13th August 2015 - St Mark`s School


13th August 2015 - St Mark`s School
Volume 23
13th August 2015
Important School Dates
Sunday 16th August – Bunnings Sausage Sizzle
for Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program.
Wednesday 19th August – District Basketball Competition – All Stars Yrs 5/6.
Tuesday 25th August – Confirmation Reflection Day.
Friday 28th August – School Closure Day – Pupil Free day.
Wednesday 2nd September – Sacrament of Confirmation (7pm)
Friday 4th September - District Athletics Competition Yr 3-6 (Selected)
Thursday 10th September – Foundation in Pyjamas (Prayer in the Classroom)
Wednesday 16th & Thursday 17th September – School Concert.
Friday 18th September – End of Term 3 and Footy Day. 2.30pm.
Dear Families
Thank you to all the families that attended and who assisted at the Athletics Carnival last
Friday. Please read more about the events of the day in Vin Snell’s report further on in the
Tomorrow is the Feast of the Assumption and there will be a whole school mass at
9.05am. All families are welcome to attend.
31st August – 6th September 2015. Legacy Week is an annual national appeal to raise
awareness and funds for the families of our incapacitated and deceased veterans.
St Mark’s have badges, wristbands & WW1 teddy bears on sale at the front office. A copy
of the bears available is also at the end of this newsletter.
Camps, Sports & Excursion Fund (CSEF). Information AT END OF NEWSLETTER.
School Concert Date :
16th & 17th September, 2015.
The school concert is only 5 weeks away we are in full swing. Students in the cast and
Glee Club, will perform both nights, but will be looked after. Therefore you may wish
to attend the night your child's class is performing. Please refer any queries to your
classroom teacher. The show is centred around a Pop Quiz where we meet famous celebrities
The dates for the concerts are: Wednesday 16th September and Thursday 17th
September. Both concerts will take place at Kingston City Hall on Nepean Highway. We are
looking forward to a super concert.
Ticket sales begin on Tuesday 25th August, 2015, from 10.00am. The ticket sales can
be purchased directly from the Kingston Arts Centre. Further details on how to purchase
tickets will be sent home separately next week.
Teachers will be notifying you shortly about costumes. If anyone can be of assistance with
sewing or shopping for props please let your child’s teacher know.
St Mark’s Concert in “SEPTEMBER”
5/6 D
5/6 M
5/6 N
3/4 S
3/4 MC
1/2 P
1/2 D
1/2 R
5/6 P
5/6 C
3/4 KD
3/4 F
3/4 C
1/2 M
1/2 B
1/2 XR
The performance "SHINE A LIGHT" was held in the library on Tuesday 11th August.
Presented as a "Once upon a time...." story the show focused on the theme of self esteem
and body image and theme of believing that every individual should approach how they
see themselves positively, rather than listen to voices and opinions that may not have
people’s best interests at heart. The two young performers engaged the children with the
props, their jokes, the bright and catchy songs, making it a memorable show for all levels.
HOORAY! Our new library system has been installed and we have had our first training
The children can now resume borrowing. So give them a reminder to bring along their
library bags on their allotted day each week.
5/ 6 Monday.
3/ 4 Tuesday.
1/ 2 Wednesday.
We have lots of news books that have been processed and are ready for borrowing.
Congratulations to Thani Phan who completed the Premier's Challenge.
Hello from your Buddy Captain, Taylor Owens!
We are half way through Term 3 and we have new Buddies of the
Week and they are Kieran and Hudson who both like being with
their Buddy. Kieran’s favourite colour is blue, he likes to eat
chocolate, pizza and he has 4 people in his family. Hudson’s
favourite colour is green, he likes to eat chicken and he has 4
people in his family (another thing they have in common!)
The other Buddies of the Week are …
Catherine and Sara who both like
playing with friends and doing sport.
Catherine’s best friends are Jade,
Alisha, Madison, she likes the colour
blue and she likes to eat strawberries.
Sara’s best friends are Mia, Layla, she
likes the colours, pink, purple, red,
orange and she likes to pasta and
Will you be the next ‘Buddy of the
The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden at St. Mark’s needs YOU!!
3/ 4 Stuart are starting their kitchen garden rotation next week. We
would love some new parents, grandparents, aunties or uncles to
come and help the students with either the gardening or cooking.
Gardening is from 10.00am-11.00am and we would love your help
in the kitchen (Art room) from 11.40am-1.30pm…YOU WILL GET A
Please come along and share this amazing experience with your children!!
Mrs D. and Mrs Bouvier
Some great recipes are at the end of the Newsletter.
The Sacrament of Confirmation is approaching, could you please keep these children in
your prayers.
Upcoming RE dates
 Friday 14th August- Feast of the Assumption Mass (9:15am)
 Tuesday 25th August – Confirmation Reflection Day
 Wednesday 2nd September – Sacrament of Confirmation Mass (7pm)
 Thursday 10th September – Prep in Pajamas (Prayer in the classroom)
RE News
Please remember the Foundation children have been learning about Prayer, to celebrate this
and learn more about it, we will be inviting all the Foundation children and their parents to
come to school, at night, to participate in the “Preps in Pajamas Night.” It will be on Thursday
10th September in the Library. More information will be sent home closer to the date. Also
next term the Foundation and Year 1/2 levels will be celebrating mass, on different Saturday
nights. When the dates have been confirmed we will let you know. Coming along to these
masses is not only a wonderful way to be part of your child’s faith development but also a
great opportunity to be social with other families and parishioners within St Mark’s
community. During the mass, some children will be asked to read or bring up the offertory
gifts. After both masses we will be having a small supper in the hall for families to attend.
Next Tuesday’s special is a sandwich and a drink of your choice…..$5.00.
Thanks, Carm.
St. Mark's Athletics Carnival 2015
On Friday, we were very fortunate to have fantastic weather to conduct our Athletics
Carnival. No wind, a bit of sun, no rain, and heaps of enthusiasm made for a great day. My
prayers were certainly answered considering the week of weather that we’d had!
It was great to see so many students get into the spirit of the sports and their overall
enthusiasm made all the hard work and organisation worthwhile. An event like this does
take a great deal of organisation and assistance, and I would like to take this opportunity
to thank my fantastic Captains of the school who have been a wonderful support to me
during the lead up to the carnival and who were also wonderful helpers on the day. These
people helped the day run so smoothly. In particular I’d like to thank Eleni Kourtis for
taking the initiative by taking home many ribbons for pinning throughout the week.
The next group of people I would like to thank are the parents who helped out on the day.
I had a group of parents who were fantastic with helping me set up on the morning,
particularly Kris Farr, Peter Triantafillopoulos and Louise Rudan. Also there was a number
of parents who assisted during the carnival to help it run so efficiently, so thanks to: Brian
Harrington (starter), Karen McCarthy (photographer), Maya O’Brien, Michelle Dingli, Karla
Huerta, Jo Beaufort, Michelle Xuereb, Fiona Quill, Sinead Bannon, Jo Gough, Samara
Evans, Ingrid DeSilva, Mandy Quinn, Acacia Quinn, Jacqui Smythe and Michelle Dance.
There were also lots of parents who helped with our pack up at the end of the day. So a
very BIG THANKYOU to you all.
Below: Some of the younger children showing great form on the track.
The final group of people I need to thank are the wonderful and supportive Staff at St.
Mark's. They have been great over the past few weeks with accommodating timetable
changes for training and put up with requests I have made. They were also fantastic on
the day in helping with events and organising the students. To all the Staff, thank you
very much for all you did to help the day run smoothly, particularly Mr Speranza who was
put under extreme pressure with the additional events on the day.
The St Mark's Gift was certainly a highlight to watch on the day. These are the races of
800m and 100m Division 1 in the Year 6 Boys and Girls races. These events are a
highlight for the senior students and many parents on the day. Well done to all students
who took part in these races, I was very proud of you. Congratulations to the winners this
year: 800m Race:
Boys Winner: Josh Peacock (Brigid), Lachlan Dance (Clare) & Jack Lalor (Clare).
Girls Winner: Ebony McCarthy (Brigid), Stefanie Farr (Francis) and Alannah Dingli (Brigid).
Championship events for the fastest children of Year 6 over 100m. These events were won
by the following children:
Boys Winner: Josh Peacock (Brigid), Liam Hazouri (Kolbe) and Cooper Goonewardene
(Francis). Girls Winner: Sierra Lee (Francis), Ebony McCarthy (Brigid) and Anais Takahashi
Above: Some of our Prep children showing great running form and others being
ready to race!
The winners of the St Marks Perpetual Athletics trophy was- Brigid House on 2,761
points, Francis 2706, Brigid on 2,571 and Kolbe on 2,328. Another great result for Brigid,
claiming another trophy, they certainly are hot at the moment.
The trophy awarded for House Spirit was given to Brigid House for their continual
chanting and singing. This is the first year for Brigid winning this award. Although not in
Brigid House, Clare House Captain Lachlan Dance showed amazing sportsmanship in the
800m race where he came in second due to his friend Lochie Benton falling sick during the
race. Lachlan came up to me and offered his second placing to Lochie as he stated that if
he didn’t fall sick with 150m to go then Lochie would have come 2nd. These are the
amazing parts on sports day that really make me smile, when children look out for each
other. Well done Lachlan, you are a true leader and inspiration!
Below: Some of our senior athletes ready to run and then showing good relay
Finally, thank you to all the parents who came along to support and cheer for their children.
The atmosphere was great and it looked as if people were enjoying themselves.
Congratulations to all the students for competing and for being great sports. I hope you all
had a fantastic day!
Enjoy keeping active always children!
Vin Snell
Dates for the diary- Term 3
District Basketball Competition- All stars girls and boys selected from Year 5/6. VenueParkdale Secondary College. Wednesday 19th August.
District Athletics Competition- Friday 4th September. Involves children from Year 3-6
Dates for the diary- Term 4
Division Athletics- Wednesday 7th October- Duncan McKinnon Reserve (Selected from
winners at District Athletics)
Southern Metropolitan Region Athletics- Thursday 15th October thletics)
Rugby Gala Day- Thursday 29th October- Selected Year 5/6 Children
Provisional Dates for Bike Ed/ Beach Ed program- Years 5/6 only. On the 8, 9, 10 or 11
“Keep On Keeping On”
Foundation E
Hudson Barnes for improving his reading skills and his confidence in book discussions.
Foundation K
Daine Praveen for putting in his best effort when working in small groups. Well done!!
Foundation T
Amelia Mullins for demonstrating persistence and working hard to increase her recognition of
high frequency words in her reading.
Maddie Rabaut for being such a loving and caring friend to every student in 1/2B. We are
lucky to have you in class!
Lila McCormack for her outstanding effort to remember the steps and lead the class in the
concert dance.
Daniel Lu for his EXCELLENT contributions to our class discussion about past, present and
future tense. Well done Daniel!
Claudia Cinque for challenging herself during maths to achieve some of her goals.
Lenex Barth-Tauai for giving his best effort to contribute thoughtful suggestions to cope with
“small problems” in our SEL lesson.
Eliza Hunter for the great efforts she has put in to help reach her personal learning goals.
Charlie Byers for working hard to be a great listener during class discussions.
Kobe Wanigasekera for the persistence and positive attitude he shows towards all tasks.
Two awards will be presented next week.
Brooklyn Arhondis for continuing to improve in his reading teacher focus group!
Keep up the great work.
Sienna Gillon for trying hard to improve her Maths skills by going on Mathletics a lot in her
own time. Well Done Sienna!
Charlotte Donnelly for always being dedicated to the task even when it becomes challenging.
Darren Nguyen for perservering with Mathletics tasks and earning a “Gold Certificate”.
Andrew Wills for the positive way he has approached tasks after having so much time off
Louisa D’Ambra for the powerful letter she wrote to raise awareness of the issue of
Claudia Mazzarella for her persistence and hard work while working to achieve her personal
Michael Dutton for his continued persistence in working towards his Personal Learning Goals.
SCHOOL FEES School fees Accounts have been sent home today. Fees can be paid by
cash, cheque or internet banking into the school bank account (BSB 083 347, A/c 46545
3309 – please remember to include your name and account number). All fees must be
finalised by 18th September except by pre arrangement. Any financial difficulties
should have been discussed with Mrs Darvell before now.
UNIFORM SHOP is open Wednesday mornings 9 – 9.30 am. An updated Uniform List for
Term 3 has been implemented. The new Order forms are available from the school office
and website. They can be left at the office to be completed on Wednesdays after 9.30 am.
Parents & Friends News
On Saturday, 1st August, over 80 parents, staff and friends of St Marks Community came
gathered in the hall for a night of games. The atmosphere was great and everyone had a
brilliant night. Congratulations to our overall winner Julie Pretty - who took home an ipad
The night raised over $4000 for our school! An amazing achievement.
Thanks to the PA Committee for working on this event.
A huge thanks to our very generous sponsors:
Centorrino Technologies
Good Guys, Moorabbin Airport
Cirque Africa
Kristen and Andrew Hobby
Tranquility, Beauty, Body, Soul, Keysborough
Beauty on the Park
Flight Deck Bar and Grill
The Garden of Good and Evil, Cheltenham
Dingley Cellars
Broadbent Dance Academy
Ishinryu Karate
Dingley International
Southern Golf Club
Peninsula Kingswood Country Golf Club
Woodlands Golf Club
Kings Dingley
Lam Accounting and Taxation
Partners in Planning
Active Performance Studio
Luna Park
Gumbuya Park
Puffing Billy
Le Mans Go Karts
Mitre 10, Chelsea Heights
Wednesday, 2 September 2015
9am – 11am
School Tours will be conducted. Bookings are necessary
Book online at:www.trybooking.com/ICMV
Open to anyone interested in viewing the College
Enrolments Open - Wednesday, 2 September 2015
Enrolments Close - Friday, 26 February 2016
ENQUIRIES: enrol@stbedes.catholic.edu.au
www.stbedes.catholic.edu.au or call 9582 5999
2 Mentone Parade MENTONE 3194 Enter via Dixon St
An art class to suit all skill levels and mediums of choice.
New enrolments welcome
9.30 – 11.30 am.
For further information or if you’d like to enrol,
Please phone: 9587 4534
457 Main St. Mordialloc. 3195
Do you have appointments to attend?
Need to do some shopping or study?
Or just need a quiet break?
We offer short term child care, Monday – Friday, between the hours of 9.15am – 3.30pm.
For more information or to make a booking, please phone
Dingley Netball Club is looking for players interested in playing netball! Players 7 and
over will start with the NetSetGo program, then proceed to play with DNC once deemed
ready. We are also looking for any Grade 6 players who would like to play.
Contact president@dingleynetballclub.net.au for further information.
Thank you Peta Young, President, Dingley Netball Club.
Don’t forget….We are still collecting Earn & Learn stickers until, Tuesday 8th September
2015, so when you shop at Woolworths you can collect Woolworths Earn & Learn Stickers
from the checkout operator or through an online order and place them on a Woolworths Earn
& Learn Sticker Sheet. There’ll be one Woolworths Earn & Learn Sticker for every $10 spent
(excluding liquor, tobacco, and gift cards). Once completed, simply place the Sticker Sheet
in the Collection Box, located in the school office or at your local Woolworths.
Parents can print out a form from woolworths.com.au/earnandlearn
Thought for the week:
If you’re trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I’ve had them; But obstacles don’t
have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to
climb it, go through it, or work around it.
Michael Jordan.
Debbie Darvell
500g pumpkin, peeled, seeded and cut into 2cm cubes
1 teaspoon ground coriander
1 teaspoon ground cumin
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 fresh red chilli, seeded and finely chopped
Juice of 1 lemon
60-100mL extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper to season
Place the pumpkin in a saucepan and cover with water, simmer for about 10 minutes until
Drain, mash with a fork until smooth.
Add coriander, cumin, garlic, chilli, lemon
juice, stir until combined.
Add oil to reach required
Serve warm or cold with hot Turkish
or pita bread.
2 zucchini
1 egg
1 spoonful gluten free flour
1 tablespoon grated parmesan
pinch of salt, pepper
Preheat oven to 200 degrees celsius
Grate the zucchini. Squeeze out excess moisture.
Mix the grated zucchini, egg, gluten free flour, parmesan cheese and stir well.
Form the mixture into balls.
Place the balls on an oven tray lined
with baking paper.
6. Cook for 20 mins.
7. Serve with a tzatziki dip.