BASIC Shim Patterns for UPHILL or Level HORSES


BASIC Shim Patterns for UPHILL or Level HORSES
IMPORTANT NOTE: The shimming patterns we recommend are designed to work effectively with PARELLI SADDLES, which are constructed specifically to fit the
horse in motion. Parelli saddle shapes have ROOM built in to accommodate pad/shim interface that is truly effective and supremely comfortable for the horse.
More than a decade of research and careful observations of what is necessary to enable a horse to be happy has reinforced our conviction that this is important.
We cannot guarantee that shimming non-Parelli saddles can be as effective. In fact, shimming under a saddle that has “rock” in the tree’s bars (center of the
saddle’s underside curves downward to fit the horse’s back when it’s “down” while he is standing at rest) may add too much pressure in the center back area.
BASIC Shim Patterns for UPHILL or Level HORSES Without HOLLOW
WITHERS are HIGHER than or LEVEL with croup, with NO HOLLOW nor Muscle Atrophy evident in this case.
HOWEVER: we still recommend at least 1 shim to make certain there is no saddle pressure on moving shoulder.
Illustrations are intended to indicate shim position INSIDE the pad ‘s shim pocket. Shims should be placed as shown, ON TOP of the air cells in Theraflex pads
as well as on top of the SmartFoam inserts in our Smart Pads. Shim position and placement would be relatively the same for other pads, but our research has
indicated clearly that Smart Pads and Theraflex yield best overall results. Smart Pads may be easier to use and more “forgiving”.
Though our saddles are built wide and angled
beautifully to give a horse’s big shoulders
room to move freely, you might think they
feel “tight” when you try to put your hand
underneath the front if you do not have at
least one shim under there. This is because
the saddle will “fall down” in front without
your “managing” that extra space by lifting
the saddle just a bit. It’s a wonderful system.
Don’t be hesitant to experiment with the
placement of the shim. Always test with your
hand reached under the pad as he is walking
forward (you walk backward, and you may need
someone’s help leading your horse). You should
be able to feel all the way back to the stirrup
bar, and tell that the shoulders are moving well,
without too much pressure on them. .
Our latest research indicates that Foam shims are preferable to Felt shims as the main “lifter” to keep saddle pressure off the shoulders.
Felt shims are still effective for Uphill horses, however. We recommend you experiment with both and see what feels best.
For ENGLISH Saddles
Note: We usually place shoulder shim in a relatively horizontal position when horse’s shoulders are round in shape. If they are more
A-frame shaped (steeply angled off the spine), you may want to place a FELT shim in a vertical position if horizontal foam shim is not
satisfactory...but horizontal foam shims work well in Smart Pad.
Note: We have found that Foam shims are often more satisfactory than
Felt ones when using the SMART PAD. However, If horse’s
shoulders are
very broad,
you may
only works
find that
with felt shims:
a single
felt shim
is sufficient
for lifting
pressure off
the shoulder.
Western or English
Theraflex air cells
For UPHILL horses, it is important to set the shim
behind the scapula’s max backswing point, to
keep pressure off the working shoulder.
Foam shims can offer more “lift” in front. Make sure the thin tapered
part is toward the top/rear, (so shim puts no pressure at the top of the
shoulder nor back muscles) and the thick part is toward the front, fairly
low and set back in the pad pocket.
FELT shims cannot be tapered, so be certain that they don’t add pressure where
you don’t want it.
Note the scoop/curve in the felt shim is designed to leave room for the scapula,
so it needs to face forward as shown when in vertical position.
Copyright 2011 Parelli Natural Horsemanship, Inc. and Natural Horseman Saddles,LLC
Parelli Saddle Fit Education PAGE 7
BASIC Shim Patterns for UPHILL
HORSES with High Wither :
WITHERS are HIGHER than or LEVEL with croup, but slight HOLLOW and noticeable atrophy should be filled in by shims
until Trapezius and Longissimus Dorsi muscles re-build.
Illustrations are intended to indicate shim position INSIDE the pad ‘s shim pocket. Shims should be placed as shown, ON TOP of the air cells in Theraflex pads as well as on top of the SmartFoam inserts in our Smart Pads. Shim position and placement would be relatively the same for other pads, but
our research has indicated clearly that Smart Pads and Theraflex yield best overall results. Smart Pads may be easier to use and more “forgiving”.
When any horse has a low-center area along
the back, it must be filled enough to offer
soft support that keeps good connection
with the saddle. This encourages pushing
up/rounding up under/into the saddle, and
you’ll feel that the hindquarters can get deeper
underneath and be more powerful. We recommend adding a shoulder shim on top and
staggered forward to lift all saddle pressure off
the shoulder area. We’ve built lots of room underneath Parelli saddles so that the shoulders
and back muscles can have space to move and
develop. Shims help keep that space cushioned
properly. Keep them clear of scapula swing.
Our latest research indicates that Foam shims are often preferable to Felt shims the main “shoulder-area lifter” and “center fill” for
atrophy along spine. Felt shims can still be effective in combination with foam ones, but less helpful by themselves in most cases.
For ENGLISH Saddles
Note: For very high withered horses, take special care to shim so that the pommel of the saddle does not make contact with the horse’s wither
nor spine. For instance: if you put a high-spined horse in our SuperWide
Natural Performer before his muscles develop, this could be an issue.
if you think
We would recommend adding an extra pad temporarily and
there is room
with your
fingers under
Try shifting shims forward
the front of the
or back until it feels
saddle after
just right!
Note: Cruiser
Positioning the shims set back
saddle model
from the front of the pad pocket
has high wither
provides more room for the
shoulder to operate.
Note: above illustration is of our SMART PAD. Below, some alternative
suggestions on our THERAFLEX pad’s air cells. Both pads have sensational
technological, dynamic and therapeutic features/benefits. We recommend
the Smart Pad for long rides, trail/endurance, and high-torque performance
sports. You can adjust shim position through front access opening without
unsaddling! Read more about the 2 pads on our website.
ALTERNATIVES: (Feel free to EXPERIMENT! You AND your horse will benefit!)
If you do not want so much “lift” in front, (or, if your horse’s center
back area is not sunken as far as in the photo at left)experiment
with using thick or thin FELT shims. EXPERIMENTING with
different combinations will
Note: if your horse is extremely atrophied along the spine,
help you observe &
you may also need a shim at the back (see illustration at compare what your horse
lower left) until muscle re-develops, to make sure that
is feeling and telling you.
there is no pressure point near the back of the saddle.
It may be necessary to add another Felt shoulder shim to
lift front of saddle for sake of your Balance Point access.
ALWAYS check this by reaching back under the saddle as
you ride along. It should not feel uncomfortably tight.
Also: Shifting the foam center shim toward the back a bit
further might relieve such pressure without adding another
Copyright 2012 Parelli Natural Horsemanship, Inc. and Natural Horseman Saddles,LLC
shim. Parelli Saddle Fit Education PAGE 6
BASIC Shim Patterns for HOLLOW HORSES: Downhill, Level or Uphill
WITHERS are LOWER than croup in this example, so saddle will need lifting out of center sag PLUS lifted in front.
Illustrations are intended to indicate shim position INSIDE the pad pocket. Shims should be placed as shown, ON TOP of the air cells in Theraflex pads.
If you wish to use other types of saddle pads, shim position and placement would be relatively the same, for best effectiveness.
“Hill Therapy” and Cavaletti would help strengthen/lift his back, too.
We have learned that it is essential that
the saddle be lifted up out of a hollowed center back area of a horse. The
comfortably cushioned support that
our tapered foam center shim offers
will encourage him to lift up/round up/
tuck his belly...and the saddle will have
less of a tendency to rub at the back. Of
course, if the withers are lower than the
croup, one or more “Downhill” shoulder
shim patterns should be added...and we
like some sort of shim at the shoulder
whether the horse is uphill or downhill.
If the center hollow is VERY deep, you
may need to add another center shim.
Note: For very high withered horses, take special care to shim so that the pommel of the saddle does not make contact with the horse’s wither nor spine. For
instance: if you put a high-spined horse in our SuperWide Natural Performer before his muscles develop, this could be an issue. We suggest adding an extra pad
temporarily and checking with your fingers under the front of the saddle after mounting to make sure underside of pommel’s center is not touching the wither.
For ENGLISH Saddles
Note: we usually place shoulder shim in a horizontal position when horse’s shoulders are round in shape. If they are more
A-frame shaped (steeply angled off the spine), you may want to place the shim in vertically.
Note: Cruiser pads have an “English” shape, but contain Western size air For Western AND
cells, as Cruisers are made on our Western tree.
English, we like to
position the shim not
all the way forward
in the air cell pocket,
as shown. This gives
more room for the
shoulder to operate.
Also note: When angling the
shoulder shim for Western,
it is ok for the little “fin” to protrude
above the pad pocket.
ALTERNATIVE: (Feel free to EXPERIMENT! You AND your horse will benefit!)
If “Downhill” posture is severe, a second shoulder shim might
help tremendously (Felt or Foam). If you need to add it, you
may put it inside OR outside the pad pocket...staggered in
front of the other shoulder shim. If “Hollow” is severe, consider
using another center shim (Felt or Foam). Note: experiment with
shifting center shim more toward back or front, and notice what gets best result.
Note: in alternative example at left, Foam center
shim is shifted forward, and can help lift front of
saddle a bit, too. Add shoulder shim if necessary
to help in “Downhill” cases..
Copyright 2011 Parelli Natural Horsemanship, Inc. and Natural Horseman Saddles,LLC
Parelli Saddle Fit Education PAGE 9