms, productivity is defined in the following formula: Labor Productivity = Outputs Inputs Greater labor productivity, therefore, is greater output for the same level of input. In the construction industry, the reciprocal is how productivity is frequently expressed, that is, man-hours per unit of work. When productivity is expressed in man-hours per unit, greater productivity means a smaller number, or less man-hours expended per unit of work. Construction Productivity = Man-Hours Unit of Work Contractors are extremely interested in labor productivity and tend to view it in narrowly-defined units of work. This is because contractors estimate work and take on fixed-price contracts based upon estimated unit rates for productivity. Frequently the contractors view productivity in the following way: Labor Productivity = Labor Costs or Labor Work Hours = Unit Rate Output-Units of Production This formula is often referred to as the unit rate. The absolute values of these rates are important to the contractor for estimating purposes. Once a project starts, a contractor’s focus changes. During the performance of a job, it is the performance factor that contractors frequently focus on. The performance factor is defined in the following formula: Performance Factor = Estimated Unit Rate ` Actual Unit Rate On a job site, contractors often refer to productivity when they are actually talking about the variance in performance factor, that is, how the actual unit rates differ from the estimated unit rates. Methods of Productivity Measurement Many cooling tower contractors have detailed cost accounting systems that allow them to track either productivity or surrogates for productivity. Measuring unit cost in dollars is a surrogate measure of productivity because the dollar cost can be affected by 72 other factors, for example, overtime or wage rate variances that do not reflect actual productivity (man-hours per unit). These cost accounting systems, whether in unit cost or unit rates, allow on the job tracking of the actual productivity for a project in comparison with estimated productivity. Contractor cost accounting systems focus on unit rates of production in either dollars or man-hours. These systems are frequently, but not always, tied directly into the contractor payroll systems so they are gathering data directly from field inputs. OVERTIME PRODUCTIVITY Overtime is the use of labor in excess of 40 hours per man per week. Because overtime is paid at a premium wage rate, such as time and a half or double time, it is inherently more expensive because the cost per hour for the overtime hours worked is greater. It is generally acknowledged that working prolonged programs of overtime causes reduced productivity. That is, the units of work produced (output) are less per hour. Reduced productivity is a hidden cost of overtime. Overtime is worked on cooling tower projects for several different reasons. It can be worked on a sporadic or spot basis to handle unexpected problems that arise, such as weather changes and operation changes, or to finish time critical work. Many times there is time critical work that must be finished as soon as possible so the project can move forward. It can also be used to produce more work in a given number of days which could reduce the field costs of supervision and rental. Also, it may be necessary to overcome delays or because a project needs to be done in a less than optimum length of time for external reasons. Overtime can also attract more workers to a project where labor is difficult to obtain. Many large cooling tower projects are more easily manned, whether union or non-union if a certain amount of overtime is guaranteed. Craftsman and laborers tend to migrate to jobs where they can make the most money in the least amount of time. Following are three tables reflecting the effects on productivity with varying work schedules. We must note that the work schedules in the original tables presented by the Corps of Engineers only reflect 5, 6, or 7 day work weeks. Many cooling tower projects are manned with 4-day, 10-hour per day work weeks. We have added this category to Chart 2.1. Because of the non-productive activities of a normal day, such as meetings, getting tools out and putting them away, and lunch breaks have been eliminated from the 5th day, we have found that productivity does not decrease when working 4, 10-hour day as opposed to working 5, 8-hour days. There is also another concept which is used when estimating projects and that is referred to as “The Point of No Return.” Working a prolonged overtime schedule can cause less output per week than working a normal schedule. The point of no return is reached at that point in the overtime schedule when the cumulative work output in a week of overtime is no greater than the work output that would have been achieved in a normal 40-hour week. CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 73 TABLE 2.1 TABLE 2.3 SCHEDULED EXTENDED OVERTIME EXTENDING THE WEEK PRODUCTIVITY PRODUCTIVITY PROJECTIONS (1 Week Only) (2-10 WEEKS) Scheduled Days Scheduled Hours Percent Productivity 10 8 9 10 11 12 8 9 10 11 12 8 9 10 11 12 100% 100% 95% 92% 89% 86% 97% 88% 82% 78% 75% 92% 83% 78% 75% 72% 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 (1) Bureau of Labor, Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Bulletin No. 917. NOTE: 1) Absenteeism increases as number of hours of work increase. 2) Injuries and the rate of incidence of injuries increase with the number of work hours per week. 3) Scheduled overtime reduces productivity. Scheduled Days Scheduled Hours per Day Percent Productivity 5 6 7 8 8 8 100% 98% 95% 2) National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) Study; Overtime and Productivity in Electrical Construction, 7-9 (2nd edition, 1989). WEATHER PRODUCTIVITY Cooling tower construction is positively impacted by good weather and negatively impacted by adverse weather. Adverse weather is conditions created by natural forces that are abnormal for the area and are detrimental to the construction of the project. Because of the nature of cooling tower construction, many times being performed in a wet environment, adverse weather conditions can actually make or break a job. Events such as high or low temperatures, humidity, rain, snow and high winds have effects on labor productivity. To the extent that such events can be expected and are reasonable, they should be considered prior to constructing a project. However changes to a project schedule can cause work which was planned for certain weather period and was shifted to a more severe weather period with resulting changes in labor productivity. Remember, cold or adverse weather affects workers not only physiologically, but also psychologically. Different workers accept different conditions differently. If the work is required to proceed through abnormal weather conditions or it causes added cost due to delaying the project until a later date, a significant change in labor productivity may occur. TABLE 2.2 Case Law SPOT OVERTIME UNSCHEDULED A contractor normally assumes the risk of loss for normal weather problems. This risk of loss may be handled in two ways. The owner may: PRODUCTIVITY PROJECTIONS (1 Week or Less Duration) 1) Scheduled Days Scheduled Hours 5 5 5 5 74 8 8 8 8 Actual Hours 9 10 11 12 Percent Productivity 100% 98% 95% 92% Grant a time extension but with no additional compensation or; 2) Require the contractor meet the completion date in spite of adverse weather. Some contracts allow for weather time extensions for bad weather in excess of normal bad weather or provides for time extensions for any lost bad weather days. If a contractor is pushed into bad weather operation through the actions of the owner, the contractor may have a claim for additional compensation. CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 75 TABLE 3.1 Construction Productivity as Function of Temperature and Relative Humidity Engineers states, the optimum crew size is the minimum number of workers required to perform the task within the allocated time frame. Relative Humidity (%) Temperature (ºF) (1) 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 0.28 0.44 0.59 0.71 0.81 0.90 0.96 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.81 0.58 — 0.27 0.43 0.58 0.71 0.81 0.90 0.96 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.81 0.58 0.28 0.25 0.42 0.57 0.70 0.81 0.90 0.96 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.94 0.80 0.58 0.28 0.22 0.40 0.56 0.70 0.81 0.90 0.96 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.93 0.79 0.57 0.28 0.18 0.38 0.54 0.69 0.81 0.90 0.96 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.92 0.77 0.55 0.25 0.13 0.34 0.52 0.67 0.80 0.89 0.96 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.90 0.74 0.51 0.21 0.15 0.29 0.49 0.65 0.79 0.89 0.96 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.98 0.88 0.71 0.47 0.15 — 0.21 0.44 0.62 0.77 0.89 0.96 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.96 0.85 0.67 0.41 0.07 — 0.10 0.36 0.58 0.75 0.88 0.96 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.82 0.61 0.32 — 3) 95 — — 0.23 0.50 0.71 0.87 0.96 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.93 0.78 0.54 0.21 — Another very real problem in our cooling tower industry that stems from an accelerated schedule in a refinery, chemical or power plant installation is “Trade Stacking”. Trade stacking is the term most often applied when work areas become crowded with different trades due to a desire to accelerate the project. This can be a problem if different trades are attempting to work in the same area. If the job is managed properly, productivity loss does not always occur. A good example would be jobs where different trades can be working in separate areas. However, a loss of productivity almost always occurs when crowding different crews into the same work area. The Corps of Engineers states, “Crowding occurs when more workers are placed in a given area than can function effectively”. Attached below are charts derived from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers which show the impact of Crew Over-Manning and Crew Crowding. Enno Koehn & Gerald Brown, Climatic Effects on Construction, Journal of the Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. III, No. 2 129-37 (June 1985) SCHEDULE ACCELERATION Acceleration of a cooling tower project occurs when the construction schedule for the project is shorter than what would be required using normal sequences of construction on the normal agreed upon schedule. Accelerated schedules can be agreed upon in the bid stages and contracted as such and become the normal working schedule. Disputes arise when the contractor is requested to complete the job in a shorter schedule than he believes was originally agreed upon in the original contract or the contractor is asked to maintain the original schedule after a change in scope or unforeseen conditions occur. The requirement to accelerate the schedule can exist either because the contractor is behind schedule due to its own actions or for the convenience of the owner of the project who wants the project completed earlier than the original schedule. 4) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Modification Impact Evaluation Guide (July 1979) A contractor may also be accelerated to recover lost time as a result of delays by third parties, inadequate deliveries of materials or equipment, permits, design changes, or other items. Acceleration can also occur when additional work is added to the original scope through contract changes but additional time to complete the project is not available or not granted. Generally, accelerated cooling tower construction work adversely affects productivity. When construction work is accelerated, the contractor must change schedules and methods, possibly hire additional workers, possibly work overtime, or even add shifts. It also affects engineering, support personnel, and materials. All of these may or may not be available. It is a combination of these changes that affect productivity. When the schedule is accelerated on any cooling tower project, more than likely, additional workers will be added to the existing crew. Cooling tower contractors must be very careful not to overman the crew. Increasing the number of workers above the optimum level on a project causes productivity losses. The Corps of 76 5) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Modification Impact Evaluation Guide (July 1979) CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 77 EXPERIENCE LEARNING CURVES Basic experience or learning curve theory states that each time the number of repetitions doubles, the cumulative manhours per unit declines by a constant fixed percentage of the previous cumulative average units. This percentage is frequently identified as the experience factor or constant. When applying this theory to a cooling tower project, we find that this is true to a certain extent. When constructing a 10-cell cooling tower, we find that productivity definitely does increase due to repetition up to about 5-cells, depending on the experience level of the crew, but productivity on the remaining 5-cells remains more constant. Delays and Interruptions Experience curves depend upon continuous repetitions. If repetitive actions are delayed or interrupted, there will not be the same man-hours rate as prior due to the disruption when the construction resumes. Thus, the result of forgetting how the tasks were performed occurs. The degree of forgetting is related to the length of the delay. Additional Factors Affecting Experience Curves The number of repetitions of an identical activity is not the only factor which affects experience curves or project productivity. The following factors also have a profound effect on a project learning curve 1) Job familiarization by the workmen through repetitive operations 2) Equipment and crew coordination 3) Job organizational planning Number of Cells 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Marginal Unit Cumulative Average Rate-Hours Rate-Hours 1.00 95 .90 85 .80 .775 .750 .725 .700 .675 1.00 .975 95 .925 90 .879 .861 .843 .827 .813 NOTES: 1) Cells 1-5 assumes a 95% Learning Factor 2) Cells 6-10 assumes a 97.5% Learning Factor. 3) This chart does not apply to total units if construction is interrupted during execution of construction. 4) This chart is based on a typical 10-cell tower. Any cooling tower greater than 5-cells should fall within this data. 5) This chart is a conservative approach to the learning curve productivity of cooling tower construction. Different crews may vary based on previous experience. 6) The data was derived by the methodology of Mr. Schwartzkopf and utilizing actual Composite Cooling Solutions construction data. 4) Engineering accuracy CHANGE ORDER PRODUCTIVITY 5) Day-to-day supervision Definition of Change Orders Change order is a term frequently used in the construction industry to label any modification or alteration of the work. A change is a modification in the original scope of work, contract schedule, or cost of the work. A change order is a formal contract modification incorporating a change into the contract. 6) Development of improved construction methods 7) Sufficient work space for crews 8) Efficient material supply system 9) More efficient use of tools and equipment 10) Changes to product design 11) Change in site conditions 78 TABLE 5.1 Learning Curve Productivity Factors Changes and change orders are a normal part of the cooling tower construction process. If a very tight specification is initially written and enforced, change orders will be minimized, but seldom eliminated. Typically, although by no means always, change orders increase both the amount and the cost of the construction contract because they add to or change the work to be performed. Changes frequently cause disputes between owners and contractors over the cost of the change. It is generally recognized that changes made during performance of the work are more expensive than if the same work had been required to be performed under the original contract. CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 Changes can arise from a variety of causes. These causes include: 1) Defective plans and specifications 2) Changes in scope caused by user changes 3) Differing site conditions 4) Schedule delays 5) Value engineering 6) Substitutions 7) Incomplete design These changes can cause the construction cost to change on both the changed and unchanged work. The Impact of Change Orders Change orders can have significant impacts on cooling tower construction projects. The changes themselves can delay the project. As change orders increase, they can affect the unchanged work. The Construction Industry Institute (CII) which has studied CONCLUSION: Properly analyzing the costs of labor productivity in field erected cooling tower construction should aid contractors and owners in their decision making processes on all cooling tower projects. Understanding how labor productivity is affected by various events should make the planning and scheduling of cooling tower projects by both contractors and owners more sensitive to labor productivity issues. All cooling tower projects are different and no set method applies on every job to accurately estimate labor productivity. The actual factors involved in each situation must be carefully calculated. There have been countless studies done on this subject and this paper only represents a few. Numerous labor institutions as well as actual cooling tower manufacturers continue to accumulate data to more accurately calculate the impact of labor productivity. We trust that the information put forth in this paper will aid all parties in their future cooling tower projects. construction changes and change orders states the following: When the changes are small in scope and few in number, the impact is real, but relatively minor. The change may or may not affect the critical path, and even when it does, the fundamental logic of the work remains in tact. With respect to loss of productivity, the major effect is loss of momentum, loss of efficiency, and extended overhead associated with administration of changes and other aspects of the work. When there are multiple changes on a project and they act in sequence or concurrently there is a compounding effect – this is the most damaging consequence for a project and the most difficult to understand and manage. The net effect of the individual changes is much greater than a sum of the individual parts. Only may there be increase in cost and time required that the project logic may have to be redone. All parties involved in a cooling tower project need to recognize the potential impact of project changes. To minimize the impact of changes, the changes should be issued as early as possible. The drawings and documents relating to the change should be issued in sufficient numbers to allow them to go to the field. Whenever possible, separate crews should be assigned to do the changed work to minimize disruption of the ongoing unchanged work. CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 79 Cooling Technology Institute Licensed Testing Agencies For nearly thirty years, the Cooling Technology Institute has provided a truly independent, third party, thermal performance testing service to the cooling tower industry. In 1995, the CTI also began providing an independent, third party, drift performance testing service as well. Both these services are administered through the CTI Multi-Agency Tower Performance Test Program and provide comparisons of the actual operating performance of a specific tower installation to the design performance. By providing such information on a specific tower installation, the CTI MultiAgency Testing Program stands in contrast to the CTI Cooling Tower Certification Program which certifies all models of a specific manufacturer's line of cooling towers perform in accordance with their published thermal ratings. To be licensed as a CTI Cooling Tower Performance Test Agency, the agency must pass a rigorous screening process and demonstrate a high level of technical expertise. Additionally, it must have a sufficient number of test instruments, all meeting rigid requirements for accuracy and calibration. Once licensed, the Test Agencies for both thermal and drift testing must operate in full compliance with the provisions of the CTI License Agreements and Testing Manuals which were developed by a panel of testing experts specifically for this program. Included in these requirements are strict guidelines regarding conflict of interest to insure CTI Tests are conducted in a fair, unbiased manner. Cooling tower owners and manufacturers are strongly encouraged to utilize the services of the licensed CTI Cooling Tower Performance Test Agencies. The currently licensed agencies are listed below. Licensed CTI Thermal Testing Agencies License Type* Agency Name Address Contact Person Website / Email Telephone Fax A,B Clean Air Engineering 7936 Conner Rd Powell, TN 37849 Kenneth Hennon 800.208.6162 865.938.7569 A, B Cooling Tower Technologies Pty Ltd PO Box N157 Bexley North, NSW 2207 AUSTRALIA Ronald Rayner 61 2 9789 5900 61 2 9789 5922 A,B Cooling Tower Test Associates, Inc. 15325 Melrose Dr. Stanley, KS 66221-9720 Thomas E. Weast 913.681.0027 913.681.0039 A, B McHale & Associates, Inc 6430 Baum Drive Knoxville, TN 37919 Thomas Wheelock 865.588.2654 425.557.8377 * Type A license is for the use of mercury in glass thermometers typically used for smaller towers. Type B license is for the use of remote data acquisition devices which can accommodate multiple measurement locations required by larger towers. Licensed CTI Drift Testing Agencies 80 Agency Name Address Contact Person Website / Email Telephone Fax Clean Air Engineering 7936 Conner Rd Powell, TN 37849 Kenneth Hennon 800.208.6162 865.938.7569 McHale & Associates, Inc. 6430 Baum Drive Knoxville, TN 37919 Thomas Wheelock 865.588.2654 425.557.8377 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 81 Cooling Towers Certified by CTI Under STD-201 As stated in its opening paragraph, CTI Standard 201... “sets forth a program whereby the Cooling Technology Institute will certify that all models of a line of water cooling towers offered for sale by a specific Manufacturer will perform thermally in accordance with the Manufacturer’s published ratings...” By the purchase of a “certified” model, the User has assurance that the tower will perform as specified, provided that its circulating water is no more than acceptably contaminated-and that its air supply is ample and unobstructed. Either that model, or one of its close design family members, will have been thoroughly tested by the single CTI-licensed testing agency for Certification and found to perform as claimed by the Manufacturer. CTI Certification under STD-201 is limited to thermal operating conditions with entering wet bulb temperatures between 12.8°C and 32.2°C (55°F to 90°F), a maximum process fluid temperature of 51.7°C (125°F), a cooling range of 2.2°C (4°F) or greater, and a cooling approach of 2.8°C (5°F) or greater. The manufacturer may set more restrictive limits if desired or publish less restrictive limits if the CTI limits are clearly defined and noted in the publication. Following is a list of cooling tower models currently certified under STD-201. They are part of product lines offered by Advance GRP (Advance) Cooling Towers, Pvt, Ltd.; Aggreko Cooling Tower Services; Amcot Cooling Tower Corporation; AONE E&C Corporation Ltd; Baltimore Aircoil Company, Inc.; Delta Cooling Towers, Inc.; Evapco, Inc.; Fabrica Mexicana De Torres, S.A.; HVAC/R International, Inc.; Imeco, div of York International; Ltd; KIMCO (Kyung In Machinery Company, Ltd.); Liang Chi Industry Company, Ltd.; Mesan Cooling Tower, Ltd; Nihon Spindle Manufacturing Company, Ltd.; Polacel b.v.; Protec Cooling Towers; RSD Cooling Towers; Ryowo (Holding) Company, Ltd; SPX Cooling Technologies; Ta Shin F.R.P. Company, Ltd.; The Cooling Tower Company, L.C; The Trane Company; Tower Tech, Inc; and Zhejiang Jinling Refrigeration Engineering Company who are committed to the manufacture and installation of fullperformance towers. In competition with each other, these manufacturers benefit from knowing that they each achieve their published performance capability. They are; therefore, free to distinguish themselves through design excellence and concern for the User’s operational safety and convenience. Those Manufacturers who have not yet chosen to certify their product lines are invited to do so at the earliest opportunity. You can contact Virginia A. Manser, Cooling Technology Institute, PO Box 73383, Houston, TX 77273 for further information. 82 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 83 Cooling Towers Certified by CTI Under STD-201 Advance GRP (Advance) Cooling Towers, Pvt., Ltd. – Advance 2020 Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 07-31-01 – August 28, 2007 (Revision 0) (51 counter-flow, induced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: Aggreko Cooling Tower Services – AG Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 08-34-01 – July 25, 2008 (Revision 0) (1 counter flow, forced draft model) CTI Model Listing: Information: aggreko_cooling_tower_services/ACTS_AG10-1.aspx Selection: CTI_Tables_in_PDF.aspx Amcot Cooling Tower Corporation – LC Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 96-20-01 – September 8, 2007 (Revision 2) (8 cross-flow, induced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: AONE E&C Corporation, Ltd. – ACT-R and -RU Series Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 05-28-01 – September 29, 2006 (Revision 1) (18 cross-flow, induced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information (General): Information (ACT-R Models): Information (ACT-RU Models): Selection: Baltimore Aircoil Company, Inc. – ACT Series Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 08-11-12 – October 14, 2008 (Revision 0) (72 counter flow, induced draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: 84 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 Baltimore Aircoil Company, Inc. – FXT Series Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 92-11-01 – September 22, 2006 (Revision 2) (38 cross-flow, forced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: Baltimore Aircoil Company, Inc. – FXV Closed Circuit Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 98-11-09 – April 11, 2007 (Revision 6) (222 closed-circuit, induced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: Baltimore Aircoil Company, Inc. – PT2 Series Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 07-11-11 – May 5, 2007 (Revision 0) (214 counter-flow, induced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: Baltimore Aircoil Company, Inc. – Series V Closed Circuit Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 00-11-10 – September 15, 2000 (Revision 0) (265 VF1 & 103 VFL closed-circuit, forced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information VF1: Information VFL: Selection: Baltimore Aircoil Company, Inc. – Series V Open Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 92-11-02 – April 12, 1995 (Revision 3) (34 VT0 counter-flow, forced-draft models) CTI Certification Validation Number 92-11-04 – April 12, 1995 (Revision 1) (81 VT1 counter-flow, forced-draft models) CTI Certification Validation Number 92-11-03 – October 31, 2003 (Revision 2) (61 VTL counter-flow, forced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information VT0 & VT1: Information VTL: Selection: CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 85 Baltimore Aircoil Company, Inc. – Series 1500 Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 98-11-08 – June 30, 2006 (Revision 6) (29 cross-flow, induced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: Baltimore Aircoil Company, Inc. – Series 3000A, C, & D Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 92-11-06 – November 2, 2007 (Revision 8) (183 cross-flow, induced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: Delta Cooling Towers, Inc. – TM Series Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 02-24-01 – October 10, 2002 (Revision 0) (96 counter-flow, induced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: Evapco, Inc. – AT Series Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 99-13-01 – November 20, 2008 (Revision 8) (733 AT, USS/UAT, UT counter-flow, induced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information - AT Models: Information - USS/UAT Models: Information - UT Models: Selection All Models: Evapco, Inc. – ESWA Line of Closed Circuit Coolers CTI Certification Validation Number 06-13-05 – November 19, 2007 (Revision 3) (400 closed-circuit, induced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: Evapco, Inc. – LPT Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 05-13-04 – January 3, 2005 (Revision 0) (43 counter-flow, forced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: 86 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 Evapco, Inc. – LSTB Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 05-13-03 – January 3, 2005 (Revision 0) (57 counter-flow, forced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: Fabrica Mexicana De Torres, S. A., Reymsa Cooling Towers – GHR Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 00-22-02 – July 5, 2000 (Revision 1) (168 counter-flow, induced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: Fabrica Mexicana De Torres, S. A., Reymsa Cooling Towers – HR Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 04-22-03 – July 14, 2008 (Revision 1) (53 counter flow, induced draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: HVAC/R International, Inc. – Therflow Series Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 05-28-01 – September 29, 2006 (Revision 1) (27 cross-flow, forced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: Imeco, Div. of York International – IMC Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 05-21-01 – August 28, 2005 (Revision 0) (87 counter-flow, induced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: KIMCO (Kyung In Machinery Company, Ltd.) – CKL Line of Closed Circuit Cooling Towers CTI Certification Validation Number 05-18-02 – June 22, 2007 (Revision 1) (10 closed-circuit, induced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 87 KIMCO (Kyung In Machinery Company, Ltd.) – EnduraCool Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 93-18-01 – May 17, 2007 (Revision 6) (33 cross-flow, induced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: Liang Chi Industry Company, Ltd. – LC Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 96-20-01 – September 8, 2007 (Revision 2) (8 cross-flow, induced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: Mesan Cooling Tower, Ltd. – MCR Series Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 05-26-02 – September 28, 2008 (Revision 1) (40 counter flow, induced draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: -Catalogue.pdf Mesan Cooling Tower, Ltd. – MCR-KM Series Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 08-26-04 – September 30, 2008 (Revision 0) (26 counter flow, induced draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: Mesan Cooling Tower, Ltd. – MXR Series Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 05-26-01 – October 20, 2008 (Revision 3) (68 cross flow, induced draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: Mesan Cooling Tower, Ltd. – MXR-KM Series Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 08-26-03 – September 29, 2008 (Revision 0) (71 cross flow, induced draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: 88 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 Nihon Spindle Manufacturing Company, Ltd. – CTA-KX Series Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 08-33-01 – May 26, 2008 (Revision 0) (34 cross flow, induced draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: Polacel, b. v. – CR Series Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 04-25-01 – July 16, 2004 (Revision 0) (78 CMC + 180 CMDR counter-flow, induced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: Polacel b. v. – XR Series Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 04-25-02 – July 16, 2004 (Revision 0) (4 XE +16 XL + 27 XT cross-flow, induced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: Protec Cooling Towers, Inc. – FWS Series Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 04-27-01 – June 18, 2007 (Revision 2) (55 cross-flow, induced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: RSD Cooling Towers – RSS Series Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 08-32-01 – April 28, 2008 (Revision 0) (6 cross flow, induced draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: Ryowo (Holding) Company, Ltd. – FRS Series Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 05-27-03 – June 27, 2007 (Revision 1) (15 cross-flow, induced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 89 Ryowo (Holding) Company, Ltd. – FWS Series Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 04-27-01 – June 18, 2007 (Revision 2) (55 cross-flow, induced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: Ryowo (Holding) Company, Ltd. – FXS Series Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 05-27-02 – October 10, 2005 (Revision 0) (8 counter-flow, induced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: SPX Cooling Technologies (Marley) – Aquatower Series Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 01-14-05 – December 2, 2002 (Revision 1) (13 cross-flow, induced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: SPX Cooling Technologies (Marley) – AV Series Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 98-14-04 – April 11, 2000 (Revision 1) (38 cross-flow, induced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: SPX Cooling Technologies (Marley) – MCF Series of Closed Circuit Fluid Cooler Line CTI Certification Validation Number 07-14-10 – February 28, 2008 (Revision 2) (75 closed-circuit, forced draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: SPX Cooling Technologies (Marley) – MCW Series of Cooling Towers CTI Certification Validation Number 06-14-08 – May 1, 2007 (Revision 2) (68 counter flow, forced draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: 90 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 SPX Cooling Technologies (Marley) – MD Series of Cooling Towers CTI Certification Validation Number 08-14-11 – April 2, 2008 (Revision 0) (39 counter flow, induced draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: SPX Cooling Technologies (Marley) – MHF Series of Closed-Circuit Fluid Cooler Line CTI Certification Validation Number 04-14-07 – October 24, 2005 (Revision 1) (244 closed-circuit, induced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: SPX Cooling Technologies (Marley) – NC Series Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 92-14-01 – October 14, 2006 (Revision 15) (256 NC Class + 93 NC Fiberglass cross-flow, induced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information, NC Class: Information, NC Fiberglass: Selection: SPX Cooling Technologies (Marley) – Quadraflow Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 92-14-02 – April 11, 2000 (Revision 2) (38 cross-flow, induced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: Ta Shin F. R. P. Company, Ltd. – TSS Series Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 08-32-01 – April 28, 2008 (Revision 0) (6 cross flow, induced draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: The Cooling Tower Company, L. C. – Series TCI Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 06-29-01 – April 7, 2006 (Revision 0) (112 counter-flow, induced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 91 The Trane Company – Series Quiet (TQ) Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 92-14-01 – October 14, 2006 (Revision 15) (256 cross-flow, induced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: Tower Tech, Inc. – TTXE Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 08-17-06 – August 25, 2008 (Revision 0) (18 counter flow, forced draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Selection: Zhejiang Jinling Refrigeration Engineering Co., Ltd. – JNT Series Cooling Tower Line CTI Certification Validation Number 05-28-01 – September 29, 2006 (Revision 1) (27 cross-flow, induced-draft models) CTI Model Listing: Information: Information: Selection: Selection: For the Current List of Cooling Towers certified by CTI Under STD-201 Please Check the CTI Website: 92 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 93 94 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 95 Index of Advertisers Advance Cooling Towers .............................. 9 Aggreko Cooling Tower Service .......... 48, 49 AHR Expo ..................................................... 93 Amarillo Gear Company ............................. IBC Amcot Cooling Tower .................................. 23 American Cooling Tower, Inc. ..................... 33 AMSA, Inc. ............................................ 37, 77 Baltimore Aircoil Company ....................... OBC Bailsco Blades & Casting, Inc. .................... 39 Bedford Reinforced Plastics ....................... 19 Brentwood Industries .................................. 47 ChemTreat, Inc. ............................................ 51 CleanAir Engineering ..................................... 3 CTI Certified Towers .............................. 82-93 CTI License Testing Agencies ..................... 80 CTI ToolKit .............................................. 94, 95 Composite Cooling Solutions, LP ................. 71 Cooling Tower Resources ........................... 45 Dynamic Fabricators .................................... 59 Emerson Motor Technologies ...................... 53 Fibergrate Composite Structures ................ 17 Gaiennie Lumber Company ........................... 2 Glocon ................................................... 15, 74 H&F Manufacturing ...................................... 13 Howden Cooling Fans ................................... 5 Hudson Products Corporation ..................... 11 Industrial Cooling Towers .................... IFC, 63 Metrix ............................................................ 67 Midwest Towers, Inc. .................................. 65 Moore Fans .................................................. 27 Paharpur Cooling Towers Limited ............... 55 Power-Gen ................................................... 81 Rain for Rent ................................................ 57 Rexnord Industries ...................................... 21 C.E. Shepherd Company, LP ....................... 35 Spraying Services, Inc. ................................ 43 SPX Cooling Technologies ........................... 25 Strongwell ...................................................... 7 Structural Preservation System .................. 61 Swan Secure Products, Inc. ......................... 4 Tower Engineering ....................................... 73 Tower Performance, Inc. ............................. 96 96 CTI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1