Battery Assembly Tools
Battery Assembly Tools
Battery Assembly Tools Contents Page Introduction ......................................... 69 BCP screwdriver, clutch type .............. 71 BCV nutrunner, clutch type ................. 71 Tensor STB nutrunner, transducerized type ............................ 74 Tensor SB nutrunner, transducerized type ............................ 79 Introduction – Battery Assembly Tools True cordless freedom Atlas Copco’s range of industrial battery assembly tools includes both shut-off and transducerized nutrunners and screwdrivers. They allow maximum freedom of movement along the line and inside narrow or closed compartments. Tensor STB tools also offer advanced process control. BCP screwdrivers – a pleasure to work with The BCP screwdriver is ideal for quality critical applications where flexibility is essential. The slim, well-balanced design and ergonomic pistol grip on the BCP screwdriver make it a pleasure to hold. Its compact size and Lithium-Ion batteries put it among the lightest battery screwdrivers on the market. BCP screwdrivers also offer variable speed and plenty of power, with torque levels ranging from 0.8 up to 12 Nm. All these ergonomic features make the BCP screwdriver the kind of tool you can work with all day long. Tensor STB nutrunners – fast, light, transducerized battery tools Ergonomically designed Tensor STB pistol-grip (up to 12 Nm) and angle nutrunners (up to 150 Nm) are ideal for safety critical applications in cramped areas. No other battery powered tool can match Tensor STB’s unique fastening performance and advanced process control. Atlas Copco Industrial Radio Communication (IRC) enables the Tensor STB to be partnered with a Power Focus controller for accurate torque monitoring and full joint traceability. At a typical workstation, one Tensor STB tool can be used for several applications within the same torque range. Tensor SB nutrunners – transducerized battery tools The Tensor SB allows adjustable torque settings and has a transducer to ensure superior joint quality. A robust metal housing ensures that the Tensor SB will stand up to tough industrial environments. Also the battery is powerful, reliable and has no memory effect, which means increased uptime for your production. Battery Assembly Tools The main advantage of battery tools is their superior flexibility due to the absence of cables. This, in turn, improves WKHHI¿FLHQF\RIWKHRSHUDWRU%DWWHU\DVsembly tools also contribute to improving safety in the workplace, since there are no air hoses or electric cables to become entangled or jammed. Also, in the automotive industry, for instance, there is no ULVNRIVFUDWFKHVRQWKHFDUERG\¿QLVK from air hoses or electric cables. Battery Assembly Tools 69 Introduction – Clutch Type Powerful, durable and highly operator friendly )RUTXDOLW\FULWLFDODSSOLFDWLRQVZKHUHÀH[LELOLW\LVHVVHQWLDOWKH%&3VFUHZGUL YHUDQGWKH%&9QXWUXQQHUDUHWKHLGHDOWRROFKRLFHV3RZHUIXODQGGXUDEOH with superior ergonomics and operator feedback they offer higher productiYLW\LQDVVHPEO\RSHUDWLRQVLQGHSHQGHQWRIWKHLQGXVWU\ )UHHGRP±WUXO\ÀH[LEOHDVVHPEO\ ● No product damage from cables or hoses ● No trip hazards from trailing cables ● No cable or hose management ● Speed setting functionality for the BCP ● Reversible battery pack Power – high performance and durability ● Robust and industrial tool design ● Li-Ion battery technology for BCP: high power-to-weight. Ergonomics – a pleasure to work with Reduced operator fatigue and work related health problems ● Light, compact and well-balanced design ● Operator feedback ● BCP Tool key features LED for OK/NOK and battery status Buzzer option Colour rings for marking Brushless motor and magnetic hall sensors for high durability Slim and balanced design Battery Assembly Tools Speed setting unit for regulating speed Unrivalled clutch design for excellent torque repeatability and low mean shift Two strong front lights Li-Ion batteries BCV Tool key features Angle gear Shut-off clutch LED front light 70 Battery Assembly Tools Reverse button Ergonomic trigger Li-Ion batteries BCP Screwdrivers – Clutch Type BCP screwdrivers offer true cordless freedom and superior ergonomics for the operator, thus contributing to outstanding performance. ● Ergonomic, lightweight pistol-grip design. ● 7 brushless models offering variable speed with a speed setting unit. ● Torque range: 0.8-12 Nm. ● Low speed models available. ● Choice of two 18 V Li-Ion batteries: 1.3 Ah Flat Pack or 2.6 Ah Big Pack. Model BCP BL-2-I06 BCP BL-6-I06 BCP BL-8-I06 BCP BL-12-I06 BCP BL-2L-I06 BCP BL-6L-I06 BCP BL-12L-I06 Square drive in 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 Torque range Nm ft Ib 0.8-2.5 2.0-6.0 3.0-8.0 5.0-12.0 0.8-2.5 1.5-6.0 3.0-12.0 0.6-1.8 1.5-4.4 2.2-5.9 3.7-8.8 0.6-1.8 1.1-4.4 2.2-8.8 Speed range r/min 500-1550 300-1000 300-800 250-600 150-440 150-440 150-440 Weight (excl. battery) kg Ib 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 1.89 1.89 1.89 1.89 1.89 1.89 1.89 Length mm Height mm Ordering No. 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 8431 1273 00 8431 1273 10 8431 1273 20 8431 1273 30 8431 1273 50 8431 1273 60 8431 1273 40 -L stands for low speed models. NOTE: The tools are set at maximum speed at delivery. All pistol grip models have 1/4" female hexagon drive for bits with quick change chuck. BCV Nutrunners – Clutch Type ● Robust yet ergonomic angle tool. ● Torque range 1.5-45 Nm. ● There are two Li-Ion batteries, 18 V and 36 V. Check with your local Atlas Copco Tools representative regarding availability in your market. Model Square drive in BCV BL-07L-06 BCV BL-07-I06-QC BCV BL-15-06 BCV BL-15-10 BCV BL-30-10 BCV BL-45-10 1/4 Hex 1/4 1/4 3/8 3/8 3/8 Torque range Nm ft Ib 1.5-7 1.1-5.16 1.5-7 1.1-5.16 5-15 3.68-11 5-15 3.68-11 10-30 7.37-22.12 20-45 14.7-33.2 Free speed r/min 120-360 400-880 200-480 200-480 100-300 50-180 Weight (excl. battery) kg Ib 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.54 1.65 2.58 2.58 2.58 2.58 3.39 3.64 Power W Battery V Ordering No. 340 830 970 970 1720 1490 18 18 18 18 36 36 8431 1275 07 8431 1276 07 8431 1275 15 8431 1276 15 8431 1275 30 8431 1275 45 Battery Assembly Tools 71 Battery Assembly Tools BCV nutrunners are durable and reliable DQGRIIHUÀH[LEOHDVVHPEO\$OLJKWZHLJKW and handy tool for maximum operator comfort. Accessories BCP, BCV Optional Accessories Batteries Model Current V Electric charge Ah 18 36 2.6 1.3 /L,RQÀDWSDFN Li-Ion big pack Li-Ion (BVC only) Weight kg Ib 0.63 0.60 Charge time min Ordering No. 70 70 4211 5426 83 4211 5426 87 1.39 1.32 Chargers (only for 18V batteries) Battery for BVC only Model EU-contact UK-contact BR-contact US-contact V / Hz Input/Output V/A 230V / 50Hz 230V / 50Hz 230V / 60Hz 115V / 60Hz 18V / 1.8A 18V / 1.8A 18V / 1.8A 18V / 1.8A Weight kg Ib 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 Ordering No. 4211 5428 80 4211 5428 81 4211 5428 83 4211 5428 84 Battery Cover protections Flat pack Model Ordering No. Battery cover protection, Flat pack Battery cover protection, Big pack Tool cover protection (BCP only) 4211 5601 00 4211 5602 00 4211 5415 00 Colour rings Model Ordering No. Red Orange Green Blue White Purple Grey Battery Big pack 4211 5461 02 4211 5461 03 4211 5461 04 4211 5461 05 4211 5461 06 4211 5461 07 4211 5461 08 Multicharger for BCV Model Ordering No. Multicharger 18V / 36V, all regions 4211 5424 85 Battery charger 18 V. Miscellaneous Model Ordering No. Speed setting unit (BCP only) Speed setting unit (BCV only) Support handle Suspension bail Tool holder 4211 5462 80 4211 5462 81 4211 5421 80 4211 5600 00 4220 4335 80 Battery cover Flat pack Battery cover Battery Assembly Tools Big pack Suspension bail Colour rings Tool cover Support handle 72 Battery Assembly Tools Tool holder Speed setting unit Introduction – Transducerized Type Cordless freedom with full process control Tensor STB battery powered nutrunners offer the VDPHEHQH¿WVLQWHUPVRISURFHVVFRQWURODV7HQVRU67 QXWUXQQHUV\HWZLWKWKHIUHHGRPRIFRUGOHVVWRROV7KH tools have the capability to communicate with Bluetooth RU:/$1WRJHWKHUZLWKD3RZHU)RFXVFRQWUROOHUIRUIXOO process control. )OH[LELOLW\±QRPRUHFDEOHV ● No more cables and cable management ● No more damaged cables ● No product damage from cables ● No trip hazards from trailing cables Productivity – save time Ergonomics ● Reduced operator fatigue and work related health problems ● Unhindered access ● Low weight – up to 20 % lighter than competing products ● Compact size ,QFUHDVHGRSHUDWRUHI¿FLHQF\ Easy to set up and replace ● Eliminate need for multiple operations ● Up to 100% faster than competing products ● ● STB Tool key features 67VW\OHPRWRUFRQ¿JXUHG for battery use &RQ¿JXUDEOHEX]]HU &RQ¿JXUDEOHEXWWRQ standard Same ST angle head spiral gear package Li-Ion battery package ● 18V 2.6 Ah ● 30V 2.6 Ah Signal lights for operator feedback Tightening status Batch OK ● Battery status ● Communication status ● Tool events ● ● Extremely compact electronics within the tool handle Battery Assembly Tools 73 Battery Assembly Tools ST accessory bus Nutrunners – Transducerized Type Tensor STB-B Tensor STB offers genuine ergonomic DQGÀH[LELOLW\DGYDQWDJHVIRUWKHRSHUDWRU ZKLFKLQWXUQUDLVHVRSHUDWRUHI¿FLHQF\ ● Low tool weight and high spindle speed reduce cycle time. ● Freedom of movement in all working positions. ● Lightweight components help reduce operator fatigue. ● Torque range ETV: 2-150 Nm. ● Torque range ETP: 2-12 Nm. ● Tensor STB-B is also available with ETO and ETC models. 0RGHO Square drive LQ Torque range 1P IWOE %DWWHU\ 2-10 4-15 5-20 6-30 6-30 12-40 15-50 15-70 20-100 30-150 2-7.5 3-11 4-14.5 4.5-22 4.5-22 9-29 10-37 10-50.7 15-72.5 22-109 Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 30 V Li-Io 30 V Li-Io 30 V Li-Io 30 V Li-Io 30 V Li-Io 30 V 2-10 4-15 5-20 6-30 12-40 15-50 15-70 20-100 2-7.5 3-11 4-14.5 4.5-22 9-29 10-37 10-50.7 15-72.5 2-10 4-15 5-20 6-30 6-30 12-40 15-50 15-70 20-100 2-7.5 3-11 4-14.5 4.5-22 4.5-22 9-29 10-37 10-50.7 15-72.5 Weight Speed UPLQ Weight LQFOEDWWHU\ Length PP CS Height GLVWDQFH PP NJ OE NJ OE 2UGHULQJ1R 943 720 480 380 610 450 365 265 170 72 1.45 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.95 1.95 2.45 2.9 3.4 3.1 3.3 3.3 3.3 4 4.3 4.3 5.4 6.4 7.5 2.05 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.75 2.9 2.9 3.4 3.85 4.35 4.4 4.75 4.75 4.75 6.05 6.4 6.4 7.5 8.5 9.6 435.4 435.4 469.3 470.8 495.8 507.8 507.8 519.6 556.7 522.9 11 11 14 15.5 15.5 18 18 20 22.5 23.5 41 41 41.8 41.8 41.8 47.3 47.3 58 60.4 98.1 8433 3020 20 8433 3020 82 8433 3011 06 8433 3011 67 8433 3040 21 8433 3041 22 8433 3042 67 8433 3043 05 8433 3044 05 8433 3045 05 Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 30 V Li-Io 30 V Li-Io 30 V Li-Io 30 V 943 720 480 380 450 365 265 170 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.95 1.95 2.45 2.9 3.1 3.3 3.3 3.3 4.3 4.3 5.4 6.4 2 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.9 2.9 3.4 3.85 4.4 4.75 4.75 4.75 6.4 6.4 7.5 8.5 435.4 435.4 469.3 470.8 507.8 507.8 519.6 556.7 11 11 14 15.5 18 18 20 22.5 41 41 41.8 41.8 47.3 47.3 58 60.4 8433 3020 30 8433 3020 96 8433 3011 16 8433 3021 76 8433 3041 39 8433 3042 75 8433 3043 15 8433 3044 15 Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 30 V Li-Io 30 V Li-Io 30 V Li-Io 30 V Li-Io 30 V 943 720 480 380 610 450 365 265 170 1.6 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.95 2.1 2.1 2.65 3.05 3.55 3.65 3.65 3.65 4.3 4.6 4.6 5.85 6.7 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.9 3.05 3.05 3.6 4 4.85 5.1 5.1 5.1 6.4 6.7 6.7 7.9 8.8 435.4 435.4 469.3 470.8 495.8 507.8 507.8 519.6 556.7 11 11 14 15.5 15.5 18 18 20 22.5 41 41 41.8 41.8 41.8 47.3 47.3 58 60.4 8433 3020 25 8433 3020 89 8433 3011 11 8433 3021 69 8433 3040 28 8433 3041 28 8433 3042 68 8433 3043 10 8433 3044 10 1.6 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.95 2.1 2.1 2.65 3.05 3.55 3.65 3.65 3.65 4.3 4.6 4.6 5.85 6.7 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.9 3.05 3.05 3.6 4 4.85 5.1 5.1 5.1 6.4 6.7 6.7 7.9 8.8 435.4 435.4 469.3 470.8 495.8 507.8 507.8 519.6 556.7 11 11 14 15.5 15.5 18 18 20 22.5 41 41 41.8 41.8 41.8 47.3 47.3 58 60.4 8433 3020 35 8433 3020 99 8433 3011 21 8433 3021 79 8433 3040 38 8433 304148 8433 3042 78 8433 3043 20 8433 3044 20 0.95 2.1 0.95 2.1 1.55 1.55 3.4 3.4 216 216 ņ ņ 208 208 8433 3120 25 8433 3121 35 Right-angle standard models ETV STB33-10-10-B ETV STB33-15-10-B ETV STB33-20-10-B ETV STB33-30-10-B ETV STB63-30-10-B ETV STB63-40-10-B ETV STB63-50-10-B ETV STB63-70-13-B ETV STB63-100-13-B ETV STB63-150-13-TM-B 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 Right-angle ball retainer models ETV STB33-10-B10-B ETV STB33-15-B10-B ETV STB33-20-B10-B ETV STB33-30-B10-B ETV STB63-40-B10-B ETV STB63-50-B10-B ETV STB63-70-B13-B ETV STB63-100-B13-B 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 Right-angle barcode reader models ETV STB33-10-10-BCR-B ETV STB33-15-10-BCR-B ETV STB33-20-10-BCR-B ETV STB33-30-10-BCR-B ETV STB63-30-10-BCR-B ETV STB63-40-10-BCR-B ETV STB63-50-10-BCR-B ETV STB63-70-13-BCR-B ETV STB63-100-13-BCR-B 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 Battery Assembly Tools Right-angle with ball retainer and barcode reader models ETV STB33-10-B10-BCR-B ETV STB33-15-B10-BCR-B ETV STB33-20-B10-BCR-B ETV STB33-30-B10-BCR-B ETV STB63-30-B10-BCR-B ETV STB63-40-B10-BCR-B ETV STB63-50-B10-BCR-B ETV STB63-70-B13-BCR-B ETV STB63-100-B13-BCR-B 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 2-10 4-15 5-20 6-30 6-30 12-40 15-50 15-70 20-100 2-7.5 3-11 4-14.5 4.5-22 4.5-22 9-29 10-37 10-50.7 15-72.5 Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 30 V Li-Io 30 V Li-Io 30 V Li-Io 30 V Li-Io 30 V 943 720 480 380 610 450 365 265 170 ETP STB33-06-10-B ETP STB33-12-10-B 3/8 3/8 2-6 4-12 2-4 3-9 Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 18 V 1500 750 ETP STB33-06-I06-B ETP STB33-12-I06-B 1/4 1/4 2-6 4-12 2-4 3-9 Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 18 V 1500 750 0.95 2.1 0.95 2.1 1.55 1.55 3.4 3.4 216 216 ņ ņ 208 208 8433 3120 37 8433 3121 48 Pistol-grip standard models 3LVWROJULSIHPDOHKH[PRGHOV Pistol-grip barcode reader models ETP STB33-06-10-BCR-B ETP STB33-12-10-BCR-B 3/8 3/8 2-6 4-12 2-4 3-9 Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 18 V 1500 750 1.1 1.1 2.45 2.45 1.7 1.7 3.75 3.75 216 216 ņ ņ 235 235 8433 3120 28 8433 3121 38 ETP STB33-06-I06-BCR-B ETP STB33-12-I06-BCR-B 1/4 1/4 2-6 4-12 2-4 3-9 Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 18 V 1500 750 1.1 1.1 2.45 2.45 1.7 1.7 3.75 3.75 216 216 ņ ņ 235 235 8433 3120 38 8433 3121 58 3LVWROJULSIHPDOHKH[ZLWKEDUFRGHUHDGHUPRGHOV 74 Battery Assembly Tools Tensor STB-W Nutrunners – Transducerized Type Tensor STB offers genuine ergonomic DQGÀH[LELOLW\DGYDQWDJHVIRUWKHRSHUDWRU ZKLFKLQWXUQUDLVHVRSHUDWRUHI¿FLHQF\ ● Low tool weight and high spindle speed reduce cycle time. ● Freedom of movement in all working positions. ● Lightweight components help reduce operator fatigue. ● Torque range ETV: 2-100 Nm. ● Torque range ETP: 2-12 Nm. ● Supports 2.4 and 5.0 Ghz. 0RGHO Square drive LQ Torque range Speed Weight UPLQ NJ OE 1P IWOE %DWWHU\ 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 2-10 4-15 5-20 6-30 6-30 12-40 15-50 15-70 20-100 2-7.5 3-11 4-14.5 4.5-22 4.5-22 9-29 10-37 10-50.7 15-72.5 Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 30 V Li-Io 30 V Li-Io 30 V Li-Io 30 V Li-Io 30 V 943 720 480 380 610 450 365 265 170 1.45 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.95 1.95 2.45 2.9 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 2-10 4-15 5-20 6-30 12-40 15-50 15-70 20-100 2-7.5 3-11 4-14.5 4.5-22 9-29 10-37 10-50.7 15-72.5 Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 30 V Li-Io 30 V Li-Io 30 V Li-Io 30 V 943 720 480 380 450 365 265 170 2-10 5-20 6-30 12-40 15-50 15-70 20-100 2-7.5 4-14.5 4.5-22 9-29 10-37 10-50.7 15-72.5 Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 30 V Li-Io 30 V Li-Io 30 V Li-Io 30 V Weight LQFOEDWWHU\ Length CS Height PP GLVWDQFH PP NJ OE 2UGHULQJ1R 3.1 3.3 3.3 3.3 4 4.3 4.3 5.4 6.4 2.05 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.75 2.9 2.9 3.4 3.85 4.4 4.75 4.75 4.75 6.05 6.4 6.4 7.5 8.5 435.4 435.4 469.3 470.8 495.8 507.8 507.8 519.6 556.7 11 11 14 15.5 15.5 18 18 20 22.5 41 41 41.8 41.8 41.8 47.3 47.3 58 60.4 8433 3019 00 8433 3019 08 8433 3019 20 8433 3019 28 8433 3019 42 8433 3019 50 8433 3019 58 8433 3019 66 8433 3019 74 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.95 1.95 2.45 2.9 3.1 3.3 3.3 3.3 4.3 4.3 5.4 6.4 2 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.9 2.9 3.4 3.85 4.4 4.75 4.75 4.75 6.4 6.4 7.5 8.5 435.4 435.4 469.3 470.8 507.8 507.8 519.6 556.7 11 11 14 15.5 18 18 20 22.5 41 41 41.8 41.8 47.3 47.3 58 60.4 8433 3019 04 8433 3019 16 8433 3019 24 8433 3019 32 8433 3019 54 8433 3019 62 8433 3019 70 8433 3019 78 943 480 380 450 365 265 170 1.6 1.65 1.65 2.1 2.1 2.65 3.05 3.55 3.65 3.65 4.6 4.6 5.85 6.7 2.2 2.3 2.3 3.05 3.05 3.6 4 4.85 5.1 5.1 6.7 6.7 7.9 8.8 435.4 469.3 470.8 507.8 507.8 519.6 556.7 11 14 15.5 18 18 20 22.5 41 41.8 41.8 47.3 47.3 58 60.4 8433 3019 02 8433 3019 22 8433 3019 44 8433 3019 52 8433 3019 60 8433 3019 68 8433 3019 76 943 720 480 380 610 365 265 170 1.6 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.95 2.1 2.65 3.05 3.55 3.65 3.65 3.65 4.3 4.6 5.85 6.7 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.9 3.05 3.6 4 4.85 5.1 5.1 5.1 6.4 6.7 7.9 8.8 435.4 435.4 469.3 470.8 495.8 507.8 519.6 556.7 11 11 14 15.5 15.5 18 20 22.5 41 41 41.8 41.8 41.8 47.3 58 60.4 8433 3019 06 8433 3019 18 8433 3019 26 8433 3019 34 8433 3019 48 8433 3019 64 8433 3019 72 8433 3019 80 0.95 0.95 2.1 2.1 1.55 3.4 1.55 3.4 216 216 ņ ņ 208 208 8433 3019 82 8433 3019 90 Right-angle standard models ETV STB33-10-10-W ETV STB33-15-10-W ETV STB33-20-10-W ETV STB33-30-10-W ETV STB63-30-10-W ETV STB63-40-10-W ETV STB63-50-10-W ETV STB63-70-13-W ETV STB63-100-13-W Right-angle ball retainer models ETV STB33-10-B10-W ETV STB33-15-B10-W ETV STB33-20-B10-W ETV STB33-30-B10-W ETV STB63-40-B10-W ETV STB63-50-B10-W ETV STB63-70-B13-W ETV STB63-100-B13-W Right-angle barcode reader models ETV STB33-10-10-BCR-W ETV STB33-20-10-BCR-W ETV STB33-30-10-BCR-W ETV STB63-40-10-BCR-W ETV STB63-50-10-BCR-W ETV STB63-70-13-BCR-W ETV STB63-100-13-BCR-W 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 ETV STB33-10-B10-BCR-W ETV STB33-15-B10-BCR-W ETV STB33-20-B10-BCR-W ETV STB33-30-B10-BCR-W ETV STB63-30-B10-BCR-W ETV STB63-50-B10-BCR-W ETV STB63-70-B13-BCR-W ETV STB63-100-B13-BCR-W 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 2-10 4-15 5-20 6-30 6-30 15-50 15-70 20-100 2-7.5 3-11 4-14.5 4.5-22 4.5-22 10-37 10-50.7 15-72.5 Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 30 V Li-Io 30 V Li-Io 30 V Li-Io 30 V ETP STB33-06-10-W ETP STB33-12-10-W 3/8 3/8 2-6 4-12 2-4 3-9 Li-Io 18 V 1500 Li-Io 18 V 750 ETP STB33-06-I06-W ETP STB33-12-I06-W 1/4 1/4 2-6 4-12 2-4 3-9 Li-Io 18 V 1500 Li-Io 18 V 750 0.95 0.95 2.1 2.1 1.55 3.4 1.55 3.4 216 216 ņ ņ 208 208 8433 3019 86 8433 3019 94 1.1 1.1 2.45 2.45 1.7 1.7 3.75 3.75 216 216 ņ ņ 235 235 8433 3019 84 8433 3019 92 Pistol-grip standard models 3LVWROJULSIHPDOHKH[PRGHOV Pistol-grip barcode reader models ETP STB33-06-10-BCR-W ETP STB33-12-10-BCR-W 3/8 3/8 2-6 4-12 2-4 3-9 Li-Io 18 V 1500 Li-Io 18 V 750 ETP STB33-06-I06-BCR-W ETP STB33-12-I06-BCR-W 1/4 1/4 2-6 4-12 2-4 3-9 Li-Io 18 V 1500 Li-Io 18 V 750 1.1 1.1 2.45 2.45 1.7 1.7 3.75 3.75 216 216 ņ ņ 235 235 8433 3019 88 8433 3019 96 1/4 4-12 3-9 Li-Io 18 V 1.1 2.45 1.7 3.75 216 ņ 235 8433 3019 91 3LVWROJULSIHPDOHKH[ZLWKEDUFRGHUHDGHUPRGHOV Pistol-grip with P-Set selector ETP STB33-12-10-SEL-W 750 Battery Assembly Tools 75 Battery Assembly Tools Right-angle with ball retainer and barcode reader models Tensor STB Crowfoot ETC STB In-Line crowfoot tools Dimensions Torque range 0RGHO 1P IWOE ETC STB63-18-10-LI3 ETC STB63-20-12-LI3 ETC STB63-28-12-LI3 4-18 6-23 7-28 3-13 4-17 5-20 Speed Weight Length UPLQ NJ OE PP 470 226 226 2.7 2.7 2.7 5.9 5.9 5.9 646 676 647 A/F A B C D PP PP PP PP PP E PP F PP 10 12 12 34 34 34 15 12.5 36.7 10 15 51.9 15 12.5 45.5 59.2 54.3 71 82 102 94 A B C F G G H R PP PP PP 2UGHULQJ1R 35 35 35 22 10 8433 2316 04 31 14.5 8433 2316 10 30 13 8433 2316 07 Offset crowfoot tools Dimensions AF H G R B A C D E F Battery Assembly Tools F1 Torque range Speed 0RGHO ETC STB63-18-10-LO3 ETC STB63-20-13-LO5 ETC STB63-28-12-LO5 ETC STB63-40-14-LO3 ETC STB63-40-3/8-LO3 ETC STB63-50-16-LO3 Weight 1P IWOE UPLQ NJ OE 5-18 5-23 6-28 8-44 8-40 12-64 4-13 4-17 5-20 6-32 6-29 8-47 610 610 465 375 375 265 2.3 2.6 2.9 2.8 3 3.4 5.1 5.7 6.4 6.2 6.6 7.5 76 Battery Assembly Tools Length A/F D E PP PP PP PP PP PP PP 564 657 656 620 609 635 10 13 12 14 3/8 16 60.3 58.5 69.5 69.5 90.3 78.3 15 10 15 18 36 24 14.6 71.6 62 24.8 18.2 27 32.8 93.6 84 46.8 40.2 51 H R PP PP PP PP 42.8 57.8 36.5 108.1 128.6 44 97 117.5 44 61.3 81.8 44 50.5 71 44 66 88.5 48 22 31 30 31 29 30 F1 PP 2UGHULQJ1R 10 61.1 14.5 130.1 13 119 14.5 83.3 10.3 72.5 15 90 8433 2315 02 8433 2315 08 8433 2315 05 8433 2315 11 8433 2315 17 8433 2315 20 ETO STB Tensor STB Tube Nut In-Line tube nut tools Dimensions R R1 Torque range Speed Weight 0RGHO 1P IWOE ETO STB63-8-8-LI3 ETO STB63-12-8-LI3 ETO STB63-15-10-LI3 3-8 2-6 4-12 3-9 4-15 3-11 UPLQ NJ OE 945 723 589 2.6 5.7 2.6 5.7 2.6 5.7 Length A/F A B C D E PP PP PP PP PP PP 622 628 629 8 8 10 32 32 32 F G PP PP 11 12.3 22.7 21.6 10 13 27.3 25.4 12 11 27.9 26.1 60 66 68 H J R1 R PP PP PP PP PP 33.5 33.5 33.5 29 31 32 6 7 8 2UGHULQJ1R 7.8 10 8433 2316 46 9.8 11.5 8433 2316 49 10.3 14 8433 2316 55 Offset tube nut tools Dimensions G J H AF R R1 B A C 0RGHO Torque range Speed Weight Length A/F A B C D 1P IWOE UPLQ NJ OE PP PPPP PP PP PP E F PP PP G H J R1 R F1 PP PPPP PP PP PP 2UGHULQJ1R ETO STB33 ETO STB33-12-10-LO5 3-12 2-9 ETO STB33-15-10-LO3 4-14 3-10 480 480 2.3 5.1 2.3 5.1 596 560 10 62 10 42.7 60.9 70.7 85.7 36.5 10 63.3 12 7 25.1 34.9 49.9 36.5 31 31 7 7 610 610 265 465 265 265 265 2.6 2.4 3.8 2.8 3.6 3.6 3.6 634 589 647 611 675 628 638 12 12 13 13 17 17 21 38 38 40 50 50 59 59 8 8 10.4 10.4 12 14 16 9.8 11.5 89 8433 2315 59 9.8 11.5 53.2 8433 2315 56 ETO STB63 ETO STB63-18-12-LO5 ETO STB63-20-12-LO3 ETO STB63-30-13-LO5 ETO STB63-28-13-LO3 ETO STB63-40-17-LO5 ETO STB63-50-17-LO3 ETO STB63-50-21-LO3 4-18 5-20 10-33 6-28 10-50 11-60 11-55 3-13 3-15 7-24 4-21 7-37 8-44 8-40 5.7 5.3 8.4 6.2 7.9 7.9 7.9 62 64 72.5 65 80.5 77.8 73.8 11 14 18 11 18 18 12 51 7 53.3 12.8 66.8 11.1 18 73 29 75.3 36.8 90.8 42.4 49.2 84.9 40.2 87.7 51.8 105.8 59.6 69.3 105.4 60.7 108.2 74.3 128.3 85.6 96.8 44 44 44 48 48 62.5 62.5 11.9 11.2 12.4 15 15 17.2 20.1 15 14 25 31 31 32 32 107 62.2 109.7 75.8 129.8 90.9 100.6 8433 2315 68 8433 2315 65 8433 2315 74 8433 2315 77 8433 2315 80 8433 2315 83 8433 2315 86 Battery Assembly Tools 77 Battery Assembly Tools D E F F1 Accessories Tensor STB Optional Accessories Controller software Controller hardware Model Ordering No. Power Focus 4000 W 10 PF 4000-G-HW PF 4000-C-HW PF 4000-G-DN- HW PF 4000-C-DN-HW PF 4000-G-FLN-HW PF 4000-C-FLN-HW PF 4000-G-PB-HW PF 4000-C-PB-HW PF 4000-G-CC-HW PF 4000-C-CC-HW PF 4000-G-IB-HW PF 4000-C-IB-HW PF 4000-G-MB-HW PF 4000-C-MB-HW PF 4000-G-PN-HW PF 4000-C-PN-HW PF 4000-G-EIP-HW PF 4000-C-EIP-HW 8433 7100 00 8433 7100 05 8433 7140 00 8433 7140 05 8433 7141 00 8433 7141 05 8433 7142 00 8433 7142 05 8433 7143 00 8433 7143 05 8433 7145 00 8433 7145 05 8433 7147 00 8433 7147 05 8433 7148 00 8433 7148 05 8433 7149 00 8433 7149 05 Controller software Ordering No. RBU-Bronze RBU-Silver RBU-Gold 8433 0010 10 8433 0015 20 8433 0020 20 Chargers Chargers 18 V 18 V 18 V 18 V 30 V 30 V 30 V 30 V Voltage 8433 6500 00 8433 6500 02 8433 6500 04 8433 6500 06 8433 6500 08 8433 6500 10 8433 6500 12 8433 6500 14 8433 6500 16 8433 6500 18 8433 6500 20 8433 6500 22 8433 6500 24 8433 6500 26 8433 6500 28 8433 6500 30 *) IRC Focus Communication kit is not needed. The IRC Focus is specially designed for the Tensor STB. 7KHEHQH¿WLVWKDWWKH,5&5DGLRLV integrated inside the IRC Focus. The IRC Focus has all the features of a Power Focus, with the exception that it cannot be used with cabled tools. IRC FOCUS it's only available for Bluetooth tools. ToolsTalk PF No. of users Ordering No. Basic version W 7 1-user license 5-user license 10-user license Plant license 8092 1183 01 8092 1183 05 8092 1183 10 8092 1183 99 Basic version W 10 Battery Assembly Tools 1-user license 5-user license 10-user license Plant license 8092 1190 01 8092 1190 05 8092 1190 10 8092 1190 99 Upgrade from W 7 to W 10 1-user license 5-user license 10-user license Plant license Ordering No. Stacklight ESL-04 Battery – Li-Io IRC Focus W 10 Bluetooth* IRC FOCUS-B-G-HW IRC FOCUS-B-C-HW IRC FOCUS-B-G-DN-HW IRC FOCUS-B-C-DN-HW IRC FOCUS-B-G-FLN-HW IRC FOCUS-B-C-FLN-HW IRC FOCUS-B-G-PB-HW IRC FOCUS-B-C-PB-HW IRC FOCUS-B-G-IB-HW IRC FOCUS-B-C-IB-HW IRC FOCUS-B-G-MB-HW IRC FOCUS-B-C-MB-HW IRC FOCUS-B-G-PN-HW IRC FOCUS-B-C-PN-HW IRC FOCUS-B-G-EIP-HW IRC FOCUS-B-C-EIP-HW Region 230V/50Hz EU 4211 5428 80 230V/50Hz UK 4211 5428 81 115V/60Hz US/JPN 4211 5428 84 230V/60V BRA 4211 5428 83 230V/50Hz EU 4211 5424 80 230V/50Hz UK 4211 5424 81 120V/60Hz US/JPN 4211 5424 84 230V/60V BRA 4211 5424 83 Voltage 18 V 30 V Capacity Weight kg Ordering No. 2.6 Ah 2.6 Ah 0.60 0.85 4211 5426 83 4211 5426 86 Accessories for IRC and Power Focus 4000 controller Operator panel advanced Ordering No. Operator panel advanced Stacklight ESL04 Selector 4 8433 0565 00 8433 0570 13 8433 0610 04 Tool accessories Ordering No. ETV STB33 (10/15/20/30 Nm models) ETV STB63 (30/40/50 Nm models) Barcode scanner Parameter set selector I/O Device module Adjustable headlights Lever trigger 135 Lever trigger on top Front button Scanner protective cover Selector 4 8433 0615 10 8433 0616 05 8433 0617 12 4220 3292 94 4220 3311 90 4220 3186 90 4220 3184 90 4220 2761 10 ETV STB63 (70/100 Nm models) Barcode scanner Parameter set selector I/O Device module Adjustable headlights Lever trigger 135 Lever trigger on top Front button 8433 0615 20 8433 0616 15 8433 0617 22 4220 3292 95 4220 3311 91 4220 3186 91 4220 3184 91 Tool holder ETP STB33 (06/12 Nm models) Barcode scanner Parameter set selector Scanner protective cover 4220 3507 90 4220 3507 81 4220 2761 10 8092 1190 31 8092 1190 35 8092 1190 40 8092 1190 49 Lever trigger top Lever trigger 135 deg. Com kit Ordering No. Com kit (minimum PF SW 7.5) Com kit IRC-B (Bluetooth) 8433 3900 20 Com kit IRC-W (W-LAN) 8433 3900 35 NOTE: Kit includes: Serial port adapter, I/O cable, 3 m serial cable and power cable. 78 Battery Assembly Tools Barcode scanner Parameter set selector Adjustable headlights Front trigger button Tensor SB-B Nutrunners – Transducerized Type Tensor SB is Atlas Copco’s response to customers who demand a truly superior industrial battery nutrunner. This userfriendly tool is characterized by a combination of quality in every tightening, operator mobility and long-lasting durability. Together these advantages give Tensor SB a unique position on the market. ● Low tool weight and high spindle speed increases productivity. ● Durable metal housing. ● Freedom of working freely in any position. ● Torque range ETV: 2-100 Nm. ● Torque range ETP: 2-12 Nm. ● Connects through Bluetooth. 0RGHO Square drive LQ 1P IWOE %DWWHU\ 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 2-10 4-15 6-30 12-40 15-50 15-70 20-100 2-7.5 3-11 4.5-22 9-29 10-37 10-50.7 15-72.5 Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 18 V Li-Io 30 V Li-Io 30 V Li-Io 30 V Li-Io 30 V 975 720 380 450 360 265 170 1.3 1.3 1.6 1.85 1.85 2.9 3 1/4 4-12 3-9 Li-Io 18 V 750 0.95 2.1 Torque range Free speed Weight UPLQ NJ OE Weight LQFOEDWWHU\ Length CS Height PP GLVWDQFH PP NJ OE 2UGHULQJ1R 1.9 1.9 2.2 2.8 2.8 3.85 3.95 4.2 4.2 4.85 6.15 6.15 8.45 8.7 455 455 471 508 508 533 557 14 14 15.5 18 18 20 22.5 42 42 42 47.5 47.5 58 60.5 8433 3031 20 8433 3031 82 8433 3031 66 8433 3031 23 8433 3031 67 8433 3031 05 8433 3031 10 1.6 3.55 216 ņ 208 8433 3031 49 Angle ETV SB33-10-10-B ETV SB33-15-10-B ETV SB33-30-10-B ETV SB63-40-10-B ETV SB63-50-10-B ETV SB63-70-13-B ETV SB63-100-13-B 2.9 2.9 3.55 4.1 4.1 6.4 6.6 Pistol ETP SB33-12-I06-B Optional Accessories Com kit Controller hardware 2UGHULQJ1R PF 4000-G-HW PF 4000-C-HW 8433 7100 00 8433 7100 05 IRC Focus W 07 Bluetooth* IRC FOCUS-B-G-HW IRC FOCUS-B-C-HW 8433 6500 00 8433 6500 02 *) IRC Focus Communication kit is not needed. ToolsTalk Power Focus 1RRIXVHUV 1-user license 8092 1190 01 Battery – Li-Io 18 V 30 V 2UGHULQJ1R Com kit IRC-B (Bluetooth) 8433 3900 20 NOTE: Kit includes: Serial port adapter, I/O cable, 3 m serial cable and power cable. Battery Big pack Controller software &RQWUROOHUVRIWZDUH 2UGHULQJ1R RBU SB 8433 0081 00 2UGHULQJ1R Basic version W 10 9ROWDJH Com kit (minimum PF SW 7.5) Power Focus 4000 W 10 &DSDFLW\ Weight NJ 2UGHULQJ1R 2.6 Ah 2.6 Ah 0.60 0.85 4211 5426 83 4211 5426 86 Chargers &KDUJHUV 18 V 18 V 18 V 18 V 30 V 30 V 30 V 30 V 9ROWDJH 5HJLRQ 2UGHULQJ1R 230V/50Hz EU 4211 5428 80 230V/50Hz UK 4211 5428 81 115V/60Hz US/JPN 4211 5428 84 230V/60V BRA 4211 5428 83 230V/50Hz EU 4211 5424 80 230V/50Hz UK 4211 5424 81 120V/60Hz US/JPN 4211 5424 84 230V/60V BRA 4211 5424 83 Battery charger 18 V. Battery Assembly Tools 79 Battery Assembly Tools 0RGHO
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