WHAT`S UP? - Madison School District
WHAT`S UP? - Madison School District
WHAT’S UP? Students, Staff, and Community….Learning for All! Madison Rose Lane Elementary 1155 East Rose Lane Phoenix, AZ 85014 Office: 602-664-7400 Nurse: 602-664-7420 Peter Morkert………………Principal David Hernandez……Assistant Principal Rose Lane’s Home Page: http://www.msd38.org November 9, 2012 November 2012 Monday 12 VETERAN’S DAY NO SCHOOL 19 Day 6 Visiting Author Terri Fields 6:00-7:00pm-TEAM General Meeting-Library 26 Day 2 Tuesday Wednesday 13 Day 2 6:30-8:30pm-Girl Scout Leader Meeting – Library Conference Rm 6:30-8:30pm-Active Parenting Class- Library 14 20 Day 1 6:00pm-Governing Board Meeting – D/O 21 27 28 Day 3 Thursday Day 3 Regular 2:30pm Dismissal 16 22 23 THANKSGIVING BREAK NO SCHOOL Day 4 Friday 15 Day 4 6:00-7:30pm-Family Dine Out Night @ Smashburger, 1949 E. Camelback Rd. 6:30-7:30pm-Pack 41 Monthly mtg - cafeteria THANKSGIVING BREAK NO SCHOOL 29 Day 5 Day 5 Thanksgiving Sharing Ends 9:00am-1:30pm3rd Grade trip to Tolmachoff Farms THANKSGIVING BREAK NO SCHOOL 30 Day 6 School Spirit Day TCT 1:00pm Dismissal December 2012 Monday 3 Day 1 Tuesday 4 Day 2 6:00pm-Governing Board Meeting – D/O 6:30-8:30pm-Girl Scout Leader Meeting – Library Wednesday 5 Thursday Day 3 TCT 1:00pm Dismissal 6 Day 4 7:00pm - 3rd Grade Music Performance Friday 7 Remember...School will be closed on the following days for Veteran’s Day & Thanksgiving Break: Monday, November 12 Wednesday, November 21 Thursday, November 22 Friday, November 23 Day 5 Dear Parents of Madison Rose Lane, Principally Speaking…. . .. On November 11th of every year, we remember the men and women who have served our country in the armed forces. Veteran’s Day was originally established by President Woodrow Wilson in 1918 at the end of World War I. Freedom comes with a price and on Veterans Day we acknowledge these special people who have sacrificed so much for us. Take time with your youngster this weekend to commemorate the people who have served and are currently serving in the United States Armed Forces. The act of sacrifice is modeled by each of you as well as our staff in the support provided for our students. Sacrifices are evident in time and allocation of resources. Making time for your child a priority requires that other interests may temporarily take a back seat. Providing the necessary resources also indicates the importance of helping your child. Taking time every day to discuss learning is an essential element of success for children. Reading every day is a critical component that helps children. Researchers have recommended a minimum of 20 minutes per day with eyes on text. To the extent that this daily discipline of having your child’s eyes on text at home for 20 minutes a day, will help to ensure their improvement in reading. In addition to supporting students in the area of reading, working with your child in memorizing basic math facts (addition, subtraction, and multiplication) will help to equip them for doing higher level mathematics. Reviewing simple facts while driving in the car can help build their basic number fluency, thereby ensuring that they are ready to apply complex skills in their work. Having your child estimate costs for items while at the store is also a helpful skill in building the foundational math skills. Our staff has been closely monitoring the growth and progress of every student. We are constantly reviewing data to make decisions that will help your child reach their potential. Sacrifices of time are given by the teacher as many of them spend hours reviewing the data, planning, and researching ways that will benefit each child’s learning and growth. Rose Lane has been identified as a Rewards School as we received an ‘A’ label for our student achievement and growth. The sacrifices that are evident have resulted in high levels of progress for our students. We continue to maintain this unwavering focus in helping our students learn. The level of progress has carried over to other areas as our Cafeteria also received an ‘A’ label from the Health Department from their recent inspection. Our cafeteria and maintenance staff continually provides an unwavering focus in having safe and healthy conditions for our students, staff, and the community. The sacrifice we collectively provide will help determine the level of success of our students will experience. We are most grateful for your help and support in making these goals a reality. Thank you for helping to make this possible for our children. Sincerely, Dr. Peter Morkert Principal-Madison Rose Lane Come join us for Thanksgiving Lunch! Our wonderful cafeteria staff will be serving a Thanksgiving meal for lunch on the following days and times: Thursday, November 15 3rd Grade: 10:30-10:55am Friday, November 16 Kindergarten: 10:30-10:55am 1st Grade: 11:25-11:45am 2nd Grade: 11:50am 4th Grade: 10:55-11:15am Atchison: 11:50am Coughlin/Wilson: 10:45am Preschool: 11:45am Please join your child in the cafeteria for a delicious Thanksgiving meal on the day and time indicated above. The meal cost for adults and siblings (non Madison-students) is $3.00. If you have any questions, please call: Janet Hodgson, Rose Lane Cafeteria Manager, at 602-664-7431 **************************************** What’s Happening in TCT……. This week at TCT teachers will score writing papers of opinion writing and reflect on the genre. They will also plan for next writing unit of informative/explanatory writing which will be taught over the next six weeks. **************************************** Have you paid your Student Activity Fee? If you haven’t already paid your child’s $50.00 Student Activity Fee, please see Jeanine or Chris in the front office to pay this fee with cash (no checks, please!). This fee covers your child’s field trips, assemblies, and other extracurricular programs on our campus that your child participates in for the 2012-2013 school year, and qualifies as a Kid’s Tax Credit to be claimed on your Arizona State tax return. NEW THIS YEAR: You may pay this fee online with a credit card. Go to www.msd38.org, click on “Tax Credits” and follow the instructions. You must provide the school office with a copy of your printed receipt with your child’s name on it in order for your child to received credit. Thank you so much for your support! Physical Education News From: Mrs. Haarer Kindergarten and 1st graders learned how to perform dozens of skills with hula hoops and how to throw and catch using scoop & balls. They also learned how to run around the large circle of cones on the ¾ playground without cutting the corners. Second and third graders were challenged to run/walk a one mile distance. This was not a race and was not timed. A mile equals five times around the playground. Everyone who finished received a red or blue ribbon. I am very proud of them! We also learned hula hoop and scoop & ball skills. Fourth graders had a much bigger challenge of running/walking a marathon in just over a month. That is 26.2 miles! They can run during recess or PE classes and receive a punch on a mileage card for every lap they run. After completing five miles students earn a chain and foot token (charm). They earn another foot token at 10 & 15 miles, a runner token at 20 and 25 miles and lastly a 26.2 mile token. The challenge will end at the end of November, but most students have already earned two tokens and two boys have already completed the marathon (Henry Koehler and Gage Lambert). Congratulations boys! Later in the year 4th graders will also have a chance to earn additional tokens for excelling in the pushup, curl-up or sit & reach tests. **************************************** Kindergarten PE News…. During our next unit, the kids will learn to throw a football in a spiral and how to kick off a tee! PLEASE check your child’s folder and schedule to see when they have PE! Children will not be allowed to participate in PE if they do no wear tennis shoes. One of Rose Lane’s goals is for ALL students to be safe. Students who do not wear tennis shoes on PE are at risk to injure themselves or others. **************************************** V.I.P. Rose Lane is Proud to Announce our V.I.P.’s for the Month of November 2012: Bryant Oriol Ashley Brown Manuel Wilson Arlo Fitschen Raiden Chubick Geovanny Brambila Ixchel Hernandez The first grade through fourth grade students have been working on Holiday cards this past month. They are doing this as a fund raiser for the school. TEAM will be selling them soon for the holidays. They will be sold in packages of 10 cards so keep an eye out for them. Creatively, Ms. Brawley **************************************** Cartridges For Kids “Cartridges for Kids” is a free recycling program that provides year-round fundraising opportunities for schools. You can donate cell phones, laser cartridges, laptops, mp3 players, and inkjet cartridges. Just bring them to the front office or room K-87. Please call Mrs. Lopez if you have any questions at 602-664-7487. **************************************** 2012-2013 Madison Rose Lane Yearbook • Prices until Jan. 31.2012 o Online ordering $15.00 - ybpay.lifetouch.com, school code: 9892413 o Cash - $16.00 – fill out the form in the front office Please contact Mrs. Coughlin or Mrs. Lopez with any questions. We hope everyone had a blast at this year’s Fall Carnival! We saw lots of happy faces and want to give a big shout out to everyone, parents and staff, that helped to make the night such a great success! Congratulations to all our raffle winners- there were definitely plenty of prizes to get excited about! A huge thank you to everyone who heeded our call to shop at Costco on November 3rd. Costco held a contest to see which school could send the most shoppers their way, and guess who won! Rose Lane! We won a $100 Costco cash card AND a free ream of copy paper for each $50 spent. Rose Lane shoppers spent a total of $3452.45!!! That means you helped earn our staff 69 reams of paper. What amazing savings/earnings for our school! Thanksgiving Sharing is in full swing. The last week of this charity effort we are collecting items for a full Thanksgiving Dinner for a family – frozen turkeys and pies (contact Becca Gianforte to make this donation) and canned veggies, canned cranberry sauce, instant potatoes, canned gravy, etc. TEAM is also still collecting items from previous week’s goals, such as toiletries and household goods, and items with long-shelf lives, like canned goods, mac & cheese and pastas, rice, etc. What a wonderful way to teach our students about what the holiday season means – sharing and caring! November Dine Out Night will be Thurs, November 15th at Smashburger at the Colonnade (1949 E Camelback) Rose Lane will get a portion of sales ALL DAY, but you must present our flyer when you order – look for flyers to come home the week of the event. Smashburger is one of our favorite Dine-Outs, so we look forward to seeing everyone there! We can’t wait to show you the holiday cards your children have been designing for the upcoming season! What a fun project this has been. We are all very proud of the hard work your kids have put forth, as well as the efforts of our awesome art teacher Sharon Brawley. Look forward to a sneak preview soon. Please remember – our next TEAM General Meeting will be Mon, November 19th from 6:00 – 7:00pm in the Library. As always, free childcare will be available. Our school psychologist will be speaking about identifying your child’s style of learning. Thank you for your support of TEAM! Lindsey Williams Rose Lane TEAM President Together Everyone Achieves More Next TEAM BOARD Meeting is Mon., Nov.19th at 4:00 pm, Rose Lane Library Next TEAM GENERAL Meeting is Mon., Nov.19 th at 6:00 pm, Rose Lane Library CONGRATULATIONS TO ROSE LANE’S STUDENTSOF-THE-MONTH FOR AUGUST 2012! Students-of-the-Month are selected by their teachers because they demonstrate good citizenship, they work to the best of their ability, and they provide a good role model for their classmates. August’s Life Skill is: RESPONSIBILITY 1st Grade 2nd Grade Qwinnlynn Palaster Alfred Stevens Ruby Martinez Katherine Black Isaiah Gunter Madlyn McShane Nikole Sanchez Baylon Jose Vasquez Torres Kaden Salazar Sierra Kennedy Connor Keogh Luciana Koehler Kimberly Cahoon Donavan Hamm Briana Vega Devon Dominguez Jomarron Abby Jayme Roman Morales Brodi Stevens Emma Wirth Brooke Snyder Marcus Heatherly Maria Perez Joseph Meza 3rd Grade Spencer Russell Lailah Oliver Yunive Beltran Brian Coronado Tahlia Footracer Ethan Wright Mia Ramirez Mavoides Belen Morales Eduardo Gaytan 4th Grade Eleanor McHugh Ashton Yurkiw Eddy Oriol Liberty Spears-Passow Hector Pineda Serena Mendoza Oscar Hernandez Gayosso Claudia Fuentes Gonzalez Nicholas Harvey Gabriella Venegas **************************************** CONGRATULATIONS TO ROSE LANE’S STUDENTSOF-THE-MONTH FOR SEPTEMBER 2012! Students-of-the-Month are selected by their teachers because they demonstrate good citizenship, they work to the best of their ability, and they provide a good role model for their classmates. September’s Life Skill is: ORGANIZATION 1st Grade 2nd Grade Kate Ambrosich Ethan Rapps Monroe Evans Joseph Venegas Rianna Maxwell Peri West Rosmar Ontiveros Castro Leonardo Leon Marcus Pedraza Janessa Campos Jacob Knight Alexandria Wang Anna Ramirez Angelo Sierras Mariah Ozuna Xavier Vega Hiralez Lubaba Bakhet Jason Fontenet Amiya Jackson Kylie Schriefer Phoenix Burzynski Adrian Yordanov Juan Rodriguez 3rd Grade Ashley Cortez Alvaro Ruiz Jessie Krueger Dillon Tran Lillian Moussallem Leimeste Nicole Marking Arman Flores Katie Acosta Jack O’Brien 4th Grade Hailey Johnson Charles Wszalek Gianna Depratti Daniel Amaya Owen Garfield Josephine Reid Riley Mansfield Sydney Lizarraga Luis Vega Jacqueline Moreno THANKSGIVING SHARING Each year Madison Rose Lane families, teachers, and administration join together to help others within our school community through the Thanksgiving Sharing Program. Classroom collections will run for three weeks: October 29th – November 16th. Deliveries will take place on Monday November 19th and Tuesday November 20th. As you do your grocery shopping this month, please consider picking up a few extra items for those less fortunate. Each week has a theme: Week 1 Dates 10/29-11/2 Theme Non-Perishable Food Week 2 11/5-11/9 Personal & Household Week 3 11/12-11/16 Thanksgiving Dinner Suggestions Canned Fruit/Vegies, Rice, Beans, Hot/Cold Cereal, Pasta, Sauce, Mac & Cheese, Crackers, Canned Fish/Meat, Etc. Toilet Paper, Paper Towels, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Shampoo, Soap, Lotion, Dish Soap, Cleaning Supplies, etc. FROZEN-Turkey*, Pie*, Stuffing, Instant Potatoes, Gravy, Cranberry Sauce, etc. *FROZEN ITEMS MUST BE DELIVERED TO SCHOOL ON FRIDAY NOVEMBER 16TH If you have any questions, are interested in volunteering or would like to donate frozen items please contact: Becca Gianforte, 602-405-2239 or becg25@cox.net **************************************** News Across the District….. Second Semester Gifted Testing Sessions The gifted testing sessions for second semester placement will take place on the following days: Date 11/27/12 11/28/12 Time 9:00 AM 9:00 AM Grade 3–5 6–8 Test CogAT CogAT Testing will take place at: Madison District Office Board Room 5601 N. 16th Street Students must be pre-registered to take the test. Parents should contact Rosalinda Cruz at 602-664-7934 no later than November 16, 2012 to get pre-registered. Students may only be tested once during a twelve month period on the same test. District wide testing for Kindergarten and 2nd Grade students will be administered in late January/early February 2013.