Cases from RIVM, Weather Station and Smart Emission
Cases from RIVM, Weather Station and Smart Emission
Sensor Web Enablement in practise Thijs Brentjens & Michel Grothe TU Delft, 4 juni 2015 Agenda 1. Applications of sensor web (enablement) -MG 2. SWE for Air Quality in The Netherlands - TB - Intro Pilot project - SOS operations demo - Client demos 3. INSPIRE as drive force behing SWE – MG Break 4. New (IoT) kid on the block; OGC SensorThings API – – – Internet of Things Intro – MG SensorThings API –TB Application smart emissions - TB 5. Living Lab ‘Making Sense for Society’ -MG 6. Final remarks & invitation Q&A 1. Applications of sensor web enablement The application of the sensor web enablement (SWE) standards is still in it’s infancy, compared to the application of other OGC geo web standards like CSW/WMS/WMTS/WFS/... Most SWE standards are matured and tested thoroughly in many projects all over the world. 1. Applications of sensor web enablement Tsunami early warning system South East Asia GITEWS 1. Applications of sensor web enablement Federal Administration of German Waterways Wupperverband 1. Applications of sensor web enablement Air quality monitoring in Europe - EAA 1. Applications of sensor web enablement Citizen Eagle watch 1. Applications of sensor web enablement 1. Applications of sensor web enablement 1. Applications of sensor web enablement French groundwater level monitoring 1. Applications of sensor web enablement RITMARE (Italian research for the sea) SOS sos:insertObservation sos:insertObservation 1. Applications of sensor web enablement Geonovum weatherstation 1. Applications of sensor web enablement Sensor web enablement Projects in EU eo2Heaven S@NY COBWEB GENESIS OSIRIS ENVIROFI Eenvplus … 1. Applications of sensor web enablement Sensor web (enablement) catalog 2. SWE for Air Quality in The Netherlands 2. SWE for Air Quality in The Netherlands Pilot project ● Nationwide data on several types of emission, measured from several locations ( ) ● ● E-reporting air quality European Union ● Includes zones, all kinds of metadata and real measurements 2. SWE for Air Quality in The Netherlands Pilot project ● Sensor Observation Service + more ● Open Source software ● Source code: ● Docs: ● ● ● Author: Just van den Broecke 2. SWE for Air Quality in The Netherlands Pilot project 2. SWE for Air Quality in The Netherlands A brief look at SOS requests ● Basic Observation Model – Procedure – FeatureOfInterest – Phenomenon – Observation 2. SWE for Air Quality in The Netherlands A brief look at SOS requests ● ● ● GetCapabilities rvice?request=GetCapabilities&vers ion=2.0.0&service=SOS List service operations, offerings, featuresofInterest, observableProperties etc 2. SWE for Air Quality in The Netherlands A brief look at SOS requests ● GetObservation – 2. SWE for Air Quality in The Netherlands A brief look at SOS requests <GetObservation xmlns="" version="1.0.0" service="SOS" xmlns:om="" xmlns:ogc="" xmlns:gml="" xsi:schemaLocation=" sos/1.0 Observation.xsd" xmlns:xsi=" -instance"> 2. SWE for Air Quality in The Netherlands A brief look at SOS requests ● FeatureOfInterest – All: &version=2.0.0&request=GetFeatureOfInterest – – Or specific feature with ID: rsion=2.0.0&request=GetFeatureOfInterest&featureOfInte rest= 2. SWE for Air Quality in The Netherlands A brief look at SOS requests ● ● 2. SWE for Air Quality in The Netherlands Disadvantages SOS ● ● ● Verbose: sometimes lots of data Generic: maybe too much possibilitites / flexibility? XML: lots of web & app developers prefer JSON over XML 2. SWE for Air Quality in The Netherlands Access data through other API's ● ● “Lightweight API” → JavaSript sensorweb version / JSON data – Non-standardized API, 52North specific – Ease of implementation 2. SWE for Air Quality in The Netherlands Access data through other API's ● Regular WMS (WMS-Time) and WFS: – Bit limited possibilities for sensordata – RIVM case: ● ● ● useful for showing a demo of stations and (some) measurements ease of using other software libraries 2. SWE for Air Quality in The Netherlands REST API Sensordata ● ● ● Sensordata of the RIVM prototype in another API: s 3. INSPIRE as driving force behind SWE in Europe 3. INSPIRE as driving force behind SWE 3. INSPIRE as driving force behind SWE in Europe INSPIRE SWE with O&M and SOS ● INSPIRE as Framework Directive is not only focused on the ’spatial’ o ex : Environmental Monitoring Facilities definition : “... includes observation and measurement of … by or on behalf of public authorities. ● Thus: Necessity to provide observation data in Annex II and Annex III => Guidelines for the use of Observations & Measurements and Sensor Web Enablement-related standards in INSPIRE Annex II and III data specification development ● SOS is seen as one of the possible candidates for the extension of TG for INSPIRE Download services (v. 3.0) 3. INSPIRE as driving force behind SWE in Europe O&M Data Models in INSPIRE 7 Themes integrating Observations A. Geology B. Oceanographic Geographical Features C. Atmospheric Conditions D. Environmental Monitoring Facilities E. Soil F. Species Distribution G. Natural Risk Zones 3. INSPIRE as driving force behind SWE in Europe O&M Data Models in INSPIRE Possible future extensions a. Area management/restriction/regulation zones ... b. Human Health and Safety c. Land cover d. Production and industrial facilities e. Statistical units & Population distribution,demography f. Utility and governmental services g. Habitats & biotopes 3. INSPIRE as driving force behind SWE in Europe SWE Overview OGC Sensor Web Enablement Suite (SWE) provides base data and service standards ● Observations & Measurements (O&M): o Base data model for provision of observational or measurement data o Integrated into several INSPIRE data models ● Sensor Observation Service (SOS): o OGC Webservice for provision of O&M data o Same structure as other OGC services o Tailored for access to O&M data with focus on time series ● Sensor Model Language (SensorML) o Description of measurement process o In INSPIRE use INSPIRE Process 3. INSPIRE as driving force behind SWE in Europe What is an observation? To understand the data from an observation or measurement, we must know: ● What was measured (observedProperty) ● Where was it measured (featureOfInterest) ● How was it measured (procedure) ● When was it measured (phenomenonTime) ● Data quality information (resultQuality) And of course, we need the result of the observation. 3. INSPIRE as driving force behind SWE in Europe SOS in a nutshell ● OGC Standard ● Current version: 2.0 ● Applicable when sensor data needs to be managed in an interoperable way ● Part of SWE suite 3. INSPIRE as driving force behind SWE in Europe Sensor Web Enablement suite 3. INSPIRE as driving force behind SWE in Europe SOS as an INSPIRE Download Service ● SOS is seen as one of the possible candidates for the extension of TG for INSPIRE Download services (v. 3.0) ● JRC study on SOS (2014) o Maturity of clients/servers o Mapping between SOS 2.0 specs and INSPIRE NS Regulation o Open Source Implementation (52North SOS) ● MIG Sub-group (MIWP-7a) 3. INSPIRE as driving force behind SWE in Europe 3. INSPIRE as driving force behind SWE in Europe O&M Guidelines ● Provide recommendations and guidance for use of O&M in INSPIRE ● Design Patterns provide support in structuring different types of observations ● INSPIRE Extensions are described: o INSPIRE Process o Specialized Observations o Observable Properties o Options for result encoding o Referencing Observations 4. New kid on the block; SensorThings API ‘SWE light’ 4. New kid on the block; SensorThings API Internet of Things 4. New kid on the block; SensorThings API Internet connected devices 4. New kid on the block; SensorThings API SWE is moving towards IoT 4. New kid on the block; SensorThings API SensorThings API ● Based on OGC Sensor Web Enablement – Retrieve sensor data – Submit tasks to control sensors and actuators ● Efficient REST-like API and JSON encoding ● Support standard-based location encodings – indoor/outdoor, mobile/stationary ● Linked Data ready (JSON-LD) ● Pub-Sub ready (MQTT) 4. New kid on the block; SensorThings API SensorThings API ● ● Compared to SOS & SPS: – Easier to use – Less complexity – Less functionality More suitable for small devices, like in IoT 4. New kid on the block; SensorThings API SensorThings Data Model 4. New kid on the block; SensorThings API SensorThings Data Model 4. New kid on the block; SensorThings API SensorThings Data Model 4. New kid on the block; SensorThings API { "id":1, Location encoding: GeoJSON "Self-Link":"http://demoURL:8080/SensorThings_V1.0/Locations(1)", "Things":{ "Association-Link":"Locations(1)/$links/Things", "Navigation-Link":"Locations(1)/Things" }, "encodingType":"", "location":{ "type":"Point", "coordinates":[ 5.1, 52.15 ] } } 4. New kid on the block; SensorThings API Location encoding: indoor, CityGML { "id":2, "Self-Link":"http://demoURL:8080/SensorThings_V1.0/Locations(2)", "Things":{ "Association-Link":"Locations(1)/$links/Things", "Navigation-Link":"Locations(1)/Things" }, "encodingType":"", "location":{ some CityGML } } 4. New kid on the block; SensorThings API SensorThings API ● ● REST-Like: HTTP – CRUD each resource with HTTP verbs – CREATE - HTTP POST – READ - HTTP GET – UPDATE - HTTP PUT – DELETE - HTTP DELETE 4. New kid on the block; SensorThings API SensorThings API ● Example for HTTP GET –-> retrieve data using simple URLs streams(1)/Observations ● Returns all the observations in the datastream ● Compare to GetObservation in XML encoding ● Response in JSON: – Support in all major programming languages 4. New kid on the block; SensorThings API SensorThings API ● Closer to basic web-technology ● Lightweight: easier for IoT devices ● Candidate specification: not much (no?) reallife examples available at this moment 4. New kid on the block; SensorThings API Smart emissions Sensor web challenges for cities, a local air quality monitoring example in the city of Nijmegen 4. New kid on the block; SensorThings API Project goals ‘Smart Emissions’ 1. Deployment of a local air quality network using a low-cost sensor network 2. Involvement of citizens in the deployment and maintenance of the sensor network 3. Involvement of citizens in the analysis of the results of local air quality monitoring 4. New kid on the block; SensorThings API Smart emissions 4. New kid on the block; SensorThings API Smart emissions 4. New kid on the block; SensorThings API Smart emissions 4. New kid on the block; SensorThings API Smart emissions 4. New kid on the block; SensorThings API Smart emissions also sensor web enabled! 4. New kid on the block; SensorThings API Issues and (research) questions to deal with 1. Deployment of a local air quality network using a low-cost sensors What is the quality of low-cost sensors in general? Which type of low cost sensors to deploy? How to calibrate the low-cost sensors? How many and at what locations (spatial pattern) to deploy the sensors? What data platform for data collection and distribution? Which standards for data acquisition and distribution? Which (interpolation) models for furher processing air quality data? How to visualise the results? 2. Involvement of citizens in the deployment and maintenance of the sensor network: – Which method to use for citizen engagement? – Do we need to training citizens to deploy and maintain the sensor? 3. Involvement of citizens in the analysis of the results of local air quality monitoring – How to visualise the data? – How to interact maps with citizens? – How en when to meetup with citizens – etc. 4. New kid on the block; SensorThings API Which type of low cost sensors to deploy? Quality and price Number of sensors applied in a city 4. New kid on the block; SensorThings API Which type of low cost sensors to deploy? 4. New kid on the block; SensorThings API How to calibrate the low-cost sensors? Calibration by air quality experts from the National Institute of Environment and Health (RIVM) Calibration at two national air quality locations in the City of Nijmegen 4. New kid on the block; SensorThings API How many and at what locations (spatial pattern) to deploy the sensors? How many? Goals to achieve? Where to locate? Covering the whole City or certain parts of the city (e.g. potential problem areas) Financial resources (also in case of many low-cost sensors)! Dilemma: research versus politics - Professionals: put sensors at high risk areas for what-if analysis - Politicians say: no clustering of sensors in potential high risks areas, because they rather do not want to specify ‘problem areas’ as such! 4. New kid on the block; SensorThings API Data platform for data acquisition? Question /issues to deal with are related to: 4. New kid on the block; SensorThings API Which standards for data distribution? OGC Sensor Things API 4. New kid on the block; SensorThings API Smart emissions Proposed architecture setup Applications Sensorthings API Josene Sensors WMS WFS WCS SOS View service Download Service Download Service Download Service API Sensor observations Transformation Service sensor data Download Service CityGIS ETL Service Sensor data O&M Geonovum 4. New kid on the block; SensorThings API The analytics (theory, models and processes) The interpolation model used: Basic GIS interpolation? National RIO interpolation model of the national Institute of Environment? Specific air pollution city model? Develop an own interpolation model? But also, further data integration and use of local air pollution data to e.g.: - Citizen engagement Dynamic traffic management Human health impact assessment … 4. New kid on the block; SensorThings API The visualisation / communication framework is strongly related to citizen engagement using mapping and maptable technique All results are presented in maps! Citizen engagement organised and supported by mapping and maptable Air quality data will be open available through Internet (API) for further analysis 4. New kid on the block; SensorThings API Sensor web for smart cities is just beginning! The interest in low-cost sensor networks in cities is increasing. In the Netherlands approx. 10 larger cities are more or less exploring local air quality monitoring with low-cost sensor networks. We need multidisciplinary experts in these sensor web city applications with strong citizen engagement There are still several issues to be solved and research questions to be answered 4. New kid on the block; SensorThings API Cases of local air pollution monitoring in the Netherlands Smart cities and Smart People Approx. 10 cities in NL Deployment of local air quality networks using a low-cost sensors for continous monitoring • Through communities and teams with smart thinkers, makers, developers and designers, policy makers, … • Involvement of citizens in the deployment and maintenance of the sensor network • Involvement of citizens in the analysis of the results of local air quality monitoring 4. New kid on the block; SensorThings API Smart emissions 5. Living Lab ‘Making Sense for Society’ “Open platform for the application of the Internet of Things and People” Main characteristics Ambition Cooperation, knowledge exchange and appointments regarding the application of the Internet of Things and People. Open platform For professionals from private sector, knowlegde institutes and government. Open access with expert resources on a voluntary basis. Action oriented Work towards solutions for society through local cases and cross-cutting themes. To answer questions, to solve common issues and colloborate for innovations. Cases and cross-cutting themes Case 1 – Citizens and perception City of Zwolle Case 2 – Case 3 – Smart Emissions Living Lab Stratumseind City of Nijmegen City of Eindhoven Case 4 – EnergyThings campus Wageningen University of Wageningen Case 5 – Case 6 – Seismic activities and Buildings Day at the Beach Companies Case ? – …. City of Den Haag Policy issues Privacy & Ethics Standards Data science 3D sensor data visualisation 5. Final remarks and invitations More information: Pilot AQ & weatherstation Geonovum Living Lab Making Sense for Society We invite you to join … 24 juni 5e plenaire meeting i.s.m. gemeente Nijmegen en de Radboud Universiteit Just register at (free access): We invite you to join … 7 oktober 6e plenaire meeting Sensor Makers Event! te Nijmegen | | @geonovum Thank you for your attention! We would like to acknowlegde for their valuable input: Alexander Kotsev, JRC, ISPRA-Italy Steve Liang, University of Calgary, Canada