“Look at the fields for they are already white for harvest.” John 4:35
“Look at the fields for they are already white for harvest.” John 4:35
A national hospitality village in Israel dedicated to hosting God’s presence and equipping His children to bear good fruit Serving Uniting Israel’s Jewish and Arab congregations. A venue for youth and children’s camps, congregational retreats, equipping conferences, family training, unity initiatives and more. Hosting up to 500 guests at a time. Yeshua’s disciples in a kingdom expression of the joint destiny of Israel and the nations through fellowship and mutual service. Experiencing home away from home. Cultivating an atmosphere of worship and prayer for staff, volunteers and guests, featuring a prayer vista room, prayer paths and gardens. Plowing the ground for spiritual breakthrough. Discipling Welcoming Israel’s returning exiles back to the land. A practical outreach in prophetic fulfillment of Isaiah 49:22. “Look at the fields for they are already white for harvest.” John 4:35 day-to-day staff and volunteers both local and international. Living a community lifestyle of Word, worship and work. Please join us in this opportunity, by plowing and sowing in the Fields of Wheat through prayer and seed gifts. We are actively pursuing the purchase of a large property in the Galilee. The property cost is approximately $3 million. Facilities will cost $5 million in stages. E n d o rsem en t s : Avi & Chaya Mizrachi, pastoral couple, Dugit, Tel Aviv: “This is part of a new season of fruitfulness for the remnant in Israel. To be the head and not the tail, to send roots down deep, to initiate and take ownership.” You are invited to take part in planting... Oded Shoshani, pastor, Jerusalem: “…an amazing opportunity to have a home base for youth camps and use the property as a blessing for the entire body in the land.” Asher Intrater, Revive Israel, Tikkun Int’l, Central Israel: “…a boost to the whole Israeli body.” Don Finto, pastor of pastors, Caleb Company: “What a joy to participate with the resurrected community of believers in Yeshua…both Arabs and Jews.” Paul Wilbur, worship leader, recording artist: “This is real people doing real ministry…Honestly, if you really love Israel, you won’t find better soil to sow your seed!” Owned & operated by: A registered Israeli non-profit organization governed by a national board Founding Israeli organizations: Harvest-Katzir National Youth Movement Tents of Mercy Congregational Network Aliyah Return Center & Guest House Olive Tree Ranch – Discipleship & Children’s Camps fields.wheat@gmail.com www.fieldsofwheat.org FIELDS of WHEAT Galilee Hospitality Village