bups newsletter - Beaconsfield Upper Primary School


bups newsletter - Beaconsfield Upper Primary School
Plan 2006-2009
“Respect, Persistence,
, Persistence,Confidence,
BUPS Strategic
Tuesday 13th August, 2013
No 24
Important Dates
Stoney Creek Road,
Upper Beaconsfield 3808
Tel: 5944 3591
Fax: 5944 3506
14th August
African Beat Drum Workshop
15th August
PFA Meeting. 2.00pm in the staffroom
16th August
Footsteps Dance Incursion
20th August
ACMA Cybersafety Presentation. 5.30 - 7.00pm
22nd August
Water Conference Sausage Sizzle
26th August
School Council Meeting. 7.30pm
27th August
Writers Festival. Grade 5/6 High Achievers.
Nick Karanzoulis
28th August
Free dress day - come as your favourite athlete.
Gold coin donation.
Assistant Principal:
Kerrie McDonald
29th August
Father’s Day breakfast
Father’s Day stall
30th August
District Athletics Day at Casey Fields
5th September
Water Conference Sausage Sizzle
11th August
Coastal Ambassadors Excursion
16th September
‘Night of Notables’ presentation. 6.00 - 7.00pm in the Stadium
18th September
Division Athletics at Casey Fields
BUPS Breakfast Club
And BUPS Kids Club
Sue Jennings
Tel: 5944 4391
Newsletter Advertising:
Tel: 5944 3591
Last Tuesday and Wednesday, children from the Upper Beac
Kindergarten thoroughly enjoyed the PMP activities in our Stadium.
Thank you to kinder teacher Therese Collings for organising the
If your child or those of a friends or relative turns 5 years old by the
30th April 2014, they are eligible to start school at the beginning of
the 2014 school year. To assist us in planning the best transition
program possible for Term 4, I would encourage you to enrol now.
Starting Preps at BUPS will provide them with a strong foundation in
the fundamental elements of learning and will further develop their
passion for learning.
Congratulations to past BUPS student, Helena Rann on being appointed as School Captain for
2014 at St Margaret’s School. The Rann family as well as the BUPS family are very proud of
Helena. A born leader, she has a very bright future ahead of her.
Research shows that when families take an active, direct role in their children's education, children
are happier, more resilient, get better grades and test scores, graduate from high school at higher
rates, and have greater enrolment in higher education.
Parental involvement can take many forms, including getting involved in PFA activities;
discussing children's progress with teachers on a regular basis; checking homework every night;
reading to and listening to their children; and encouraging children to strengthen their resilience
skills. Parents teaching their children essential social skills, what is right and what is wrong
strengthens them as people and makes them more socially acceptable. As educators, we
acknowledge and value the support of parents. Keep up the great work!
Helena Rann
We know how difficult it is for some fathers to be at school to see what learning at school looks like in 2013. We would hope that
children share what they learn at school with the whole family. Being a father of three grown up children, I certainly would have
liked to spend more time at their school.
The Father’s Day breakfast aims to get all dads to school, to have breakfast and then to be taken into the class for some
show-and-tell about learning in 2013, by their children. Through our recent Student Led Conferences, families got an insight into
their child’s learning. The visit to the classroom will provide dads with a more informal tour of learning by an excellent guide.
The breakfast and PFA stall will be held on the THURSDAY as on Friday the District Sports will be staged at Casey Fields. A flyer
regarding the breakfast will be sent home soon.
Did you know that reading to young children every day has enormous benefits for their brain development, thinking skills and
language? Young children who are read to regularly also do better at school according to a study conducted by the Melbourne
Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research and funded by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.
The closing date of this year’s Premiers Reading Challenge is fast approaching. So far, all but one BUPS student has registered for
the Challenge. Also, 4403 books have been finished, 2994 have been verified, 586 new books have been started and 1409 books still
need to be verified. Well done to the 39 students who have completed the challenge. Let’s see if we can have 100 students complete
the Challenge by this time next week.
Last Wednesday, our Grade 3-6 House Athletic Sports were held at the
Casey Fields Aths Track. The state of the art facilities gave every child the
opportunity to perform to the best of their ability. Although the weather was
rather chilly and windy, it was dry, and occasionally sunny. Thank you to
Ms Campbell for organising the event and her team of helpers which
included the PFA with the sausage sizzle (Elissa Smith, Kitty Kiker, Deb
McPhee, Kerrie Knight, Gaylene Heylbut, Tracy Justice and Mel Naismith).
The final results were:
1st Guys Hill (1624)
2nd Cardinia (1368)
3rd Emerald (1280)
4th Dewhurst (1272)
The school District Aths Team will be selected based on the performances
last Wednesday, and will represent BUPS at the District Championships on
Friday 30th August at Casey Fields.
As part of our school’s Performing Arts program, we endeavour to provide a wide variety of experiences to the children so as to
further develop their understanding, appreciation and love of the Arts. This world acclaimed workshop will highlight the arts from a
different culture and through percussion instruments. The incursion will be funded by the school through the funds raised by the
payment of the school levies.
Nick Karanzoulis
Yesterday, eight grade six students went with Mrs Hutchinson to the Rotary Club
Debating competition hosted by Bunyip Primary School. During the two hours we were
there, we saw some very impressive debating by Bunyip, Nar Nar Goon and Beaconsfield
Upper Primary Schools. The students have obviously become great persuasive writers
over their primary school careers and the adjudicators had a tough job selecting the
winners. There were three debates and our students took the negative side of “Pocket
Money Should be Earned”. Amy, Jess and Bree did a spectacular job despite their nerves
(and a malfunctioning microphone) to score a decisive win with their excellent delivery of
a well planned speech. Well done girls, and thanks to the rest of the team for your input
and research. Thanks also to Rachael Joiner for helping to drive the students to the venue.
The next debate will be held at Nar Nar Goon Primary School on August 29th.
From Mrs McDonald………
Yesterday a note was sent home regarding the Internet Safety Awareness Program, which will take place next Tuesday 20 th August.
A highly trained representative from ACMA (Australian Communications and Media Authority) will be speaking to students, staff
and parents throughout the day. The parent session will begin in the Early Years Learning Centre at 5.30pm. For those parents who
are interested please return reply slips to the school. For further information about the presentation please click on the link below.
Today 27 students sat the UNSW Mathematics test. This is the last test for this year. I have received the results online for the
Writing test and I am expecting certificates in the near future.
It is important that children receive positive messages about sexuality. Parents and schools can work together to promote healthy
attitudes. Today most parents want their children to feel more positive about their sexuality as they grow up. They recognise the
lifelong benefits of communicating openly and honestly with their children about these matters. Family Life offers three Family
Education sessions, which are one hour in length and are attended by parents and their children.
Year 1/2 – Body Basics
Year 3/4 – Where Did I Come From?
Year 5/6 – Puberty Clues
We have booked this program for Monday October 21 st. Further information will be sent out closer to the date.
POSITIVE PARTNERSHIPS – Supporting school age students who are on the Autism Spectrum
FREE One day and Two day Workshop and Information Sessions for PARENTS/CARERS of school age students on the autism
The Positive Partnerships initiatives have been developed and delivered by Partnerships between Education and the Autism
Community (PEAC) and funded by the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations
through the Helping Children with Autism package.
a greater understanding of the impact of autism both at school and at home
knowledge about how to develop effective parent, school and teacher partnerships
information about local school system’s processes
opportunities to network and share strategies with other parents/carers and key community members
opportunities for discussion around a range of topics relevant to students with an ASD and their families
Some key community representatives that support families living with autism will be identified and invited to participate in the
workshop with a view to supporting a community focus beyond the workshop.
To see if there is a Workshop location near our school visit the website: www.positivepartnerships.com.au.
If you are not able to attend a workshop the website has FREE resources, interactive modules and information about autism.
Positive Partnerships Workshop Information Line number: 1300 881 971
Kerrie McDonald
This Week in CRE:
Preps: Values: Responsibility, excellence,
doing your best; adding the sound effects to
the retelling of the story of Moses and Miriam.
1/2 P: Trust, integrity, resilience; discussing
the situations where students might need to be
3/4 M&R: Doing your best, care and
compassion, creativity; identifying ways in
which people use their skills to show care and
3/4 G&B: No CRE due to another program
being run.
5/6s: Respect, acceptance, wonder;
discovering how the different aspects of a
person's character go to make up who they are.
Maths Challenge
The school collected food cans for charity.
The total weight of the cans from Mrs
McGill’s grade was 19kg. What type of cans
were brought in and how much did each can
Family name________________________
Congratulations to the Nooteboom family who
were last week’s winners.
Classroom Updates …..
Well week 5 in the Early Years Learning Centre will be a week of lots of learning and not too many interruptions (that’s the plan anyway!) We
have loved having Bron from Footsteps Dance Company come to our school every Friday to teach us those awesome dance moves. Sadly this
Friday will be our last footsteps session but it will be a fun one, as the children will get to have a go at all their favourite dances!
The Premiers Reading Challenge is also nearing the end with only 4 weeks to go. Make sure you continue to read those special books, and
enter them online in order to complete the challenge. We are also looking for a few students to enter a writing competition with either a short
story or a poem. If your child has written a great story or poem, they could go into the draw to win five hundred dollars for themselves as well
as five hundred dollars for the school. There is no limit on how many students can enter from each school, so if you are interested, please see
your child’s classroom teacher for an entry form.
The 1/2 Literacy sessions have been jam packed these past few weeks. We are back into routine with our spelling groups on Tuesdays and
Thursdays and we have also been working very hard on looking at the elements that make up a Narrative. We were especially excited last week
when all the 1/2 classes came together to work on creating a series of settings to use as mood boards for when it comes time to write our
Narrative next week. The setting display is located in the Diamond space in the Early Years building and it looks fabulous. Please come in and
have a look at it, as the students put a lot of effort in making them!
The Preps have also been working hard on creating their Narratives and have been looking at location during their Maths sessions. Please work
with your children at home, and allow them to practice using left and right. The Prep teachers have also asked for old toys or electrical
appliances to be donated to them from their tinkering table during Investigations.
Have a great week!
Bianca, Michelle, Karine, Jo, Lorraine and Paige.
Welcome to the half way mark of the term! We are really busy at the moment researching and discovering incredible facts about
our early settlers and the First Fleet. We are all engaged in our class novel “Surviving Sydney Cove” by Goldie Alexander, and
are basing much of our literacy work around this novel. Please ask your child to re-tell the story over the dinner table, it really is
terrific. We are in the thick of Narrative writing, really working on including important aspects of a great narrative including
sizzling starts, using direct dialogue correctly and tightening tension. In maths our focus is exploring angles and lines. We only
have a month left until the Premiers Reading Challenge finishes, so we encourage everyone to keep entering your books and
avoid the last minute rush in September. This week unfortunately the visit from the Aboriginal presenters was cancelled but we
are looking forward to them coming in the next few weeks. We are pleased to report the Footsteps dance sessions have been a
lot of fun and many new moves have been busted. We are really proud of those who were reluctant to dance who have embraced
the program with a smile. We have one more session this Friday. We also have the African Drumming team coming Wednesday
to inspire us all, we are looking forward to that. As you can see we are having a really productive time, it’s fantastic to see the
3/4 students taking responsibility for learning and setting terrific learning goals. Remember we love your assistance at school, so
please come in if you have the opportunity and be part of the action. Have an awesome week!
Kel, Adele, Bec, Sherrin and Janette.
Can you believe we are nearly half way through the term? Our Leaders and Legends topic is going extremely well with students eagerly
immersing themselves in the life and times of their leader or legend. Teachers have placed a copy of the Leaders and Legends document on
Edmodo if you wish to view it.
TERM HOMEWORK: Students are expected to continue working on their Leaders and Legends ERP at home to ensure they do not fall
behind. We remind students to check the rubrics to ensure they are producing their best work. Students are also required to practise
their spelling words and will be required occasionally to complete other tasks. This week students have an Indonesian homework task to be
completed by Friday.
In Reciprocal Reading we continue to investigate the lives of famous Australians and this week we read about Dame Nellie Melba.
In Literacy our focus continues with Narrative writing and this week we are focussing on including quotation marks and Dynamic Dialogue.
In maths our measurement topic continues, and we investigate mass and the terminology associated with it. We will investigate the mass of
pantry items and fruit and vegetables, so if you see your child fossicking around in the pantry it may be because they are checking the mass
of some of your pantry items!
District Athletics: Please return permission notes ASAP to Miss Campbell.
Congratulations to the debating team who won their debate yesterday. Looks like our persuasive writing experiences have given our
students excellent debating skills.
5/6C and 5/6B have student teachers in their classes this week and next. We welcome Mr Kolb and Mr Rook to BUPS.
Surprise birthday parties – Mrs B and Mrs H received lovely surprise birthday cakes last and this week. Thank you parents for supporting
this lovely treat.
Enjoy your week
Toni, Ash and Jacqui
Week ending 9th August, 2013
Erin L
Congratulations on learning how to
spell all of your Golden Words. It is
also great to see that you are now
writing on the lines and listening to the
sounds in the words you want to write.
Isaiah L
For trying so hard on your writing. It is
so exciting that you can now write the
first sound of every word in your
sentences. Keep up the super effort
Tahj D
Well done, Tahj for successfully
calculating the perimeter of various
shapes. Great effort!
Hailie P
For showing such confidence and
persistence during our outdoor session
on perimeter this week. You challenged
yourself and were great at helping your
partner out when measuring around
different shapes. Well Done!
Angus N
What wonderful leadership skills you
showed today when working as a
group on the Spellodrome program on
the computers. I was really proud of
your efforts.
Jack G
For working hard to improve his
learning by showing active listening.
Chase N
For the amazing effort you have shown
participating in Footsteps and
persisting when moves become tricky.
Ryan W
For your effort to participate in
everything at school. It is terrific to see
you smiling and giving things a go
even when you’re not so sure about
them. Keep up the great effort Champ!
Stacey L
What a wonderful class mate you are!
You always work well with others and
do your best. How fantastic to see you
excelling at Hooptime and during the
athletics carnival. What a star!
Kaila K
For being such a great contributor to
class discussion. We love the fantastic
ideas you came up with Kaila to
explain how Aboriginals and First Fleet
settlers felt – top job!
Kate W
You have achieved success by being
a brilliant role model in 3/4R. I love the
way you are constantly challenging
yourself to go further and further with
your learning. The language you use
in your writing and spelling activities is
so impressive. Keep inspiring us!
Emily B
Emily you have done a great job of
your aboriginal artwork. I really loved
the way you used colour in your
kangaroo and your background. Well
Felix S
For working super well in Indonesian
and getting into our ‘hobi-hobi’ unit
with a smile! Bagus Sekali!
Father’s Day Stall
The PFA Father’s Day stall will be held on Thursday, the 29th of
August. Donations for the stall can be dropped at the office,
and if anyone is available to help on the day it would be much
Scout Raffle
Thank you to those families who have returned their raffle books. All books must be returned to school by
Friday, August 30th. Please return your books even if you have not sold the tickets, as all books must be
accounted for.
We love kids who are active! Well done to the following who received a raffle ticket for participating in Cardinia Shire's
PG - Eliza, Archie D, Stefi, Nathan, Katie, Callum, Ava, Tommy, Jake, Katelyn, Archie W
PE - Kenz, Brodie, Eden, Luke, Erin, Mackenzie, Lucas, Isaac
1/2M - Morgan, Matthew, Liam, Paityn, Angus, Joshua, Gemma, Max, Hugo, Bella, Tom
1/2C - Joe, Tahj, Thomas, Max J, Millie, Carla, Abby, Ethan, Riley, Billy, Miller
1/2P - Josh, Sienna, Cassidy, Jack, Jess, Cahlia, Holly, Sophie, Molly, Diesel, Chloe
1/2H - Kynan, Charlie, Pierre, Sam, Chase, Lauren, Hailie
3/4R - Matthew, Liam L, Brianna, Jack, Samuel, Connor, Will, Liam W
3/4M - Kaleb, Emily, Sienna, Josie, Natalie, Jay, Mitchell, Grace, Brodie
3/4G - Lachlan, Braedyn, Patrick, Jett, Jessie, Damon, Stacey, Olivia, Nicholas, Danny, Jordan, Elise, Felix, Ryan
3/4B - Amelia, Tana, Rhianna, Millie, Harry, Ash, Riley, Catherine
5/6B - Tusani, Shelby, Cameron, Trent, Michaela, Ruby, Abbey, Hayden, Kate, Tahlia
5/6C - Oliver, Alice, Joel, Rhiannon, Katelyn, Tegan, Amy, Teague, Archie, Phoebe
5/6H - Joshua, Dylan, Tish, Fiona, Thomas, Laura, Tiahnee
We wonder, who will win the skateboard and scooter at the end of term?
Number of kids active last Wednesday: 127
Most active class: 3/4G - 14
Number of BUPS students
Active Kids
July 17th
July 24th
July 31st
August 7th
From our Chaplain….
The last few weeks have been a fantastic time of getting to know more students and engaging with some more
parents, as well as planning and putting into action some more ideas for the second semester.
This week and next week are a little bit different for me, with lots of exciting training opportunities. Yesterday
(Monday) I attended a training day about integrating the 40 assets (which I've been talking about in the
newsletter lots) into communities, which is very exciting. Because of this, I will be at BUPS on Wednesday and
Friday this week. Next week, I will not be at BUPS all week, as I will attend Seasons of Growth training, and the
Victorian Chaplaincy conference. Seasons of Growth is a grief and loss program for children who have
experienced a range of losses, including the death of someone close to them, or divorce or separation. A
reminder that I am also available to parents and families if needed, from 8:30-9:30am and 3.00-4.00pm on
Wednesday and Friday this week, but will not be in my office next week.
Black female staffy.
If found, please call
0407 022 649.
Thank you to the Hathaway family, who
will be washing the sheets in sick bay this
As part of our fundraising drive for our students attending the
CONFERENCE on October 28th, we will be holding sausage
sizzles on the following days:
Thursday 22nd August,
Thursday 5th September
Thursday 19th September
Sausages $2.00 Drinks $1.00.
Many thanks, Rhonda Clifford
Monday, 12th July
The Cybersmart Outreach - Internet Safety Awareness
Due: RSVP slip due ASAP.