Term 1 Week 8 2013


Term 1 Week 8 2013
Beckenham Primary School
Independent Public School
386 Railway Parade
Phone: 9458 4666
9351 8662
Dear Parents
Week 8 Term 1
Harmony Day Picnic
It was great to see so many families here last Wednesday enjoying a picnic lunch together.
This activity was organised to promote Harmony Day being the day of cultural respect. At
Beckenham we are fortunate to have students from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds
adding to the richness and vibrancy of the school community. In short, every day should be
Harmony Day as we teach our children to value and respect difference in all people.
School Review
On Thursday and Friday we had reviewers from the Department of Education Services in the
school. This was Stage 2 of our review as an Independent Public School. Several parents took
part in this exercise and I thank them for their involvement. The preliminary findings were most
positive and once the full report is received, it will be published on the school’s website.
P&C Information Evening
Last night there was an excellent turnout for the P&C information evening. As a result it was
possible to fill the executive positions.
I am pleased to announce the following as new office bearers for 2013.
President: Natasha Gray Vice-President: Sheree Simons Secretary: Jessica Hales Treasurer:
Marcia Dowling.
On behalf of the school community I thank Vicki Hartman for her excellent leadership of the
P&C for the past 5 years. Thanks are also extended to former office bearers Jo Whittington and
Sheralee McGregor. The work the P&C does on a continuing basis helps make Beckenham the
great school that it is! The next P&C meeting will be on Wednesday May 15th at 7:00pm in the
Staff Room. All are welcome.
Interim Reports
On Thursday your child will bring home his / her interim report. The purpose of this report is to
give you an overview of how your child has settled into class and the work habits and attitude he
/she is displaying. Teachers will be available for interviews on the last two Wednesdays of the
term (April 10th &17th) from 2:30pm. Please return the slip on the bottom of the report if you wish
to see your child’s teacher.
A reminder that students finish school for Easter this Thursday, March 28th and return to school
on Thursday, April 4th. Teachers and Education Assistants will be participating in professional
learning programs on Wednesday, April 3rd as this is one of the school’s scheduled School
Development Days I wish you and your family a peaceful and relaxing Easter break and an
enjoyable time together.
John Gillett
29th March Good Friday
1st April Easter Monday
Tuesday 2nd April Government Holiday Students do not attend
Wednesday 3rd April Professional Development Day Students do not attend
Thursday 4th April Room 14 & 5 Samson House Excursion
Friday 5th April Assembly Room 16 Year 4
Friday 5th April Purple Haze Day
Due to Wednesday April 3rd being School Development Day, school banking will be on
Monday 15th April instead. Please note it will be a Drop in the Box Banking.
Last Friday we celebrated "Derby Day" at Beckenham Primary. Students wore their Dockers or
Eagles colours to school and donated a gold coin to support our school in Cambodia, Angkor
Primary School. Room 12 decided to make a 'gold coin chain' to see how far around the pond we
could get. We almost made it one quarter of the way around, raising over $100. Later in the year
there will be another derby, and we will see if we can make it even further around the pond!
The West Australian is giving schools the chance to WIN part of $10 000 cash in the Quick Cash
for Schools promotion. On Saturday 23rd March, a coupon was published in the Weekend West
and each coupon collected will give our school an entry into the draw to win part of $10 000. THE
Please collect as many of these coupons as you can from your friends and family and bring them
into school to our collection point in Room 10.
Jo Harper
Quick Cash Coordinator
The Year 7 students held a book stall in the library on Harmony Day to raise money for their
camp. A big thank you goes to Ms Yeomans for donating the books, and for letting us use the
library! The book stall was very successful, with lots of students finding exciting books to buy and
leaving with big smiles on their faces, and a lot of money was raised for camp. Thank you to
everyone that has been supporting the Year 7 fundraising this term.
Miss Prodger
Class Teacher
Kindy & Pre-Primary
students enjoying a
picnic lunch on
Harmony Day with
Mum, Dad and
ECUA Isabella &Hollie
ROOM 2 Hayley & Josie
ROOM 3 Sean & Claire
ROOM 5 Tane & Andie
ROOM 6 Anthony & Kayliah
ROOM 7 Wyatt & Lillian
ROOM 8 Zaylee & Shaun
ROOM 10 Izabel & Brandon
ROOM 11 Aiden & Halle
ROOM 12 Idyll & Amelia
Room 13 Aleesha & Cooper
ROOM 14 Latrell & Mariell
ROOM 15 Brodie & Brylie
ROOM 16 Bronte & Ryan
Room 17 Shandi & Joshua
Art Award Liam & Tharniesh
SAKG Award Khushi & Elijah
Last week we were very excited to
receive new products, equipment and
resources from our participation in the
2012 Woolworths Earn and Learn
program. Between May and August last
year families were encouraged to collect
Earn and Learn stickers for our school
that Mrs Hunt and Mrs Harper were able
to redeem against a range of educational
resources. A range of science, maths and
kitchen garden resources were selected.
Thankyou to all families who collected
and donated stickers.
Mrs Hunt with Room 6 students after
unpacking the new books, maths boxes,
worm habitats and lots more!
Students in the upper school have been honing their mental maths skills by playing NUMERO.
This card game provides opportunities to develop basic mathematical skills, but also develops
powerful thinking and problem-solving skills and strategies.
Each week Room 11, 12 and 13 enter the NUMERO Challenge in the West Australian Newspaper
in the hope of winning one of the prizes on offer.
You can use any or all cards from the centre, but only one Number Card from your hand. For
example if I had 2 5 3 7 9 in the centre and 1 6 12 14 15 in my hand I could take
two sets with 12 from the hand to win five cards 9 + 3 = 12 (1st set) 7 + 5 = 12 (2nd set). Now here
is a challenge for you.
Numero Challenge
Student name: ____________________
Room: ________
1 6 12
Return the above slip to the Library by Tuesday 9th of April to be in the prize draw. Good Luck
Helping your child with Maths at home.
Best solution
Playing games such as dominoes, cards any dice games and chess. Even jigsaws have
spatial awareness benefits.
Reading bus and train time tables and determining
how long the wait is going to be.
Return the slip to the Libray by Tuesday 9 of April to be in the prize draw. Good Luck
Helping your child with Maths at home
Playing games such as dominoes, cards any dice games and chess. Even jigsaws have spatial
awareness benefits.
• Reading bus and train time tables and determining how long the wait is going to be.
When grocery shopping younger children can count how many things in the basket. The
older children can add up the cost (with assistance of a calculator)
The Funny Side of Maths
Quoting Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory
“The best number is 73. 73, is the 21st prime number, its mirror 37 is the 12th and its mirror 21 is
the product of multiplying, hang on to your hats, 7 and 3.”
What happens once in a minute, twice in a week, and one in a year? What is it?
The letter ‘e’
Where do fish keep their money?
In the river bank
Beckenham Primary
Photography Competition
I am thrilled to announce that I will be holding the first Beckenham Primary Photography
Competition! The competition is open to students, parents and staff. There are 5 categories in
which you can enter a photo, and there will be prizes for children in each category. There will be
one overall prize awarded to one adult’s entry.
My Pet – take a photo of your pet doing something funny or maybe just being cute!
My family – could be your whole family or just one person in your family
Landscape – what about a beautiful sunset at the beach?
Architecture – seen any amazing or interesting buildings in Perth or on your travels?
Nature – animal, plant or mineral!
Photos can be emailed to me kate.driscoll@education.wa.edu.au or dropped into the art room.
Entries must have competition category, name, whether photo was taken by student or adult and
the room number attached. Competition closes Friday Week 2 Term 2 so you have the holidays to
get creative!! Can’t wait to see your photos!
Kate Driscoll
Art Specialist
The winners of this week’s Mega Draw were Connor and
Lawson, and they were very excited to choose their prize from
the new Mega Draw on wheels. Thank you to Mrs Langley and
the Langley family for all the work they have done to improve
our regular reward box and the generous donation of prizes
for the weekly draws.
Every week in the art room I get more and more excited by the fabulous artists we have
here at Beckenham Primary! Each class has been working on different art forms, some
requiring great observation skills and some needing wonderful creativity and imagination.
Here are some examples from this fortnight’s clever kids!
Where the Wild Things Are by Year 1 Room 1
Dr Suess Cats in Hats by Year 2 Room 5
Still Life Fruit Plates by Year 4/5 Room 10
Baked potatoes
Year three and four students were learning about staple foods and designed their own baked
potatoes. Students were given a selection of fillings to choice and they learnt the concept of
serving food in its natural case. It was also great to see student conversing about the food that
they have made while they were sitting together to eat.
Mexican Meal
Year five and six students were given the challenge to produce a healthy Mexican meal. Students
completed a range of dishes including, spicy nachos, tomato salsa, cucumber in mint yoghurt and
a pumpkin dip. As an Easter treat, one group of students made hot cross buns and were given the
tick of approval by Mr McInerheney.
If there are any parents that are willing to volunteer, please don’t hesitate to contact me in
the kitchen. You don’t need any experience or skills for this role as training will be provided.
Food that is cooked by your child can be taken home, if parents could please remember to
pack a container with a sealed lid and labelled with your child’s full name.
From term II an award shall be presented during assembly to the top performing student in
the Kitchen Garden Program. Students will receive a Certificate of recognition and a special
trophy to keep in their classroom for two weeks.
I wish all families at Beckenham Primary School a safe and happy Easter.
What is bullying?
Bullying is when one or more of the following things happen AGAIN and AGAIN to someone who
finds it hard to stop if from happening again. At Beckenham Primary School Bullying is defined as
a repeated, unjustifiable, physical, verbal or psychological intended to cause fear, distress or harm
to another.
Bullying is when a person or group of people offline or online (mobile phone or
• Make fun of / tease someone in a mean and hurtful way.
• Tell lies or spread nasty rumours about someone to try to make others not
like him / her.
• Hit, kick or push someone around.
• Deliberately damage, destroy or steal someone’s things.
• Threaten to make someone feel afraid of getting hurt.
It is NOT bullying when:
• Teasing is done in a friendly, playful way.
• Two people who are as strong as each other argue or fight.
Cyber bullying – using, for example, a mobile phone and / or the Internet – is
when a person:
• sends nasty or threatening emails or messages on the Internet or via mobile
• sends mean or nasty comments or pictures about others to websites eg
MySpace, Facebook, MSN or other students’ mobile phones.
• Deliberately ignores or leaves others out over the Internet.
• pretends to be someone else online to hurt them or make them to look
Cyber bullying can happen when things such as hurtful text messages, pictures, video clips, and
emails are being sent to you. It can also happen with these things are sent to others, about you.
What can you do if your child tells you they are being bullied:
Tell your child if they have a problem they can:
1) Ignore the situation and keep playing or working
2) Stand up for themselves in a positive way by saying ‘Stop, I don’t like it when you …… and if
you don’t stop I will go and tell a teacher.’
3) Speak to a teacher / parent about the problem.