November 2011 - Clay Electric


November 2011 - Clay Electric
The newsletter
for members of
Clay Electric
Cooperative, Inc.
Invite safety
home for the 5
Trustee Cedrick
Smith Jr. passes 2
Co-op lowers
cost of power...
page 3
approach to
pollution control
pays 4
Trading Post
ads...pages 6-8
are a time for celebration, and that means more cooking,
home decorating, entertaining, and an increased risk of
fire and accidents. Some safety tips to keep in mind are
found on page 5.
Trustee Cedrick Smith Jr. passes away
edrick M. Smith Jr., a member of Clay Electric Co-op’s board of trustees since 1980,
passed away on Oct. 22. He represented members in District 8.
A resident of Wacahoota, Smith, 77, operated a
construction business and was a timber farmer.
He had served as president, vice president,
secretary and treasurer of Clay’s board of trustSmith
ees, and had also served as an alternate director
on Seminole Electric Co-op’s board of directors.
He also had served as county and state president of the Florida Cattleman’s Association.
Smith is survived by his wife, Jo Ann, two children and a
number of grandchildren.
Smith’s family has a long association with Clay Electric. His
uncle, C. N. Smith, served on the co-op’s board for 39 years
“Our thoughts and prayers are with the Smith family,” said
Ricky Davis, Clay Electric’s general manager/CEO. “Cedrick
Smith was always concerned about the co-op doing its very best
to serve the members in District 8 and throughout our 14-county
service area.”
Electric is in the process of implementing a new customer information system (CIS). This system, which is critical to the co-op’s
daily operations, handles all aspects of customer account services
including billing, customer information, service orders, customer
contacts, capital credits and more. It is a critical system that allows
the co-op to better provide essential services to members. The new
system, from Harris-Cayenta, is more flexible and will enhance
Clay Electric’s ability to meet the changing service needs of members, as well as to adapt to future changes. For now, members will
not notice any differences. Early next year, members might notice
some slight changes in the appearance of their bills and also how
they log in to their accounts on the co-op’s website. More information about these changes will be shared in the near future.
Statement of ownership, management and circulation
1) Date of filing: October 1, 2011. 2) Title of Publication: The Kilowatt. 3) Frequency of issue:
Six times per year (Jan., Mar., May, July, Sept. & Nov.). 4) Location of known office of publication: Hwy 100 (P. O. Box 308), Keystone Heights, FL 32656. 5) Location of headquarters of
general business office of the publishers: Hwy 100 (P. O. Box 308), Keystone Heights, FL 32656.
6) Names and addresses of publisher, editor and managing editor: Clay Electric Cooperative, Inc., P. O. Box 308, Keystone Heights, FL 32656; Editor, Kathy Richardson, P. O. Box 308,
Keystone Heights, FL 32656; Managing Editor, N/A. 7) Owner: Clay Electric Cooperative, Inc.,
P. O. Box 308, Keystone Heights, FL 32656. 8) Known bondholders, mortgagees and other
security holders owning or holding 1% or more to total amount of bonds, mortgages or other
securities: Cooperative Finance Corp., Dulles, Va.; CoBank, Greenwood Village, CO.; 9) The
purpose, function and nonprofit status of this organization and the exempt status for Federal
income tax purposes has not changed during the preceding 12 months. 10) Extent and nature
of circulation: A. Total no. copies printed (avg during preceding 12 months): 133,132; no.
copies nearest filing date: 133,030. B. Paid circulation: 1. Sales through dealers and carriers,
street vendors and counter sales: None; 2. Mail subscription (avg during preceding 12 months):
132,595; no. copies nearest filing date: 132,532. C. Total paid circulation: (avg during preceding 12 months) 132,595; no. copies nearest filing date: 132,532. D. Free distribution (including
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C&D): (avg during preceding 12 months) 132,595; no. copies nearest filing date: 132,532. G.
Copies not distributed: (office use - avg during preceding 12 months) 528; no. copies nearest
filing date: 498. H. Total (sum of F&G) (avg. during preceding 12 months) 133,132; no. copies
nearest filing date: 133,030.
I certify that the statements above are correct and complete. Kathy Richardson
KILOWATT is published six times a year (in
January, March, May, July, September and
November) by Clay Electric Cooperative, Inc.,
Highway 100 West, Keystone Heights, Florida,
as an informational and educational service to
its member-owners. SUBSCRIPTION RATE: $1 a
year, to Clay Electric members. Periodicals class
postage paid at Keystone Heights, Fla. and at
additional mailing offices. USPS 783-900; ISSN
Meets Dec. 15 in Keystone Heights
at 12:30 p.m.
Laura Dean - President
Keystone Heights - District 1
John Henry Whitehead - Vice President
Lake Butler - District - 7
Susan Reeves - Secretary
Hawthorne - District 3
Carl Malphurs - Treasurer
Alachua - District 4
Kelley Smith - Trustee
Palatka - District 2
Robert Mullins - Trustee
Starke - District 5
Floyd Gnann - Trustee
Middleburg - District 6
Vacant - District 8
Angus Hastings - Trustee
Fort McCoy - District 9
Ricky Davis - General Manager & CEO
Henry Barrow - Director
Member & Public Relations
Herman Dyal - Director
Chip Gray - Director
Human Resources
Mark Maxwell - Director
Finance & Administrative Services
Bruce McHollan - Director
Information & Communication Technology
Howard Mott­­­ - Director
Cheryl Rogers - Director
Internal Audit
Bill Thompson - Director
District Operations
Derick Thomas - Gainesville & Lake City
Dale Furlong - Keystone Heights
Andy Chaff - Orange Park
Jim Beeler - Palatka & Salt Springs
Wayne T. Mattox - Manager of
Kathy Richardson - Editor
P.O. Box 308, Keystone Heights, Florida
32656 Telephone (352) 473-8000
POSTMASTER: In using Form 3579, please give
key letter and mail to KILOWATT, P. O. Box 308,
Keystone Heights, FL 32656.
The General Manager’s Report
Ricky Davis
Clay mourns loss of Trustee Cedrick Smith
ast month we were saddened by the passing of
one of our long time board
members, Cedrick Smith Jr. of
I had the honor of working
with Mr. Smith since 2009 when
I became general manager. During that time I found Mr. Smith
to be a tremendous asset to the
co-op with his three decades
of service and knowledge. It
became clear to me that service
to Clay Electric was a big part of
his life. Mr. Smith never wanted
to miss a trustee meeting, and
even in the past few months
when he wasn’t feeling well,
he found the strength to attend
board meetings.
In addition to his commitments to Clay Electric, Mr.
Smith also served in the past as
an alternate board member for
Seminole Electric Co-op, our
wholesale power provider.
The employees of Clay Electric meant a great deal to him.
Mr. Smith knew intuitively the
employees are the main reason
for Clay’s reputation of excellent and professional service.
In every decision he made as
a trustee, he would ask, “Is
this the best decision for our
member-owners and our employees?”
Mr. Smith was one of the many
long time board members who
led the way in helping make our
cooperative the success it is now.
Cedrick Smith Jr. will be remembered as someone who served
Clay Electric with dedication
and enthusiasm.
Cost of power falls due to lower
fuel expenses
It’s always good news when
we announce that the price of
electricity is going down.
Your cost for 1,000 kilowatt
hours (kWh) dropped $1.50 at
the beginning of October, thanks
to lower fuel expenses for power
generation. Therefore, your cost
for 1,000 kilowatt hours (kWh)
is now $112.80, down from
The decrease in power cost is
seen in the Power Cost Adjustment portion of your bills. The
new PCA rate is .02400. The
PCA number is multiplied by
the total number of kilowatt
hours consumed during the
billing period to obtain the PCA
If the lower cost of power isn’t
enough good news, Clay’s finance director has said the lower
cost could extend through 2012.
Clay’s lower cost for 1,000
kWh makes it the lowest among
the state’s 15 electric co-ops. It is
also lower than the average cost
for 1,000 kWh for the state’s five
largest investor-owned utilities
We’re proud that we’re able to
provide you affordably priced
electricity, plus excellent and
reliable service.
We’re all aware of how bad
the economy has been in recent
years. For us, the reduced economic activity has meant little or
no growth in new connects.
However, thanks to sound
fiscal policy, direction from our
board and planning from our
management team, we are able
to continue providing the level
of service you have come to
We remain committed to
maintaining our financial stability and provide our members
with competitive rates and excellent service.
We continue to monitor
legislative issues
As I mentioned in my report
to you in the October Power
Line, there are a number of new
rules and regulations being
issued by
that could
have a
impact on
the cost of energy. Most of the
regulations are being issued by
the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) and affect a wide
swath of the U.S. energy sector,
either directly or indirectly. According to the publication Investor’s Business Daily, more than
a thousand power plants will be
required to retrofit their cooling
systems, which will cost many
millions of dollars. The reclassifying of coal ash as a hazardous
waste (without justification) will
impose costs of $20 billion annually and could lead to the early
retirement of 250 to 300 coal
plants. This drives up the cost of
electricity and creates job losses.
The EPA also wants to impose
the most strict mercury emissions rules in U.S. history, which
will likely cost utilities upwards
of $350 billion in compliance
costs and result in the closure of
15 gigawatts of power. Plant closures of this magnitude would
likely mean that approximately
15 million households, small
businesses and commercial centers will experience less reliable
power and higher energy prices.
We believe in protecting the
environment and avoiding
activities that pollute our air and
water resources. However, by
most standards this nation’s air
and water are the cleanest we’ve
seen in many years. Raising the
emissions standards so high that
electricity becomes a luxury for
many Americans, at a time of
high unemployment and economic hardship, is not sound
Proactive investment cuts mercury, other
emissions during power generation
hen Seminole Electric
Cooperative, Clay
Electric Cooperative’s
power supplier, built its Seminole Generating Station (SGS)
in Putnam County, it installed
more than $250 million in
pollution-control equipment,
making it one of the nation’s
cleanest electric-generating
facilities when Seminole units 1
and 2 came on line in 1984.
SGS always has complied
with emissions standards from
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the
Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
This pollution-control equipment primarily reduces emissions of sulfur dioxide, particulate matter and nitrogen oxides,
but it also cuts other emissions,
including mercury.
In the last five years, Seminole has spent approximately
$280 million more on additional
pollution control upgrades.
This increased mercury removal from about 80 percent to
more than 90 percent.
These facts are significant in
many ways.
First, when Seminole’s board
approved the additional pollution controls, it had many
options. Instead of installing
some of the equipment, it could
have used different quality coal,
or met the EPA’s rules by buying emission credits from other
In the short term, these would
have cost less. However, as
concern over the environment
increased, the Seminole board
decided to install the best available pollution-control technology. The system is paying huge
This is especially true since
the EPA has proposed a rule
that would place restrictions on
mercury emissions from coalfired power plants.
In the EPA’s
pending rule,
coal-fired plants
like SGS would
have to remove
up to 90 percent
of the mercury
emitted from its
stacks. The EPA
is scheduled to
finalize the rule
in November.
Coal-fired plants
would have to
Seminole Electric Cooperative’s Seminole Generating
meet the stanStation in Putnam County is pictured. The SGS has polludard in three
tion control equipment that reduces many types of emisyears.
sions, including mercury.
While the
debate on the proposed rule
investment in pollution-control
continues, one fact remains:
equipment early on was good
Seminole has been years ahead
for the environment. It also
of the curve.
proved to be cost-effective.
“If the EPA adopts a mercury
Even with its pollution-conrule as currently proposed,
trol equipment, SGS is still one
Seminole would already be
of the lowest-cost resources for
meeting the standard,” said
your electricity. Only nuclear
Mike Opalinski, Seminole’s
power is less costly to operate.
senior vice president of energy
So contrary to many opinions,
today’s modern coal plants can
While other utilities may have protect the environment while
to choose between huge investproviding reliable and affordments in pollution controls or
able electricity.
shutting down plants, Seminole That is great news for Clay
is not in that hard position. The Electric Cooperative and you.
Recipe Corner
Sweet Potato Soufflé
3 cups cooked & mashed
sweet potatoes, about 3 lbs.
1/4 cup dark brown sugar
3 tablespoons melted butter
4 extra large eggs
1/4 cup light rum
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup melted butter
1 cup brown sugar
1/3 cup flour
1 cup chopped pecans
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Beat sweet potatoes, brown
sugar, butter, eggs, rum, cinnamon and salt together with a wire
whisk until smooth and fluffy.
Pour into a greased 2 quart baking
Mix together ingredients for topping in a medium bowl. Sprinkle
over the top of the sweet potato
mixture and bake for 45-50 minutes or until a knife inserted near
the center comes out clean and
the top is firm and golden. Serve
It’s easy to make safety a part of your
holiday with these tips. Tackle one a day and
you’re well on your way to a safe New Year!
What’s that noise?
Ouch! Prevent trips and falls by
What a shocker!
Kids eat the darndest
things! Avoid putting lights,
keeping cords safely along walls
and out of doorways and high
traffic areas.
Test your smoke and carbon
monoxide alarms. Make sure
everyone knows what to do if they
hear them.
Before use, inspect all electrical lights,
decorations, and extension cords for
Two’s company, three’s a
crowd. Do not overload outlets with
too many decorations or devices.
Is it working? Test your ground
fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) and
arc fault circuit interrupters (AFCIs) to
make sure they’re protecting you.
metal hooks, breakable ornaments,
and other small decorations within
reach of young children.
Nice and warm. Keep
space heaters at least 3 feet away
from anything that can burn—
decorations, trees, gifts, and
Can’t touch this! Consider
installing tamper-resistant outlets/
receptacles to prevent kids from
inserting objects into the slots.
Thirsty? Keep your Christmas
tree stand full of water. A fresh,
green tree poses less of a fire
hazard than a dry tree.
Escape Route:
Make a wish! Blow out the
away from cooking areas; use
back burners and turn pot handles
in away from little hands.
candles before leaving a room
or going to bed.
Share your family fire escape
plan with overnight guests.
Hot stuff! Keep children
There’s no greater gift you can give your family than a safe and happy holiday! Learn more at
Invite safety home for the holidays
t’s easy to get caught up in
the hectic pace of holiday
entertaining—cookies to bake,
decorations to hang, presents to
wrap. But don’t overlook safety
during the rush. The winter
holiday period marks peak time
for home fires and preventable
The good news is that it’s not
difficult to make your home
ready to safely host all of your
favorite holiday activities.
First, take time out from your
party preparations to test your
smoke and carbon monoxide
alarms. Smoke and carbon
monoxide alarms should be
Blessed are those who find wisdom,
those who gain understanding,
for she is more profitable than silver
and yields better returns than gold.
Proverbs 3:13
installed on every level of the
home and outside each sleeping
area. Smoke alarms should also
be located inside each bedroom.
Be sure to share your family fire
escape plan with any overnight
Arrange your holiday decorations to avoid overloading
electrical outlets with too many
lights, cords, or appliances.
Inspect all decorations, cords,
and outlets for damage before
use. Keep electrical cords out of
doorways and high traffic areas
where they pose a tripping
hazard. Do not damage cords
by pinching them or attaching
them with staples or nails.
Keep young visitors safe by
preparing your home before
they arrive. If your home is not
already “child proof,” install
tamper-resistant receptacles or
use safety covers on all unused
electrical outlets. Store breakables, candles, matches, and
other potentially dangerous
items in inaccessible or locked
areas. Don’t forget to put away
small items, like buttons, coins,
and jewelry, which are a choking hazard. Use safety gates at
the top and bottom of stairways
to keep babies and toddlers
Safety doesn’t stop when the
party starts. Keep decorations,
gifts, and other combustibles at
least three feet from heat sources or open flame. Never leave
the kitchen when something is
cooking. Make sure children
are supervised at all times in
the kitchen and anywhere space
heaters, candles, or fireplaces
are being used. Turn off and
unplug all decorations before
leaving home or turning in for
the night.
Remember that a safe and
happy holiday remains the best
gift you can give friends and
Source: Electrical Safety
Foundation International
The Trading
Submit your Trading Post ad
by sending a post card to Clay
Electric, PO Box 308, Keystone
Heights, FL 32656. For more
Trading Post ads, visit the
Clay Electric web site at
NC MOUNTAINS 3/2 Bungalow,
1 owner, overlooking golf course; ski
slopes 15 min.; 828-737-9367 or 828773-6386 Page
PLANTS & ROSES 7 gal.bottle
brush $10; dogwood trees 3 gal. $8;
big blue liriope $2; Aztec border grass
$1;roses, 3 gal.$10; mini roses 1
gal.$5; crape myrtles 3 gal.; assorted
3 gal.crape myrtles $5 each. Glen St.
Mary 904-563-6950 Crews
POTTED PLANTS & artificial
flowers; peace lilies, canes, polka dots,
climbing vines, bromeliad, bamboo
and others in pots; Florida Gardener’s
Guide $15. 904-579-4163 Hensley
SOFA $400; bar stools (4) $200;
glider chair (no cushions) $50; TV
Console (Glass) $50; 3 pc. Luggage set
$30; King size bedding $40 neg. 386214-0042 or 352-485-2887 Thomas
HONEY BEEHIVES local, 5810
Sequoia Rd. Keystone Hgts, 352-2350768 Waters
blue metallic, all original, 44k miles,
$4,500; 1987 Seville black w/ black
leather, 84k miles $3,500, both exc.,
bad gas issues; 1974 Chev C-30 flat
bed dually 454 engine, 400 trans.
$3,500; 1974 Lincoln Mark IV, 32k
miles $8,000; Dyson “Animal” vac
$200; Howard Miller oak gun cabinet
w/ glass & locks 40Wx79HX21D $300.
386-776-1211 White
CONDOMINIUM, Astor-Waterfront,
Jungle Den Villas, 2/2, corner unit,
covered carport, covered boat slip w/
electric hoist will co-broke. 386-4923880 Blair
CANOE w/ aluminum trailer, trailer
used twice, 15’ canoe, 2 life jackets, 3
oars & 4 floating pillows $850; truck bed
cover for a short bed Ford Ranger pu,
exc. cond. $150. 352-472-6436 Ergle
HEAT PUMP 4-ton condensing unit,
new, 5-year warranty, $1300; stainless
steel cabinet 6’ tall 4 ½’ wide, 18” deep
w/ ½ inch; S.S. rods for racks, meat
smoker, call after 8 p.m. 352-473-7482
24’ ABOVE GROUND round
aluminum-sided swimming pool, needs
new liner, you disassemble & haul
away, plus deck, $1000 obo. Alachua
386-462-0757 Wolf
2002 ELECTRA Glide Classic trike,
green & black reverse & electric cooling
fan, power commander, true dual
exhaust, 21k miles obo. 386-325-7906
or 386-546-0563 Smith
8-PIECE SETTING 71 pieces, pink
rose garden, gold trim, Korona-made
in Poland, $100, free flatware in chest.
386-467-2870 Heckert
RIDING LAWNMOWER, Craftsman 13.5 HP electric start, 30” mower/
mulcher, short turn radius, new battery,
4-5 yo, well maintained cond., w/
operator’s manual, $525 obo. Keystone
352-473-8440 Martin
5 ACRES, antique barn, older DW,
spacious pasture, large oaks, ownerfinance (prefer long-term mort. contract)
$45,000 obo. 352-367-9548 Dekin
TRUCK TOPPER 100x72 $150.
352-316-0706 McKinney
GRUMMAN 12’ aluminum Jon Boat,
9/9 Evinrude motor-Magic trailer all
$1,400; exercise bike, Confidence USA,
$50. 904-282-5990 Kite
2005 GULFSTREAM motorhome
28’, 39k miles, sleeps 6, AC, generator, 19” LCD TV, 6 new tires, asking
$28,000. 904-276-7451 Stephens
GARDEN TILLER, yard machine,
rebuilt, Honda Motor 5 H power/160cc,
$125. 386-974-9628 Evans
WATERFRONT, 470’ on lake 2/14
ft. wide 2/1.5 MH, great fishing, swimming, dock, $44,800. 904-223-3261
CERAMIC DECALS fired or as
decoupage, discontinued colors EZ
strokes & glazes, music boxes; 2 burial
plots, Forest Meadows East: list $1895
each, sell for $1,450 each obo. 352372-1506 Frazier
HIGH SPRINGS 5 acres, 22647
NW 142 Avenue, nice lot in Springstead
subdivision, $75,000. 305-481-6305 or Nelson
RIFLE .40 cal youth/women’s,
newly finished handcrafted 1750s style
Lancaster style “squirrel” rifle, curly
maple, short stock, brass furniture, Rice
(B) swamped & rifled barrel (browned),
Chambers Siler lock. 11grndkds@ Archer
STOVE, Maytag, Ceran smooth top,
$75; black Kenmore dishwasher, $50;
GE Spacemaker microwave, $35; all
operational. 904-403-7883 Barrington
Putnam County, 5 acres, 2-car carport,
dog yard, 2 sheds & more, metal roof &
AC in 2009. 352-318-4835 Johnson
PANASONIC 12vt or 110 vt 9 ½” TV
w/VCR $40. Panasonic 20” w/VCR $25
or both $50; album state quarters 1999
to 2008, $25; Kenmore 1,100 w 1.1 cu.
ft. $50. 386-649-8502 Hagele
MODULAR HOME on 10 ac, 3 mi
west of Lake City, paved road. 4 BR,
fenced, a 20x40 shelter, barn w/shelter,
$177,000. 386-288-0555 or 386-7585844 Harris
JACKSONVILLE Memory Gardens, 111 Blanding Blvd. 2 side-by-side
cemetery plots in “Garden of Devotion”
valued at $2,100 ea. 904-375-9255 or
970-258-3375 Mossi
1800s ROCKING CHAIR $150;
4 shelf woven whatnot unit 5’ tall $20;
Circular French provincial stand 3 ½’
$30. 904-215-0645 Bauer
ANTIQUE TRUNK $100; Singer
sewing machine & motor, $100; Gang
box, $250; Bookshelf/cabinet $30; Misc.
tools $50; Side saddle $300; near Gold
Head State Park 904-699-2119 Blevins
PUSH BROOM braces, secures
handles from loosening or breaking,
box of 95 complete metal kits, $150.
386-466-1942 Forman
1996 FORD Explorer, blue, 6 cyl,
4wd, 115k, $2,500. 352-472-6110
Timeshare New Smyrna Beach, 1
BR, sleeps 6, furnished, must sell @
reasonable offer, great for vacation.
386-546-0340 Dewdney
RED CEDAR, aromatic, cut at 1/23/4”; 6-18”x10x12, $2.50 BF; 2” thick
x 18-24”x10-12, $3.50 BF.; GLASS,
72”x44”, $100 ea.; Coontie seedlings
.50 ea.; used 3 gal pots .15 ea.; 1
gal./.10 ea. 352-481-4791 Drake
1994 29’ Ford Jayco Eagle, 48k,
$12,000; 513-515-8015 Clark
2005 DODGE Ram Van, 2500/3-4
Ton, 98k, V-8, auto $3000. 904-5046719 Vinson
1998 FORD F150 auto, white, ext.
cab,120k, $5,000. 352-450-6756; 904572-2319 Danse
TOWBAR stainless 6k capacity w/
magnetic lights, never used, $249 obo.
386-752-7726 Enos
1915 MODEL T, restored, very
good cond. asking $18,000. 386-6592562 Berry
DINETTE SET: 48” dia. glass top w/
metal & wood base; 4 chrs; exc. cond.
$150 obo. 386-438-8260 Harris
300 SAVAGE rifle model 99 lever
action $800; pool table slatboard$600.
386-497-1271 Wasmund
1.15 ACRE corner lot w/FleetlineMH,
3/2, 1400 sf on Redwater Lake, Hawthorne, $67,410. 352-481-4452 Smith
FANCY BEEF show heifer Maine
Anjou x Simmental x Angus, born April,
market price. 386-755-3541 Robinson
1977 CHEVY Vette needs brakes
& paint; 1977 Chevy Vette parts; 2003
fifth wheel 30’ Forest River. 904-9235166 Smith
CUSTOM HOME 3/2 1600 sqft under air, 2 car garage, 12’x24’ workshop,
12’x32’ RV port, asking $175,000.
352-473-9815 Hughes
2004 COACHMAN Somerset
Dream Catcher w/ 5th wheel slide hitch
$29,500; St. Augustine time share
condo, Ocean Gate, 1508 sq. ft. sleeps
8, $13,000; encl. 24’ 2003 Haulmark
car/cycle trail, $6,500; Westminster,
S.C. time share at base of Blue Ridge
Mtns, $1,000 obo; Lake George,
Welaka, Park Model, $149,000 (terms
avail.) or rent (1/1) $700/mo. 386-9371092 Minnick
DOWNSIZING: free Xmas tree,
2 Halloween costumes $5; Brother
fax-phone $20; dehumidifier $20;
78-records, cassettes, ladies sweaters,
scarves, purses, jackets, shoes, set
(4) snack trays on stand, books, wine
opener, old watches & more. 352-4732768 Braaten
2 TWIN bedspreads,matching sham
plus curtains w/ valance from JC
Penney, paid $250, sell for $50; 2 size
16 ladies jackets $5; ladies slacks
sizes 1 to 16 $3; blouses size 12-20
$2-$4; men’s robe $3; 2 ladies robes
size 18, $4; some ladies purses $2ea.;
computer keyboard $2; cash. 904-3184548 McGukin
12” DEWALT double compound
miter saw w/ portable stand & 2 Bosch
12” 80 tooth blades, $400 obo; new
Jazzy select mobility chair w/ charger
$400 obo. 386-329-9155 Austin
BLACK CREEK waterfront 3.96
acres, not in flood zone, zoned for
horses, bring boat, $130,000. 904-6559686 Pemberton
OLDER COKE machine, $200;
round top cigarette machine, $450;
Tom’s shelf, snacks metal $100; Coke
sign lg. good cond., $250. 352-4732041 Harrelson
by Lucien Picard $45; men’s navy
blue sport coat, size 46R $18; Black &
Decker Edge Hog, 2-in-1 Landscape
edger, cost $89 sell for $65. 904-2695668 Foss
1986 FORD F150 XLT Lariat, w/
topper, good mech.Cond. 351 motor,
$1,500 obo. Lake City 904-616-5892 or
386-752-2657 Davis
FSBO 4/2 3,600 sf 4/2 residential
built in 1992, Tax ID #06180-0-01000,
1010 S.E. 27th St., Melrose, $139,000;
Bucket truck, 1992 Chevy w/mtd lift, 40’
working hgt, diesel,352-473-5831 or
352-258-3883 Floyd
9.6 ACRES, Harlem, Putnam Co.
386-328-1637 Tillis
METAL STORAGE 49” x 65”$20;
Hydraulic jack 4000 lbs $20; Danish
dining table $80; lg cherry china closet,
$400. 352-473-0735 Baxley
03 WINNEBAGO Rialta camper
van, 18-22 mpg, self-contained, 64k.
VG cond. $33,500 Lake City 386-7556506 Leonard
2001 FORD F450 XLT crewcab,
7.5 ltr, 6 spd trans, low mi,, 2004 40’
custom built enclosed Interstate gooseneck trailer, 1 owner & driver, $25,000.
904-945-3626 Fraser
A/C UNIT for MH 3 ½ ton, 10 yo,
works good, $500. 352-409-7544 Gillard
KAYAK 2010 Emotion/Grand Slam,
14.5’, flaming red, like new. $600/neg.
352-538-9727 Longstreth
ORECK XL2600 vacuum cleaner,
$200; king brass rail headboard, $25.
904-282-9938 Letchworth
TEXAS TRAILER, 8’ w/ ramp, like
new, garage kept, w/ box, $575. 904529-7094 Kipen
w/ hard case, FM-52E, plays acoustic
or electric, tear drop shape,$300. 352685-1890 Parra
REMINGTON 270 cal. 2-3 yo,
model 7400, over/under see-through
mounts, 3x9 BDC Nikon Buck Master
Scope, asking $550. 352-473-3095
SMALL TRACTOR hydraulic drive
pull w/ sand rake, 3 wheel drive, $2,500
obo. Lake City 386-755-3465 Delbene
ROUGH SAWED lumber, Magnolia, air dried; Remington chainsaw,
needs work; Cub Cadet 149 garden
tractor for parts; Rototiller, fits 149 &
1450 Cadets; 2 load locks, alum., for
semi-trailer, Admiral four burner, 21g.
& 2 small burners; Conair Shiatsu neck
massager, new; GPX 5” TV&CD player,
AC/DC battery powered, never used.
386-467-2817 Osgood
Captiva 2006, like new, 13’ slide, orig.
$24,500, sacrifice for $8,500. 561-8184123 Compton
1979 HOLIDAY Ramble Sportman,
360 eng, sleep 6, a/c, $2,000 obo. 352595-3048 or 352-857-9104 Gochenour
1994 JEEP 4 cyl, 4WD, a/c, 5 speed,
108k, like new,$6,750; Lab puppies
AKC registered $400. 352-546-3971 or
850-454-1452 Orton
Panfisher, 40hp Mercury w/power
trim, exc. cond., $3,500; 1985 14x56
2/1 Gold SWMH, 160x132, fenced
lot, near Crescent City, w/ Crescent
Lake deeded access, 3 storage bldgs,
covered work area, $53,500. 386-6592973 Touchton
2006 ITASCA Suncruiser motor
home, 38’ w/ 3 slides, loaded, full body
paint, nice, $99,000. 904-276-0529
ORANGE PARK, 3/2 w/ office, on 1
acre, Blanding & College Dr. area, carport, new roof, 30x40 steel shop bldg,
12x22 wood bldg. close to everything,
appraised at $133k, accepting offers.
904-272-3887 Weseman
3 ACRE LAKE LOT, Lakewood
Lot #1 on Lake Crosby in Starke,
wooded, high & dry, $89,500. 904-2173829 or Messer
HAY CLEARANCE, argentine bahia, horse quality, $35/ roll, 3 or more,
$25 each. 386-454-5767 Brown
Sportster, 16k miles, new ignition,
battery, tires, brakes, black powder
coat on wheels, drag pipes, windshield,
HD embroidered seat for 2, w/ HD
helmet, asking $4,000. 904-415-0290
E-Z OUT boat ramp skid plate,
fastens to boat trailer in front of wheel,
eliminates trailer hang up on boat ramp,
$60. 352-466-0124 Thomas
2008 FORD Ranger Super Cab XL
pickup, 2 door, 20k, gray, 352-481-0049
POOL, NIB, 16’ round, 42”, blue,
blow-up, style cover, pump, ladder,
quick set-up $200. 904-403-0395 Clay
LOT OF BOARDS & scrap, $100;
2 weaving looms: table top $10, floor
$40, both need new heddles; Hammond chord Organ, $20; old 4-drawer
painted chest of drawers, $15; small
3-drawer dresser, $20; 6-drawer heavy
metal office desk, $35; office chair/
wheels, $10. 352-475-1772 Gensel
68-72 CHEVY pickup parts, step
side fenders, LWB bedsides, 3 deuce
Offenhauser intake with carburetors,
holly dominator intake, Edelbrock
carburetors, cast iron Rams head
exhaust,57 Chevy 4100 rear differential. 352-481-5455 Bungert
SCHWINN bicycle, replica of the 40s,
exc. cond., call for price. 904-282-1474
or 904-982-1042 Jeffries
2 CEMETERY spaces, Holly Hill
Memorial Park, Middleburg, $1200 for
both. 904-962-9703 Howard
KENMORE king size washer &
dryer, Energy Star, less than 3yo. Lake
City 386-754-5948 Lick
2000 OLDSMOBILE Silhouette minivan, handicap accessible,
PB,PW,PDL,PS, good cond., 77k.,
1 owner, $6,000 obo. 386-684-3460
FORT WHITE area 10 acres,
5/2,new a/c, fireplace, 2 fenced pastures, as is, needs some work, $78,000.
386-454-1716 or 386-433-6036 Ramey
SPLENDIDE compact washer/dryer
combo., used very little, cost $1300
new, $500 obo. 904-964-5094 Magyari
CRIB BEDDING set, Baby Martex
Blossoms Collection set & accessories,
cranberry/pink in corduroy & plaids,
$125; 2009 Cedar Creek 5th Wheel,
36’ bunk house w/ 3 slides, exc. cond.,
lots of storage, must see, $39,000.
904-291-6528 Jannotti
SUWANNEE FL, 4 residential lots
+ 5th lot w/ self-storage facility, level
cleared, lots on main road, ready for
homes or MH or business, $119,000
obo. 352-316-3165 Gilroy
ATV/UTV TIRES: 2 Polaris Xtreme
Tires, black rims, 26X11R12,from a Polaris Ranger Crew, less than 20k, exc.
cond., $50. 386-467-6938 Schneider
ETHAN ALLEN rocking chair,
exc. cond., bought in 1973, $125 obo.
Orange Park railroadpj@bellsouth.
net Ponte
2007 KEYSTONE Fuzion 5th wheel
toy hauler, sleeps 8, 2 slides, triple axle,
5th wheel hitch & rails incl., brand new
cond., $36,000. Middleburg 904-2488019 Staab
REDUCED 3/2 2006 Keystone golf
course home, 15th green, heated pool,
lg lot, walk to schools, $245,000. 352235-6817 Ronquille
FOREST RIVER 29’ Wildcat 5th
wheel w/ 2 slides, exc. cond., perfect
family camper, paid $32k, camped 6
times, must sell, $29,000 obo. 352-4735667 Baldwin
hand-fed baby, 6 months, black iron
round cage on wheels approx. 70”x30”
& more, $650. In Astor, can deliver.
352-759-2227 Logan
LAKE CITY 3BR, 1200 sf block
home rebuilt & remodeled, new roof,
A/C, 960 SF garage, 11x16 building,
carport, 1 acre, great view, private, 4
miles to I-75 exit 414 possible owner finance, $89,000. 386-697-5493 Weaver
100 YEARS World Series anniversary collection: 24 mint condition balls
& display racks, signed pictures of players, certificate of authenticity; collector’s
items, 6 LE (1996) Pokemon 23k gold
plated trading cards; Solid cherry desk,
lion paw legs, paid $900, reasonable
offer. 386-546-2817 Spittle
1987 MH 3/2 good cond., 1 ¾ acres,
encl. back porch, 2 carports, new metal
roof, partially furnished $59,000. 4734162 Russell
5x8 TRAILER w/ high tailgate
wood flooring $275; RV pop-up trailer
cover 14’-16’ long, $75. 904-318-7606
86 FORD F150 w/ topper 351 V8
auto, a/c, $1,200. Lake City 904-6065892 Davis
CAR HAULER trailer, new tires
& lights, 4 web straps, wood floor,
new alum.ramps, $1,600. Lake City
386-752-3199 or kanduet@comcast.
net Reynolds
02 FASTBACK Corvette, 77k,
exc cond. blue w/black leather, glass
removable roof, cowl hood, $20,000.
305-401-3876 Hartman
YANMAR model YM1601D 4x4
diesel tractor w/Koyker 110 front loader
3pt & PTO 440 hours $5,500; swing
set heavy duty galv. pipe frame $300;
86 Minnie Winnie Chevy chassis, 30k,
good cond., $5,000. 352-546-4297
Hts 3/2 brick/hardi, wood/carpet,
jetted tub/fireplace, 2 car garage, sec
sys/sprinkler sys, 2550 sf Patti St.
$179,000. 352-473-7600 Temple
ACCUSMART treadmill, $100. 904282-9347 Boyer
1988 MAZDA RX7 turbo, 10-year
anniversary ed, manual trans, 54,900
on second engine, very good cond.
$8,000. 352-378-6365 Lovedahl
on canal, $169,000; 1910 house in
Andersonville, GA renovated 2/1 asking
$47,900; 57 acres in Ellaville, GA,
$114,000; 3/3w/ views of Lake Minnehaha, approx 3,000 sq ft, $249,000.
352-970-3790 or 352-272-1324 Morgan
$.25 various dinosaurs stamps, whole
sheets of 40; Elvis Presley U.S. $.29
stamps, sheet of 40; all in exc. cond.,
serious bidders only. 386-467-9646
DWMH 3/3 w/ lgFlarm, laundry, ceiling fans, front porch, double carports,
2 outside bldgs, metal roof 2009, new
heat/air 2010, ref, stove, dw, washer/
dryer, close to schools & church,
Ft. White 410-734-7790 or Blakeley
69” long, 5 at $15 each; 42 ½” long, 14
total $10; all 15 ½” wide; good cond.,
will accept offer on all seats. Orange
Park 904-982-0629 Gambill
4 male, 2 female, 8 weeks on Nov. 12,
health cert., 1st shots, vet checked,
CKC reg., black/brown or white w/
black spots, mom avail., dad blk/tan,
$350 firm. 352-473-9244 or 352-4781585 Maestre
LOT ON CANAL around Dunn
Creek & St. Johns River in Satsuma,
fenced, new power pole,10x10 shed, 2
docks, big oak trees & private,
limerock driveway, $16,900 obo. 352546-3665 or 352-817-4404 Wainwright
ADULT CATS: female tortoise
shell 6 lb., 6 yo., spayed, needs 1 cat
home; male Russian Blue 18 lb., 5 yo.,
neutered; cats have shots, reg. flea
treatment, & comes w/ supplies: litter
box, bowls, scratch pad, carrier, etc.
Middleburg 904-708-6514 or windpsc@ Cox
2006 COUGAR 5th wheel; $15,000,
591-5549 Butler
KOBALT 30 gal air compressor w/
snap on air impact, mac tool air ratchet
& air hose, $500 firm; custom built
Nashburn banjo w/ scrub tuners, 5th
string capo, locking hard shell case
$600 firm; must see to appreciate.
Orange Park 904-264-6614 McGlothlin
26’ PEARSON Sailboat 2/outboard
motor $2,900; Westriver Rd lot
owner finance $10,000; 12’ Zodiac w/
trailer,$850. 386-974-1333 Donohoo
2006 HONDA 450 dirt bike, exc.
cond., barely used, $3,500. 386-7520668 Reeves
6217 LITTLE LAKE Geneva
Rd. 3/2.5, metal roof, possible owner
financing, $75,000. 904-234-3735
1973 WINNEBAGO Dodge 360
$2,000; two Husky chainsaws $75&
$100 or both $150; Winchester 30-06
Mod 70, w/ scope & hard case $600.
904-588-2035 Sheely
SOLID OAK dining table w/ 4 chairs
wrought iron base & chair frames,
extends to seat 8, $275 firm. 386-3254711 Thompson
acre, full hookup, near Bell, owner
financing avail. or
386-462-3029 or 727-804-2169 Bonner
PONTOON BOAT & trailer 2007
Suntracker Party Barge 18’, 2008
Mercury 50hp motor $7,500 obo. 352475-5146 Trigger
MINI DACHSHUNDS, rare colors,
dapple $250-$300, home raised; Mini
Dachshund 1 yr male, dapple reg.
make good pet or breeder, very friendly
$200; Mini mares all colors, some bred,
starting at $450. 352-546-1174 Murray
KENMORE glass top range,
$275.00; boys 20” Huffy Rocket Bike,
$45; (1) 19”, (2) 14” color TV $45;
Choice, Kenmore Upright vacuum,
needs repair $10. Keystone Heights
352-473-1130 Lingg
1984 WINNEBAGO Chieftain 27’
Class A Motorhome, $3,500.
352-546-4883 Frankhouser
OCALA 16 acres NW Marion
County, close to town, nice home site,
possible owner financing, $352,000;
Palatka 32 acres on Crescent lake 660’
lake front, $55,000; piano baby Grand
Fisher & Piano player w/264 musical
rolls, $3,500. Alachua 352-373-1196
OCALA FOREST, 17560 NE 246th
St., Hunt Camp, 2 lots, 190x165, .71
acre, wooded 2/1, plus other bldgs,
needs handy owner, Cedar Landing,
$35,000 obo. 813-877-8598 Diaz
person, like new, asking $45. 904-2827062 Pharis
HAY WAGON 7x12’, good cond.,
$1,000 obo. 352-481-1034 Harris
OLD CAST IRON double kitchen
sink w/ side drain boards & a back
splash, heavy old one, $80. 904-2647929 Hatcher
ANTIQUE BELL, pre 1900s 22”
high 15” dia, w/ mount $400; boat
motor, make unknown, $250. 386-4541472 Steurer
1990 NISSAN 240 SX auto 4
cyl.$2,200 obo; treadmill 2/computer,
Candence 805 $95; Stationary exercise
bike deluxe model, $50. 386-661-2737
miles from downtown Alachua, 6 acres
zoned ag, approx. 10 acres automatic
drip irrigation, commercial well; 2/2
modular home, large pole barn plus out
buildings asking $189,000. 386-4621048 Harris
TIMESHARE Windward Point Hyatt,
Key West, 2/2 apt., week in mid-May
$10,000 obo; Tennessee farmland
50-28-acres, timber, pasture hills, level,
springs, creek, old homesite, city water,
near Shelbyville, Tenn. Walkinghorse
capital. 386-698-2773 or 386-427-1152
TECHNICS electronic piano/organ/
harpsichord w/ bench, some music,
barely used, $2,500 new, sell $1,200
obo, possible delivery. 813-754-4959 or
352-669-9450 Halford
LAKE HOUSE & camper, 2,000
s.f., 2-3/ 2.5 on .77 ac., screen porch
23x16, $139,000; Nomad camper, 1999
25’ $2,500. 352-473-7217 or 239-4542970 Kramer
WHIRLPOOL refrigerator side-byside, off-white, like new, $300; black
Magic chef microwave, turntable, like
new $50. 278-2274 Nelson
BOAT, Scott 15.3 center console,
50hp Evinrude, $3,500. 386-325-7243
2001 TOYOTA Corolla 4-door, great
shape, clean history, great gas mileage,
new heavy duty front brake rotors, only
77k, book value $5,925, asking $5,725.
352-475-1067 Brunson
MINI FARM $50,000 will finance;
Victrola antique couch, chair (wicker)
bedroom suite $4,000; chest of drawers
dresser, stool, 3 circus trunks, piano.
813-767-6965 Brown
Hand-crafted by Australian Stockmans
Saddlery in Australia, 15.5” seat, incl.
all fittings, exc. cond., $500;English
gaited saddle, hand-crafted Bona Allen,
19” seat, incl. girth, good cond. $100.
352-379-6111 Witmer
LAKEFRONT, 6 acres on Adams
Lake near Branford, 4 buildable lots,
owner financing avail., $99,000;home
on Santa Fe River, 2/2 w/ office, 1512
sqft, dock & outbuildings, $399,000.
386-292-3076 Grekowicz
SKS YUGO rifle, scoped, shoots
1.5” groups @50 yds. 660 rds. hunting
ammo 200 rds.fmj 500 rds. sealed pkg
silver bear hp, pos. sep. rifle & ammo.
or partial trade, $565; Ruger 22/45 w/
scope target bbl., offer partial trade,
$380; A Zoli O/U 20 ga chrome bore,
$460 offer/ part trade, Genrac generator, like new, $500 obo. Green Cove
Springs or
904-284-1369 Duell
INVACARE 2008 Lynx SX-3 power
scooter w/ 2 new batteries, $775; Hydraulic lift for power scooter/wheelchair,
fits heavier car or SUV w/ 2” receiver
$200; Power lift chair, brand new, used
1 month, petite size in burgundy, $750;
photos avail. 904-343-4789 Taylor
WIDE CARRIAGE computer printer,
Epson LQ-1070+ $195, rolling cart $25,
box of 14 wide fanfold paper $45, 4 extra
ribbons $20. 352-495-0701 Mauch
CB/HAM radio & accessories, $100;
Ham Tail Twister Rotor, new $650, will
take $300; MFJ 986 antenna tuner,
new $260, now $150; Kenwood 440S
Mobile Transceiver Ham Radio, some
problems, call for info, new $1,060, now
$150; Astron 35 amp power supply,
new $170, now $75, Will let all go for
$600 as is. 603-729-6522 Corwell
BLACK LAB, almost 3 years old,
needs good home where he can
run, neutered, even tempered, loves
children. 386-752-1560 Green
COTTON PATCH GEESE, nonaggressive breed, around 24” tall, 2010
& 2011 adults, $150 each, cash only,
farm pickup. 386-961-9112 Wright
CEMETERY LOTS 3 together
in Palatka Memorial Gardens, front
section, $1,200 each or all $3,000. 386325-7650 Robinson
FOUR WINDS Windsport Motor
Home, Exc. cond., 35’, lg slide, sleeps
6, storage inside & outside, consider
trade for N GA land/home, $35,000
obo. Lake City 396-755-7553 Combs
ELECT SIGN 24”Hx96L, $400 obo;
2 card racks $75 each; Post card Rack
$50; cards & post cards $1.25/dz; slat
wall & peg board hooks, $.15/ea. 352473-2961 Saez
110R, like new, $170; Dirt Devil hand
held upholstery spot cleaner $15; Zero
Gravity chaise lounge, good cond. $25;
Chain Wrench $5; LCD digital multimeter 21 ranges $8; Bernzomatic electric
light trigger start torch $10; Asst. short
gun ammo gold dot 380 Kel Tec ammo
box of 20. 386-467-8182 Cunningham
3 NEW BOXES, 60 rounds, 6.5
Grendel, rifle ammo, $40 or trade for 6.5
Carcano Ammo. 386-467-2185 Jenkins
POOL TABLE 7’ one pc Slate good
cond., accessories incl., $600 you
move. 352-236-3199 Manning
3/2 HOME, family room, dining room,
kitchen, all appl., DW 24’x52 1248 sq
ft, assume mortgage of $410/ month,
.27 acres, close to Keystone schools.
352-473-3236 Griffis
SEARS XCARGO xtreme car top
enclosed, lockable carrier w/ adapter for
05 Jeep Liberty, $120. Keystone Hgts
603-724-3540 Leduc
JOHN DEERE A tractor $2,250;
350 Farmall $750; 2 ton chain hoist
$200; 1” socket set $200; Antique Spinning wheel $200; Simon Computing
Scale $200; gas power washer, $125.
386-758-7434 Placey
MANDOLIN, Eastman 615C
hand-carved spruce top, maple back,
ebony fret board, classic finish, $975.
904-282-1824 Colborn
BUILD YOUR HOME on 1.10 acre
lot in horse & family friendly community
of Foxmeadow in Middleburg, $45,000
obo. 904-449-9520 Ford
REESE 15K 5th wheel hitch w/ slider,
very good cond., $300 obo; GE Electric
Range, very good cond., $100 obo; 6”
Jointer/planner Contractors Series on
stand. good cond., $100; 10” Radial
Arm Saw w/ cabinet, good cond., $50.
386-325-6751 Smith
2001 HONDA XR80R dirt bike $800
obo; Craftsman 44” mower deck $60;
GT 6 speed 22 HP parts tractor, $30;
barbwire $10; 4’ chain link fence & 2
gates $20; 95 Jeep Cherokee 2’ rec.
hitch, $30; 6 spoke wheel/GY Wrangler
p225/75R15, $10 cash. 904-282-5389
9 ACRES 4 mi W of High Springs on
SR 45, fenced w/ DWMH & utility shed
w/lean-to for tractor/mower, 2 wells/2
septic tanks, asking $145,000. 229-3396168 Willis
SEASONED OAK firewood,
close-out prices, u-haul. Bostwick 386538-1383 Gantt
14x70 SWMH $3,000 must be
moved; 537 Nat. Geographic mags., all
$200 or $.50 each; Ben Franklin Stove,
$50. 904-961-0799 McInnis
2008 H.D. ELECTRA Glide classic
motorcycle, black, like new, all the toys,
$17,000. 386-325-9020 or 386-9725200 McQuaig
MEAT GRINDER & heavy duty
meat slicer, stainless steel from a
butcher shop, both for $1,000 obo;
1972 antique Honda 350 motorcycle w/
many new parts, $1,000 obo. 904-2826977 McKeen
WHEELS & TIRES, 8 wheels, 6
tires, 8.75x16.5, good cond., $300.
352-672-4917 Donaldson
2 CEMETERY LOTS Jax. Southside, $4,000 for pair, neg. 386-6494150 or 904-655-5771 Blanton
drive $3,500 obo; 13 ½ airboat cotton
mouth hull $8,000; Polimen pad 6 cyl.,
Continental aircraft motor, carbon filter
prop; Airboat Cumby hull cage & regain
$3,000; Model T needs put together,
$3,500. 386-467-7147 Ward
GENERATOR Lowes 5550 watt,
new, used only 15 min. half price, $300.
352-336-9345 or 352-284-5317 Dixon
BOWFLEX Motivator exc. cond.
$350; 57 Chevy 411 rear differential,
$250. 352-481-5455 Bungert
14x50 w/enclosed porch, covered car
port, 8x12 kool building, covered boat/
fish cleaning dock, lot rent $275/mo.,
$32,500; 2005 Pontoon avail. 231-7507033 or Willson
GREEN SECTIONAL 6-piece, has
2 built-in recliners & chaise lounge, like
new, $200. 352-283-2189 Jou
KIRBY VACUUM, all accessories,
like new, paid over $1,800, sell for
$1,400. 352-481-2021 Maynard
ALL ALUMINUM handicap portable
ramp, open size is 10x30”, folds into 2
sections 15”x5, used for about 1 year,
like new, cost $450, sell for $375. 352625-1883 Porcaro
BERETTA o/u 687 diamond pidgeon
skeet, full set of briley ultralight tubes,
20,28 & 410 briley screw in chokes
americase, $6,000. 352-213-1552
TSC GULL WING truck box, silver
diamond finish, 2 lids open from sides,
gently used, retail for $200, $150 obo.
904-735-4963 Bourgoin
30840 SE 99th LANE, lot is
75/100 has well & septic w/ MH, needs
a lot of work, Ocala National Forest,
consider financing $1,000/ down $300/
month you pay taxes & insurance
$32,000 obo. 828-231-6807 Traynor
TRUCK BED cover rugged brand,
vinyl 60”x75”, good cond., $100;
Vintage Disson hand saws & misc.
antique tools, make offer; electric
power washer, only used once, $30.
904-509-6474 Britt
SCOOTER, new batteries, weighs
only 120 lbs, asking $350; Ruger 44
magnum carbine asking $450; 22 cal
rifle w/scope, asking $175; Fender
strait w/ hard shell case, like new, $350;
Crate amplifier with dual 10’s factory
reverb $350; Pool Table Brunswick
pro-eight 4 ½ x 8 ½ plus assc. $1,200.
352-625-1783 Rich
FIREWOOD pick-up truck load, $75;
converter box $20; 25” Sanyo TV $50;
security mini camera $100 obo; reverse
osmosis water filter, $50. 386-659-1774
HOSPITAL BED, electric, works
great, $125. 412-614-1360 Walsh
cond. 12’ long x 42” wide $325, Round
oak dining room table w/ leaf, 6 chairs,
matching hutch $400/ both; recumbent
bike, less than 1 yo, $100. 352-4739057 Hayes
BARBIE DOLLS, MIB, $35 each,
willing to neg. price for lot, email for
list of dolls avail.,
904-655-3626 or 904-214-2512 Cullity
FOUR GALLONS of red stain,
$100. Orange Park 904-272-4515
ELVIS PRESLEY singing watch,
never worn, needs battery, Elvis picture
in acrylic 2x3 M&M collectable dispensers; 2-4 thousand record albums and a
handicap scooter-Jazzy type. 352-3753294 Nance
LAKE FRONT 470’ lake frontage
w/ 2BR/1.5b, central heat, septic, deep
rock well, fishing/boat dock, great fishing, swimming, $44,800. 904-223-3261
2002 CHEVY Tahoe LT, fully loaded,
leather, entertainment system (DVD),
third row seat, $7500. 386-937-3467
2001 MONACO Diplomat RV, 38’
330 Cummins diesel eng., 2 slides, exc.
cond., 1 owner, lots of extras. $65,000
obo. 352-475-3999 or 352-235-1769
LAKE KERR private RV campsite,
$425/mo or $2,000 for Nov-May. 352685-9154 Hayes
MH 10x60, fresh remodel, tight unit,
fenced yard, mowing incl. some pets
ok w/ dep. ,on family property, perfect
for retirees or single person, snowbirds
welcome, $400 mo. +deposits. Available Nov. 1st. 352-546-2738 Simpson
RV CAMPER LOT, between
Brooker & Gainesville, water, sewer,
50 amp service $225/ mo plus electric
352-359-3501 Marriott
ROOM in 3/2 home, incl. utilities, kitchen, laundry & satellite hook-up, close to
High Springs & Rum Island, off CR 138,
$475/mo or $400/mo in exchange for
yard work. 352-283-2189 Jou
ORANGE PARK home to share w/
employed, responsible individual, prefer
male, no smoking, access to kitchen,
washer/dryer, family room, room fully
furnished w/ small TV, private bath,
must pass background check, $550
rent + $550 security, no exceptions.
904-278-5152 Carver
LOT in Memorial Cemetery across
from National Guard Center in Lake
City. 386-752-8521 Mansfield
OLD TOY trains: Lionel or American
Flyer, or 904-2727060 Bryner
pieces w/ item numbers on back:
Nightstand 40-402; chest of drawers
40-210 or other last 3 digit number.
352-475-1067 Brunson
handicapped person, please help,
donate or sell for low price. 904-2829496 Jimmison