FOURTEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME ST. BRIGID OF KILDARE OFFICE STAFF Monsignor Joseph M. Hendricks, Pastor Bulletin Editor: Normal Bulletin Deadline: Thursday Noon - Eleven days Reverend Kevin Kavanagh, Parochial Vicar before publication date! Deacon Frank Iannarino, Home: 798-9763 Deacon Don Poirier, Home: 889-9232 Pastoral Associate: Sr. Joan Marie Harper, C.D.P. Minister to the Sick/Bereaved & Director of Adult School of Faith Formation: Sr. Teresa Tuite, O.P. Email: Business Manager: Joseph Burger Business Assistant: Jackie Mack St. Brigid of Kildare website: Facility Manager: Jake Groce Office Manager: Karen Cremeans Receptionist/Secretary: Mary Longo Bulletin Editor: Bridget Malloy Email: Development Director: Sarah Kilbane Moore Director Marketing & Communications: Allie Wing Email: Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries: Laura Butsch Director of Middle School Youth Group: Kim VanHuffel, (614) 593-5173 Organist/Director of Music: Katherine Florian, (614) 761-3734, ext. 248 Assistant Organist/Assistant Director of Music: Greg Strang, (614) 296-8781 Director of Choirs/Youth Ensemble: Melissa Herman Ministry Scheduler: Joanie Roma, (614) 761-3734, ext. 252 Email: Safe Environment Program Coordinator: Stacey Nerone Email: RELIGIOUS EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STAFF 7175 Avery Road Phone: (614) 761-1176 Directors: Andrea Komenda & Tina White Staff: Babs Pulsfort, Teresa Golamb-Hartzell ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STAFF 7175 Avery Road Phone: (614) 718-5825 Fax: (614) 718-5831 Principal: Kathleen O’Reilly Vice Principal: Cindy Lombardo Preschool Director: Maureen DiDomenico School Secretaries: Shannon Crawford, Cindy Sovik Latchkey: Karol Halm (614) 718-5833 SUMMER OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Thursday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm (Closed Noon to 1:00 pm for Lunch) Friday: 8:30 am - 12 noon School Offices reopen on Monday, August 3. Religious Ed Offices reopen on Tuesday, August 4. Readings for July 5: Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time # 1149 B ST. BRIGID OF KILDARE CHURCH DUBLIN, OHIO MONDAY, JULY 6, 2015 9:00 AM Joseph Kavanagh TUESDAY, JULY 7, 2015 9:00 AM Judy Berry 12:00 PM Living & Deceased Members of the Cremeans Family WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 2015 9:00 AM Bobbie Brennan THURSDAY, JULY 9, 2015 9:00 AM Living & Deceased Members of St. Brigid of Kildare Parish MONDAY, JULY 6, 2015 6:30 PM Knights of Columbus (Chapel) 7:30 PM Knights of Columbus (Berry Room) TUESDAY, JULY 7, 2015 12:30 PM Women’s Study Group (Kelty Library) WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 2015 5:00 PM Brigid Youth Bible Study (Hendricks Hall) 6:00 PM Chillin’ & Grillin’ (Hendricks Hall) It is not too late! Saint Brigid of Kildare Preschool is still accepting applications. At this time, we have a few spots in the 4’s 5-day morning class, the 4’s 3-day afternoon class and our afternoon prek class. Please call 7185825 ext 244 for more information or check out the school website for more information and to complete an application. “Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.” - Hebrews 13:16 Our Social Action Committee will be hosting Sandwich Saturday on July 18 at 9:00 am in Hendricks Hall. Laughter, fellowship and an opportunity to help others. BANNS OF MARRIAGE: Daniel Scott Rexer & Jenna Rose Siska will marry at St. Brigid on July 11, 2015. Edward Charles Schroeder & Patricia Ann JanishLukcso will marry at St. Brigid on July 11, 2015. Dave Callahan & Colleen Day will marry at St. Brigid on July 17, 2015. JULY 5, 2015 FRIDAY, JULY 10, 2015 9:00 AM Liz Woodland SATURDAY, JULY 11, 2015 5:00 PM Special Intentions of Randy and Maria Ross SUNDAY, JULY 12, 2015 7:30 AM Special Intentions of the Gyuro Family 9:00 AM Living & Deceased Members of St. Brigid of Kildare Parish 10:45 AM Louis LaVallee 12:15 PM John Habash THURSDAY, JULY 9, 2015 7:00 PM Family Rosary (Church) FRIDAY, JULY 10, 2015 5:00 PM Wedding Rehearsal (Church) SATURDAY, JULY 11, 2015 11:30 AM Schroeder/Lukcso Wedding (Msgr. Hendricks) 2:30 PM Rexer/Siska Wedding (Deacon Don) SUNDAY, JULY 12, 2015 1:30 PM Baptisms (Deacon Don) We are in the last weeks of the 2015 Bishop’s Annual Appeal. We want to thank everyone that has supported this important cause. St. Brigid of Kildare parish has always been overwhelmingly generous to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. It has become a concrete way we can become involved with the thousands in our diocese and share with them what we have. We are currently $42,170 shy of our $253,000 goal. Please consider a gift to help us make our goal and aid those in our Diocese that are in need of our help. We would like to have 100% participation from our parish. To donate please use one of the pledge cards provided in the pews and place them in the offertory baskets or return them to the parish office. Remember that anything pledged above our goal is returned 100% to our parish. No gift is too small. Thank you. FOURTEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Ministry Schedule, July 11 - 12, 2015 5:00 PM Ministry Captain Mike Sliclen 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:45 AM 12:15 PM Karen Ernes Terry Miller David Nosker Carolyn Obert Altar Servers Sydney Anderson Katherine Arnold Nicholas Arnold Claire Prenger Madeline Prenger Jack Rozich Brandon Peecook Tony Rogner Allison Smith Mac Arndt Brett Renard Noah Schnegg Aidan Gran Brennan Gran Caroline Kromalic Announcement/ First Reader David Failla Shirley Block Brian Day Claire Dunlea Mike Scrase Second Reader Maureen Huss Jackie Mack Sue Day Jim Gregory Peter Taylor Eucharistic Ministers Deacon Don Joe Falk Sally Falk Kevin Flanagan Tom Frasier Christine Gawronski Chris Herold Kevin Hilyard Kevin Knight Renee Luis Bridget McAuliffe Mike Sliclen Kent Smith Elaine Stanko Claire Voegele Susan Ziolkowski Michelle Cacchio Karen Ernes Laura Flaherty Tina Maloney Anne Meredith Karen Prenger Pam Barnard Terri Berkowitz Jennifer Conroy Erin Daly Deacon Don John Doll Joe Feehan Jessica Freiburger Courtney Karam Larry Kennedy Valaree Kennedy Stephen Markos Sandy Peecook Debbie Rogner Dana Smith Annamarie Wagner Glen Aidt Tammy Arndt Deacon Don Susan Gaber Maria Gonzalez Melanie Hanson Lori Henry Todd Henry Jeffrey Jones Beth McHugh David Nosker Jodi Renard Paula Scheper Ron Scheper Lilia Valera Walter Williamson Kathleen Cianca Laura Gran Carolyn Obert Catherine O’Connell Jim Promenschenkel Sally Promenschenkel Julie Smerdel Jennifer Taylor Ushers George Gillespie Keith Arnold Jeff Prenger Ron Bednar Patrick Sheridan Don Bobel Matthew McAuliffe Rob Stanko Harold Young Keith Dunnigan James McHale Terry Miller John Peecook Greg Wagner Seth Miller Austin Adams Tom Hodgson Jeff Stucke Rann Thomas Sean White Jacob Samenuk Tom Neidecker Tony Testani Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Greeter (s) Young Family Vacant Andrews Family Maureen Howard Miller Family Vradenburg Family Jones Family Jodi Renard Vacant Vacant Cantors Debbie Lowers John Denzel Mary Fran Cassidy Brigid’s Gael Kathy Taylor Attention Liturgical Ministers: You should have received the July ministry schedule. If not, please contact Joanie Roma at The monthly schedule is also available each month on the parish website. Thank you. St. Brigid of Kildare School, 7175 Avery Road, Dublin, is looking for program assistants for the 2015-2016 After School Child Care Program. Hours are 2:00-6:00 pm, Monday through Friday beginning mid-August. Applicants must be at least 21 years old and have the enthusiasm, as well as the desire, to work with school-aged children. A current BCI/FBI background check and proof of attendance for Protecting God’s Children seminar will be required. Those interested should contact Karol Halm, Director of After School Child Care, at or 718-5833. Thank you to all our parishioners who contribute to St. Brigid Parish through Electronic Fund Transfer using their credit cards. Since many credit cards have recently been compromised or have been issued a new expiration date, we may need to update your card information in order to process your donation. If you have recently been issued a new credit card by your bank, please contact the Parish Office at 761-3734 with your new card number and expiration date. St. Brigid of Kildare is very grateful for your continued support & generosity. ST. BRIGID OF KILDARE CHURCH DUBLIN, OHIO Upcoming Protecting God’s Children Sessions for St. Brigid of Kildare Volunteers: The Diocese of Columbus safe environment policies require that any volunteer over the age of 18 years old complete Protecting God’s Children training in addition to a fingerprinting background check, volunteer application and signed code of conduct. Protecting God’s Children Training will be offered at St. Brigid of Kildare in Hendrick’s Hall on: Saturday, July 25th at 9:00 am Saturday, September 12th at 9:00 am Saturday, October 3rd at 9:00 am Registration is at Click on “registration” then chose Diocese of Columbus from the drop down menu. You will create a user ID and password and then register for the training. Session duration is about 2.5 hours. The fingerprinting background check can be completed at Fast Fingerprints at 1486 Bethel Road. Go to for instructions. For complete information on the safe environment requirements including the volunteer application and code of conduct, please visit the parish website at: or contact Stacey Nerone at St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church Seeks Part-Time Music Minister Responsibilities include providing music for two weekend liturgies (Saturday 4 pm and Sunday 9 am), occasional weddings, funerals, holy day liturgies. Will direct all aspects of parish's music program including a traditional choir, a contemporary choir, funeral choir and cantor programs. Strong skills of organ (piano), leading choral music, choir practices, encouraging congregational singing. Collaborative planning and knowledge of Catholic liturgy a must. Immediate start date. Salary/benefits commensurate with education/experience. Applicants should email, fax or mail resumes to, St, Philip Church, Attn: Marti Todd, 1573 Elaine Rd, Columbus, Ohio 43227 or Fax 614-231-8416. JULY 5, 2015 The CARR NURSERY To all our families with small children: Hendricks Hall has a child care center to watch your children during the 9:00 am and 10:45 am masses? We have PGC (Protecting God's Children) certified adult volunteers that are available to watch your children. We only ask you to volunteer your time as well to help other families enjoy this Ministry. We are currently welcoming new volunteers to help with 9:00 am and 10:45 am Mass times. We need your help to make this ministry a consistent success! Please contact Sonia Aina-Steinbauer at for information on becoming a volunteer in this valuable Ministry. "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms." - 1 Peter 4:10 What is an "Active" Parishioner?... Registering in a Catholic parish is a declaration of your desire to be part of a Catholic faith community and a commitment to the life of the parish family. Your Catholic commitment brings you many advantages, recognition, and responsibilities. The Diocese of Columbus defines an "active" member of a parish as an individual who celebrates the weekly Mass at their church, volunteers their time/talent, and gives financial support to the parish. These are also the fundamental aspects of Saint Brigid of Kildare's own Tapestry Program. Being active is not about giving a specific amount of money or time--it is about regular participation. As each parishioner has different financial and time constraints, Saint Brigid of Kildare has a wide range of opportunities available to donate your time, talent or treasure. The purpose of our Tapestry Program is to provide each of our parishioners with the opportunity to discover their own gifts and how they can share them with our parish community. LOW GLUTEN COMMUNION HOST PROCEDURE: If you require a low-gluten host for Communion at Mass, it will be necessary for you to personally put it aside prior to the Mass. The low-gluten hosts are located in the upper left corner of the refrigerator door in the kitchenette of the Church. Please put on a plastic glove, take a host and place it on the small paten (gold dish) on the offertory table in the back of Church. If needed, ask an Usher or Ministry Captain to assist you. When receiving Holy Communion, use the middle aisle and inform the priest or deacon that you need a low-gluten host. FOURTEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Save the Date: Kickoff September 27!!! Registration is now open for EPIC, Saint Brigid of Kildare's Middle School Youth Group, designed for all 7th and 8th grade students in the parish and Saint Brigid of Kildare School. The group meets once a month on Sundays during the school year for faith, fun, fellowship, community building and service. Members will attend the 12:15 p.m. Mass as a group then meet in Hendricks Halls for prayer and pizza, followed by a fun activity and group discussion. They'll end the day with a different service project each meeting, some being held in Hendricks Hall and some at off-site locations. The program is designed to be a place for students with Catholic values to grow in faith and fellowship, and begin experiencing parish life in an active way. Students will gain a positive perspective on service by participating in new projects each month as a community and having a variety of service opportunities offered. These service opportunities will help them to meet their confirmation requirement of 25 hours (or more) with their friends in an organized environment. To register, go to the parish website at, click on “Parish Life” and choose “Middle School Youth Group.” The link to the online registration is at the bottom of the page. There is no fee to participate. The deadline to register and receive a t-shirt is July 15. Please contact Kim VanHuffel at or 593-5173 with any questions. Need to find a Catholic Church while on vacation? can help you locate a Catholic Church anywhere around the world to get Mass times and even directions. High School Youth Ministry Summer Activities Chillin’ & Grillin’: Wednesday nights all summer. Starts with 5:00 pm BYBS; pizza & games from 6:00 – 8:00 pm. Bring $3 for drinks. Wear tennis shoes. Run the Race: Down at the Farm Volunteer with innercity racers on Mondays from 12:00 – 4:45 pm in Galloway. Adult drivers are needed, We also need families to donate sack lunches, CapriSuns, bottled water, hot dogs, buns, fruits/veggies and desserts because we will feed the children lunch and dinner. Be sure to come to BYBS and Chillin’ & Grillin’ on July 8 from 6 pm - 8 pm to meet your new youth minister, Laura Butsch. Core Team Retreat: Pray for your new Core Team as they retreat on August 15/16 and plan next year. Go to website to find permission forms. GOSPEL ROAD is from July 12-16 so there will be NO other High School Youth activities that week. MARRIED COUPLES: THERE’S NO VACATION FROM YOUR VOCATION Summer: What better time for a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend! The next two opportunities are a special in-parish weekend on July 31-August 2, followed by a traditional-format weekend on September 18-20. For more information or to register, contact Paul & Marilou Clouse at 614-834-6880 or visit our website at THE 55 PLUS CLUB SCOITO DOWNS - Wednesday, July 8. Casino, dinner, horse racing. Bus leaves at 3:30 pm returning at approximately 9:30 pm. Contact Julie Sturtz 467-9074. EARLY SUNDAY DINNER - Sunday, July 12 at 6:00 pm at Matt the Miller, 6725 Avery-Muirfield Dr. Dublin, 43017. make reservations by Friday, July 10 with Pat Markos 740-917-5386. GAME DAY - Wednesday, July 15, 1:30 - 4:00 pm in Hendricks Hall. Contact Lorraine LaValle 793-9359 PICNIC WITH THE POPS - Friday, July 31. Make reservations with Mary Kay Klang 319-3554. COLUMBUS CLIPPERS BASEBALL GAME vs. Gwinnett Braves - Sunday, August 16. Contact Peg Burgess 7669656. FALL 2015 TRIP, September 22 - 24. Bus trip to Mackinac Island. Final Payment Due July 1. Wait List Only. Contact Jerry Merrell 889-9760. Parishioners 55 years of age or older are welcome to participate. For more information on membership in the Club, please call Bill Campbell 325-4858. If you need a ride to the meetings, please call Steve Markos 740-917-5386. ST. BRIGID OF KILDARE CHURCH DUBLIN, OHIO Hidden Treasures In Our Parish: Do you know what Care Notes are? People dealing with intensely emotional situations are often looking for concise, easy-to-read guidance and support. That is why Care Notes have been designed with smaller, more manageable sections. There are side bars to support the information and stimulate interest. Care Notes are compact 5x7 inch eight-page full color booklets offering strength and healing for those who are hurting or helping those who are hurting. They are published by Abbey Press Publications in St. Meinrad, IN and cover such topics as Aging and Long Term Care, Hospice, Dealing with Loss, Caring for the Caregiver. There is a selection for teens to help them deal with some of the issues in their lives: making difficult decisions, bullying, loss of a parent, etc. They are a wonderful, easy to use resource that offer very sound advice and consolation. Do you know we have Care Notes available in the Church Gathering Space? Unless you go out the doors by the parking lot or use the restrooms you may never see them. They are one of the hidden treasures we have in the Church Gathering Space. Take time to go over and browse through the selections. You may find something for yourself or something for someone you know. --- Teresa Tuite, OP SAVE THE DATE - SPiCE Family Fun Day and Pancake Breakfast...The annual SPiCE pancake breakfast and family fun day has returned! Join the St. Brigid family at 10 a.m. on Saturday, October 3 at Brigid's Green (across the street from the church) for an "all you can eat" pancake and sausage breakfast. There will also be fun field games for children of all ages. Proceeds benefit the St. Brigid SPiCE program (Special People in Catholic Education). SPiCE serves students in the parish religious education program as well as students at St. Brigid of Kildare school by allowing us to welcome children with all levels of learning into our hearts. The inclusion of all children in our community promotes understanding, compassion and respect for all. It enriches our lives and brings us closer to God. For more information, please contact event chair Dawn Campagni at 560-0300 or SPONSOR OF THE WEEK: Tuttle Crossing Dental Group Phillip Elmo, DDS JULY 5, 2015 The St. Brigid Playgroup is open to everyone in the parish with small children. We meet at a different location each Wednesday at 10:00 am unless otherwise noted. Contact Melanie Pizzino at: for more details. You can also “Like” us on Facebook: stbrigidplaygroup. July 8: Playdate at Balgriffin Park (#4 on Dublin Parks Map) 5715 Norn St., 43016 - South of Woerner Temple Rd. Rain location - Brown House. July 15: Playdate at Stonefield Park (#47 on Dublin parks Map) 5467 Earlington Pkwy, 43017; rain location Pizzino house. July 22: Playdate at Columbus Zoo & Aquarium 4850 Powell Rd. 43065. Meet outside the Front entrance at 9:00 am. July 29: Playdate at Avery Park (#3 on Dublin Parks Map)7501 Avery Rd, 43017; rain location - Carr Nursery, St. Brigid of Kildare, 7179 Avery Rd, 43017. August 5: Playdate at Carr Nursery, Hendricks Hall, St. Brigid of Kildare, 7179 Avery Rd, 43017. St. Margaret of Cortona parish invites you to attend Catholic Conversations Join us the second Sunday of each month to discuss current topics, tends, the Bible, and more all from a Catholic perspective. The event is FREE to attend, you just pay for your food and drink of choice. There will be social time, a presentation, and Q&A. Open to all who are 21 years old and up. Connect with one another and bring our Catholic faith and conversation into our community! The groups meets at Old Bag of Nails in Hilliard located at 4065 Main St, Hilliard, OH 43026 in the private room located upstairs unless otherwise noted. RSVP appreciated for room set-up. Contact Nancy Whetstone at or Julie Naporano at Aug. 9- Deliver us from Temptation, Ken Hagy( Director of Religious Education, Bible Study Speaker & Facilitator) The 5th annual “Columbus Marian Conference” will be held at Ohio Dominican University, July 24th -26th. Please join us as we honor Our Lady and deepen our devotion to Her. Through the rosary, the holy sacrifice of the mass, holy adoration and a full schedule of presentations on Marian devotions, apparitions, and piety we pray to be closer to Mary and ever closer to Her Son. Visit our website or contact Nancy @ (614)929-5838. (scholarship/assistance available). FOURTEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME If you’re looking to deepen your Catholic faith and understanding of the Scripture, consider joining St. Brigid’s Bible Study for women. The church offers a weekly gathering for women eager to grow in their understanding of the Bible and how it applies to their lives. The group follows the Little Rock Scripture with each course based on four main elements: daily personal study (the time you spend to read and reflect on Scripture), a small group meeting, a short, explanatory video, and conversational prayer. Together the women seek answers, ponder Scripture and translate the Bible’s messages into their own lives. As we all aspire to become better instruments of God, it’s a wonderful way to deepen your faith and create special bonds with new friends. The group meets on Thursdays from 10-12pm and 1-2:45 pm, beginning August 27th. To learn more about the Women’s Bible Study group, please contact Claudia Gomez at or 266-7057. “We can change this generation of children if we pray. There are a lot of times when that is all we can do.” - Susan Merrill, This week continues a bulletin series called “10 Ways to Pray for Your Family” adapted from Below is the seventh prayer and a corresponding Bible verse. Our hope is that you will be inspired to pray for your family and all families over the course of the week and see the difference prayer can make! Please continue to look for more of this series in the coming weeks! 10 Ways to Pray for Your Family - Week 7 Pictured above are members of the Little Rock Scripture Study group RCIA – RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS: St. Brigid of Kildare Parish is presently making plans for the 20152016 RCIA process. Do you know of anyone who might be interested in becoming Catholic? Please complete the form below and place it in the offertory basket; or mail this form directly to the Church, PO Box 3130, Dublin, OH 43016. Our first meeting will be an orientation meeting on Thursday, October 1, 2015, at 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm in the Church Basement. The tentative calendar for this coming year is on our website at: under: Parish Education, RCIA, 2015-2016 RCIA Calendar. For others to see God in your family: Lord, we pray that the example of our family’s words, actions, and love will point others toward You. For more information contact Kim VanHuffel at: “Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father.” - Matthew 5:16 NAME:_____________________________________________ Save the Date: Ministry Weekend September 19-20 Saint Brigid of Kildare Ministry Weekend will be held Saturday, September 19 and Sunday, September 20 after all Masses in Hendricks Hall. RCIA REGISTRATION ADDRESS: _________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ HOME TELEPHONE: ________________________________ WORK TELEPHONE: ________________________________ E-MAIL: ___________________________________________ ST. BRIGID OF KILDARE CHURCH DUBLIN, OHIO JULY 5, 2015 Welcome New Parishioners Austin Adams Chris and Doreen Ash and Family Thomas and Carmen Baker and Family Nicole Barber Jonah and Lori Baskin and Family Reza and Jin Bolourian and Family Paul and Tisha Buenaventura and Family Megan Byorth Brian and Ashley Calabro and Family Mark Campolito Carole Capocciama and Family Jeff and Jeanmarie Carper and Family Chad and Erica Cerra and Family Michael and Marietta Check and Family Benjamin and Casey Clarke and Family Vincent Craft Krista Crisp Isaiah Delaney Christopher and Andrea Denman and Family William and Jean Dillmore Todd Elchert Bryan and Elizabeth Faller and Family Chris and Kristi Farmer and Family Jami Fincik Michael Finissi Mark and Gabrielle Flanagan and Family Claudia Foreman Mary Ann Fuller D. John and Suzanne Gagnon and Family John and Amanda Ginnard and Family Lee and Tara Grove and Family Ryan and Chrysanthi Hand and Family Justin and Sara Hardin Kevin and Karen Hoeper and Family Chris and Jennifer King and Family Stephanie Kriegel Theresa Lapp Pierre and Christa Le and Family Matthew and Jennifer Leveille Patricia Lukcso Dorothy Manns Will and Ashley Matty and Family Christopher Mazon William and Renee McClements and Family Keara McLoughlin Jon and Bridget McMillen and Family Harold and Lindsey Meadows and Family Jeremy and Megan Miller Matthew and Courtney Miller Daniel and Cristina Miller and Family Courtney Minnix Brian and Elizabeth Mooney and Family Kelly and Sara Norton and Family Andrew and Katherine Oberhammer and Family Erin O’Reilly Ryan and Sara Papp and Family Tony and Ashley Patton Stephen Petures Nancy Prechtel Noel and Shyamala Ramesh and Family Eric and Dawn Rebraca Fred and Darla Reinemeyer and Family David and Molly Rose and Family Gary and Paula Rosenstein and Family Aaron and Rachel Ross and Family Matt and Renee Rothfusz and Family Lou and Alexis Santangelo and Family Don Santisi Anthony and Colleen Sasson and Family Maureen Sherry William and Anita Simpson and Family Dorothy Sochor Matthew Souva Sarah Spayde Denise Staffilino Stephanie Szlosek and Family Arie Thompson Daniel and Elizabeth Tyburski and Family Barbara Vakaleris and Family Charles and Helen Varda Anthony Wagner Brian and Colleen Walsh Meghan Wantz Spencer Ward and Family Ryan and Meredith Warnecke and Family Justin and Kara Wasylczuk and Family Robert and Lisa Weisberg Ryan and Kelly Winner Chris and Jessica Wojcik and Family Carol Zahrndt
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