What`s Up – 11/7/2014 - Madison School District
What`s Up – 11/7/2014 - Madison School District
WHAT’S UP? Students, Staff, and Community….Learning for All! Madison Rose Lane Elementary 1155 East Rose Lane Phoenix, AZ 85014 Office: 602-664-7400 Nurse: 602-664-7420 Dr. Peter Morkert………………Principal Mr. Chris Merrill……Assistant Principal Rose Lane’s Home Page: http://www.madisonaz.org November 7, 2014 November 2014 Monday 10 Day 2 Tuesday Wednesday 11 9:30-10:30am-Bus Evacuation Drill – bus bay 12 Thursday Day 3 13 Friday Day 4 14 Day 5 21 Day 4 Family Dine Out @ Culvers 825 E. Camelback Regular 2:30 Dismissal VETERAN’S DAY NO SCHOOL 17 Day 6 18 Day 1 6:00-7:00pm-TEAM General Meeting-Library 6:00pm-Governing Board Meeting-D/O 24 25 Day 5 Day 6 19 Day 2 TCT 1:00 Dismissal 26 THANKSGIVING BREAK NO SCHOOL 20 Day 3 Thanksgiving Sharing Ends School Spirit Day 6:30-7:30pm-Pack 41 Monthly mtg - cafeteria 27 THANKSGIVING BREAK NO SCHOOL 28 THANKSGIVING BREAK NO SCHOOL December 2014 Monday 1 Day 1 Tuesday 2 Wednesday Day 2 6:00pm-Governing Board Meeting-D/O 6:30-7:30pm-Girl Scout Leader meeting - Library 3 Thursday Day 3 4 TCT 1:00 Dismissal What’s Happening in TCT……. This week at TCT teachers worked in grade level teams to write a shared lesson plan for math and literacy. Teachers discussed alignment of objectives, sub-objectives, and aligned activities to enhance student learning. Teachers will share results and a future grade level meeting. Friday Day 4 5 Day 5 Dear Families of Madison Rose Lane School, Principally Speaking… . . .. Thank you for your patience during drop off and dismissal times from this past week. We have been working with the City of Phoenix for the installation of a speed table that will connect the sidewalk from Madison Baptist Church (north side of Rose Lane Road) to our sidewalk leading into our campus. This new feature will allow those families who wish to park, the opportunity to cross on the speed table, rather than walking down to 12th Street and crossing. This safety feature should be helpful for everyone. We will be sending out additional correspondence that should help to clarify how this will work for the safety of everyone. Our Rose Lane TEAM has been actively working to collect goods for our annual Thanksgiving Sharing. We have several families who are facing enormous financial obstacles and would benefit greatly from your donations. Students are collecting canned goods that will be distributed to our families in need from within our own school community. Your help and support are essential in making a giant difference in the life of a fellow Rose Lane family! Thanks again for your continued support of working with your youngster in the realization of our school-wide improvement plan. Please note that our plan encompasses a focus in these key areas: Reading Comprehension (non-fiction text) Math (number sense and estimation) ELL (increasing our reclassification rate) Increasing attendance rate Increasing parental involvement Next Tuesday (November 11) we remember the many men and women who have sacrificed so much for the freedom we enjoy here in the United States. Veteran’s Day is always celebrated on the 11th of November each year. We will not have school this day (Tuesday, November 11) in remembrance of these special heroes. It is an honor to support the troops that have given of themselves to protect our country and the liberties we value in our country. Please take time to encourage your own children to think about these special people as they serve so valiantly in our armed forces. We are grateful for the continued support that each of you offers. Our school is truly a community of learners. Together we will do great things for our children. Thanks again for making Rose Lane your school of choice! Dr. Peter Morkert Principal—Madison Rose Lane Have you paid your child’s Annual $50.00 Student Activity Fee? If you haven’t already paid your child’s annual $50.00 Student Activity Fee for the 2014-15 school year, please see Jeanine or Chris in the front office to pay this fee with cash, credit or debit card (no checks, please!). This Governing Board approved fee pays for your child’s field trips, assemblies, and other extracurricular programs on our campus that your child participates in for the 2014-2015 school year. This nonrefundable fee qualifies as a Kid’s Tax Credit to be claimed on your Arizona State tax return (see Arizona Revised Statute number ARS §43-1089.01) Another option is to pay this fee online with a credit or debit card. Go to www.madisonaz.org, click on “Tax Credits” and follow the instructions. You must provide the school office with a copy of your printed receipt with your child’s name on it in order for your child to receive credit. Thank you so much for your support! **************************************** V.I.P. Rose Lane is Proud to Announce our V.I.P.’s for the Month of November 2014: Roisin Tell Mikayla Morgan Fernanda Gomez Stuart King Colin Walt Alfred Stevens Bruce Conrad Tatum Peterson Humberto Mendez Harper Heffington **************************************** Physical Education News From: Mrs. Haarer My 2nd-3rd-4th graders have been learning basketball skills. We started by learning the one-hand push shot while shooting baskets. Then we practiced various ways of passing the ball to a partner: chest pass, bounce pass, under and overhead pass. This week we are learning how to demonstrate controlled basketball dribbling (in place, while moving, and then during a game-like situation). What’s Happening in PE with Coach B? WOW! Time flies when you are having fun! The Kindergarten and 1st grade are finished with the fundamental loco -motor patterns which include the slide, gallop, hop, jump, leap, and skip. We will revisit them again in the spring. Now, we are starting on animal walks which require strength, balance, body control and spatial awareness. Everyone is working so hard and I am so proud of all of them. ** Please practice shoe tying with your child. This is a wonderful fine motor activity. Parents, please help your child remember their PE shoes on PE day. If they are not wearing the correct shoes they will have to sit out of class that day. Your child’s grade depends on whether they participate. It is for your students’ safety and the safety of others that I require the correct footwear. Sandals, heals, boots, shoes that do not secure to the foot and have arch supports and CROCS are not safe footwear for PE class. Thank you for your cooperation and help with this matter. Remember: Help your child get at least 60 minutes of exercise a day. You can go for walks or bike rides in the evening. All of these activities are a great way to spend family time together. Keep moving, Coach “B” **************************************** CONGRATULATIONS TO ROSE LANE’S STUDENTSOF-THE-MONTH FOR AUGUST 2014! Students-of-the-Month are selected by their teachers because they demonstrate good citizenship, they work to the best of their ability, and they provide a good role model for their classmates. August’s Life Skill is: Safe 1st Grade Edward Encizo Alycia Browne Sienna Amaya Alex Enriquez-Puente Melany Solis Camron Hernandez Riley Rucker Erik Cortez Bazaldua Andrew Gestson Antonio Goseyun 2nd Grade Yahaira Carillo Isaac Roman-Rojas Alison Dennison Diana Ontiveros Castro Leslie Mercado Matt LaRue Jasmina Habibic Samia Bennett Ricardo Alvarado Mia Lashley Mia Gomez Guerrero Aiden Oleson 3rd Grade David Shephard Angelique Padilla Sarah Acquuah Christian TaylorLopez Angelo Sierras Anaya LenoirBohanon Jett Cornell Isabel Amaya Gabriela Benitez Wendy Luna 4th Grade Alex Srejic Roisin Tell Abigail Mosakowski Xavier Vega-Hiralez Debbie Sandoval Devon Dominguez CONGRATULATIONS TO ROSE LANE’S STUDENTSOF-THE-MONTH FOR SEPTEMBER 2014! Students-of-the-Month are selected by their teachers because they demonstrate good citizenship, they work to the best of their ability, and they provide a good role model for their classmates. September’s Life Skill is: Organized 1st Grade 2nd Grade Fischer Pieratt 3rd Grade Aixa Sanchez Baylon Brendan Danish Riley Ewing Alexa Sanchez Baylon Madlyn McShane Zoey Marsolo Roisin Fogarty Jordan Phillips Sarah Mansfield Mikko Colico Christopher Baloo Natalie Reitsma Bella Bartels Kimberly Cahoon William Carman Kenyon Williams Jacob Knight Chloe Pallister Jaime Lopez Keilana Nielson Gabriela Alvarez Makayla Scott Joseph Venegas Emma Lewis Olivia Brooks Raymond Castillo Simeon Lopez Braden Kuenne Joshua Vasquez 4th Grade Jayden Whitehead Campbell Gianna Bocchini Brooklyn Yarber Lucian Olson-Ontiveros Hazel Williams Daniel Murray Jason Fontenet Alex Wright **************************************** Do you know where your State tax money is going? By directing it to Rose Lane School, you have a voice... It’s a win-win for you and Madison Rose Lane. The state of Arizona has a law that benefits taxpayers and students alike. A.R.S. 43-1089 allows a tax credit of $200 for individuals and $400 per year for married couples filing jointly, for fees for donations paid to a public school in support of extracurricular activities. You can mail your check for either of the amounts above to: Madison Rose Lane, 1155 East Rose Lane, Phoenix, AZ 85014. A receipt will be mailed to you. It is not necessary to have a child enrolled in the school district to benefit from this tax credit. So tell your friends, the kid’s grandparents, and anyone else that would like to participate in this terrific program! Do I have to donate the full amount? No. You can contribute any amount that is comfortable to you and your family, at any time, within the state mandated guidelines. How will the money be used? All tax credit monies help cover the costs of field trips, recess sports programs, school enrichment programs, assemblies, visiting authors and after school tutor programs. Simply put, these donations make possible a wide range of learning opportunities that our children would not otherwise have. How and where do I make a payment? We do collect a $50.00 Student Activity Fee payment from parents for each student when they register their child at Rose Lane each year, but you can contribute up to $200 for individuals or $400 for married couples. The $50 Student Activity fee must be paid with cash, credit or debit card at the school office, or you can pay with a credit card on the district website. To pay with a credit card, go to www.madisonaz.org, click on “Tax Credits”, and follow the steps. Be sure to provide a copy of your receipt to the school office so your student will receive credit for the payment. We are excited to tell you about all of our upcoming events and volunteer opportunities. Our parent-teacher organization wants you! We are dedicated to making your experience at Rose Lane a positive and successful one. We know from experience that the best way to make this happen is to GET INVOLVED!!!! TEAM would like to thank everyone that came out and helped and supported our Fall Carnival. It was a great success and a really fun night. A special thanks to Dunn Orthodontics for donating to and manning our Snack Shack. Thank you everyone!! Cookie Dough- There are still Cookie Dough/Catalog orders to be picked up, please call Becca @602-405-2239 to arrange to pick them up as soon as possible. Thanksgiving Sharing started November 3rd and is running until November 21st. This is an awesome opportunity to help out families in our very own Rose Lane community. Please see attached flyer for donation needs, and if you would like to volunteer or have any questions please contact Becca Gianforte @602-405-2239 or becg25@cox.net. Our next Dine Out is going to be Thursday November 13th at Culver’s at 825 E. Camelback Rd. Look for flyers coming home in the next week. Spirit Day is November 21st and the theme is Mustache Day. We want to see everyone with their Rose Lane shirts and a Mustache on your face. Box Top Winners for October were Ms. Patton’s Kindergarten-186, Mrs. Brown’s 1st Grade-280, Ms. Mena’s 2nd Grade-270, Ms. Bohlman’s 3rd Grade-418, Mr. Yates 4th Grade-347, and Mr. Silva’s Class with-50, for a grand total of 3246, which equals $324.60 for our school. Keep up the good work Rose Lane, if you have any questions please contact Rosemarie Lewis at rosemarielewis123@yahoo.com Art Masterpiece- Our Art Masterpiece program is up and running! Please contact Susan Thompson-McHugh if you would like to volunteer or have any questions at stmchugh@gmail.com Garden Club- Rose Lane Garden Club is in full bloom! For more information please contact Kara Barron at barroness26@yahoo.com. -Becca Gianforte (TEAM President) becg25@cox.net *Next TEAM Meeting Monday November 17th in the Rose Lane Library from 6:00-7:00pm, Childcare will be provided! THANKSGIVING SHARING Each year Madison Rose Lane families, teachers, and administration join together to help others within our school community through the Thanksgiving Sharing Program Classroom collections will run for three weeks: November 3rd-November 21st Deliveries and/or pickup will take place on Monday, Nov 24th & Tuesday Nov 25th As you do your grocery shopping this month, please consider picking up a few extra items for those less fortunate. Each week has a theme: Week 1 Dates 11/3-11/7 Theme Non-Perishable Food Week 2 11/10-11/14 Personal & Household Week 3 11/17-11/21 Thanksgiving Dinner Suggestions Canned Fruit/Veggies, Rice, Beans, Hot/Cold Cereal, Pasta, Sauce, Mac & Cheese, Crackers, Canned Fish/Meat, etc. Toilet Paper, Paper Towels, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Shampoo, Soap, Lotion, Dish Soap, Cleaning Supplies, etc. FROZEN-Turkey*, Pie*, Stuffing, Instant Potatoes, Gravy, Cranberry Sauce, etc. *FROZEN ITEMS MUST BE DELIVERED TO SCHOOL ON FRIDAY NOVEMBER 21st If you have any questions, are interested in volunteering or would like to donate frozen items please contact: Becca Gianforte 602-405-2239 or becg25@cox.net Yearbooks On Sale Now! Order your yearbook today! It’s only $15 until April 1st. That’s less than last year! You may pay online at ybpay.lifetouch.com or with cash or a check. Make checks payable to Rose Lane TEAM. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yearbook Order Form Please return in an envelope with $15 – Cash or Check payable to Rose Lane TEAM Student name_______________________________________________________ Teacher name _______________________________________________________ Grade_____________________________________________________________ Online Cash/check
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