2012-2013 - Brookwood School
2012-2013 - Brookwood School
2012-2013 Annual Report The purpose of Brookwood School is to provide an exceptional college-preparatory educational experience to students from four years of age through the twelfth grade. Brookwood is committed to developing the whole child ACADEMICALLY PHYSICALLY SPIRITUALLY SOCIALLY Dear Brookwood Supporters, The 2012-13 school year has been yet another successful and rewarding year for our students, faculty, and administration. Our enrollment levels continued at a near record level of 492 students once again demonstrating that our community sees clear value in the independent school environment at Brookwood. Of course, the experiences and success of our students is really what Brookwood is all about. This year was once again notable in many ways, just a few of which are mentioned below. • Regional STAR Student winner • An undefeated Middle School golf team • 93.9% of students scored a 3 or higher on AP exams • Over $1 million in scholarships awarded to the Class of 2013 – excluding HOPE • Two All-State baseball players • 21 new members of the Louise Jean Hines Chapter of the National Honor Society This spring we completed our re-accreditation process, which occurs every five years. This process delves into all aspects of our school and evaluates the quality and effectiveness of our efforts. Once again, we completed this process with numerous commendations and our joint SAIS/SACS accreditation was renewed. Like all great organizations, Brookwood is also undergoing constant change. In this regard, there were two particularly notable events this year. The first was the announcement by our Headmaster, Mike Notaro, that he would not be returning to Brookwood for the 2013-2014 school year. Mr. Notaro served our school with passion for seven successful and rewarding years and for that we are grateful. The second was the retirement of Ann Larson. Ms. Larson has been an integral part of the Brookwood experience since the founding of our school. She has truly set the standard for our faculty and her efforts have helped shape Brookwood into the great school that it is today. Finally, we want to thank the many individuals who chose to go above and beyond to contribute their time, talents, and resources in support of Brookwood. It is not an exaggeration to say that it takes a bit of all of us to effectively nurture and educate our children. The greatest reward for us all is to see the outstanding young men and women who graduate from Brookwood each year and go on to excel in the collegiate environment and beyond. We thank you for your part in making this happen and we look forward to many more great years. Bill Hodges Chairman, Board of Directors 2012-2013 Brookwood School Board of Directors 2012-2013 Booster Club Officers 2012-2013 Ambassadors for the Arts Mr. Greg Eiford, President Mrs. Laurie Simmons, President Mr. Bill Hodges (Chairman) Mr. Heeth Varnedoe IV, Vice President Mrs. Carolyn Betters, Treasurer Mr. Charles Allen (Vice Chairman) Mrs. Melissa Breese, Treasurer Mrs. Kristen Mulford, Secretary 2012-2013 Parent Council Officers 2013 Auction Committee Mrs. Marcy Sizemore, President Mrs. Molly Squires, Chair Mrs. Kelly Jones, Vice President Mrs. Tricia Szwarc, Co-Chair Mrs. Leah Merschman, Secretary Mrs. Kelly Oppenheim, Live Auction Mrs. Alane Kadel, Treasurer Mrs. Hope Taylor, Silent Auction Mrs. Julie Barrett (Secretary) Mr. Tom Simmons (Treasurer) Mrs. Charnie Beverly Mrs. Julie McPherson Mr. Russell Turner Mr. Heeth Varnedoe Dr. Philip C. Watt 2012-2013 Board of Trustees 2012-2013 Brookwood Fund Volunteers Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Beverly Mr. and Mrs. Steve Avera Mr. Paul W. Bryan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Max Beverly Mr. and Mrs. Russell P. Chubb Dr. and Mrs. Chip Bragg Dr. Charles E. Hancock Mr. and Mrs. Jay Flowers Mr. Jeffery W. Hurst Mr. and Mrs. Dave Anderson Mrs. Beverly R. Jackson Dr. and Mrs. Tommy Oppenheim Mrs. Kathy S. Jones Dr. and Mrs. Philip Watt Mr. Bernard Lanigan, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Neal Johnson Mrs. Janet S. Liles, Chairman Dr. and Mrs. John Carico Mr. and Mrs. Amos R. McMullian Mr. and Mrs. Wade Chapman Mrs. Margaret F. Rich Mr. and Mrs. Bo Rosser Mr. Michael D. Shea Mr. and Mrs. Tom Simmons Mr. Richard L. Singletary, Jr. Mr. Scott R. Turner Mrs. Charnie Beverly, Underwriting Mrs. Elizabeth Nicholson, Buy It Now Party Mrs. Julie Carter, Graphic Design Mrs. Rachel Beverly, Seating Mrs. Nicole Davis, Art Projects Mrs. Andrea Williams, Décor Mr. Jay Flowers, Master of Ceremonies Mr. Don Simms, Auctioneer Mr. and Mrs. Ian Quinton, Transportation Mrs. Charnie Beverly, Logistics Mr. Ian Quinton, Lighting and Sound Class of 2013 Academic Accomplishments Outstanding Accomplishments Valedictorian: Olivia Howell Mean SAT Critical Reading: 580 Salutatorian: Peyton Patterson Math: 580 Writing: 615 STAR Student: Olivia Howell Total: 1783 Advanced Placement Summary University of the Arts Trustee Brookwood School offers Advanced Placement courses to juniors and seniors. Classes offered include AP Biology, Calculus (AB), English Literature and Composition, European History, United States History and Studio Art. Scholarship: Audrey Simmons University of Alabama Julia Arnold Teks Endowed Scholarship: Rand Malone 93.9% of AP students scored a 3 or higher 36.1% of AP students scored a 4 University of Alabama Presidential Scholarship: Carter Reed and Rand Malone 41% of AP students scored a 5 College Acceptances Andrew College Georgia Southern University* University of North Carolina/Asheville Auburn University Georgia Southwestern University University of Alabama* Baylor University Georgia State University University of Georgia* Berry College Lynn University University of Mississippi* Champlain College Mercer University University of North Georgia* Clemson University Northwestern College University of the Arts* Curry College Point Park University* Valdosta State University* Emory University* Samford University Wake Forest University Florida State University Southern Methodist University Washington & Lee University* Furman University Southern Union College* Georgia College and State University Texas Christian University *Indicates matriculation Portrait of a Brookwood Graduate Brookwood Graduates are: Lifelong learners always seeking to further their knowledge People of exemplary work ethic and strong moral integrity Caring, compassionate individuals Critical thinkers Active members and leaders of their local and global communities Annual Highlights A senior attended Georgia Girls State Program. A 4th Grader won three medals in the Special Olympics State Games horse show. The 5th grade class performed at the American Legion in honor of Veterans Day and those who have served. The senior class and their first grade buddies wrapped 34 packages for Operation Christmas Child. A junior was awarded “Best in Show” at the Junior Wildlife Art Exhibition, part of the Plantation Wildlife Arts Festival. Additionally, a sophomore won first place for the 9th-10th grade division. A long-standing tradition, the AP English class travelled to the Ginkgo tree on Pinetree Boulevard to discuss Robert Frost’s “Nothing Gold Can Stay” and Gerard Manley Hopkins’ “Spring and Fall.” 21 students were inducted into the Louise Jean Hines Chapter of the National Honor Society. Two seniors were recognized at the Thomasville-Thomas County Sports Hall of Fame banquet for their outstanding contributions to their teams, while displaying strong character, leadership and community involvement. The Lower School Chorus performed at the Georgia Municipal Association’s Annual Mayor’s Motorcade at Southwestern State Hospital. The Middle School Girls’ Basketball team won the Brookwood Christmas Tournament. Roughly 130 students, faculty, and staff performed in this year’s annual musical, Annie. A Brookwood senior was awarded the Trustee Scholarship at the University of the Arts located in Philadelphia, PA. The junior class, along with Mrs. Parrot’s first grade class, sent 11 care packages to soldiers Kuwait. Captain Brent Bond ’05 and his battalion received the packages filled with homemade cards, personal care items, candy, and a few Christmas surprises. Fellowship of Christian Athletes members participated in their annual Mission Marathon by serving at the local Boys and Girls Club, a Manna Food Drop in Barwick, and painting at the Thomas/Grady Service Center. Two debate team members won first and second place at the GISA state competition. A sophomore was sponsored to receive the Rotary Youth Leadership Award and will attend the RYLA conference at Georgia Southwestern State University. Nine out of 21 2013 seniors received Advanced Placement Scholar Awards in recognition of their exceptional achievement on AP exams. A 5th grader and sixth grader won second and first place, respectively, in the Thomasville Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution. A 9th grader was selected to serve in the Georgia House of Representatives PAGE Program. He spent the day at the Capitol assisting on the House floor. A senior was named Region 9 STAR student. The Middle School spent Valentine’s Day serving Kids Against Hunger by preparing meal packages that will be delivered throughout 60 countries. The Lower School performed the first annual Spanish Fiesta Program, based on the book Biblioburro, under the direction of LS Spanish Teacher Senorita Garzon. Performances included Flamenco dancing, a play, and more! The Literary Team won first place in six events and second place in three events at the Regional GISA Literary Competition. The Team went on to win four state championships and two third-place finishes. A seventh grader was selected to attend the 2013 Vanderbilt Summer Academy, a program for academically gifted students. FCA students hosted 30 young girls at the annual FCA Tea Party. Young princesses enjoyed etiquette lessons, games, and a crown presentation. An Honorable Mention was awarded to an eleventh grade artist at the Annual Congressional Art Competition. The 21 graduates of the Class of 2013 received $1,009,476 in scholarship offers, excluding the Georgia HOPE Scholarship. The Middle School Golf Team finished their 2013 undefeated! Two Warrior Baseball players were named All-State and had three other teammates named All-Region. Two members of the Varsity Baseball Team were named to the GISA All-Star team and Varsity Baseball Coach Ken Johnson was selected as the All-Start Team Coach. Two students attended three-week courses at Wake Forest University over the 2013 summer as a part of the Duke University Talent Identification Program. Fall September Consider a pledge to the BROOKWOOD FUND Lower School Magazine Sale October Finalize your gift to the BROOKWOOD FUND 1/4 Tuition Payment Due Guide to Giving A Guide to Giving Brookwood School presents “A GUIDE TO GIVING” to provide you with a better understanding of our annual fundraising efforts. We hope this calendar will help you in your decision-making and timing to support Brookwood School. Also, we have provided a brief explanation of our two primary campaigns: December Make year-end gifts Finalize plan to participate in the GOAL Winter January 1/2 or 1/4 Tuition Payment Due February The Brookwood Fund Our annual fund. The Brookwood Fund is the most important fund you can support. Monies are used in the fiscal year in which they are obtained since tuition alone does not cover all our day-to-day costs. The Brookwood Fund accounts for 3% of our annual operating budget. A high parent participation rate is often a requirement for many of our grant requests. Every gift matters, regardless of size! Brookwood Annual Musical February/March Reenrollment Days and Contract Deposit Spring March Brookwood Annual Auction The Georgia Goal Scholarship Program GOAL is a tax credit program. If you pay Georgia State Income Tax, you may be eligible to participate in the GOAL program. Participation and support of the GOAL program allows us to allocate other dollars to our important financial aid fund. Only students who are transferring from public school, or who have never before attended school, are eligible for consideration of a GOAL scholarship. Sophomore Strawberry Sale May Booster Club Golf and Tennis Tournaments Summer June Brookwood’s Fiscal Year Ends June 30 July Purchase School Books and Supplies Online Bookstore Opens July 1 August Tuition Payment Due: 1/4, 1/2, or monthly Registration Fees Due Booster Club Membership Drive Yearbook Ad Sales Financial Aid Another essential fund is the Brookwood School Financial Aid Fund. You may contribute to this fund year-round. Your Gifts at Work 2012-2012 Brookwood Fund $138,320 - The Brookwood Fund is our annual campaign and the most important fund you can support. Gifts to the Brookwood Fund off-set the dayto-day expenses of running a school. Without your generosity, tuition rates could potentially increase approximately 3-5%. Brookwood Fund donations grant our teachers access to continuing education courses, provide students with advanced software and technology updates, and allow avenues for maintaining our beautiful campus. Financial Aid Fund $234,635 - The Financial Aid Fund provides assistance to families demonstrating financial need. The school believes that a financial aid program is vital to a diverse student body. This dollar amount includes GOAL support and other endowed scholarships. 2013 GOAL Program $479,570 tax credit contributions received. The Georgia GOAL Scholarship Program provides an opportunity for Georgia tax payers to redirect their tax money to Brookwood School. These funds serve as financial aid for qualified students who have never before attended school or who are transferring from a Georgia public school. Participation in the GOAL program is a phenomenal opportunity for you to personally choose what your tax dollars support. All monies received for the 2013 tax year have been allocated to deserving students! Parent Council $25,425 - The Parent Council exists to further the School’s mission through volunteer work within the School, through fundraising in coordination with the overall School development plans, through promoting communication within the community, and through special events that bring the School community together. The Parent Council facilitates the Lower School’s annual magazine sale. Funds from the magazine sale are used to supply items that fulfill classroom needs, such as desks, tables, SMART Boards, and RITE, which is a reading intervention program for Lower School. 2013 Auction $106,702 - The annual Brookwood School Auction is a night of fun with friends with all proceeds benefitting Brookwood School. The 2013 Brookwood School Auction, “Journey into the Wild,” netted over $106,000! A portion of those funds helped augment the existing technology programs in all divisions, and a percentage is allocated to the annual operating budget. 2012-2013 Booster Club $75,780 - The Brookwood Booster Club plays a vital role in supporting all the athletic programs at Brookwood School. Booster Club funds help offset team travel expenses, meals, equipment, and other supplies needed for an outstanding Warrior season. Ambassadors for the Arts Brookwood School offers many ways for our students to participate and learn through the arts. The Ambassadors for the Arts program has been formed to enhance that experience. Their primary goal is to pool the talents and financial resources of supporters and focus attention on needs and activities of the arts program at Brookwood. Our students participate in many wonderful experiences such as the school musical, One-Act Play, Lower School plays, Christmas Concert, Literary Meet, and area art competitions. Capital Campaigns Capital campaigns are held on an as-needed basis as our campus continues to grow. During the 2012-2013 fiscal year, capital improvements were made to the Brookwood School through the construction and completion of Hines-Watt Hall. This new building meets a great need as it provides a multi-use space that all our students can utilize. Pledges and gifts were also secured in preparation for the expansion and renovation of Brookwood’s physical education facilities. Miscellaneous Gifts Each year Brookwood is fortunate to receive a number of gifts to benefit specific program areas. These special gifts allow us to provide opportunities to our students that might not otherwise be possible. Donations also come in the form of goods and services that fulfill needs of our students and school. These varied gifts include plants and trees, books, memorial gifts, buses for special trips, costumes for plays and activities, and assistance on the athletic fields. These gifts of time, talent, and treasure provide many of the extras our students, faculty, and staff enjoy in the classroom and on the playing field. Thank You Support from parents, grandparents, alumni, and friends is essential to Brookwood’s success. Without your support, we would be extremely limited in what we can offer our students, faculty, and staff. Thank you to all of our supporters of the funds listed on the previous pages and for those who gave through other avenues. We also thank our many volunteers who help with day-to-day activities and events at Brookwood. Great care has been taken to ensure the accuracy and thoroughness of this list of donors in the Annual Report. We profoundly regret any errors or omissions and ask you notify us if any have been made so we may correct our records. Abbiella Farms Adams Orthodontics Al Dixon's Menswear Mr. and Mrs. Brad Alexander Alexander & Vann, LLP Allen & Allen Funeral Home Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Allen Allen Industrial Contractors Alligood Tire Service Dr. and Mrs. Henry Alperin Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Dave Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Anderson Dr. and Mrs. William C. Arwood, Jr. Anonymous Astro Pest Control Services Mrs. Jeannette C. Atkinson Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Avera Mr. and Mrs. Wade Aycock Bacchus Wine Bar Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bailey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Balfour Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Balfour III Balfour Timber Company Bannister Electric Co. Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Bannister Barberitos of Thomasville Bark Busters Home Dog Training Mr. Johnny Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Joel W. Barrett Mrs. Meredith Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Mike Baugh Mr. Bryant Beadles Mr. and Mrs. C. Victor Beadles Beef'O'Brady's Mr. and Mrs. John P. Bell, Jr. Ms. Melissa Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Benton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin B. Beverly Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Beverly Mrs. Mary Jo Beverly Mr. and Mrs. Max F. Beverly Bicknell Fund Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bicknell III Big Oak Rug Gallery Big Top Manufacturing Blackwater Timber Company Blackbag MD Mrs. Sugar Blount The Bookshelf Boston Tractor Company, Inc. Mrs. Jeannie Bracey Dr. and Mrs. Cordell L. Bragg Mr. William J. Bramblett and Dr. Karen Bramblett Mr. and Mrs. John J. Brannon, Jr. Ms. Brooke Braswell Dr. and Mrs. Mark Brewer Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Brinkley III Mrs. John B. Brinson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Trip Brock Brookwood School Auction Brookwood School Boosters Club Mrs. Lisa Bryan Mr. Mark Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Travis Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Buckley BudK Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burns Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Bustle CD Ives Logging Inc C&D Auto Paint Ms. Rebecca Cabassa Cairo Eye Care Cairo Medical Care, LLC Caldwall & Langford Insurance Dr. and Mrs. James B. Callaway Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Callaway III Mr. Thomas J. Callaway IV Camp Hollymont Camp Rockmount Mr. and Mrs. G. Adrian Campbell II Capital City Bank Cardiology Consultants Dr. and Mrs. James M. Carico Dr. and Mrs. John B. Carico Mrs. Cary R. Carmichael Dr. and Mrs. James Casanova Dr. and Mrs. John J. Cascone Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Cauley Center Drugs CFS Wealth Management Ms. Linda Chastain Mrs. Nancy Cheney Cherokee Foundation Bicknell Fund Cherokee Foundation, Inc. General Fund Cherokee Brick Chick-Fil-A Mr. and Mrs. Russell P. Chubb Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Chubb III Cives Steel Company Clanton-Malphus-Hodges Veterinary Hospital & Pet Motel Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Clarke, Jr. Mr. Rob Clendenin CNS Coastal Plywood Company Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cochran Cogi Athletic Company Mr. and Mrs. Eric Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Cohen, Jr. Comfort Systems USA Southeast Commercial Bank Community Foundation of South Georgia, Inc. Langdon S. and Margaret P. Flowers Charitable Fund Community Foundation of South Georgia Westbrook School Endowment Fund Mr. Bill Connally Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Conner Mr. and Mrs. Oscar T. Cook III Cook Real Estate Agency Mr. Christopher A. Cooper and Dr. Amy A. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Allen Crews Crittenden's Paint and Flooring Mrs. Robert P. Crozer Mr. R. Page Crozer, Jr. Mr. William F. Crozer CSM Countertops & More Dr. and Mrs. Danny Culbreth Mr. and Mrs. Durward Culver Mr. and Mrs. Durward W. Culver, Jr. Culver Provisions Mr. James C. Dalrymple Mr. and Mrs. John N. Daniel III Dr. and Mrs. Timothy B. Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Danner Dash Mr. and Mrs. Asa B. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Davis, Jr. Mrs. Marthalene Davis Mr. and Mrs. Phil Davis Mr. and Mrs. Phillip H. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Walker Davis Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dean Mr. and Mrs. George E. Deese Mr. and Mrs. Russell Deese Dena Dixon Photography Mr. and Mrs. Miles Dennis Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Densmore, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steve DeVane Dillon Candy Company Dira Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dixon Dixon Pest Services DJ's To Go The Dodys Family Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Dollar Ms. Beth Dollar Mr. Frank Douglas DQ Grill & Chill Dunham Body Shop Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dunham Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Dunlop Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Dunnam Mrs. Hazel Durden Mr. and Mrs. Robert East Mr. Byron S. Ebersole, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Greg Eiford Mr. Edward E. Elam III Mrs. Jackie Ellis Dr. Gary E. Elmore Mrs. Carol Eubanks Executive Limousines Dr. and Mrs. Trey Falconer Farmers and Merchant Bank Mr. Neil G. Fennell and Dr. Stephanie S. Fennell Firefly First Realty & Appraisal Service Mr. and Mrs. Chad Fletcher Mr. Larry Fletcher Fletcher & Associates, P.C. Flowers Automotive Group Mr. and Mrs. David R. Flowers Flowers Foods Mr. and Mrs. Jay Flowers Langdon S. and Margaret P. Flowers Fund Mr. Langdon S. Flowers, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Langdon S. Flowers III Ms. Maggie Flowers William Howard Flowers, Jr. Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Forsyth Forsyth Insurance Mr. and Mrs. Scott Foster The Framing Cottage Mrs. Dolores Fredericks Ms. Susan Fredericks Mr. Russell M. Fryar Mr. and Mrs. Ben Garland Mr. and Mrs. James A. Garland Mr. and Mrs. Greg Gaston Mrs. Karla George Georgia Grown The Gift Shop Mr. and Mrs. Steve Gilliland Glen Arven Country Club Golden Services Golden Brothers Co. Gone Fishing The Governors Club GRACO Fertilizer Company Granddaddy's Barbeque Dr. and Dr. Tim Grayson Mr. and Mrs. Jim Green Mr. and Mrs. David Griner Mr. and Mrs. James M. Groover, Jr. Mrs. Patricia S. Grover Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gurley Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hacker The Hair Company Mr. and Mrs. Greg Hamil Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Hancock Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Harding Mr. and Mrs. Doug Harrell Mr. and Mrs. Ladon R. Harrell Dr. and Mrs. William V. Harrer Mrs. Maureen Harrer Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Harrison, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Carl Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Cullen Harvard Mr. and Mrs. Jason Harvard Dr. and Mrs. Sanford R. Hawkins Healthy Solutions Weight Loss of Thomasville Mr. and Mrs. Richard Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Nat Higdon Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hines Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Hodges, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hodges Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hollifield Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Holt The Homecoming Restaurant Dr. Courtney Houston Mr. and Mrs. Sloan Howard Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Howe Mr. and Mrs. Terry Howell Mrs. JoAnn Humphries Mr. and Mrs. Mark Humphries Mr. and Mrs. Rodney W. Hunter Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Hurst Hurst Boiler Mr. and Mrs. William M. Inman Interventional Cardiology Consultants Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ives J. Smith Lanier & Co. J.B. Crumbs Mr. Blake P. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Brad Jackson Jackson Street Pharmacy Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Jarrett Dr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Jarrett JCI Contractors Jerger Jewelers Jimmy Lee Farms Mr. and Mrs. Dennis S. Johnson Johnson's Institutional Cleaning Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Jon Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Ken Johnson Mr. Neal F. Johnson and Dr. Stacey W. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Nat Higdon Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Johnson Jonah's Fish & Grits Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Jones Mr. and Mrs. Lynn L. Jones, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Powell Jones J's Wine and Spirits Mr. and Mrs. Clint H. Kadel Kalon Christian Counseling KDM Interiors Mr. and Mrs. Lee Roy Kearns Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kelly Mr. and Mrs. William H. Kincheloe Mr. and Mrs. Patrick K. Kinni Mr. and Mrs. Bryan F. Knox Mrs. Eleanor Lacey Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Lacey Mrs. Betty Ladson Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ladson Lake Landscape Lanigan & Associates, PC Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Lanigan, Jr. Mrs. Ann Larson Mr. Bill Lawson Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Leabo Dr. and Mrs. Allen Lee Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lee Mr. Chase Lee Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. LeGette Mr. and Mrs. Paul Leonard, Jr. Les Cheveux Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Lewis and Family Liam's Limelight Décor Lisa Hannan Photography Lisa Bryan Interiors Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Little Loli's Invitations Mr. Charles Loudermilk Mrs. Edna Lowe Lowell Dollar Farms Lucy & Leo's Cupcakery Dr. and Mrs. Randolph A. Malone IV Marie's Kakes Mrs. Jenni Martin Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Massey Mr. and Mrs. George Mathes Mr. and Mrs. Bob Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Larry May Mr. and Mrs. Michael May MC Marketing Communications, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Bruce B. McCall Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCaskill Mr. and Dr. Matthew L. McCaskill Dr. Leland C. McCluskey McCollum & Rawlins, LLP Mr. and Mrs. Ben McCollum Mr. and Mrs. Paul McCollum Mr. and Mrs. William R. McGregor McKenzie Tree Service, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy McMillan Mr. and Mrs. Amos R. McMullian Dr. and Mrs. Douglas C. McPherson Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Mercer Mr. and Mrs. Frank Merschman Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Merschman Metta Day Spa Mr. and Mrs. David J. Middleton Mr. and Mrs. Vann Middleton Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Milberg Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Miles, Jr. Mrs. Charlotte P. Miller Mrs. Knox Miller Mr. and Mrs. Buck Mitchell Dr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Mitchell Mode Boutique Moonspin Pizza Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Moore Mr. and Mrs. Randall Moore Mrs. Julie Morales Mr. and Mrs. T.E. Moye Murphy Drugs Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Murphy IV Murphy's Tax Service Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Murphy, Jr. Mrs. Nan Myers Namsong's Day Spa New York Life Insurance Company Dr. and Mrs. Cary C. Newman Mr. and Mrs. Jerry B. Newman Mr. and Mrs. Alton W. Nicholson, Jr. Mr. Yvo Niks Ole South Christmas Trees Onward Reserve Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Oppenheim Oppenheim Signature Smiles Orchard Pond Organics Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Ostrom Mr. and Mrs. Travis K. Ostrom Orthodontics for Children and Adults Palmetto Capital Group Mrs. Marilynn Pankratz Mrs. Diane W. Parker Mrs. Joseph L. Parker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Parker Mr. and Mrs. Bret Parrish Mr. and Mrs. Brook Parrish Dr. and Mrs. Gregory K. Patterson Mrs. Marlene Patterson Pebble Hill Plantation Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Penhallegon Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Phipps Mr. and Mrs. Arny Pickholtz Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Pieratt Plantation Propane & Petroleum Plantation Wildlife Arts Festival The Plaza Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. Barry Pollock Ponder's Office Plus Mr. and Mrs. Wesley R. Popiel Porter Insurance Agency Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Powell, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Powell Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pyle Quail Ridge Family Practice Mr. and Mrs. Ian B. Quinton Rayann's Christian Books Red Hills Outdoors Red Hills Radiology Mr. Jan E. Redrupp Mr. and Mrs. David Reed Dr. Sandra Reed and Dr. J. L. Lichtenfeld Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Rhodes Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Rich Mr. and Mrs. Brad Richardson River Roots Mrs. Mandy Roach Mr. and Mrs. Grant Roberds Rocky Hill Supper Club Ms. Molly Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh W. Rollins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Rosser, Jr. Rumbles Office City Russell's Military Vehicles Ms. Jennifer Ryan Mr. Gene Sampson Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Otto Sauerbrey Dr. and Mrs. David A. Saunders Mr. and Mrs. Mark Saussy Scoggins Dozer, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Cochran A. Scott, Jr. Senior Life Insurance Company Service Plus Office Machines, Inc. The Shaw Center Mr. and Mrs. Will Sheftall Mrs. Bonnie C. Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Shields, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Allen L. Shiver Ms. Gina Shumake Mrs. Eleanor W. Simmons Mr. and Mrs. John M. Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Simmons Simmons, Mills & Simmons P.C. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sims Singletary Flowers & Gifts Singletary Foundation, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Singletary Dr. and Mrs. Clay Sizemore Mrs. Dawn Smith Mr. and Mrs. Randy Smith Dr. Terry Smith Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Rankin M. Smith, Jr. Sodexo The Soundworks South Georgia Surgical Associates South Georgia Spine and Joint South Georgia Ballet Conservatory Southeast Allergy & Asthma Center Southern Heritage Furniture Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Spence Spence Chevrolet Buick GMC Cadillac Mr. J. V. Spigener III Mr. and Mrs. Richard Squires Stallings Automotive Mr. and Mrs. Chip Stapleton Mr. and Mrs. Ander Starlin Kellie Starlin State Farm Mr. and Mrs. Jay M. Stauffer Mrs. Karen Stauffer Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Stewart Mr. Ted Stilley Dr. Melvin T. Stith Ms. Tonia Streets Dr. and Mrs. Rob Stubley Sunshine Corner Dr. Guillermo Suttora Swamp Buggy's Sweet Grass Dairy Dr. and Mrs. Brian J. Szwarc Mrs. Charlene Szwarc Tallahassee Nurseries Taylor Construction, LLC Mr. Christopher M. Tanner Mr. and Mrs. Brent Taylor Thomas County Federal Savings and Loan Thomas Drug Stores Thomas University Mr. John Thomas Dr. and Mrs. Harold Thomaston Thomasville Animal Hospital Thomasville Center for the Arts Thomasville Flower Shop Thomasville National Bank Thomasville Orthopedic Center, P.C. Thomasville Pediatric Speech Thomasville Physical Therapy, Inc. Thomasville Pools & Spas Thomasville Times-Enterprise Thomasville YMCA Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Thompson Thrive Physical Fitness and Therapy Tint Works Today Hair Innovator Trolley's Designer Fabrics Trumarx Drugs Mr. and Mrs. S. Russell Turner, Jr. Mr. Stephane Ughetto United National Bank Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Vann Mr. and Mrs. Heeth Varnedoe III Mr. and Mrs. Heeth Varnedoe IV Vidalia Valley Vintage Green Jewelry Vita Veins W.G. Hamil Southern Treats Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner Mrs. Barbara Walden Dr. Michael R. Waldrop and Dr. Heather H. Waldrop Mr. and Mrs. John Walker Dr. and Mrs. Bradley N. Walter Wash-N-Go Car Wash Mr. and Mrs. Glen Waters Mr. and Mrs. George Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Miles B. Watkins Mrs. Mercer Watt Dr. and Mrs. Philip C. Watt Mr. and Mrs. Will Watt Mr. and Mrs. Keane W. West Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Wetherbee Mr. and Mrs. Olison Wheeler Mr. Todd Whiddon White Oak Pastures Mrs. Jeanette B. Wickman Williams Family Foundation of Georgia, Inc. Williams Family Foundation, Inc. Marguerite Neel Williams Fund Mrs. Sally Williams Mr. and Mrs. Thad Williams Mr. Thomas L. Williams IV Mrs. Gail Wilson Winks by Georgie Ms. Suzanna Winton Mr. John Adam Wise Dr. Robin Wise Dr. and Mrs. Craig E. Wolff Mrs. Ellen E. Wolff Mr. and Mrs. Peter V. Wolsfelt Mr. and Mrs. C.Martin Wood III Mr. and Mrs. Mark Worthey Dr. and Mrs. Edward T. Wright III Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Yokley Dr. and Mrs. Craig A. Yokley Mr. and Mrs. Eddie York York Farms Mr. and Mrs. John B. Zachry Please accept our sincerest apologies for the oversights made in our donor list for the 2011-2012 fiscal year. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Arwood III Finances Brookwood School is in sound fiscal condition and continues to operate debt-free. This is due in part to the tight fiscal controls implemented by our Board of Directors, who are guided by the following financial principles: Maintain a balanced operating budget. Obtain donations to fund capital expenditures; do not burden parents by funding capital expenditures through tuition payments. Do not obligate funds unless they have been collected, have been fully committed as pledges, or have been made available from the Brookwood Endowment Fund. Do not provide tuition discounts as a form of financial aid, and do not use a portion of each student’s tuition to fund financial aid for other students. Instead, seek donations to grow Brookwood’s sizable financial aid fund. Encourage, but never require, Brookwood families to contribute to fundraising efforts that benefit the school. Tuition Brookwood aims to keep tuition as low as possible. Therefore, the Board of Directors has established a goal to maintain tuition at a rate that covers only the costs of salaries and benefits of the school’s faculty and staff. These costs account for approximately 80% of the school’s annual operating budget. In order to keep tuition affordable but still cover the school’s remaining costs, the school relies on donations to the Brookwood Fund, the Endowment Fund, and other fundraising efforts. These additional funds contribute approximately $1,700 toward the total cost of each student’s education annually. Brookwood has a low tuition compared with nearby independent schools, Maclay and Deerfield-Windsor: School Jr. K. 1st Grade 6th Grade 12th Grade Brookwood $3,545 $7,555 $8,245 $8,660 Deerfield-Windsor $4,446 $9,427 $10,419 $10,966 Maclay $5,500 $10,250 $10,250 $10,250 ENDOWMENT Thanks to the generosity of past and current supporters, Brookwood enjoys the benefits of a substantial endowment. Funds from the endowment account for approximately 10% of Brookwood’s annual operating budget. FUNDRAISING The Board of Directors, with the assistance of many parents, alumni, and other volunteers, conducts a number of successful fundraising events annually, including the Brookwood Fund campaign, Brookwood Boosters activities, school auction, magazine sales, GOAL Scholarship Program, capital campaigns, and others. Brookwood’s last major capital campaign ran from 2006-2011 and exceeded its goal of raising $7 million in five years. In only two years, the campaign generated contributions of $7.9 million, which were used to construct a new classroom and laboratory building for the Upper School, renovate other buildings, make improvements to the Lower School playground, construct Founders Quad, install fencing along the front of campus, and add parking spaces. More recently, small capital campaigns raised over $2 million and provided for stadium renovations and the construction of Hines-Watt Hall, the new multi-purpose building. Financial Overview Income Expenses Parent Council, Booster Club and Other $31,200 Salaries and Benefits $3,619,070 Annual Auction $49,320 Instructional and Other $124,163 Brookwood Fund $138,320 Facilities $473,635 Financial Aid and Scholarships $234,635 General and Administrative $184,749 Endowment $555,313 Technology $92,210 Tuition $3,485,039 Total $4,493,827 Total $4,493,827 Your support of the Brookwood Fund is vital to our school’s success. Brookwood is a family. From seniors and their first grade buddies to Middle School SAFE Groups, Brookwood builds relationships with the same goal in mind – academic, physical, spiritual, and social excellence. Gifts may be made to the Brookwood Fund year round. All gifts are fully tax-deductible according to IRS rules. Gifts may be in the form of cash; stocks or other securities; real estate or personal property; deferred gifts, wills, bequests or trusts; pledges of future gifts; endowments; and arrangements for use of investment income. Scan below to give online or visit brookwoodschool.org/give. Volunteer Looking for other ways to support Brookwood? Donate your time! We are always in need of parent volunteers. Read below for a brief list of volunteer opportunities or go online to complete a volunteer interest found under the Support tab. PARENT COUNCIL Help out with luncheons, receptions, and teacher thank yous. AUCTION Join an enthusiastic group and help create a memorable night of fun, food, and fabulous auction items. BOOSTER CLUB Be a part of fundraising activities and volunteer your time to support our athletic programs. DRAMA Pick your volunteer area: costume design, advertising, ticket sales, backstage help, supervision of children, etc. CLASSROOM ASSISTANCE Look for opportunities by grade, from class plays in Lower School to Homecoming and Prom in Upper School. Alumni Spotlight Tom Chubb named CEO of Oxford Industries Oxford Industries, Inc., announced that its board of directors has elected Thomas C. Chubb III, Oxford’s president and a current member of the board, to serve as chief executive officer and president effective Jan. 1, 2013. After graduating from Brookwood, in 1982, Chubb received a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a Doctor of Jurisprudence degree from The University of Georgia. As a student at Brookwood from Middle School until his graduation, Chubb was a member of the National Honor Society, the Academic Bowl, Math Bowl and Literary Meet team, was named Star Student in 1982, a National Merit Commended Scholar, won the 1981 Creativity in Mathematics award, the1982 Woodmen of the World proficiency in American History Award, and was voted a Senior Superlative by his classmates and teachers. He played football, basketball, and baseball and was a co-winner of the Spirit Award. Chubb first went to Oxford in Atlanta, Ga., as a summer intern in 1988 and joined the company full time as an in-house attorney in 1989. He was promoted to general counsel in 1999 and, during the ensuing years, took on increasing leadership responsibilities for strategic and operational matters within the company. He was promoted to executive vice president in 2004, with management responsibilities for the company’s corporate services organization, acquisition and divestiture activities, among other key strategic initiatives. In 2009, he was promoted to his present position as Oxford’s president. Currently, the company’s Lilly Pulitzer, Ben Sherman and Lanier Clothes business units report to him. Chubb was elected to Oxford’s board of directors at the company’s annual meeting of shareholders in June 2012. Tom and Aimee Chubb are the parents of two daughters, Lily, 12, and Catie, 10. Both are students at The Westminster Schools in Atlanta. His parents are Lee and Russell Chubb of Thomasville, who have just completed a term as co-chairmen of Brookwood School’s Board of Trustees and remain active on that board. His sister, Rebecca Chubb Sanford, and a brother, Christopher Chubb, also live in Thomasville. 2014 Brookwood School Alumni Reunion Announcement Each year, Brookwood hosts an All-Alumni reunion that coincides with the school’s Homecoming Week. Brookwood looks forward to welcoming all alumni home for a special tailgate event prior to the big game. Class parties are arranged by Class Agents for classes celebrating milestone reunions. October 10, 2014 Tell us what’s new! Class of 2002 at their 10th Reunion Email your life updates to alumni@brookwoodschool.org or complete an update form online at www.brookwoodschool.org/alumni. Feel free to drop us a line or stop by during your next visit to Thomasville. You won’t believe how much the campus has changed! Interested in helping with reunions? Have other alumni questions? Contact Kelly Blackburn Campbell ‘01 at kcampbell@brookwoodschool.org or 229/226-8070. Ann Larson with Alumnae Brookwood School 301 Cardinal Ridge Road Thomasville, GA 31792