a senior citizen of the year


a senior citizen of the year
T h e
September • 2013
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VOLUME 39 • NUMBER 5 Website:
D i s p a t c h
www.co.delaware.ny.us/departments/ofa/ofa.htm • Email: ofa@co.delaware.ny.us Sept.•   2 0 13
At the Delaware County Senior
Council’s Annual Meeting on Sept. 9,
Meridale resident Frank Bachler was
recognized by the organization as Senior
Citizen of the Year. Frank is the 39th
recipient of this prestigious award, which
honors persons who best exemplify the
positive impact that senior citizens have
on their communities.
Frank was born to Austrian parents in
Flushing Memorial Hospital in Queens,
NY, in 1941 to the late Paul and Marie
(Gerstner) Bachler. Frank had one
sibling, Paul. His brother served in the
Korean War. His parents were superintendents of several different apartment
buildings located in Manhattan, the
Bronx and Bayside. At the age of six
his dad passed away due to complications related to surgery. His mom later
remarried in 1950 to Gus Lipinski.
Frank attended Bayside High School
in Queens. At the age of 14 Frank
enjoyed working on the Bill and Marries Pony Corral in Flushing, NY. His
responsibilities were walking, riding
and caring for the ponies. At the age of
15 he enjoyed all aspects of caring for
horses and he knew then that he wanted
to be a farmer. In 1958 he graduated
from Bayside High School and that Fall
he attended SUNY Farmingdale majoring in Animal Science hoping to learn
all aspects of operating a farm and all
he needed to know about farm animals.
He graduated from Farmingdale in 1960.
One of the requirements of the Animal
Science Program was to do two internships on a dairy farm. The summer of
1959 he went to upstate New York and
worked at the Seadofs farm in Bovina
and in 1960 he worked on the Willard
and Louise Chase farm also located in
Bovina. After working two summers
in Bovina he knew that he wanted to
settle down and start a farm of his own
in Delaware County.
In 1963 Gretel (Schober) was introduced by mutual friends to Frank as,
“a handsome farmer, red cheeks and
muscles.” This was the beginning of a
romantic relationship that led to marriage
in 1965 and a wonderful partnership
that has lasted 48 years and is still going strong. Gretel was attending State
University College of New York in
Oneonta, majoring in secondary Social
Studies when they started dating. Gretel
later graduated in May of 1965. After
the wedding they moved into the old
stone farm house, living next door to his
parents on the family farm. It was in the
1970s that he hired a contractor to build a
home adjacent to his parents for his wife
and family where they currently reside.
They have two children: son Paul
Todd (and his wife Lizette (Duran)
Bachler) who resides in Manhattan, and
On Thursday, Oct. 17 the Delaware
County Office for the Aging will be
conducting its annual public hearing.
The event will take place at the Delaware County Public Safety building, 280
Phoebe Lane, Delhi (also known as the
Delhi jail), and will begin at 9 a.m.; light
pastries and beverages will be provided.
At the annual hearing, staff members
from the Delaware County Office for the
Aging and Delaware Opportunities will
discuss their service plan for seniors in
the year 2014 and encourage input from
the seniors regarding future planning.
The hearing will be open to seniors,
community leaders and the general
If you are unable to attend, but would
like to comment on services that Delaware County Office for the Aging provides, or services we are lacking, please
send all comments to Wayne Shepard,
Director, Delaware County Office for
the Aging, 6 Court St., Delhi, NY 13753.
The Delaware County Office for
the Aging is funded under Title III of
the Older Americans Act through the
Federal Administration on Aging, with
additional funding from the New York
State Office for the Aging, Delaware
County Government, and donations
from participants and local charitable
Medicare Open Enrollment takes place October 15 – December 7, 2013
(Changes will take effect on January 1.)
During that time you may:
• Change from Original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage Plan.
• Change from a Medicare Advantage Plan back to Original Medicare.
• Switch from one Medicare Advantage Plan to another Medicare Advantage Plan.
• Switch from a Medicare Advantage Plan that doesn’t offer drug coverage to a
Medicare Advantage Plan that offers drug coverage.
• Switch from a Medicare Advantage Plan that offers drug coverage to a Medicare
Advantage Plan that doesn’t offer drug coverage.
• Join a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan.
• Switch from one Medicare Prescription Drug Plan to another Medicare
Prescription Drug Plan.
• Drop your Medicare prescription drug coverage completely.
For assistance call Medicare directly at 800-633-4227 or call the Delaware
County Office for the Aging at 607-746-6333 and ask to speak to Donna Martino,
HIICAP Coordinator/Counselor.
Frank Bachler
daughter Krista Marie (and her husband
Ken Sergeto) who resides in East Greenbush. Frank also has four grandchildren
whom he is proud of: Alexandra (Alli)
and Katherina (Katie) Sergeto, and Paul
and Carlo Bachler.
In 1960 the Hans and Mueller farm,
known as the “Sky High Farm,” located
on Bachler road off Turnpike Road in
the Town of Meredith was purchased as a
partnership between his mom, stepfather
and Frank. Frank has been farming on
the “Sky High Farm” for 53 years with
Gretel working by his side as his help
mate for the last 48 years. In 1960 when
he started farming with his stepfather
they were milking 26 head of cattle.
His brother Paul who served in the Korean War suffered PTS (Post Traumatic
Syndrome) and was institutionalized.
Frank was able to work with the institution in allowing him to be discharged
to the family farm. With much family
support Paul was able to manage his
daily farm chores. He was able to work
on the farm until his passing in 1990.
CITIZEN continued on page 3
2 • The D i s p a t c h
September• 2013
By: Wayne Shepard
I’m amazed to think when I looked at
my calendar of events that it’s that time
again to write my letter for the September Dispatch. Where has the time
gone? It just seemed like yesterday that
summer started, and now it’s winding
down and shortly we’ll be preparing for
the fall season. I took a few minutes
to reflect back on this past summer.
For the most part the temperature was
comfortable with a couple of weeks
where my wife and I had to use the air
conditioner as it was hot and humid.
This season has been an exception for
gardening. With adequate amounts of
rain the vegetation has been bountiful
this year. I spent most of my free time
at home canning and freezing fruits,
vegetables and preserves in preparation
for winter. I’m told by many that this is
a dying art. It’s easier to go to the local
grocery store and purchase the items
off the shelf verses taking the time to
can or freeze. I agree, however I know
exactly what goes into my canned and
frozen goods and I wouldn’t have it
any other way.
While at work for the month of July
I was busy attending the Delaware
County Senior Council picnic at the
American Legion in Delhi, the TriTown senior picnic at the Club Royale
in Walton, Grand Gorge’s 32nd Anniversary Dinner at the Grand Gorge
meal site and the Legacy Corp Picnic in
Where High Drug
Costs Hide
By: Karen “Kit” Marshfield, Legacy
Excerpts from Consumer Reports on
Health Vol 24, #9
High drug prices affect everyone those who pay out of pocket, those with
private insurance and even those on
Medicare Part D. Some may skip filling
prescriptions because they can’t afford
them while others who take expensive
drugs may see their insurance premiums
rise as a result. The price of prescriptions can be hidden from consumers
with insurance because complex drug
formularies and copayments can make
it difficult to understand a medication’s
true cost. Here are five instances in
which medication prices are likely to be
especially high, based on an analysis of
recognizing volunteers at the Hamden
Town Hall Pavilion. It was a pleasure
traveling around Delaware County enjoying its beauty and being able to meet
with many amazing seniors.
I also had the opportunity to meet
one on one with the Senior Citizen of
the Year Frank Bachler and Outstanding Contributor Peg Shafer. Each was
thoughtful, courteous, unique and had
special stories to share. They both
stated, “I don’t deserve this recognition.” You both are truly deserving of
the recognition.
Seniors truly have a special place in
my heart. They are an amazing group
of people that have much wisdom to
share and are a true blessing to our
In preparation for autumn comes
National Falls Prevention Awareness
Day that is to take place the first day of
fall, which this year is Sunday, Sept. 22.
Because of the serious impact that falls
have on seniors in New York, as well
as the great potential for risk reduction,
Delaware County Office for the Aging
will be celebrating Fall Prevention
Awareness Day on Saturday, Sept. 28
during the annual Harvest Festival that
is held in the Village of Delhi. The
Office for the Aging will be sharing a
booth with the Delaware County Senior
Council. The booth will be in front of
the Delaware County Public Health
building on Main Street. If you are in
the area stop by the booth to receive
free handouts on fall prevention and a
free night light.
Also coming this fall is the open
enrollment period for Medicare which
begins on Oct. 15 and runs through Dec.
7, 2013. Changes will take effect on
Jan. 1, 2014. Our HIICAP Coordinator will be available to assist seniors
complete individualized comparisons.
This service is free to seniors. In 2012
close to 80 seniors took advantage of
the open enrollment period. The HIICAP program in 2012 saved seniors
close to $100,000 in health insurance.
On Thursday, Oct. 17, Delaware
County Office for the Aging will be
holding its annual Public Hearing. This
year the Public Hearing will be starting
at 9 a.m. and will be held at the Public
Safety Building which is located at 280
Phoebe Lane in Delhi (also known as
the Delhi jail). The Public Hearing is
in accordance with the Federal Older
Americans Act. The purpose for the
Public Hearing is to review existing
services and encourage input from the
elderly regarding future planning. All
are welcome to attend.
HEAP (Home Energy Assistant
Program) will start its early outreach.
HEAP is a federal grant program that
assists income eligible households in
paying for energy costs, repairs and
weatherization. HEAP may help you
pay for electricity, propane, natural gas,
drug-price data, and how you can avoid
1. In the five years before a brand
name drug loses its patent. Consumer
Reports Best Buy Drugs analyzed retail
prices for 10 well-known drugs
that have either recently
become or will soon be
available as generics.
Nearly 49 million
prescriptions were
filled over the past
five years, the price
increase in some cases
were staggering. One reason
for this is that drug companies are producing fewer blockbuster treatments.
A result is that companies are “milking
the cash cow” to get as much out of a
drug as they can before it goes generic.
What you can do: Ask whether a
generic is available. Other less-costly
generics in the same class may often
be just as effective and safe as a brand-
6 COURT STREET • DELHI • NY 13753 • 607-746-6333
Wayne shepard • DIRECTOR
TERRI WHITNEY • Administrative Assistant
Greg smith • eisep case manager
Rachel ryan • account clerk typist
Bette jo bojo • senior CLERK
Drue Brenner • NY connects coordinator
Kit Marshfield • Legacy coordinator
Donna Martino • Hiicap coordinator
juliana hanbridge • Dietitian
name medication. According to the
Food and Drug Administration, 80
percent of all brand-name drugs now
have a generic equivalent available. If
no generic, ask the doctor if there is a
therapeutic equivalent available.
2. In new formulations of
the same drug. Extended-release, sustainedrelease, or dissolvable
tablets, or even an oral
solution, can be convenient medicine – but
it can also be expensive.
The new formulation really isn’t
a new discovery but drug companies
claim a new use or a little tweak, receive
some additional patent life, and continue
to raise the price.
What you can do: Avoid fancy versions of medication, even if they offer
some conveniences. If you don’t mind
taking your medication once daily or
several times a day instead of once a
week or even less frequently, you could
save big bucks. The same goes for
sticking with traditional tablets when
possible. Liquid forms, dissolvable tablets, patches or creams can also be more
expensive, although for some people a
more convenient form of the medication
may be worth the higher price.
3. At unsuspecting pharmacies.
Consumer Reports searched for the
best prices for four widely prescribed,
expensive brand-name drugs (Lipitor,
Nexium, Plavix and Singulair), which
varied a total of $570 to $738. The
lowest prices were found among four
websites: Costco.com., Drugstore.com.,
Familymeds.com and HealthWarehouse.com. Prices at Costco.com were
similar to its walk-in stores. Independent pharmacies and Walmart offered
the lowest prices among walk-in stores
after Costco.
What you can do: Shop around.
Ask whether your pharmacy has a discount program for generics. Almost
all have them, which offer excellent
prices, sometimes as little as $10 for
Wayne Shepard
wood, oil, kerosene, coal or any other
heating fuel. In 2012 close to 1,100
seniors applied for HEAP.
Remember to watch your step this
fall and enjoy the beautiful autumn
scenery before the “white stuff” starts
to fall. As a reminder, please be sure to
call our office before stopping in to see
a staff member for assistance to assure
you can be seen. This is a busy time of
year for us between Health Insurance
Counseling and our HEAP season. It is
our goal and intention to serve all and
we want to make sure we have time to
meet with you. Please call 607-7466333 to schedule appointments.
a three-month supply. Also ask about
other discount programs the pharmacy
may offer. For example, Kmart has a
Prescription Pharmacy savings Club
that offers members 5 to 20 percent
discounts on all brand-name drugs and
5 to 35 percent off generic that aren’t
already discounted.
4. With a doctor who’s not costconscious. Your doctor gives you a
prescription and decides on it for its
effectiveness and safety but affordability is often not considered. Four to ten
doctors tend to prescribe newer, more
expensive medication.
What you can do: Ask about drug
costs. This is particularly important
for medication taken for many years or
for the rest of your life. Although your
doctor may not know immediately what
your insurance will cover, he can determine if a less-expensive and appropriate
generic or therapeutic equivalent may
be available.
5. From drug maker discount coupons and “freebies.” To combat higher
co-pays on brand name medication, drug
manufacturers have offered more discount coupons and programs in recent
years - and more consumers are using
them. Some 16 percent have used manufacturers coupons in the last year to save
on medication costs. If a brand-name
drug costs the insurance company $150
for a one-month supply, and the co-pay
is $50, they still pay $100 for your
prescription regardless of whether you
use a coupon that reduces your co-pay.
The same report estimated that coupons
could increase drug expenditures by $3
billion annually. Those costs could be
passed on to you as higher premiums.
What you can do: Skip the coupons
and freebies. The offers can be enticing,
but they’re usually not for drugs that are
the best first choice. That’s also true for
most free drug samples, because after
the sample runs out and it’s time to fill
the prescription, you could be stuck taking an expensive drug.
T h e
September • 2013
D i s p a t c h
4C Camp for Adults is open to campers aged 18 and above for overnight or
day camping, is reasonably priced and
can accommodate persons with walking
disabilities. For more information, to
view pictures and videos and to chat with
other campers, interested persons can
visit the Camp's Facebook page at http://
www.facebook.com/4cCamp. Also visit
4C Camp for Adults' website at http://4ccamp.org/, or contact Camp Coordinator
Tom Briggs at (607) 829-6885.
By: John Maier
For the sixth straight year, 4C Camp
for Adults was an overwhelming success
in 2013. Fifteen new campers joined returning campers on the beautiful wooded
grounds of Camp Shankitunk in Delhi,
for three nights and four days of fun,
food, interesting workshops, the evening
campfire, music, the pool and so much
more. Campers were enthusiastic, the
weather was cooperative (for the most
part) and everyone who offered an opinion said they had a wonderful time! 4CCamp for Adults is where grownups get
together with friends (and friends they
haven't met yet). You too can be part of
the fun! Plan to join us in August 2014! Camping to Create Caring Communities – the "4C"s – is an important part
of this award-winning program, second
only perhaps to having fun. As social beings, mature adults gain great satisfaction
from working together for a common
purpose. But Community doesn't happen
by accident, it takes effort. Society has
to provide for this need and 4C Camp
for Adults' unique concept is a contribution to that goal. What campers bring to
the "4C" experience is amplified when
each individual works as the member
of a team (clan at camp) to accomplish
a task. The spirit of fellowship and cooperation is nurtured and many campers
report leaving camp with a new feeling
of purpose and well-being. As part of the evening entertainment,
this year 4C Camp for Adults held its
first (and hopefully not last) '50s Sock
Hop on opening day. Campers danced
the night away to '50s tunes and enjoyed
milkshakes prepared by dedicated volunteers. The list of workshops available
at Camp this summer was long and
varied. It included the always-popular
"Gourd Art" with Harry and Muffy, as
well as other crafts such as "Handmade
Decorative Light-switch Covers." "Miniature Gardens" and "Fun with Fabrics."
Outdoor activities included "Tai Chi"
and exercises in the pool with Bobbi as
well as the "Blacksmith Workshop." A
few of the workshop facilitators come to
camp only to present their workshops;
however, most are campers--one among
many--who give selflessly of their time
to share their special knowledge, talents
and expertise with members of the camping community. 4C Camp for Adults
wouldn't be the wonderful experience it
is without these thoughtful volunteers-we salute you! SHOULD I BE EATING GLUTEN FREE?
By: Juliana Hanbridge, RD, CDN,
About 3 million people in the
United States have Celiac Disease,
which means their body cannot handle
gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye,
barley and oats. The body will attack
the gluten which in turn affects many
body systems. Patients may have complaints such as nausea, diarrhea, gas/
bloating, “brain fog,” or skin irritation.
However, most significant is damage
to the intestinal lining that results in
poor nutrient absorption. Long term
this can cause anemia, osteoporosis,
diabetes and intestinal cancers. Celiac
must be diagnosed by a physician and
patients are encouraged not to change
to a gluten free diet before seeking
medical attention as this can cause a
Current research is showing that
there are some individuals who may
not meet the criteria for a diagnosis
of celiac disease, but may in fact be
gluten sensitive. These folks claim
to have relief from various symptoms
by eliminating gluten from their diet,
however they do not have celiac disease.
If you need to remove gluten from
your diet there are many gluten free
products on the market these days.
However, it could be difficult trusting a product labeled “gluten free” as
previously there were no set of standards in place for food manufacturers.
(Some products labeled gluten free
could in fact have enough gluten in
them to cause a reaction). In April of
this year the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced standards
for products labeled gluten free. The
FDA will allow manufacturers to label
a food “gluten-free” if the food does
not contain any of the following:
An ingredient that is any type of
wheat, rye, barley, or crossbreeds of
these grains
An ingredient derived from these
grains and that has not been processed
to remove gluten
An ingredient derived from these
Are you or your loved one worried about safely remaining in
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grains and that has been processed to
remove gluten, if it results in the food
containing 20 or more parts per million
(ppm) gluten
Foods such as bottled spring water,
fruits and vegetables and eggs can also
be labeled “gluten-free” if they inherently don’t have any gluten.
Eliminating gluten from your diet
may seem difficult at first, however
many whole foods are gluten free
naturally such as meats, fruits and
vegetables. Those with gluten sensitivity and celiac disease must become
good label readers when shopping
and should also be careful when eating away from home. Many prepared
and processed foods have gluten in
them. Gluten can be found in products
you may not consider such as salad
dressing, candy and barbeque sauce.
Beware of restaurants that advertise
“gluten free” menu items and ask
questions before ordering. Patients
with true celiac disease can become ill
through cross contamination, such as
when the same colander is used to rinse
regular pasta and gluten free pasta. If
you have been diagnosed with gluten
sensitivity or celiac disease you may
want to seek out the services of a registered dietitian to help make sense of
it all. Delaware County’s Office of the
Aging has a dietitian on staff to assist
you. Contact us at 607-746-6333.
Source: http://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates
CITIZEN..continued from page 1
Frank has seen numerous changes during his farming career. From milking
cans to bulk tanks, from farm stalls to
free stands and from rectangular to round
“shredded wheat like” bales. Each of the
changes made were in hopes of helping
and improving farming. In 1987 Frank
had to make one of the hardest farming
decisions that he has ever had to make,
and that was to sell his dairy herd. At the
time of the sale he and Gretel were milking close to 105 head. Since the sale of
the herd Frank and Gretel are farming on
a much smaller scale. They now have a
small herd of black Angus that they raise
and sell. Raising of black Angus allows
them to continue keeping their hands in
farming and at the same time have more
time to enjoy traveling, seeing their
grandchildren and be involved in community activities.
Following selling of his dairy herd
Frank became actively involved in different community activities. He has
been an active member of the St. Peters
Roman Catholic Church of Delhi for the
past 53 years. Frank is also involved with
the Office for the Aging Advisory Board,
Delaware Opportunities Board of Directors, the President of the Meredith Senior
Club, Board Member of the Pine Grove
Cemetery in Meridale, Chairman of the
Farmland Protection Board and Director for the Soil and Water Board. Frank
was the Town of Meridale Supervisor
for 20 years and a past Board member of
Delaware County Cooperative Extension
for 20 years.
In his spare time Frank enjoys going
out west elk hunting, gardening, baking
apple pies and traveling.
Frank is a person who gets along with
everyone, is always happy, outgoing,
courteous, polite and always has a kind
word to say. Frank continues to remain
active in his love and concerns for his
friends, family and community. The
members of the Delaware County Senior
Council, Meredith Senior Club, and the
Office for the Aging staff congratulate
Frank Bachler for a job well done and
his strong support of his community. His
effort reflects the significant value that
seniors lend to life in Delaware County.
4 • The D i s p a t c h
September• 2013
By: John Boecke, Director, VeteransServices Agency
Mountainview Preserve & Kennels, in
cooperation with NYS Office of Parks,
Recreation and Historic PreservationCentral Region, will be hosting our
Second Annual “300 Pheasant Towershoot” Fundraiser for 9/11 Veterans and Catholic Charities for Vets on
October 5, 2013 at 9 a.m. The day will
start with a continental breakfast and
towershoot at the Preserve followed by
a BBQ at Betty and Wilbur Davis State
Park. There will be a raffle drawing at
the end of the BBQ.
Cost: $250 per Shooter (includes
Breakfast and BBQ); $200 for Veterans who shoot (includes Breakfast and
$100 deposit required: Mail (with
name, address, & phone number) to
Mountainview Preserve and Kennels,
571 County Hwy 36a, Schenevus, NY
$10 per person for BBQ only
All proceeds will be donated to
Veterans in need. If you cannot attend - any donation would be greatly
For reservations or donations, please
call: Lynn Glueckert at 607-432-0061;
John Boecke at 607-434-4822; or Mountainview at 607-638-9509
For more info please call 607-6389509 or 631-793-7643 (cell) or visit our
Website @ mountainviewpreserve.com
Like us on Facebook!
By: Emily Marlin
Sponsored by Seminars4Seniors, a
non-profit learning program for adults,
presents lectures with question and
answer time followed by refreshments
on Thursdays, 2 to 4 p.m. at the United
Ministry in Delhi, NY. All programs are
free of charge.
For more information, call Emily
Marlin at 607-746-7288; pre-registration is unnecessary but is appreciated. emmm@delhitel.net or seminars4seniors@gmail.com
September 26 – The Watershed: Past,
Present and Future • Frederick Huneke
October 10 – Today’s Home Tomorrow: Seniorize or Sell? • Tom Briggs
October 24 – Interesting Women in
Local History • Mary Jane Henderson
November 7 – Fall and Winter Interest in Landscaping • Mel Bellar
November 21 – Strolling the Courthouse Square: Guided Tour of Historical
Landmarks • Christina Viafore
December 5 – The Straw Houses of
Delaware County • Clark Sanders &
Rachel Polens
By: John J. Bonacic, State Senator
Every time a drunk driver gets behind
the wheel, they put innocent people at risk.
Leandra’s Law, which imposed tough
new penalties on persons who operate a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol with children in the
vehicle, has been tremendously beneficial in the fight against drunk driving – but it needed to be strengthened.
I am pleased to inform you that a
new law just signed by the governor will strengthen Leandra’s Law
and provide new safeguards to keep
drunken drivers off New York’s roads.
In particular, the new law closes the
loopholes that allowed dangerous
drunk drivers to avoid life-saving
ignition interlocks and creates safer roads for everyone as a result.
For more information about the new
law, please visit: http://www.governor.
Senior Dining Program Menu
Macaroni Casserole
Brussels Sprouts
Mixed Garden Salad
Whole Wheat Bread
Iced Chocolate Cake
Cran-Orange Chicken
Parslied New Potatoes
Fresh Squash Medley
Whole Wheat Bread
Fruited Jell-O
Ravioli Lasagna
Steamed Broccoli
Tossed Salad
Garlic Bread
Yellow Cake
Roast Turkey w/ Gravy
Potatoes & Stuffing
Steamed Peas
Rosey Apple Relish
Chocolate Ice Box Cake
Meatloaf w/ Gravy
Baked Potato
Harvard Beets
Peanut Butter Cookie
Chicken Cacciatore
Spaghetti Noodles
Italian Vegetables
Tossed Salad
Peachy Cream Pudding
Potato Crusted Pollock
Parslied Potatoes
CapriBlend Vegetables
Cole Slaw
Ice Cream Sundae
Orange Pork
Oven Steamed Rice
Fresh Broccoli
Golden Glow Salad
Hot Apple Crisp
Country Fried Steak
Oven Roasted Potatoes
Winter Vegetables
Quick Fruit Salad
Cinnamon Coffee Cake
Pot Roast w/ Gravy
Mashed Potatoes
Glazed Carrots
Cran-Grape Juice
Diced Pears
Chili Con Carne
Steamed Rice
Seasoned Corn
Carrot Raisin Salad
Sugar Cookies
Ham w/ Raisin Sauce
Sweet Potatoes
Parslied Cauliflower
Waldorf Salad
Spanish Rice
String Beans
Whole Wheat Bread
Warm Peach Cobbler
Spaghetti & Meatballs
Italian Vegetables
Tossed Salad
Garlic Bread
Jello with Topping
Macaroni & Cheese
Mixed Greens Salad
Stewed Tomatoes
Whole Wheat Bread
Pineapple Tidbits
Caribbean Pork Rib
Sweet Potatoes
Parslied Cauliflower
Three Bean Salad
Chicken ala King
Snow on Mtn. Salad
Tapioca Pudding
Baked Liver & Onions
Whipped Potatoes
Spinach Au Gratin
Golden Glow Salad
Iced Chocolate Cake
Roasted Pork Loin
Sweet Potatoes
Steamed Broccoli
Apple Juice
Jello Cubes
Beef Casserole
Green Beans
Tossed Salad
Whole Wheat Bread
Ice Cream w/ Berries
Hamburger Stroganoff
Mushrooms & Noodles
Fresh Carrots
Cran-Apple Juice
Vanilla Pudding
Chicken Alfredo
Diced Beets
Snow on Mtn. Salad
Whole Wheat Bread
Upside Down Cake
Pot Roast w/ Gravy
Mashed Potatoes
Green Bean Casserole
Molded Waldorf Salad
Pumpkin Mousse
PotatoCrusted Pollock
Parslied Potatoes
Fresh Baked Squash
Cole Slaw
Fruited Jell-O
Beef Pepper Steak
Mixed Beans
Ambrosia Salad
Whole Wheat Bread
Butterscotch Pudding
Turkey Florentine
Diced Carrots
Three Bean Salad
Whole Wheat Bread
Oatmeal Raisin Cookie
Ravioli Lasagna
Seasoned Spinach
Tossed Salad
Garlic Bread
Iced Yellow Cake
Pineapple Chicken
Oven Roasted Potatoes
Green Sunshine Salad
Fruit Salad
Roast Pork w/ Gravy
Mashed Potatoes
Steamed Peas
Jell-O w/ Topping
Turkey Divan
Sweet Potatoes
Green Beans
Cranberry Sauce
Chocolate Pudding
Pot Roast w/ Gravy
Mashed Potatoes
Mixed Vegetables
Dinner Roll
Fruit Cocktail
Spaghetti & Meatballs
Italian Vegetables
Tossed Salad
Garlic Bread
Apple Crisp
Round House Chicken
Rice Pilaf
Brussels Sprouts
Rosey Apple Relish
White Cake w/ Berries
Tilapia Parisienne
Baked Potato
Orangey Beets
Cran-Pineapple Juice
Peachy Cream Pudding
Swedish Meatballs
Egg Noodles
Steamed Broccoli
Three Bean Salad
Cinnamon Coffee Cake
Tangy Baked Chicken
Oven Browned Potatoes
Buttered Peas
Snow on Mtn. Salad
Molasses Cookies
Irish Beef Stew
Buttermilk Biscuit
Scalloped Cabbage
Emerald Isle Salad
Tapioca Pudding
Stuffed Shells
Italian Style Beans
Cole Slaw
Garlic Bread
Turkey Bolognese
Brussels Sprouts
MarinatedCarrot Salad
Whole Wheat Bread
Rice Pudding
Glazed Chicken
Steamed Rice Pilaf
Brussels Sprouts
Cranberry Sauce
Chocolate Pudding
Monterey Pork
Sweet Potatoes
Jello with Topping
Roast Turkey w/ Gravy
Savory Stuffing
Mashed Potatoes
Honey Bee Ambrosia Salad
Pumpkin Pie
Baked Tilapia
Baked Potato
Green & Wax Beans
Pickled Beet Salad
Ice Cream w/ Peaches
DELHI 746-2250
HANCOCK 637-2219
GRAND GORGE 588-6166 MIDDLETOWN (845) 586-4764
SIDNEY 563-2212
WALTON 865-6739
T h e
September • 2013
D i s p a t c h
By: Eleanor Jersey
We are very proud to have Frank Bachler as the Delaware County Senior Citizen
of the Year. This award was presented Sept. 9 at the Rainbow Lodge.
Our new officers this year are President Marilyn Huneke, Vice-President Gretel
Bachler, Secretary Joan Burger and Treasurer Emily Marlin. They will be sworn
in on Sept. 16 at the Otesaga in Cooperstown. We always look forward to this
yearly trip to such a beautiful place.
By: Ed Nichols
We have been enjoying the summer months with warm weather and having our
winter vacationers home.
Our club has been able to keep to our schedule of having a meal at two of our
weekly meetings each month. The first Tuesday is filled by Rick and JoAnn bringing
the senior meal to our meetings. Many thanks for those relaxing, tasty and nutritious
meals. The senior meals program is open to members of the community as well, and
people are always welcome. In July, we had ourselves an indoor picnic and on Aug.
20 we had pot luck with 85 percent of our club membership in attendance. That may
have been a record.
There have recently been two out-of-town guests visiting at our club: Norma Nichols,
Bea and Ed’s daughter from North Dakota, who discussed briefly the economic boom
going on in her state and Marion (Sally) Miglianti, a past member who was visiting
friends in Hobart. She had, this past year, moved to Arizona and is living now with
her daughter.
On Aug. 6, Ann Thayer spoke to our club about Alzheimer’s, a disease that touches
and troubles us all. Ann has been working for the Alzheimer’s Association, covering
three counties including Delaware, for several years and she presented us with a very
interesting and comprehensive program. Because of her extensive down to earth knowledge about Alzheimer’s and related ailments she was able to give us easy to understand
information and answer the many questions we had. Many thanks to Ann.
We meet almost every Tuesday at the Hobart Fire Hall in Hobart with the meeting
starting at 11 a.m. A coffee hour precedes that which gives us time to gab and sometimes
play a few games. Come join us a few times and get acquainted with our members.
Office for the Aging welcomes new volunteer, Lillian “Lilly” Mathisen who
will be installing Link-to-Life units in Delaware County residents’ homes.
Pictured is Lilly (left) and Fayal Rosa (right). Fayal Rosa, a longtime Linkto-Life volunteer for the Office for the Aging, has been training Lilly on
installation technique.
HEAP 2013-2014 UPDATE
It’s that time of year again to think
ahead for your next heating season. Now
is the time to talk to your heating vendors
and ask about their pre-pay and budget
billing plans.
Qualifying seniors can apply for
the Home Energy Assistance Program
(HEAP) and receive help with rising fuel
costs. Because the regular HEAP benefit
is intended to be a one-time supplement
to annual energy costs and not meant to
replace personal payments, individuals
should continue to pay energy bills.
Any individual, age 60 and over, not
on Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Program (SNAP)– formerly known as
Food Stamps New York–or Temporary
Assistance (TA) and was approved for
HEAP last year, was automatically sent an
application for the 2013-2014 heating season by the Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA). Make sure to
complete the application and return it to the
designated location for processing as soon
as possible. Benefits vary depending on
household size, income and main heating
source. Payments will not be made before
Nov. 18, 2013 and until federal funds are
available. Refer to the following chart for
current monthly income guidelines:
Household Size
Monthly Income
For households over 11, add $503 to the
maximum monthly income.
Households applying for a regular
HEAP benefit may submit their application electronically through MyBenefits at
If anyone (non-SNAP or TA recipient
age 60 and over) who needs to be added
to the mailing list to receive an application
for the new heating season or wants more
information, simply call (607) 746-6333 or
write the Delaware County Office for the
Aging, 6 Court Street, Delhi, NY 13753.
New applicants cannot receive packets
or apply electronically until after program
start-up on Nov. 18, 2013.
Individuals requesting assistance in
completing applications should call the
Office for the Aging to schedule an appointment with a HEAP counselor in
order to ensure individual attention and
avoid unnecessary waiting time.
Please note that the Heating Equipment
Repair Replacement program has been
suspended for this season. Individuals
needing help with this will be referred to
other programs.
HOLIDAY CLOSINGS: Monday, October 14, 2013 Columbus Day;
Monday, November 11, 2013 Veterans Day; and Thursday and Friday, November 28 and 29, 2013 Thanksgiving.
All Centers serving 11:45am to 12:30pm, Monday-Friday.
NOTE: Suggested donation for evening meals: seniors $5.00 and non-seniors $6.00. Call for reservations.
Margaretville Senior Dining Center (Margaretville Methodist Church,
Delhi Senior Dining Center (1st Presbyterian Church, Clinton Street,
Church Street) (845) 586-4764. Center Manager: Vicki Bush.
Rear Conference Room) (607) 746-2250.
Last 2013 evening meal beginning with appetizers at 4:30pm on ThursCenter Manager: Dotti Regazzi.
day, 10/17/13. Call for reservations. Thanksgiving dinner to be served
Last 2013 evening meal beginning with appetizers at 4:30pm on ThursFriday 11/22/13 at 11:45am.
day, 10/17/13. Call for reservations. Thanksgiving dinner to be served
Sidney Senior Dining Center (Civic Center, Liberty Street) (607) 563-2212.
on Friday, 11/22/13 at 11:45am.
Center Manager: Joanne Gill
Grand Gorge Senior Dining Center (Old School, Civic Center, Rte.
Every Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 – 11:00am coffee social gathering.
30) (607) 588-6166.
Last 2013 evening meal beginning with appetizers at 4:30pm on ThursCenter Manager: Christine Thorington.
day, 10/17/13. Call for reservations. Bingo played every Monday,
Last 2013 evening meal beginning with appetizers at 4:30pm on ThursWednesday and Friday at 10:00am. Thanksgiving dinner to be served
day, 10/17/13. Call for reservations. Thanksgiving dinner to be served
Friday 11/22/13 at 11:45am.
Friday 11/22/13 at 11:45am.
Walton Senior Dining Center (St. John’s Catholic Church, Benton
Hancock Senior Dining Center (Baptist Church, Messenger Hall,
Avenue) (607) 865-6739.
Wheeler Street) (607) 637-2219. Center Manager: Lisa Drake.
Center Manager: Linda Wood.
Monthly luncheon buffet will be served on Friday 10/11/13 and
Last 2013 evening meal beginning with appetizers at 4:30pm on
11/15/13. No October 2013 evening meal. Thanksgiving dinner to be
Wednesday, 10/16/13. Call for reservations. Thanksgiving dinner to be
served Friday 11/22/13 at 11:45am.
served Friday 11/22/13 at 11:45am.
The Delaware County Senior Dining Program is operated by Delaware Opportunities Inc. under contract with the Delaware County Office for the Aging with
funding from the Delaware County Board of Supervisors, New York State Office for the Aging and the Department of Health, federal and other state funds and
donations provided by program participants.
6 • The D i s p a t c h
September• 2013
(Second of a Two-Part Series)
By: American Red Cross of Central
The goal of the American Red Cross’
Be Red Cross Ready program is to help
every person prepare for disasters and
make their communities safer. Research
continues to show that the majority of
Americans are not prepared for disasters
and other emergencies. While each person’s needs are unique, there are three
actions everyone can take to prepare for
all kinds of emergencies: Get a Kit, Make
a Plan and Be Informed.
In Part One of this Two-Part Series,
we discussed the importance of getting
an Emergency Preparedness Kit. The
kit contains items that you may need to
have if you are:
• Confined to your home for an extended period of time, such as during or
after a disaster.
• Told to evacuate on short notice.
In this article, we are going to focus on
what it means to Make a Plan. A plan
for what to do in an emergency applies
to everyone, including those who live
alone. Everyone should know what to do,
where to go and who to contact in case an
emergency happens.
Be Red Cross Ready: Make a Plan
The Red Cross recommends these
important steps when making your emergency response plan: identify, talk, plan,
learn, tell and practice. Here is a description of each step:
• Identify: Identify a support group
made up of several individuals who will
check in on you in an emergency to ensure your wellness and provide assistance
if needed. This network can consist of
friends, roommates, family members,
relatives, personal attendants, co-workers
and neighbors.
• Talk: Talk with your support group
about what emergencies or disasters are
most likely to occur in your community.
• Plan: Plan a meeting place outside
your home in case of fire and outside
your neighborhood in case of evacuation.
Plan for communication by choosing an
out-of-town contact for members of the
family to call in case of disaster.
• Learn: Learn what the emergency
plans are for your community, including alternate routes of transportation and
methods of communication.
• Tell: Tell everyone in your support
group where the emergency kit is stored,
where contact information is kept and the
details of your disaster plan.
• Practice: The importance of practicing what to do cannot be emphasized
enough. During emergencies such as
fires, floods and tornadoes, there are
seconds to act. Practicing provides the
experience of “what it feels like” so that
when an emergency happens, people are
more likely to respond correctly. As you
practice, remember to check your supplies
to see that they are fresh and in place.
There are two resources available
through the American Red Cross to help
you Make a Plan. The Family Disaster
Plan is a form that will help you complete
and document the six planning steps. It
is especially helpful when sharing your
plan and is kept in a safe place at home.
The Emergency Contact Card is a form
that folds and fits in your wallet so you
can carry important phone numbers and
e-mail addresses with you at all times.
These resources are available online at
Be Red Cross Ready: Be Informed
The American Red Cross encourages
you to be informed before disaster strikes
by becoming knowledgeable about your
community. Learn what disasters or
emergencies may occur where you live
and work. These events can vary from
those affecting only you and your family,
like a home fire or medical emergency, to
those affecting your entire community,
like a tornado or flood. Identify how
local authorities will notify you during a
disaster and how you will get important
information. Learning simple first aid
techniques can give you the skills and
confidence to help when someone in your
home or neighborhood is injured. Share
what you have learned with your family,
household and neighbors and encourage
them to be informed, too.
Did you know???
When the National Weather Service
issues watches and warnings:
A watch means that conditions favor
the occurrence of a weather event in a
particular area.
A warning means that a weather event
is occurring or will occur.
How Prepared Are You?
The three actions you need to remember are: Get a Kit, Make a Plan and Be
Informed. When a major disaster occurs,
your community can change in an instant.
Those who have planned ahead of time
are calmer and more assured. Be Red
Cross Ready involves three simple steps
with a call to action. Join us at the following senior dining sites to learn more. Take
action today! For more information, visit
Mark Your Calendars!
Senior Dining Center Dates
Delhi – Sept. 16
Walton – Sept.17
Grand Gorge – Sept.18
Calls have been circulating across
our area regarding a Free Medical Alert System. The call begins
something like this: “Hello. You are
receiving this call because a family
member or friend has purchased a
Medical Alert System for you. It is
available at no cost to you.” Unfortunately, this is yet another attempt by
someone looking to take advantage of
the senior population. If you receive
such a call, HANG UP IMMEDIATELY!! This prevents the risk of
you being pressured into giving out
your personal information to some un-
scrupulous person who will promise
you the world while taking everything
you’ve got. Please be safe with your
personal information! If you have
already fallen victim to this scam,
call the Attorney General’s consumer
helpline at 1-800-771-7755.
Remember, if you or a family
member thinks you might be in need
of such an alert system for your home,
please call Office for the Aging at
607-746-6333. Our Personal Emergency Response System (PERS) staff
will be happy to assist you.
By: Drue Brenner, Delaware County
NY Connects Coordinator
September is Fall Prevention Month
While walking my dogs this past winter, I slipped on the ice and fell. As falls go
it wasn’t that bad. I didn’t break anything
but what damage I did do lasted a long
time. And I now have a knee that can predict the weather – especially wet weather
– better than a meteorologist. I find myself
more aware of the consequences of even
this little mishap. It changed my exercise
program; I am more nervous when walking on slippery or uneven ground which
actually puts me at more risk of falling.
Fear of falling could cause me to limit my
activities. Limiting activities leads to loss
of physical fitness, flexibility and reduces
mobility. All this in turn will increase the
actual risk of falling.
How big is the problem?
One out of three adults age 65 and older
fall each year; and falls are the leading
cause of injury or death for older adults.
The death rates from falls among older
men and women have risen sharply over
the past decade. In 2010, 2.3 million fall
injuries were treated in emergency departments and more than 662,000 of these
patients were hospitalized. In the same
year the direct medical costs for falls was
$30.0 billion.
Who is at risk?
Men have a higher risk of death due
to falls while women have a higher risk
of hip fracture. Aging increases the risk
of falling and the severity of a fall injury.
People who have previously fallen are
at increased risk to fall again. People
who suffer from sleep disturbances are at
increased risk of falling. The other fac-
tors that increase risks are leg weakness,
problems with gait and balance, vision
impairment, chronic medical conditions,
taking four or more medicines and fear
of falling.
Where do falls happen?
Most falls occur at home. Home
hazards include clutter in hallways and
on stairs, slippery or uneven flooring,
unstable furniture, poor lighting, pets and
pet related objects, lack of stair railings
or grab bars and lack of well-lit and easy
access to the bathroom.
What is the good news?
Most falls can be prevented! We can
all remain independent and reduce our
chances of falling and being injured. Here
are four things you can do to prevent falls:
• Begin a regular exercise program.
Exercises that improve balance and coordination (like Tai Chi) are the most help-
ful. Lack of exercise leads to weakness
and increases the chances of falling.
• Have your doctor or pharmacist review all the medicines you take including
over-the-counter medicines. As you get
older, the way medicines work in your
body can change. Some medicines can
make you sleepy or dizzy and cause you
to fall.
• Have your vision checked by an eye
doctor at least once a year.
• Make your home safer.
Come visit the Office for the Aging/
NY Connects display at the Delhi Harvest Festival Sept. 28 in Delhi for more
information, home safety checklists and
other resources to help you prevent falls
or call NY Connects for more information at 607-746-6333.
From Governor Andrew Cuomo press
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announces the placement of drop boxes at nine New
York State Police Troop Headquarters that
will give New Yorkers across the state a
secure place to anonymously dispose of
unused prescription medications and controlled substances.
“With the state cracking down harder
than ever before on prescription drug
abuse, these secure drop boxes will give
New Yorkers a place to dispose of unneeded medications, helping keep harmful
substances out of the hands of those who
would abuse them,” Governor Cuomo said. New York’s State Troopers are often
faced with situations involving the abuse
of prescription medications. Recognizing
that more than 70 percent of the abused
prescription medications are obtained from
friends or relatives, the State Police has
established secure disposal sites at nine
Troop Headquarters locations for the safe
disposal of unused controlled substances.
The medication drop box program is
open to the public. The public can anonymously dispose of prescription medications, medicated ointments, over-the-counter medications and inhalers. Hazardous
materials and needles are not accepted.
Pharmacies and medical providers are not
allowed to take part in the program.
For the Delaware County area, the closest local drop box is at Troop C- Sidney,
823 State Route 7, Unadilla, NY. Medications can be dropped off anytime, no
appointments needed.
T h e
September • 2013
D i s p a t c h
How does a homeowner register?
Online registration
The fastest and easiest way for homeowners to register is through the Tax DepartNew legislation requires all homeownment’s Web site, www.tax.ny.gov.
ers receiving a Basic STAR exemption to
Homeowners will need their STAR code
register with the New York State Tax Deto register. In addition to being included in
partment in order to receive the exemption
the instructions that were mailed to them,
in 2014 and subsequent years.
homeowners will be able to find their STAR
This is part of a new initiative to protect
code through an online lookup or by calling
New Yorkers against inappropriate or
the Tax Department at (518) 457-2036.
fraudulent STAR exemptions.
Online registration is a simple process
Who must register?
that will require homeowners to provide
Resident homeowners who currently
some basic information about their eligibilreceive the Basic STAR exemption must
ity for the STAR exemption. Homeowners
register with the New York State Tax Dewill need to:
partment in order to receive the exemption
• provide the STAR code and confirm
in 2014 and subsequent years.
the property address
• Homeowners do not need to re• provide the names and social se
register every year.
curity numbers for all owners of the
• Based on the information provided
property and spouses
in the registration process, the Tax
• confirm that the property is the
Department will confirm homeowners’ primary residence of one of its owners eligibility in future years.
(married couples with multiple
Resident homeowners applying for
residences may only claim one STAR
STAR for the first time are not affected by
this year’s registration procedure. To apply
• confirm that the combined income of
for STAR a new applicant must:
the owners and their spouses who
• Use Form RP-425, Application for
reside at the property does not exceed
School Tax Relief (STAR) Exemption,
available on the Tax Department’s Web
• confirm that no resident owner
site, and
receives a residency-based tax
• File the application with their local
exemption from another state
Telephone registration – (518) 457-2036
Senior citizens
Homeowners who are unable to register
Senior citizens receiving the Enhanced
online will be able to register over the phone.
STAR exemption are not affected by the
The Tax Department will also provide telenew registration requirement. However, in
phone support to any homeowners who have
order to receive Enhanced STAR, seniors
questions about online registration.
must continue to:
What happens when homeowners do not
• Apply annually, or
• Participate in the Income Verification
The Tax Department will send homeProgram.
owners additional letter reminders in DeWhen does registration begin?
cember 2013 and January 2014.
Registration will begin August 19,
In February 2014 the Tax Department
2013 and continue through December
will give assessors the names of any home31, 2013.
owners who did not register, or who were
• The Tax Department will mail
determined not to be eligible for STAR. The
instructions to all homeowners who
assessment roll entries for these homeown currently receive the Basic STAR
ers will not include the STAR exemption.
exemption. The letters will include a
• Homeowners who the Tax Department STAR code that homeowners will
found to be ineligible for STAR
need to register.
will have the right to administrative
• Because seniors who receive Enhanced
review within the Tax Department, and
STAR are not affected by the
review before the State Board of Real
new requirements, they will not
Property Tax Services.
receive new instructions from the Tax
By: New York State Department of
Taxation and Finance;
Taken from: New York State HIICAP Hot Topics Bulletin; MayJune 2013,Vol. 13, Issue 3
As of July 1, 2013, people on Original Medicare in need of certain types
of equipment and residing in a Competitive Bidding Area (CBA) must use
a “contracted supplier” in order to be
covered under Medicare.
Contracted suppliers are mandated
to accept Medicare assignment; although people with Medicare are still
responsible for the Part B deductible
and coinsurance.
The eight categories of equipment/
supplies include:
• Oxygen supplies and equipment
(Power and manual) wheelchairs/
• Hospital beds
• Walkers
• Enteral nutrients (tube feeding)
• CPAP/respiratory assist devices
• Support surfaces (mattress)
• Negative pressure wound therapy
In addition, mail-order diabetic testing supplies (test strips and lancets)
for all people with Original Medicare
nationally will need to be obtained
through a contracted supplier.
Note: People with Medicare can
still purchase their test strips and lancets at a local pharmacy (instead of
mail-order) and that coverage remains
Check www.dmecompetitivebid.
com to determine if the beneficiary is
within a CBA and www.medicare.gov/
Supplierdirectory to search for contract
Non-contracted suppliers who
furnish oxygen and oxygen equipment or rented DME can choose to
be “grandfathered.” These suppliers
would continue renting these items to
beneficiaries in CBAs to whom they
are renting these prior to July 1, 2013.
People with Medicare who use noncontracted suppliers who choose NOT
to be “grandfathered” must switch to
a contracted supplier for Medicare
Note: People on Medicare Advantage plans are NOT affected by these
For help in finding a local contracted
supplier call Donna Martino, HIICAP
Coordinator at Delaware County Office for the Aging, 607-746-6333.
Grand Gorge Senior Meal site celebrated its 32nd Anniversary on July 18th.
By: www.donotcall.gov
Scammers have been making
phone calls claiming to represent
the National Do Not Call Registry.
The calls claim to provide an opportunity to sign up for the Registry.
These calls are not coming from the
Registry or the Federal Trade Commission, and you should not respond
to these calls.
The National Do Not Call Registry
gives you a choice about whether to
receive telemarketing calls at home.
Most telemarketers should not call
your number once it has been on the
registry for 31 days. You can also
register your home and mobile phone
for free by calling 888-382-1222
from the phone you wish to register.
Your registration will not expire.
Telephone numbers placed on the
National Do Not Call Registry will
remain permanently due to the DoNot-Call Improvement Act of 2007,
which became law in February 2008.
If telemarketers do call, you can
file a complaint at www.donotcall.gov.
8 • The D i s p a t c h
September• 2013
The staff of the Delaware County
Office for the Aging is pleased to
announce that Peg Shafer of Walton
has been selected for the “Outstanding Contribution by a Senior Citizen
of the Year” award. This award
has been given annually since 1983
and recognizes a Delaware County
senior citizen who has been active
in improving the quality of life for
the county’s elder residents. Peg
received the honor on Sept 9 at the
Delaware County Senior Council’s
annual meeting that took place at the
Rainbow Lodge in Walton.
Peg was born in Conway, Ark., in
1938 to Luther and Nadine (Flumor)
McCracken. Her father was born in
Tulsa, Okla., then later moved to
Conway, Ark. where he had met and
married Nadine. They were married
five years when her dad enlisted into
the army and was stationed in Europe. Shortly after her dad enlisted
in the army her parents separated.
Her mom later remarried. Because
her stepfather moved frequently to
seek employment, Peg had the opportunity to travel and live in several parts of the United States. After
the family left Arkansas they lived
in Minnesota where her stepfather
took a job as a lumberjack. They
later moved to Maryland where he
took a job as a “polled Hereford”
(showed and groomed Hereford).
Finally he took a job at the University of West Virginia in Animal
Husbandry before settling down in
Rhinebeck, N.Y.
Peg attended Rhinebeck High
School. She made a difficult decision to leave school in January of
her senior year.
In 1955 she met Raymond Shook
who was a farmer through a mutual
friend. They dated for six months
before they were married in 1956.
They were married by Reverend Fox
in a small wedding held at the minister’s home in Rhinebeck. Following
the wedding they went to New York
City for their honeymoon. Upon returning from their honeymoon they
settled down and made their home
in Stamfordville, NY. She had six
daughters: Carla (Shook), Linda
Peg Shafer
(Foote), Diane (Seebruck), Nancy
(Endress), Donna (Connelly) and
Terri (Shook) and one son Raymond
Shook who is a twin to Linda. Peg
also has 12 grandchildren and four
great-grandchildren each of whom
she is very proud of. Peg recently
lost a grandson, Cody, who was
killed in an automobile accident.
Peg was a domestic engineer,
devoting her time raising her children and caring for her daughter
Carla who was a special needs child.
Carla is a true blessing to Peg and
her family. Peg enjoys crocheting,
crossword and jigsaw puzzles. Peg
volunteered on the East Fishkill
Rescue Squad, is a lifetime member of the VFW in Poughkeepsie
and later became involved in her
children’s lives serving as Brownie
Scout leader and supporting school
In 1978 her husband passed
away after a battle with cancer.
She later remarried a close family
friend Gerald Shafer in 1983. They
were married for 13 years when he
passed away.
In 1999 Peg moved to Bob’s
Brook in the Town of Walton in order to be closer to her children. She
had to adjust to rural living. She left
behind several close friends. She
missed her closest friend Barbara
Foller. They have been friends since
eighth grade. To this day they still
keep in touch and call each other at
least every other week if not more
Read Memorial
266 Leonard St
Hancock NY 13783
LIVE here
live WELL
Read Memorial offers a new life of convenience for area elderly and
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MAIL TO: OFFICE FOR THE AGING, 6 Court Street, Delhi, NY 13753
In 2010 Peg moved in with her
daughter Nancy and husband Paul
Endress due to failing health and
recent hospitalizations which no
longer allowed her to live alone.
P eg s tated , “I n ev er r eally had
many close friends or felt a part
of the community until I attended
the social adult day center, ‘Our
Place,’ that opened up in Walton at
the Walton Presbyterian Church in
2012.” Since attending “Our Place”
she has made several good friends.
These friends have encouraged her
to be actively involved in the community. She now attends the New
Hope Community Church in Walton
where she became a member and
was baptized in July of 2013. She
now actively volunteers at several of
the New Hope Community Church
functions such as the “Soup Kitchen,” the Pancake Tent at the Delaware County Fair and is involved in
a Bible Study group known as “Life
Group.” Peg states, “I now feel like
I’m a part of the community.”
Peg is always helpful, dependable, ready, willing and able to volunteer wherever there is a need. She
is exemplified as a senior leader.
Peg’s words of wisdom to seniors
for volunteering are: “It gives you
gratification and it makes you feel
great being able to help others.”
The staff members of the Delaware
County Office for the Aging are
proud to be able to recognize Peg
Shafer for her outstanding contributions.
1BR $590 Monthly
Subsidy Available
Carpet and Vinyl Flooring
Fully Equipped Kitchens
Elevator for 2nd floor
Community Room for special
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Laundry Facilities
Less than one quarter mile to
downtown Shopping, Financial
Institutions, Restaurants and
CALL NOW: (607) 637-4663
TTY: 1-800-662-1220
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Email: readme@coniferllc.com
* Income Restrictions do apply
266 Leonard St, Hancock NY 13783
Thank You, Dispatch Donors!
Fred & Diane Archibald, Emily Bullis, William & Helen Collison, Judith D’Agati, Francis Davis, Louise Eisel, Francine Feltman, Isabel Flower,
Dorris Gavette, James Gilmore, Marianne Gohrig, Viola Hager, Becky Haney, Elizabeth Hildreth, Eleanor Jersey, Elinor Kellett, Susan Kokalas,
Monica Lem, Dorothy Lynch, Barbara MacClintock, Lois Meadows-White, Sandra Moody, Dominic Morales, Ronald Morse, Jean Parker, Julia
Picket, Jacqueline Purdy, Kenneth Pyle, Betty Sherwood, Elizabeth Sturgess, George Tischmacher, Flora Trappenburg, Brenda White