COMPANY PROFILE copyright© designlimit. All rights reserved Tel: 82-2-6084-3368 e-mail: / TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION POSITION 2. SERVICE 3. EXPERIENCE 4. PORTFOLIO 5. CONTACT US 6. 1. INTRODUCTION DESIGNLIMIT IS A CREATIVE CONSULTING GROUP that is based on strategic creativity and UX skills, providing the maximum benefits for clients. designlimit addresses issues from different angles so that satisfies all your needs, and provides even more than your needs. INTRODUCTION DESIGNLIMIT.CO., LTD STYLE COMMUNICATION COMPANY NAME 주식회사 디자인리미트 (designlimit) CEO 손준 (son joon) / 강태우 (kang tae woo) FOUNDING DATE 2006년 9월 (2010년 4월 법인전환) BUSINESS FIELD 뉴미디어 크리에이티브 컨설팅 (user experience / e-business / interactive motion) ADDRESS 서울시 마포구 동교동 203-50 (정암빌딩 3층) CONTACTS tel. 02) 6084-3368 WEBSITE fax. 02) 6442-3368 POSITION CLIENT As an intermediary between a company and users,designlimit demonstrates effective User Interface design for better communication with each other. USER SERVICE 사용자 경험 디자인 E-비지니스 인터렉티브 모션 USER EXPERIENCE DESIGN E-BUSINESS INTERATION SERVICE SIMULATION& INTERACTIVE MOTION 1. user experience consulting 2. user experience design 3. user experience strategy 1. website design 2. strategy consulting 3. online promotion 1. user experience simulation 2. Interactive motion 3. motion graphic UI/GUI concept making Mobile phone & Portable device Car Telematics system IPTV & digital TV Kiosk & Touch screen integrated marketing strategy promotion & campaign planning product microsite online promotion & campaign UI/GUI concept making Mobile phone & Portable device Car Telematics system IPTV & digital TV 2 3 1 SERVICE MOBILE, TABLET we have designed the mobile interface to depend on the listed platform for usability. TV we can make the best tv interface having various operation environment and service. PC we have designed the various interface, application, web browser and player. KIOSK it provides convenience for every user in everywhere. CAR we create the interface for higher visibility without having any difficulties while driving. FUTURE we make the interface for the future that will be happened by analyzing the past and the present. EXPERIENCE 2013 2012 [삼성전자] Convergence UX 스타일 및 인터렉션 모션 개발 2012.10 [삼성전자] G-project (Leeum 미술관 가이드 디바이스) [레드닷어워드 2013] Brand identity design of designlimit 2012.10 [삼성전자] Smart Wallet GUI 태블릿 (국내향) [삼성전자] Samsung Hub (tablet) GUI디자인 및 가이드 2012.09 [삼성전자] 하반기 선행혁신 GUI 디자인 및 영상 제작 (선행) 2012.08 [삼성전자] BUZZPIC 카메라 특화기능에 대한 GUI 2012.07 [삼성전자] S Health2 과제 2012.07 [삼성전자] Contextual page 시안제작 2012.07 [삼성전자] Smart Wallet GUI 해외향 작업 2012.07 [삼성전자] Smart Wallet GUI 국내향 작업 2012.06 [SKT] “Basket”쇼핑몰 K-Collection 웹사이트 2012.06 [삼성전자] 서비스 GUI 표준화 가이드라인 과제 2012.05 [삼성전자] Share Point 2012.04 [삼성전자] 상반기 디자인전략대회 - Smart Kids GUI (선행) 2012.03 [삼성전자] S-voice GUI (Upgrade) [삼성전자] S-voice 스타일 및 인터렉션 모션 개발 2012.03 [삼성전자] Learning Hub 서비스 해외향 GUI 제작 [삼성전자] 삼성 어플리케이션 “뉴스 리더” 스타일 및 인터렉션 모션 개발 (선행) 2012.02 [삼성전자] Learning Hub 서비스 업그레이드 2011.09 [SKT] SKT Smart open shopping 제안 2012.02 [삼성전자] Learning Hub 서비스 Phone 타입 GUI 제작 2011.08 [삼성전자] 차세대 스마트 폰 UX/GUI 스타일 및 인터렉션 모션 개발 (선행) 2011.07 [삼성전자] 스마트 폰 3D UI 스타일 및 인터렉션 모션 개발 (선행) 2011.06 [삼성전자] 교육용 어플리케이션 “러닝허브”GUI디자인 및 가이드 2011.06 [삼성전자] Voice Recorder GUI제작 2011.06 [삼성전자] kies 스타일개발 2011.05 [삼성전자] Cloud phone 스타일 및 인터렉션 모션 개발 (선행 ) 2011.05 [삼성전자] USP 영상제작 (USP TF) 2011.04 [삼성전자] USP (갤럭시 S3 향) 스타일 및 인터렉션 모션 개발 (선행 ) 2011.03 [SKT] 티 스마트샵 웹사이트 및 모바일웹 제작 2011.03 [LG전자] 스마트TV 인피니아 2 스타일 및 인터렉션 모션 개발 (선행 ) 2011.02 [삼성전자] Curved LCD용 GUI 스타일 및 인터렉션 모션 개발 (선행 ) 2011.01 [삼성전자] Nightwing 관련 전시 패널 및 영상 제작 2011.01 [코스텔] Ving APP GUI 2013.07 2013.05 2013.03 2011 2011.12 2011.11 EXPERIENCE 2010 2009 [삼성전자] A-phone 스타일개발 및 인터렉션 모션 개발 (선행 ) 2009.12 [삼성전자] 프로젝트 Touch Stream 스타일 개발 [삼성전자] 상황인지 월페이퍼 스타일개발 및 인터렉션 모션 개발 2009.11 [삼성전자] 일반폰 FT향 dect GUI 제작 [한국관광공사] 한국관광공사 어플리케이션 제작 2009.10 [삼성전자] 하이브리드 위젯 제작 2010.09 [LG전자] 교육용 TV (i-class) 스타일 개발 (선행) 2009.10 [삼성전자] Gluon2 대표화면 스타일 제작 2010.09 [삼성전자] 일반폰 FT향 dect 2 GUI 제작 2009.10 [삼성전자] pantheon 데모시뮬레이션 영상 2010.07 [삼성전자] new widget 스타일개발 (선행) 2009.09 [삼성전자] 신규 main menu 3D 아이콘 FullSet제작 (Touchwiz 3.0, Oragne향, 일본향) 2010.07 [LG전자] TV 전자칠판 스타일 개발 (선행) 2009.09 [삼성전자] dual LCD 스타일제작 (선행) 2010.07 [삼성전자] Youth phone 프로모션 영상제작 2009.09 [삼성전자] mobile print 어플리케이션 제작 [LG전자] Oven GUI 제작 2009.09 [LG전자] Hotel TV GUI 디자인 제작 [SBS-i] 음악컨텐츠 “mill” 어플리케이션 제작 2009.09 [삼성전자] DT Diag PC GUI제작 [LG전자] window TV 스타일 개발 (선행) 2009.08 [삼성전자] 위젯 GUI 제작 [삼성전자] Beat 스타일개발 (선행) 2009.08 [LG전자] 미래형 TV 환경 UX/ GUI 디자인 제작 (선행) [SK 이노에이스] GXG Player GUI 제작 2009.07 [삼성전자] Youth wallpaper GUI 제작 [삼성전자] Touchwiz 3.0 데모 시뮬레이션 영상 제작 2009.07 [SK 이노에이스] GXG Player GUI 제작 [삼성전자] “갤럭시탭“GUI 스타일개발 (선행 ) 2009.05 [삼성전자] Luxury GUI 제작 [삼성전자] 미주향 SideKick 테마 3set 스타일개발 2009.03 [삼성전자] Paragon UI 선행모션 제작 2010.01 [삼성전자] android style 개발 (Behold lll/ Verizon Max/ projector phone 등) 2009.03 [삼성전자] 2010 wallpaper 스타일개발 2010.01 [삼성전자] Vodafone 360 스타일 개발 2009.02 [삼성SDS] 인터넷폰 쿨라츠 PC클라이언트 제작 2010.01 [삼성전자] Animated Wallpaper UX 스타일 개발 2009.02 [삼성SDS] 인터넷폰 쿨라츠 모바일 제작 2009.01 [삼성전자] GA2 아르마니 폰 인터렉션 모션 2009.01 [삼성전자] 홈 스크린 인터렉션 모션개발 2010.12 2010.10 2010.10 2010.06 2010.06 2010.04 2010.04 2010.04 2010.03 2010.02 2010.02 2008 2007 2008.10 [삼성전자] 옴니아 2 GUI디자인 및 가이드 (글로벌 향) 2007.12 2008.08 [삼성전자] 2009 wallpaper 스타일개발 [SKT] SKT 모바일 네트웍(TV) 서비스 시뮬레이션 UI/GUI (flash) 2007.10 [SKT] 멜론 모바일 플레이어 v2.0 GUI 2008.08 [SKT] 멜론MMP_모토로라 GUI디자인 및 가이드 2007.09 [삼성전자] 구겐하임 해외 마케팅 영상물 intro제작(flash) 2008.06 [SKT] 멜론 모바일 플레이어 v2.5 GUI디자인 및 가이드 2007.06 2008.02 [KTF] Show 유선 클라이언트 (messenger/PC widget) GUI 디자인 및 가이드 [SKT] 멜론 T-magazine 서비스 제작/운영 2007.06 [SKT/KTF/LGT] 대기화면 서비스”프리미엄디자인샵”독점제공/운영 2007.01 [SKT] 멜론 뮤직플레이어3.0 GUI PORTFOLIO Convergence UX Reddot design award winner 2013 Samsung Hub (tablet) UX + style + interaction motion + DPI guideline Designlimit brand identity style + DPI guideline Scenario keyscreen samsung electronics / preceding embedded design Reddot design award fullset (global / internal) samsung electronics / application Wearable UX Movie S-health GUI Smart wallet GUI style + interaction motion + movie style + DPI guideline style + DPI guideline Life style scenario samsung electronics / preceding embedded design fullset (global) samsung electronics / application fullset (global / internal) samsung electronics / application For security reasons, above images may not be appeared the same with the final results PORTFOLIO Learning hub v2.0 GUI Contextual page GUI SKT basket K-COLLECTION style + DPI guide style + interaction motion style fullset (global / internal) samsung electronics / application main keyscreen samsung electronics / embedded design fullset SK telecom / website Samsung APP service identity SharePoint GUI KIDs UX Movie style + DPI guide style + DPI guide style samsung application keyscreen samsung electronics / application design fullset samsung electronics / application scenario samsung electronics / preceding embedded design For security reasons, above images may not be appeared the same with the final results PORTFOLIO S-voice GUI News reader GUI Next smart phone UX, GUI style + interaction motion style + interaction motion style + interation motion design fullset samsung electronics / embedded main(dashboard)/keyword view / media / clipping / pinboard... samsung electronics / application / preceding design new home screen / new unlock / etc keyscreen samsung electronics / preceding embedded design Dynamic Homescreen 3D UX Cloud phone GUI USP TF GUI style + interation motion style + interaction motion + demo simulation style + interaction motion + demo simulation home screen/launcher/tap switcher/widget(gallery/player/phonebook samsung electronics / embedded cloud home/launswitcher/gallery/player/phonebook/sip/winset samsung electronics / preceding embedded design hero shot/widget/clock/word lock/smart input/hybrid clock/sns and more samsung electronics / preceding embedded design For security reasons, above images may not be appeared the same with the final results PORTFOLIO T-smart shop SmartTV(infinia 2) GUI Kies 2.0 GUI style style + interaction motion style design fullset SK telecom / website hero shot/main home / launcher / edit / viewer … main keyscreen LG electronics / preceding embedded design main keyscreen samsung electronics / PC application / preceding design Curved lcd GUI A-phone gui Live wallpaper gui style + interaction motion style + interaction motion + demo simulation style + interaction motion + motion guide main keyscreen samsung electronics / preceding embedded design main keyscreen samsung electronics / preceding embedded design the concept of making changes, depending on reactions to situations samsung electronics / embedded For security reasons, above images may not be appeared the same with the final results PORTFOLIO Beat(next phone) GUI Touchwiz 3.0 interaction Korea tourism organization GUI style interaction motion + demo simulation style home/launcher/clock/voice/world clock/alarm/calendar/memo and more samsung electronics / preceding embedded design main keyscreen samsung electronics / embedded design fullset samsung electronics / application Education TV GUI New widget GUI Youth phone movie style style interaction motion + movie design fullset LG electronics / preceding embedded design clock(analog, digital) /dual clock/calendar/buddies now/memo/days ... samsung electronics / preceding embedded design movie samsung electronics / preceding embedded design For security reasons, above images may not be appeared the same with the final results PORTFOLIO Android style identity Animated wallpaper GUI Main menu 3D icon style style + interaction motion wallpaper style fullset Max / sidekick / behold3/projector /wallpaper... samsung electronics / embedded wallpaper samsung electronics / preceding embedded design touch-wiz 3.0, oragne samsung electronics / preceding embedded design SBS-i music contents website Webbook (galaxy tab) GUI Window TV GUI style style + interaction motion style design fullset SBS-i / website fullset samsung electronics / preceding embedded design fullset LG electronics / preceding embedded design For security reasons, above images may not be appeared the same with the final results PORTFOLIO Vodafone360 GUI Print application (CEO demo) GUI Dual LCD GUI style style style main keyscreen samsung electronics / preceding embedded design fullset samsung electronics / preceding embedded design fullset samsung electronics / preceding embedded design GXG game PC client Widget upgrade GUI Space Art Window(future TV) GUI style style style fullset SK innoace / PC client main keyscreen samsung electronics / embedded main keyscreen LG electronics / preceding embedded design For security reasons, above images may not be appeared the same with the final results PORTFOLIO 2010 style guide GUI luxury concept GUI Internet phone (coolots) GUI style style UX + style + guideline wallpaper samsung electronics / embedded main keyscreen samsung electronics / preceding embedded design fullset samsung SDS / PC client Internet phone (coolots) website 2009 style guide GUI Omnia 2 (global) GUI UX + style style style + guideline fullset samsung SDS / website wallpaper samsung electronics / embedded fullset samsung electronics / embedded For security reasons, above images may not be appeared the same with the final results PORTFOLIO Network system microsite Interior design company website Hdmi-cec promotion site design fullset + video design fullset + flash design fullset + flash doov samsung electronics Samsung promotion website FT island website Photo gallery gallerion site design fullset design fullset design fullset samsung fnc music 3F studio samsung electronics For security reasons, above images may not be appeared the same with the final results PORTFOLIO Ad spring Pdp tv promotion site Melon mobile player v 2.5 design fullset design fullset + flash design fullset adspring samsung electronics sk telecom PC messenger + widget gui Allentake promotion Joykolon website design fullset design design fullset ktf show interpark kolon For security reasons, above images may not be appeared the same with the final results CONTACT US ADDRESS: 3 FLOOR JEONG-AM BUILDING 203-50, DONGGYO-DONG, MAPO-GU, SEOUL, KOREA Tel: 82-2-6084-3368 Fax: 82-2-6442-3368 E-mail: /
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