Hospitality Hospitality


Hospitality Hospitality
Monsignor Joseph M. Hendricks, Pastor
Reverend Kevin Kavanagh, Parochial Vicar
Deacon Frank Iannarino, Home: 798-9763
Deacon Don Poirier, Home: 889-9232
Pastoral Associate: Sr . J oan Mar ie Har per , C.D.P.
(614)761-3734, ext. 249
Minister to the Sick/Bereaved &
Director of Adult School of Faith Formation:
Sr. Teresa Tuite, O.P.
Business Manager: J oseph Bur ger
Business Assistant: J ackie Mack
Facility Manager: J ake Gr oce
Office Manager: Kar en Cr emeans
Receptionist/Secretary: Mar y Longo
Bulletin Editor: Br idget Malloy
Development Director: Sar ah Kilbane Moor e
Director Marketing & Communications: Allie Wing
Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries:
Laura Butsch (614)718-5832
Director of Middle School Youth Group:
Kim VanHuffel, (614) 593-5173
Organist/Director of Music:
Katherine Florian, (614) 761-3734, ext. 248
Assistant Organist/Assistant Director of Music:
Greg Strang, (614) 296-8781
Director of Choirs/Youth Ensemble: Melissa Her man
Ministry Scheduler: J oanie Roma,
(614) 761-3734, ext. 252
Safe Environment Program Coordinator:
Stacey Nerone
7175 Avery Road
Phone: (614) 761-1176
Directors: Andr ea Komenda & Tina White
Staff: Babs Pulsfort, Teresa Golamb-Hartzell,
Liz Jennison, Amie Lopez
7175 Avery Road
Phone: (614) 718-5825
Fax: (614) 718-5831
Principal: Kathleen O’Reilly
Vice Principal: Cindy Lombar do
Preschool Director: Maur een DiDomenico
School Secretaries: Shannon Cr awfor d, Cindy Sovik
Latchkey: Kar ol Halm (614) 718-5833
Bulletin Editor: stbrigidbulletin@
Normal Bulletin Deadline: Thursday Noon - Eleven days
before publication date!
Brad Kernan & Sarah Brown will marry at St.
Brigid of Kildare on October 10, 2015.
Chris Laux & Julie Strunk will marry at St.
Brigid of Kildare on October 17, 2015.
This weekend, the Sunday Socials will be hosted
by Boy Scout Troop 117 following the 9:00 &
10:45 am Masses in Hendricks Hall. Come and
socialize with fellow parishioners and enjoy
coffee, bagels and donuts.
Throughout the year we will use this space to offer some
suggestions, some thoughts, some challenges to help us to
stay focused on our goal of hospitality.
St. Brigid of Kildare website:
Readings for October 4:
Twenty-Seventh Sunday
of Ordinary Time
# 1188 B
Everyday hospitality – it is there but you have to stay
awake!! The Spirit works through surprises in everyone’s
life. Every minute of the day brings the possibility of a
surprise, the possibility of a breakthrough of love, of newness, change and joy. A split second can turn a day inside
out. Even the seemingly smallest event, like a chance remark that we happen to hear or an unexpected kindness
shown that quickly comes and goes, can open a gateway to
an unknown field of blessings and abundance. People
know that the Spirit is in this. And that makes all the difference. So stay awake.
9:00 AM Pete Albanese
9:00 AM Living & Deceased Members of
St. Brigid of Kildare Parish
12:00 PM Louis Florian
9:00 AM Msgr. Thomas Bender
9:00 AM Living & Deceased Members of the
LoPresti & Wilcox Families
4:30 PM Religious Ed Classes (School)
6:00 PM Religious Ed Classes (School)
6:30 PM Knights of Columbus, 1st Degree (Room B)
7:00 PM Christ & the Church (Berry Room)
7:30 PM Religious Ed Classes (School)
9:30 AM Family First (Berry Room & Carr Nursery)
9:30 AM Tuesday Morning Group (Room B)
4:30 PM Religious Ed Classes (School)
6:30 PM Celebration of Belonging (Church)
7:00 PM Certification Course (Church Basement)
7:30 PM High School Bible Study (Massey Room)
9:30 AM Lord, Teach Us to Pray (Room B)
10:00 AM Play Date (Carr Nursery)
12:00 PM Home & School (Room B)
1:30 PM 55+ Club (Berry Room)
7:00 PM Four Faces of Jesus (Hendricks Hall)
7:00 PM Jordan Conference (Church Basement)
7:30 PM Adult Choir (Church)
OCTOBER 4, 2015
9:00 AM Cliff Glowacki
5:00 PM Living & Deceased Members of the
Voet & Morgan Families
7:30 AM Ruth Tischer
9:00 AM Barry Fairand
10:45 AM Del Stucke
12:15 PM Barbara J. Rubadue
10:00 AM Little Rock Scripture (Carr Nursery)
1:00 PM Little Rock Scripture (Kelty Library)
6:00 PM Crew 117 (Room B)
6:30 PM Boy Scouts (Hendricks Hall)
7:00 PM Prayer Shawl Ministry (Kelty Library)
7:00 PM Adult Faith (Enke Hall)
7:00 PM Family Rosary (Church)
7:30 PM RCIA (Church Basement)
5:00 PM Kernan/Brown Rehearsal (Church)
7:00 PM Pack Meeting (Hendricks Hall)
2:30 PM Kernan/Brown Wedding (Church)
Sunday Social hosted by the Social Action Committee in
Hendricks Hall after the 9:00 and 10:45 am Masses.
1:00 PM K of C Luncheon (Hendricks Hall)
1:30 PM Baptisms (Church)
6:30 PM High School Youth Group (Hendricks Hall)
Fr. Fabian Hevi, SMA, a missionar y
priest belonging to the Society of African
Mission popularly know as SMA Fathers,
will be visiting St. Brigid Parish and
speaking at all of the Masses next
weekend, October 10 - 11.
The SMA Fathers normally work with most abandoned Africans,
in the slum areas around the big cities and the desert regions of
Kenya among the Turkanas in Lodwar, Kenya. They have been
building schools for street children, taking them off of the street
and feeding them. They have at the moment 456 poor children in
St. Andrew school, and are now building a Technical and Vocational School for the youths who are prone to drugs, alcohol,
robbery, teenage pregnancy and other social vices.
The New Parishioner Welcome Table will
be in the Gathering Area of the church
after the 9:00 and 10:45 AM Masses next
weekend, October 11. this is an oppor tunity for new members to register with our parish and
learn more about the many ministries we have at St.
Attention Liturgical Ministers: If you
haven’t received your October ministry
schedule, please contact Joanie Roma at
The monthly schedule is also available
each month on the parish website. Thank you.
Ministry Schedule, October 10 - 11, 2015
5:00 PM
Ministry Captain Don Novak
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
10:45 AM
12:15 PM
Al Herold
Vicky Hart
Sr. Joan Harper
Tony Fabiano
Altar Servers
Gianni Eramo
Megan Gawronski
Tyler Gawronski
Drew Curtin
Maura Pirrman
Jack Rozich
Kaleigh O’Reilly
Brandon Peecook
Tony Rogner
Mac Arndt
Kate Griffin
Noah Schnegg
Elizabeth D’sa
Madi Hart
Matthew Jasniecki
First Reader
Michael O’Brien
Rick Schostek
Jill O’Reilly
Jason Radtke
Stephen White
Second Reader
Fred Crum
Shirley Block
Claire Dunlea
Sr. Joan Harper
Graham Guthrie
Toni Bonasso
Lynn Cox
Deacon Frank
Karen Eramo
Tom Frasier
Christine Gawronski
Peggy Iannarino
Janet Jenkins
Kevin Knight
Renee Luis
Carolyn Obert
Cid Rhomberg
Judy Rodgers
Kent Smith
Elaine Stanko
Susan Ziolkowski
Michelle Cacchio
Laura Flaherty
James Glier
Al Herold
Jan Rowe
Paul Zemanek
Tom Balduf
Terri Berkowitz
Tom Brennan
John Doll
Vicky Hart
Rick Jeric
Theresa Jeric
Kathy Kelly
Stephen Markos
Sue Massey
Abigail Paez
Sandy Peecook
Kim Robinette
Debbie Rogner
Matt Vulanich
Paul Zemanek
Tammy Arndt
Jeff Baur
Natalie Baur
Bruce Butts
Len Carroll
Erin Daly
Deacon Don
Susan Gaber
Carolyn Griffin
Lori Harrup
Steve Harrup
Lori Henry
Todd Henry
Karen Komatsu
Beth McHugh
Peggy Stein
Deacon Don
Pamela D’sa
Roy D’sa
Peigi Hanson
Melanie Hart
Sharon Kendzior
Dan Schreibeis
Susan Wilcox
Don Novak
Rob Stanko
John Vogel, Sr.
Jeff Vogel
Harold Young
Doug Kramer
Sam Fata
Gerry Ramspacher John Hart
Pete Welsh
Bob Massey
Steve Mayo
John Peecook
Greg Wagner
Ron Bednar
David Bornhorst
Michael Davis
David Nosker
Jeff Stucke
Tony Susi
Tony Fabiano
Ray Jasniecki
Ron Kendzior
Debbie O’Neill
Tony Testani
Greeter (s)
Young Family
DeRosa Family
Geri Hobbs
Hanson Family
Debbie O’Neill
Dawn Stubbs
Michelle Funge
Adult Choir
Debbie Lowers
Brigid’s Gael
Tony Trippe
Sino Lavric
Sino Lavric
Melissa Norton
John Gannon
Katie Sachs
Children’s Liturgy
of The Word
October 4 - 9:00 am Renee Sickels & Vacant
Parker Sickels & David Brown, Jr.
October 4 - 10:45 am Renee Sickels & Vacant
Parker Sickels & David Brown, Jr.
Please contact Sonia Aina-Steinbauer, scheduler, at: if you are available to help in
this ministry. All volunteers interested in working in
the Carr Nursery during Sunday Masses need to take
Protecting God’s Children.
Thank you to all our parishioners who contribute to St. Brigid Parish through Electronic
Fund Transfer using their credit cards. Since
many credit cards have recently been compromised or have been issued a new expiration date,
we may need to update your card information in order
to process your donation. If you have r ecently been issued a new credit card by your bank, please contact the
Parish Office at 761-3734 with your new card number and
expiration date. St. Brigid of Kildare is very grateful for
your continued support & generosity.
St. Brigid Elementary
School News
The Saint Brigid of Kildare School community provides Catholic faith formation and strong academic foundations to inspire
life long learners and leaders in the twenty first century. Rooted in Christ, we offer a challenging and integrated Catholic
education to children in preschool through grade 8.
At Saint Brigid of Kildare School this week, our ALSO programs will begin. These After school Learning and Service
Oppor tunities ar e weekly clubs sponsor ed by our teachers to provide additional experiences for our students that
extend learning and service beyond the school day. This
year's offerings include our art club, yearbook club, Lego
Robotics club, and math club, to name just a few. Two of our
clubs, the Battle of the Books club and the Power of the Pen
club, will culminate the year with diocesan and/or regional
competitions. We thank our teachers for their dedication to
our students that extends beyond the school day, and we
thank the Annual Fund for supporting these extracurricular
Sent to Serve - October 25, 2015
If you or another Dublin neighbor could use
some assistance raking leaves, completing yard
work, organizing, washing cars, cleaning windows, and more, St. Brigid Youth Ministry is here to help!
We will be collecting canned goods and other non-perishable
food items to donate to our local, Dublin community food
pantry. Please consider donating.
Contact Laura Butsch for more information and to get signed
up 614-718-5832
Our next Prayer Shawl Knit-In is scheduled
for Thursday, October 8 at 7:00 pm in the
Kelty Library of Hendricks Hall. Come join us
for conversation and creating. Bring whatever
you are currently working on. All are welcome! Questions? Contact Ann Blake at 363-4097.
SAVE THE DATE for Make It a Date!
A Night Out to Focus on Your Marriage
OCTOBER 4, 2015
“One Faith, One Family”
Religious Education News and Updates
Today we hear in Mark’s Gospel Jesus
blessing the children: “Let the children
come to me, and do not stop them, because
the Kingdom of God belongs to such as
these.” Mark 10:14
It is a beautiful picture: our Messiah with children in His
arms. We encounter our God displaying the sweetest, gentlest nature in His actions. It reveals Christ’s love for children: as part of His character as man and in His deeper
aspect as a revelation of the divine nature. It makes clear
that little children are loved and blessed by Him and by our
Heavenly Father.
2nd Grade Families in St. Brigid School and Religious
“The Celebration of Belonging” will be held October 6,
2015 at 6:30 pm in the Church. Par ents and students
please plan to attend this event.
“The Beauty of Forgiveness” is a Parent Meeting on October 26 or 27, 2015 at 9:30 am or 7:00 pm
(respectively) in Hendricks Hall.
Family Reflection for the Week: Childr en have the
desire to know and understand Jesus. How can you make
Christ’s presence known in your home? How can you incorporate your faith into your day to day discussions?
annual Pumpkin and Bake Sale is Coming! The St. Brigid Women’s Club will
be hosting its annual pumpkin and bake
sale, October 17th and 18th, after all
masses. We will set up in between the church and Hendricks Hall to sell pumpkins, gourds and delicious homemade baked goods. Please plan to support the Women’s
Club annual fundraiser by attending the pumpkin and bake
sale. If you would like more information or would like to
volunteer to bake, please contact Shauna Durant at 740815-9053 or or Mary Hagen at
513-432-9098 or .
St. Brigid Young Adult Ministry
Saturday, October 24, 6:15 p.m.
St. Brigid of Kildare Parish Center
You and your spouse are invited to the 9 Make It a Date!
event, St. Brigid’s popular night-out for married couples.
Don’t miss this hour-long, casual opportunity to focus on
your marriage. The evening will tap into the rich tradition of
the Beatitudes to support couples’ efforts to build stronger,
more holy marriages. Look for more information in next
week’s bulletin.
Join in with the Catholic Adult Formation
Education (C.A.F.E.) for a Scripture Study:
Four Faces of Jesus Revealed in the Four Gospels
• All meetings take place 7-8:30 PM in Hendricks Hall
• Oct. 7, 14, & 28 and Nov. 4 & 11
Have questions?
Young Adult Minister, Laura Butsch:, 614-718-5832
The St. Brigid Playgroup is
open to everyone in the parish with small children. We
meet at a different location
each Wednesday at 10:00 am unless otherwise noted. Contact Kristiann Wightman at for more
details. You can also “Like” us on Facebook:
October 7: Playdate at Carr Nursery,
Hendricks Hall, St. Brigid of Kildare, 7179
Avery Rd., Dublin 43017.
October 14: Goal to Gold, 6923 Rings
Road, 43016. Fee per family.
October 21: Pumpkin Picking, J acquemin
Farms, 7437 Hyland Croy Rd, 43064. $6 per
child (Includes pumpkin, coloring book,
gourd, slushee and donut). Please RSVP by
October 19.
October 28: Graeter’s indoor play ar ea
and ice cream, 255 Bethel Rd, 43220.
Our St. Brigid of Kildare Council 10863 was formed in 1992 and now has over
200 members contributing to its many projects for the parish, the local community,
the Diocese of Columbus, and the universal Catholic Church.
Upcoming Events:
• Sunday October 11th – KofC Memorial Mass and Social – 12:15 to
2:30 PM. All Knights and their families are invited to celebrate mass
together with their brother Knights. A social lunch event will follow
mass in Hendricks Hall.
• Sunday November 8th – Pancake Breakfast – After Sunday masses at
the school cafeteria. KofC will be serving pancakes, eggs, and sausage.
Come join your fellow parishioners for breakfast at this parish social
• Mark your calendar for the St. Brigid Men’s Retreats which will be
held December 4 - 5 and also January 29 - 31, 2016. Mor e details in
future bulletins.
To learn more about the Knights and what we are all about, please visit our
For membership information, please contact our membership chairman,
Stephen White at: m em bership@stbrigidk
Our Annual Baby Shower, sponsored by the Respect Life Committee, helps support Pregnancy Decision Health
Center and Women’s Care Center. These organizations are dedicated to providing a compassionate and loving
alternative to women facing a crisis pregnancy.
We will be collecting new and gently used items for babies as well as maternity clothes after all Masses on
Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 24-25 in Hendricks Hall. Volunteer s ar e needed to sor t and pack on Sunday, October
25th. If you can help for 1 or 2 hours, please call Mary Jo Booker at 614-309-3807 or email at
St. Brigid High School Youth Ministry
Visit St. Brigid's HS Youth Ministry Webpage to
find out more about what is going on in high school
youth ministry!
Have questions?
Youth Minister, Laura Butsch:
Sunday, Oct. 4
Relay races, stereotypes, & God at Living the Questions
6:30-8 PM Hendricks Hall
Tuesday, Oct. 6
The Beatitudes
Bible Study 7:30-8:30, Massey Teen Room
Sunday, Oct. 11
Living the Questions, 6:30-8 PM Hendricks Hall
SENT TO SERVE is October 25, 9 AM – 2 PM
Student Registration Deadline is October 12!
Contact Laura Butsch for more information
REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING, Wednesday, October 7, 1:30 pm in Hendr icks Hall, Ber r y Room.
Speaker: Ted Mosure, former Navy Seal and Vietnam War Veteran.
LUNCH, Friday, October 16, 1:00 pm at The Golf Club of Dublin, 5805 Eiter man Rd., Dublin, Oh
43016. Make reservations with Pat Markos 740-917-5386.
Parishioners 55 years of age or older are welcome to participate. For more information on membership in the Club, please
call Bill Campbell 325-4858. If you need a ride to the meetings, please call Steve Markos 740-917-5386.
On behalf of Msgr. Joseph Hendricks, Fr.
Kevin Kavanagh and the entire parish we
would like to thank the hundreds of volunteers that planed and implemented our 11th
annual Ministry Weekend. We had over
2,000 parishioners attend and learn how to
become a part of parish life here at St. Brigid of Kildare. It
is through the hard work and generosity of numerous individuals that helped create an occasion that brought our parish
together and helped parishioners to discover how they can be
fulfilled through their service to the Church. The overwhelming success of Ministry Weekend is a credit all those
involved. A special thanks to Michele Coss, Jenny Monte,
Jackie Mack, the members of the Tapestry Committee, 7th &
8th grade volunteers, and the Knights of Columbus.
Fall Book Fair Week
Starts Sunday, October 11th
After 9:00 Mass until 2:00 pm
St. Brigid School Library
Mon, Tues and Thurs 8:00 am – 4 pm
Wednesday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Friday 8:00 am - Noon
OCTOBER 4, 2015
Steps toward Healing
Grief Support Group
The Pastoral Care Department at Dublin
Methodist Hospital is partnering with the Ohio Health Hospice & Bereavement program to offer a “Steps Toward
Healing” grief support group for those who have lost a
loved one. Some who are grieving benefit from the opportunity to share that grief with others. There is no cost for
this workshop. Registration is required. To register, call
Wednesday evenings October 7 - November 25
7:00 - 8:30 PM
Dublin Methodist Hospital, Main Lobby Conference
Room, 7500 Hospital Dr., Dublin, OH 43017
Weekend Interactive Retreat for Men
November 6-8, 2015,
St. Therese's Retreat Center
Theme: "Faith, Hope, and Charity"
Retreat Director: Father John D. Corbett, O.P.
Contact Dave Mignerey at (614) 392-0146 for more information.
Sponsored by the Catholic Laymen’s Retreat League
RCIA: Want to Become Catholic or learn
Year of Consecrated Life
October 12, 2015, 7:00 PM
Hendricks Hall
Sr. Shawn Fitzpatrick, OP and Sr. Diane Kozlowski, OP
Come and hear about two ministries conducted by
Dominican Sisters.
The Dominican Learning Center (located in
Columbus, OH) was established in June 1994
by the Congregation of St. Mary of the Springs.
The Dominican Sisters have served in education in Ohio since 1830. In 1994 it became very
clear that there was a rapidly growing need to
provide literacy training. Sister Shawn Fitzpatrick OP is the
current Administrator of the Center. The Literacy Center
provides one-on-one tutoring to help adults to improve their
skills in reading, writing, spelling, listening, mathematics
and basic computer use. The Center does not offer religious
instruction but provides a safe and open atmosphere for people of all cultures and faith traditions.
Shepherd's Corner is an ecological ministr y of the
DOMINICAN SISTERS OF PEACE. This 160-acre natural
oasis found in Black Lick, OH, serves as a working farm and
center for ecology, spirituality, and education. The center
focuses on three areas: environmental education, reflection
on the care of creation, and providing healthy, naturally
grown produce. Sister Diane Kozlowski, OP is the Program
and Volunteer Coordinator.
more about your Catholic faith?
Consider attending our orientation meeting for
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) on
Thursday evenings in the Church Basement from 7:309:00 pm. Our next meeting will be October 8. The calendar
for this coming year is on our website at: under “W ant to Become Catholic?” then “2015-2016 RCIA Calendar.” All are welcome.
If you are interested, or know someone who might be interested in becoming Catholic, please complete the form below. It can be placed in the offertory basket, or mailed
directly to the Church at PO Box 3130, Dublin, OH 43016.
For more information, contact Kim VanHuffel at:
ADDRESS: _________________________________________
HOME TELEPHONE: ________________________________
WORK TELEPHONE: ________________________________
E-MAIL: ___________________________________________
October EPIC Date Change: October 24!!!
Sacred Heart Congress Oct. 31
Our next youth group meeting will be held on October 24. The date has changed by one week.
Please mark it in your calendars! This will be our
one meeting this school year held on a Saturday.
We will meet at St. Brigid at 12:30 p.m. to divide
into cars, then head down to Run the Race Center where we
will throw a Halloween Party for the kids there. We will
return for 5 p.m. Mass. Join us for Mass by the Baptismal
Font and we will dismiss at the end, about 6 p.m. It will be
a longer day than usual, but there will be more service hours
offered and the kids will have a lot of fun touching the lives
of the Racers and will have an eye opening experience of
how truly fortunate they are to live here in Dublin, with their
church, family and schools.
If you have not registered yet, don’t worry, it is never too
late! EPIC is for all 7th and 8th graders of the parish.
Simply go to the parish website at, and
select “Youth” and “Middle School Youth Group” from the
drop down menu. Then fill out the online registration form
at the bottom of the page under “links.” There is no fee to
The 4th Annual Sacred Heart Congress will be held on
Saturday, October 31, 2015 at St. Catharine of Siena
Church, Bexley, Ohio 7:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Meeting Schedule:
October 24 (Saturday) Run the Race
November 22
Thanksgiving Meal Deliveries
The St. Brigid Athletic Association has
THE 2015-2016 Diocesan Basketball season!
This program is for 4th thru 8th grade BOYS
AND GIRLS of registered parishioners.
To complete our 100% on-line registration
and payment process, just go to and
follow the links provided in the Basketball Registration post
on our home page.
Some important dates:
* First practices on or slightly after Nov. 8
* First games on or slightly after Dec. 5
* LAST REGULAR SEASON games on or before Feb. 7
* End of Year Tournament around Feb. 13
Keynote Speaker is Gloria Anson, President of Sacred
Heart Apostolate, Inc.; Speaker Father Stash Dailey, the
Spiritual Director of Sacred Heart Columbus and Administrator of Holy Family Parish; and the Mass Celebrant Father Daniel Dury, Pastor of St. Catharine of Siena Church.
A Free Will Offering will be taken.
For more information and registration please visit
Come join us on Tuesday Mornings, you will
be very welcome!! We are a group of men
and women who come together to study and
discuss books, film, scripture, etc. The first
topic chosen is Rev. Robert Barron’s Untold Blessing series. The book that the group will be using with the DVD
is The Strangest W ay: W alking the Christian Path. This is
available on Amazon in paperback and kindle version. If
you would like to join the group for this topic please come.
For this series we will meet on October 6, 13, 20, 27 and
November 3 and 10 from 9:45 – 11:00 AM in Hendricks
Hall Room B. The facilitator is Sister Teresa.
The Mount Carmel St. Ann's Women's
Auxiliary Council is delighted to host an
evening with Susannah Cahalan, whose award
-winning memoir, Brain On Fire, explores her
struggle to recapture her identity after waking
up alone in a hospital room, strapped to her bed and unable
to move or speak, with no memory of how she’d gotten
there. Please join on us on November 12 at 6:00 PM for
what is sure to be an inspiring, educational and entertaining evening. Ticket prices are $50. Proceeds support the
critical needs of the babies born at Mt. Carmel St. Anne’s
and their mothers. For tickets & general information, visit
Respect Life Notes
A wide spectrum of issues touches on the protection of human life
and the promotion of human dignity. As Pope John Paul II reminded us: "W here life is involved, the service of charity must be profoundly consistent. It cannot tolerate bias and discrimination, for
human life is sacred and inviolable at every stage and in every situation; it is
an indivisible good" (The Gospel of Life, no. 87). Especially welcome in this
effort is the participation of persons with disabilities and their families, who
are not only recipients of care but active and valued members of the faith community. By their example and testimony they can play an indispensable role in
witnessing to the inherent dignity of each human life.
St. Brigid Women’s Club cordially
invites all members and women of
the parish to join fellow parishioners for a night of fellowship at
Pasquale’s Pizza & Pub, 7875
Ryan Parkway, Plain City, on Wednesday,
October 21, 2015 at 7:00pm. Please rsvp by
October 16th to
or to the evite. Pizza will be provided and a
cash bar will be available.
OCTOBER 4, 2015
Thank You
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
We are blest to have (171+) parishioners trained and willing to serve as Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
from now through September 17, 2017. These members serve in one or more capacities, such as in church, for
the homebound, at care facilities, for prisons, and at hospitals. We are grateful for their dedication and service.
Marianne Ambrose
Sharon Balduf
Thomas Balduf
James Balyeat
Judith Balyeat
Pamela Barnard
Jeffrey Baur
Natalie Baur
Terri Berkowitz
Lisa Beuselinck
Maureen Beytagh
Janice Blum
Betsy Bobel
Antoinette Bonasso
Charles Booker
Thomas Brennan
Richard Bringardner
Bonnie Brown
Lisa Brusadin
Peggy Buckles
Constance Bueter
Terrance Bueter
Laura Butsch
Bruce Butts
Mary Butts
Michelle Cacchio
Len Carroll
Mary Fran Cassidy
Kenneth Castrop
Lyn Charobee
Mary Cline
Christine Close
Shelly Cocumelli
Maureen Cones
Jennifer Conroy
Lisa Cooper
Thomas Cotter
Karen Cremeans
Connie Ditalia
Karen Eramo
Karen Ernes
Joseph Falk
Sally Falk
Regina Fathman
Donald Filibeck
Sharon Filibeck
Kevin Flanagan
James Flynn
David Francis
Thomas Frasier
Chryssa Gartner
Christine Gawronski
Rolando Gellegani
Joann Gentile
Sheila Gibbons
Julie Glowacki
Michael Gonzalez
Mike Gottron
Laura Gran
Carolyn Griffin
Christine Gutridge
David Guza
Nancy Guza
Steven Gyuro
Greg Haeuptle
Brian Hagerty
Peigi Hanson
Sister Joan Harper, CDP
Victoria Hart
Melanie Hart
Teresa Hartzell
Theresa Heaphy
Lori Henry
Alfred Herold
Michael Hessenauer
Mary Lynne Hill
Kevin Hilyard
Vicky Humphrey
Michelle Hunter
Peggy Iannarino
Janet Jenkins
Rick Jeric
Theresa Jeric
Jo Ann Karam
Katherine Kelly
Ron Kendzior
Sharon Kendzior
Lawrence Kennedy
Valaree Kennedy
Teresa Kenney
Kevin Knight
Karen Komatsu
Andrea Komenda
Jeffrey Kriegel
Lorilee Laber
Mary Ellen Lancia
Sinisa Lavric
Denise Leitch
Renee Luis
Tim Luis
Jacquelyn Mack
Stephen Markos
Sue Massey
Karen McCaffrey
Tanya McCarthy
Danell McGinley
Beth McHugh
Leslie Michaels
Don Miller
Mary Mitchell
Lorraine Molnar
Joseph Moore
Thomas Neidecker
David Nosker
Donald Novak
Catherine O Connell
Carolyn Obert
Abigail Paez
Mary Jane Pajk
Christopher Paolini
Susan Paul
Sandra Peecook
Karen Prenger
James Promenschenkel
Sally Promenschenkel
Babs Pulsfort
Kurt Purcell
Pamela Rapp
Michele Regrut
Sheila Reiner
Jodi Renard
Stacey Rexrode-Brewer
Kimberly Robinette
Judith Rodgers
Deborah Rogner
Joanie Roma
Cheryl Rubadue
Paula Scheper
Ronald Scheper
Dianne Schmeling
Daniel Schreibeis
Michael Scrase
Patrick Sheridan
Amanda Skinner
Dana Smith
Kent Smith
Elaine Stanko
Peggy Stein
Diane Stone
Ruth Ann Sweeney
Jennifer Taylor
Marianne Traficant
Gina Urwin
Lilia Valera
Beverly Vietti
Sherry Voet
John Vogel
Matthew Vulanich
Tammy Wade
Annamarie Wagner
Gregory Wagner
Amelia Watkins
John Watkins
Josephine Watts
Evelyn Weyer
Michael Wible
Susan Wilcox
Debra Willet
Kathy Wodarcyk
Clelia Wojcik
Paul Zemanek
Jeffrey Zimmerman
While those listed here are no longer able to serve due to changing circumstances we want them all to know we appreciate
their years of service. Many named here served ten to fifteen years as Extraordinary Ministers. Theirs is surely dedicated
faith in action. Thank you!
Jan Andrews
Mary Beth Benney
Jennifer Brown
Nicholas Byorth
Kathleen Cianca
Landon Coate
Maria Coate
Kathleen Crago
Wayne Diller
Marion Franken
Stephen Haddox
Kathleen Hunt
Joan Jordan
Ermagene Kelly
Robert Kratzenberg
Veronica Palcich
Shelly Reardon
Kristi Simone
Mark Smithhisler
Lisa Strine
Julie Tobias
William Watts

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