SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab Global


SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab Global
company introduction
Brand Management, Marketing & Creative Design group
This material is proprietary to saltcake. It contains trade secrets and confidential information which is the property of saltcake.
This material is solely for the Client’s internal use. This material shall not be used,
reproduced, copied, disclosed, transmitted, in whole or in part, without the express consent of saltcake.
Copyright © SALTCAKE Inc. All rights Reserved.
Company Information
주식회사 솔트케이크
대표이사 이건일
2005년 4월 창립
서울 강남구 강남대로 146길 35
Saltcake Inc.
CEO & Founder . Kun il Lee
contact info _ saltcake, 35, 146 Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea
telephone _ +82-3445-0773~6 / e-mail _
Copyright © SALTCAKE Inc. All rights Reserved.
Our Philosophy
행복한 경험의 본질적 가치
The Fundamental Value of Happy Experience
Intangible = Brand + Marketing
솔트케이크는 기업과 브랜드를 이해하고 본질적인 브랜드 가치를 찾아 기업의 브랜드
자산을 강화할 수 있는 근본적인 것, 무형의 자산 (Intangible) 을 중요하게 생각합니다.
그래서 모든 사람들의 머릿속에 기억될 수 있고 사랑 받을 수 있는 지속적인 브랜드를
Visible = Creative + Brand
세상 존재하는 크리에이티브 디자인은 어떠한 설명이 없어도 시각적인 소통이 되어야
합니다. 솔트케이크는 누구나 쉽게 이해할 수 있는 사용자 중심의 디자인과 더불어
기업에서 전달하고자 하는 가치가 포함된 크리에이티브를 추구합니다. 시각(Visual)
적인 소통으로 브랜드에 대한 감동과 잔상을 선사하기 위한 크리에이티브를 합니다.
Tangible = Marketing + Creative
솔트케이크는 효과적인 마케팅을 전달하기 위해 놀라운 경험을 할 수 있는 크리에이티브
마케팅을 중요하게 생각합니다. 오감을 자극할 수 있는 유형(Tangible)의 것을 만들고
경험하게 함으로써 모든 사람들의 감각을 자극하고 오랜 기억으로 남을 수 있는 최고의
마케팅만을 제공합니다.
Copyright © SALTCAKE Inc. All rights Reserved.
Our Organization
Copyright © SALTCAKE Inc. All rights Reserved.
Our Business
AR (Augmented Reality) Saltcake Introduction
솔트케이크의 회사소개서는 AR(증강현실)로도 제작되었습니다. 앱스토어에서 다운로드 받아 실행하시고
아래의 휴대폰을 스캔해보세요. 놀라운 AR세상이 펼처집니다.
We provide the AR(Augmented Reality) company introduction. (Please, download App  Start App
 Scan the below mobile picture)
Copyright © SALTCAKE Inc. All rights Reserved.
Company Capability
Our Promotion Film
솔트케이크의 회사소개 영상 및 다양한 제작물에 대한 영상을 제공합니다. QR코드를 클릭하시면 솔트케이크 유튜브로 연결됩니다.
We are prepare our company promotion films. Please click the below images. It will takes you directly to our videos.
QR코드를 클릭하셔도 유듀브로 바로 이동됩니다.
QR code takes you directly to our YOUTUBE.
You can view more about our new media works.
Copyright © SALTCAKE Inc. All rights Reserved.
Our Business
Our Business
행복한 경험의 본질적 가치를 만드는 솔트케이크는 브랜드로부터 마케팅, 크리에이티브까지 하나의 프로세스로 연결됩니다.
We provide the great creative through the brand management, marketing, and creative design.
Brand Management
Creative Design
파워풀한 기업 및 브랜드를 만들기 위한 분석,
브랜드 포지셔닝, 아이덴티티 정립, 전략수립
등 최상의 브랜드 매니지먼트 제공
소비자와 최상의 접점에서 마음을 움직이고
브랜드를 각인시키는 혁신적인 아이디어와
마케팅 제공 (뉴미디어를 통한 AR 증강현실, VR 가상현실,
국내외 다양한 수상으로 세계수준이 입증된
독창적이고 높은 퀄리티로 분야를 넘나드는
브랜드만의 크리에이티브 디자인 창출
홀로그램, 인스톨레이션 , 3D Façade, 디지털 사이니지, 소셜 등)
Copyright © SALTCAKE Inc. All rights Reserved.
Our Business
Our Business
행복한 경험의 본질적 가치를 만드는 솔트케이크는 브랜드로부터 마케팅, 크리에이티브까지 하나의 프로세스로 연결됩니다.
We provide the great creative through the brand management, marketing, and creative design.
Brand Management
Creative Design
Saltcake creates and manages brand value by
making the brand central to the business’s
strategic aims.
We drive sales by using cross-channel marketing,
and new media with a marketing strategy approach
to communications.
We believe that the brand represents the future
for companies looking to grow, thrive, and
influence business. We help clients rethink brand
building as an opportunity to innovate. Any
company may turn the important task of
branding into one of its greatest assets.
We start each project by understanding the client’s
culture and business. We combine our innovate
ideas and traditional corporate strategies to help
clients create avenues for market growth. Our
strategies include spaces, tools, processes,
strategies, and programs that prompt behavioral
and cultural changes.
We create experiences that transform brands,
grow businesses, and make people’s lives better
through our design. We design new, effective
means for people to share, create, and
Copyright © SALTCAKE Inc. All rights Reserved.
Our user experience design include information
architecture, visual interface design, usability and
heuristics, and interactive narrative and
storytelling. We don't have any boundaries
amongst the various design, technologies, and
Our Business
Our Business
Brand Management
파워풀한 기업 및 브랜드를 만들기 위한 분석,브랜드 포지셔닝, 아이덴티티 정립, 전략수립
등 최상의 브랜드 매니지먼트 제공
Saltcake creates and manages brand value by making the brand central to the business’s strategic aims. We
believe that the brand represents the future for companies looking to grow, thrive, and influence business. We
help clients rethink brand building as an opportunity to innovate. Any company may turn the important task
of branding into one of its greatest assets.
Copyright © SALTCAKE Inc. All rights Reserved.
• Brand Consulting
• Brand Marketing
• Brand Strategy
• Brand Positioning
• Brand Targeting
• User Experience
• User Interface
• Re-Branding
• Concept
• Identity
• R&D
• Creative Strategy
Our Business
Our Business
소비자와 최상의 접점에서 마음을 움직이고 브랜드를 각인시키는 혁신적인 아이디어와 마케팅
제공 (뉴미디어를 통한 AR 증강현실, VR 가상현실, 홀로그램, 인스톨레이션 , 3D Façade,
디지털 사이니지, 소셜 등)
We drive sales by using cross-channel marketing, and new media with a marketing strategy approach to
communications. We start each project by understanding the client’s culture and business. We combine our
innovate ideas and traditional corporate strategies to help clients create avenues for market growth. Our
strategies include spaces, tools, processes, strategies, and programs that prompt behavioral and cultural
Copyright © SALTCAKE Inc. All rights Reserved.
• IMC Marketing
• Global Marketing
• Marketing Mix
• Digital Marketing
• Social Marketing
• Promotion
• Campaign
Our Business
Our Business
Creative Design
국내외 다양한 수상으로 세계수준이 입증된 독창적이고 높은 퀄리티로 분야를 넘나드는
브랜드만의 크리에이티브 디자인 창출
We create experiences that transform brands, grow businesses, and make people’s lives better through our
design. We design new, effective means for people to share, create, and communicate. Our user experience
design include information architecture, visual interface design, usability and heuristics, and interactive
narrative and storytelling. We don't have any boundaries amongst the various design, technologies, and
Copyright © SALTCAKE Inc. All rights Reserved.
• User Experience
• AR (Augmented Reality)
• Hologram
• Installation
• Graphic User Interface
• Interaction
• Smart Media
• Digital Display
• Brand Application
• Advertising
• Retail
• Exhibition
• Publication
• Package
• Outdoor
Company Capability
Our Network Clients
솔트케이크의 클라이언트는 국내외 최고의 파트너들로 오랜 시간 함께 해 오고 있습니다.
Our clients are everywhere. Some are regional, some are global, but all are well known and reaching their
customers with engaging conversations.
Copyright © SALTCAKE Inc. All rights Reserved.
Company Capability
솔트케이크의 전문성과 아이디어는 세계시장에서 인정받고 있으며 세상에 없던 가치의 전달로 전 세계인을 움직이고 있습니다.
We’re proud of the work we create. Our expertise and ideas are recognized in the global market. The completely
new 'The Fundamental Value of a Happy Experience' moves people across the world.
Davey Awards / Gold
Corporate Image
Saltcake Brand
Davey Awards / Gold
Direct Marketing
Saltcake Brand
Davey Awards / Silver
SK Group
W3 / Silver
Branded Contents
Saltcake Brand
W3 / Silver
KT Kumho Rent a Car
i Eco Award Korea / TOP Grand Prize
WA / Grand Prize
SK Innovation
WA / Excellent
KIA Motors Optima (K5)
WA / Excellent
MBC iMnews
WA / Excellent
SK Group
FWA / Daily Winner
KIA Motors New Canival
i Eco Award Korea / TOP Grand Prize
KT Kumho Rent a Car
& Award / Grand Prix
Service Brand
KT Kumho Rent a Car
Copyright © SALTCAKE Inc. All rights Reserved.
Company Capability
Our Official sites
솔트케이크의 레퍼런스와 기업정보를 확인하실 수 있는 사이트가 다양한 경로로 제공되고 있습니다.
We are prepare our company information and references. Please visit our official website and others.
Go to Saltcake 
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Go to Saltcake Media LAB 
Go to Facebook 
Saltcake Methodology
Our Process
솔트케이크는 브랜드 전략부터 실행에 이르는 제작까지 기업의 가치를 전달하는 프로세스로 프로젝트를 수행합니다.
We provide a process that organizations build creative culture and the internal systems required to sustain
innovation through from strategy to design.
Copyright © SALTCAKE Inc. All rights Reserved.
Saltcake Methodology
How can you help you ?
고객의 요구사항을 확인하고 프로젝트의
목적에 따른 방향성에 대한 이해
고객사 인사이트 도출을 위한 파악을 위한
기업 일반사항, 기업브랜드, 히스토리,
경쟁사 분석, 시장 분석 및 트랜드 벤치마킹
조사를 통한 기초 데이터베이스 구축
We meet to establish your asking and make
sure that we understand your desires and
Copyright © SALTCAKE Inc. All rights Reserved.
We are making a complete database targeted
on your project ( competitors, possibilities,
graphic styles, brand values, what are already
We analyze our database from
observation part to propose creation
leaks and reflection axes.
Saltcake Methodology
How can you help you ?
동일 브랜드(프로젝트)의 포지셔닝 분석을
통해 고객의 우위시장선점 가능 포지셔닝
도출된 전략과 사용자 경험을 반영한
시각적 디자인 시안제작
According our analysis we find out
concepts interesting to develop.
Copyright © SALTCAKE Inc. All rights Reserved.
We propose best solutions and ideations
through sketch, storyboard, design draft, 3D
고객과의 충분한 논의를 통하여 최고의 방향을
선택하고 제안, 피드백의 단계를 반복하면서
프로젝트의 완성도를 높임
We talk together to select the best proposal
and modify its, according your feedbacks,
feelings, and advices.
Saltcake Methodology
How can you help you ?
Step 3
according the concept
고객의 니즈와 사용자 경험을 충분히 고려한
솔트케이크의 창의적 작업을 결합한
최고의 디자인 퀄리티 제공
프로젝트 성격에 최적화 된 인터렉션 구현 및
피지컬 컴퓨팅, 테크니컬 인터렉션 구현
Interface, application, communication
(poster, flyer, banner, website, & etc),
hardware (Kiosk, stage, & etc)
Copyright © SALTCAKE Inc. All rights Reserved.
Html-css, game, mobile app, vending
machine, electronic, mapping projection.
사용자테스트, 오픈 테스트 및 수정을 통한
완성도 높음 무결점 프로젝트 제공
Tests and modifications
Saltcake Methodology
How can you help you ?
Step 4
according the concept
다매체 광고와 소셜마케팅, 홍보영상제작 포
스터 디자인 진행
이벤트가 런칭 후 진행 중 상황에 대해
실시간 촬영 및 SNS 연계를 통해 바이럴
웹사이트, 블로그, 유튜브 프로모션 및
어워드 수상 내역을 활용하여 확산
Contact press, social network ads, trailer
video, flyers, poster,…
We launch the event, shot picture and
video, teach staff how to use, support
Copyright © SALTCAKE Inc. All rights Reserved.
We make it viral (video, website,& etc),
apply awards, post on blogs, YouTube
Our Works
Great Projects
are coming!
Copyright © SALTCAKE Inc. All rights Reserved.
12.LGU+ UXUI Consulting
11.Seoul Design Festival : Exhibition Show of
New Media
11.MCST(Ministry of Culture, Sports and
Tourism) Traditional Design guide
10.Hyundai Glovis Sales Guidebook
09.Ellesse Korea Launching
08.SKtelink Pace Count Application
07.Lotte Rental Mobile web & App
Enhancement Launching
06.SKtelink Free Call Application
06.SKtelink Ez Global Talk Application
05.Fidelity International Digital Marketing :
Annual Partner
05.KBS ‘나는대한민국’ 광복70주년 Digital
Marketing consulting
04.KBS ‘나는대한민국’ 광복70주년 Web
04.Lotte Rental Re-Branding Launching
03.KBS ‘나는대한민국’ 광복70주년 통합브랜딩
02.Hyundai Hysco Consulting
01.SK telink Annual Partnership
01.kt kumho rent a car Annual Partnership
12.Hyundai LNG Shipping official site
12.Hyundai LNG Shipping Diary
12.Essencore Digital Marketing
11.SK telink MVNO network upgradability
11.G Market & kt rental Digital Marketing
10.Saltcake IMC marketing
10.kt kumho rent a car Portal Renewal
09.SK telink MVNO Hybrid Application
09.Saltcake Exhibition OH
08.SK E&S Energy Town Digital Marketing
08.ISD Technology Brand Consulting
07.kt Rental in Jeju Campagin
07.SK innovation Membership
07.EBS Little Cooking Class IMC marketing
04.Kt kumho rent a car IMC marketing
03.EBS Nuri Digital marketing
02.Kia Motors UVO Renewal
02.KADO MVNO phone Consulting
02.SK telink Annual Maintenance Partner
01.Hyundai Motor Bluelink Renewal
01.SK gas official site
01.SK telink Renwal
01. Hyundai Motor Bluelink Annual Partner
01. Kia Motors UVO Annual Partner
01.KT kumho rent a car Annual Partnership
12.MiraeAsset Group Official site
11.MiraeAsset Investment ERP Hybrid Web
11.MiraeAsset Investment Hybrid Web
10.MiraeAsset Investment Renewal Site
09.SK Careers Portal Site
08.SK telink 00700 Application Develop
07.KT CSR Digital Marketing
06.Samsung Galaxy 4S Film
05.SK Incheon Petrochemical
04.KT Kumho Rent a Car : Car Sharing
BI & Brochure
03.EBS Broadcast Program Book
03.SK innovation Linkedin Promotion
03.LG U+ Technical Write Consulting
02.Samsung Rex Global Promotion Microsite
02.HMC Bluelink Annual Maintenance Partner
02.KMC UVO Annual Maintenance Partner
01.Samsung Application (Confidential) 3
01.Samsung Application (Confidential) 2
01.Samsung Application (Confidential) 1
01.KT RCS (JOYN) PC Client Application
01.KT Annual Partnership Contract (UX Design)
12.SK E&S Renewal Consulting
11.HMC _ IT Ideabank
10.KT kumho rent a car application Renewal
09.KT kumho rent a car mobile web Launching
09.KFAS Renewal
09.KT kumho rent a car Leaflet
09.Samsung Galaxy Note 2 promotion Microsite
08.KT kumho rent a car Web Renewal
08.KT touch NFC upgrade UI / GUI
08.Samsung Conference Call application
08.Samsung e-book application
08.Samsung e-meeting application
08.SK group Digital Marketing Maintenance
08.SK group Renewal
08.SK group International Recruitment Brochure
08.SK group Recruitment Brochure
07.Janghakquiz Renewal
06.KT Kumho Rent a Car IMC Maintenance
05.KT Kumho Rent a Car Renewal
04.AMORE PACIFIC design portal
02.Samsung Monitor promotion Microsite
01.Samsung Galaxy Beam promotion Microsite
01.Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 promotion Microsite
01.Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1promotion Microsite
01.Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 promotion Microsite
01.Hyundai Motor : Blue & KIA Motors : Q
Members Maintenance
01.Hyundai Motor : Bluelink & KIA Motors : UVO
Promotion Site Renewal
11.KT olleh UX/UI design Consulting & Guideline
10.SK Hana Card Identity Design
09.KT NFC UX/UI 2nd Development
09.Samsung Galaxy Note Global
Promotion microsite
08.Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 Global
Promotion microsite
08.Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus Global
Promotion microsite
07.SKinnovation mEIS UX/UI design
07.SK holdings : Recruitment Brochure design
06.Contract with KT(Korean Telecom) for
annual partner
06.KT(Korean Telecom) Official site
06.SK E&S(energy & service) : Billing system
05.Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 Global
Promotion microsite
03.Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 Global
Promotion microsite
02.SK biopharmaceuticals (Korean, English)
official site
02.SK holdings : Win-Win cooperation
official site
02.SK holdings : SK Ethics Management
official site
01.KIA Motors : Optima Global Mobile
Advertising (iphone)
01.EBS(Education Broadcasting System)
KSAT Textbook Cover design
11.SK Energy (Kor, Eng, Chn) official site
11.SK Innovation (Kor, Eng, Chn) official site
11.SK Global chemical (Kor, Eng, Chn)
official site
11.Samsungmobile main visual of 001sc
10.Samsung OMNIA7 (window7 phone)
Global Promotion microsite
10.KIA Motors Optima(K5) Global
Promotion microsite
09.Samsungmobile Japan main visual
of 740SC
09.Samsungmobile Japan main visual
of galaxy S
09.Contract with KIA Motors for Funkia
(Community site)
07.Samsung Apps Global Promotion
(43 Countries)
05.KT(Korean Telecom) special UI & GUI
consulting & guide (SOIP device)
06.KIA Motors Funkia(Community) Site
05.KIA Motors Funkia Apps contest micro site
05.KIA Motors & Design Seoul :
Photo Contest microsite
05.KT(Korean Telecom) special UI consulting
(SOIP device)
04.SK Holdings : Finance System site
03.SK Holdings : Document Management
System Site
02.SK C&C Online & N Screen Consulting &
official site
02.EBS(Education Broadcasting System)
TV Schedule guide book design
01.Inbrics S1(SOIP device) : SOIP UI & GUI
01.Inbrics M1(SOIP device) :
SOIP UI & GUI Consulting
01.UMP International Site
11.Samsung Global Promotion (18 Countries)
‘End of year promotion’
10. Celectra (Navigation) : International UI & GUI
10. SK energy : Brand Net (Identifier official site)
09. SK E&C(Engineering & Construction) &
Aloula (Saudi) SK E&C Aloula official site
08. Samsung Global Promotion (17 Countries)
08. SK lubricants official site
07. LG Powercom Online Consulting
06. SK holdings : Brand Net (Identifier official site)
06. SK holdings GTM(Global Talented Management)
official & international site
05. Inbricks Touch UI & GUI Consulting
04. SK holdings GTM(Global Talented Management)
online Consulting
04. Samsung Omnia Pop (phone) Japan Promotion
03. Samsung : Vancouver Olympic UI & GUI
03. Yeo-su Expo 2012 Motion Graphic
02. SK holdings Brand PR site
02. Samsung P10 Camcorder GUI
01. Contract with Samsung for Japan annual
01. Contract with SK telecom for GP Device
(Integrated UI & GUI for Game service :
multi device)
01. EBS(Education Broadcasting System)
shopping bag design
01. ETRI(Electronics & Telecommunications
Research Institute) RFID GUI
Copyright © SALTCAKE Inc. All rights Reserved.
12.EBS(Education Broadcasting System)
2009 Bluray Guidebook
11.SKY wind sensor idle GUI package
11.Samsung Stratus-S Global Promotion Film
10.SK telecom GP Device (Integrated UI & GUI for
Game service) 2.0 version
09.Samsung Buddy Global Promotion Film
09.Samsung Glyde2 Global Promotion Film
09.Samsung V-jet Global Promotion Film
09.Samsung Youngsters Global Promotion Film
08.Samsung Omnia Japan Promotion microsite
08.Saramin (Recruitment site) Promotion
07.Samsung Cyber Tutorial of U800
07.Samsung Cyber Tutorial of L700
07.EBS(Education Broadcasting System) Design
Consulting for Publishing Team
07.EBS : DVD guide book design
07.EBS : Guide book design for elementary school
06.Samsung Camcorder DX200 GUI
06.SKY : ei-23 phone GUI
06.SKY : ei-22 phone GUI
06. SK telecom GP Device (Integrated UI & GUI for
Game service) 1.5 version
07.EBS : Brochure of KSAT
05. SK telecom : Integrated game service consulting
05.Samsung Camcorder NHX100 GUI
05.EBS : KSAT promotion T-shirts Design
04.Insprit Touch UI Consulting
04.KT & Deakoy : online education site
03.Samsung : Camcorder NHX100 GUI
03.Contract with EBS for Annual partner of poster
03.SK Communications : Cyworld Asia Area
design consulting
02.Samsung Card Online Consulting
02.Samsung Construction : Apartment marketing
02.Samsung : Camcorder NHX10 GUI
01.SK Communications : Cyworld German site
01.SK Communications : Cyworld Vietnam site
01.Contract design marketing partner with
The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Seoul
12.SKY : SP15K GUI
12.SKY : G2 GUI
11.SKY : LV1 GUI
11.SKY : ei-19L GUI
11.EBS and Ministry of Education & Human
Resources Development : Brochure of
11.EBS and Ministry of Education & Human
Resources Development : Book Publishing
of Memories
10.Samsung Camcorder MX20
10.Samsung Mobile developer forum
09.SK communitions : Cyworld Global design
09.Samsung Camcorder HMX20 GUI
08.Samsung Camcorder DX100 GUI
08.The Korean Foundation for Advanced
Studies site
08.Audi Korea (Gojin Motors) site
08.Samsung DOMA site consulting & build site
08.SKY : ei-5v GUI
07.Samsung Camcorder GUI guideline
07.Samsung Armani Phone Promotion Film
06.Samsung New Phones Film
06.Hyundai Powertech site
06.MiCoach (Phone) : Samsung & Adidas
Global Promotion Film
06.SKY : ei-10 GUI
05.Korea Small and medium Business
Corporation site
05.MBC(Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation)
imnews site
04.SKY : ei-9L GUI
04.SKY : ei-9K GUI
02 Samsung Life Design Consulting
01 Samsung Card Design Consulting
11.Samsung camcorder GUI Identity guideline
10.Cathay Pacific online Promotion
10.Verizon General GUI
10.SKY : EI-7L GUI
10.SKY : UI Consulting
09.SungKyunKwan University : Graduate
school MBA site
09.The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Japan
Cooking Class site
08.The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Japan site
08.SKY : EI-5 Flash UI/GUI
07.Samsung Card : Intranet System site
06.SKY Integrated UI MMI
05.Contract with Pantech for Annual UI & GUI
05.Curitel : Helio UI/GUI
05.Samsung Anycall Land site
05.MOTORORA : PC-SYNC Application
04.KTF : GPANG game site
04.LGT Sprint device UI & GUI
03.The Ritz-Carlton Hotel site
02.KTH : Paran Portal site
01.LG : Chocolate phone UI/GUI
01.LG : VS-160 UI/GUI
01.KT : Netspot UI/GUI
01.LG : Sprint US Device UI/GUI
01.Samsung SDS : Home networking UI/GUI
12.LG : US / Verizon Music Phone UI/GUI
11.Contract with LG of Annual partner for UI/GUI
10 Korail Service Net site
09.KT Wibro Message service Application
08.Contract with Curitel of Annual Partner for
07. Contract with Samsung Card of Annual Partner
for site
05.Raincom (iRiver) Alpha Device UI/GUI
04.Establish Saltcake,inc.
Copyright © SALTCAKE Inc. All rights Reserved.
Saltcake is a Brand Marketing Group
that provides brand consulting, marketing
consulting, and creative activities.
We makes your brand different
from your company.
This material is proprietary to saltcake. It contains trade secrets and confidential information which is the property of saltcake. This material is solely for the Client’s internal use.
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