jingili school community newsletter


jingili school community newsletter
Telephone: 89851555 | Facsimile: 8985 3213 | Email: jingili.school@ntschools.net
Address: Knowles Street Jingili NT 0810 | Mail: GPO Box 40600 Casuarina NT 0811
Thursday 12 March 2015 | Week 7 ~ Term 1
Dear Parents/Carers
Next week is Harmony Week and we have lots of things happening at school.
Firstly of course it’s our International Markets. I hope everyone takes the time to support this great
community event. Teachers and parent reps have all sent out letters requesting support and we
hope if everyone gives a little it will help to make the night another wonderful success. A number of
community groups also support the International Markets. This year we hope that the Careflight
Helicopter will land on our soccer field (weather and lack of emergencies permitting).
Children and keen adults will be able to participate in Zumba classes, St Johns will be here and
hopefully, with your support, we will have lots of food and drink for sale. Please join us on Thursday
19th March at 5pm. Tickets for food and drink are already for sale in the office.
Throughout Harmony Week we will be focusing on promoting a message of kindness and
anti-bullying. Teachers will be teaching lessons about bullying and all students will have the
opportunity to complete a Kindness Challenge. You might like to visit the following websites which
have some great ideas for schools, teachers, children and parents
Bullying No Way http://bullyingnoway.gov.au/ and
Ripple Kindness Project http://ripplekindness.org/
On Friday 20th it is the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence. Upper classes will
buddy up with a younger class and students will participate in some kids teaching kids sessions
based on the things they have learned in the bullying lessons taught throughout the week. Orange is
the colour chosen as the symbol of Harmony and on Friday 20th March we encourage everyone to
wear something orange to school. The SRC will collect a gold coin donation.
We now have 73 people who have downloaded the Skoolbag app. If you have a smart phone or a
tablet it’s a great way to keep up to date with what’s happening in our school.
Enjoy your weekend.
Kind Regards
Carin Symonds
Size 6 dresses and
size 10 shirts have arrived
International Markets
We are seeking help to sell tickets at the markets. If you are
able to lend a hand please call the front office on 89851555.
Thank you
Diary Dates 2015 Mahogany Slabs
Week 8
Monday - Friday 16-20 March - Harmony Week
Thursday 19 March- International Markets 5pm
Friday 20 March - National Day of Action Against Bullying and
Assembly Item - 2/3 Baldock
We still have a few slabs from the
Mahogany Tree left. If you would like
to purchase a slab for $150 please
call the front office on 89851555.
Week 9
Tuesday 24 March - Basketball Gala Day 8.30am - 2.15pm
Week 10
Monday 31 March - School Council Meeting 6.30pm
Parent Teacher Interviews
Thursday 2 April – Assembly Item – 3/4 Devriadis &
1/2 Nathanael
Friday 3 April – Good Friday
Week 1
Monday 13 April – School resumes
Tuesday 14 April – Soccer Gala Day Yr 4-6
Thursday 16 April – Bell Shakespeare Group
Large L shape office desk, some tables and
some chairs. If interested please contact the
front office on 89851555 and offer a
Please check your child’s hair
and help keep Jingili a
Please ensure your child’s hair
is tied back and washing your
child’s hat regularly. This helps
to minimize the spread of Nits.
For more information on how
to prevent Head lice go to
Friday 6 March - Thursday 12 March
Friday - 22
Monday - 26
Tuesday - 24
Wednesday –22
Thursday - 23
This week we are in the process of having our Assessment and Rating visits to assess how we are
going in relation to the National Quality Standards. Over two days (Wednesday 11th and Thursday
12th March) we are being be visited by Danielle Kyle and Natasha Vernon from QECNT. As part of
our assessment they are observing our Preschool environment and practice, reading our policies
and procedures and discussing these with the Preschool staff. It will take at least another six
weeks until we get our official ‘Rating’, and we are looking forward to receiving some constructive
feedback on areas of the standards we are meeting and areas which may require improvement.
We still need more volunteers for our satay stall at the International Markets on Thursday 19th
March - Please add your name to the roster if you can help with setting up, cooking or selling for
half an hour or so between 4.30 and 7.00pm (or let us know via email or phone). We are also
seeking monetary donations towards the purchase of honey soy and BBQ chicken satays. We
currently have approximately $100, but would ideally like to purchase at least 200 satays. Your
support is greatly appreciated!
Thank you to everyone who has donated items for our Easter Raffle, which will be drawn in two
weeks. Tickets will be available for $1 each from next week, and we hope to have several prize
Have a great week,
The Preschool Team
Please Help
Do you have any old colourful tiles laying around at home?? We need them for our
harmony week mosiac project, so please bring them into school. Each class will be
creating a mosiac tile representing the diversity at Jingili Primary School. If you have
any expertise in mosiac or would like to help out. Please contact
ambrie.tracy@ntschools.net or leave your name at the front office.
Easter Raffle
We are now seeking donations for our Easter
Please drop off to the front office if you have any
Thank you
International Markets
Our International Markets are approaching quickly. You can now pre
purchase your tickets at the Front Office.
Tickets range from $1 - $10
New School Jackets
We now have a new school jacket
available to purchase. All jackets will
be pre ordered and will need to be
paid before orders are can be
placed. Orders must be in by the
20th March. Please see the front
Stephanie Alexander
Kitchen Garden Program
Supporters of the Jingili
Helping your child learn Maths at home
Thank you for supporting your child’s learning at home.
You probably know that the Australian Curriculum guides your child’s teacher in planning the
mathematics that your child learns in the classroom. So when you have visited your child’s
classroom, you will have seen that there is much more to maths than just remembering times tables
and doing sums.
While these are still very important, your child also needs to be able to see patterns, to locate
themselves and find their way, to know about the shapes that make up the spaces around them, to
measure things, to tell the time and to understand graphs, facts and figures that are so much a part of
our world now.
Above all, they need to be able to use the maths they know in everyday situations. That’s why your
support is important and appreciated.
So please don’t hesitate to ask your child’s teacher about how you can best help your child.
Below are some ideas of how you can support your child’s maths learning at home.
Maths at our house: cooking
Cooking provides lots of opportunities for learning about maths and how to follow instructions and
Younger children can help with making food and older children can learn to follow recipes or
instructions on packets and cook independently. The language of fractions and measurement will
come out as you talk about making things together.
Older children can learn about the equivalencies between measures such as 250 ml = 1 cup or 16
tablespoons = 1 cup or 1000g = 1 kg.
Discuss how important it is to be exact when measuring. Why do your measurements need to be
more accurate when you are baking than when you are making a stirfry?
Cooking provides plenty of opportunities to do some “figuring out” for children.
Articles of interest for parents
Each week we hope to find articles to help out at home and
As an author and parenting educator I chat to lots of parents and teachers, and I frequently get messages of
concern. In the past few years, I've noticed an ever-increasing theme: our kids seem to be getting angrier —
especially after school.
That may be a generalisation and one that is not based on peer-reviewed data. However, how to cope with angry
children is a common conversation topic on and offline for parents everywhere. In fact, my most-viewed video
blog on YouTube is titled "Angry Kids".
Anger is also something we're seeing in our schools, with reports in recent years of a "soaring" rise in classroom
violence among 4- to 6-year-olds! This is something we normally expect during adolescence. And we are not
always talking here about kids displaying anger and frustration due to trauma from abuse, deprivation or
abandonment, sensory processing challenges, or psychological disorders such as ODD, ADHD and those who have
ASD. So what's going on?
Firstly, we need to acknowledge that anger is not the problem. It is a symptom of a deeper problem.
We know children do not have a well-developed pre frontal cortex, or "upstairs brain", which we as adults
(well most of us) are able to access to regulate our feelings, see situations from a wider perspective, have a
degree of empathy, impulse control and the ability to delay gratification.
As we grow through childhood we grow not just in our ability to pass tests and developmental milestones, but
in our emotional and social intelligence to better manage ourselves in lots of different situations.
With consistent, loving care and guidance from grown-ups we can learn ways to express our sadness,
frustrations, disappointments and impatience without hurting ourselves, others or the property around us.
In today's world thanks to the pressures of both the National Curriculum and NAPLAN it seems our young children
have been reduced to sources of data and 'brains on seats' at school. Apparently the sooner we have them writing
sentences, reading and getting busy with formalised learning, the better. I've heard of 4-years-olds getting
homework, 7-year-olds with two hours of homework and a big increase in boys being suspended and expelled in
the early years because of 'inappropriate behaviour'. No wonder some of these kids are so angry or, rather,
We have removed the high-quality, play based learning in much early years education and we have certainly
demonised playtime in many primary schools by shortening recess and lunchtimes — in the mistaken belief this
will make our kids smarter.
Herein lies a big part of the problem.
Grown-ups are stealing our children's right to play — their right to have a childhood where they have
autonomy and freedom to explore, to do, climb, to dig, to make, to pretend and to build all their competences
not just their academic ones.
So what can parents do about it?
Fuel the brain
Like us, if children have not had enough sleep, water and good food, they will become irritable. Get them
drinking water, avoid too much sugar (especially at breakfast and in lunchboxes) — and ensure a good night's
Articles of interest for parents
Each week we hope to find articles to help out at home and
Prioritise play
Without lots of real play, preferably outside (not virtual), even our smartest kids can struggle with making
mistakes, losing and not getting what they want! Even more children struggle with self-regulation of their states
of arousal, their ability to pay attention and often they are so physically passive, their nervous system simply
builds up tension that can spill over into angry outbursts!
Make sure you prioritise play in your children's day, especially outside play — stop at the park on the way
home from school, hit the beach or just hang in the yard and let them have some completely unstructured
play. Yes you might have to join in!
Monitor screen use
We tend to focus a lot on how much screen time our kids are having (as well we should). Pay attention also to
what your kids are watching. Some cartoons teach our children how to be mean and nasty by using name-calling,
put downs and exclusions.
Be present and listen
A huge part of helping kids through anger is listening to them talk about the feelings underneath. We live in a
busy, chaotic world where parents often work long hours and children have to compete with technology for their
parents' attention. Ensure you spend time with your children, so they feel secure and that you are really there for
Celebrate the square peg
Feeling misunderstood is a huge source of frustration. Every child is one of a kind. Treating children the same
without respecting individual needs, is really disrespectful and unhelpful. I can remember being compared to
my well-behaved calm, quiet sister and it sure made me mad! Square pegs are not meant to fit into round
holes — we need some square holes too.
Teach and model calm
Reducing stress makes a huge difference in our children's lives. Take the time to calm your home and show your
children how to calm themselves when they feel angry.
Maggie Dent is a parenting author, educator, speaker and mother of four sons. She is hosting a one-day
conference in Sydney on Saturday 21st March called "From Little Boys to Good Men" featuring Dr Tim
Hawkes, Dr Arne Rubinstein and Clark Wight. www.maggiedent.com
Hello Jingili kids,
My name is Sam Mufale and I live in Borella Crt. On Thursday the 5th of March at
10am I went to go see Albert Borellas 100th Anniversary at Borella Park, which was
named after him in 1968. He fought in World War 1, and was known as a hero by his
comrades. He walked, horse backed, drove and trained from Tennant Creek to Darwin,
over 1000km. He was injured, but still extremely brave: he shot some enemy soldiers
and survived WW1. He earned the highest attendants award, which is called the
Victorian Cross.
Anyway I went to Albert Borellas ceremony, and met his son Rowan and his wife Mary,
which was amazing! I was lucky enough to meet the honourable Lord Major Katrina
Fong, who told me that her office is pretty cool and we should come and see it. After
this I met some important people including Tom Lewis, a military Historian who was
really tall and he had lots of badges.
In the ceremony they introduced a new plaque about Albert Borella. The plaque is on
the big rock at the front park, and is there for anyone to see.
Albert Borella’s ceremony was quite awesome and interesting. I learned a lot there and
I am happy that my mum took me there in the middle of the school day.
I hope you enjoyed reading this. Thanks
Jingili twilight international markets
Products for sale
19th March 2015
5pm to 7pm
Sachs, Boatwright
Baked potatoes
Craft – Samhain parshell
Frogs in a pond – jelly cups
Decorate a biscuit
Banana smoothies & watermelon crush
Making eye masks
High tea
Lemongrass and rosella tea
Pumpkin soup
Spicy roast pumpkin soup with dinner roll
Spaghetti bolognaise, lasagne, penne
Hot dogs
Cake walk
Soft drinks
Slushy drinks
Potting of sunflower seeds
Nathanael &
Stimson &
Dixon & Grills
School Council
Kitchen Garden
MERIT and Citizenship Awards
Week 4 Term 1
T - Boatwright
T/1 - Sachs
Tony Samiotis
Arabella O’Donoghue
T/1 - Rioli
Isabella Hirst
Zander Theodore-Smith
1/2 - Smith
Kingsley Jones
Alana Wilkie
1/2 - Nathanael
Erin de Jager
Lincoln Hill
2/3 - Baldock
Rosa Pastor
Amnah Yusoff
3 - Stimson
Megan Laughton
Jack Ludlow
3/4 - Devriadis
Sofia Kalidonis
Parampreet Kaler
4/5 - Chellew
Daniel Urban
Evie de Jager
4/5 - Morgan/Stephen
Mikes Magoulias
Lousia Graham
5/6 - Grills
Hamish Lovett
Shaykoda Carne
5/6 - Dixon
Misha Mathers
Nicholas Stefanidakis
Darwin Dental Clinic - 8922 6466
Jingili School Canteen - 8948 6225
After School Care & Vacation Care
- 0417 894 042
Jingili Primary School now has a free school app.
You can download it onto your smart phone, ipad
or tablet by typing Jingili Primary School into the
search bar at the app store. We hope lots of you
will sign up. More details will follow.