September,2014 - Galveston/Houston
September,2014 - Galveston/Houston
BISHOP ODIN NEWS NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID HOUSTON, TEXAS PERMIT NO. 9295 Published Monthly Knights of Columbus Council No. 2917 607 East Whitney Street Houston, Texas 77022-3535 Phone: 713-694-2341 September 2014 Vol. 33, Issue 9 COUNCIL OFFICERS, COMMITTEEMEN & OTHERS Council Chaplain Assistant Chaplain Ladies Auxiliary Chaplain Chaplain CDA Court #1750 District Deputy—District #75 Grand Knight Deputy Grand Knight Chancellor Recorder Financial Secretary Treasurer Advocate Warden Lecturer Inside Guard Outside Guard Outside Guard Trustee Trustee Trustee Family Director Council Director Youth Director Rosary Team Rosary Team & Pro-Life Program Director Senior Club President V.A. Hospital Chairman NorthSide Columbus Club President K of C insurance A-F K of C insurance G-K K of C insurance L-P K of C insurance Q-Z Bowling President President Ladies Auxiliary Catholic Daughters Regent Manager, Northside Columbus Club (hall rentals) Editor, Bishop Odin News Rev. Clint Ressler 713-692-9123 Deacon Will Hunter 713-805-8582 Rev. Alberto Zanatta 281-447-6381 Rev. Msgr. James L. Golasinski 713-222-2289 David Keating Joseph Earthman 713-562-0501 Shawn Reichhardt 832-865-9485 Floyd Supercinski 713-861-6725 William Selvaggi Benny Okruhlik, PGK, FDD 281-353-5892 Jeffrey Kasowski 713-868-8093 Brett Owens 979-324-5099 Mark Demny 713-444-9861 Brian Kubiak Edward Tobola 713-899-4211 Antonio Saenz 713-691-1604 Jose Limas 713-681-4481 Ken Boudny 713-869-9821 Dominic Psencik, PGK, PFN, FDD 713-682-4413 Michael Kloss 832-443-7213 John Buck 713-398-6196 Don Christen 713-628-8177 Miguel Navarro 713-862-5650 James E. Urbanovsky, PGK, PFN 713-861-6347 John Fox 713-682-5244 Angie Heinrich 713-683-8417 Anton Swiech 713-697-6846 John Buck 713-398-6196 David Walsh 832-512-0326 Daryl Van Keuhlen 281-615-2618 MarkDeacon 281-381-1366 Jose R. Oviedo Harold Fenn Kelly Clawson Carol Mitschlatis Mickie Wendt Kathy Bronikowski ( 832-910-5061 713-818-0430 713-869-2018 832-498-8495 713-694-2341 281-356-3535 Wendy L. Prater ATTORNEY AT LAW Wills Powers of Attorney Probate Family Law Divorce Child Support Name Changes 713-802-9171 1919 North Loop West, Suite 490 Houston, Texas 77008 Bishop Odin Council 2917 - Knights of Columbus 607 East Whitney Street Houston, Texas 77022 Joe Earthman, Grand Knight Phone: 713-694-2341 Fax: 713-694-2342 A Monthly Publication GRAND KNIGHT’S MESSAGE Joe Earthman CO-CHAPLAIN’S MESSAGE Deacon Will Hunter Spiritual Courage Brother Knights, Thanks to all of our Brother Knights who attended this month's council meeting and just a reminder, all Brother Knights are welcome to join us for dinner and fellowship, capped off with our council meeting that usually lasts about an hour. Starting with the September meeting we will call up to three names for a winner of the attendance prize instead of just one. Thanks to everyone who came out to our Active Shooter Awareness session with Mr. Stephen Daniel with the Houston Police Department. It was well attended and very informative. If you would like to see more programs and activities like this, please let us know! Pitifully, not one Brother Knight volunteered for any of the 6 director positions posted in last month's newsletter. Our first informal Beer Fest 2015 meeting will be held on September 25 at 7:00 p.m. All interested Brother Knights, members of the Ladies Auxiliary and Catholic Daughters are invited. Please make an effort to recruit a new member. If you are a member, please make an effort to become more involved. September, 2014 (Vol. 33, No. 9) When understanding is in short supply, when kindness is limited and when forgiveness is nowhere to be found, it takes great courage for a follower of Christ to stand firm in the belief Christ is there to protect and save. If one can say that trust is the foundation of faith, then spiritual courage is the corner stone on which everything relies. It takes unwavering spiritual courage to follow Christ and his teachings. Anyone can follow Christ and his teachings when life is good. However, it takes immense spiritual courage to give of yourself to the Lord when one is faced with uncertainty, trials, heartache, vice, sin, and personal selfishness. Where does spiritual courage come from and how can we obtain such a virtue? Spiritual courage begins when we make the decision in our hearts that nothing in this life is more important than the will of the Lord. Once that decision has been freely made by us, the Lord then begins to forge in our hearts the desire to serve him with every fiber of our being. Be certain in your heart and your spirit that you are willing to courageously surrender all that you have and all that you know for the will of the Lord. Learn to be humbly courageous in the will of the Lord when he gives great gifts. Also be resolutely courageous in the will of the Lord when those same gifts are taken from you. Show spiritual courage in the face of good times and bad times so the name of the Lord will receive praise. FAMILY DIRECTOR John Buck Brother Brian Kubiak, Knight of the Month for July. Larry & Rita Tobias, Family of the Month for July. At the September Council Officers’ Meeting, we will set a date for the Pro-Life movie "BLOOD MONEY.” This movie takes a critical look into the dark origins of abortion. Since September and October are both activity-filled months, we will try to set the date in November. This movie showing will be open to all members, families and friends. STILL GROWING!!! Brother Raymond Kutzur’s name was drawn at the July meeting. Since Brother Kutzur was not present, the attendance prize increases to $230. Please plan to attend the September meeting. Social and meal from 6:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. meeting at 7:00 p.m. and the attendance prize drawing at the conclusion of the meeting. Next Officers’ meeting is Wednesday, Sept. 3 at 7:00 p.m. Next Council meeting is Monday, Sept. 8 at 7:00 p.m. Dinner served from 6:00-6:40 p.m. Next NorthSide Columbus Club meeting is Wednesday, Sept. 17 at 7:00 p.m. Next work day is Saturday, Sept. 20 Congratulations to Brother Richard Pavlas who won the Grand Knight’s prize at the August meeting. However, Brother Richard kindly donated the prize back to the council. Brother Chris Mocek donated $100 to the council in memory of Brother Eddie Mocek. Mrs. Mosley donated $50 to the council in memory of Brother Albin Januszewski. Georgia Macik donated $100 in memory of Brother Edward J. Macik. The Council is most appreciative of your donations. Especially: Shawn Hrncir, son of Brother Bob Hrncir. William Wayne Sony, Army 1st Cavalry stationed at Ft. Hood, son of Brother Don and Paula Sony. Brother Zach Kloss, son of Brother Mike and Jan Kloss. On Aug. 1, 2014, Brother Doug Wendt presented St. Ambrose School their $1,000.00 donation from the 2013 Casino Night. Pictured with Brother Doug is St. Ambrose Pastor, Fr. Ben Smaistrla, and St. Ambrose School Principal, Judy Fritsch. Both, were very appreciative of this donation. Brother Anton Swiech and Brother John Fox visited our veterans on July 6. The next visitations are: Sept. 14, Nov. 23. Casino Night and the Casino Night Bonus Raffle tickets are now on sale. This is a fun event for a great cause and we have some new fun things planned this year. Support CASINO NIGHT on October 11th by buying your ticket now. If you cannot attend, purchase the Bonus Raffle ticket for a chance to win $500. I would like to thank the St. Rose Men's Club and St. Rose Bazaar Committee for their donation of over 25 bottles of wine that will be used in raffle baskets for Casino Night and Summer Fling. If you would like to make a donation to Casino Night in the form of being a sponsor or donate an item to the silent auction, contact myself or John Buck. Doug Wendt, Casino Night Chairman Please contact Anton Swiech, our VA Chairman, at 713-697-6846 if you are able to visit. SENIOR CLUB The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 9 We will have hamburgers. Please bring a dessert. NorthSide Columbus Club John Buck We had a great turnout for the August Council Workday. With this turnout, we accomplished over 30 tasks, some needing more effort and time than others, but we had all of the tools and equipment put away and finished all of the jobs before noon. The main jobs that these men performed were: cleaned the BBQ room, made plumbing repairs, spread dirt, washed the windows, power washed the building, trimmed the ditch, policed the grounds, trimmed the hedges, sprayed weeds, painted striping, refrigeration repairs, cleaned the halls, washed trash cans, and all of the smaller tasks. Thank you for the wonderful turnout and all your help. Our regular weekly yard and maintenance workers were: Joe Pavlik, Tony Lewandowski, Don Christen, Floyd Rekieta, and John Buck. Thank you for your dedication. Saturday workers were: Jimmy Dziedzic, John Buck, Doug Wendt, Don Christen, Mike Kloss, Richard Pavlas, Robert Bratton, David Cornelius, Bennie Bronikowski, Leo Landry, Billy Hoffart, Bill Selvaggi, Charlie Heinrich, Rick Nowak, Nick Navarro, Robert Miller, Ben Kaminski, Joe Braunagel, Joe Earthman, Tony Lewandowski, Dennis Kubiak, Larry Tobias, Troy Tobias, Pete Rodriguez, Lydia Clifton, and the Okonski family--Ed Sr., Ed Jr., Ed III, Greg, and Connor. What a showing from the Okonski family! Our 2 youngest workers were Connor, son of Ed Okonski Jr. and Troy, son of Larry Tobias. Thank you Eddie and Larry for your support and bringing your boys out— hopeful future members of KC Council 2917—and keeping the family tradition of joining the Knights of Columbus. A quick note on the age of volunteer workers, I do not know all of the workers ages so I guessed on some: two 30 year olds, two 40 year olds, five 50 year olds, ten 60 year olds, one 70 year old and four 80 year olds. This shows you that you are not too young or too old to join our council volunteer work group. Using the above information on the age of our volunteers, this information needs to be applied to our recruitment direction. Council 2917 is trying to restart the Squires program. We have a new member of Council 2917 employed by St. Pius X high school who is interested in making an effort to initiate the restart of the Squires at St. Pius. By restarting the Squires, we will have a new avenue to strengthen our ranks and continue the worthy goals of our organization. DOMINO RESULTS Moon Tournament Winners for August 4 1st Place: Angie Heinrich 2nd Place: Billy Wojtasczyk 3rd Place: Glen Miller Next Moon Tournament is Sept. 1 All members and their families are invited to join us for our annual Family Day. A free meal will be provided for all members, their spouses and children under 18 years of age. The meal is also free to members of the Ladies Auxiliary and their spouses. The cost of the meal for non-members is $3.00. Dinner will be served from 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. There will be no “to go” dinners served. After dinner, the council will present the awards—Knight and Family of the month awards and the council’s most prestigious and highest award—Family and Knight of the Year. Family and Knight of the Year awards are chosen from the monthly Family and Knight awards. Candidates for these awards are selected by their activities and charitable work within their church, community, and council. If you know of a member that fits into these categories, please inform the grand knight, council officers, or family director of his work. Since our council membership belongs to many different parishes, the council officers do not know what the member is doing within his parish or community—we only know how involved and active he is within Council 2917. Please make plans to attend this event to honor these well deserved men and women. Come enjoy the afternoon with your KC family. Play cards, dominoes, or watch a football game on our large projection screen. This event will again be held at Collins Park, 6727 Cypresswood Dr. We will need many volunteers to help at this event. We will need help between 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. We will be cutting and bagging fruit and other snacks in the morning, in addition to cooking and serving hamburgers and hot dogs for lunch. We will serve lunch to the athletes and their families. Please contact Advocate, Brother Brett Owens, at 979-324-5099 if you are able to volunteer. CONGRATULATIONS TO Mary & Joseph Campise who celebrated their 59th wedding anniversary on August 6. Deadline for the October newsletter is Sept. 16. Please pray for our sick: Donald H. Borski Christopher J. Casas, Sr. William Selvaggi Eugene J. Spanihel Philip C. Bielamowicz Frank A. Naquin Carlo V. Dechiro Martin Gonzalez Thomas W. Twardowsky Charles F. Paradoski Frank L. Tamborello Doel A. Rodriguez Tommie Sicola Theogene J. Riggs, Jr. Albin C. Meschwitz Michael J. Montalbano Rev. Phong X. Nguyen Frank York Roger E. Keys Edward J. Tobola Anton L. Wagner Anthony J. Widacki Frank Giacona, Jr. Gene L. Hyman Glenn G. Kasowski Javier Segura Frank Kasowski Kevin L. Morosin Antonio C. Pena Theodore Bashinski, Jr. Anthony Camarata Sabouse W. Wojtasczyk Robert J. Bench Danny Naskey Danny Villanueva, Sr. Richard E. Allen, Jr. Jesse J. Darbonne, Jr. Isidro S. Guerrero Kenneth J. Nieswiadomy Stephen B. Vaeza Charles C. Blesener Daryl Okonski Leonard Barrilleaux George A. Janacek Gregory A. Pavlicek Sept. 1 Sept. 1 Sept. 1 Sept. 1 Sept. 2 Sept. 2 Sept. 3 Sept. 4 Sept. 4 Sept. 5 Sept. 5 Sept. 9 Sept. 10 Sept. 11 Sept. 12 Sept. 12 Sept. 12 Sept. 12 Sept. 14 Sept. 14 Sept. 14 Sept. 15 Sept. 16 Sept. 16 Sept. 16 Sept. 16 Sept. 17 Sept. 17 Sept. 18 Sept. 19 Sept. 20 Sept. 21 Sept. 22 Sept. 22 Sept. 22 Sept. 23 Sept. 24 Sept. 24 Sept. 24 Sept. 24 Sept. 25 Sept. 25 Sept. 29 Sept. 29 Sept. 29 Please support our advertisers. Brother Don Psencik Brother Tom Sicola Brother Oscar Ochoa and wife, Bea Brother Edmund Syzdek, brother-in-law of Brother Floyd Supercinski Brother Larry Supercinski, brother of Brother Floyd Brother Augustin Carrillo Brother Daniel Bilski Brother Eugene Klotz Brother Roy Kobak Brother Charlie Wendt Brother Philip Borski Brother Ken Boudny Brother Edmund Gorka Brother Al Meschwitz Earline Okruhlik, wife of Brother Benny Kathy Hudec, wife of Brother Emil Irma Limas, wife of Brother Jose Faye Jozwiak, wife of Brother P.J. Sylvia Wachel sister of Brother Mike Kloss, Helen Brezina, mother-in-law of Brother Dennis Kubiak Gertrude Kubiak, mother of Brother Dennis Kubiak Isabella Kubiak, daughter of Brother Brian & Celina Kubiak IN MEMORIAM: Brother Victor Jozwiak, age 79, of Houston, TX passed away Thursday, August 7, 2014 in Sealy, Texas. Victor was born Oct. 8, 1934 in Chappell Hill, TX, the son of John and Helen (Kendziora) Jozwiak. Victor was an active member of Knights of Columbus Council 2917 until he moved to Sealy. He enjoyed fishing, bowling and telling stories. Victor is survived by his sister, Lucy Kopech of Sealy; brother, Leonard Jozwiak of Madisonville and numerous nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents, John and Helen Jozwiak. Friends of Victor may make memorial gifts to the Knights of Columbus Council 2917, 607 E. Whitney St., Houston, TX 77022. Brother Pete Bruno Dutka, Jr. passed away on August 13, 2014. He was born Sept. 17, 1929 in Marlin, TX. He is preceded in death by his father, Pete Dutka, Sr.; mother, Josephine Hablinski Dutka; mother, Annie Rekieta Dutka; grandson, Bryce Herrera. Left to cherish his memories is his wife of 62 years, Evelyn Zaborowski Dutka; children: Cindy & Gene Majkszak, Ronnie & Hazel Dutka, Tom & Angie Dutka, Janet & George Bartkowiak, Martha Ann & Buelle Hill, along with numerous grandchildren, great-grandchildren; sister, Gertrude Witzkoske. Pete was a member of Council 2917 for many years before transferring to St. Jerome’s Council 4550. May God grant these brother knights eternal rest and let his perpetual light shine upon them Names on our “Sick Prayer List" will appear in our newsletter for 3 months, after which they will be removed unless notification is received to have the name remain. Please contact Brother Floyd Supercinski, Chancellor, at 713-861-6725 if you would like to add anyone or have the name remain on our prayer list. Please contact Brother Floyd if you know of a Brother Knight confined to his home or in a nursing home that wants to be visited by his Brother Knights. 1+ 2 ld rs o a e y d tten to a N IO SI T UC A NT LE Knights of Columbus Council 2917 607 East Whitney Street Houston, Texas 77022 Busi Only 200 tickets will be sold! 25 Gaming Tables Advance Tickets $35 per person / $45 per person at the door Contact: John Buck 713-398-6196 or Doug Wendt 281-684-2289 Ticket includes: 1 complimentary drink, appetizers, $5,000 in Casino Fun Money, 40 Casino Grand Prize tickets, chance to win a $50 gift card, plus numerous door prizes comprised of $25 gift cards. ness MI Casu al NIRA FF LE Doors Open: 5:30 p.m. Happy Hour: 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Casino Games: 7:30 - 10:30 p.m. Grand Prize Drawing: 11:00 p.m. Recognition to the top 20 Casino Night Table Winners 1st Prize - $1000 2nd Prize - $550 Fishing Trip with Captain Charlie Paradoski 3rd Prize - $200 gift card or item of equal value 4th Prize - $200 gift card or item of equal value 5th Prize - 17th Prize are each a chance to win $100 Must be present to win Casino Grand Prizes Prizes will be paid out with Visa Gift Cards or item of equal value. Tickets are $20 each - only 200 will be sold 1st prize - $500 4th prize - $300 2nd prize - $500 5th prize - $200 Attir e 3rd prize - $400 6th prize - $100 Winner does not need to be present to win. Best “VEGAS” dressed man and woman will receive a $50 gift card FOURTH DEGREE NEWS Sir Knights: Now is the time to take that final step of our order and become knighted into the highest degree of our order as a Sir Knight on October 4, 2014. The next exemplification will be held at Christ the Redeemer Church, 11507 Huffmeister Road, Houston TX 77065-1051. Registration starts at 9:30 a.m. with the ceremony beginning at 1:00 p.m. The Exemplification Mass is at 5:00 p.m. with the banquet starting at 7:00 p.m. Should any of the ladies wish to attend, the ladies program starts at the CTR Community center at 1:00 p.m. The overall exemplification is inspiring. As I informed you on a prior occasion, the cost including the Tux and all accessories, plus the banquet is less than $250.00. I have the necessary application forms. Also, you will be eligible to attend the Christmas Party on December 7, 2014. We will have a live band, drinks, and a catered meal by Mikeska from Columbus, TX. Sir Knight Leonard P. Kasowski Msgr. Wilhelm Assembly Liaison Cell: 713-206-1318 LADIES' AUXILIARY Kelly Clawson, President Dear Ladies, Summer is officially over for me. I'm back at school and into the swing of things again. Why does it wait until we go back to school to get so hot? Maybe someone knows that the school a/c units can't handle that much heat and break so I then have to sit in meetings sweating! Even new units didn't help this year. Oh cold weather please get here soon! Please remember our next meeting will be September 17 at 7:00 pm. Please make plans to attend. KC Family Day will be on September 21st. Lunch will be served from 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. Lunch for KC members and Ladies Auxiliary members is free. However, if you want to bring guests, there will be a nominal fee of $3.00. Since we, Ladies Auxiliary, just furnished the desserts for Summer Fling, I don't want to ask you to bring them in again so soon. I am suggesting that we purchase some big cakes with our funds. We will discuss this at the September meeting. On another note—I have been told the Texans game will be shown on the big screen for those who want to watch. Thanks to the Bingo kitchen workers for July: Earline Okruhlik, Sandra Rekieta, Mary McWhorter, Dorothy Urbanovsky, Angie Heinrich, Theresa Burkett, Mickie Wendt, Kathy Bronikowski. A big thank you to all the bakers for July: Sandra Rekieta, Dorothy Urbanovsky, Angie Heinrich, Theresa Burkett, Mary McWhorter, Earline Okruhlik, Leigh Arrington, Kathy Bronikowski. Ladies’ Auxiliary Bingo Night Out Friday, Sept. 19 Early Bird starts at 7:15 p.m., regular Bingo starts at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 1 Sept. 3 Sept. 5 Sept. 8 Sept. 9 Sept. 12 Sept. 17 Sept. 17 Sept. 19 Sept. 20 Sept. 21 Sept. 22 Sept. 26 Sept. 27 Sept. 29 Oct. 1 Oct. 3 Oct. 6 Oct. 10 Oct. 11 Oct. 11 Oct. 13 Oct. 14 Oct. 15 Oct. 17 Oct. 18 LABOR DAY - Domino Tournament Officers’ Meeting BINGO Council Meal at 6 p.m./ Meeting at 7 p.m. Senior Citizens BINGO NorthSide Columbus Club - 7 p.m. Ladies Auxiliary Meeting - 7 p.m. BINGO Council Work Day FAMILY DAY Pro-Life Rosary - 7 p.m. BINGO Cajun Dance - Roemer Hall Domino Tournament Officers’ Meeting BINGO Domino Tournament BINGO SPECIAL OLYMPICS CASINO NIGHT Council Meal at 6 p.m./ Meeting at 7 p.m. Senior Citizens NorthSide Columbus Club - 7 p.m. BINGO Council Work Day Pro-Life Program Director John Fox Thank you to the Ladies Auxiliary for providing delicious tacos at our July Rosary. Our next council pro-life Rosary will be held Monday September 22 at 7:00 p.m. Join The Helpers of God’s Precious Infants in a Peaceful Prayer, Mass and Rosary on Saturday, September 20, 2014 - Mass 9:00 a.m. St. Albert of Trapani Church 11027 S. Gessner Dr. , Houston, TX 77071 CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS Next meeting is Tuesday, Sept. 2 with a social at 6:30 and a meeting at 7:00 p.m If anyone is interested in joining the Catholic Daughters, please call Carol Mitschlatis at 832-498-8495. Andy McClosky Manager Parker Lumber Commercial Buffaloe Floor Covering, Inc. 3831 Pinemont Houston, TX 77018 713-694-6658 fax 713-694-2682 cell 281-850-7650 7103 Airline Dr. Houston, TX 77076 Residential Bill A. Boyd, D.D.S Family Dentistry 3803 SHERWOOD LANE HOUSTON, TEXAS 77092 TELEPHONE (713) 686-4885 RONNIE KRISTYNIK 713-686-3589 Member KC 2917 Injured in an accident? call: DeSIMONE LAW OFFICES 3120 S.W. Freeway, Suite 555 Houston, Texas 77098 Phone: 713-526-0900 Fax: 713-526-8041 Farmer’s, a trusted name for over 30 years. Farmer’s Home Maintenance Russell (Rusty) Farmer Owner 3610 Ascot Lane Houston, Texas 77092 associates Dora E. Cantu M.D. board certified ophthalmologist - diseases and surgery of the eye office fax 713-681-2420 1740 West 27th St. Suite 180 ( 713 . 864 . 8652 ) ( 613 . 754 . 2755 ) Houston TX 77008 RE-INSULATE YOUR ATTIC NOW! Residential & Commercial Cooling & Heating Sales Service Installation TACLA001607E David Pawlowski Phone: (713) 957-8746 Fax: (713) 957-0246 3600-B Pinemont Houston, TX 77018 FREE ESTIMATE CALL TODAY Brother Ray Daigle 713-690-7600 FIREPROOF CONTRACTORS, INC. SIR KNIGHT LEONARD P. KASOWSKI, CPA BROTHER KNIGHT JEFFREY P. KASOWSKI INCOME TAX ● BOOKKEEPING ● QUARTERLYS ● NOTARY INDIVIDUALS ● PARTERSHIPS ● CORPORATIONS ● ESTATES 527 West 19th St. ● (713) 868-8093 ● CELL (713) 206-1318 Debbie Hoffart REALTOR® Cell 713-416-7937 Premier Properties 1803 W. 43rd Street Houston, TX 77018 Bus 713-686-5454 Fax 713-686-3108