Matthews Hall Ties (2010)
Matthews Hall Ties (2010)
Volume 1 March 2010 V A Publication of Matthews Hall for our ... Alumni and School Community isionaries and Committed, Generous People Advance Matthews Hall Dr. Kate Matthews, our founder, had a vision of a school for “girls and small boys” when she began teaching six young children at St. Paul’s Cathedral in 1918. By her retirement in 1950, she had broadened her vision many times as a growing number of families wanted to register their children. The school re-located to a series of three grand residences in London North to accommodate the demand. When Kate suggested that the school should close upon her leaving, a forwardthinking Board of Governors paved the way for the school to remain open and to thrive, much to Kate’s delight. The next 45 years witnessed a succession of three strong women who led the school as Headmistresses with the support of their Boards Winifred Scott, Dorothy Dewar and Theresa Steers. The school evolved in significant ways ~ a name change from Miss Matthews School to Matthews Hall, a fully coed student population and a risky move from the comfort of Bishopstowe on St. James Street to a school building at the far west end of Oxford Street where we remain well-situated today. The past decade has seen more visionaries who shared their expertise generously. Under the leadership of Gord Thompson Gord Thompson and Richard Sifton, Board members, a fourstage master plan was designed to expand our facilities from Early Richard Sifton Years to Grade Twelve. Stage One was costed at $3.5 million which was an enormous amount for our school community to raise. With Suzanne Fratschko Elliott and Gord Thompson at the helm of the Campaign Committee, $2 million was raised in a few months. So as not to delay the building project, we financed the remaining $1.5 million. Today we enjoy wonderful new facilities which have had a dramatic impact on our learning experiences: we are no longer bound by cramped spaces. A heartfelt thanks goes to everyone, including many Alumni donors, who made financial contributions to the “Our School, Our Future” campaign. We could not have achieved this expansion without you. Currently, our Board of Governors, led by Chair, Heather McCallum, is working hard to create a Strategic Plan which will guide Matthews Hall’s growth to year 2015. Everyone will have a chance for input to the plan through our website and by attending a ‘Town Hall’ meeting on Wednesday, April 28, 2010 @ 7 pm at our Great Hall. We hope that you will be part Patricia Doig ~ Head of our future accomplishments as we head to our 100th anniversary in 2018! Communication is the key to community building. Congratulations to Suzanne Fratschko Suzanne Elliott, ’77, Director of Fratschko Elliott Advancement and to Wai-Hing Lee-Bucknell, Advancement Assistant, for this first of many publications of Matthews Hall Ties. I look forward to strengthening current ties and to renewing ties of former members of Matthews Hall. These are exciting times in our history! Patricia A. Doig Head; 1995 - present Matthews Hall Ties Ties are important at Matthews Hall. A green tie with red stripes and shields is part of the uniform: Lower School favours a clip-on version, while Middle School students show maturity by knotting their own. Symbolically, parents, staff, students and alumni are tied together over time by shared beliefs and common memories. Through the ties of shared beliefs, we have made good gains for our school in the last few years. Together we embarked on the first capital campaign in the school’s history. We have constructed a large library, a more suitable IT Centre, an art gallery, a school store and a wonderful Great Hall. We have worked on every facet of school life to become accredited by the Canadian Educational Standards Institute, an important seal of approval for our future. It was amazing to see everyone pull together, bonded in common purpose, to move the school forward. Connectedness is the legacy of an independent school. We are part of something unique, something hard to maintain at times, especially financially, but ultimately worthwhile. Over the past few months many alumni and their families have dropped in to see the beautiful new facilities. At the same time, over 300 former students have signed up on our Facebook page to network with each other. As we meet again, we recall Closings, Founder’s Days, Heather McCallum ~ Chair friendships and memories, funny, and fond. The Board of Governors welcomes Matthews Hall Ties as a new initiative from our Advancement Office and congratulates Suzanne Fratschko Elliott, Director and Wai-Hing LeeBucknell, her assistant, on this first edition. Let’s keep in touch. Matthews Hall Board of Governors 2009-2010 Heather McCallum Chair* Femida Gwadry-Sridhar Vice-Chair* Phil Singeris Secretary Andy Thomson Treasurer* Carla Acquaviva Chair~Guild Committee Matthews Hall Ties is published periodically by the Advancement Office for all members of the Matthews Hall community. Matthews Hall 1370 Oxford Street West London ON N6H 1W2 519.471.1506 Ron Robinson Chair~Governance Scott Burns Chair~B., P. & Design Rick Bains Member Katherine Walmsley-Hegele Member* Harry Hermann Member Table of Contents Krishna Patel Member* Sal Spadafora Member Gord Payne Member Non-Voting Members Patricia Doig Head Janet Frame Associate Head *External Members 2 Matthews Hall Ties Suzanne Fratschko Elliott Director of Advancement Message from the Head Matthews Hall Ties Gala Celebrations Matthews Hall in Motion Bragging Rights Traditions Continue The Corkboard Q & A with Britt Pronk In Memory of Ainsley Acknowledgements Gallery 8 Ways to Stay in Touch 1 2 3 4-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12 13 14 15 16 MISSION Matthews Hall is a vibrant, co-educational school in which students can explore the limits of their intellectual, creative and physical abilities while becoming caring and responsible citizens. Head Patricia A. Doig Associate Head Janet Frame Director of Advancement Suzanne Fratschko Elliott Graphic Design Mark Elliott Photography Helen Traczynski Contributing Photographers Rita Vilis, Staff Suzanne Fratschko Elliott Richard Scott, Parent Mon-Fai Lee, Staff Thank you to everyone who contributed to the production of this inaugural edition of Matthews Hall Ties. Alexand t Doig eting Pa ’04 gre ra Elliott Chris Murp our own “ hy, BluesMan ” d Malory Ross an ’09 es an Sk el ch Ra Kaitlyn ParrRichard Sifton Cowan ’07 and Phil Singer sings with is Denise Pelley Giancarl o Acqua rformer lime pe ub Cirque S Gord Thompsonha and Jug Manoc o ’17 astill eyo C Pomp viva ’09 November 15, 2008 was a day for celebrating our “Building Dreams” with gala openings of our new facilities. The day began with an open house full of fun activities for all ages and ended with an elegant evening of dinner, dancing and dazzling entertainment. Thanks to all of our donors for making our Dreams come true! Matthews Hall Ties 3 e h t t ma n o i t o m n i l l a h ws Cameo Alumni Parentsm and Thompson Elliott, McCallu BQ B k c a B Welcoempteember 2009y Club S d Hunt an London ’17 na Mejia-Ortega Maria Countr Mary-La ure New y Gerofsk Mariah sica s e J and 5 Scott ’1 ’12 Carolin Cary ’14e and Cam Duggal ille ’15 Molly Betker ’1 2 o Julia Diac Pat Doig and Li drawing prizes nda Cullen 11 4 tin ’ Mar Ross ’1 a i l a t n a a i N Gill and Léla Tamas ’19 nKaren Folkerso ey Walton and Jeffr Nesbitt ’18 4 Hallow9e’en 200 Holly & Ivy Gavin Lawlor ’18 my fair Lady Chorus of My F air Lady Chloe Duggal ’1 (Alumni Parent 1, Maureen McCormack ) and Jess Hodg son ’09 cker ’09 1 and Andrew Tu Chloe Duggal ’1 s ion t c u d o r P ws Hall Matthe 2009 Kieley C and Sall larke ’11 y Kim Crook Family ker Nutcrac acker Nutcr Nutcracker 5 g g b ra Primary Chess s t h g i ing r Champions Matthews Hall wins London an Magic d Distric Track & Field M t eet. ions hamp ss C r Che Junio on and Isabella Thompscchi ’11 ro Sc Monica ediat Interm ions hamp ss C e Che Chess Champions at Matthews Hall Under the tutelage of Chess Director, Mon-Fai Lee, Matthews Hall students continue to excel at this intense game of strategy. n Hodgso r, Beau 3 le s s e K Julian tthew Peck ’1 and Ma Science and Te chnology Show case. Terry Fox Run at Matthews Hall 2009 contribution to the Terry Fox Foundation for Cancer Research was $4,473.00. To date, we have raised nearly $70,000.00. 6 Mi ol 2010 Skate Scho Carter Sanderson ’12 Winter Athletics 2010 Our primary division enjoys skating school, while our intermediate and senior students enjoy skiing and snowboarding. Grades six through eight recently travelled to Boyne Mountain, Michigan for three days of ski/snowboarding. Ch n Cro ris Masse mble holm l and e ’10 Sinjo Sprint competitors Owen Ba and Ryan Cary ins ’14 and , Roxanne Bertr Jordan Darling Shoemaker ’14 and Madelaine n ’14 ichael Tara on shines at Lond Matthews Hall t. ee M k & Field and District Trac s! We’re Champion 7 t i t i rad e u n i t n o c s on Archdeacon Gr ant an Margo Surm s Maypole dancer ook Yearb raphs autog Wongel Bogale and Cameron Ca’12 ssid y ’13 ousuf, 2 hmed Y aviva, A ng Woo Kim ’1 u q c A Sa dro Alessan anderson and Carter S 8 St. Paul’sCathedral June 12, 2009 Ilen Ma dhavji ’1 1 Chris M urphy a nd the J azz Ban d Pat Doig, Head a laugh with fo, shares Headmistress, rmer Steers and SuzaPeggy Fratschko Ellio nne tt ’77 cci ’05 Nicholas Carlu 09 g class, 20 Graduatin Heather McCal Chair: Board oflum, with Victoria Si Governors Juanita Johnsofton ’09, Award Recipienn Ambassadors t ith Ms. Shoesmtes Roshni Patel ’09 la tu ra g con Andrew Tucker ’09, Alum Kate Matthewsni Representative Award Recipien t Matthews HallGraduatingClass of 2009 June 8, 2009 London Hunt and Country Club 9 From Cameron 99 Brien, Class of 19 s: was a boy Letter to the Clas y closest friend her, but got Matthews Hall, m at nt from one anot e re fe tim dif y m ite g qu re Durin we ildren’s theatre e ch W . in ler Johnny Wex actively involved s wa He was a very ld. by the name of ou sh nce. I, in contrast, ung best friends beamed confide and I d n) along just as yo an tio ea uc ar od g pr ll din Ha e surroun al Matthews nu an e th in London and th in le ro idenced by my iderable poor actor (as ev the classroom. d I spent a cons s my energies in cu fo to d ar-old Johnny an our ye to six in preferre r, ve pla re ex fo two of us would be best friends e th uld n, wo sio we ca uld at oc wo th Convinced York where we res. On many an to move to New plotting our futu eatre ity, we planned amount of time rs t expecting my th ive No un r. g to tin ac s ua ou ad m gr fa a on e up lly m at ua co th parents ny would be modest but eq apartment. John find some more share a fantastic would be left to I ly, ick qu e tim any skills to improve d the chance to ent. a ring and we ha e m ve ga les. I slucrative employm er ef as he now pr mme in Los Ange Johnny-or John children’s progra we got it a e on lik r to ks ac loo l it Just last week, sfu t, es t quite work ou n’ works as a succ did w ils no ta He de . e up catch though th New York City. Al In fact, I currently work in are still in touch. at the two of us th ten years is , half-right. y int wa po -a is ke th ta At ally interesting Matthews Hall. re m e th fro nada es ink Ca at th I ss m r, ro ss Howeve r of my cla scattered ac th quite a numbe uch despite being dedicated to th in wi ep s ke om to ro still am close wi e ss ag in small cla tion, we still man se bonds formed s to offer as an out from gradua volumes of the clo ful things that Matthews Hall ha ks ea sp It . rld er nd wo t and the wo os m ally is one of the e today teachers and re reign cities mad ol. ho sc ry using plans in fo ll ho wi at e th elementa ad ise m om ve , I can’t pr s that you ha g Class of 2009 of your e close friendship ies th or at em th m e ow To the graduatin th kn e do re to treasur ten years. But, I do end up, be su will work out in d, wherever you be forgotten. An to e. t tim no d of an st s te ar stand the were special ye e es Th ll. Ha s time at Matthew e ’06, and James Payn Tanner Morrison er nn Di CESI attend All the best! Class of ’99 Cameron Brien, Yasin Sridhar ’05, centre, perform ed as the emcee in the 2009 production of “Cabaret” at Lakefield College School. Yas in graduated from Matthews Hall in 2005 and graduated from grade 12 at Lakefield Col lege. He is currently studying law in Bristol, England. inceton University About me: da College and Pr ). na Ca r pe Up ed athematics s Hall, I attend g and Applied M • After Matthew ctrical Engineerin Ele d die y start-up. stu I re (whe ing at a technolog hattan and work an M in ing liv ly . • Current triathlons nman-distance . Compete in Iro . op sh • Avid triathlete e bik New York City Sponsored by a n Brie Camero 0, e ge, ey ’8 sanc Bail Renais ’s Colle n i g v f n u o i a . K G .K or Art, n, U fess Pro aroque Aberdee f B f ies o we and rsi ty o mor n e e m h e ould appy lly w Univ y w me h , especia and the o , s h oon” ave all lunc ed Ball any “I h hews H t a t R n n Mat owed i e, “ The whe teers sn lso, vi S o A . . s m d r got e en that cupi h, M ram play p us oc ur lunc rs and o ee s ke to k forgot crac I wa plays in s ome for us. u s s s f d e ably o a ch prob way ys h ole alwa hidden a e the r ys. You ick se atr e da soup ued to thes I and P ess club g m i r u t l t h c in bu lay icu curr ieve me the MH can’t p ut I the l o d e , b e b h a d g , n ’t u d won ert fou ily eno e I trie usin n o ga m Win 79! Fun -last ti ar-old c e 9 re y 1 o m 8 n i y y ll an o, m at a ears ag y five me.” beat 10 llen: Leigh-Ann A ews Hall nt of Matth de tu S er m For ALLEN read “UWO’s The headline P O GES FOR T WOWS JUD attended h-Ann Allen ig Le PRIZE”. ted ll and gradua Matthews Ha en th 2000. She in the year Toronto in l oo ch S York attended the m ng usic ently studyi and is curr at the ua and lang ge performance l at U.W.O. master’s leve e 9 she won th In May, 200 cal Vo l ia or em l M Lois Marshal ted by gh We are deli Competition. . hments her accomplis her was taken at ph ter The photogra us K n Vo e l at th recent recita alent! . Amazing T .O W U. at Hall d Janet h Pat an its wit n ’99, vis in NYC tt ’04, shares a Alexandra Ellio -Hing Lee-Bucknell laugh with Wai at CESI Dinner Jay You visiting ng Woo ’08, Central from UCC, now Second ary Sch attending ool Leigh-Ann Alle n ’00 tant and Sales assisanenko, artist m o R Anya i Parent, and Alumn our Holly & Ivy d e rt o 9 supp ovember ’0 event in N the corkboard Rob Kirkwood vely ith his lo visits w Melissa ’06 id e R r & Grego rs, Jennifer daughte ’95 “I am living in Ki ng have been in sa ston, Ontario and les since finishi ng my studies at Qu ee I currently work n’s University. as manager for a m an accounts an company where ufacturing I head their distribution thro ug Eastern Ontario hout .” Jordan Phelps, Won June Tai, Paul Brennan, Danielle Veale ’08, drop by for a visit Brian Go and Jess Hodg odman son ’09 M ich ael M a ri p er fo rm in Jo n o ’99 a n d Ja n a M il le r n op era, “S iren ath a n Do ve’s ch am b er S ong”, at th e S ummer Art 2009 Ba n ff s Fe st iv a l. Th e C a lg a r y H er M ich ael’s p er a ld g ave p ra is e to fo w h o m ade th rm a n ce . “I t wa s M a ri n e o 9 wa s co n si sten big ge st im p re ss io n . H ere arino ’9 M l e a cy h to a p er fo Mic never fa lter ed in m a k ing rm a n ce th at us b el ie ve th at w h at h a pp un susp ec ti ng ened to th e Matth D ew co uldn’t h ave av ie re a ll y Charle Kerr ’00, w h a pp ened to ne Ker ith mo n ic er g u y”. a r at CESI ther Din ner Michelle Katz ’04, at CESI Dinner Natalie Stern, Alex Kao and Arianna Carlucci ’08 Matthew Kulczycki ’07 Naomi Saunde attends groundrs ’31, with Saint Nich breaking ceremony olas Sam Jeffery ’02, completed his commercial Helicopter Pilot Licence at 18. Currently he is in second year of U.W.O.’s Commercial Aviation Management degree program and also serves with the Canadian Forces Reserves. Last June he accompanied his mother, Victoria Jeffery, to the Matthews Hall Dinner Auction, “What Happens In Vegas”. Addison Cheng syou Teng grad uated from Matthews Hall in 2003. In 20 07 he graduated from the Eastman Sc hool of Music Pre-College Di vision in Violin Pe rformance and received an Advanced Achie vement in Performance Di ploma. Since 2008, Mr. Teng has the honor of being a Teachin g Assistant to Amy Barlowe at the Meadow mount School of Music. Addison curren tly serves as a Teaching Assistant at O berlin Conservat ory of Music teaching secondary stud ents. Addison Chengsyou Teng is a sophomore at Oberlin Conservatory of Music, currently pursuing his Bachelor of M usic in Violin Pe rformance whe he received fu re ll scholarship an d the Conserv Dean’s Award at ory scholarship, stud ying under the tutelage of Pr ofessor of Violi n, Marilyn McD onald. Recently Addi son met with M s. Doig, Ms. Fr and Ms. Fratsc ame hko Elliott for an enjoyable dinn at Lupa Restaur er ant, NYC. Addison hopes to give a benefit concert in the Great Hall of Matthews Hall in the near future . Wendy Hsieh, Christine Teng and Addison Teng ’03, with Janet Frame and Pat Doig Nicho Ruth las Carlu and WElgamal ’ cci ’05, Ar ianna on Ju 07, Mi tc ne Ta C i ’08, hell Peerl arlucci ’0 e atten 8, d CESIss ’08 Dinne r A dines wddison Teng ’0 and Suz ith Janet Fram3, anne e Elliott ’7Fratschko 7, in NYC 11 A & Q 12 k ’03 n with BrittePBurckonell and Wai-Hing Le n now? do you do for fu t ha w d an ild a ch favorite sport as order to maintain my scholarship. What was your in l el w ay is on to pl Golf. The pressure but I enjoy the competition. ugh Sometimes it’s to f and my u and why? e: the faculty, staf Who inspires yo old, the whole school inspired m activities that it ars enjoyed so many When I was 10 ye comfortable with the school and so classmates. I was me to me. ho nd co felt like a se your life? hip the highlight of my ambitions: earning a scholars is y sa u yo ld of e on g What wou in ev far has been achi The highlight so ty. erently? to attend universi tten into as ange or do diff ch ld ou w u wouldn’t have go I yo it, ng e hi liv re yt d an ul e co Is ther , but if I ything I’d do over No. There isn’t an I did. e future? much trouble as forward to in th g in ok ies at UWO. lo t os ll m ne continue my stud t are you to ha -Hing Lee Buck is W ai al W go ith y w m ts si en vi ge, 12 and th Britt Pronk ’03 ity with a messa un Graduation in 20 m m co l al H the Matthews you could leave If ories for yourself. 3 ’0 k, a it be? Britt Pron and create mem on ld re cy ou he er w t ve M it ha ha u ro w yo et ds D opportunities university. Currently Atten take advantage of s of 2012 high school and To as r Cl fo e – m p hi ed rs ar la ep ally pr Golf Scho Matthews Hall re her and why? : es am kn ic memorable teac emorable for different reasons. N t t os r m lfe ur go Curren t yo es as gg em Who w he is the bi maternal atthews Hall wer Psaurus (because of her caring and e the teachers at M us ca of l be Al s ite ur favo eticism. on the team). n was one of my cause of his athl up be ow p e Br oo . on sc rs r M to he ot ty ili an se of his ab r. Hunter was Scooper (becau personality and M ho taught me a lot about sports. rw students the females). He was my mento u think current yo at th w llo fo u have to Old Pet Peeve: What rule did yo s or Ms. Frame’s g’ oi D asonable? s. like the M to lly d find tota unre I prayed for rain – missed ld e. k Getting calle nc ou ee w w da y le er po ev ay t M almos te in the office (which was e 3 musketeers; Anthony Having to participa th – es ss . ? a lot of rece Britt were rest of the guys subjects? Why McCormack and t and weakest st subjects were es ke ng ea ro w st y M ur h. Mosdossy, Keith yo is e gl er En w is t it ha w W no Matthews ”). ect was gym and it isn’t concrete. “creative in play e us ca be y ph My strongest subj so ed and now it is philo knesses and help New Pet Peeve: English and math assistance. The faculty took wea s. t of American Driver Hall provided a lo s Hall strengths. to in credit Matthew velop them ld de ou w Goals: u yo at n, th ld Corporatio you possess CA, CFO of a Go What quality do mateurs), (a GA CP me of the , rn te es develop? y habits were so ud st ng Masters from W pi lo for helping you ve de small, I felt anagement and e the school was us ca be Pilot d Learning time m An . ith ol helped me w students. qualities the scho alizing with fellow ci so e bl rta fo m more co vorite What is your fa memory? Matthews Hall all of SA Space Camp, Camp Olympia, NA especially the hockey and the sports teams in 2nd). e program ( I cam atthews Hall? nickname at M a ve ha u yo id D e) and Teddy Bear me by Ms. Fram to en iv (g y sk itt Br rs. Brown). (given to me by M play favorite game to What was your e at at recess? Britt with brothe Butt (hence the tim r, ther Ball and Red Te Blake Pronk ’0 0 the office). In Memory of Ainsley Delaire On the east wall of the Matthews Hall Library, up high, light is filtered through three stained glass windows, mainly shades of blue. The centre window is a portrait of a little girl with an impish smile. She is encircled by a golden ring. The windows on either side of her are simple: one says Joy, the other Love. The child is Ainsley Delaire, who died of brain cancer on July 14, 2008 at the age of seven. The colour blue was one of the many things that Ainsley loved. For the last year of Ainsley’s life, after her diagnosis, we ached with her parents, Kate and Trevor, and her brother, Spencer, as she persevered in her determination to enjoy every bit of grade one. She came to school each day that treatment would permit. Some days were shorter than others. But for all the minutes of those days she shared her stalwart spirit and antic sense of fun with her friends in Ms. Efford’s class. Ainsley wore her uniform with pride and we were proud that she wore it. Ainsley asked only one thing—to go on as usual. In doing so, she taught us the importance of appreciating the miracle of life. She was a model of finding the delight in living: joy in a colour, a message, a friend’s accomplishments. Kate and Trevor, through their bravery and devotion, taught us daily about boundless love. Janet Frame ~ Associate Head Ainsley’s enthusiasm kept us in the sunshine. My favourite days in the library now are those on which the sun dazzles through the windows, dappling the walls and causing Ainsley’s portrait to glow. On such days we look up to her again as we did in her lifetime… a radiant girl. She was, and will always be, an inspiration to Matthews Hall. A Day to Honour Ainsley By Kate Delaire On a day to honour Ainsley, You will awaken happily and greet your family with “I love you” You will watch an episode of Arthur Eat a bagel or pita with “lots of cream cheese”, much of it getting on your face On a day to honour Ainsley, You will eagerly get ready for school or work You will say “Good Morning” to everyone you see You will compliment a friend On a day to honour Ainsley, You will paint or draw a rainbow You will laugh heartily without inhibition You will sing your heart out You will give your best effort On a day to honour Ainsley, You will have macaroni for lunch Make a craft or tell a joke You will be happy for the success of others On a day to honour Ainsley, You will swing at the park Bake some cookies and go for a swim Show concern for someone who is sad On a day to honour Ainsley, lass by Stained Gichards Lynette R 2009 You will watch a Shrek movie curled up with your Tinkerbell blanket Eat fish n’ chips for dinner and savour your dessert Tell your family how great they are On a day to honour Ainsley, You will be grateful for all the blessings you have been given and never complain about the challenges you are facing If on this day you can truly emulate the kindness, joy, love and strength of this 7 year old little girl, you will be a fortunate person. Matthews Hall Ties 13 w o n ack s t n e m e g d e l Peace Love Joy Philip Aziz Passed away September 13, 2009 In 1950, several wellknown Londoners commissioned Philip Aziz to paint a portrait of our founder, Dr. Kate Matthews. This portrait hangs in our library today. He will be remembered as a visionary and a “renaissance man” who lived for his art. Among all his works of art, we believe that Matthews Hall has his only oil painting. Philippa (Née Du Moulin) Pemberton ’51 Passed away November 16, 2008 Flora Dougie Betts, Teacher Passed away September 15, 2008 Ainsley Delaire Passed away July 14, 2008 Ivan Stimac ’95 Passed away October 9, 2007 Chris & Krista Williams Married on August 22, 2009 Chris currently teaches physical education and coaches our teams. Nicole Arroyas ’95 & Carmine Bernardo Married on July 4, 2009 Nicole is Executive Chef/Owner of Auberge du Petite Prince in London, Ontario. Jennifer McKay, Teacher and her husband Scott and their adopted son, Jeffrey, welcomed Randy James, adopted on February 17, 2009 and Carly Frances, adopted on April 23, 2009. Andrea Keech, Teacher and her husband Peter and daughter Zoë, welcomed Riann, born on January 26, 2009. Ray & Natalie Koprowski Married on August 3, 2008 Ray is a former teacher and past student of Matthews Hall. Georgina Galba, Teacher and her husband Attila Tamas welcomed their second daughter, Milla Rose, on September 22, 2008. Their first-born, Léla Elena, currently attends Matthews Hall. Rebecca Hutton, Receptionist welcomed her daughter, Katrina Sheridan, on July 7, 2008. Share YourNews with Matthews Hall Ties. We would love to hear from you! Email: 14 Grades 6-8 Matthews Hall Students Participate in gallery Cancer Connections Photo Exhibition s diagnosed with he Grampa Lenny wa 2002. Although in er prostate canc radiation treatment, he d had surgery an ile on his face. He has a always had a sm mour, and his motto has great sense of hu others, be happy, and been, “Be kind toks to advances in cancer enjoy life.” Than now free of the disease. treatment, he is ’11 Tessa Peerless of my class lined This is a picture for cancer. It was n ru to y ad re up school, Matthews taken outside my k closely, beside loo u yo If Hall. ere is a pair of my classmates, th s representing oe sh ing empty runn s died of cancer somebody who ha ger run with us. lon and can no 2 Sarah Krause ’1 Mother, father, brother, grandmother. This picture represents that we have all been affected by the disease in some way. This picture is dedicated to a family friend who is battling breast cancer. This is my circle of hope. Together we can make a difference! Mary-Laure New ’12 I’m staring at a pic grandmother, Da ture of my to remember her.isy Siu, trying very hard how much she lovI hear stories about really nice if I co ed me. It would be our thoughts toguld talk to her and share have any memorether. I really don’t yet I miss her. Thies of my grandmother, grandmother fromyroid cancer stole my me. Andrew Siu ’10 This is a photo of a flower floating on the surface of water. To me it is like a symbol of cancer because of the way that it doesn’t fit in. A person with cancer would feel like they don’t fit in even though they don’t look different. On the inside they would feel alone. Sonja Drosdowech ’12 Using Photography, students were invited to explore how cancer has affected their lives. Their photographs could capture how people have suffered from, fought against, or scientifically investigated the disease. Jill Price, art teacher, reflects on the project: “My overall impression of the project is that, although it was challenging to deal with the topic initially or think of asking people to pose, it actually served as an excellent outlet for people to share their feelings, not only with their classmates, but with their families as well. It also created excellent dialogue between parents within the school, as some were dealing with the loss of loved ones and weren’t quite sure how they felt about the project. To view more of this exhibit go to and click [View] [Images by students] [Matthews Hall] Alumni! Join us for an evening of food, fun, games and entertainment. Come and reconnect with your Matthews Hall friends! Look for your invitation in the mail this March or find us on Facebook. When: Saturday, May 8, 2010 Time: 7PM – 11PM Cost: $20/person Who: All Alumni Dress: Casual Please update your contact information at: 8 Ways toStay inTouch 1 2 3 heck out our website at C and click on Advancement Centre. Update your profile online through our Advancement Website. Submit news items, share your milestones, stories and adventures by emailing directly to Attend alumni and school events. Come out and reconnect with teachers and friends. Visit the alumni section of our website for a list of coming events. Donate to the Annual Giving Appeal. You can make a difference for Matthews Hall’s next generation of students. Donations can be made online through our website and 6 7 8 4 ecome a friend on B and network with other alumni. Volunteer to help organize an alumni get-together for your class. Stop in to visit us at Matthews Hall. We would love to see you and meet your family. Come and see how we have changed and share your memories of Matthews Hall with us. 5 UpcomingEvents April Town Hall Meeting Community input for the 2010-2015 strategic plan April 28 @ 7PM Matthews Hall, The Great Hall May 6-7 Matthews Hall, The Great Hall May 8 Matthews Hall, The Great Hall May 27 Matthews Hall, The Great Hall June 4 The London Hunt & Country Club June 18 @ 7PM St. Paul’s Cathedral September 14 The London Hunt & Country Club May Dramatic Production: EY-5 Alumni Homecoming Spring Concert June Under the Tuscan Sun Closing Exercises September Welcome Back BBQ (September 21 rain date) MATTHEWS HALL 1370 Oxford Street West, London, ON N6H 1W2 Canada 519.471.1506 V
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