Company Profile
Company Profile
Company Profile P&B INTERNATIONAL P&B INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. COMPANY PROFILE P&B INTERNATIONAL CO. LTD. 15-1 Ssangnyeong-ri, Gwangju-si, Gyenggi-do, KOREA TEL : (82) (31) 768 8541 FAX : (82) (31) 768 8544 P&B INTERNATIONAL OFFICE P&B OFFICE (Gwang Ju, KOREA) P&B INTERNATIONAL CO. LTD. 15-1 Ssangnyeong-ri, Gwangju-si, Gyenggi-do, KOREA P&B INTERNATIONAL P&B INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION CHART CEO 사장 Managing Director 전무 Management Department 관리부 Sales Department 영업부 Finance/ Accounting 경리부 Outlet, Department Store Management 아울렛 사업부/매장관리 Human resources/ General affairs 인사관리부 Sales Promotion 판촉부 • Accounting management 경리부 • Human resources/ • General affairs 인사관리부 • Sales support 영업지원 Sales support Management 영업지원 • Sales and alliance 영업 • Managing domestic 국내생산 관리 • and foreign sales 해외생산 관리 • Sales strategy판매 전락 • Sales planning영업기획 Merchandise Department 구매, 기획부 Marketing Department 마케팅 부 Women’s wear 여성복 Marketing planning 홍보 기획 Men’s wear 남성복 External cooperation 외부 협조 Accessories 악세사리 Quality management 품질관리부 • Fashion Design development 패션, 디자인 기획 • Functional fabric development 원단 개발 • Pattern development / • Quality control Management •패턴 개발 및 품질 관리 • PR and marketing 홍보 • Promotion development 판촉 개발 • Golfers support and • management 선수 지원 및 관리 CUTTER & BUCK [커터 & 벅] 정통 아메리칸 고품격 골프웨어, 골프여제 애니카 소렌스탐이 입는 미국 No.1 High-end Golf 브랜드입니다. Cutter & Buck, the authentic and luxury American golf wears, is a high-end Golf Brand that Annika Sorenstam, the world best golfer, enjoys wearing. ABOUT CUTTER & BUCK (Brand Introduction) American Luxurious GolfWear – Cutter & Buck Cutter & Buck was born in 1989 for High income group. CUTTER & BUCK은 1989년 미국 내 고소득층을 겨냥한 토탈 골프웨어 컬렉션 으로 탄생 하였다. It is only sold in prestigious golf shop & resort, and also it is known as unique brand to the middle class. 전 세계 유명 리조트와 명문 골프장 프로 샵에서만 판매되어온 CUTTER & BUCK은 고품질과 독특한 디자인의 브랜드로 주로 중상류 고객층에 널리 알려져 있다. Cutter & Buck made a contract with Annika Sorrenstam and the separated Annika Sorrenstam line has good reaction from market. CUTTER & BUCK은 골프여제 애니카 소렌스탐과 후원계약을 맺고 그녀의 이름 을 딴 ANNIKA BY CUTTER & BUCK 라인을 별도로 개발하여 좋은 반응을 얻고 있다. Thanks to the success of Man’s Golf-wear, the Women’s Line was added in 1998, and it has also favorable reaction from market. 남성 골프웨어의 성공에 힘입어 1998년 여성 라인이 추가됐고, 고급 소재와 간 결한 디자인으로 유행을 따르지 않는 노블레스 층에게 큰 호응을 얻고 있다. Now more than 1,000 manufacturers were joined in Cutter & Buck brand to supply their products, and everyday they are making new selling record each year. CUTTER & BUCK을 공급하는 회사가 미국내 에서만 이미 1,000여개에 이르며, 전문 숍 매출 1위라는 놀라운 매출을 기록해 화제를 낳았다. ABOUT CUTTER & BUCK (Brand Introduction ) The logo of Cutter & Buck is consisted of unique typeface & flag, so it is expressing its own brand identity. CUTTER & BUCK(커터 앤 벅)브랜드 로고는 CUTTER & BUCK(커터 앤 벅)의 독특한 서체와 심볼인 깃발(CUTTER & BUCK 브랜드의 상징)로 구성되어 CUTTER & BUCK(커터 앤 벅)만의 브랜드 아이덴티티를 표현합니다. This logo is represent its unique brand identity and it is doing its best so most of our clients are able to feel its design Philosophy and company culture 이 로고는 모든 매체에 CUTTER & BUCK(커터 앤 벅)브랜드를 소통시키며 특성을 반영합니다. 이 로고가 찍힌 라벨에서 CUTTER & BUCK(커터 앤 벅)의 디자인 철학, 퀄리티, 기업 문화 등을 느끼 실수 있게끔 최선의 노력을 다할 것입니다. Brand Concept, Color, Style, Fabric Concept Color New Basically feeling which has Fashion, Functionality and Practicality including modernity. So it could provide our customers a image of differentiation Multi Coordination Chic & Clean 패션성 + 기능성과 실용성이 어우러져있는 New Basic한 감각에 Modern 함을 가미하여 차별화된 Multi Coordination을 제안하는 Golf Wear Connecting with Italy imported items, all color should be used properly, so all colors could be making a group. Using Grouped color, the Brand Identity could be built Making luxurious image using bright and vivid colors. 이태리 수입제품과 연계하여 Color가 그룹핑 되게 전개 및 사용하여 Brand의 Identity를 구축하고, 밝고, 선명한 Color 사용으로 고급스러운 이미지 연출 30 Age Target 45 35~40age Basic : Using functional material that is able to represent Original Golf Wear image. Women's Apparel : Increase New Basic items percentage. Men's Apparel : Casual Style which is included Funtional material, so differentiational Golf & Casual image, Trend Item : Provide Set item per each season. 정통 Golf Wear의 이미지를 표현할 수 있는 기능성을 부가한 소재를 ITEM별로 사용 하는 것을 기본으로 하고 여성복의 경우는New Basic Item 비중을 늘리며, 남성복의 경우는 젊은 Casual Style에 기능성 소재를 적용하여 차별화된 Golf & Casual에 충실하며, Trend Item은 Season별로 Set Item 구성을 하 여 제시한다. Style Meet customer's needs regarding Well-Being, Using Functional material properly, so customer could feel comfort ability. Well-Being에 대한 소비자들의 욕구를 충족시키 고 운동시 쾌적성과 기능성을 향상시킬 수 있는 기능성소재(Stretch, Warm & Dry 방 발수, 기모) 를 적절히 사용. Fabric Brand Target Age Target Brand positioning Prestige CHERVO BOGNER ADABAT DUNLOP Black & White Munsingwear noisynoisy PEARLY GATES MU SPORTS J-Lindeberg ELORD DAKS GOLF Jack Nicklaus PASSARDI UNDER AMOUR Wolsey renoma PUMA GOLF BEAN POLE Superior PING Lynx NIKE GOLF Anold Palmer Callaway Taylor Made HAZZYS GOLF Disney Golf LEEDONGSOO TREBISE Ben Hogan FANTOM GREENJOY MTG JDX Le coq GOLF ELLEGOLF Main : Age of 35~40 Sub : Age of 30~45 Louis Castel PLAYBOY GOLF IMPERIAL LYLE & SCOTT Elegance Sports Volume Concentrate to prestige consumers whom know how to spend money on reasonable items and know the trend. Appleind Fashion Produced Items Sort TOP INNER BOTTOM Accessories Item • • • • JUMPERS 점퍼 SAFARI JUMPERS 사파리 Windbreakers, 바람막이 Rain-Wear 우비 VEST 조끼 • T-SHIRTS 티셔츠 • SWEATERS 스웨터 • WOVEN SHIRTS 우븐 스웨터 • • • • Remark ※ Developing as Family Brand after increase volume Various items will be added. (향후 Volume화 후 Family Brand로 성장, 복종 및 품목 추가 예정) PANTS 바지 SHORTS 반바지 SKIRTS 스커트 CULOTTES 큐롯 • HAT/CAP, BELTS, Socks, Innerwear, Scarf, Muffler (모자, 벨트, 양말, 내의, 스카프, 머플러) • Caddy Bags, Boston Bags, Wallets, Other bags (골프가방, 지갑, 가방 류) • Neck Warmer, Hand Warmer, Legwarmer (넥 워머, 핸드 워머, 레그 워머) • Shoes(Golf Shoes, Snickers), Gloves, Golf Ball (신발(골프화, 스니커즈), 글러브, 골브공) ※ Making “Total Multi Shop” so customers are able to make a purchasement All items except Suit wear. 멀티샵을 만들어 정장류를 제외한 모든 상품을 고객들이 구입할 수 있도록 구현 Price Strategy of Brand (Korea Area) Suggest reasonable price in middle, and high price markets Differentiation from other existing Brands ☞ (Functional Fabrics+ Classy Brand image added with casual styles) Price distribution of each Items (Retail price, Unit : USD, 1USD = 1,200 KRW) Clothing Item T-Shirts Sweater Vests Sweaters Jumpers Pants Culottes KRW 39,000~ 189,000 49,000~ 297,000 79,000~ 357,000 119,000~ 579,000 89,000~ 297,000 79,000~ 219,000 Accessories USD Item 33~158 Hats/Caps 40~248 Gloves 66~297 99~483 Caddy Bags / Boston Bags 74~248 Socks 65~182 Belts KRW 33,600~ 89,000 26,600~ 110,600 49,000~ 413,000 7,000~ 12,600 복합매장화 38,500~ 61,600 USD 28~74 22~92 40~344 5~10 32~51 Distribution Plan & Status(유통망 현황 및 계획) • Distribution plan was initiated from 2011 F/W which means 1st Cutter & Buck shop was opened in 2011 winter season. CUTTER & BUCK(커터 앤 벅) 매장은 2011년 F/W 시즌부터 유통망 전개 • Based on experience that making Bogner brand as top 3 brand in Korea, we can use Bogner Infra and planning to make Cutter & Buck brand as successful one within extremely short time. 한국 골프 시장에서 선두에 있는 보그너를 성장 시킨 경험을 토대로 보그너 인프라를 활용하여 단기간내에 Cutter & Buck을 성공적으로 안착시킬 계획이다. • All of the stores are based on Agency 매장은 대리점을 중심으로 유통망 전개 • 100~120 stores will be operated 매장 수는 100개점~120개점까지 운영 예정 • Securing best location for stores is our priority and Focused on collecting shop owners who has strong selling ability. 지역 안배를 통한 매장 개설 및 좋은 매장 위치 확보, 판매력 강한 점주 확보에 주력 • Achieving Selling amount increase by managing each stores by P&B International 점의 지속적인 매출의 증대를 통한 이익의 증대를 가져올 수 있도록 점을 관리 Distribution Plans Kyeongkido Seoul(capital) - Echeon - Deokso - Pajoo - GooSeong -Yeonju -OhSahn -PohCheon - Jukjeon - Soonae - Suwonyeongtong -Pyongchon -Kimpo -Ansan -Bucheon -Ilsandeoki -JoongDaeDong Incheon - Yangjae - HapJeong - MokDong -SongPa(Olympic) -Guro(Mario) Kwangwondo -Kangreung -Wonju -Chuncheon Chungcheongbukdo -BuCheon -SongDo -Choongju -CheongjuBoonPyeong -Jecheon Chungcheongnamdo Jeonrabukdo -Daejeonfashionworld -Ahsan -BooYeoh -Cheonandujeong -Jeonjumegaworld -Sejeong -Iksan -Jeonjupyeonghwa -Seosin -Kunsan Kyeongsangbukdo -Seongseo -Beomuh -Pohang -NamCheon -Chilgok -Kyeongsan -Kyeongju -Andong -Yeongju Kyeongsangnamdo Jeonranamdo -NamAhk -Yeosu -Mokpo -Kwangjusoowan -Kwangjuyongbong Jejudo -Gujeju -Sinjeju -Tongyeong -Namcheon -Busanhaewoondae -Woolsan -Geoje -Kimhae -Jinju Marketing Plan • Building B.I (Brand Identity) in a short time : Making aggresive promotion activity from 1st year to 3rd year • Focusing on enhance CUTTER & BUCK Brand for customers recognition • TV Media promotion activity : Supporting TV Drama, Subtitle promotion activity in Golf Channel LPGA, KLPGA competition • Enhance collaborated marketing activity with store owners / Securing Brand Royalty through direct communication with customers Marketing activity which is based on accuracy rate (Focusing on increasing brand recognition) VMD Product Education Sharing information of Marketing and Promotion Marketing Plan Promotion TV, RADIO, DMB Promotional Activity News Paper, Magazines Street Promotion ETC(Supporting golf player & Uniform) Printing, Event Detail • Promotional activity in TV Drama, Show program for regular Channel- Subtitle promotion • Golf Cable TV, DMB Promotion • Star player Marketing strategy (TV, Supporting PPL promotion in Movies) • Commercial activity & Promotion for Collecting stores in Major news paper of Cho Sun, JungAng, Dong-Ah, Sports • Enlarging Brand recognition through magazine and interview promotion (FashionBiz, FashionChannel) • Golf, Leisure, Travel, Life Culture • Entrance of Golf Resort & Golf Course Direction Board promotion • Friendly Marketing activity connection with Leisure, Culture • Enlarging Brand Image through developing Professional golf player • Enhance brand recognition through supporting celebrity apparel • Supporting Golf Competition by each division and each agent • Making New & Differentiated Catalogue and company Brochure • On-Line Marketing Event (Two-way Cable promotion, Website) • Preparing for Developing Free Gift (3 ~ 4 times Free Gift Event Progressing) Future Vision 1 Level Image delivery (1~3 year) 1단계 이미지 전달 (1~3년 차) • Building Luxurious Brand Image 브랜드 이미지 고급화 고객 이미지 구축 • Golf & Sportical and Casual image 골프 & 스포티 캐쥬얼 이미지 VOLUME化의 초석 2Level Increasing Volume (4~5 year) • Enlarging Brand Market Share percentage, Leading Sportical and Casual market 2단계 VOLUME 化 (4~5년 차) • Enlarging CUTTER & BUCK Brand image, Making brand image as Family one. 브랜드 시장 점유율 확대 VOLUME化 스포티 CASUAL 시장 선도 CUTTER & BUCK Brand 이미지 확대 FAMILY BRAND化 초석 3 Level Family like (6 year~) • Enlarging style and items as FAMILY brand. BRAND FAMILY 化 복종 및 품목 확대 • Making Bigger and multi-shop 3단계 FAMILY 化 (6년 차~) 매장 대형화 복합매장 구성 ABOUT CUTTER & BUCK (Item Introduction) Product Introduction – Cutter & Buck 2013’F/W ABOUT CUTTER & BUCK (Item Introduction) Product Introduction – Cutter & Buck 2013’S/S ABOUT CUTTER & BUCK (Item Introduction) Product Introduction – Cutter & Buck 2012’F/W ABOUT CUTTER & BUCK (Item Introduction) Item Introduction – Cutter & Buck 2012’S/S ABOUT CUTTER & BUCK (Item Introduction ) Item Introduction – Cutter & Buck 2011’F/W CUTTER & BUCK MKT 현황 Marketing Activities Current Marketing Activities and Plan → As a result of Half quarter Marketing activities, Supporting TV Drama activity has highest promotional effect. Therefore we are planning to focus on TV drama supporting for 2nd half quarter Drama Supporting Status(1st Half quarter) S Drama Supporting Status(2nd Half quarter) Marketing Activities OhJaRyong is Coming MBC Daily Drama(19:15) 2012.11.19~2013.5.3 End (120 Episodes) Synopsis It’s a story between 1st Son-in-law who has bad intention for taking money from his wife’s mom and 2nd Son-in-law who is defencing Against 1st Son-in-law. Viewing Rate :16% Birth of Family SBS Daily Drama(19:20) (Mon~Fri)2012.12.5~ (120Episodes) Synopsis It’s a story of Family which has lots of Episode Of emotional and consecutive incident. Viewing Rate:12% King of Ambition SBS Drame(Mon, Tue, 21:55) 2013.1.14~2013.4.2 End(24Episodes) Synopsis It’s a story of love and betrayal between a women who want to be a first lady with poor back ground and a man who loves her. Viewing Rate : 23.1% Episodes : 24episodes P&B INTERNATIONAL Marketing Activities Half Beast Half Man MBC Drama (Mon, Tue 21:55p.m.) 2013.04.08~ 2013.6.25End (24Episodes) Synopsis It’s a fantasy story of half beast half man who wants to live as human. Viewing Rate :19.5% When Man loves MBC Drama(Wed, Thu 21:55) 2013.4.3~2013.6.6 End (20Episodes) Synopsis It’s a story of a man who has fall in love with his boss’s woman Viewing Rate:12.1% Wonderful MaMa SBS Drama (Sat, Sun 20:50) 2013.04.13~ (50Episodes) Synopsis It’s a comic drama about this Family who always live with positive Mind. Drama brings a consolation to People in present. Viewing Rate :7% P&B INTERNATIONAL Marketing Activities Empire of Gold SBS Drama (Mon, Tue 22:00p.m.) 2013.07.01~2013.09(24Episodes) Synopsis It’s a family political drama which is Happening in 1990. Viewing Rate:9% Two Weeks MBC Drama (Wed, Thur 22:00p.m) 2013.08.07~2013년9월 (16부작) Synopsis There is a someone who is spending meanless days, and his daughter is having illness…. Viewing Rate:8% Secret KBS Wed/Thu at 22:00 2013.Sep.25~2013.Nov (16 Episode) Synopsis A man who believe there is no love and a women who betrade her fiance, this is the story of their love P&B INTERNATIONAL Marketing Activities J Golf Channel Subtitle Promotion 2013 LPGA (Internal Open Only) Golf Channel Date : 2013.02~2014.02 Magazine Advertisements Fashion Biz -Date: Processing yearly Fashion Channel -Date: Processing Yearly Luna Golf -Date: March ~ May Marketing Activities(Fashion Magazine) 2013’S/S Fashion Channel Page (June) 2013’F/W Fashion Channel Page (October) Fashion Biz -Date: Processing yearly Fashion Channel -Date: Processing Yearly 2013’S/S Cover Page of Fashion Channel (July) Luna Golf -Date: April P&B INTERNATIONAL Marketing Activities(Supporting Player) 커터&벅 후원 골프 선수 Seul-Ah, Youn *Starting year as professional golf player: Aug 2005 *Main Issues -2012 KLPGA Tour Hite JinRo Championship winner -Woori Investing Ladies Championship winner -2nd ranked in SBS Hidden Valley tour -2nd ranked in KimYoungJu golf KLPGA tour of 2009 -3rd Ranked in Charity Ladies open of KLPGA tour High One Resort Cup of 2009 *2012 Ranking Ranking Rewords(KRW) Winning No. Participated Competition Game No. 15 212,410,893 17 19 P&B INTERNATIONAL Marketing Activities(Supporting Player) 커터&벅 후원 골프 선수 Hee Won, Jeong * Starting year as professional golf player: September, 2008 *Main Issues -2012 Metro Life Korean Economic News Paper KLPGA Championship 1st place. -2012 Hite JinRo Championship 3rd place. *2012 Ranking Ranking Reword(KRW) Wining No Participated Competition Game No. 8 263,560,930 1 19 Woo Hee, Lee * Starting year as professional golf player: June, 2009 * Main Issues -2011년 KLPGA Hanhwa Financial Classic 17th place *2011 Ranking Ranking Reword(KRW) Wining No Participated Competition Game No. 61 50,670,714 12 16 P&B INTERNATIONAL Marketing Activities(Supporting Player) 커터&벅 후원 골프 선수 Seong Woon, Lee * Starting year as professional golf player: September, 2008 * Company : BC Card *Main Issues -2012 Woori Investing Ladies Championship 4th place -Winner of Dream Tour Competition 2011 *2012 Ranking Ranking Reword(KRW) Winning No. Participated Competition Game No. 51 57,066,250 9 19 Han Na, Jeong * Starting year as professional golf player: June, 2010 *Main Issues -2012 KLPGA MooAhn CC Cup Dream Tour Round of 15 2nd place -2011 KLPGA MooAhn CC Cup Dream Tour Round of 12 4th place P&B INTERNATIONAL Image of Cutter & Buck Road Shops Name FACADE Image of Interior Kang Leung Store (강릉) Gun San Store 군산 점 YeoJu Store 여주 점 IkSan Store 익산 점 P&B INTERNATIONAL P&B INTERNATIONAL Thanks!!!
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