Week 1, Term 3, 2016 Newsletter


Week 1, Term 3, 2016 Newsletter
Dunedoo Central SchooL
19th July 2016
P.O. Box 45
Digilah Street
Dunedoo NSW 2844
T: 02 6375 1489
F: 02 6375 1152
E: dunedoo-c.school@det.nsw.edu.au
W: dunedoo-c.schools@nsw.edu.au
The last week of Term 2 saw Emma Bennetts, Fallon Grima, Kyle Lewis, Nakita Martin and Paige Thomson from Year 10
attend the University of New South Wales ASPIRE—Connect Program. Its aim being to increase their university aspirations and broaden their knowledge of the pathways available.
Students participated in a wide range of activities on-campus including a faculty activities, study skills and workplace
visits in a subject area of their choice. Joining students from across regional NSW the programs evening itinerary included a dinner at Darling Harbour, Rock Climbing and attending the Roosters—Bulldogs game at Allianz Stadium.
Emma and Paige who were part of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences were fascinated by the criminology lecture
and the number of different opportunities and jobs possible that begin with an Arts degree. Their industry visit included the city of Sydney and Parliament House. Kyle broadened his knowledge of engineering and gained an understanding of how big the industry is, including a visit to the Opera House. Fallon’s experience have furthered her aspirations
to follow a path in Medicine. She was fascinated with her visit to the Museum of Human Disease and the Children’s
Cancer Institute where research into childhood cancers are the priority. Nakita was part of the ‘Art and Design’ faculty
loving the tour of Fox Studios where they each recorded themselves in a studio and later visiting Kudos Gallery.
Each of the students valued the amazing opportunity, including broadening their knowledge of their chosen areas and
university life along with the bonuses of great food and friendships.
Week 1 - Term 3:
Wednesday, 20th July
 Premier’s Debating, Yrs 9 & 10 @ DCS
Thursday, 21st July
 Maths HSC Prep Day, Parkes
 Infants/Primary Homework Centre,3pm-4pm
 Yr 7/8 Touch, Dubbo
Friday 22nd July
 PSSA/CHS Cross Country, Eastern Creek
 Premiers Debating, Yrs 7 & 8, Teams A & B @
 DCS Spelling Bee, Yr 1 - 6, 11.10am, Hall
Week 2:
Yr 10 Work Experience - all week
Yr 11 Work Placement - all week
Yr 12 Auto Work Placement - all week
Monday, 25th July
 SRC - CLC Leadership Day
Tuesday, 26th July
 Secondary Parent/Teacher Interviews
Wednesday, 27th July
 Premiers Debating Challenge, Yrs 7 & 8 @
Thursday, 28th July
 Australian Maths Competition
Friday, 29th July
 WSSA Secondary Athletics
 Infants/Primary Assembly, 12pm, Hall, Hosted
by Yr 2/3, all welcome
 Yr 7/8 Debating @ DCS
Week 3:
Education Week
Monday, 1st August
 RSA/RSG Training @ Gulgong, Yr 12 → 2/8
Tuesday, 2nd August
 ICAS English Exam
Wednesday, 3rd August
 Whole School Staffing Day, “Olympics”
 Duke of Ed, Fishing @ Mudgee
Thursday, 4th August
 Girl Talk, Yrs 10—12
 Year 10 Subject Selection Evening, 5.30pm,
 Education Open Day, K - 12 (assembly, open
classrooms & lunch)
Friday, 5th August 2016
 Animal Studies Workshop, 11am—3pm
 Infants/Primary Assembly, 12pm, Hall, Hosted
by Yr 1, all welcome
Week 4:
Year 11 Snow Trip - all week
Tuesday, 9th August
 Life Education Van, visiting DCS, → 10/8/16
Thursday, 11th August
 P&C Meeting, 7pm, Library
Year 11 are off to Jindabyne for their annual Snow Trip in
three weeks!
Each Year, Students from Year 11 commit to a number of
fundraisers in order to subsidise the cost of this excursion.
This year we have already:
Helped DJL&N Canteen at home games.
Run a BBQ and Cake stall on Election day, and
Hosted Coffee and Cake Stall at the Athletics Carnival.
This Sunday, 24th July, the Dunedoo Sports Club
is having a Foot Golf fundraiser for us.
Bring your family for $10.00 lunch from 12
noon onwards, play Foot Golf, spin the
chocolate wheel for a meat tray, try to
beat the keeper or just buy a raffle ticket
or 100 Club ticket.
Hello everyone. Welcome back for term 3 a very busy term which culminates in the farewell to Year 12. I hope everyone had a very relaxing holiday and that students have returned refreshed and ready to work hard. At today’s
school assembly I stated the following to students: “Learning is your work. Work with your teachers and make this
school a good place for everybody. Make school fun by choosing a good attitude every day, be there for your
friends and others, make someone’s day really special and make all tasks fun and playful for yourself, regardless of
how hard or tedious they are.
I’d like to welcome back to school, Jess Ewin, returning from having a baby. Jess will be supporting Jamieson
Leeson. Belinda Hogden performed this role exceptionally well in Jess’s absence. I’d also like to welcome Kayla
Dent to our school. Kayla is replacing our long time School Counsellor, Rendle Hannah. Because of the State Government initiative to provide more Counselling time to schools there had to be a reshuffle of Counsellors. We will
miss Rendle greatly. He was a real asset to our Learning Support Team. It was wonderful that many of the students,
with whom he has been associated over the years, spent some time saying thankyou to him at the end of last term.
This term we are focussing on a number of key projects across the school. The whole school writing program is a ten
week program, aimed at addressing weaknesses we have identified through NAPLAN analysis. We want students to
enjoy writing their thoughts down and so are conducting a “writing convention of the week”, every Wednesday
before recess. After adopting a similar, very successful whole-school process for grammar development, we are
very confident that students will not only become better writers, they will also develop a love of writing.
Secondary staff are currently being trained in a new writing program aimed at improving performance in the HSC. It
is called ALARM (A Learning and Responding Matrix) and utilises a matrix to help students ensure they answer questions appropriately for the number of marks allocated in order to maximise their score. Gifted students are very
good at doing this, but the middle of the range student can greatly benefit from the ALARM process. Results from
Freshwater High School in Sydney have been astonishing in the HSC for all courses requiring essay type answers.
We hope to support our students to attain even better results by implementing the process from Year 7 onwards.
The other program we are planning to implement into Roll Call is a Mental Health program aimed at providing an
education on the best ways for students to manage their own well-being and resilience. This is part of the Mind
Matters Initiative attended by a number of staff last term.
Congratulations to all the students from our school selected to represent Western Region at the CHS Squash Championships. The Girls outstanding first place, with the bulk of the team coming from Dunedoo Central School, was a
magnificent effort. The boys fifth place was also an excellent result. I missed congratulating Blake Taufa last term on
his excellent performance for Western Region at the CHS Touch Championships, where the team finished a creditable sixth. Well done Blake.
The Secondary Parent/Teacher Evening is scheduled for next Tuesday. We hope as many parents can join us so that
we can discuss the development of your child. Attendance at these evenings has been disappointing of late and we
are reviewing our processes to try and meet parent expectations. It is really important for parents to meet their
children’s teachers and know that they care about them and that they can be trusted to play a part in their development for the future. By building strong relationships between parents and teachers we can continue the very strong
nurturing process we believe is imperative for the development of young people. Our teachers are very interested
in getting to know parents, who often provide excellent insight into their child’s interests and achievements outside
school. There is nothing more important than a parent and a teacher sitting down together to discuss the development of a child.
Good luck to all of our Debaters over the next two weeks. I hope as many community members as possible can support our Year 11 Fundraiser this weekend as they raise the funds necessary to have another successful Snow Excursion in week 4.
Enjoy your week!
Mr Peter Campbell, Principal
K Daniel Nott
Always trying to do his
best. Improvement in all
1 Daniel Walker
Great work in Reading
2/3 Charlie Stuart
Consistent effort in Multilit
this Term
3/4 Riley Fagerstrom Consistent approach towards his own learning in
Semester 1
5/6 Meg Christensen A great attitude and supportive class member
K Xavier Reid
Improvement in sounding out work and completing his work
K Summer-Lee Taylor
Fantastic work in Term 2
1 Oscar Christensen
Excellent maths results
1 Braydon Stanford
Excellent maths results
2 Lochie Gale
Working hard in his reading
2 Taneesha Spicer
Improved work habits
3 Jordan Stanford
Improved work habits during morning sessions
4 Brooke Cooke
Being a pleasant and polite member of year 3/4
6 Bailey Fogg
A positive approach to learning
6 Ella Hickson
Being a wonderful helper on the playground
ACE : Attitude Conduct Excellence
Congratulations to the following Infants/Primary students on reaching:
Level 2 ACE:
Kinder: Xavier Reid & Sienna Smith
Year 1: Kobi Lovegrove-Carpenter & Kobi Olyve
Year 2/3: Mya Clisby, Chloe Brown, April Dominey & Tiarnie Batty
Year 3/4: Erica Stuart
Level 3 ACE:
Kinder: Robbie Johnstone Greaves
Year 2/3: Maddison Godfrey
Welcome to Term 3. It was lovely to see all the smiling faces back at school today.
We have lots of exciting activities planned for this term including Whole School Staffing Day - Olympics
Day in week 3, Education Week and the annual Infants Tabloid Day, later in the term.
Year 1 and Kindergarten will be visiting the Town Library as part of Book Week celebrations next week.
More information in next weeks newsletter.
Homework Centre has changed to Thursdays from 3pm—4pm. Children must bring work to complete.
Please be prompt when picking children up! Thanks to the teachers who help run this extra curricula
activity. Maria Abbott, Assistant Principal Infants
Welcome to Week 1 of Term 3. I hope you all enjoyed your holidays and are ready
to face another busy term.
In Jolly Phonics we are looking at how “y” can make the “ee” sound as in city and our shared big book is
“Frankie’s Week”. You will notice that a Spelling list is attached to your child's homework. I would expect
all children to learn their words in preparation for a test on Friday. In Maths our topics are Number names
to 20. In HSIE our unit for the term is The Olympics which should be great fun. Please continue to learn
your sight words and read every night to improve fluency.
Congratulations to Daniel Nott our student of the week from last term and to Summer-Lee Taylor and Xavier Reid who received merit certificates.
Parents please ensure you send in small, cut up portions of fruit/vegetables, for Crunch and Sip. If anyone
is able to change readers on Thursdays, can you please let me know ASAP. A big thankyou to Jess Ewin for
this role in Semester 1. Mrs E. Yeo
Year 1:
Welcome to Week 1, Term 3. I hope you all had an enjoyable holiday and are ready to face a hardworking and exciting Term.
This week in Spelling our sound is “ea” as in tea, sea and meat. The blend for the week is “sp” as in spot and
In Maths the children will study Numbers to 100 and Counting in Tens. In HSIE this term with Mrs Tammy Gallagher the children will be completing a unit on Brazil. They will learn lots of interesting facts about this country and learn some songs and places in preparation or our assembly at the end of Week 4.
Homework and Readers as usual this week.
Reading Mothers, please let me know if you are happy to continue with your days on the Home Reading Programs - thanks. Have a great week. Mrs M Abbott
Has changed to
Friday 22nd July 2016
in the School Hall
DCS will be hosting a Spelling Bee for all
students from Year 1 to Year 6.
3pm - 4pm, Library Annex
Commencing this Thursday, 21/7/2016
at 11.10am
We invite all parents, carers, family & friends
to attend to support our kids.
Georgia Shephard, Assistant Principal
Primary News:
Welcome back to Term 3 everyone. I hope you took
the time to rest, relax and refresh over the two week break. We have yet another very busy term ahead of us, so hopefully everyone is ready and rearing
to go! Keep an eye on the school calendar for important events heading our
way, such as the next rounds of PSSA sports and our popular Primary assemblies. This week we are holding our inaugural DCS Spelling Bee in the school
hall on Friday commencing from 11:10am. I hope our finalists have been practising their words! Everyone is welcome to attend. Last Term our end of semester Student Progress Reports were sent home. Hopefully everyone has
taken the time to read through these carefully . If you would like to discuss
your child’s report, please contact the classroom teacher to arrange a meeting. Have a great week. Georgia Shephard, Assistant Principal (Primary)
- Canberra 26 - 28th October 2016
Instalment of $90 is due on Friday, 22nd July. By which date
payments should total $210.00.
Year 2/3:
Hello all, Welcome to Term 3! I hope you had a fun and safe holiday and I look forward to hearing all about it in class.
Please don’t hesitate to come and see me if you wish to discuss your child’s School Report. The reports went
home at the end of last term and I am more than happy to answer any questions you may have.
The School Spelling Bee will be hosted this Friday 11.10am in the hall. The three finalists from each class Spelling
Bee will participate in Friday’s Spelling Bee in front of all Primary students. I encourage the finalists to practice
their lists at home and I hope to see as many parents as possible there to support the spellers.
Year 2/3 will be hosting the Primary Assembly next Friday 29th at 12pm. There will be plenty of preparation in
class over the next two weeks and we invite all mums and dads to come and celebrate the upcoming Rio Olympics with us!
There will be no news this week however homework will be as usual. Have a great week. Mr Ben Kline
Year 3/4:
Hello everyone and welcome back to Term 3! I hope all parents and children had a great holiday.
Students will need to settle back into routines quickly, especially with the increased workload that is expected
in Semester Two. Term 3 is always jam packed with extra academic, cultural/community and sporting activities.
Our regular homework will resume next week. I will send home the Week 1 Spelling Words and I ask that the
students who qualified for the DCS Spelling Bee Competition to keep practising their lists for the competition
this Friday in the School Hall. Have a great first week back everybody! Cheers, Mr A. Honeysett.
Year 5/6:
I am really looking forward to Term 3 as we extend our learning into Government. With the recent election this unit of work is more relevant and connected to recent events, and I am keen to see our students grow into informed citizens who understand and appreciate our democratic society. Please encourage
your child to take an interest in political events on the news and in the newspapers, and involve them in discussions on this topic. Some minor changes have been made to our timetable, including Science changing from
Mondays to Thursdays to allow our band members to participate in Science with Mrs Piper. Mr O’Brien will
come in for HSIE on Wednesdays instead of Thursday afternoons. Mr Honeysett will continue to deliver our
PDHPE lessons, and Madame Abbott will be in for LOTE once a week. Brianna continues to be a great support
in our Stage 3 classroom, and we are very lucky to have her help. Good luck to our Spelling Bee finalists as we
head into the spelling bee this Friday. Practise, practise, practise! Have a good week everyone. Mrs Shephard
Year 6 Maths:
This week students will begin working on Integers and Money. Homework will begin next
week. It is beneficial for
students to complete
the weekly homework
sheet as it revises the
previous weeks class
work. Mrs Donna Lane
Has changed to THURSDAY
3pm - 4pm, Library Annex
Commencing this Thursday, 21/7/2016
Secondary Timetable:
Week 1
Year 7/8 Touch: has been rescheduled for this Thursday, 21st July. Please return permission note.
TVET DATES: All classes resume this week - Animal Studies on Tuesday and Auto on Friday.
Year 10 Subject Selections for Year 11, 2017: A meeting
will be held at 5.30pm on Thursday, 4th August 2016 in
the Library, to discuss subjects for students commencing Year 11, 2017. Parents and students are requested
to attend.
Year 12 Jerseys
Have arrived. Please pay & collect
from Front Office. $85.00
Year 8
Will be held on Tuesday,
26th July 2016, from
3.20pm in the Library.
Please contact the Office
on 6375 1489, to make
appointment/s to see the
appropriate teacher/s.
Seed Assignment—Overdue: please urgently complete by Friday
Homework sheet due Thursday
Year 9
Homework sheet due Thursday
Year 9/10
Homework sheet due Thursday
English (SAMS)
Picture book paragraphs
Group Task - Due Friday, Week 10
No homework this week
Oral Presentation—Due Monday, Week 9
General Maths
Homework due Thursday
Homework sheet due Friday
Standard English
John Foulcher poetry essay— Overdue
Advanced English
Comparative Essay — Overdue
Modern History
Task 3 - Due Week 10
Research task due Thursday
Assessment Task - Overdue
Maths Ext
Assessment Task
Maths / General
HSC Trials
Assessment task
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12
Commence, week 5 - 15th August
Charlie Stuart
19th July
Year 2
Skye Leeson
20th July
Year 9
Lexi Gallagher
21st July
Year 6
Daniel Walker
22nd July
Year 1
Welcome back. I hope you all enjoyed your holidays.
New Canteen Menu will be sent out next week,
with a few changes, a couple of new things added and some price changes. Please keep your
menu aside as a couple of things have been taken off through Winter but will be replaced in the
warmer months.
Polar Fleece jumpers are in stock - $25 child,
$29 adult.
Just a reminder if you need summer uniform,
please order early.
There will be no lunch special this week, but it
will be back next Tuesday. Thanks Sherri
Wishing you a great day!
Term 3 already. I hope the cold winter break was restful for you. I spent much of it trying to
get my voice back. It was a bit quieter around here, despite the visits of both our Grandsons
from Coonabarabran, alternately.
I figure it may well be time to revisit “Behavioural Disorders in Children” as it was well received
last time. It is neither easy to read or comfortable, but it does give us insight into what drives
some of our students who are afflicted by these dysfunctions.
All children can be defiant and disobedient at times, but this behaviour becomes a dysfunction
when they are uncontrollable by the child. We all know ‘naughty children’, but some struggle to
control their disruptive, anti-social behaviours or ‘temper tantrums’ they should have outgrown
long since. The three commonly identified disruptive behaviour disorders are:
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD),
Conduct Disorder (CD), and
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
These behaviours share some common symptoms so diagnosis can be difficult and time consuming. These children may seem to display two or more of these disorders at the same time, and
it is good to remember that they can only be diagnosed by an expert in the field of child behaviours, and not by a parent or teacher. We can ask if it is a possibility if we have concerns
about our child, but we can’t diagnose . Other aggravating issues can include problem voicing
moods, frustrations, family difficulties and substance abuse. It is worth remembering that these
disorders are neurological and not environmental in origin, but environment can trigger
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Around one in ten children under the age of 12 years are thought to have oppositional defiant
disorder (ODD), with boys outnumbering girls by two to one.
Some of the typical behaviours of a child with ODD include:
Easily angered, annoyed or irritated
Frequent temper tantrums
Argues frequently with adults, particularly the most familiar adults in their lives, such as parents
Refuses to obey rules
Seems to deliberately try to annoy or aggravate others
Low self-esteem
Low frustration threshold
Seeks to blame others for any misfortunes or misdeeds.
This information is derived from my reading on the matter and asking professionals for their input.
Beth Bowman
Sites you might find helpful is:
1st & 2nd august
@ Dunedoo central
Cost - $260.00
To confirm your spot please
contact DCS Front Office on
6375 1489 and pay
$60.00 deposit, before 29th
July 2016.
Must have a minimum of 12 & maximum
of 20 people to run this course.
Trivia Night
Friday 5th August 2016
Dunedoo Bowling Club
$15 a ticket - organise a
table of 10
6.30pm for 7pm start
BYO Nibbles
FROM 12 NOON - 5.30PM
Gala Sports Day
Everyone Invited