Indiana Teens have done it again!!!


Indiana Teens have done it again!!!
INDIANA STATE ASSOCIATION, INC. OF FAMILY CAMPERS AND RVers, Founded as National Campers & Hikers Association
Mark and Sharon Shaneyfelt
Pancake breakfast before service project.
Hammering in stakes for new timbers.
James is “testing” the equipment ??
If you want to see what leadership looks like, you don’t have to
go any further than the Indiana
FCRV Teens. As you read this
CHATTER you will see the wonderful things they prepared for us
May 2014
Volume 47 Number 4
Clearing out rotted landscape timbers.
A royal moment.
Mike & Marilyn Rausch
Digging trench for new timbers.
Enjoying perfect campfire weather.
Happiness is a Peanut Butter Pie!
for the Spring Campout. More
pictures are present on the website in the newsletter section or on the FCRV
page on Facebook. Thank you
for a job well done!!
Indiana Teens have done it again!!!
The Hoosier Chatter
May 2014
From the
State Director
From the
State President
Cindy James
Mark and Sharon Shaneyfelt
Hello Indiana,
This comes after the weekend campout at Amishville in Berne, IN. What a wonderful time everybody had. To those who missed this, that is your
loss. We realize there were a few who have some
medical problems, those we hope and pray they are
feeling better. We missed you and can’t wait till
our next opportunity to get together.
The board did decide that since nobody has presented a bid for a summer campout, that the Great
Lakes Regional will be that campout. We will combine them, which would include the teen king and
queen contest for anyone interested in representing
Indiana in Gillette, Wyoming 2015. As you can see
on the Regional registration form, you check which
days you will be in attendance. I will be working
on a schedule for the regional/summer campout during the next few weeks.
The national election is over. Only one office
was contested and that was the office of national
president, which Dave Ludwig has retained. Congratulations to all.
The trustees are still looking for somewhere to
hold the Fall Invitational, usually held the first
weekend of October each year at Brown County
Fairgrounds. Since the price to camp there has gone
up considerably we feel a need to find another facility that can better meet our price range. So stay
tuned for further updates as we get more information on this matter.
RVers You ROCK!!! What a great campout!
Thanks so much to ALL involved in hosting and to
those in the background that made it such an enjoyable time. Thank you, thank you, and thank you!!!
The food auction was a huge success and Dennis
See STATE DIRECTOR (Continued on page 4)
Hello everyone.
We are home in Indiana. We got home in time for
the last snow--just a cover in the grass. Hope winter
is over.
We had Easter dinner at our son Stacy and Kim's,
family and friends alike. A great time was had by all.
The Spring Campout will be over the time you
read this. I hope more show up than are registered. I
am sure we will have a great time. Thank you teens
for stepping up once again.
We still need bids for the Summer campout and
Fall Invitational location.
Don't forget the regional campout at Greentown on
July 31-August 3, hosted by our state. Hopefully
more info will be available by our next article.
Also, don't forget the Retirees' get-together at Hartford City at Wildwood Outdoor Escape on May 1214th.
Looking forward to seeing and visiting with you at
these campouts.
God Bless you all,
Mark and Sharon Shaneyfelt
Winebago Chieftain 34’ Motor Home
One owner. 45,524 miles
454 Chevy.
New batteries and new tires.
Health problems prohibit our use.
Bill and Wilma Johnson
Adult Activities…………...……..9
Chapter Reports………………….4
Retiree News…………………….4
State President Report …………..2
State Director Report……….……2
Tab/C.A.M.P Report…………….6
Teen Director Report…………….5
Teen King Report………………..6
Teen Queen Report………………6
Youth Report………………….…7
Advertising policy……..…...…..14
Calendar of Events..………..…..14
Contact Information……………..3
Classified Ad…………………….2
Scholarship Application……..…12
Subscription Form………..……...4
Regional Campout Information 11 Teen Queen/King Application…13
The Hoosier Chatter
May 2014
Published 10 months per year (Dec/Jan. & Jul./Aug. combined) by the
Indiana State Association of Family Campers and RVers, Founded as National Campers and Hikers Assoc., Inc.
Available free on the website under “Newsletters”
Opinions expressed in the HOOSIER CHATTER are those of the AUTHORS,
and do not necessarily represent the opinion of FCRV or INDIANA STATE ASSOCIATION.
Vice President:
Northern Representative:
Southern Representative:
Past President:
Adult Games:
Mark and Sharon Shaneyfelt, 904 E. Arch St., Portland, IN 47371 (Mark: 260-251-7806, Sharon: 260-251-7815)
Patti Thieme, 4625 E 700 N, Decatur, IN 46733 (260-724-9262)
Richard and Christina Lucas, 59 Frostwood Ln, Greenwood, IN 46143 (317-887-4927 home, 317-372-4436 cell)
Bradley and Stacy Davis, 7345 S. 325 W, Jamestown, IN 46147 (317-902-6338, Stacy; 317-902-6337, Brad)
Paige Shaneyfelt, 1466 W 750 N, Decatur, IN 46733 (260-223-7798)
James Simmons, 915 Kings Mill Rd, Apt 212, Greenwood, IN 812-592-4070 (812-592-4070)
Doug and Patty Herold, 8533 N. Farmstead Ct., Columbus, IN 47201-8545 (812-374-7114)
A. Scott Semper, 10202 N 472 E, Demotte, IN 46310-8911 (219-345-3289)
B. Deena Felver,
Budget & Audit:
A. Angie Shaneyfelt, 1466 W 750 N, Decatur IN 46733-8816 (260-728-9848)
B. Mike Rausch, 2917 W. Rex Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46222-1941 (317-925-0150)
Patti Thieme, 4625 E 700 N, Decatur, IN 46733 (260-724-9262)
Melvin Coy, 447 Hollybrook Dr., New Whiteland, IN 46184-1311 (317-313-4250 cell)
Mike and Brenda Simmons, 26 W. Poplar St., North Vernon, IN 47265 (812-346-8334)
Nominating Committee: Mike and Marilyn Rausch, 2917 W. Rex Drive, Indianapolis IN 46222-1941 (317-925-0150)
Photographer /Historian: A. Scott Semper, 10202 N 472 E, Demotte, IN 46310-8911 (219-345-3289)
B. Marilyn Rausch, 2917 W. Rex Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46222-1941 (317-925-0150)
Ed & Angie Shaneyfelt, 1466 W 750 N, Decatur IN 46733-8816 (260-728-9848)
Rainbow 108 Chapter: Attn: Bo and Doris Gries, 20189 N County Road 600 E, Dale, IN 47523-9269
A. Patti Thieme, 4625 E 700 N, Decatur, IN 46733 (260-724-9262)
B. Tom & Judith McKinley, P.O. Box 127, Rossville IN 46065-0127 (765-379-2743)
A. Ed & Angie Shaneyfelt, 1466 W 750 N, Decatur IN 46733-8816 (260-728-9848)
B. Scott Semper, 10202 N 472 E, Demotte, IN 46310-8911 (219-345-3289)
Brenda Simmons, 26 W. Poplar St., North Vernon, IN 47265 (812-346-8334)
Chatter Editor
Mike and Marilyn Rausch, 2917 W. Rex Drive, Indianapolis IN 46222-1941 (317-925-0150)
Indiana State Director:
Cindy James, 3395 N. US Hwy 33, Decatur, IN 46733 (260-592-8722)
Indiana State Retiree Director:
National/State DASAT Directors:
Michael & Marilyn Rausch, 2917 W. Rex Dr., Indianapolis IN 46222 (317-925-0150)
Indiana Membership Field Directors: Dennis and Cindy James, 3395 N US Hwy 33, Decatur, IN 46733 (260-592-8722)
(cell 260-223-0863)
National Chaplain
Dennis James, 3395 N. US Hwy 33, Decatur, IN 46733 (260-592-8722)
Chatter Editors: Mike and Marilyn Rausch
State Director: Cindy James _
President: Mark and Sharon Shaneyfelt_________
Vice President: Patty Thieme
Treasurer: Rick and Christina Lucas
Secretary: Brad and Stacy
Northern Rep: Paige Shaneyfelt
Southern Reps: James
Youth: Mike and Brenda Simmons
Retiree Director:
Teens: Ed & Angie Shaneyfelt
FCRV web
DASAT web site
FCRV National Office _______________________
HOOSIER CHATTER Online_________________
The Hoosier Chatter
May 2014
Capitol City Campers
Chapter 5
Marion County
The Capitol City Campers met April 13 at Chile
Verde Restaurant on Shadeland Avenue in Indianapolis. Present were Pauline Rose, Alberta Broaddus,
Harry Fry and his daughter Doris, Sandy and Ron
Dishman and Mike and Marilyn Rausch.
After we caught up on everyone’s Easter plans, we
worked hard to solve all the problems of the world. I
think we made a dent in them!!
Our next get-together will be at 11:30 on May 18.
We will meet at Jim Dandy Restaurant in Noblesville.
Marilyn Rausch
Angie Shaneyfelt won both the "Family Fun" box
we raffled off at the camp out and the blanket Queen
Jessica raffled off. She should have bought a lottery
ticket! I think everyone enjoyed the "Food Auction"
for the King and Queen.
We discussed our Labor Day campout. The church
Brenda and Mike goes to will have their Sunday service at the campout , done by two of our campers
and maybe another small church joining in. We will
have a pitch-in after the service. There is always the
flea market in Vernon and yard sales all over North
Vernon that weekend, so it is a standing campout at
the Muscatatuck County Park. What a way to enjoy
God's world and worship him at the same time with
friends and meet new ones. Come join us if you can.
We enjoyed the camp fires and fellowship over the
weekend. So until we meet again stay safe.
Brenda Simmons
Hoosier Schooners
Chapter 7
Bartholomew County
The Hoosier Schooners met while we were at
Amishville at the State campout on Saturday night.
We had 17 members and 3 guests. It was a beautiful
weekend and several members helped in the Earth
Day jobs the campground needed done. Some took
up and put down landscape timbers around the playground areas. Others spread the mulch in the playground. Some young men got to go be destructive
and tear down part of the old office building.
Whitney's boyfriend sure had fun catching bass and
catfish out of the lake at the campground or the river
down the road. Hope it was good eating after they got
home and cleaned them. Macey got to help the teens
hide the Easter eggs so the adults could find them.
The teens did a great job hosting and stepping up
for our future.
Nancy Swift won the 50/50 after pulling her own
number out of her husband Leon's hat. Sure that was
not rigged! HA HA
The Spring Retiree get-together will be May 12-14,
2014, at Wildwood Outdoor Escape at Hartford
Pork loin will be furnished for the pitch-in meal.
Call 765-348-2100 or cell # 765-894-9342 for reservations.
STATE DIRECTOR (Continued from page 2)
and I are looking forward to the special meal that we
will be having with Jessica and Fletcher.
Also, I wish to thank all of you that helped with
the Earth Day conservation projects at Amishville
on Saturday morning. You all did a wonderful job,
and I’m sure the campground owners were blown
away with the big turnout of workers just from our
Okay now it’s time to send this in to the Chatter,
so take care and be safe in your travels!
See you soon at the next campfire….
Cindy James
Hoosier Chatter Subscription
Subscription fee/10 issues: $20.00 (Please do NOT send multiple-year subscriptions.)
Make check/Money Order payable to Indiana State Association NCHA/FCRV
Send to:
Marilyn Rausch
Hoosier Chatter Subscriptions 2917 W. Rex Drive Indianapolis, IN 46222-1941
The Hoosier Chatter
Indiana State Association FCRV
Teen Directors
Ed and Angie Shaneyfelt
We would like to thank everyone that attended our
Teen-hosted campout at Amishville. We had 16
units and a handful of second families.
On Friday afternoon, Ed was plugging in the
camper and twisted his back. He came out to visit
on Friday night for a short time and at 6:30 Saturday
morning, I took Ed to the ER. He sprained his back,
after a shot in the you know where, the doctors said
it just needs to rest to heal. He decided that he
would rest better at home, so I left him home, went
back to Amishville, made another trip home and then
back before 1:00 (thank goodness we live 25 minutes
away from Amishville!)
So, I told you that to tell you this, I missed out on
Earth Day clean-up at the campground. I saw many
of our members working on the playground placing
May 2014
new timbers and spreading new mulch. Also some of
our teens were at the Amish house raking leaves and
cleaning up that area. Thanks to everyone that
helped get Amishville ready for their busy season of
camping! Saturday was a beautiful day for working
Thanks to Ed for supplying the wood to keep the
fire going. Also thanks to everyone who helped keep
the friendly fire burning!
The teens went out Saturday evening for ice cream
and then bowling in Berne. We took all "younger
adults", with our four teens and we even took the
youth! We stopped at the covered bridge on the way
back to the campout for a Kodak moment. I have
attached a picture (hopefully Marilyn can put it in the
Chatter). We won't mention the Conservation Officer that questioned us as we were leaving the
To the teens: We are going to look into a place to
have a teen campout this year. Please continue to
read the Chatter for more info. I will also email or
text so that everyone gets the information.
Until the next campout,
The Hoosier Chatter
May 2014
From the
Teen Queen
Indiana State Association FCRV
Patti Thieme
Thanks everyone for showing up at Amishville to
support the teens for the campout. Also thanks for all
the books that came and left.
Even though we did not do the “regular” walk, we
got a lot done by helping the campground out on
there projects. I am sure that some of us are more
sore than others. We were on the move so that
The tabs, coupons, and labels were greatly appreciated too.
So until we meet again, remember to keep the
shoes ready for the walk, the books ready to exchange and everything else for Riley.
Patti the tab lady
From the
Teen King
Fletcher Shaneyfelt
Thank you to everyone that came to the Teen–
Hosted Spring campout. I was happy to see you
all there. I am so proud of the people I am representing from Indiana at nationals because of the
work you all did during the conservation day.
You all helped out a lot. After conservation day
there was only one thing on Amishville's list that
was not done. We did a great job.
I would also like to thank all of you for supporting Jess and me at our auction. A special
thank you goes out to everyone that brought
items for the auction. The money we made will
help to make us look good at nationals, but Jess
doesn't really need help with that. I hope you all
like everything you bought, and I look forward to
eating a meal with our state director Cindy James
and her husband Dennis.
I hope to see you all come out to nationals in
Vermont. Jess and I would love the support. I
will need all of the support I can get during the
first ever national teen king contest. I hope to be
the first one ever!
Fletcher "The King" Shaneyfelt
Jessica Stuckwisch
I hope everyone's had a great few days of warm
weather. I’ve been practicing my song for nationals
very hard. Everything around here has started to finally settle down so I’ve had a lot more time to practice.
I hope enjoyed the teen camp out and thanks again
to everyone that supported us at the auction both
Fletcher and I really appreciate all the support we
have been getting from everyone. I hope to see as
many of you at nationals as possible and I’m looking
forward to the next state camp out.
Your Teen Queen,
Jessica Stuckwisch
The Hoosier Chatter
May 2014
Indiana State Association FCRV
Conservation Chairman
Brenda Simmons
Macey did a “reuse-it” project for the youth craft,
so I am talking about it here in Conservation. She
took used crayons and cut them to fit inside the outline of her first initial printed out on the computer.
We put it in a picture frame after they were glued
down. The glass of the frame is the base to keep it
sturdy in the frame. I had made the initial big enough
to fit in an 8x10 frame.
Look for her picture with the finished project here in
the Chatter.
This could be done to decorate a kids room or even
a teens room if you did it in school colors. If they are
in sports you could do the picture to go along with
what ever the sport is. (basketball do in orange crayons, or soccer do in black and white, etc.).
If you want a melted look, you can set them out in
the sun or use a blow dryer to melt them a little. I
have even took glass jars after the crayons are melted
and rolled it in the crayons and then let dry. The jars
can be used as a vase or a pencil holder.
What a way to use old crayons!
Brenda Simmons
Indiana State Association FCRV
Youth Director
Brenda Simmons
Hello youth,
It was a wonderful weekend to camp, but we sure
missed some of you around the campfire. Macey
Stuckwisch made a "Camping is" poster. It will go to
National as of right now. If Samantha makes one we
will have to judge the two posters. Dylan you still
have time to make a poster for Nationals and get it to
someone going to Nationals for Cindy James to sign
the back. The theme is "Camping is fun under the
stars" . So if you want to be creative and make a
poster go ahead.
Macey helped the teens hide Easter eggs for the
adults to find. We left our mark on the campground
because two eggs were not found. Joyce found the
special egg to win the special prize of flag lights.
It was an overall fun and awesome weekend.
Thanks teens for hosting!!!!!
Youth Director,
Brenda Simmons
The Hoosier Chatter
May 2014
A Message from Rev. Ed. Griffin
1 Thessalonians 5:2-5:3
There were two men out in the country hunting one day when all of a sudden they came upon a very large grizzly bear. They could instantly tell that the bear was looking for lunch. And
so they began to run with all their might.
While they were running away from the bear,
one of them yelled out that they had to run faster than the bear. The other yelled out that the
only thing that mattered to him was that he run
faster than his friend.
Isn’t that like many people today? They would
easily choose to see their friends suffer as long
as it meant they were safe. But there is a much
bigger problem than that. The bigger problem is
that society, as a whole, has the same attitudes.
It is the old “nobody matters but me” syndrome.
But the hidden danger is that friends do matter.
I had a young boy in the Sunday School class I
was teaching once who put it this way: "Jesus is
going to treat you like you treat other people.
Do you want that?"
Were you aware that no matter where you
are, or what you are doing, you are standing in
a doorway? And there are three things about
those doorways we need to pay attention to: 1)
the doorway has the place you are walking out
of (the past), 2) it has where you are presently
standing (the present), and 3) it has where you
intend to step into (the future).
When talking about the past, let us see it as
The Great Flood of Noah destroyed the corrupt society mankind had built apart from God.
It was such an impacting event in history, even
most cultures yet today have some kind of
"legend" or "myth" they still teach to their new
generations about the flood.
If you are unfamiliar with the vivid details of
this punishment from God, you can read them
in GENESIS, chapter 6 through chapter 9. Without trying to use it as a pun, it was truly a
“watershed” moment in our history.
Jesus even alludes to it in MATTHEW 24:3639, when He said:
“But about that day or hour no one knows,
not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son,
but only the Father. As it was in the days of
Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of
Man. For in the days before the flood, people
were eating and drinking, marrying and giving
in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the
ark; and they knew nothing about what would
happen until the flood came and took them all
away. That is how it will be at the coming of
the Son of Man.”
When talking about the present, let us see it
as our TODAY.
It would be so easy for us today to look at
these past societies and discount them as
something irrelevant from a by-gone age. But
before we do that, we must ask ourselves on
very important question: “Are there any similarities between those three societies and our society today?”
They were more interested in what they wanted than what God wanted for them. Can we see
that in today’s society? I would even go one step
further and ask when was the last time any present-day government even invoked the name of
God in helping them make decisions? The answer is none of them have done that.
Have we disregarded the institution of marriage, as they did? Today, we are allowing marriages between those of the same sex and there
was even talk in California, when they voted on
proposition 8, whether or not it would eventually
be legal to marry groups of people together as
one unit.
Our society today has very much adapted all
the sins and ills of those three previous periods
of time. We are as corrupt as a people can get,
and it only seems to be getting worse and more
ridiculous with each passing day. Today’s worldwide society has tried to replace God’s supreme
power with their own power.
And that leaves us ready to discuss the future, our TOMORROW.
A farmer had an old alarm clock that was almost ready to be replaced with a new one. In the
middle of the night, it began to ring and the
hands were not showing the correct time. He
(Continued on page 9)
The Hoosier Chatter
May 2014
(Continued from page 8)
woke up and said to his wife, “Get up! We have
to get busy because we don’t know what time it
Certainly, the farmer wasn’t talking about the
return of Jesus – or was he? In truth, it is later
than it has ever been, and it is much later than
we think it is. We don’t know the time of Jesus’
return, but we do know the season by paying
attention to what is happening in the world
around us.
We do not know when the sun will set on
your life nor mine. Sin is not getting less. And
God has not relented in His promise to judge
sin. Jesus did promise us that He would return
for those who believe in Him.
JOHN 14:1-3
My Father’s house has many rooms; if that
were not so, would I have told you that I am
going there soon to prepare a place for you
there also? And if I go and prepare a place
for you, I will come back and take you to be
with me that you also may be where I am.”
What you did or where you were in your past
does not matter to God as long as you are
where you are supposed to be with Him today,
because it is only what you do today that determines where you will go tomorrow.
Or, using the doorway analogy; It does not
matter what is in the room you just left. The only
thing that matters is there is nothing in the middle of the doorway that would keep you from
entering the other room without stumbling.
Indiana State Association FCRV
Adult Games
Deena Felver
There were a few under 50 in attendance, and we
had a busy weekend, but we got the adult games in.
Washer Toss and Corn Hole were played. We had 4
compete against each other in both Washer Toss and
in Corn Hole. We ran out of time to play doubles,
but all in all we had fun.
So look for the adult games next time and enjoy the
fun with everyone instead of sitting on the sidelines.
until next time,
Deena Felver
The Hoosier Chatter
May 2014
Leslie E. "Les" Lantaff (1937 - 2014)
Leslie "Les" E. Lantaff, 76, of Evansville, passed away Friday, March 28, 2014 at
Deaconess Hospital. He was born September 4, 1937, to the late Leslie A. and Josephine (King) Lantaff.
He retired in 2003 from the US Department of Agriculture and was a US Army Veteran, having served as a paratrooper with the 101st Airborne in Ft. Campbell, KY.
Les was a member of St. John's Catholic Church in Daylight where he was active in
the Men's Club. He was a 50 year member of the Scott Township Fire Department. Les
also was a member of the Chigger Digger's Camping Club, the NCHA, and was a lifetime member of S.I.A.M. He was a Vanderburgh County 4-H Leader for 38 years and
received the Vanderburgh County Rural Urban Award in 2001. He was founding member of the Vanderburgh County 4-H Shooting Sports Club.
Known as "The Tomato Man," Les visited local schools for the past 20 years, teaching the children about
tomato plants, planting them, and then sending a plant home with each child.
Les is preceded in death by his parents; brothers, Gary King and Carl Lantaff; and a sister, Ida Mae Masterson.
He is survived by his wife of 53 years, Carol A. (Goebel) Lantaff; sons, Chris (Betty) and Greg (Lisa)
Lantaff; daughters, Jenny (Jeff) Catt and Amy (Jude) Wolf; grandchildren, Ben (Jessica) Lantaff and their children Zane and Baylee, Nick (Melissa) Lantaff and children Liam Leslie and Wyatt, Zac (Elizabeth) Lantaff
and daughter Izabella, Lindsey Lantaff, Miranda Lantaff, Megan (Kyle) McCormick, Brittany (Josh) Souders
and son Jacob, David McCormick, Sarah Hudson, Emily Wolf, and Lucas Wolf; step-grandchildren, Jake
(Whitney) Catt and their children Ashtin, Kami, and Kara, and Luke Catt; brother, Marion "Mert" (Judy)
Lantaff; and nieces and nephews.
Burial was in St. John's Catholic Church cemetery, Daylight, Indiana.
Memorial contributions may be made St. John's Catholic Church, 5301 Daylight Drive, Evansville, Indiana,
47725 or to the Vanderburgh County 4-H Council, 13301 Darmstadt Road, Evansville, IN 47725.
Condolences may be made online at, or sent to
Carol Lantaff
11626 Petersburg Road
Evansville, IN 47725-8380.
Gordon Thacker
Gordon Thacker, age 78, died April 4, 2014. He leaves his wife, Petsey Thacker, to
whom he was married for 51 years. He is also survived by a daughter, Melanie Glover,
grandchildren Gretchen, Nathan and Zachary Glover, and great-grandson Declan glover.
Gordon retired from Ford Motor Company in Louisville, Kentucky, January 1, 1995
after 32 1/2 years of service. He was a Mason, Scottish Rite, and a Murat Shriner. He
was a Kentucky Colonel. He enjoyed traveling and square dancing.
Gordon and Petsy joined NCHA in June, 1972, as members of the Ivy Diggers, Chapter 46. Petsy noted that the Ivy Diggers are still camping on a limited basis, and will be
celebrating their 48th year of existence. She states that they do not have officers nor do
they collect dues.
Condolences may be sent to
Petsy Thacker
120 Hertzsch Rd.
Jeffersonville, IN 47130-4821.
The Hoosier Chatter
May 2014
2014 Great Lakes Regional
“Ole Time Country Fair”
Hosted by Indiana
Howard County Fairgrounds
Greentown, Indiana
(20 miles west of I-69 on St. Rd. 22/35)
July 31-August 3, 2014
(Early Bird ay Wednesday, July 30, 2014)
Close to Indianapolis, Kokomo, numerous other sites, Parks, etc.
Greentown has a glass museum.
Early Bird: $18.00 (paid upon arrival)
Pre-registration//activity fee: $15.00 (At Gate $20.00)
Second family in same unit activity fee $15.00
Camping fee: $20.00/night (camper)
$10.00/night (tent)
Number of nights camping:_______
Camping fee________
Make checks payable to “Indiana FCRV State Director”
Mail to
Cindy James (Indiana State Director)
3395 N. US Hwy 33
Decatur, IN 46733
Phone number: 260-223-0863
Name________________________________________ E-Mail____________________________________
Address_______________________________ City___________________ State/Province______ Zip_____
Phone______________________ Chapter Name________________ St/Prov (If different from address)____
#Adults____ Teens_____ Youth 9-12_____ Youth 5-8_____ Youth 0-4_____ Total in Unit_____
Is this your first Regional? Yes No
Do you need Handicapped site? Yes No
Type of unit______________________ Length_______________ Number of Slides-_______
The Hoosier Chatter
May 2014
Return by June 15, 2014
Return Form to: Ed & Angie Shaneyfelt, 1466 W 750 N, Decatur IN 46733
(260) 728-9848
PHONE NUMBER (S)_______________________ EMAIL ADDRESS_______________________________
BIRTH DATE _____________________ PARENT’S NAME _______________________________________
CHAPTER NAME _______________________________________________ NUMBER ________________
NO (circle one)
DATE PARENT’S JOINED FCRV/NCHA __________________________________
DATE APPLICANT JOINED FCRV/NCHA (if member)_______________________
NAME OF HIGH SCHOOL ___________________________________________________
I certify that all statements contained in the application are true and correct,
and I have attached the most recent transcript of my grades
Signed ______________________________ Date ________________________________
Answer the following questions, using a separate sheet of paper if necessary:
1. Date of graduation from high school _________________________________________________________
2. List honors, awards, special recognition received during high school (List college awards etc. if applicable)
3. List activities engaged in during high school years. Include out-of-school activities (scouting, church organizations, etc.) as well as
school activities. (List college activities if applicable)
4. What offices/positions have you held in any school organizations or in the FCRV Teen Association?
5. What college or vocational school do you plan to attend or are attending?
6. Give date of admission to the college/vocational school ____________________________________
7. Specify field of study you intend to pursue indicating your major and minor subject areas
The Hoosier Chatter
May 2014
It is time to consider running in next year’s Teen Queen or Teen King competition. If you ask any of those
who have run in the past, they will tell you that this is a great opportunity to express yourself, meet new
friends, and experience the Campvention in a whole new way!. To run you must be between the ages of 13
and 19 by the Campvention 2014 must be a member of Indiana FCRV on your own or through your parents,
and have camped overnight at least twice during the year. Any questions? Ask Ed or Angie Shaneyfelt!
APPLICATION (Due no later than July 1, 2014)
Name_____________________________________ Age ______________ Birth Date___________________
Address____________________________________________ Cell Phone #__________________________
Parents’ Names_________________________________ Home Phone #________________________
Parents’ Chapter____________________________________ Cell Phone #________________________
Teen Chapter__________________________________________________________________
School Attending__________________________________________ Grade______________
Talent ______________________________________
Add a sheet of paper to answer these questions:
What are your interests in school?
What are your interests outside of school?
What are your plans after you finish school?
Why do you believe you would like to be our teen queen?
Mail Application to
Ed and Angie Shaneyfelt
1466 W. 750 N.
Decatur, IN 46733
(260) 728-9848
APPLICATION (Due no later than July 1, 2014)
Name_____________________________________ Age ______________ Birth Date___________________
Address____________________________________________ Cell Phone #__________________________
Parents’ Names_________________________________ Home Phone #________________________
Parents’ Chapter____________________________________ Cell Phone #________________________
Teen Chapter__________________________________________________________________
School Attending__________________________________________
Mail Application to
Ed and Angie Shaneyfelt
Add a sheet of paper to answer these questions:
What are your interests in school?
What are your interests outside of school?
What are your plans after you finish school?
Why do you believe you would like to be our teen king?
1466 W. 750 N.
Decatur, IN 46733
(260) 728-9848
The Hoosier Chatter
May 2014
Advertising Policy
Indiana State Events
Regional Events
Great Lakes Regional Campout
“Old Fashioned Country Fair”
Greentown, Indiana
July 31- Aug. 3, 2014
International Events
International Campvention
Campvention 2014
“Moonlight in Vermont”
Essex Junction, Vermont
July 7-11, 2014
Campvention 2015
Gillette, Wyoming
Indiana Retiree
Spring Get-together
Wildwood Outdoor Escape
Hartford City
May 12-14, 2014
Indiana State Retiree Rally
September 30-October 2, 2014
Location TBD
Indiana State Fall Invitational
October 3-5, 2014
Location TBD
Hosted by your Indiana State Trustees
Don’t forget to preregister for the campouts!
The Hoosier Chatter accepts advertisements at the rate of $5.00/
column inch/issue for commercial
advertisers and $3.00/column inch/
issue for personal advertisers.
There are significant discounts
available for multiple issue ads.
These advertisements are open to
any business or individual, but will
be screened to assure they are appropriate to the goals and philosophy of the Family Campers and
Inclusion of an ad in the Hoosier Chatter does not imply official
endorsement by the FCRV, the
Indiana State Association of the
FCRV, or of the Hoosier Chatter.
The deadline for ads and articles
in the Hoosier Chatter is the 25th
of the month preceding the issue
Further questions or information
may be obtained by contacting the
editor at
Published by the
Indiana State Association of
Family Campers and RVers.
Founded as
National Campers and Hikers
Assoc., Inc.
2917 W. Rex Drive
Indianapolis, IN 4622246222-1941