
Edited by
with the contribution of
ΜΕΗΜΕτ üιιηεΖ
@ 20Ι4 Evangelia ΒαΙτα & The Isis Press
Published by
The Isis Press
Yazmacr Emine sokak 4/Α
Τεl.: 90 (02Ι6) 32Ι 38 5|
Fax: 90 (0216) 32Ι 86 66
e-mail: isis@turk.net
wιyιry.thei si spress.org
First edition2OI4
9º 8-97
Yazπracr Emine sokak 4/Α
Tel.: 90 (02Ι6) 32Ι 38 5Ι
Fωι: 90 (02Ι6) 321 86 66
Editor: Evangelia
with the contribution of Mehmet
Note οη Contributors
Evangelia Achladi
The Reverend Father Meletios Sakoulidis (Ι926-2009) and his
Stavros Τ. Anestidis
Yunanve Tiirk Edebiyatιnda Erken ΚαταmαηΙι Tiplemeleri
Selenay Aytao
Unification of Karamanlides'Memories: Α Proposalfor Creating thò
Karamanlidika Virtual
Reading Akabi, (Re-)Writing History: Οη The Questions of Currency
and Interpretation ofArmeno-TurÜsh Fiction
Merih Erol
Cultural Manifestations of α Symbiosis : Karamanlidika Epitaphs of
the Nineteenth Century
Matthias Kappler
Place of the Grammatiki tis Tourkikis Glossis (Ι7j0) by Kanellos
Sραηüs ßη Ottoman Greek Grammarianism and lts
Importancefor Karamanlidika Studies
Sabri Μ. ΚοΖ
Bir λòιΚ TÜIib-Bir ΚαταmαηΙιòα DivÜn: DßνÜηη
Laurent Mignon
"ΠÜτερ bizim": Notes οη the Nature of ΚαταmαηΙι
Mehmet üΙmeΖ
Karamanhlardan Uòhis ar' α Kalanlar
Turcophonie, orthodoxie et langue grecque
Alexandra Sfoini
Johann Strauss
Le lexique technique du christianisme en kararnonli
Aude ΑγΙßη de Ταρßα
De La Porteuse de Ραßη (1884) Ü /'Etmekgi Hatun (Ι885). (Jn roman
populaire franòais chez les Karamanlis
οχαηα Efrosinia Trandafilova-Louka
GαgαιιΖ FoIk Adaptation of the Karamanlidika Poem Abraham's
Sacrifice., Α Comparative Linguistic Approach
Evangelia Achladi
The Karamanlidika per iodic αΙ AK^TIS ( 1 9 Ι 3 - 1 9 1 5)
Garo Aprahamyan
Α Note οη Sdepanyan's Bibtiography of Armeno-TurÜsh periodicals
Evangelia Balta - Nurdan §afak
The "Dervig" Savvas Rumi Ραòα and the Karamanlidika Newspaper
Αγòα Baydar
Karamanlidika Press between Greek and TurÜsh Nationalism (Ι920ι923)
Stefo Benlisoy
"Another Newspaper ßη ουτ Language!" : Competition and Polemic ßη
the Karamanlidika P\ess
Stelios Irakleous
Sociolinguistic Aspects
of ΑγγεΜαφüροò ΤζοτζουκλÜρ ιτζοýν
Meryem Orakgι
Karamanlica Bir Gazete: TERAKKI
Karamanlidika Literary Production at the end of the Ι9Ιh Century as
retlected ßη the pages o/Anatoli
§ehnaz §i§mano§lu §imqek
Evangelia Achladi has been ßη charge of the "Sakoulidis Βοοκ Collection"
at the Greek Consulate ßη Istanbul since Septembeτ 2012, From 2002 to 2012
she taught Turkish at the department of "Turkish arιd Modem Asiatio
Sfudies" at the University of Athens. During the period 1994-200ο she taught
Modem Greek at the department of 'oGreek Language and Literature" at the
University of Ankara. Her research interests lie ßη 20tr cenhrry Ottoman
History (social and educatioπal history of the Asia Minor communities,
Karamanlidika literature).
Stavros Th. Anestidis is αη historian and Assistarιt Director of the Cenτre for
Asia Minor Studies. He received his PhD ßη Political Scienoe ßη 1993. His
academic interests focus οη the history of ideas ßη Istanbul and Asia Minor
during the late 19ft cenfury. Ιη 2002 he translated into Greek the Karamanli
original òοργ of loannis Kalfoglou's work ΜικρÜ Ασßα ΚητασηνÞν ΤαριγÝ
ΔζαγραφιασÞ (Ι899) |: Historical Geography of the Asia Minor Peninsula,
Athens: Centre for Asia Minor Studies, 2002]. His studies and articles harre
been published ßη several joumals and colleotive volumes.
Garo Aprahamyan is αη independent researcher living ßη Beirut. His current
researoh is centered οη Armeno-Turkish publications and oontemporary
Armenian literature ßη Istanbul. He has authored "Contemporary Armenian
Writers of Istanbul", νοl. Ι (Beirut,20a4, ßη Arrnenian). He has edited Levon
Vartan's "Taxes ßη the Ottoman and Persian Empires. 14th tσ 20th centuries''
(νοΙ Ι: Yerevan, 2004; νοΙ ΙΙ: Βεßτυξ 2012, inAnnenian), He has contributed
to the editing of Keyork Pambukciyan's "Ermeni Kaynaklarindan Tarihe
Katkilar". γοΙ Ι: "Istarrbul Yazilari" (Istanbul, 2αα2, ßη Turkish), νοl. IΙ
"Ermeni Harfli Turkce Metinler" (Istanbul, 2α02, ßη Turkish), γοΙ, Ιν
"Biyografileriyle Ermeniler" (Istanbul, 2003, ßη Turkish), and Orlando Carlo
Calumeno's and Osman Koker's '100 ΥßΙ Once Turkiye'de Ermeniler''
(Istanbul, 2005, ßη Turkish). He currently collaborates ιvith his ιvife Vergine
Tchertchian-Aprahamyan, editing and publishing "ΡΤΙΤ" children's magazine
(ßη Armenian).
Selenay Aytac is αη Associate Professor at Long Island University and αη
adjunct faculty at Pratt Institute, ΝΥ and St. Johns Universiφ, ΝΥ. She
tauΦt summer seminars at the Polytechnic Universiφ of Valencia, Spain and
presented numerous lectures at the Turkish Universities.
Evangelia Balta directs the Programme of Ottoman Studies at the National
Hellenic Research Foιndation. Her field of study includes economio and
sooial history during the Ottoman period, as well as Greek Culture ßη
Anatolia. Since 2008 she has organized three International Conferences of
KaramanΙidika Studies. Since 2071, she has conducted seminars οη
Karamanlidika Studies at the αηηυαΙ summer schoül ßη Cunda Island
organized by the ottoman Sfudies Foundation. She is αη honorary member of
the Turkish Historical Society and she rvas arvarded the medal "Order of
Merit" (Liyakat Niganι) ßη20|4,
α PhD student at the School of Oriental and African Sfudies,
University of London, where she also got her ΜΑ degree. Earlier she did her
ΒΑ at the Middle East Technical Universiφ ßη the History Department. Her
rvork focuses οη Karamanlis ßη the Greco-Turkish War 1919-Ι922,
Ayca Baydar is
Stefo Benlisoy, born ßη isιanbul, received his Bachelor's degree at Βο§αΖßòß
Universiτy, Deραττmeητ of Psychology and obtained his masτer's degree and
PhD from τhe Deparτmenτ of Hisτory ατ τhe same Universiτy. His PhD Thesis
is entitled "Education ßη the Turcophone Orihodox Communities of Anatolia
during the Nineteenth Century". He is currently α faculty member at Istanbul
Technical University, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences. His
interest fields include Ottoman Greeks, Ottoman intellectual history, Ottoman
labour history and modern Turkish history.
iVlurat Cankara received his PhD ßη Turkish literature from Bilkent
Universiφ ßη 201Ι with α dissertation entitled 'oEmpire and Novel: Placing
Armeno-Turkish Noveιs ßη ottomar/Turkish Literary Historiography". His
PhD research focused οη the novels rryritten by Ottoman Armenians ßη the
Turkish language using the Armenian script betιveen 1850 and 1870. He rvas
α 20Ι2-Ι3 Manoogian Simone Foundation Post-Doctoraι Feιιοντ ßη the
Armenian Studies hogram at the Universiφ of Michigan, Αηη Arbor, and is
currently teaching at the Faoulty of Social Sciences and Humanities at the
Social Sciences University of Ankara.
Nlerih Erol currently teaches at the History Department of ΒοξαΖß9ß
(Bosphorus) Universiτy ßη Isτarιbul. She rvas α νßòßτßηg scholar ατ Harvard
University, The Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies (20122013). She was awarded τhe Hannah Seeger Davis Post-Doctoral Research
Fellovrship ßη Hellenic Sτudies, Ρτßηòeτοη Universiτy (2011-2012). Among
her recent publications αιε: 'Surveillance, Urban Governance, ild
Legitimacy ßη late Ottoman Istanbul: Spying οη Music and Entertainment
during the Hamidian Regime (1376-1909)', Urban History 40Ια Q013):
706--25; and .Musio and the Nation ßη Greek and Turkish Contexts (19thearly 20th c.): Α Paradigm of Cultural Transfers', Zeitschrirt filr
Balkanologie 4º Ι2 (201 1): 165-:7 5,
Stelios lrakleous is α graduate of the University of Cyprus (ΒΑ Turkish
Sfudies) and Leiden University (ResMa Turkish Sfudies). At present he is α
PhD candidate of Leiden University. His main research interests are Turkish
literature ßη Greek letters (Karamanlidika); language contact betrveen Turkish
and Greek ιanguages; andλissionary ιinguisτiJpracτices ßη τhe 18fr òeητυτ.
Matthias Kappler, Associate Professor of Turkish Linguistics and Literature
until 2012 at the University of Cyprus, currently holds the same position at
the University of Venice Ca' Foscari. He
Mediterranean Language Review. His main researoh interests are language
contacts ßη South-Eastern Europe, Asia Minor and Cyprus; Turkish texts ßη
Greek letters ('Kararhanlidika'); Greek Islamic philology; History of GreekOttoman grammarianism; and Ottoman lallguage and literature ßη the Ι8ft and
19Þ centuries.
Μ. Sabri ΚοΖ bom ßη the village of Kιrkgüz ßη the munioipality of Divriξi ßη
Sivas ßη 1950. Α retired teacher of Turkish and literature, α folklorist and
researcher of folk literature. He works as αη editor and consultant for Υαρι
Kredi Publications. His fιeld of research includes the tradition of thò ÜòικΙατ,
Nasreddin Ηοοα and the folk bards, and particularly old manusoripts and
printed publications related to the abüve topics.
Laurent Mignon is Assooiate Professor of Turkish at the University of
Oxford and α Fellow of Saint Antony's College. His research interests
include modern Turkish literature and intellectual history, minoriφ literature,
socialist literature, biblical themes ßη Turkish literature and modem Jewish
intellectual history. From 2002 to 2011 he taught at the Department of
Turkish Literature at Bilkent University ßη Ankara. His most recent book is
Η,ßΖýηΙý Ozgiirlýk: Yahudi Edebiyatι ve Dilòθncesi ýzerine ΥαΖιΙατ (Α Sad
State of Freedom: Writings οη Jevrish Literature and Thought,2014).
Meryem Orakòι rvas bom ßη 19 January Ι986 ßη Istanbul. After completing
her primary and secondary education ßη Istanbul, she started her degree ßη the
history department at Marmara Universφ ßη 2004. She completed her
Master's degree at the Institute of Turkic Studies; her thesis title vras «Selam
Gazetesine Güre Rodos Miisliimanlarι", \vhioh was published ßη April, 2012
entitled 'oRodos Mθsliimanlarι". She currently continues her PhD at Ankara
Universiφ ßη the Institute of Turkish Revolution History.
Mehnnet ütmez ιryas born ßη Ughisar Ι Nevgehir (1963). Studied at l{aoettepe
Universφ, ßη the Turkish Language and Literature department. Graduated ßη
1985 and began work at the Turkish Language Academy (Týrk Dil Kurumu)"
Studied Old Uighur Golden Light Sutra and Old Uighιιr Xuanzang Biography
at Haoettepe Universiφ as ΜΑ and PhD student (1985-Ι994). Cσnoumently
οη αη exchange soholarship (DAAD) he studied Mongolistics, Buddhism and
Turcology at Gütτingen University (1991-1994)" Worked at Hacettepe
IJniversφ as associate professor from 1995 to 1θ98. Worked at ΤοΚγο
University of Foreign Studies from ß9θ8 to 2000. Since 200Ι he has worked
at Yildiz Technical University and also at Bo§azigi University. Ιη the last 12
years he has worked at Güttingen University, BeÞing ΜßηΖυ University of
China. Topics, researoh interests: Old Turkio Inscriptions from lVΙongolia, Old
Uighur Buddhist Texts from Sθk Road, Turkic languages from Southern
Siberia and Chinη lexicology.
Alexandra Sfoini is currently Associate Researcher at the Instifute for
Historical Research, Section for Neohellenic Researoh, at the National
Hellenic Research Foundation. She has partioipated ßη research projects
related to the creation of data bases of Neohellenio translations (lsth-lgth
o'Language learning,
centuries) and is ßη charge of the research project
translations, concepts, Ι 8þ-20Þ centuries". She has published the books
Foreign authors translated ßη Modern Greek, Ι5'Ο-]7η centuries, Athens,
N.H.R.F., 2003 (ßη Greek) and History of Concepts. Ιtineraries of the
Eur ορ e αη Ηß s t ori ο gr aphy Athens, EMNE-Mnemon, 2006.
Johann Strauòs graduated from the Univürsity of Munich vrhere he studied
German, Romance languages arιd Turcology. He did his PhD ßη 1987 τvith α
thesis οη α 17th Century Ottoman chronicles. He taught at the Institut ftir
Geschiohte und Kultur des Nahen Orients solπie flir Turkologie (Munich), at
the Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman & Modern Greek Studies of Birmingham
Universiτy (υκ), and τhe Orienτalisches Seminar of Freiburg Universiτy.
Betrveen 1988_1989, he rryas Referent at the Orient Institut of the Deutsche
Morgenliindische Gesellschaft ßη Istanbul. Since 1997, he has taught at the
Turkish Department of Strasbourg University, among other things, the history
of Turkish and Ottoman literature, the history of the Turkish language, and
Ottoman Turkish. He has published numerous articles ßη English, Frenoh and
German οη α variety of topics, ßη parficular, translations from Westem
languages, the history of printing and publishing, and linguistic and cultural
contacts betvreen the various commιnities of the Oθoman Empire.
Nurdan §afak, rvho holds α doctorate from the University of Marmara
(2006), is ηοτν αη Assistant Professor ßη the Department of History at Fatih
Sultan Mehmet Vakf Universitesi, Istanbul. She is interested ßη Ottoman
social and political history.
§ehnaz §ßgmαηοξΙυ §imφek, Undergraduate studies at the University of
Βο§αΖß9ß ßη Philosophy (2000). Ιν{Α ßη Turkish Literafure at Bilkent
University. She has recently oompleted her PhD dissertation at ΒοξαΖß9ß
University ßη the Departrnent of Turkish Language and Literature. The title of
the dissertation is "Sfuok Betvreen Tvro Worlds: Karamanlidika Literary
Production, Evangelinos Misailidis αιd Temasa-i Dýnya ve CefakÜr υ
CòfαΚòò As α Case of Rewriting". She is α lecturer and coordinator of Turkish
Courses at Kadir Has University. Μαßη research areas: Nineteenth and
Τ,στeητßeτh Cenfury Modern TurΚsh Literature, Karamanlidika Literature,
Minority Literatures, Literary Culture and History, Intertextuality and
Re,writing ßη Literature, Serialized Novels.
Aude ΑγΙßη de Ταρßα is α PhD Candidate ßη Ottoman History at the EHESS
(Paris) and the Βο§αΖß9ß University (stanbuÞ. She previousιy received her
ΒΑ and ΜΑ ßη History at the University of Strasbourg. Her ongoing PhD
Thesis is about oultural and socio-economic relations betrryeen Orthodox
Christians and Muslims ßη l9ft_cenfury Cappadocia. She is currently α Fellow
of the Turkish Cultural Foundation and associate researcher at the Instifut
frangais d'Ýtudes anatoliennes.
Οχαηα Efrosinia Trandafilova-Louka was bom ßη Avdarma (Autonomous
Territorial Unit of Gagauzia, Republic of Moldova). Her frst undergraduate
studies rvere ßη Romanian language arιd literaturelGagaιz larιguage and
literature ΘΑ 2003) from the State Pedagogical University 'Ιοη Creanga' of
Chi;inau. She is currently completing her second undergraduate degree ßη
Turkish Studies - Linguistics / Literature at the University of Cyprus. Her
main researoh interests lie ßη historical linguistics and sociolinguistics,
especially ßη the study of language contaot ßη the eastern Balkans and
southern Bessarabiη as well as ßη the documentation and description of
ΒαΙΚαη Turkish and Gagauz dialects through linguistic fieldrryork.
First of αΙΙ, many thanks to the colleagues who hastened to support our efforts
by attending the Workshop (2 November 20Ι3) either as speakers or as
members of the audience. Some of the audience, better acquainted than αηγ
ιvith Karamanlidika printed matter, actively contributed to the various phases
of organizing our rvorkshop, and others agreed under the present tight
economic conditions, to yield the floor to younger colleagues. I thank them
for their generosity.
Ι orve many thanks to those colleagues rvho accepted the invitation to
contribute material to the volume, ιvhich was thus enriched by α further 10
studies that increased the range of its topics.
Ι specially wish to thank the people of Ughisar, compatriots and friends of
Mehmet üΙmεΖ, who generously offered accommodation. The people of
Anatolia are different. Ι have alιvays said so. Their rvords and gestures exude
α different kind of warmth. They are people of different calibre. We are
grateful tο the following hotels and persons: Argos ßη Cappadocia, Karhk
Stone House & ΒακκαΙ Kemal (Kemal Qehreli), ΑηαtοΙßα Pension, Lale Saray
Hotel, Zýhal Shop - Ughisar, which provided hospitality to the participanω
and premises for the rvorkshop. Ι,ast but not least,I am extremely moved by
the participation of local people rvho hastened to join us. Μγ heartfelt
greetings tο my ancestors' compatriots.
Grateful thanks go to αΙΙ those ιryho ßη their own ιναγ assisted and
financially and morally supported the organization of the Workshop. The
Consul General of Greece ßη Istanbul, Nikos Mathioudakis, and the Consul
Victor Maligoudis, my friend Yorgo Istefanopoulos, president of Kadιküy
Rum ortodoks Cemaati Kiliseleri, Mektepleri ve Mezarlι§ι Vakfi, as well as
tινο anonymous donors. Lastly my sincere gratitude goes tο the Turkish
Cultural Foundation. The proceedings book could ηοt be published rvithout its
generous support. Yet again Karamanlidika Studies rvas embraced by this
Foundaιion, ιvhich promotes and preserves Turkish cultural heritage.
Ι am particularly grateful to Carol Haros, Danielle Morichon and Sabri Μ.
ΚοΖ for the editing of the texts, for αΙΙ their invaluable comments and for
helping me resolve many editorial queries. They are ηοt responsible for αηγ
errors ßη this book - Ι οηΙγ wish they rvere. Μαηγ heartfelt thanks go to Akis
Kovouldopoulakis for his help ßη shaping the title of the book, and tο Angie
Zouridakis, ιvho helped ßη drafting the index.
Special thanks also go to my old and dear friend Sinan Kuneralp who
included the book among his publications and Ι am deeply grateful to αΙΙ the
editorial staff at Isis Press for their patience and professionalism during the
book's long journey.
Evangelia Balta
Ιη Novembeτ 20|3 the ΙΙΙ Intemational Workshop of Karamanlidika Studies
was held ßη Ughisar. It is very fortunate that this academic meeting took place
ßη Cappadocia, the place rvhere α large number of Turkish-speaking Rums
liyed for centuries υρ until the Population Exchange. One study ßη the book
refers to the yocabulary used ßη rural, everyday life which these people left
behind ßη their birthplace.
The singularity of the Workshop held οη 2"d Novembeτ 20|3 ιryas that it
brought together both ηειν and younger people, young men and rvomen vrho
have expressed α desire to become involved ßη this aoademic field, Α key
of the orgarιizers of this
aoademic meeting ιvas
to give
colleagues the chance to meet one another, to hear about each other's rrork, so
as to encoιrrage bonds and collaboration betιryeen them, and also for them to
be given the opportunity to get to know some of the older colleagues ßη the
sector. Moreover the rvorkshops that we are trying to organize οη α regular
basis also ρΙαγ α coordinating role, to create netιryorks of communication
betrryeen people involved ßη Karamanlidika studies, as there is α pressing need
for cooperation to crosscheck individual observations and assumptions ßη the
academic research that is already underιvay. Those not participating ßη the
Workshop ιvere rvithout α doubt many more than those that did. That is why
they rvere oalled υροη to contribute to the publication of the book, as
unforiunately the tough economic times ßη which rrye live do not allow for
larger events.
Α oouple of words about the contenis of the book before γου, α book
which reflects the objectives involved ßη the organization of the Workshop
and also the status ofthe research as regards the abundance oftopics studied,
as well as the dearth or lack of others.
The first section entitled Language, Literafure and Culture includes
lhirteen studies of varied oontent. The majoriφ focus οη the topio 'identity
and altemity' from various angles, each vrith the text as field of arιalysis, α
ιrniverse ßη ιvhich the rvriter, the reader, the time and the moment coexist. The
example of Βαβυλωνßα (Babylonia) by Yyzantios and Bir Namus fuIeselesi by
Mahmut Yesari shows that the literary theme is but the space rvhere the
identity of the 'other' is revealed and that ultimately the text serves as αη
Approaohing identity by querying difference is the basic charaoteristic of
some of the other studies ßη the same section. Karamanlidika book production,
the overvrhelming majority of vrhich is knovrn to be translations, adaptations,
collections and hybrid products of osmosis, is the creation of α historical
conjuncture linked to α cultural oontext. It is ßη other words the field for the
sfudy of α wider process of cultural transfer, ßη which the process of intake,
assimilation and differentiation can be detected. Ιt is α loom οη which α
variety of processes are \ryo,ven, the key one being the path from the
transmitter to the receiver. Consequently the translations ßη Karamanlidika of
European and Greek essays oome under historical research as they mainly
inolude social and cultural phenomena, evidenoe of the diverse, hierarchical
relations betrryeen culfures. Studies ßη the first section of the book present the
phenomenon of cultural exchange arιd penetration, as well as efforts made
through name changes and alterations to the ideological oontent so as to make
the vrork more relevant to the receiyer. Vocabulary used ßη translations of
theological and dogmatic rvorks, catechisms is studied alongside the context
of the cultural enyironment ßη vrhich it was found. This production of
translations could οηΙγ be promoted through its historical references, namely
ßη relation to the prevalence of the lvluslim population ßη Anatolia, both
culturally and demographically, after the end of the Byzantine Empire.
The studies ßη this section reflect the τναγ ßη which consciences, identities
and diversities rryere shaped amidst arι enyironment of social, oultural and
religious interactions within the geographical area of the Ottoman Empire.
From the Karamanlidika example, ßη rvhioh more than one cultures meet, and
which shoιrys that intercultural relations ßιτε not necessarily interpolar ßη
nature, \γε òαη observe the translating phenomenon during the 19ft and early
20ý century. Karamanlidika book production constitutes therefore α
wonderful field for observing the role of the intermediary, the mediator, and
consequently our research desiderata must also include the study of the
mediating role of Greek or Armeno-Turkish printed matter, ßη other rryords its
position midvray betvreen the original Westem ινοτΚ and the Karamarιlidika
version. Ι believe that recent quests and the interest shown over the last felπ
years ßη the position of translation ßη Ottoman literature vrill contribýe to the
further improvement of similar research ßη Karamanlidika studies.
Ιη the Workshop programme the theme of six of the fourteen papers refers
to α Karamanlidika periodioal or ηε\λ/sραρετ. Ιt was time, seeing as α host of
ηε\ι/ researchers have been trained, to launch α systematic indexing. So some
research ιvas assigned to amass information included ßη the Turkish press
written ßη Greek characters that has been located υρ to present. The gradual
creation of α database will clearly constitute the crucial step that ινßΙΙ expedite
the progress of Karamanlidika studies. The importance of the Karamanlidika
press has repeatedly been highlighted. Pφers at our previous rvorkshops and
oooasional publications by our colleagues have emphasized this and it is
significant that colleagues, ινhο ßη the past have contributed their studies ßη
this field, have retumed to this interesting theme ßη this book.
The seoond section of the book entitled 'The Press' contains eight
projects, some of which are infrastructure projects, and other studies οη
subjects from the wide range of topics offered by the press. ΑΙΙ of them open
υρ ne\ry topios ßη researohing Karamanlidika studies and demonstrate the need
for corresponding research projects to be commissioned ßη the field of the
Armeno-Turkish press. Ιη general they shorv the need for the press of ηοηMuslim subjects to be crosschecked and for it to be compared \yith the
material from nevrspapers and periodicals that rryere available printed ιvith the
Arabio alphabet ßη the later years of the Ottoman ετα, α very significant
historical period, so that identities and diversities may be also located there.
The creation of α database οη Karamanlidika press, accessible to αΙΙ, must be
given prioriφ. We αΙΙ have need of it. The project is already underrvay, thanks
to the gΙoundwork done by the Workshop, and some infrastructure projects
included ßη the book ιryill constitute the first contributions to the database,
along with αΙΙ those periodicals indexed υρ to present, with more follorving οη
ßη the future.
The two final collectiye volumes of Karamanlidika Studies, rvhile
containing the Proceedings of the Workshops, αfε independent of the
Symposia. They contain studies that were not included ßη the Symposia
programmes, with the aim of accumulating as many research fields as
possible and undertaking more complex inteφretations. Today, giving by rvay
of introduction to this volume, αη account of the Workshop held οη 2"d
November 2013, we can say that some of the objectives set while planning the
third academic meeting οη Karamanlidika Studies haye been achieved. Ιη αΙΙ
probability along with the discussion that will follow publication, vre shall be
able to reformulate our issues, and that vrould be the most significant.
Athens, 2 November 2014
Evangelia Balta